The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 16, 1891, Image 2

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    tins. Oregon Mist. I farmers
. Hct.iMa,OcroBRa 18, im.
Prooretflaae f m,,,,,, M.,d M
Mlat, CHtutwr a.
I Mononof y i
iw of the
I mot In
J. 1 !!!
uvunniNN railroad ia BO
longer mi "ir or n." but an unrod
fact. TU rod will be built, and th
company are at woik even now So
reality. A good many peopl rem to
he tilt is doubt on thi point "Let
not your miod be troubled,' the rod
will be ptUhad to enmp'.ctioa in the
rieer future. Tb important qoeetion
how which should Agitata tl minds
of our people U how much wheat,;
potatoes, apple, peart, peaches, pruoe
bf, mutton and pork can we produce
to tbip over this roa4 by the time it it
wad for traffic T Astoria will furnish
ready market for Celambia county
product, and our farmer should be
considering tb lutore importance of
a market oa the seaboard. Thi is do
idle talk. Tbe run: We of heavily Laden
iretgui uaiea will be beard ia the
lower end of Columbia county within
tbe next eigbteea moo lha, and then
history will record the etarting point
a seaaoa of the greatest proaperity
er koowa on the coast, c cm fined
priocipaily to Aatoria and the lower
Columbia river.
xnnrom rwwy Aittaw yp, n,
.71. " " tvtefe l if
Oracer nrawMt: tmj.i.t ...
";rr ed doorka-..,r, OtrVers
l;nt of tbe to lat Bacttinjn read
U arj-rwrel . Committee on crwiemiai.
4,,'r. Th erumi.tee mJr it, r.
of in wont ami
Tlw-r.twl byeWrwW
? . menber of Mutra
J"- am,..,? wo.K ioiiM "'' a" d
r run ixttrxa, awt-taat da
Ocir t IJoiinwd unta 8 t'cluck a-n.,
Cuiy atiiat amcmUcd 0.tber I.
at acwtftkmu
TmW thii bul first cjim iiMiMMii
manner of lorminf n i. hue N
VfT'r1 y U..I the rw..hi
www rr4 b Brutim ...i
a.w,nd N. Mrs m..,ut, b a.iortni.
0'l nat a nramiue h a:romtJ tt
tianttn the trvaxurvr't and wrrruni acs
ctxtni books; rarrMU tVxunutir; krxMb
r Krwaixl Ki-Wr. Ta ntmniiitr re-
I)iT after day compUiuta poor in
to thw office that our patrooadoaot
' reeetve their paper regttUrly. We wish
to eay that Thi Mist U published
every Friday axnl U dcItTered everr
Friday morning at the postof&c beforo
the Arrival of tbe mail boat ao that to
. , . .
mmt aw oar par goea uie work u com
plete. This ia a grirvaace that midi
bard to remedy. Columbia eooaty'a
mad errtce IhroojHoul, ia ia a taoet
dilapidalod coodilioa, aod no effort on
the part of the postal ulboritiee i
l!ng made to reatore it to proper
hape. We have appealed to tboea in
aathority but ao far do effort haa been
jut forth ia our behalf. Ia the mail
route hetweea St' HeVnt, KUabarg
and Veraoaia a grievooa misuke ia
made ia hariag the mil leave HouV-
ton on Friday iasteed uf Saturday. By
fhia H make Saturday a mail, Licit
la larger aod mora ioiportant to the
ople of Xdbalem Una the mail of
tbe reat of the' week, lay otct on til
f ooday. Tlie papers the peojle waat
to Saturday eveamg ao that tbaae
who Lave ao other Lhoe hat Suoday
at home may read theoi oa that day.
V nadereUad the people of erao
nla aad Fittabarg hava laid thi mat
ter before the potoffice departmeat
without oeceea. . Thi idea of baring j
the mafl leave II oo I ton oa Friday k
absurd aad should be cbaaged. We
have bee a informed that the contractor
chaoged tbe time of leaving without
tbe coo:ol of the postoffioe depart:
meat, but to aoeommodata the carrier.
