The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 09, 1891, Image 4

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    .mi...jmL. '". A KE
am. om nttm akr tkmteu. n
vry heat fvmU that y kw
will (row. M ease, mm. no.T-
. C A Wt
Wh tb MeaWra laMw Saw,
H S ttntehls - hw sal
a SwbWr Ovrh-- .
esseadt Sak.
(lothem rabber meaafa4ari
SMerably aatoatshed recently by Ming in
lrta aa advwriieeui .ut fur a aa, woo had
Ml upat Itui amooc tb rubber plantateaua
f Osnr Anmr aad Para to Mart am aa
expedition to new nam of raUwr sajirdv.
. ansa a Mr, with a hiuk.
anurceMaaeon. Kufticw it to mt
There is always a best even
among a score of eood thintrs.
and every pipe smoker who has i
tried the Mastiff brand acknowl
edges it to be the sweetest, cool
est smoking tobacco" made.' It
uoe not bite the tongue, and is j -y kmw ueycod nt ano
Dosttivelv free from anv fnrmvn TT7 rubhm, oj
. , . 1
mixture. ' .
J. B. Paor Tobacco Co.. Richmond, Virginia.
ta torn nr I hare diere-.i a
tVedof prettoM Ilwtllbe.eortof evr-r-
'P0 in, it may b
a tarwediivtly rick 1 wtuit to tctti
for myif which It is"
"Wy do yoa mart tb Tpdllron, ta ra
potfar akti. -Ham th. pmt known
CivavMKWof rnxmumtonr
-Walk I . , Um dealer replied.
WtahoMao,Oi,H pound of rubber
yearly front Bonm and Africa and Para, in
South Aaarlov Bui ao treat ta th vw
apttonf rabbar la iamou cuouiawr
that Itoi it psawty of room for a new supply
of U-ataaariaj.
11 la cwrtowa how ntO people rnmllr
know about robber any how tb deailrc
added snddealy. "The, ax ap a row and
peaaahly mar whan they Hod out thai that
am rubber ahon MwtimM ar out ia a
aaaiaaf am, tat Uwy dBj anaa to andar.
about rablMr tokaowtisaA if
m tw. IUm ih iMaitM mi b.
ttna Akr at i v BH4( rtrMM.a
1 tond at the prna julf , Uw
t i "-nt t i eratw uf IW nra.t artiva vokno
lotorUt Krosa tba itr-at bi baJora
.to i wramw M If tttuW uurraa
w ha-ina; iMaimfarturi itllill
a if t h-to f had ,w ,,. u tat.
; ""wwty wiia iu ouwr, Wa wild
rw-Uty l.-lt.w-whj.t a arv tM br armi-t-tUt
a oJ.-ao to a nvjum ba.
t-xw. (a ra of watrr that b a) ra.V not
far aaray aat lb. mu of fl, that rK tn.
te tb ah. Now auj uaa rIMl a.k
8viut fctto,lrwhl fwf ta0
air, aa.1 .t wof Uwirrvtara Jour
y alifchUJ at Boar u a wa caml to kava
oalda vaar oat ta a aarry.
taa coawtalata that Ml
jd lower
For Dyspepsia.
A. Bellangw, Propr., Stor Foon
dry, Montaeny, Quebec, writes: "I
have nsed Angrist Ftowor for Dys
pepsia, it jave me great reuei. I
recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
very good remedy."
Ed. Benreron. General Dealer.
La mon, Levis, Qtiebec, writes: "I
have used Augmt Flower with the
best possible results for Dyspepsia."
C A. Harrington, Engineer and
General Smith, Sydney, Australia,
writes: "August Flower has effected
s complete cure in my case. It act
ed like s miracle.'
Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss., writes:
' I consider your August Flower the
best remedy in the world for Dys
pepsia. I was almost dead with
that disease, but used several bottles
of August Flower, and now con
sider myself a well man. I sincerely
recommend this medicine to suffer
ing humanity the world over."
C C CRtZX, Sale Uasslactarcr,
Vaadbarir Ktw Jersey, I. & A.
lawpiraii by
that vBt oa all abuut ma
turtat Uw btioard by paopi who h4 fot
ra oa waaa taay OnrUrrd to ba paata
boara ana papar or,nakM 1 Rmi. a
7 tola atatory mwntly and tad down
anaat Uuri abnrt rwai raUnr for thm bntrfSt
af my fnondi aad Um Anwrx-aa p Mm that
a if taa Amartraa pablie waaU tba banallt
of tt, Whaa Colombo, dwmnrad Atmrkit
ha foaadtaowotd FiftaaaU rtur Aimn-
mmwmrn rmmmg away aaakiaa thine of
raboar, aaaoac than nibbar aho But
avaa bar ora tha tuna of Cohiotbaa Um Eaat
ladaaa kaav that rabbar waa a mmtul
taascaiaithfy aaaJVthoaaof it, loo. Tttay
amda H oat of tba Jbm of a traa raited
rteaa aliraa. and If anybody wanla to
kaoar nht bara wby rabbar ibowt, m cailad,
ww oat riht off, row can tail thaia that it
m bacaaaa thwra tant lTcas aiaaticaa iuioa. ao
aotn ajro momas.
