The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 18, 1891, Image 3

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Hiillnl Hltilw mid County Official Taper,
Br, JIki knh, Hki'Tkmiikh 18, 1H01.
Hdiool book nl Kom' dni tore.
flood, exolmugod lor roduco t
Jiiicoii' iitoro.
It.C. Cumi'tull, flli ooramUitioner
for Orogoii, wu I" Ht. Uoloim Ttieilny.
u n n. Tj)V. doimiy of
tho A. O. U. W. w In Tuowliiy,
in tho liituroHt 01 mill orgHnixauou.
KohiIih ik'W tck of Huvorir.j!
vxtrucU. You cnn gut liny lltivor you
Ilncnn miIIh iirooiiriee ehniip, nt Gill-
Urn. Cull on linn.
lion T, A. McIJrlilo find wif, of
Oregon ily, were in Kt. lluluut But
iinliiy night.
Pminf Perry nnd Ed Coiicliind okmiiu
tlown from l'urllund H-turduy to Blleiid
tho Miifonio
lliury Wet, of HciippiKino, It en
titled to tlio clirotno for tho turnout
MiiHilmof millot on record in UiU
VUiton lo tho fxponition will find
tho Ht CliinUm Hotel Kiwtiturnnl flrxl-
Insa in ovory n-fpoct. MoiiIh 25 conl.
Nt. Onuk Hotel tiuiUiiitf, Front nnd
Morriaon lroi.'lK, VortUmT.
KoropniiKlt'i ltu cirrui wiw in Port
Imul Momluy nnd Titoidny nnd oino
f our ollixona wont up to eo tlio "hIk
lc'ilmul" walk nround,itiid cunio back,'
IK usual, diKKUntcd with thuinaolvo
nd tho vircim too;
KxpoKition ti(!ki!l froo. Purtton
from tho country purchuidiiK $10
worth of kikmU from (ho niiig.iifl
fnt ttUK-k of WuU'Iim, niumoud mid
Jowtrlry Ht Undo Moyvr' Jowi-lry
Wore, 'ICS Kirat mieit, will bo given
tickota lo 1'orttuud'a (Jrmid iiidumriul
Kxiioaition froo. Dont forgot tho
number. Cull and got your tkkota.
Thorn iaaoine tulle of renrgnnixina
I... ,i.,tl tiitml in Ht. llolollfl. Ill
thin wi would any go ahoml u fnat iih
Kwillo. A g(MHl bund ia Olio ol tho
vory caaonliul thing f r town or
4-ity to poaoii. Wo Impo tho partii'M
wbolinvn tho nialtor in vhurgo will
moot with auocoa.
'I'lto aurvoyora on tho (lohhvAilnrid
'Mitroml pilrhoil lliclr tent nt Hiiinici
MnutlHy night, nn t will work on this
'inl nf tho priipoai'd route for tt while.
Tlioy Iihvo boon woi king toward An- j
tnriit lately nnd Inivo fttiiahud llintoud
for tho iironont. Wo woro mmblo loi
olititin anything (Ulinilo from lliem
lo the li'lito they had mloctod or
wln-thor tlioy luul aoloetod any or not.
The tnto aocnlur union will hold
convention in Purlin ml on Hutunlny,
NihiiIm)1 ii nd Monday, Out-tar 3, 4 and
ft, IKSil. .The, object of tlw mooting i
to I'MlublUli il aoi'itbir govorunmnl, and
tboir motto, they ubiim, in the total
ill inn of chtirrh and atulo, the
faxntioii of chiiroli property mxl a froo
fritindiiy pre tlio line on which the?
tire nt work t presnt.
Many yon in prnolico tuivo given V.
A.Hnow &Co., Huticiloia of PutontM,
lit Waahington, I). C, linaiirpuwed
Kucceaa in obtaining patenta for all
rbnweti of Invention. They nuiko a
FjxM'iuliy of rejected cnaea, nnd have
iiiTured iillowiince of ninny (vnlenlj.
that hud boon ;ro-iounly njeeted.
Their uilvortiBonieut i:i another col
iiiiiii, will bo of intorent to iiiveiilorit
imlenteeo, iiiiiuuf.ieturera, and ull who
liavo lo no with imienta.