Whether or not this ia ao, one thing ia
certain, that tbe mail ahoukl leave
lioultoo oa Tneadays, Thcrsdayaaad
Satardaya. '
la- aiord toat anitt.h ..,..u.
to ewrmt ami anM-kd Ihe rrolutta
ft hf UnMirU: n,.l ...
mbuf. CucH. Mkintn and Harm,
(.wnkwute mwrml ami rpuiutm ra4
aad arfop ti. Morni lhI u county
rurj be riut?ni to prwar a wat and
anwr prr. carrwd. Mvd (hoi Tat
Oatiuos Mist be a4ld to Ua lut ( Mr
na vtuch ataU be foraibMl a errv at tbe
' aiwtfMBi tiiaft a rntniFfM rj K
i.vcvi u u nntnf a corrmniMtd with
biM to otxaia aenawary infurmatioa trim-
XJ ..." l earrwM. Cumtutttm:
J. J. Weber, O. W. iia4u.r K. O.
Molwa that aubonituat I!Uiwa K.
qomtrtl U afl ia tbir 4a au4 report at
quarter; carried.
, pic havimt M prawnm! for
eaa and Seer City a Tote was tka vhk'b
auutt it u mwivRl to u4 u V il
w Taeaday, January 4, at 1 edoek p. n .
TbefoHowuuc are tbe CamnacH rei.
Tb fallow in rMfeluiirtMa wr MM,! avv.i
TbcH.TtkMa beine wrfon-4Jy Mai-
w ntrrd axatatiu.ccvcwiitia
uuuuar iTOf oh uaaxnti aiut pmdtio
ojwnoi()l osr roar.trTui-i. t
tamnc (bat tbe aatiaa i airraiy iaw4w
tn taw rrmts funaara hr that mau-h
Utanaa, Abrabara tinoola. and voiced
y a;m yon bvt jr bat tmtb . wbra b ud :
1 Moft as in tba nrw IhIhm
anD hkh on-ncrve me and nm nv
to tmubte for ttta aaiety ef ray country.
nr m in war ror)Krat:oaa bawc
entttraikad. an ra iJ mm,iu4 . i..
biich ciacv irUi fuJIow. and tb
pon of the oautry wili euilcaror to pr
kmm hm men br aorkin nr.u,
jadicea-ef Uw peot4e nnul all tbe wJtb
aorraraiad in a. trar banu uui iu.j
" -h nut nF in..a va...i K...:. i .j.l.
J!T.r." . .That as are
Jjrnal. Oatekanir Ctib f, .eb.,ntau. Bal
Kwhlh-That th thantra of thi. count
a.W,b. t Krai,k Merrill k.r Uit
la Hits Al'-aitra "
an!! i'HS ir',',"1 r hitrodoced
anJ ad , tl by tt. aiin.-a;
-Sr.tlhal r .tw .ra- tb Hrrul.U.w
kma to be untrWadly to tbe
ym nr mnuarr ami Utwrvr.
Iswoml-Tbat brim tl. 'ortbt
Krt'Wni JiMirnal tu h imi.i ,k. .
ertaof thiaordr. and alKuld Ha hh.,.iL
iiPrad by mraiiw ot tlie order
Mor.l tbat tha i .-
--Unz and rmoluuns of th
aiBta.Uanbtad U-f.r thi, meetiat;
CvT 1 (v'n "n they vn. dd.
w ai ,The varaioa nm bnata no
n tb tlBta riw. and c atroid bv
th I Ohio faffltie Haitroad Coin, anv. hav'a
sWred intu arnnbinean.1 a4ant tar,
and ' bryond wbat jmt an t m-
ih rora; tlrrW he ft
Ka.vaB. That aa W. R V. v.
stamr Iraida baa nuda propoaithma
mwtnabl and lost tn ...; ..
r""1' " orrroj- promta. ao far aa ixu
W. to Und by Mr. Kcvaiwa by uii bint
wr anitrd rapport.
Tbrrenot brtn any morbninna before
t ntcvdrif tb aiUanrw a aa rkwnl in due
' aumnc and ihr ekjung
Atrua Marratvr, Praddcnl.
County NM-rclary.
Vic Bcebe, of Woodlaad. Mardered
Last Friday eveotoz about 5 o'cloci
a j mw name oi it., wno re
' sktes eifbteea miles above "Woodland,
i ai ninroemi v w Bee be, aged 21
years, w hoee father haa a sawmill t
WondUnd aod also a toggiog camp
oa Lewis river, near tha boot of Day.