"Owar ladiaat and tba aatlraa of
roogb robber boota aad
tataxa of rabbar ia Uv.wa old
daya, aad avar ux tba rat of
wokaaptBta tact that rabbar waa a good
thiBf. tha BHaafactaiaof boota and boulot
and UuBflt baa coaaoa boooaiagly. Tbarub
banof tmtmm Bkt dara, though, www rtlbW
that woaM war wail, ait bough they bad an
aiiaithandcfanatyappaarantm Stp
aanogb rabbar front tba raliay of tba Amaauo
and tram Fara and Braiil to frmtifj mrrrj
nafartBfar ia aaakinc rabbara of rabbar
taataad af aoaathljif alaa, and tha rmauu
Ihalpaoplanavaaebaaot terra) ao mtach
aboat "bo(ta rabbar" I that tha bogu rub-
by tba
In Its First Stages.
STEIN WAY, ttUff ut ftm tom
a aw Ptawa pana. aaa
m naaaas all aMaai laaaaw aiaat ww
mTmw Mt 1 lhata Irraurwat bu.
fa 7 rwt aaiiinUrraiaa tuar Oa. a1
Cawo '-Hosifstitt rstpyraX
"" ravaa a wtajnat or .. '
San rraneiseo Casminwr.
If m ha a rtain. f aor tarlataa whaaora
aaaum tmm V niu Nam tm rrumm aaa
ia taa H mmmtmt a4)MUta4. aOlat
JOHN WrOOIBSl'S. Saaw4rr,
M r awtat. r. W. Waahinrtaw. P. C.
wam.aal. j aavatv
Cwwma. Uanethm. watar Malar, rant
tM tariaian. Caab tiittri. U.
Wrlia Aw aitota.
tat rim si, roriuti, oa.
Owtrarton aa haauac aa4 vaaUlaUa
aaiUUac. ttlailw tara)at
a uaot ia WJ
and Idaho la anil
Waal aa uaot ia
In via
town In Ownrofi, Wath- j
Tba aHtkina of a rnbbrr grarih ia aa
laUaatmf pruowa inomj, tf yon trafwl back
to tba batiaainx aad follow it front tba nary
eatatt. To frt tha rabbar ht tba ftnt pinoa
ktda ia drilled ia a rubinr traa, aad tha atp ia
drawa off Jaa Uka aucar I draw from tba
mapia traa, aad tha Jaixm m dricrt or tha
aawfca front a Or of wild Baca ia Para, and
whan Wihtaaad in bant op todry farUMr.
Taiaerada BMrtarial cootaiua S3 prr ont of
raw eaoatcaoae or rabbar. Tint raw rabbar
bat to ba eawaed with gnat care, aad
dnad aWwaxd to aii-bjda M pr cant, of
watar that it part of tt. It taJtaa ail too
ay front an to foor am. tha to do ttua
tboroachly. Mora btc fully dried it ia
kataitad at ia pnpar palp, and eraalml aad
graasd and torn ap tamir to raraova ait
taa iatporttiah All tha tima tij it (utaf oa
tba rabbar ia tboroajrkly waabrd by a Mcady
Sowtnf bath of watar. With robber that a
traa ltd ia taia atyla yoa can mai. rabbar
aaoai that art Uaiiag aad alao watarprwa!,
bat yoa will ha to to pay awra than fifty
aata or tt a pair for thent. Htaa tprend
apoa tba ekAh abell of tha ovanhnw, thitctjlo
of bontat rabbar ara aiaJwo a abuathat ia
naiiy a gvm aboa, and will her? oat tha wa
and tla aoow, and wifl wear withoet toinf
vat at tha hoal or tha tot, or vmkmg to
ttraty away front tha upper. And that tba
kind of rabbar that I bupo to r from tbia
aewtonreaof aupply, aad if Ida, perbepe I
will beoooat a eurt of poUio beaefactor I f
firing ta Qvlimm eetnnwrco a material
tur amklBg gmnt aboat that my fellow cu
aaaa, after they kmra warn tbm once, wiil
not be obtigod to ait sp tba nest three nights
in niLiiatet n awnparting tbeir rotnbolary of
atroag hjagaaga ta farnuai fuusf tcnua of
abaa for toot that areat robber. The now
aspedttioa l a Joorney for tbo good of
aaHjaaity." Xw Turk Sua.
aw rectnlu Ara ttataa.
Onaof tha avwt difficult da tMB of a photA0
rapaer it to protae h patront front haicm
their portrait atoteo for either newtpapor
yurf naat or to be hawked aroend tba atrvete
at aa adeertwuia; medium for wane patent
aanliiina or hair waah. CorraapondenU for
anaauJoaal weakly paptra are anecrapulMis
aad often adapt ebedy erfaeniee to obtain
piiaaiaaiini of the picture of euco lady or geav
tleiaan of proeminrnce, who baa naforton
alaly beoooaa tha aabjxet of town rP
That to one raaann why ladka partbrniariy
ditlika to tea their pbotograpfat promitieistiy
hit'i ia nbow window, the butt of
TBlgar eriUeiain and a target tar tba pencil
of any akiUfnl lithographer la nwrcb
of a pretty faea for a ealeodar plate.