A Bin Krnnelaon diypnteh of Pep
tonibor 11, gieoa tho new-of tlioalmoiil
vroekiug of tho, achooner Uonoral
Ituiiuing oirtlto ron.Nl of Klinla IhIkikI
nnd any; while loading hor cargo the
voasol Wiw twice blown out to aeft by
oevoro aUirnia. On eaeli oceuaion
ubmit 100 milivea were on boHrd, mid
they liANleucil iiahore in canooa. The
(leeond timo aovornl canoe woro oa
Hinml, nnd tho occupants woro thrown
into tho wntor, which nwurnied witb
Imrka. Out of thirty-ono native who
were thrown Into tho water, eight wore
Skilled and eaten by almik, and ono
Hum bad hi leg bitton olf boluw tho
The bolitmbla nd Pugot Bound
Triinaportiition Company' now
atoamor Ftyer wilt bo albmt in about
ton diiya. Hho la being built by John
won aril Oleon in Portland una in
tended lo ply on Pugo! Hound between
Tnootnn and Soul lie and ia expected
to mako twouty-tlve miles an hour.
Tho bout in 175 feet in length
twenty four feet beam, with thirteen
foot depth of hold. Tho four bludod
propeller, wlioao dia motor is ton font
eight inchoa, will bo driven by triple
oxpuiiHion engine of 18M) horao power.
he Will cot, when comaloto, about
1 10,tKR),and wilt bo used for puaHonger
only of which alio will carry about 301).
A movement la oil footut the proaont
timo by tho woatliorand aignal aorvico
buronu lo gather crop atiiiitlic for
iompiliition in book form to be diatrl
liii ted all over tho Kaat, rotting forth
Oregon' viiNt acri'iige, yield nnd tl i IV
ci'out productions of tho soil of the
alato together with Die average yield
por ac:o. Wo have been asked to
iiHaiat in tlim niiittor, and alHo every
other poraon intoroatod in tbe upbuild
ing of the Northwoat ia urged to take
a part and lend what aaaiatanco I hey
can in the matter. Wo hope with tho
e.o-oporatioii of tho farmer to bo able
to mako up a tolerable accurate report
for tho statialioian so that Columbia
county niuy luivo a place in this splen
did publication. To insist in thin mat
ter wo invito each farmer or stock
raiaor in tho county to furniah ua a
liat of the number of acre they have
in potatoes, gruiH, grain of each kind,
the number of horaoi, wl.:o, heop,
etc., etc, so that we may be euablod to
make a reapeotublo showing among
the proRperoii counties of tho utate.
It will only take about ten minute to
lo thi and tho xponae of a stamp
nnd onvolopo, and in tbe end would
be a groat benefit to your section a
woll a to the atalo at Jingo. We re
ceive no pay for our work itl thi tine
whatever, but with Uio aiautunco of
each one wo are willing to undertake
the tank. Letter of thi nature may
bosout to TiiK Mist or to Judge
SwiUer. Fartio furuialiing such in
formation will (jonfor a great fuvcr on
ua by to doing.
Tho Maaonlo fraternity gave an en
tertainment at their hull on Huturduy
night but which wa attended by the
members of the fraternity and a n tim
ber of Invited gucaU, and olio the
ofllcor of tho grand lodgo of Oregon,
conftiating of Urn ml Mauler VonDiiaon,
of Aatoi'ia, Doiiuly Uriiud Master
Jacob Meyer, of I'oitliind, ex Orand
Maator Chad wick, (irand Warden
Anderson and many visitors from
vai ioti iui la of tho state. The visitor
arrived on the steamer Kellogg about
5 o'clock In the evening, and a dele
gation of the homo lodge woro nt the
whu i t to welcome ihcm.und they wore
taken to the homos of tlio members of
this pbico who entertained thorn until
about 7 : ')() when they repaired lo tho
lodgo room and commenced the even
i ig's exercise!, principal among which
waa the grand muster' addrots. After
adjournment of the lodgo the dis
tinguished visitor woro escorted lo the
lower Moor of the Masonic building
whore tlio ladies of tho fraternity hud
prepared a most olttlKirale spread and
wore in waiting to welcome the visitors
o their part of the entertainment.
Wlille so tted around the festive board
Grand Master VunDiiHen, on behalf of
the ollleers of the grand lodge, thanked
the mrmlier and Indies for the warm
welcome accorded thorn in a fow woll
chosoii remark, after which tie intro
duced Deputy (Irand Master Mnyor,
who kept the asseiuhhigo in a continu
ous at ruin of laughter for some timo
and then culled on ox-Grand Master
Chudwick. Mr. Cliadwick reviewed
at some length the tho bialory and re
sults to he dciived of Masonry. Tho
next speaker was Dr. Oeorgo II.
Chiinuo, followed by Grand Benii r
Wunlen Anderson. Judgo . A.
