The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 02, 1891, Image 3

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1'iillfd Mute niiil County llfflilul Taper.
Ht. IIki.knm, Ootoiikh 2, 1801.
l)uy' yotir drug at
a regular drug
Uncoil piiji lilgbcit lrlco for
(tfoducv. ,
Why go to rriliii1 '''" )'ou oun
luiy jual U8 tliuiip nt lioino.
Muy your w liool tmoki lit the ding
tor, Killer) tillU tinnier nvu.
Duvl.l muck wu hroi.Rlil More Ito
cunler Wm lii"t Tlmrixliiy iiIkIh nml
wan llneil I (or ilriiiikuiuiea mhI dis
orderly conduct,
(1 moduli Perry fell nml aorlntialy
liurt ln'ini'lf last Friday, And it is
ilmuijit Unit tlio nature uf iliu bruiau
isu seriuim one,
l'rofiwiMir Join's hit provMctl tlio
Ht.. Ililyim iuldi(t m diool wilh ft now
Diirund organ, which i a U"ti in th
light diruution,
Mr. Link, Kt Neer Citylm. Wn ob-
lienl to ox tend Id whiirl 1UU feel fin
tlicrout oil iH'Coiint of thu valid fllliny'
in Iji'Iow tun noriin-ru memo enciiii.
HU claimed that a . win of pure
nxU water hit been found at Vornoijia,
thin county. It tin l Iron, ml we
liavo no doubt mi to tlia voraaeif of
tint Htory, it will Wild to ilinifilato
milium over on tho Nolialoni. -
V Ixitoro in Urn expoaitinn wily find
tint Kt (Mtitriu Hotel Itfotnnrrttif fl rt
rlaa in vtry rrioct. Meul 25 j'ent.
Ht. Cluirle H.itel building, Fault and
Morriwm at reel, I'uriland. j
Tint Columbia connly fitrnnlr al
liance ia In ai'Miun at Mini thin wvk and
mivornl dtdwgitli' lioin the rivci1 (runt
tiro in nuotiuuni'ti. 1 ho county aliiuiie,
wii (iiiil.'itiiiiil, meet oitee 4vory
throo intuitu,
It it'i'im that HI. Helen i iiolllhc
wily lie ilwi in ( MWing from If 'or
mail aervice. Thn HilMwro Imlepi-ail-
iil vomi'liiin mat tho mail ia rr-
rii'J tmt lb :ii town ulnioat every iln
A riMirgoiiinalion of thu puaUl nurvi..
in badly needed,
lr. Harry Irwin and rialor, of New
York, who ir making a romhinul
liindncK ami ph-aniirii tmir of the l'iu'ilie
4 i.nHt, viil.l Hi. Helena ii vi-rnl d.iy
laxl week. The iliK'lur la repri aeiilitiH
a. it I. ....Irti. H..I t.fV m III 11.1 (. I'lllllllllllV . I
tit Now York, aud expect to 'i"h
.... .... ...... ........ .... , v
-very town In llmatnli.
Ituinier ia one of the mont thriving
towna in the county. It ia at prenent
erecting a city hall, a niaiiio hull
and public acbool biiililiug. lleaiden
Iheae there are a number of n-aidctiera
in couiao of colivlriiction which iiiukea
ii gianl rhowing for the town.
The merchaiitH along the route are
liecoioing very tired of the free lran
piirtiiliiin tmniuiwa that the Kcllngji
vompnuy have iiMiinur.ilo.1 ln'lweeo
K tinier and . tVrilaiid. The ri'Klar
f.iru ia low enoiiKh. We nurd a ilaily
r.itiiul trip boat but for the welfare of
the county wdont ueed any free boat.
The oplol lUinior leelii very jo
liilunt over ilie pioapeet of a iinhoad
h"oiigb llietr town, Thu grade Mate
for the roail hiivenlreaily been net, and
it, ia believed that active operation
will begin noon on the conttiuetiim of
thu road to Astoria. Tbo sooner tbo
K 3 portion ticket fieo. rarlica
from the country puri'luming $10
worth of Rooda from the mag.iifl
cut rlock of Walchea, Iiiaiuonda and
Jewelry at I'ihIm Meyer' Jewelry
Ntore, ltlft l'irit alreet, will be given
lieketalo Portland' (irund Iiidiialria)
F.xpOhilion free, Dont forget the
number. Call and get your tickets.
(jiiitc a number of our cii'uona took
ndvaiitage of the free ride to do oiue
trudtug in Porthmd. A conipnriaon of
of price ahowa that good can he
1 oukIiI at a lower average retail price
in St. Helen than at Portland. Par lien
that made pun barea, and other that
returnwl here to Iny in aUick, actinilly
found that Mr. Dolman waa aclliug
the cheapest.