Tba to cailad detartira cameraa, bowwrer,
bare bean prodoeed la Men ehapea that it ia
almott impoauuia to detect a rhetor who may
beatealuig your beat atudwa before your
yea. ,
A feliow of that etamp rarne Into my place
raoaatiy. B a apvaraiitlr rangrr, and
earrttd a email alligator gripaack, nurpeutted
byaatrap from one aboaVler. lie waanl
lowad the priTilatra U looking at tfcitoam
of brga work. After a Una I thought ba
Wat acting atrangtly, and (pfoa-bel bun to
inquire into bit nKrrttnenta. At I wtfyyl ap
I heard a peculiar click and tombtod to tba
trick at onne. Tba fiioWwa working a de
teeUraouaeraonma,but ee I grabbed bim
by tha aboaldaf 1 quii kly mado bim open
that grip aad band out three platee which
M hlng to gt ejnohr view of the rratrr,
I nCTd two extra gatew, who, for tha
BKxhwtaumof 1 eitra, cMotratte,! tothow
ararytbtng ajditkmal that uu could
ttihwa, and y,t b.HM u, 0.-rtrf tha hkmiiiI
aia on the ouUiJp, aad toaeduwer in Um
evening with hi frtowta. After exhibiting
nreraJi p.uu ojwa their anatomy a bare
. T ,,rum y railing rtrlu (alt
nrhh-h tMHi to have heeled rwnarkah!)
Uy kxi nw etraight luto the thk-k euiphary
ateaiu, wbh-h waa about a ttiamg ataar
Uuug I avr aadartouk to breatha, aud
Bada tba phytica! ttitwmr f4 at tf tt were
betng Inalol to a ao,i,Wn attack of wwnta
neoua eombuation. We drawndnl into a
craher TalUy.whk-h waa full of vapor breath
ing creiiora, and wetrd enough to furw one
of Ut iuit interacting ditncta of Dantua
"loferno." Suddtsilv
break for frimh air aod ib ouktr etle of tba
cratar. and I. tupp.nt that antna trvruen.
doo new buacirKml tuuruiuun of nature waa
at band, nwd about a temnd and a naif in
following Utera-aoae to get a good kwk at tt
frum a eafa poiitt.
"Ureal dakgwror tboutml tba warth Vil.
laia who bad my five franc. "It blows,
thit tba wind! a wrong way ( Half (he hour
aso, all it waa diffpreatl It yon then bad
wily beta berel But ww mutt now go it
bark." . ,
Tba arerasa Tankee, howrrer cowardly,
ba,) rather lot hia Ufa fairly than be twin,
died out of a dollar: and, braMre, I bad
been laid of thi trick by a friend who had
ewwndrd tha volcano tha day (Wore. Bo,
biding all ay tmuliting fear, ( inwtd on
thawhohjtnp to tbeduf "Um new cra
ter." "It la drat with only twognidnO mkl
the twarthr villain. "Two mure guide yoa
must haf , tha they tball warn and keep the
falling atone from killing you."
At Uda point new guide bKa to trring
ap around ma, aa if tbey bad bran etd
from among tha eooteuta of Um volcano.
Sot wUhisg lo Ui. too many of them into
certain deMruction, 1 iKUorcd ail tha
snailett one, and, ehakutg mv cane at him
with aa aamnard emirate whKh I did nut
exactly fent, threateoni hira with imuant d
etrnctiun antireiy diaroouervd with volra
aom tf ba did not follow out Um term of
the contract.
We www eaon at tba bast point from which
to view tba great drama of fire that waa go
ing on beneath. Fiaawo trut their ruddy
glow npun the awelling ckxuW of va;r that
conttantly pnahed tbeir way into the air.
Xow and then ana a f rum Um brnut of
the cruel mountain, a if it were mooruing
for the Ukiwauuii it bal munlrmL The sul
phur fume made cw feci a if the voUmao
were reaching out it tun whito flutter and
eiutcbing roe by the thnrnt A balf grating
and baif buainfr twud waa foliuwed by an
expioiuon like tha voice of a cannun. and a
long atone wall went atretciung op into Um
air ta f rap mental tectiua, between m and
that iaviaibk) locality whre tha aky wa up
ptaadtob. I uon btvan to pnuaie mnelf
that it wa am jut to expoeo the guide to peril
any longer, and, to eat a good example, om
pered out of the way ahead of turn with a
much agility a I pound avardupoi would
allow. Wul Carlton in Xw York otar.
Alwar Ltetea ut the S.aUu af the
ArtM Haw la Make the Heat mt Aa
. Vahaadeaeae raaaleaaaee Jlhart Keek
Fin decide what rtyhyu will have bunt.
throuartr Inn, r full U..ih Tk. na I m1 tlie lnra.l of malaria lit Ihl. mail li
. ',. . . . I IwvM-iitlie, ahlrh ) aim a rvrUIn
frpk ry of the latere.
In apeaking of tba of tba roal
flf1. our eemrce of power, tba author giva
a ainkiug pictnre of tha fair greea oglaud
of 3Ul year ago aa compared with it pretent
amoky akie aad aout bhtckened urfwa.
where Um wool fcuaod Utroba with Um coal
driven engine, and tbo water are churned
by the awift ateamer; and then. In thm role of
prophet, be tmfokit the future of a few hun
dred yeir, when elraost certainly the "all
beholding tan" will etml hi beam "thnmga
renta in the ivy pw wall of dx-wrted fao
tonee. npoa nbot engriuc brown with rurt,
while Um mill band bae-ona to other laou,
the river are rlrna a'Tun, tba harbor snow
only white aula, aod England' 'black coun
try ia green one morel To Amtriin, too,
neb a time may come, thuogh at a greatly
longer dimnc.a And on chapter ckaes
with tba following atnkingparagraiJi:
"r"utura sr may ara the am of ampin
tranaferred to region of lb earth now bar
ren and deeuiated under intetaea oiar beat
countrie wbkb, tur Utat vry caute, win nut
improbably become the ami of mechanical
and tbeace of political power. Whoever
Ami the way to make induatriaUy awful the
vatt tan power now wwtod on the dntert of
Kartb Africa or tbo there of the Hed ana
will affect a greater change in men' affair
than C37 conqueror la nudory bat done; fur
b wiil once mor poupl thoa watt place
with the bfa that swarmed there in tba brat
day of Carthagn anl of oil Ejrypt, but under
another civilization, wher loan no longer
shall worship the suns a god. but thai! have
learned to mak it bit errant.- lie view of
"To Stem AAcoaumy."