OaTbarsdav evening preceding Die
marder young Beebe and a son of
Day a bad . some words over a cow
beionging to Day, whSh IWbe
chrnrnd bad deatroyed aome feed
belonging to Bebe's camp. Their coo
verratioa grew warm, resulting in
Bcbe sLtppiag young Day's face.
m uim ayamuuy cnueo ine matter, but
the oxi day Robert Day. the bov'a
land to arrest Day who thry net com-J
iog meeting them about a mile frotnl
hia home, lie w at onee placed ui
rler arrest and the party started hack.
iffirultv lb t
theofflrs evaded a lynching paityj
wiiko na.t cotiKregatod a lew nuaij
above V(xxtUnd, au.l aUi on reachint '
the Uwn tin y batHed anollier ntub by tn a. . u 1 I
reaching W v.xlknd a preljmiuarv t
auunaUon was held by Justice Ho pi
and the prisoner commiittsl to the
0 Hinly Jftil at Ka'ama.
Mr. T. C. 1UhIm la a son of Mr,
Beeb, the sawmill roan at Woodland
and ia comparatively a newcomer to
tliat locality, bavi-'g only larett th-re
about a year, coining from Kanaaa.
He had.maile a great niauy frimuta
hich was made manifwl by the large
numoer wno aunu!U tlie luneial
Sunday UaL
It ia claimed that this Is the third
man that Dy has murdered.
rnauaM tlalaa, Vt Bwveal
. . . . :,m
rrora a letter written br Mr. Ada E.
Hard. ofOrobm, K. D., w quiHe: "W
Uken with a bad cold, wbk-h aettkd on my
Lunffa, coQKh set In and finally terminated
a vouaumptia rur !ctara cave ma
up aaying I could not liv but a hort time.
t giV Bay self up t my ivior, determinrd
if I eould nut stay with aty frienda onearth
I wuU meet my aWnl onea abov. My
nnacwnawaa aitviaed to art Dr. Kinc
.w ltucovery for Conaumpikin, Coucba
and Oulda. I ear it a trial, took in all
eiut bottle; b haa eared m and thank
God I am now a well and hearty woman.'
Trial bottle free at Edwin Rosa" tructorv
regular Ue. SOc and ft. to.
T wamtin
ataiaiai Arwieat aatt.
Tb Pwa alr la lha rl4 far Cuta. arie.
"ore. I Jw. al abeaia. raw im Tauer.
tafrd PaifcK Chilblain. Curna aad all tttlr
Erafitliw. and poriUirviy eart IMIm. or no ar
rnjturM. ii im fioaniat to gtv fr(et Mlk-
lanioa, r aiaacy refliadad. Trim eeuu r
w- roe sal Br EJvtn aun.
it)R SaLE!
At (hafponae Phroopaldr Buck and
ucrciura cux a. vail n or anurmn.
O'foS) Acsppooae. (.Irffun
uiw nmiiMi ' i "
vjrtnry BkTt aaxtrty fee th aaietv uf my j u-liier startea onl to find ileebe, woo
cirantry than er be.r. rW la u had gone with bis cousin to get A yoke
furvtTtiat the enactment of lb laws of
At the faneral of Charles 8. Parr ell.
tbe create of I ntuata, BasAtr, the
fact was c early democslrated that tbe
great leader waa still very ntwr to tbe
. hearts of tha Irish BAtioo. Hjatory
4oee eot record arxxher such aa aa
aemU? ia a funeral proccaai-ta a
that which foUowpd the remaiua of tbe
. great 1 rmh hero to ita Wl resting place,
it te said that there were fully 40SMX)
paof4e in hoe. To ParoeH'i efforta a luce J
J wu ytjjvwm w wi n uusuv rujv
lor Ireland. lie waa the founda aad
moat active leader in the hoo rule
policy which haa so far advanced tbe
fattuw we 11 beiog of hia people. Irelaad
way well be pr jud of bar noted dead
whoee name will go down to posterity :
with tha highest booortfxom hiacoua-j
i J
FoxtLAao ia doiog everything poe
aibia to consolidate the three cttiee ia
fact, and the prospect are very favor
able that two or more free bridge will
connect West Portland with her eat
aida aubort. Wbea theaa are eom-
pleted the three chiea will ba one, aod
every old laod mark of ast Fortlaod
aad Altnoa woi be done away with.
Fa Him lie. ..:
af nviritt. Wi.. Oct ft, 18Bt
To petiitslier of Ta Oaaooa Matt, Hi.