Moore welcomed the visitors on behalf
of tho lodge in a few lilting remurks,
followed by lion. T. A. McBrido, I). C.
lodfofil, Mr. McKorcbor and others.
Mr. Meltriilo said that while not a
rcsideul of Kt. ltvlons. ho was reared
in and was still a member of this
lodge, During his remarks he assured
tho visiting brellireu that, whilo the
feiict prepared by the holies for tho
occasion was excellent, they had only
had two or three day nonce, nnd that
ohoiilil (hey hail a couple of weeks'
notice they would have prepared a re
past that would be Indescribable. At
the close, about 12 o'clock, a few brief
remarks Were matte by Messrs. Meyer,
Mcltrido, Andeisou and I hudwiek,
after wh ch tho festivities were brought
to a close, mid the people went to their
respective homes feeling that it was
good lo bo a Mason.
Mr. limit, who was hurt at Blancli-
aidi togging cump Tuesday, was
taken to 8l. Vincent' hospital and
hud hia leg amputated about two
inches above tho knee. It wa feared
i he man would not livo, but In pulled
through tho operation, nnd there is
doubt ua to whether he will ultimate!;
Hon. John R. McBrido, of Spokane
Falls, formerly of Salt Lake and at
ono time congressman from Ori-gon,
is spending a few day in Ht Helens
with relative.
lost A couple of black and tan
hounda, male and female, Inthevi
einity of Hunker Mill. Finder will
kindle return aame.Ioraav where thev
can bo bad), lo John Mackenzie, Bcap-
loose, Or. JEi
Highest price paid for butter, eggs,
etc., at Bacon's farm ts' alliance store.
Buy your acluxil book at the drug
store, Jtiilcra ami blotters free.
C. If. Wheeler wa on our streets
the early part of this week.
Captain N. Nichols, W. II. Kyser
and W. A. ) oung, of the upper Cluts
kuiiio woro in town Haturuay.
As tho wot weather approaches tho
insulliuieuey of our school accomoda
tions aro iiiuilu more manifest. Jt IB
promised to build a now school-house
and the expenditure bus been author
ised liv a vote of the citixeus, but tho
ground lo put tho building on cannot
be secured. Tho earth in town is to
precious for anything so common as a
common school building and the boys
and girls can take their chances of life
and health in the old dilapidated build
ings now being uod.
Clntskanio bus boon disponed to
smile at the metropolitan aspiratii ns
of Vernonla, but the latter named town
show evidence of progress that bids
fair to bring it out of tho woods. A
Into copy of the Nohulem Journal in
form us that tho lumber is nearly nil
on tho ground for a new church thoro,
and in another place that bid were
opened for a new school house.
A new school house and a church
aro tho things that Clatakanie want
aTid it seem a little strange that their
neighboring town in the woods is going
to get ahead with both buildings. We
congratulate Vornonia while wo sigh
tor Clatskanio that call itself tho
banner town of tho county.
Two plucky little follow, Arthur nnd
Goorgo Bancroft aged 11 and 13 woro
tho guests of Maater Georgo Conyer
last woek. Tlio boys aro Bona of Mr.
and Mrs. Bancroft of Portland and
rode from homo on their ponies spend
ing a night on the wuy at Deer Island.
Their father is connected with the
freight department of the H. P. K. Jt.
but tho boys prefer to see tho world on
horseback, and made ono trip to The
Dnlle and another to Forest Grove
beftre coming hero. They started
Friday morning on their return trip
Considerable work 'had boon done
on tlio hill last week preparatory to a
Sabbath school picnic on Saturday,
but when tho day rnmo the rain came
also and tho picnio was postponed.
We am glud to note a disposition to
use paint lately. The Laws house is
being overhauled by Blackford and
Dan Gorman ha boon trying his skill
on the Gates house. We do not know
whether Dan pretends to be an artist
or not but his work look welt on
that building.
Nehnlcm Avenue ha been laid out
straight but travelled very crooked
and will lie literally beside itself when
Milton Bryant gets hi fence finished.
He is taking in quite a portion of the
planked road which he ia no doubt en
titled to inasmuch at hi dpod call
for ft. Hi summer work on the big
(tump in front of hi house will not be
! . ' ... ,1. ,.!-
in vuiti now inai tnegrounu i in.
Tho so'ile that you hear most about
in town, are not those that weigh suit
and sugar but those that tho boy try
toglidoupnnd down on with their
new horn. Home of them aro Retting
thoro fairly woll but others seem to
blow out vory peculiar and unmusical
sound up to this date.
Mr. Mary Lock wood spent a portion
of lust wook in town visiting hor
brother and istor in thi place, nho
left on the steamer Saturday morning
lor hor home in La Centre, Wash.