Moat eachM pveierred. liperial rale on ail j cajnera of that clae, I never nw on tone
nood. n rtt Ivr parucaiam. I we so nicely furnished oa the ootaida,
roKTLAHO, OR. 1 QUvbe-Demucrat.
aa I n AU Xlght,
Tbera i a wotuaa In Buffalo wlto has
no tnora adea of tune jit o ockx; u
tba evening tliau a castaway on th
ocean who lias kmt aU rrckoninK. She
had been in tke habit of aittiK op light
nnlil a liglit in wwwlow ofrjwite ber
own wa extinguuM. Om nigJit last
week aotoa otM hi)j?tiel to be mca in the
mxttU ixxaar, and Use 14,'t't was Hat
. 1 ' ... I 1 . . . 1. ti..ln
burning ail wk. " i
norM aewing to ao, laac-a
aclna in front jot her . window and
badnt tba slighuat tiea hat was
nxcniiig outil ait beard tba ruinUm of
tha milk wagona on the street. Oiicago
BataU. " ' -
ajraarh , al : cinif' ucIirl!IIa''"'"
Tym trier.
llstlsess, Hhsrthasit,
aMMIbna asaaaett aeem.
M4 rSmZrt TSlTZnS! St
mm i
T.m4 i
ailia-aui taatwt.
V taa i
r:in "n::ivi
ihA.fis f If -!
wmiH-li Sk4 S " A r -u I
!.- " '"""!
HoWa your rr-ndfatber, linrbertr
"Hot very well the day."
- Anything aarioua tha matlarr
a'fJia UraailfaOatr baa takas fa
mokiug cauvt Jujcn
Cerlaie Freva el able ltaeaaat.
There ara certain diteatea, trio, which in
tbeir vary nature protest against their own
exutottce. TUey ara really nature inaig-
aant outcries azainst human pervertity , they
are absolutely pre vemabie, anri just on that
account difficult to cure, becaue the pre
ventable caute is alway faamxning again.
To this elate belong diteaae of Um stomach.
with tcarceiy an exception. Uytpeptia alon
is tba ban of tbuutamla. It i fair to ay
that of the arlult population not on person
in ten is free from it, and yet dyapeps I aa
entirely preventable disease, on for which
which there i absolutely no excuaa, tor
aruea fa almost every case from eeif-iiuiulg-enca
or ignorance; aod even wher there i
an Inherited Urtuluocr to stomach trouble,
care and attention to diet can almoat invari
ably relieve it, and in time effect perma
nent cure. . ...
Tba misfortane M not only that people will
UOt exercla sufficient aclf-tkniul to prevent
tha a:nearaiK- of dieae in Um first in-
tanoe. but that, unhappily, they will not
leern by experience, and so prevent it recur
rence; and thus, In too many uwaira, y
are doubly tiuner. I)-moret' Mjutlily.
praetleal Civil Servle.
Kbrtrta (to ue girl) When will
Kew Oirl To-morrow evenfn', sure.
JlMreatTben I may oonaider you en
Kew Girl Ye, mum to the butcher boy
But 0illes that ye get hi ctotn, too.
Detroit yreef rate.
Oa Saadav la svoas.
For airing doff" Rumlay mmM to be the
lavorile day. i he ow ot every ramuo
troU out hia iroKrty then, arid aeenit
nrend of Uie proiiricUmiliip of the soiled,
woolly or nondescript cur ot tlie end of
the chain. 17io accumulated honor of
Room ara nothing to the juvenile of the
Eternal Gty if he ha tlie privilcgo of
leading; a hungry dog for a iirouMJTd.
Cor. Baltimore Sun.
Literature is tbo diet of tha common
mind, but giiiiun feed on tha ttuwri en
thing, -Uncla E
two ara tha prevalllug nwle, the last im
plying a mur elaborate toiht, ow wcur
Vvxir sitting, it it always bolter to do an,
thus obviating tb anmiyanc of wailing.
IW'for (caving the studio, utiti the aptmiut-
nient m nuxle by kth-r, consult the pliobv.
fwf aa to your dnna, tb'. Let bim know
what it la to be. Yuu may be uudectded
which of (everalto uaut, It Uien may be a
ciHMce in cohir or in rut, eto. He will Ml
youst oiKwwliK b iUt It may miuett
yrni to try BKire than mws ami In the absence
of ch imitation you wiil be expected to
par extra (or the exiwrmteut.