Helena. Colombia cotinty , Ore-on. Mr:
Ft have Uut kindnea tond me a copy
uf your paper Kockiaed Bad 10 ceou in
Mtamna foe aame.
Tbeannexad proapecta will show yoo
wbat 1 an onnu at. an1 entleavortnr to
Krinv into aK-n. Wlu.t f detira lartxra.
larly to koow. is in retrard to tbe eual and
iron of totnntbia eoonty. la trie coal eoiia
bie for mafcmf pia meuil and n Jiitact jr
ing tbe same into bar and roond iron, or
conversion into ru4, tee rwoectna.
CH A BXKij k. WWW,
Car of Sooth cOe poatoffice, MiJaaukee,
Wiacousta. .
raosracTtrt. '
wprm. bj m o'D vut corporaiion were
crraura ana ennenea or counUea aniitiona.
haa rspiity ted I tbe fwvernment which i
now wteiOed viwottl aaerey by th toonee
power of the country ; and mt hoU rvafHNV
Jtneand rwarabl tbe potincat pwta
w a a . ho mini w concrcas aad ea
acted taos la.
eeceott That eowally ecmnrabl and
eriia-nal bare been-tb rnr9entatiuno' t!i
PM! in eonjrrea who hare made bat time
urn U their position and oAji bat to pro
tect and as-M taeae laa o cirporatti
to rrusa ana ;mi o enstare to pax(.i.
Third Tbat tbe faiiur of t: corpora
tion known aa the Onrroo Central Kulnd
Cooipuiy to extend ita road, aceordine to
a (mat. thronc-h ltaaba eoaaly to th
seaport of Aatort and ttiaa give to the pro
daeers of Onrtrtm aa ooik-t to th ocan.
hotowtand thcreuf made bat a amet ter
miruai aad market for all the pruoocts of
tb state at a town ea the Willamette river
ti nil inland, baa brea a aoarc of a ioa
of atiijioo af dollar aaanaiiy to the po
pie of Orearon.
Foarth That the aandllng and trnjr
tatwa and aartaiRf of the nrjtiueuoa of
Orrflua bare bee) of btstlitti benefit toonr
fainter eeeaoa of the ovprcwtMMi and
"t oxen, lie overtook tbe two
young mea about half a mile dis
tant, and aked him if be had ft lapped
hie boy. Beebe said Tea. He theu
Asked him if be bad said he would as
aooo slap htm aa not. Bcebe answered
that he would. Then Day raised bis
rifle and hot him dead, lie then
turned to Beebe' cousin and said:
you, do you want some of it,"
and Talced his gan to fire at him but
the cartridge got fast in the magazine
and in tbe nieaotiiua the boy escaped
io the wood and returned to the camp
and gave tha alarm. Help aoon ar
rived and the body of the murdered
mu was taken to Woodland and ao
imjoeet was held by Justice Iloj f f at
aao ciors rnday oignt.
Jo search was mad for Day oa tbe
night of the ehoolinz. hot it was
learned from htm afterward that be
was in hiding in tb woods the greater
part of the night The next day (Sat
utvlay), a poeae waa Sent from Wood-
llnal Settlement.
Kobe is herativ riven tbat t tha n,u
ifned adminiatraWirof th eatat of Jnbn
'. O Connei;, deceased, bar tjid with the
clerk of th county cvart of Columbia
onnniy. ataw or utrfoti, my Baal account.
o iutiui ivr cne ut-criDu oon of Uie rej-
au o mi l ealate. and that th lode of
Win cuaan naa AIM lliHhliv. ti.a 1,1,1. A
of SurraW, tl, afltl o cWk a. in. of
Mid day. and I be courtroom of said eonrt
as tlx time and Mac for tb branny oi
... .... ........ , . as wnirn itroe
and plat any and all rwn InurmtcU
may aptear aod contrat the aam
. , , , K- K OttAIUV,
AdmtiiiMrator of tb afat ttf Joim T.
OtVnnrll, droraaed.
Imted CKrtoiwr 14. 11. olOnU
taittc I rreaitas.
Th anderaicned baeine been dnly ap
pnintc-t ad niiiik. of the etai of
loaoroh Dtioler, dnvawd. ail eraona bar
in ciaiuia a,iat aaid antat ar raae'ted
to prttacnt the aame to m at th law orBe
of Moor . Cole, at Kt. tltten. f.tiamUa
crttntc, Orrvm, within aix onth from
tbe dale herr.. WILLIAM WKIUIir.