Many year practice have given C.
A. Know A Co., Holicitora of Palcnta,
lit Wanhington, I. C, unauipaaaod
micceaa in obtaining pntenta for all
vlannea of InventioiiH. They make a
fjiccialiy of rejected caaea, and have
secured allowance of many patent
that had been previously rejected.
Their advertiaement ia another col
umn, will bo of interest to inventor
iiucntcee, manufacturer, and all who
lava in do with iialentn.
The Dillc, Portland 4 Aatoria Navi
Igation Company have llxed tho rates
tin wheat between Tho Dalles and
Portland at $2 20 per ton, which i
about four cunts lew per bushel than
the present rule of the Union pacillc.
J'aaaengor ritUia are iixod at $2, single
trip, ticket good until used. Thn re
iluctiou on all claaaea of freight will
average from 30 to 40" per cent, lea
than the prcacnt railroad rale.
Thk Miat I a live iiewapnper and
(livoa the now of the county a general
nummary each week. Komi in tlienewn
if your section of the county hihI there
by uHcist us in furninhing you with a
I ictter paper than over waa published
in Columbia county before. Tlii can
only bo done by tho aid of our patrons.
II you know any now of importance
to tho public let ua have it.
The now alenmcr, now being built
ly tbo Shaver Bros, for tbo Clutskanie
route will bo out about tho 1st of Deo
ember. The hull i being conalructed
by Johnson t Olson in Portland, and ia
110 feet long with 26 feet width of
beam two and one half feet narrower
nil nix feet longer than the steamer
4), W, Shaver. The boiler i bcinir
limit at the Portland Boilor works,
Portland, and the engine are being
liut up at Dubuque, la. The steamer
la not designed for any apooinlty, but
will be aii all-round useful bout, able
to Accomodate tho traveling public aa
well a the freight businea on the
Clutskanie route. The Clutskanie people
arc to be congratulated on their good
luck in having a line of atoainor able
to supply their want, and owned by
m crew who are able and willing to fur
liish them a good transportation aervice.
IVtoplu wlunilng from I'orlluud, af
ter viailing thu exposition tliura pro
uouiice it the greatuat over bold on
th count. Thn exhibit are far uliund
of any provioua yeiir, iiotonly in nun
ber ami arrangemunt, but nlo In Villi
fly and gonorul niiiitiiiiuiice. The at
Inu'lioiiH, capui'ially thu inimlo and art
nto away ahovo ojtpec'liitloiiH, Tbo
Ziipndorita U .nil from thn City of Mex
ico, in iliauouiHiiiir Woiiiluriul iiiuhiu
nod lina niudu a di'iddnd hit. Tho range
of mimic iH'i foi rin;d n'uina to be witiiout
limit, and thufoar lliat ihebiiad would
oonlino itatdf lo Moxioan and Bpauiah
in Ohio haa lotigkluco diHaiiitfarvd. Thu
art gallery ia a rovidaliou tho puirit
inga bt'ing l he grcHk'at that have ever
boon i Iiicl'iI in an expoaition. Tlie
miiimal, hortiviiliiiral and agriiMiltural
oxhibiia are guuuliie aurpriae. It waa
aui))OKud that thu auporiiituiideut, not
lining coiinuclud witli any minliifr or
agrimiLural indiiNlriua, would iiuglcct
thia important branch of tlie expoal
lion ; but the rraull aliowfi that It hua
received more tlinii (be uaual attention,
and ia a gratifying mireem. Other fea
turua have been added whitdi bring the
ex poult ion fur beyond expectation
Wlib reduced ratea on all tranaiHirta-
tioii linea thia year, there i in reiion
why pO' plo Nhould not go and p irlake
ol the buo lila the expoaitlo-i ollera.
AThe onedialf mile trotting race at
tfaappoomt laal Balurday attracted eon .
aitluraule attention in tlita vicinity.
Tim cniiteatenta were Ad, owned by
Jolin Downing; I'rineo, owneil by Dr.