While you ara talking with him about
hw he la ttudylug your face, xprnaaioe
anu nvin generally, If a alao be an aitlft,
and extiericticd, be may am at a glauc that
ytiur customary way of drvaing tb hair la
uervming, l.r, strange aa It may teem,
cuinparatiwly few women bav the knack of
amngiug their hair in the mode dcauuvM
by their face. While be know that the por
trait tutu nut b ruined by the hair being
done up in an uufnmiiar way, be may yet
givo you a few tnvii uable suiiwtiott. lor
butane, be nwiy rwjutwt you to be mor
carftul ia dmaiug Um left aid than the
right, thus sigruifving that the left aid of the
face m bettur. Fuw have both aidt alika
There i ofu-o almoit a much differenc a
between two peraous. The me is much or a
liule to one tide; one eye ia smaller, bvewtue
otM lid droop more; there to a depression
over mat ajut a bore a tooth ba btmi ex
tracted. The uneven shaping of the lla
lone may decxia which aide of tb face
should be prominent. Vou taogh rather to
one aide an. I, by the by, the to alway
ajk thing pretty atul mit-h a laugh-and
you have devvkifed a dirult, which, aad ex-
fMrtenre tenrbra th pbot.vra.iier, will be
ck'maiided ot htm. liiil, a it haMwtt wxtte-
Utnea, be may fad to detect tb siighUvt dif-
fni-nc Mwa the right and left, but b
still requests you to t .U special aina with a
certaiu ski of the hair, a Iw prefer to show
that siJe of tlw face. Thit is tweauw in
every atelier the bbt is Utter at one cud of
the room Uuui at tha other, and he ia accue-
tooied lo tdace bit titters there.
o-v, and not when you com to sit, la the
urns tor yoa to tru jura what you prefer.
1 on wih a Uuve-quarter face, or a front
view, or a profile; yon have studied th
id:oya nates of your face fur yaara, and
have so dtvMh-d. H listen mipactfuiJr,
but hi cy ha aearcbad out all the litU
arcreU of anatomy, and fathomed your bid
don reason for thus anil ao. You ara afraid
of that cheek bone; you do not aay so, but
be knows it, and i stuilying how to retire it
and ios it in the tinting of tim background.
i ou ant cuosi'ioua of tboa ears; they are
larife, and tatd well out. A photographer
know bow formtdahl aa antaconut is aa
ear that pmjorta at right angka from Um
bead ; be knows tlut tber i nsually but on
way to aucxiue it, and troika inwardly at
your emphatio demand for a full front,
nra mean mat o(h ear shoii show
eqnally. w lien be aar "full face-1 he awn
a pan that sliomt or etitireiy loan oue ear.
l'rhai you insist that h do nt mak
yon a profile; you often rr4c that vou
liv In an ,; vhi ilbouit rtilM are
out of fashion. Tha procuinen- of your
ttoat turoiua it, or a long chin put tt out of
the qUMtiou. A tide fac to jttst tb thing
for you; tb photographer ami it at a glanc
for. again, Strang aa it may appear, the
ptwibtUtJMi for a profile do not dnud ao
aiiKh upon the featucni a upon th hair and
neck drtwsing. A slight tip to the bead on
way or lb other lengtheii or foreshorten
tb features, and th photographer, la
maulpuUting bs li.lit and aliaue, may refiiM
or n tliem atronger at will, lie will
tell yon nut to arrange lb hair till you com
lo tb studio, lor a very short distance,
espeimHy in damp or blustering weather,
will rum it. lie will probably request you
not to dree tb neck too bijtb or loo,
or in an exact circle, with th fore port of
it lying chaw ut.W tb chin, for, of
all thing, th present fai;Q mod of
dr ting th neck at dUtreaaing to an
artiatic pbotograplier. It I done because Um
lady ha a abort neck or a long one, or it I
thin, and tb cord must be concealed. It to
do, for tt i tbo fashion. This ia ail a nuc-
b a. Ton are urprted when th photos
rapber any It, for there is a touch of bitter
nam in bia ton. II illustrate hi meaning
by winding Um lapel of bia coat Ughtly
around hi neck. "Yoa , madam, the
efft oo a long face like my own. It over
hang and btcninea almost deformed, while
a round fac becomes button abeped, and
non of th little trick of hair dressing or
expression can remedy It. Ko; it' ail a into
take. If your neck I short, as you aay, do
not loa what you bav. lower Um drapery,
do a little judicious borrowing, and, prwtol
tb fac that wa round beoooH ovai In
soy caa Um neck must not be bidden, for ail
Um action and grace of position In a bust
portrait center there."
5 ever ask your friend to enter Um opera,
ting room with you. It embair aw Um
artist, and is almost certain to ruin your ex.
preauoo; in fact, few photographer will
allow any on to the elam room with
the situ r. Remember that a rlglit (unltglit
It Um worst light yott can have. Chouse, If
powaula, a day with an overcast aky; a snowy
day to excellent Tb early part of tb day
to to be prafHired, aay Utweea tk hour of
10 and litni, and then the light Is mor
actinic, and tb photographer ho not been
wearied by a acure or amine, week, dark
green, criiwwu, brown and yellow take nearly
th tm MMuMt a ureas cut low in in necs
alway seems much blsber la a photograph
than to an obterver. A masculine face to
softened and refined by a soft neck dressing.
a bit of lac being preferable lo the tt.ff
standing collar. Harper Untax,
Ihrrolvii. ever man. wniHsiiiir rhlli! Ilvlii In
tveUm ol eoMiilrv when) levoraiMl sauv la iirv
alwnl. tlttce the terms ot malarial tllw are ill
iisi.i iroiit uie sir niui are anoHmi hoih toe
water id audi a, Mmlli'lnsl aah'tusnl la
stiwltiivly tietssrv U. ttulllly lltia itNii.r, Aa
uu !( ("HIii Ina ami acrlluialliiii Ih v
u m m lo U .I.,.- lo nl.l I lir malarUI imlaoti,
ll,IHIir'aMuisi'h lilllorais liiw.nuwralilr in
htmt ilii thiiial Niiiilr. Irrvaiilarlllm id the
tomm'tt, ltvr anl howela sMtMiiirsse mala
ria: hot those are aat-lll)i iwlirlnl the rill-u-nt.