Adtuini-trat.rr of th estate of Joaroh
Dooiey. decd.
IaUi Octue I. oJ JO
Testing the Baking Powders.
ComparaUvc Worth Ilia stra ted,
T PHOF. PETES COLLIER, un emxmm I trHrw or tb
VKFAjtT juott or AOauctrurjaUL waaaiaeTox. o. &
tia. ynucara .
BOTAx. .
nonet: rots rt wit.t atioi.
Uad OttW at Orecoa a. r.. Ovtrr S. IWL
NoOjw te bbf a1a lbl the luiloalK
aaned ailanravrir of Jaoaea lkiy, onMi4
baa 11 aalic of hrt inurmtoa u taak SimJ
uf 1a wiimh( of ker rial -a. amt luai .M
ynm wUl male twfure ta Ke:tT aa4 He
evtter u the t oiled Mate LaaH ci lie at ore
fa WSjr. wert on .S.ttir JT, l. rla:
jr.ssm R,Hr.
Farmer!? anal Oonl, on oi tb minnr helm
stt tsw V-mA-f. Kx-ae4. bomeaiead trj
So. U tut tbr a' of m. A lit S ft, r 3 w, fte
ttaaiaa tbe f..!ioia wirnaaan to pnre tha eon
Uuauna ra-toirnnt of Jauea louiey, decraaed.
ax4 euUiratloB of aaM land, Tii . 1,
riper, r ea ja. lue.( jiifcn , Tnotrtta,
aao au-fbe Haintat; ail uf feappoua BueaoOca,
ColoioH eoumy, Oree.
olaius i. T. A f PERSON, Cettater.
1-aOffffers' and AroodvChoppcrRj SuDplieB.
CxeC5eiit Stool;-
Saws, Under Cutters, Mann's Axes, Vetlges,Sledges,Pcavys,Chains, Etc,
ia rnaT iTAtcTt rrosiT rwot iiarci raaTLaas.
Between Cedar Landing
RAIMF.K ........
O0BI.B ;,
CAN. IS'....
ST. HKLEXSv..,,. ..
To'i i a g
wat irair
! 1
11 co n w
I t ou i ao
j I U 1 90
!! Ou 1 SO
1 00 t 80
:? i c
I iw
7 l CO
I 6u T5
I J n
" " V
.onds, Clocks,
Watches, Jewelerr, and Optical Goods.
Fine Watch and Jowelrv HnnnUa.
Orders from the Country Solicited.
165 first Street Between Morrison ond Yamhill. Portland, Or.
Tb Iralda a UI carrv all klnda of frI...i
vacepi nay ana luraoer at SI par ton.
Webfoot Saloon.
TH0S. C00PEB, PropT.
Cjms Noble's WMskies.
Excelleot Wines, liquors and
n Excellent Tool and Billiard
Medium of TraJe bctwtTH the Manufitcturvir
and tho Coiwmuer. He miwt protect the iatermt
of hi ciutoirur by purchasing; to tht lowwt nd
unci bext mtirket, wij by wiling to lib patroru
at the Lowest lWible Pricetv
tn keeping thwe true principle of trade alwayg iQ
view ; often leave theohi track and utrikefi "acrttss
lota for Dargain for his cuatomcw. Din nock of
tGeneral Merchandise
Is being enlarged by Xew flood. Every Day.
.I'iA Tl ,rnnrn'm - n many .tifr-eent art Via It art
UW iiM.'i ur"'" L" hh" Wear tiMemJ?;
rar. li.a-l Wear. P.wt We. IVi awl WI, a rot era and tan.
n(ka.,U. N. , t;,,,,d Hardware, frockerv and Ura
and Mhnt. HaU tad Caoa lioa-a aJd wJ-T
l alettt XledU iuea.Ttt Arlk W," U" mw
Land 0 at Oro City. Or.. t li. letl.
okw ia henet :r that lb Mv.riae
naiaed aerJler ba ld notlee of fcer lotentiua
to aaake anal yrrni 1 anoport of bar rtatm and
thai aaid proof will b at a. la Itefore Ui Koariator
aad ha eftar of tt tolled eta! laud anrw al
Oratva City, Oreo, etrlr 14, last, u:
rHlflHA MjtNZaV.