II. K. Cliff and Mr. llerniun'a aorrel
gelding, of i'orlland. A. King waa at
the atarllng poat and W. Meeker and
I). C. Tedford aa judge. In the flrat
heat the I'ortlatid burnt! won, Dr. Cliff's
I'lince breaking in the (tart hut com-
ing in a cloae aecoud. Keeond heat
the dootor'a horae got nwa.v to a fine
Mart with that aorrel horae alightly in
tho lend. At the half diatance 1'iinre
aaa in the load, which poult ion he
kept to thu rlniah of the heat. In the
third heat the relative poaition of the
trottera were the aame a aecond ; the
aorrel horae broke aeveral time inak
nig an (n.y victory for riinee; lime
1 :20. The belting, after tho firat boat,
wna aiiont two to one on the 1'orll.inJ
horae, but after the aecond heat the
money could only find taker even
up. Thuie were about' 400 laxtide prea-
Hot who ti Hhfy aa to the meril of the
borne, hiiJ expreaa theinnelvea aa con-
tiileiit tlnit (. oluuihia county call jiro-
luee aa ..'ouil home II joIi aa any purl
We invite tho bnalnof men of the
county lo call at TllK MlnT olllcu and
ntciire prWe on job printing. We
r .1
94 .,la) (lft, (.j,,,! , i',t tluiid. This
may neem strange, but it i-, nevertlie
lean, a fact Worthy of investigation,
Xexl Wednesday in wedding dny at
the Portland cxHaUioii, There are
lined coiylen to he murricd oil that
iiccaaiou, Tho bridiil presents are
numerous nml useful.
County Surveyor Little baaleen nil
pent from St Helena for several days,
having been niinimoiicd lo lieiver val
ley where Mm. Liillo inlying very sick.
Marringo license wna ianncil on
.September, 2S, by County Clerk Quick
to Mary A. Kwing and Waller Severn ;
nil of Columbia couu!y, Oiegon.
Itucou'a farmer alliance store ia
Iwnya atipilicd with the best good
in ihemaiket.
Wl en in need of drug call on Kon.
Hi stock ia frenh and pure.
The f it at wk show at the Portland
expotiiion openod today.
Hi In ml ltrport.
The following In a report of district No.
2, St. Helt'im, dr., fir Uie month inJiiiK
rteplcuilair 25. tm I :
llnvn alii'mlanee 070
I lays nlmviit ft3
I'hiien lurily ,. . . 21
Pupil VI" ailed . 62
Avi'raue mimbrrbi'loiiiriiu?. 47
Aveiftttu duily altemianee 44
First grade I'nplla who were not aliseiit
diirliiR the mouth i Mary Ilurkn, Tillif
MUi'kle, Knlnrt (iiMirge, Frnuk Moore,
"Arthur Moore and Tom Muekte.
Hoeuiid grade Not ahnent: Fred Wat
kins, Daisy W(k(n, Frank Walts, Maud
Decker and May Whitney .
Third grade Not alisent: Maud Walls,
i'erey (leurgo, (trace Mile and Lulu. George,
Fourth grade Not absent: Florence
(leorgo, Anna (ieorge and Alfred Hiinliy.
Pernons who vi-ited the sclnml were 8. A.
Miles. Lillie l.arsan, Mr, llunegan, Mabel
Himegiin, Kva PetKl, J. O. Watts, T. C.
Wattn, Mat Meeker, I 'or Juhnson, Cleoia
Senrey, Kate Rwager anil Maud Sanger. '
I am pleusrd tit notu that the Interest of
the pupils increases, the attendiinco Ik
cnincs mora regular, the ilt'iwrtnicnt better
and thu scholarship Improrea.
C II. JONES. Teacher.
At a sp cial acsdnn of the oily coun
cil last Saturday night, the entire coun
cil wore present and also the city re
corder. The following bills were allowed :
Frank M!lea atroet work .1 10 00
Frank Meeker, " 0 00
Walter Hlakcdey, " 10 00
T. II. Taylor, " 5 HO
A. II. lUukosley, team work , 82 00
W. II. Dolman i ' . 00
W. A. Mllea 8 00
Al. Rohinaon 2 00
Mm kin Itra., lumber. .. 4 02
Total. W 6?
Tliere will bo an entertainment
given by the pupil of the school, ua
siatod by othera, at tho Htuhmnn scho d
houfio, Thursday evoniug, October 8,
commencing at 7 o'clock. An
oxccllont programme of both litorary
and musical selection has boon pre
pared, and the entertainment promises
to be one of nire than ordinary merit.
Everybody nhould attend as the price
of admission ia only 25 cent. -The
fund are to be used in furnishing the
school house.
The Normal school opened on the
22nd inat. with an enrollment of 217
against 128 last year. Siudents are
coining every day and it is thought
there will bo 350 within three months.
Nearly every county in the stale is
represented, beside tho adjoining
Columbia county send only three
students, Mia May West, of Seappoose,
Mr. W. II. Powell, of Pitlborg und
Mis Nettie Mauooii,of Mint. The two
llrst named expect to graduate this
year, ,
Company A, Normal cadula, ha
boon rcoiumiuod ; also all addilionul
company under the able intrnctor in
military lactic. ;
. Sikdety work lias been reauniod
with eniliuniusin.
The room in the old part of the
college have been remodeled.