The luiH'tloiia ol illiimlloii and aecn'lloii
Ull rt lis iiw. ami vlaitroua aa well aa
rttrnlar roiidltloit of Uie avalem nrotiHtlrl lit 11.
CoitMMutioti aiui pliyaluiio are lima di(iliM
int niali'llteaa
nl ihoroiiiih
n-mnlt in the wont rsatw ni lulennltlvnl and
rvuiltlvul feu-is.
Tim man s ho tlrtnla hi ttniwn hla Iroiibli
flul tlwiM well innl.tiil Kith lira prvMrtera.
lir.lMllll AHOfT V A I'HONfMII'.
TIVK T A (!.
I am nt aiming to eoiivlure mrtilal iMhlia, aa
Indued that would tw frullira tlhitli iw
irjr eultiimt Intellect lbs uiaknt l'Hllr api'll-
ral,k forvv, hrtlliaiuy and orlsluallljr vu
are u etmpoua lo attack slave 1th, rm maujr
renbirlea the utullrsl art waa heilirnl shout by
tmrrlHtve tahno which it, at yet, has not nr
vlvixl. The hraiut for ruvmlrrtn truth la the
penalty of tmlacllti atipnrtin the nivntal
callhpruf the sretstrv tmllvhlual 1u rolatloa lo
medlrtu ami ieilirliw lues. The sua ol the
uliwuvnth con mi) baa mt jl tlas iwl Umi hla
luliH.-ruml horbuni. He, together with hia Ideal
rutidti-lne aiait, till hllvriuiu lit llw ,! old
tla a id the dark aura, ben It sa had form lo
he IminWiive. Iteatlll ' hvtievra ' In Mewlliis.
hlltlertii. toutttlti, ptirvloa al awcatlh. lie
I,,, t, ,h,i,i,.u. o.,.l hone wnllcine. FlVjIe-
tlulitaiti SMuifirltfla and celon,-! and VHitMlr
arl.l, lhy are ronsloeml liMlttwiiMlile; ho
Well rrsulslnl flnll.t.lh I'ltrnt tlllrllro-ta and
aluloitiltisi dcVrl.llH'ltl, tnilcra ibwll sale
almoin Ihoae lamilti Urea, liuw I lota4 aUh
to cnvrrl; Ihef are the K I p 0 Ullikm llial
will ronttiine tonlumhrr llimusff tbla and r.b
hjy ihn.ilsh th Itet evnlitrr. I tier flat no
rol In ihe aorlu'a hiniory, The lite; Ihcr die.
Ni rnoittttoeiii maraa ihelr forsotirit at.Hilrher.
Hniitaiitlv m nt enriched br thrlr eiilrMUce:
11 ht. ,( ,. tin ut l.j iheir esll. Tht- are imi
w..t,.n ).c lu,m lline. anil ll.atl with the
eht and tide l ootiiti!M thev have lulwrlle.1
front their aiuhniMiaior'hle aim-tlrr. No, It la
ii-,l to lii.c I a tih loa'lttrM uitwli, tint lo the
ihlnliliis mm, ahotn a tbaiuaht ihara twt IhMw
lute an rpli?l!e wroslu; w ho love tium Wdsv
ior (! own mU: wtHtare wlllliiff ui intcatltfntw
lh Irnin or lilti id an iroai.liioit. aml.oiMie
rout Inmi, will slatid I.) tl ihnmsh all the trim
f a ebttltcrlns mik! dclsvt.1 rh HUmIIuh.
t'o thwc- ,it the chsllwrcrs. hid Ihe IHItikvrs
I eoiiinirnd llw lttstow,'0tlc Hv.tem for llilctl
nalli.u. an.! all! eiiirlilnte allli picture sol
(iiiu-u u m l.-uUv cleat lu boot, which
h im ir scot tree wt suit aoorves.
CATAltltll CAN'T US f'l'IIRIt
With l.H'At. AfflU'ATIIlMH,
rcwh the acat of iheittaHaaw.
or ronniltutloiisl illaeuae, ami HioMer to pure it
Chi have lotah Internal rciimllea, uaiiai
rrh t ur It lakcli UiiMinally, ami acta ilirecllr
uu Hi lilmal and luiii'oua aurfaiti. Haifa!''
larrh l ine la no uum k mwllclne. Ilenai.rc
MTlhi'd hy one of the raai ihvlclaiia In title
eoulilry (nr years, ami Is a rvular preacriiitloii.
It la romi-ieeil ot I lie hot loiilca tiemu, com
tilunl Willi Ihe lieal blmHl iunrlers, scilug ill
nclly on Ilia iniicoiia aiirtMCea, 1 tie perfect niih
hiiialloiitif Ihc two liiaredlciit la wnnt ortHturea
such vevtttirliil ritiltt In ciirlna rntarrli. Mend
tot Uu"uilal. (n-e. rtJ. rUKNhV A t il,,
Proinhiiora, Toieiht, (X
Hold hf itmsiilais! price, li .vnl.
