The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 18, 1891, Image 2

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    the Oregon mist.
St. Hki.kns, Skptbmrbr 18, 1891.
Columbia county, financially, is in
fully as goad circumst.inou as mott of
the counties of tho statu, in fact in far
iSettor condition than o great many
others; yet we are greatly in need ol
roads anil bridge through the iiiterior
ways by tfliich the formers can reach
h market with their produce, and by
which new settlers may reticli their
claims not by means of a piick'liorse
by good wagon thoroughfares, with
L'ootl substantial bridges serosa the
creeks ami swamps. This is what Co
lumbia county is most in need of, and
Iter growtu will be blow until this re
iiuireitient is adhered to. Very tr,,0
those of our peoole who live along the
river front do not feel the necessity of
roads and bridges so keenly ; but When
we take into consideration that a town
without some means of support behind
it cannot meet with much success, we
cannot help yielding to the demands
of the interior to a certain degree.
The prosperity of any non-nmnilfactur-
ing section of country depends princi
pally upon the farmer. What sup
ports the river front; is it st'U-support
ing? Not by any means. Then does
it not follow that what benefits one
section, alike benefits the other? Good
liieiiwATs are the best indication of
prosperity. This county has thousands
of acres of eood land which will, in
taie, with some encouragement in
road matters, be made permanent
homes for hundreds of people who are
coming here from the East in search
of government land, and, of course,
will settle up the localities where there
are the most favorable opportunities
offered first. It does not make a good
showing for a county to have a large
bank account and at the same time
her people suffering for want of public
highways and public institutions.
Therefore, we think that instead of
striving so hard to create a surplus in
the treasury we should, for the pur
pjses above mentioned, v.irry a little
larger indebtedness, if necessary, and
extend these public improvements,
thereby encouraging an agricultural
diss of immigration, making more
population, more taxable property, and
consequently decreasing the rate of
taxation in the end. We want to reach
out for the borne-seekers; offer them
encourogemeut in every possible man
ner, and in the near future the profit
on the investment will have no parallel
The non-resident, heretofore non
taxable, real estate in Columbia county,
as shown by the abstract just com
pleted by Moore & Cole, show 34,000
acres of Und within this county that
never has been assessed, consequently
lias never paid one cent of taxes.
Take this 34,000 acres, say at a valua
tion of $2 50 per acre, Which is a very
low estimate, for some of this non
resident ladd is claimed to be worth
as high as $6, $8 and some as high as
If 10 per acre. But for instance we
place the uniform value of $2 50 per
acre on the whole, 34,000 acres would
be assessed at $85,000. The tax levy
last year was 25 mills, this multiplied
by 85,000 equals $2125 due the county
in taxes had this property been in
shape so that the assessor could have
described it. The people have com
plained of high taxes, and yet this
vast amount of land, owned princi
pally by non-resident speculators, has
gone untaxed and unclaimed since
the couuty was first organized. The
owners of this land have never had
their titles recorded on the county rec
ords, hence the only reme dy was to
have a complete county abstract made
giving the description of all thb land
not on record in the clerk's office.
This has been done, and the present
county court deserve the highest com
mendation for the course they have
taken in securing for the county
means by which in the future these
speculators can be competed to pay
this tax.' The cost to the county of
preparing the abstract is about $1200,
which sum will a great deal more
than be received the first year. This
is as it should be, and in the future
Columbia county will be in line with
the procession ot other prosperous
counties of this state, and the hereto
fore untaxed real estate held by speca
lotors will be advertised and sold to
pay the taxes thereon as soon as such
become delinquent.
This is the year of our Lord 1891,
and people are wont to, talk about our
wonderful civilization and culture, and
yet ft Wm but the other day that an
admission fee of 25 cents a head was
charged by the officials of a North
Carolina jail to see two colored pris
oners given thirty-nine lashes On their
bare backs, and, if the newspaper ac
counts are to be believed, the gate
money Was sufficient to pay all ex
pense of the exhibition. We are at a
loss for a proper name for a man who
will pay to eee such a punishment in
flicted upon another man.
Tub New York democrats in con
vention Wednesday nominated Eos
well P. Flower tor gorenor, and the
republicans of Massachusetts nomi
Charies H. Allen. ' ,
lrocedt ngu of the Brptrmotr Term,
County court convened on Wednes
day, September D, 1891, Jtidtre Switter
and Commissioners Barnes and Spen
cer present. The following business
was transacted i
lu tllo matter of the wood flume
owned by 1 (1. Wixtrom, across the
Portland and St. Helena county road ;
ordered that the said Wixtrom grade
up the road to the bridge crossing said
flume, making it good an I even grade
of the same, and ulao that tha said
Wixtrom cover up the said Hume on
each side ot the bridge tho width of
the county road, the same to he done
within thirty days from' date of notice
subject to the acceptance aud ap
proval of the county judge.