Will Fouls tin had hi residence
retnodled anl painted until it present
quite an attractive appearance, and as
VVIIlluin believe that anything must
be seen to be appreciated, he ha hud
some brush cut down tbut hid his view
from tlio lower portion of tho town
and how the house stand out in all
it glory.
Uriah Kelly and family are now
citizens of the town occupying tho
house formerly known a tho Gate
Mr. Hhoudy of Rock ford Ills., nnd
Miss Emma Tiwerof Moudota 111m.,
cmiiio in on Friday to visit Mrs. W,
II. (Jonycrs a aistor of the first men
tioned ludy. They have been spending
soma timo in the Kast and will remain
hero long enough to see and appreciate
tho natural beauties of this region.
Watson Elliott ond family woro I'P
from Mursbliiud on Monduy.
.loh n W. Htratton and family arc
back from the Nehulem Valley occupy
ing their residence in town after their
summer absence,
Mr. Dale, ex-ennnty clerk of thi
county was in town Tuesday. Wo did
not learn how he arranged to have his
chicken cared for during hi absence
from Ins bachelor quarter in the
.Vohiilem Valley but Use it for granted
they were to be looked after by anmo
one. How much more convenient it
would be for a mun under tucb cir
cumstance a lie leave home to suv;
Now Kuean, dear, don't forget the
Andrew McDougnl left on Monday
nigut tor near Napa down the Coin in
hia where he expects to log with Geo.
Itowitaon from a tract recently pur
chased by C. A. llimpol.
Every thing looks lively since
Of the throe mills and factory in
this place only I). Ulanchard's saw
mill has been animated in the pust
mouth, il bus run several days.
D. Ulancbard has been driving piles
buck of his wood dock on which ho is
erecting a now fish house, to be
occupied by Martin Bcoth.
The new Henderson cottage which
is nearly completed, rumor says, is to
bo occupied by the same parly.
Rainier is to have a now $2,XK)
school 1 house.
I). niorco with a forcoof work men
is working on lhu Masonic hall which
has boon at a stand still for the pust
Wilt Pomeroy and Rupert Dibblee
leave soon for school the former goes
lo Corvalhs and the latter to Portland.
We wish the boys every success, and
many friends will misslheni.
On the 15th a sad accident occured
at 11. Ulanchard's wood mill. Mr. Brou,
a well known and esteemed resilient of
this place, while running the engine
hauling the logs, got caught in tho
rope and wound up on tho drum,
crushing his right leg badly, breaking
it in three places ami malt probability
would have been killod, but for the
presence of mind and heroism of his
liwiloson aged 12 who shut ofViliOBtoam
and exliicaled his father before the
men working near could come toils
assistance. This occured about noon
and tho steamer H. R. Thompson
walled half an hour and took the in
jured niau to Portland.
The lumber is being hauled for the
new cottage under contemplation on
the lull hack of Dibblee s.
The dime festival at the residence of
Mr. Mock' on Monday ove proved an
enjoyable lime.
Pofcssor Morris and wife, who have
boon spending the summer months
with rotative in Beaver Valley, loft
this place Tuesday for their now home
on Portland heights. Their friends
wish them all happiness after their
years of travel and work for tho better
ment of mankind.
A Lookkk On.
Ellzn.wiieof C 8. Foster, of Oobto. Or.,
detained tltia life t 4 p. iu. on Friday,
September 4, Mil.
The above was born on tho prairies
of Illinois, A u mint 25, 1S5G, and was
united iu marriage to her surviving
husband in September, 1S72. Tho
fruits of their union is five children,
two boys and throe girls, one of the
latter" having by providence been
called away some four month ago, the
loss of which was a sad bereavement to
both father and mother; but with
Christian fortitude all submitted to
the will of the Divine Master. Willi
sadness, all on the Lord's day, met at
the humble home of the deceased.
Friond from St. Helens, Rainier ami
tho immediate vicinity with tokens of
friendship and words of comfort paid
their respects lo the dead and dis
tressed, and after the mound was
raised to mark tho last 'resting place
of one so doar it was covered with na
ture's sh-oud of beautiful flowers, all
within sight of her late abiding place.
As it i but a fow short year since I
became acquainted memory brings to
rocolleotion noble deeda of honest
hearts, among them such was she ; but
her toils on earth are over, and truly
can it be said the community have
lost a noblo lady and tho husband a
noble and loving companion, one who
always could nnd did meet you
with a pleasant smile of recognition
and a good word of cheer. Rest in
peace, kind sister, ia the prayer of tho
writer. m. w.