I., lR ttfW I.IIIP,
r.iliirrli laahlisi
Klhcl I am ante now that lleor tlilnkt me
atiniiacl, Minl V tint uuikca yon an .lllvcf
t.ilicl He aaaed me lo Ay ilh Itlin,
t'oinirta. ""'' litntitfkM 'VwAm" are
a auic reuiiHly for Cough and More liiriwl.
I't cctit a Ixtt,
tVhl i Itastcy't rlil.'l
A IViailar Kclliot.
etirmA' "Hla wife"
tir, Wlltltms' ls ilan pile Olnimeut wl'l car
nl ii l meets hsv fsllvil
lr. Jordan' oftlr la at the residence of
ei-.Vayor Yealer, Ibird and Jatiir street.
iSrattlc, Wasli.
( tinsultaiioits and prescription absolute
ly few.
nentt lor Ire book explaining th I Halo
genetic system.
Cst'Ttoa. Tb ltistogeiietie Metlktiie
are sold in but on agency iu each town.
The iaUet around Ih bottle hears tb fol
lowing inscription: "lr. 1. Kuireu Jor
dan, it utoiteiietic Medicine." Ever other
device la fraud.
sllaia the llchliit at once,
tntmeiit la pr
Ires Instant relief lr atllllsias'
retired nely lor I'lle and lichlu
La a poutinw,
' ludlau Pile
Rlliid. Hlceiliux anil Itcalnt fllea hen all uliiw
line al ot
relief IM
repurvd o
, iria. tt
led. Mold I
WILLI an M AStrAi'll KINO til.
haort the tnwtnr,
atail on receipt ol twice, me awl II
Pains and Aches
ol in .rlsU ,ria. and ttelhlii else, krery
am lata, of ut i
ler no.
but la warranted. Mold by
Proprietor, t levelaud, 0,
Both tba ntrtlioi and icsulta abet
"?yrup of Figs ia taken; it U pleasant
nd refrealiittg to tlis trute, aud Mb
renil yet promptly on tba Kitlnej,
Liver and lliiwe!, clctutew tbe r
lent eiTectuaHy, dUprlt rxilds, hwtd
he aud fevers and cures baUtu.''
lonstipatba perwanentlf. Fur aal
in 60c and tl bottles by all druggisU
, $n s isctco. en.
uwriut. tt. um raw. r.
The i ii4e in this world srv snmnrh alike that
tf ym slot st one man yon till s hundred.
Uatsnarru' Pii-ui invigorate the diges
tion aixl athuiilat the torpid liver and
bowel; they cleanse the blood slid impart
new vigor to the hotly, tine or two racry
night fur a week will usually be all that 1
reoutrtHl, For t'unatipalion or nvsiwpela
one or two taken every ma lit a ill in a short
lime efttart art absolute cure.
HatvrisistH'e fun are purclr veiretahle.
Itaoiutely harinlcs slid sate to take t any
Mold in every drug and medicine More,
either plain or tuKur-coatci.
The Mfxewtrtsn' "eef for th drink hahlt
wet entirely soereMful-eqiill yer durned
01 all klretasuil In anr auanllty-whol-aate
and retail st bed rock prltvt i.
SS Front Streat, Portland, Or.
' He ml foe eatakif it, ka
Cm EnaBMUnealsf Polish: aodmt; ostawil.
Tit 0 sanaa for breakfast.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powdar.
Superior to every other known.
used in Millions of I tomes
40 Years tbe Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, untune (.sues, raiataoie
and Wholesome,
No other baking powder doe such work.
Jtt. V
if IV CCVrD cuco 10 mv cuo
flAI iLI Lil W want th taut serfs
are tsof eve eutfrr tfiih
P. SPTUFIil U S sadtsaads. Arrets
X HOI lilMinr.rtHtwll,xsla.I
If W.M II 41
Aksjui f
fsr-ttki I MM
i:o sJaStri at
Of. tl Mstflrrhs.
Ml at. Ji,
trufxxaaji Vlt!
JlnHy, Whit ataawp, IthiMJt mitsitaMi, thm UMw,
UHi mnmmi; srtmtriiM ny Ktt IMrlH Blfl ;
timmvm mni f urui. rrtCw, s, W fw4iU,
m ... . . TBK ATKIt fltlK.
roal lie IrCnrea with t'eaetahl Remeellet
,,.nmi miMUM .I , -
toancM hiipeHU, by ll pa, .!,,.
navwatiiatliiia.f In i.. .. i .,u.
oapumi removaa aetul n.r rre hunk leMlata
elala i.f miraculous mm. Taa lata' treaiaxw
free or mall ir T"S ..riler trial teed lOr I Hawn
e-, r e- o m i.hio a atinn,Atiaaia,lla
m row oruer trial return tnit aavaniaeaiatti u
ptyr(ii"l I
atu r
' raoV(AH.'
l'om no mrir than an ordinary clumsy wood ntckel sltslr thai otettnicls the view slid wilt rut
llsrlnis" rencs la snimic in ileluii, iirtrfectN ll.e troiotd wltlioul
Hit con
siKirt In s sliurt lime. The ' llsrtmsn" ferns Is snlmlc In
cwsHnt them ami l practically MVRst,ssvtHa.
HARTMAN MFC. CO-.. Beaver Falls, Pa
(Always mention trite papar in writln.