An addition has been built to the
dining hall, it now aim ting moie than
twice it ditl formerly.
Wii.iiki.m II, Plato.
Ilahiiia; Powder Hill I'aaaed by the
Mluiieaola Heiiate.
The recent newspaper dinciiflsion of
the dangerous qualities of ammonia
cornea from the alarming increase of
It use in baking powder. People
who absorb it in small ouautitioa from
day to day suffer from alow ammonia
poisoning. Taken internally in sufli-
cient quantities it eat a Way t lie coat
ings of tlio stomach and intestines and
causes death. Slow ammonia poison
ing produce various forms of stomach
Not one woman in ten thousand
would una an ammonia baking pow
der if alio knew it. Huch powder
not only undermine the health, but
ammonia imparts a sallow and blotched
Following i the bill recently paxied
by the Minnesota Senate. It' the
danger signal which tho law throws
nnt for the protection of the people:
Illll for an Act to Ungulate the
Traffic in linking powder.
Soction 1. Any peraon who ahall
knowingly sell or procure the sale, or
ifier for aalo of any package or can of
baking powder, containing any am
monia in it, not distinctly. I gibly am)
durably branded, stum pod or marked
in a conspicuous placo with the word
in the Kuglii-h languugo "Thia Ilak-
ng 'Powder contauia Ammonia' in
Idler of great idea, or nfcy letters
equivalent thereto in length, ahull be
guilty of a niisdiimcanor.aiid punished
by a tine not less than ifzU nor inor.
than $r0; shall be confined in the
county jail not lurs than ten or more
than twenty day or by both ti no and
imprisonment, at the diacretion of the
Section 2. The sale or odor for sale
of the stibxtatice mentioned in the fore
going aeetion in package not stamped,
marked, branded or labelled a therein
required, shall bo prima facie evidence
of knowledge of the diameter of said
mib.-lance, on the part of the person
so selling or offering for sale aud his
Section 3. 1 bis act shall be in force
on and after its pannage.
Note. An incident occurred in the
house when Iho sellato bill came up
for passage, in reference to an amend
ment proposed by Mr. Diluent. This
waa opposed by several members. Mr.
Feig salnhat if the bill aa it came
from the senate wasall right then the
amendment was all wrong. The
amendment compelling the printing
of the word "Ammonia" on the label
only u fleeted tho Koynl Baking Puw-
dor, aud no wonder they fell tho sen
uto bill was a blow at Ihein.
Rev. P. B. Williams preached an ex
cellent sermon hero laal Friday loan
attentive alidionco.
Mr. newspaper man has departed,
presumably for other field whereiu to
Hon. F. A. Moore i in onr town
and vicinity this week securing the
right of way for the proposed Uuble-A-toria
Mr. Jared Wilaon accompanied by
hi dimnlitcr Mis Moll, a aud bis young
sons, visited tlio exposition Wednesday
Our cilv hall loom up under the
hand of Messrs. Brous and Hedge,
who arc weilding the hammer and taw.
Mr. W. M. Perry is finishing tlio in
terior of his residence in a tasteful
Thece will be a dime sociablo in the
interest of tho Congregational church
held at Mrs. Perry's oil Saturday
eve. All are invited to attend.
Mrs. Mary Black, of Mayger, is vis
iting friends at this place.
Tho late rains have interfered with.
the painter and carpenter who are
doing outside work on the new building.
Miss Edith Dibbleo will Mis
Dibble in teaching "tho young
how to shoot" in Rainier.
Miaa Kraukia Yeaiin visited
Ed. Ketteiing over lael Sunday.
The furnituao is being moved into
the new cottage on the hill ai.d no
doubt it will soon be occupied.
Editor Mit Yours is considered a
wockly paper but it is not so weakly
but what it gets around regularly once
a week, and is looked for just as anx
iously aa wo look tor a loiter from our
moal intimate friends.
This fall findB the people of Noha-
lem full of energy, striving to build up
homes toe themselves and families.
Several of our prosperous citizens
are making substantial improvement
in iho way of building.
Mr. John Turpin has in contempla
tion a commodious residence.
Mr. O. T. Daywa'.t is now building a
very respectable dwelling houso which
will be, when completed, a monument
to the skill of Mr. Chris. Anderson aud
a credit to our neighborhood.
D. W. Freeman ia building a wagon
bridge aorosa Deep creek, just below
the mill, for the benefit of his custo
mers aud tho public in general.
Mr. A. Van ha been testing the
destructive power of "Judson and Dy
namite on some of his numerous
stumps. It appears to give complete
satisfaction, although somewhat expen
sive, costing on an avorage about one
dollar per stump.
The threshing season is about over.
Some of the grain is very tough owing
to the heavy rains lately.