Editor Mist: Lest another may
not, I tako the liberty, with your per
mission, to reply to "Query," who pro
fesses to be seeking ligtit on the "Sub-
Troasurv Scheme," but seem to a-
auine that it would be fraudulent for
tho government to isauo such suo-
troasury paper miles It hud in it
treasury at the time, an equal value of
gold nnd silver with which to -make
such issue good. ,
I judgo that 'Ciucry" is a youngster,
for hud lie been on the stage of busi
ness action from 18(JU until some timo
after tho close of the war, I think he
would not be troubled about tho
ability or the right of the government
to bundle itself, oven though the other
fellow had cornered and possessed all
of those two high priced products of
tlu land, gold and silver. Besides, if
it would be frauduluut to issuo paper
money now when there are hundred
of million of gold and silver in the
trrasury and in circulation, what wus
it then when, practically, there was
not a dollar of cither gold or silver lo
even base the paper issue on; and tho
future existence of the government
itself was by many, thought j-roblern-ulicul.
For ns complete an answer as to
what advocates of the sub treasury
plan propose. I should refer hiin to the
secretary of the neurest farmers' ul
liance for a tract on that subject.
L C. Q.
Alum and Ammonia In Oor Broad.
A nuisance that troubled England
fifty years ago is now rapidly spread
ing iu this country, that ia pulti'ig
alum in tho breud we eut. This ques
tion is causing a great deal of UIKOUS-
siou at the present moment, as it is
revealed that alum is being used as a
substitute for cream of tartur in bak
ing powders. A story is told that a
very largo percentage of tho baking
puwuors sold on the market contain
either alum or ammonia, and many of
them contain both these pernicious
drill's. Much timely alarm is felt nt
tho wholesale use of alum in broad,
biscuit and pastry. To young chil
dren, growing girls, persons nf weakly
frame, alum broad eaten morning
noon and evening is the most harm
ful. It is tho small quaatitics taken
at every meal that do the mischief.
Alum is cheap, costing but two or
three cents a pound while cream of
tartar costs 30c, and the high price of
cream of tartar has led cheap linking
powder to be made of alum. If the
reader wants to know something of
the corrosive qualities of alum let hi in
touch a pit'co to his tongue then re
flect bow il acts on the tender delicate
couta of tho stomach.
Following is a list compiled by the
Scientific American, of the alum and
ammonia baking powders that have
already been tested.
There arc, in addition to the forego
ing list from the Scientific American,
a number of such powders sold i.i the
Western that were not fouud it) the
Eastern stores.
Following is the list to date :
CAM: MET, - - Contains Alum
(Calumet llakine Powder Co.. Ctiicaro. I
FOHlOSt" CITY, Contains Ammonia Alum.
(Voitwle Bros., Cleveland.)
CHICAGO YEAST, Contains Ammonia
Alum. (Cltaimiuu & Smith Co., Chicago.)
HON HON, - - Contains Alum.
HOTKI,. Contains Ammonia Alum.
(J. ('. (irnnt Itaking Powder Co., Chicago.)
l.MUV.M.i.n, Contain Alum,
( yprasues. Warner A Oriswoltl, Chicago.)
ONE SPOON, TA YI.OU'S. Ammonia Alum
(Tai lor Mfg. Co., St. I.onii.)
YARN ALL'S. - - Contains Alum.
( Yarnall Mfg. Co., St. Louis.)
8HAW8SNOW I'l'KF, Contains Alum.
(Merchants' Mfg. Association, HI, Louis.)
UODjSON & H1LS, - Contains Alum.
(Doilson Hits, St. LouK)
SHEPA KD'8. Contains Ammonia Alum.
( Wm. H. Shvpard, St. Louis.)
BAIN'S, - - - Contai ns Alum.
(Meyer-Buin Mfg. Co., St. Ixiuis.)
M0NAHC1I, Contains Ammonia Alum.
( Keed. Murdock & Co., Chicaico.)
SNOW HALL, - - Contains Alum.
(Bengal Coffee Spice Mills, Chicago.)
Of ANT, - - Contains Alum.
MILK, Contains Aluiu.
W. F. McLaughlin & Co., Chicago.)
ECHO, - - Contains Alum.
(Spencer Bluing Paddle Co.. Chicago. )
KALUKELL S PJK1TY, Contains Alum
(Kalufell Mfg. Co., Clticugo.)
ItlSINO 8l'N, - Contains Ammonia
( Phoenix Chemical SVorka, Chicago.)