Momeataad ctry bo. 7X for lb aVf af ae
tbto xi. ip t n. r S w. h uaate lb Ml.twiti
wltaeaaaa to pro bar ronun'toita rawidenr
ajton, an4ruHlvatlwf laid land. etlrr ic
Uua rai H. A: Andrew i. AkcII, ClHtu.n Ho,
tar, Juba W.riine. Jatna V. Joy; all ef brap
poo. t olumMa aMnaiy. Omraa.
Jin rarwm, Bid r wplnn 0. 8.
So. aw tor aai4 land rau ' notillnt.
eOat 1. T. ArTKKSO. KUIr.
SrtrftiilVally treotfl by an anriat of wrbl-1
wl Ic retutittkn ftrafnea!e.i and I
entirely cnrad.of from 31 to a) rear' eland-
after all older treatment Kara failed
How tbe dsfhcalty t reac hed and th can I
reinovtd fulir eiolaioed in eirculara. wtlb I
.... . . .... . . . i
am.iavita arui leatimnnsata of cur, trvui
promiiierit peatple, wailed fiac
. DK. A. rOXTAlNE, T-coota. Waah.
Jo on Drill?
WOW AaJL...W -r
rots aALK.
A f)a trart of MS acre In Amtm !Iev. rom
I sriirtn thH4 of nwU, w' ef e:-,. aa',' of
I a1,, and of ra'i. arw. Ii. towrt.hin 7 aurtb
anrtl K Tbia l a art of land tbat k
suaMir aarirtiHural aitertb ilntKr 1. reiaiatrad
Tatni rt sama a ppty at uu emoa.
apt til
or coLmaiA oorrr. osxoo.
CaniAt, ,
ia 10,000 tHaaaa.aoaaawAMaBta.or
r0 00 s vea.
! AbanksC
aaTzr-Atuva ...- .
aaat jkmmmm. Ea
ftHtnr tTTT .. w.
SdLVat JaSaVMSaASb mm
CatCAM Tat AST -
tO YwAAT aaa
aaat Awataaia fc.
doimsow a mm r
For t! purpoae of pon haaior Iron and J
.1 tan.laln aaid rout.iv. Aod th luinut-'
f aaitl roinerala and their reduction
l,t;mll, cutaa!iy, when deairable. toss
tuerchsnt barer roond Iron or coneer-i n
into steel for tb ntaaufavtur of -u-ri rat a
and ether atructurai ahafaBa for treiteral ue,
ad for eodb puryuaa or u a mar 1 ,
foand adeautaireoo for the beat intnt of j
the company etc. Tt.ia ia dta-ndut Ur ,
i. tia aualitv of Ue coal, fibuuld it
.-arry. on aaalysta, a bitb rate In .iphnr
it wouid B.4 antaer ff irjw or s eel, e
icaaily th latt-r. 1 1 aaoutd carry oeer 40
;!rrk. ia earbbn And loake a good quality
of coke. .
fTb hrortlonlcatioa waa received
at thtaom-w tart Catianlay. J wn m
1. . t-a it taa .ir readaara to draw
Above cLiaerara waa drawn and verified ia all. it details, tyt
Collier who ia pre-eminent aa a Chemist, ana ssctenuai. in uioau -anafm
acwdamiwith his chemical testa of each brand enumerated.
-5 arbomT aSd traa era calculated to get the karening strength and
the immUUvVaaalyats to aacertaia the comparative wholeeoeaa pnnty,
TnsefmmSa ofthe leading Powdera Tbe result of Prof. CoUiex's
"LSon ."d tev'clu the tact, that, with but -eexception, every
brand teatcd conuined either Amrooma or Alum, and a number both.
KjTrwnaain tea thotiaand would ase aa Ammonia Alnm Baking
PowtoifAhi TSew k. Such Powder, not only aadermtae th. health, but
"vSjsSSiSta s-tt ass
Powder haa xtever beam questioned.
Alafff " aaeaiaaiM -
. ,. kk ,.auM ,mI Alma.
,1'eUtioB for Liquor License.
I To the Honorable Comaataatonera aad Connty
court or uta etat of ureon lor Columbia
w. tl Btwteraltned. leeal rot era ! fy-
I Inland Mertael, (olucnMaeountr. Slat of ur
Sen, reafjaKtfuliy patKloo yoqr.ltoBorabte bodr
utai a liuMite be araotrd orrtn A. Wood to aril
I atrtrituoaa Ituon In Itaer ulaad preln-t t
tiaa aniltie than an gallon, trwm dtam al
Koaauilxrt, A. I. WM; aad yoar petition!