The lower Nehalem can boast of the
only steam thresher in Columbia
county, Mr, Casper Libel being the
Mr. Ed. Jepsoa has built aa addi'
tion to hi barn which make it no
About 50x11X1 feet.
The Fish-hawk school district have a
very respectable school-house, lately
Mr, Peter Wanstrom i very buay
now, saving hie hop crop.
Tliere i a new epidemic (T) raging in
th 1 valley, known as "hop fever". There
ha been no fatal canes or medical am
required v) far.
There i one thing we wish to ay
through the medium of JOJr valuable
paper, and that is that we extend u
cordial invitation lo the editor of the
Cliitnkaiiio Chief to come and dine
with some of tho Nehalem farmer in
order that he may disabuse his mind
aa to the dog salmon diet that be in
sinuates thai is tho fare found upon
their Ubles. We would respectfully
inform that honorable (f) gentleman
thai we are not of the Siwnah jiersua
nion and that wo don't appreciate audi
slang a ia found in ome of Ids I'-ite
Captain Ifenderaon haa moved Into
hi uew house. The new barn loom
up, Cap.
Potato digging is tho order of the
day at Houlton.
The Per'y boy purchased 150 apple
boxes Friday. J bat right boys, Keep
the fruit going into market.
Tliere has been four new houses
built in Houlton within the last two
month. We will have a town yet.
Mis K. A. McOuire closed a very
successful term of school at Houlton
last week. Mia McGuire took the
Biiggs school for the winter.
Mr. E. Perry is on the sick list this
week. We hope to see her out again
There ia quite a number at work on
the Northern Pacific railroad bridge
at Houlton.
Cord wool hauling is about fin
ished, and Messrs. Perry, Frantz and
Kelly are preparing for a rest.
Captain Henderson took a party of
gentlemen to the race at ecappoote
on Saturday.
Flummer & Simmons' new stock of
goods make their store look like busi
Mr. Clark is doing a flourishing
business in his new store at West
There is strong talk of a new school
house being erected at Houlton. It is
needed very badly aa the present one
ia too far away. The new one will be
used for i.ll public meetings.
A good Sunday school would be a
good thing for llu young folks, and
we ought, at least, to have church
twice a month.
The hog law should be enforced in
tins vicinity. Aside from tho fleas the
hogs are in the majority in these
parts. The Boys.
bc vrroosE.
The early rains are seriouslv inter
fering with potato digging. The yield
ia below the average.
The entertainment last Friday night
was a grand success. The programme
waa quite varied and extensive. About
f 20 was taken in at the door.
W. C. Shattuch has been superceded
by C. W. McKinney as boarding mas
ter at the section house, Mr. Shatluck
removing to Portland.
Mr, E. Oldendorff is having a large
windmill and water lank of large di
mensions put in on bis farm.
Mrs II. II. Larson has been quite
sick but is convalescing at present.
Mr. Holaday's oldest son and family,
of Denver, Col., are spending a few
weeks visiting with Mrs. Holaday's
II. A. Brown has moved bis resi
dence, by means of rollers, to a posi
tion near the county road.
E. Meeker has turned over the man
agement of the saloou to Clia.les
Mies Eva Bonaer will cloio a six
mouths' term of school soon. She will
teach near Rainier during the winter.
J. L. Armstrong has closed his brick
yard until after the rains are over.
J. Williams has leased the black
smith shop of S. F. Shattuck for one
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, riainfield, III.,
makes the statement (hut she caught cold,
which settled on her lungs; she was treat
ed for a month by her family physician, but
grew worse. He told her she was a hope
less victim of consumption and thut no
medicine could en re her. Iter druggist
suggested Dr. King's new discovery for
Consumption; she bought a bottle and to
her delight found benelf benerlled from
the first dose. She continued its use and
after taking ten bottles, found herself sound
and well, now does her own housework and
is as well as ever she was. Free trial bot
tles of this Great Discovery ftt Edwin Ross'
Drug store.
Sale of Stock!
There will be sold at Maygar, Oregon, on
October 29, 1891,
Seventy Shares of the Capital Stock of the
Green Creek Lumbering and
Manufacturing; Co., .
Of Mnyirar, Oregon, 10 per oent of which
in paid up. These shares will be sold in de
fault of payment of an assessment of 10 per
cent, now due.
G. C. L & M. Co.
A ftna traot of las acres in Bearer valley, eom
prislna tliese of u)4. w. of ne' ,', iwH of
ae. and m ol sec. 'in. townslilp 7 north,
range 8 west. Thia Is a I' act of laud that Is
moatlr agricultural after the timber Is removed.