WHITK ROSE, Contains Ammonia Alum.
(Ulolie Cvffco it Spice Mills, Minneapolis.)
WOOD'S ACME, - Contains Ammonia
(Thus. Wood A Co.. Philadelphia.)
ANDREWS' PEARL, Contains Ammonia.
(O. E, Andrews Co., Milwaukee.)
(It. II. Harries, Minneapolis. )
KIDIC1.ITY. - Contains Alum.
SOLAll, - - Contains Alum.
(Sherman Bros., Chicago.)
PUTNAM'S BEST, - Contains Alum.
(Wells, Putnam A Co., Chicago.)
CHINA "T" HOPSR, Contains Alum.
(Noah McDowell, St. Paul. Minn )
TWIN CITY, - Contains Alum
(J K. Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn.)
HERCULES, - Contains Ammonia.
(Hercules Baking Powder Co. , S. F. Cal.)
CLIMAX, - Contains Ammonia.
(Climax Baking Powder Co., Indianapolis.)
Dr. Trice' Cream Baking Powder is
reported by alt authoriti" as free from
ammonia, alum, lime or any other
adulterant. In fact, the purity of (his
ideal powder lias never bceu ques
tioned. The First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't
sleep, can't think, can't do anythink to
your satisfaction, and you wonder what
ails you. You should hoed the warnit.g,
you are taking the first step into Nervous
Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and
in Electric Bitters you will find the exact
remedy for restoring your nervous system
to its normal, healty condition. Surprising
results follow the use of this great Nerve
Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite re
turns, good digestion is restored, and the
Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action.
Try a bottle. Price 60o at Edwin Ross'
Drugstore. .
WIXTROM To the wife of Otis Wixtrom,
of Iloulton, Monday, Sept. 14, a daughter.
Portland, Onr. A. P. Anortronir, Prtn.
Branch School : 0i ital In, collkui, BnUm, ongw.
Sam ohm nt study, mum ntm ol tuition.
Business, Sho'thaad,
a- In amloa tumuihuut Ui n StT Jnui pO
Mu Uua. j alUMf K't 4, 6m
Electricity . Conquers Disease.
Mrs. Fraken, of Beappooae, Itclato
Her Experience With Ir.
Parrln. .
Oregonian, September lt, 1801.
Mr. Editor My boy was seriously
alllicled with rheumatism in the arm
unit wrist. It became o bad and in
flamed that an abcoss formed and
pieces of bono dime from it. I)r
Dar'in cured him with electricity. Wo
aro pleased beyond expression and
wish you to pu Mirth this. I have also
been under Dr. llama's care and sue
eessfully treated for heart trouble and
general debility.
Scappoo o, Oregon,
Deafness and Ringing in the Ears
Editor Oregonian, Dear Sir For 10
years I havo been def, accompanied
with ringing noises in my ears. J r.
Darrin cured me in 20 minutes bv
electricity. Kefer to me at the coruer
of V and Bluckstone streets, Portland.
Mope this will eucour.ijro other lo
their relief, I remain yours trnlv,
We present the following list of
mimes of people who have experienced
relief and enre by the electric cure as
practiced by Dr. tMrrin :
Mrs. John McUinnis, Vancouver,
Wash. Paralyzed arm, cured sixteen
years ago by Dr. Darrin, whilo in
Mrs. S. A. Wooden's girl, 91 Colum
bU street, Portland Nervous debility
ni i la rial fever and discharging cur;
Wm. Altnow.Drewsey, Grant county
ur. Ui-t irrlitl uealnei-a and ringing
in the ears for twenty years; perfectly
Mrs. C. Magenson, Merchant' Ho
tel, Portland Rheumatism, neuralgia
and female troubled; cured perma
W. F. Ogle, Seatco, Wash. Liver
and kidney complaint and dyspepsia,
ulso deafness and whole system run
down ; cured.
William Little, Seattle, Wash.
Pain in the chest for over eight years'
standing ; cured.
J. V. Shaugle, Punnyview, Or.
Heart disease, palpitation, kidney and
liver complaints ; cured.
Dr. Darrin treats with electricly and
medicines all curable, chronic acute
and pi i vale diseases, Llood taints, loss
or failing manhood, nervous debility,
effect of errors, or excesses iu old or
young, loss of memory, diseases caused
by mercury in the improper treatment
of private diseases, irregularities iu
women, and never publish in the
papers. Office : 70J Washington
street, Portland, Or., and "The Nor
mandy," Scuttle. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8
p. M., daily. Examinations fiee and
confidential ; question blanks and cir
culars sent gratis to any address. Pa
tients cured at home after one visit to
the doctor's cilice. Medicine sent to
any address without the doctor's name
Thnrsdar, Sept. IT.