Iu the matter of the olAcial bond of
W. A. Meeker, county she-iff, and E.
K. Quick, county clerk; Old Uohman,
oiio of the bondsmen on the olUciul
bond of tho county sheriff ami county
clerk, has asked permission to with
draw from the bonds of the above
named county officers for the ruason
that he the said Ota Dohman is com
peted to visit his native land, Ger
many, on business of a private nature
and desires to close up and shape his
affairs before leaving the state, and it
appearing to the court that the said
sheriff and clerk had tiled new bonds
of good and sufficient bondsmen, and
that said respective bonds were ample
and complete as by law required, it is
therefore oidered by the court that
said bonds of the sheriff and clerk be
accepted and approved.
In the matter of the petition of E.
C. Simons and others for the estab
lishment of a county mad commencing
at a stake marked "A" on section lino
between sections 2 and 3 on Cedar
Landing road 32A rods north of section
comers 2, 3, 10 and 11, in tp C n, r 3
w, Columbia county, Or., und termin
ating at a stake marked "O," on what
is known as the Ntcolai road; Viewers,
Phillip Young, J. C. Kelbey and K.
Reiohardts; surveyor, A. B. Little, to
meet at the residence of 1). M. Porsev
on September 22, 1891, to make a re
port to the county court on the first
Monday in November.
In the matter of the viewers seport
on the West road near Scappdose sta
tion, a bill of damages having been
filed by J. It. Watts in the sum of
$1225 against the granting of said road
t was ordered bv the court that S. A.
Miles, Josiah Konkle and Liudley
Meeker be, and are hereby appointed
appraisers to assess the damages, if
any there be, on said proposed road,
and that they meet on the 26th day of
September, 1891, at Watts' store, and
that they make their report in writing
to th's court on or before the first
Monday in November, 1S91.
In the matter of the establishment
of a county road known as the Pitto
burg aud Vernonia roud, coramei.cing
at a stake marked "K, set in the
county road about 75 feet east from
the east end of the rittBburg bridge in
section 23, tp 5 n, r 4 w ; thence up
the ea t side of the Nehalem river to
1 section stake near Mr. Solomon's in
section 34 to 1 section line in section
3, tp 4 n, r 4 w ; thence west on said J
line across the Nehalem river to and
terminating at a stake set in the
county road near Vernonia, said stake
being the northwest corner of v. t.
Baker's land.
In the matter of the road petitioned
for by O. J. Bryant and others, begin
ing at the one-mile stake on the county
road to Clatekanie, in section 0, tp 7
n, r 4 w ; thence easterly to donation
land claim lines of Hill and Hastings;
thence southeasterly to anl terminat
ing at a post marked "K," situated
mile of quarter stake on eectioi line
of sections 21 and 22, tp 7 n, r4w;
the court being fully satisfied that the
establishment of such road would be
of public utility, it was ordered that
the said report of the viewers and sur
veyor be recorded and from hence
forth the said route so viewed out,
marked and located shall be a county
road, and shall be considered a public
highway and the supervisor of the
road district in which said road is es
tablished is hereby ordered to open the
In the matter of the transcripts and
cost bills in the case of the state of
Oregon vs. A. H. Larsen, and state of
A Perfect Baking Powder.
The constantly growing demand for Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder, the standard cream tartar powder
for forty years, is due to two causes.
FIRST: The extreme care exercised by tho manu
facturers to make It perfectly pure, uniform in quality, and
of highest raising power.
SECOND; The recent investigations exposing thd
fact that certain other brands of baking powder contaiA
ammonia and still others that were found to contain alum.
These unscrupulous manufacturers are being found out,
and the consumers are giving them a wide birth.
Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr.
Price's Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed to
test every ingredient as to purity and strength. Hence;
its marvelous purity and uniformity. Each can is like
every other. It never dissapoints.. BEST is ALWAYS
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any otber adulterant In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned.
Oregon vs. W. 8. Drew j M. Bnrlin
game, justice ot the peace of Union
precinct, Columbia county, Oregon,
filed with the clerk transcript aud cost
bills In the above entitled matter, aud
it appearing to the court that said
transcript and cost bill is duly certi
fied to by said justice of the peace as
by law required, It is ordered that said
cost bills bo allowed and that the clerk
draw warrants on the county treasurer
for the several umounts named, ami
in f.iVor of tho several persons therein
In the matt r ot tho establishment
and doler i' million of the amount of
money to he raised in Columbia county,
Oregon for couuty purposes and the
levy of other taxes for the year 1891
and 1892; it was found by the court
that it Was necessary to raise $15,000
for county purposes for 1891 and 1892.
It was therefore ordeied und adjudged
by the court thut a tax of 15 mills on
the dollar be levied on all tho assess!
ble property in Columbia county, Ore
gon for county purposes, and a like
levy of 5 mills on the dollar for school
tax and one seventh of a mill on the
dollar for university tax, and one-fifth
of a mill on the dollar for military tax,
and an amount hereafter to be deter
mined by the state officers of the state
of Oregon as state tax to cover the cur
rent expenses of the state and the
same is hereby ordered to be collected
at the mine time and in the same
manner as county taxes are colluded.