I win rer pray, rtf.
r nut;np, a r carter, t; waaetnoo, u a ttarn,
I aaaxantner, C L amltfi. Jio MaettonaM,
I'barie basartner, Pelae itmllb. ( barlra
Coriie. J Cetiantl. I U Kiwar, V if Fpanrar,
I Raitttt. h s w iiiiama, ii t. uore. at v bnjen
W o biimcardna. Oj otaott. t If ilnr. If i
Otter. E 1 kutxM. r (hUo. 1 M ileaia. W O
Tiu-arr. W I. Mrftnla. 8 B HMncer. a feirvrt.
p If rtier. r Huutor. J B Hailay." wra t oil.
,r at w . t tar f t. i w au.Wj.rt u
liantr, Joa tKati, 1 K Cronk. E o Jouea,
I Bmif Kloa.tar. Jacnh Tamer. Otto ftllbr. Uu-
laWi.b Anlier, I Con. J Iwf, Joel Hat. W
Xlller. w n Boutn. r ii ntinia. itmor itoiar,
f Cunhot. iamaa rianlean. 11 C Nrotan. II II
run ii r'MUtr. r.fl Hiitta. r. roar, a cevio.
Aba Xr. R f Burtiatt, J W l.o!liar. U ;r.
In., r rvnr II B BoTttwirk. r r rnrter.
'CJ Eojert.J W K no lea t! I bea
on, fc (a John.. 6 Henaon, Henry Ulake. tu V,
MaktBr, Jom Uatt, If iitebman. 1itM
lrtii. rred U-ott, Tail Mcott.C V Andenfin. A
W lf-lKnfjl frank Jr.hnaua, t Hp'm I'aier
iToraer. P O W AUin, U M Uoth. Mttbaet Me.
Narr. lioatar irtMtn.. jamea Mt'iiantoti, t-rwia
Mall. John Mrlod, Wm .i. Jacob crllarljl
a u..... n t. tfV.. Praok W K Hil
I lard. V imarmrx, H fomont. A II ;rlwolt, Iran
I ..!!. rao, D oaamar, oJlar. I) Emeraoo. W
Jono rt Haanett, Wjaiayer. a ml in. n
iC Jaqiilah, Wrn a itaoa. A I, ttaernl. frank llad-
i a itr aa u i.ina. aa , dw , .
I .-...- w at. Hatiard. H Iftrward. J w lord.
u a a.i.jNM r.ikrl Woomam. tL u naxir. u i.
fowler, t w Maktiuaer. t. C Mekirwter, laotnaa
It. T Tanmunn. TTrl Miaabamer, arfu
u..l,.mr. Hk hard Phelan, Ftier Oreen. M W
I Ore-lie, l-ewie lirartler, 1 Wallliien, laaar l.
ic.r,r I'LOlaen-tharlaaTTIm. r Hani. Kin
der. U Piockney. J Oalliena. o Trim.
Alum Powders
A laufieatttastb Fwwdr I
.. . .a r tkaae Ammonia or
Whfle Ue Hrlaawed below them, it must not be taken
lgD aenrrT or Alum powder. aoouU be
j . - .. i, .,.. thrir atrenirLa.
aa oMgeroos, ur aa. -
aui.a rMM. A 9. ArCBatrafia. Poa.
Arasctl Srttaal : t',rlt.l. Boa. 0J.B, "alaaa. Im
I aaaaaaMrauaraloar.aaaaarataaaf wuloat.
Business, Sbonitaaa,
will aa, Uua. . Uttaitaja froT aila
! cr-a t-zzs na I2SJ fza
i ii v.' 'a 131 vstn
All kind with extra fine root, free from
all peats at cam price by the firm that
Tests all Their Seeds,
Seed Merchant.
(Second W. and 170 1'r'ioi E'.. rortlaod.
The Photographer.
167 and 163, First Street, rortlaod Or.