Terms reasonable. Apply at this office.
sept 4-lf
Vnlln ! lierchv irlvn that T wtll nttl ha
ffv.u.u,i,a,l.ltt for tluht. mutrai'l.,.! hv nnv
person other than the undersigned.
j. i j. aaouii.
Su Helena, Or ., Sept. 18, Ml.
Tiiuradaf, Oct. 1.
raomicE, raoif, ktc.
W II KAT Valley. 1 OJiii Walla Walla,
VI ii'A to SI 46 per eei.Iui.
FlAJtUl Siaiiduni, (1 IX); Walla Walla,
III 70 tier harrul.
OA'J'rt -Nkw, 8HM2Xo per bushel.
JIAY JH ifr l.'l Dor ton.
MILbeTL'FFel-'ISran, $i0,l; aborts.
.ViijiJ; chop fued, iu,23 pvr t in, barley ,
f is per to.;,
IllJ i i'KIl OrcKon fancy creamery, S2
'.Vic; fancy ilairy. ie; fair toKiio I, 25.27we
comnio.i, lM0i'ir, Kaitern, ai(C il4e per
12(3 12Xo; Eastern. per poini'l
Kii)4 'L'MflKe. per dozen.
POI.I.TKY Old chieiiens. fl Mg5;
yomiK chickens, l MH 60; ducks, VW
KiS'e. nominal, t4 10 jierd. ten; turkeys,
1S1! per pound.
VMUKlAlli.tu Cabbage, nominal, 75c
percental; oiiioiis.ftjcwll er cental,
new nolatoes. 40&U0c ner veutul; tomatoes
t'lM.Oc per box ; green iea. it to 4c per
pound; sir Ink beans, 2 to Ms r iouiiii; eu
cumbers, lOe per (Ioam ; carroti, 73c per
seek ; corn, 7 to Sc per dozen.
tfliVt l'8-Aiple, DO l KOo p' box;
nlnni. 25 to&Ocner box: watermelons, fl
lot' tier dozen: eaiitelnnes. at to It ! and
I 76 ier dozen, t- perorate; uru pea, Tokay
ti 00 per In) it , imiscut an 1 black, 7'ic per
box; pears, 75c; llarllet', $1 00 )tr imx,
nectarine. W U 1.x; per crate; pumpKim,
HI Super dozen.
COPTEK-Costa Mica. 20K to 2lr: Hio,
23c; Mocha, 3e; Java. 'A't'A; Arbucklc's,
IOMounil cases. Kr H,uiid.
bt'M'Ait-Uolden C,4c; extra C, V,q;
granulated. Ae.
IIKASS-Hnuill whites. SJ4c; pink, 3c;
buyos. 4c; butter, 'ie; ilinas, 4c per
Hi INKY ITU to lMc tier Hound.
BAI.r l.iveiHol, 14 50 to f 13 60; stock.
Sit 1 1 S12 per ton in carloa 1 lots.
BYIU'P-Kasteni, in barrels, 47 to 55c;
55 ti ao j iwr ajallon : 2 2 to 2 50 per ket;
California, hi barrels, Wc per gallim; fl 75
per ke(?.
JtlCK-5 75 per cental.
Tll?Lfl ti... n... .1 I C
M UTTON Live, sheared 3Je; dressed,
llOtiH hive, 5c; dressed, 7c.
VKAI. 5 lo 7c i cr nonnd.
ern ham. 13 to l i'Ac; other varieties , 12c;
lard, compound, 10c; pure. V'.i Ui i:ic;
Orenu, le' to V1W-", breakfast bacon,
in tn 15c; smoked bacun, 11 lo lljjc.
What Electricity is Doing.
(Oregonian September 28, 1891.)
Il seems that tho uses to which elec
tricity may be applied are almost with
out end. The latest uses are in curing
diseases, as the flattering card below
to Dr. D.irrin will show :
Dr. Darrin, Dear Sir. For seven
years I have been a victim of catarrh,
bronchitis, dyspepsia and kidney
troubles. Also diseases peculiar to my
sex. Xlirougn your Electric and
Medical Treatment I can say I am
well of all the above complaints and
heartily recommend your treatment
lo the afflicted. My boy is also nearly
cured, under your cure, of a disagreea
ble skin disease. My postoffice is
Boisford, Wash.
Dr. Damn treats with electricity
and medicines all curable, chronic,
acute and private diseases, blood
taints, loss or failing manhood, ner
vous debility, effect of errors, or ex
cesses in old or young, loss of memory,
diseases caused by mercury in the
improper treatment of private diseases,
irregularities in women, and never
publish in the papers. Office: 70.V
Washington street, Portlaud, and "The
Normandy." Seattle. Hours: 10a. m.
to 5 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8 daily;
Sundays 10 to 12. Examinations free
and confidential; question blanks and
circular sent gratis to any address.