WHEAT Valley. U 50: Walla Walla.
51 ;uper cental.
V LOCK Standard, l 90; Walla Walla.
$1 70 per harrei.
OATS New, 3tWl40c per bushel.
HAY l2rH per ton.
MILLSTUKFS Bran, $22(?23: shorts.
i'Kiii); chop leed, flZQZS per ton, bailey,
i kh i '.- per cei.iai.
BUTTER Oregon ftmev creamerv. 306i
:i2'vc; fancy dairy, '274v; fair to good, 25u;
common, l5(2J0e; h..-urn, 2j(iJuc per
CHEKSR Oregon, 1212Xc; Eastern,
13c per pound.
EGOS -7H;!0c per dozen.
POULTRY Old chickens. 56:
young chickens, $2 ,VJ;.?4 50: chicks, Hiu:
geese, nominal , $813!) per dozen ; turkeys,
iwwc per inline,.
VEGETABLES Cabbage, nominal. 7oc
(rtl percental: onions. BOc-MJt per cental.
new potatoes. sTKRtioc per cental; tomatoes,
!0(ir:ouc per box ; green peas, ii to 4c per
pound; string lieans. 2 to 3c per pound; cu
cumbers, 10c per dozen; carrots, 75c per
sack; corn, 7 to 8c per dozen.
EKCITS Apples, 50 to 85c per box;
plums, 25 to Wo per box; watermelons, $150
to $2 per dozen : eanteloues. $1 to il 60 and
$1 75 per dozen, $2 perorate; grapes, Tokay
$1 30 per box, musrat and black, tl per
box: near. 1 2o: lartlett. 70 to HOc ner
box, nectarines, 00 to 75e per crute; pump
kins, i du per iiozeu.
COFFEE Costa Rica. 21 We; Rio, 23e;
M 01: li a, 30c; Java. 25V; Arbuckle's, 100
pound eases. 21?c per pound.
BUG A it Golden C,4)ic; extra C, 4c;
granulated, 5?se.
tin. A in small whites, sxc; pniK, 3 to
3c; bayos. 4c; butU-r, 3&e; liuias, 4
to oc per pouna.
iiuftM 11H w Ife per poena.
SALT Liverpool. 14 50 to $15 50: stock.
$11 to $12 per ton in carload lots.
SYKl'P Eastern, in barrels, 47 to 55c;
55 to HOc per gallon ; $2 25 to $2 50 per keg;
California, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1 10
ntUB a 75 per ceniai. .
PEEF Live, 2 to 3e; dressed. 5 to 6c.
MUTTON Live, sheared 3 to SKc;
dressed, 7c.
IIOG8 l.tve, 5Xc; dressed, ,c.
VEAL 5 to 7c per pound.
em hum. l:l,'i to 13?e; other varieties, 10
to 12c; lard, compound, 10 to 12c ; pure. 12
to 12.'4C; Oregon, WA to 12c; breakfast
bacon, 13i to 14c; smoked bacon, 11 to
lle. .
A fine tract of lt0 acres Iu Bearer vallev. eom-
prisinti thenel$ of iiw.1., nv)i of nelV, liwV-t of
sel-4. aud nei ot swl4, see. 25, township 7 north.
muxes west, 'litis is (-.act 01 isnu mat is
mostly agricultural After the limber is removed.
Terms reasonuble. Apply at this othce.
Notice Is herebv given that f will not be
responsible for debts contracted by any
person other than the undersigned.
St. Helens, Or., Sept. 18, ISai.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
aro hereby warned against fishing, hunting
or otherwise tvespassing on mv premises
011 Deer Island V. I). CONNELL.
Pated Ang. 28, 1891. a28-Kn
Land Office at Oregon Citv. Or., Aug W. 1MH.
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settler has Died notice ot his Intention
to make tlnul proof in nupport of his cluiin and
that said proof will be made before the county
clerk ot Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon,
on October 16, tsui, vis:
Homestead entry No. (VMS, for the "W of tco.
82, tp4u, T a went. He name the following
wltnessea to prove his comtuuous residence
nnon, and cultivation of anid land, viz: ti. It.
I.lrks, Calvin J. Koyer, Julius Chesman, Nico
las Maser; allot Scapiwoee, Columbia county.
-Sal . J. T. APPERSON. KogUrte.
All Our Seeds Arelestetf : .
Ouf (eclogue Tellj itye K5t
1 1
F.L.P0SSON 6 Son. Portland. On.