CI-"' " BKI50 THE CASK. It behoove
O y-u to and tb moat dtM rattle plac to
pun:iiae eonr - inngoraior. m
nrnpnr? t a xroTTTT
at, A A A J AJAat 0g, 9J JUdka
Kerparorutantlyonbtnd th famous
Cuban Blossom Cigars. CD
The fine I , Hoe of Wine IJ inora i
Cigira io fa found thi side nf Port
land. And if yon wi-h to
engage in a gam of
rbjrc..i, .VTHirv yon ht hf hsrs t1 I
btmt uu? tn town, f-rerj-thint; new nd
t?t If flea. Oregon.
V A raaapkM of trrronaatio atxaa-7ae-w
J fctol lha laaa,aboarta Uua Ut.f f
a iHalB I'alawa. laraaia, Tntda. V
V Marta, CoerriaHa, am? h-.. J '
1 ...aat BraaSaar. f
Dealers in all Kinds of
inter, ktellcfe
Paints, Oils, Glassware, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Dry Goods and Groceries,
General :-: Merchandise.
J. S. CL0.INGB, Prop'r.
f A '-
TbaCelakatsd French Cur,
Warranted ' l D U DO fl ITI fj C " " mntiay
to cur m iniwuiiiiiia roftmdtd.
Ia Sots oa a
to ear air form
oraur aiawUarof
tit fnerativaor-
.altaol atlliaraax,
wlntther arialna
Irnin I Ii m m 1 1 i i i .
RFfnor tuatiiaitMaiaxt, irrra
Ubo.onrcriniinixrurfV a ,aiK h a, LomoI Hrala
ritwcT, a,,niini-a, nvarinfrnwD rallll 111 111
MH-a.nawtuai w caanraa. liraiaria. rrvoua PTtM
iraooa. n.irtomai KHimMttla, 11 irorrhtta, 1!
!uaaa,Wrk V.mnrr, l.t-aof l-tiwaraiillinpo.
tnrr. wltlt'h If Ocvlt-latlndvn lMa.lin ht.m.iiMi
old era aad inaanltr. l"rlr f a boi, sboaa
furt-"na Henl h, maMou rer-lptnl nrlre-
A Vt FIITIFN till A II A MT I. aim na
eierr JK41r.!arrata.. htrafnnil td.mmtrr if
a - " i- tw r ;u 't u. wa liat ot tatlmoiaia Iriiin nlil and youn,
of bnthaoxa,wboliava latan r"'"".' rutlr nir.d
Ltfauof AphRHtliiua. t: In-alar I raa. Addraaa
Vi'aalaiu ilrauck. l.utK. poaTt .an la.
For sale hy EDWIN UOSS, Diiuauifrr,
81. HcIkpi. Or.
Choice Wines,
Liouors aid Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
BiDnrd and Pool Tab!.
for aha Pwwmmodatiou of Patrons
Proprietor .
St. Helens Meat Market
rrciili and Halted
and vrgtabioi
Mr, Saiiaan. Flab
Mcali by wlinleaaln al p lal rate.
F,K'ii waytm run to all parU of town,
and clisrgca rvuxiiiable.
y rovrietor of
Oriental : Hotel.
Th hon has been fully refumbbed
throtiirhout an I th beat of ccnra
uiodallona will b atvea.
STAGE run In conneetloa with
the hotnlcociiieilii with lb Xorth
ern Pacinc KaUroad at klilion. Hiar .
for Taeoin train 10 p. m. Kor Portland
train at S p. tn.
The Photographer,
. First and Taylor Street..
Work and prices that cannot b bt-
NOTIt K - rt I.ICATIO.e.
tend Offliw at Oretm Clly, Or.. Her. tA ll.
M.Mli U barvlir aivaa thai tha fnllowlllf
nama.1 aeiilre baa !M nnikw of hia miration
to make Anal ia mik.h ni ht. ri.ini. and
thai aaid proof will h. natle twfora th ''
Clerk ol t'otninbia n.anlr, M At. Ot., "
i-wtFaorri, lei, ill'
M u u it-vetttr tf
HoweUeaxI anirv So t. tht ai' of U
, IpTn.r w. H Maiiea lha fellowlnlf
wUnana tn nrore bl. eontlBaiwia ,..artee
la. and rultlrallua t told l.ftd !' K"
ivhaai, c.vt Mhr. . M Ktaira awit
Watiiv: allarttainier. (StitimMaeoontr. Oten
Jiif . J. T. APi'i KaoX. ii
liieir own cxmrlttaioaa, the aame aa w have j