Patients cured at home after one visit
to the doctor's oflice. Medicine sent
to any address without the doctor's
name appealing. Charges at half their
for ner prices. The poor frea from 10
to 11 a. m.
Scientifically treated bv an aurist of world
wide reputation Deafness eradicated and
entirely cured, of from 20 to 30 years' stand-
nur, atier all other treatment nave tailed
uow tho difflcuity l reached and trie cause
removed fully explained in circulars, wilh
alutinvits and testimonial of cures from
prominent eople, mailed free.
Dlt. A. FONTAINE, Tiicoma, Wash.
Notice 10 Creditor.
The undersigned having been dulv ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Joseph Donley, deceased, all persons hav
ing claims apauist said estate are requested
to present the fame lo me at the law ottiee
of M oore & t'ole, at St. Helena. Columbia
county, Oreon, within six months from
the date hereol. WIL.I.IA.M WKltitir,
Administrator of the estate of Josenh
Doolev, deceased.
Hated October 1, 1801. o2ik
Land Office at Oregon City, Or., Pept. 28, 1891.
Nnttco is herebv riven thai Tlie followinr
namod settler has tiled notice of his intention
to niHke flntil proof in supuort of his claim, anil
that said proof will l made hefore the I'nuiny
(;ierli of Columbia county, at St. Helens. Or., on
aovemuer is. issj, viz:
Homestead entry No. for the ei of oe lu'of
as. Ii7 n. r 2 w. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, anil I'ultlvttMon of said land, via: Felix
IH-liast, C. W. Jtosher, W. M. Klggs and C.
Wanly; all of Rainier. Columbiaeouulv, Oregou.
wuo a. . At'rciiu., negmer.
Land Office at 'iresou City, Or., Sept. 21. 1S91.
Notice hereby given that the fol'owlug-
nameo sei.ier uus niou nouce oi ner inteunou
to make Anal proof In support of her claim sad
tnat said proof will be mane before the Register
and Reviver of the Uutted Stales laud ollice at
OrcgouCity, Oregon, Novemticr 10, 1881, vU:
Homestead entry No. for the ne'i of sec
tion .11, lp a u, r S w. tshe names the following
witnesses to prove her continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of said land, under sec
tion 2301 R. 8. : Andrew J. Auiell, Clinton Bou
ser, Julia W. dine, Jamea V. Joy; allot Scap
poove, Columbia eounty. Oregon.
James (.arson, who Hied pre-emption I, S.
No. OSttS for said land is specially untitled.
03u J. T. AI'I'KltSOS, Register.
Land Office at Oregon Cltv, Or.. Aug 1, 1891.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler lias Died notice of his Intention
to make nual proof in support of his claiiuaud
that said proof will be made before th comity
clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena, Oregon,
on October lti, lSSl, vis:
Homestead entry No. asss, for the sw $ of see.
3-2, tp 4 n, r 2 west. He name the following
witnesses to prove his 'continuous resilience
upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: o, H.
Llrlts, I'ulvlo i. Hover, Julius Chesmaa, Nim
las Maser; allot Scappooce, Columbia county,
aaioJ J. T. APPEttSON. IteuUter.
All Our 5eed5 Are
Tie Great Portland Industrial Exposition,
With its world of wonder,
OPENS SEPT. 17, 1891; CLOSES OCT. 17, 1891.
Muic by the yrenl Zapailores flnnd, direct from tlieCity of Mexico. Art from fie oTfftt
masters of Kuropc and America, valued at a quarter million dollars Wonderful
Klcetrleal Adantatinns in full operation. A Hplendid Hcrira of Mineral
Exhibits. Kvery Ilcpnrtnient filled with the Novel Mini I teres thu?
A greater number of exhibit" than evir hefore presented npon Iho coast. Tlie sfof'lr
department made a prominent feature. JlftOOO In premiums. The he test,
ili'lday of fruit und the tiuc-it exhibit of agriculture ever msdc in the I'ncilic Km -ihneat.
All iiiuiiiifa' Ui'ie" in full mot on Kvervthing new. No dead exhibits.
Admission as usual. Greatly reduced rates for round-trip on all paisenger line..
yfPlO a.
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First and cor. Salmon Street. PORTLAND-
Yon are respectfully invite
And examine our liit of
Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland,
Parties who desire to visit and examine this property will And onr agent and team ready at anr
time free of expense.
We also offer 100 10-acr tracts belonrln to
the Hawthurne estate at, Wi-himitou
county, 14 miles wett of Portland, one hour's ride
us ran, tnrne limes anuy.
WHin 8ALKOM. W ASH, 20, 1881.