Tlie Great Portland Industrial Exposition,
With lis world of wonders,
OPENS SEPT. 17, 1891; CLOSES OCT. 17, 1891.
Music by the great Xapadorcs Rand, direct from the Citv of Mexico. Art from the great
masters of Kurie and America, valued at n quarter million dollars Wonderful
Electrical Adaptations in i. operation. A Hplendid Scries of Mineral
Exhibits. Every Depaitmcnt filled with the Novel nnd Iteresting
A greater number of exhibit than ever before presented upon the coast. The alork
department mul a prominent feature. UROOO in premiums. The largest
display of fruit and the finest exhibit of agriculture ever mnde In the l'ucilio Northwest.
All iiiaiiufaetu:ius in full motion. Kvrrvthing new. No dead exhibits.
Admission as usual. Greatly reduced rates for round-trip on all passenger lines.
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First and cor. Salmon Street.
You are respectfully invited
And examine our lUt of Properties, the finest and best
of nhicu is
Hawthorne's First Addition to - Portland,
Parties who desire to visit and examine this proierty will find our agent and team ready at any
lime uee 01
We nl'O offm 100 10-arro tracts blon-rlnw to
the Hawthorne estate at Hills hobo, Washington
countv, 14 miles west of Portland, one hour ride
by rail, three time daily.
White Salmon. Wash, August 30, 1S1.
Til is is to certify that the "Oreffon nometead Comeanv" h as secured for ua cond anri m-p11 kieated
homesteads, ivqulriiiK little, if any clearing, with tirat-elasa soil, uell adapted to grHin and vege
tables, as well as to the production of every variety of erain and fmits that can be crown in Cali
fornia. Oregon and Washington, and we have located thereon. Said home-deads are situated on
the Washington side of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing of a daily tine ot steamers,
and opmmte lo Uuod Kirf r station, on the tine of the Union i'aritic railway, 66 miles cast of the
city of rurtluud. We cordially recommend our friends and others to join our colony.
(Signed, S. A. CArr,tS5T st., Portland.
W. J. Koib, 28 Oak st.. Portland.
W. J. Bates, cor. Front and Jt till sts., Portland.
Chas. H. Chidson, 274 Fourth St., Portland.
i. F. Cook, cor. Fourth and J sts., K. Portland.
il. B. Bi.Acawsi.l., cor. 4th and J sis. K. Portland.
M. W. Kinoaid, 26 Porter st., Portland.
F. TltKiE. cor. Third and Ash sis., Portland.
There are now sixty seniors In the eolomy and cluims enoush for 10 to IS more families. Call
aud obtain full particulars.
We are also locating a colony about three miles
-jo per acre.
Also a colony at Hlllsboro, Or. on U and 20-acre tracts at 1100 and 1125 per acre.
10 acre farm 8 miles from St. Helens, all good land,
springs, new e room nouse, small
Lots in CHELSEA ADDITION to Portland
One of the most beautiful sites near Portland, t tot to I VK) each.
We have the largest and moil valuable tracts of
tost. We receive none for subdivision or sale that
dents of the district in which such lauds arc situated. We receive uone except such as have an
absolute perfect title.
We have 200 S-acre tracts near PORT ANGELES.
acre; s,200 acres in a body near the above, 25 per
Four Homesteads, AcrefEh, $130 Each.
We hare for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a 1.H0
vation. iTiPe il. wu. JeriiiRft.'JUDcaftn, balance on 11 me. njm huutenoui inruuure
horse, cattle, hoga, poultry, wugous and everything suitable for a first-clais
f arm, f Terms, 92,000 cah, balance on time, Call aud get
full particulars.
115 acres rlueclcaratlland near Roseburff, Orceon,
trees, id per acre, bpuuma truil aua grain tarm.
Oregon Homestead Co.
AU Work Warranted.
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,
to call at the office of the
41 acres, improved farm 7 miles south of Port
land, ncarCiarknmns, Clarkamtta station, H. P.
R. K.. RtKK) huiiMe. land all fencei. koo1 water,
some timber; price 15U per acre, easy terms.
from Port Angeles, Five, 10 and 20-acre tracts
creek running through the center, splendid
garden, iruu trees; per acre.
Lets 50x100 each.
land in the states of Oreron and Wasblnr-
we etinuot have endorsed hv the lcsiliuir resi
WASH., an elfiant tract for a colonv SfUucr
acre. Very liberal terms.
acres, 80 acre under fence, 60 now un-ler culti
nearly nil level, dotted with beautiful oak
Kepairing a Specialty.