PlrtO'M KKM tl)Y r OK CAT A KKtic-rWt. fcatl
est to use, Cheapest. K. li.-f It linititilitle. A
cure is crrtsin. For Cold in the Head it has no equal.
It is sn Ointment, of which a small particle It applied
to the nostrils, l'riceolte. Hold by druggist or mil by
mail. Address: K. T. Har.ri.Tiax. Warren. T.
Aa Inattdlel Langtt,
In on of hi letter to tbe beautiful Theo
doaut, Aaron Burr implored hi daughter to
cultivate an inaudible utugu, ana tnat is pre
cisely what faabiooable women are doing In
Chicago. The training is inoiviuuai, ami
may be fiumuot to suit th face, features and
fancy of the anti-langher, who, mirror in
hand, (tudie ber clas continually. If tb
chin is pretty in contour and rtwdcltng and
toetli white, tha pupil must learn to laugh
with her Up, but wear a rigid brow and
steady eve Are ih teeth untiKlitly, then
the will have a wof ul time, for th mouth
mutt be kept clal, and bow to inagn who
Ma era and not wrinkle the far i a task.
Handbooks and teach era of the art of etpna-
sion toll tlm todnt to train in eye to
smile, aud caution them against th habit of
tigbUy cloalng Uie eyes un a pieawuig sen
sation IS felt, a ruilJit wnicu premaiureiy
wrinklo tbe lower lid ami work crow feet
about the corner of the cjre. Chicago Inter
pns"!. for thlaa's Kmperor.
That r.riiitn nt to the younar bride
of the empetor of China almost eotiid in
rark'ty and splenuor tno jurnuR'ins to
the pope. Atnonar tntra were ten pivuuiu
horses with cwnphda trappings, ww
picoea of coUon material, 20U ounc of
irold. 12,000 ounces of silver, 20 borne
. . . . . I . .1 OA lMM
with COUipiete iraprnni;, ut v
, ,!. AIA I Via
rthoot trappuiE. on
bride receive iirotenfa, nut dot parcnw
cama in for a goodly shHre aluo, inciiid-
oJt bS and sensible way is to use S APOLIO on paint, on floors, on
fliHriff out cavalry reifirnentor to runs windows, on pots and pans, and,oven on 6tatuarv. To ba
at . ITettHuavIa l-ifQP. Ir .. ... A S? I. - . f A b a" S I mm. a a aa . .
kocb irui . , ignorant or ine usos or OAruLiu is to be boh nd the ae-a.
sr-i g ,i-.- ,,-,.
liiP.V"hhto be done ? tS
E'VfJ . G IrAr-ir oVav-iz-Io r--v y, -xV-Ul-. V
F;feiHti - wwtjiiv whaiiuj ui iiuiiiiiiM,
wsxk The house oudhh bobecIefned
.J;ea wihh Saiooo.Trv'acekkeinvaur
ncxhhou3e-cIeevninddnd be convinced
Kt2rWOItIiI$IGl ol xh aw excuses no
man," and ignorance Is
no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Betlat
i clean them in the. old way than not at all ; but the modern
For each suliscrilier,
llt'St nCWSJKiJHT Wffk.1)'
ThTe are two style of
the Sdfcty Iiicytk one fur
Uiys ami out; for girls. They
artf the most Irautiful nu
c hincs f:vtT brought to
Fvcry ly who has won
one is delighted with it.
names must be sent
you gt t them,
tht: money.
you ye-t
in as soon
together with
Do nut wait till
whole numlxT.
Address the
San I Vancisco, Cal.
, H II
Give This Oil a Trial,
i tutisa, riHTsaiaaa, A
aaaisSBaawut. W
WlllWytrely aad chatailus year. NewAlwtcert,
raweaa, NatTsataaa, Arrt-tra, Cast sua, Bt ta-
Aarleata. Ana..
Psache, caeks .
Nsclarines. swrs..
Apples, bottil. .......
Ap ilsa, sltW dritd
Ocaaf. ttoa. ttisd.
Ralaln. ttoo. iwt lb..,
Prunee. iti. a....
SI ickbarrita, ifc,., rit..
Oharrlea, siitml. 1141...
riga, mat, utct taia..
.t. a. to. tax
. a. to, ia
s, 10, ta
T. a. 10
to, ia
a, a
s. a. 7i
7, a. s
If. IS
10, a
4, Q
Olhtf fruil. In ..U... TV. .Im. mam tmm Sn- aatlttvt
dtik, old, or infarior Mt w orT leeat. bawl1 dlttom
lo Hot.U. Baaotlng Haasta, Dultft, and ethar lari
suyara. Cannad flwda act leww aae aaat eaprt . tta
efln a general aarlety af ot for family aae
at clota print, and want ahsre af tear trade. Atk
fat 4o-M(t uulof as frw. AildrtM
4IQ-4US front Bit. I
ReM Hrar llta. rarttis enmlW
asa Saw and utak Ptttter. Hair. Mr arte
(nd fir Clay. LAND Ctallla.
SS North front Stresl, Cor. I,
est In thsWorldl
et tha Genuine!
old Everywhere!
. I N. U. No. 409-H, F. N. U. Ho. 80
A tilt INtkrAttAHI.R. ,
Sprains, Bruises, Hurts,
Outs, Wounds, Sackaohe,
Any ly or girl tan gi t a
$35 Safety' Hit) tie, hand,
somely nnttle, with every
improvement, by sending to
the San Francisco FVFN
INC. I'OST the names of
-TO 1IO ,
For One War, with
w4t I