This Is to certlfv thst the 4'OreiFOn IfnmpntcArl 'omTylnv', has spcnriHi fnrnsimnd and w-ill Incntcd
homestesds, ivqulrlua little, if any clearing, with r! rut -class soil, well adapted lo (rain and ettv
lahlM aa T(.U a. t. tha nrfMlilctlun ni nvorv vaHtr nf .ruin mnA fnifta thai pan la. inwh in I nl i.
fornia. Oregon and Washington, aud we have located thcreuu. Said homesteads are situated on
the Washington side of the Columbia river, convenient to the land ina of a daily line of steamer,
and onnnslle to Mood Rlv-r station, mi the lina nl thn ITninn Pai'lHc railway. Aii milaa ast nf tin
city of i'urtlaiid. We coidlally recouiinend our
There are now sixty settlers In the colony and claims ennnsh for 10 to IS more families,
and obtain full particulars.
We are alsolocatlng a colony about threemiles
too per acre.
Also a colony at HiUsboro, Or. on 10 and 20-acre tracts at $100 and JjVM per acre.
40 acre farm 3 miles from St. Helens, all rood
sprintrs, new a room nouse, small
. . ,
We have thehvrjrest and mort valuable tracts of
ian. We retelve none for suUlivlion or sale
d..nta nfihn illNtrii't in which auch lamia ata sltuatuiL W! mHlve nana exceot such aa have an
absolute perfeut title.
We havo 200 S-acre tracts near PORT ANGELES,
acre; 8,200 acres in a body near tho above. 2fi per
Four Homesteads,
We have for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a 1:10
vution. Price si. aoo. terms n.'jiwcstii. balance on time, witn nousetioiu nirniture
horses, cattle, hogs, poullrv, wngous and evervlhiuir sultulde for a flrst'Class
farm, $2,800. Terms, $2,000 cash, balance ou time. Cull aud get
, full particulars.
115 aoras Hue cleared land near Roseburn, Orcaon,
trees, foperacre. Bpenaia trull ann gram lariu.
One 10-aere tract, near Fort Angeles, $2 per acre. cash.
-Special !-
A party Is forming liere to visit the CnlteA
aunuK me momn oi uccmoer. ia oeaoiteoi in re or iotir moiium. mo niaiu-emeiitt oueim
r far Btiirior t thove of Calif or nlt iu 18-49, without the hardship! then eutlnreit. 'ihe
minet of Calnraaia exceed In richness anv ever dincoveredlu Calif arnla or Keira4a.
The el .mute itfjuat theftametu in Calitarnia4 the fumilng landu raiiKiitK In price fmm fC
cents to peraore. Pnxlnce, auy kind of fruit. Rrttpea ami Rram grew a in lalifurulu ami
Oreffon, lu addUion toooifee, ooeoaand alt the tropical fruit.
I? forming to vlcU San Blrya and the City C Rnarnaa, ttwtr Call Vara la In
Dpinho.. to nnnd the winter, exnlnrtnir the mines ami examinim the coiiHtrv wilh a view rtf
lncating acohmy of Pritt-vla farmers and fruit
Oregon Homestead Co.
&lSji3ESi&M Repairinfi Specialty.
All Work Warranted.
Tested ,
Son. Portland. On
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,
1 to call at the office of the
Properties, tie finest and best
which is
41 acres. Improved fai m T miles south ol Pott
land, nearl'lsckamas. ;lclcanias stulion, S. J.
K. K.. good huune, land all fenccl, kockI wslsr,
some timber; price I15U ier acre, easy terms.
friends and others to join our colony.
S. A. CArrs, 455 Tat., Portland.
W. 1. Kolb, 28 Oak st., Portland.
W. J. Bates, cor. Front and Hall ats., Portland.
I'M is. a. C'hioson, '7 1 Fourth st., Portlaml.
J. F. Cook, cor. Fourth and J sts., K. Ponlsnd.
C. B. BLACKWEi.1., cor. 4th and J sta. E. Portland.
M. W. Kikcaio, -J8 porter St.. Portland.
F. Piaaca, cor. Third and Ash sis., Portland,
fmm Port Aageles, Five, 10 and 20 acre tracts
land, creek runntnr through the center, splendid
gartieu, iruii trees; no ;er acre.
land in tbestatesof Oreji and Wh Ind
thai we cannot hav eiidimeit bv the leauiu leni
WASH., an elejrant tract for colony $50 per
acie. Very liberal terms.
AcrefEach, $130 Each.
acres, 80 acres under fence, (10 acres under eulti-
nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oak,
Satr t Columbia, Nanlh A Mr r Ira.
raisers. For full Information, aatid t-wnt stamp iv
PLACE, Care of our office.