In the matter ot tho romusion ot
double assessments for the year 1891 ;
it appearing to the court that the fol
lowing double assessments appear upon
the assessment roll of Col imbia
county, Oregon for the year 1891, and
that all of the s lid lands have been
properly assessed to the rightful own
ers ; it is now considered and ordered
by the court that tho following
amounts be aud the ame are hereby
tricken from the said assessment roll,
J. Youngnlokel S 00
Melki Johnson 4u0
W. 8. Chapman 1J80
M. Harden ).)
T. I'omeroy...; 400
J. O. Orsdel 400
S. N. M ..-Sight 400
Thomas and W. D. Connell 400
James Muckle 400
Hewitt investment Co WW
J. K. Mill
T. O. Hammond
8. Keiss
W. L. Button ...
Wm. Borden 400
Francl C'larno 400
8. Maddaon 4 .0
II. Crawford 4-S0
E. Meore 200
L. C. Griffin 600
K. Sheldon 400
Peter Weis 4ft
P. Hertrne 400
Total tl0,V6
Penni-t, P M. sheriff" fee, state ef
Oregon Vs. Henry Huber $ 13 G5
Dolman, N E, teachers, public ex
amination .' 9 00
Watts, J G, teachers' public exam
Stine. J 11, county printing 11 75
Barr, Win, viewer on liryant road.
2 40
2 40
Rice, Van, viewer on Bryant road.
Edgerton, W A , viewer on Bryant
Agnew, J B, extra work on con
tract of Beaver slough branch . . .'.
Quick, E E, county clerk, fees
Howard, H O. planking road in
road district JTo. 4
Mcston & Dygert. binding plat book
Doan, II H, as assistant on assess
2 40
10 ) 00
124 45
40 00
17 00
ment roll 4.1 00
MSore fc Cole4 preparing abstract of
lands and town lots for assess
ment roll 1200 00
Burlingame. Martin, justice of the
peace, fees, state of Oregon vs.
W.8. Drew
Doan, C F. fees as county assessor.
Beegle, J R, county printing
Moore & Cole, drafting plats and
4 75
148 25
index books 105 10
Kellcy, George, wood, court house. 32 00
Frantz, John, wood, court honse. , . 9 00
West, O J Dr. examination of E,
Peterson, insane
Little, A B, fees, county surveyor, .
Burner, LP, lumber furnished roau
district No. 8
Wilson, C C, lumber furnished road
5 00
83 00
65 03
district No. 8 136 40
AU kinds with extra fine roots, free from
' all pests at cosh prices by the firm that
Tests all Their Seeds,
p. l. posson & son,
Heed Merchants,
1200 Second St. and 170 Front 84., Portland,
Johns, Frances, Indexing circuit
court Journal 'i 1!
l.tttle, A II, fees, county surveyor., M no
Moors & Cole, seiviies for fitamin-
atiou of J . A. Freeman, Insane ... fi 00
Harm), U W, commissioner's fees
und mileage 43 TO
Hpcueer, Israel, commissioner's
fees and iiilleotra,... iW tiu
Shaver, J W, fare on steamer tor
Mm. Stoten and Pelaney . . , , 6 00
Clitl. It It. modleal attendance on
J. A Krvenun, inana ... 00
SvvlUer, I J, for abstract front
state land olhee 8'
Parker, John, bounty on sculps of
wild uulmals IW
Kerr, John F, bounty on scalps ot
wild animals ... 8 00
lltdnes, S (1, 1 oouty on sculps ot
wild animals 2 Ot
McKay, "Millie," bounty on milps
of wild nniiiiuU 2 (Hi
Waajiburn, C S, bounty on sculpt of
wild animals 2 00
Hurlltiguine, M.'ee of tho raee
Jew, state of Oregon vs. A. It.
(.arsert ft !!&
Dreswr, A 8. district attorney, fees,
State of Orcjtoii Vs. A. If. haraen I I 00
Watts, JO, witness fees, state of
Oregon vs. A. II Larson 9 to
Drew, W 8, witness fce, state, of
Oregon vs. A. It. Larsetl 3 10
Armstrong, l wltnovs fees, state of
Oregon vs. A. II. Ijmen 3 10
Freeman, Win, witness fees, stale
of Oregon vs, A. It. Larsen 3 10
McKay, N II, witness fees, state ot
Oregon vs. A. II. Larsen 3 10
Lambersou, Ed, witness fees, tate
of Oregon vs. A. It. f.arsen 3 10
Dresser, A 8 atlorncy fee, state of
Oregon vs W. 8. Drew 5 00
Meeker, W A, fees assheiill" 12 10
Plakesley, A II, board and lodging
prisoners 12 00
Dresser, A 8, attorney fee before
county court 10 on
The following is tho report fur the
week coding, Saturday, September 12,
Weather The temiwrnture ha been
lower, yet above tho average. The atmos
plic r bus been of smoke, the
weather has been partly and local
showers prevailed during tha later part of
the week
Crops The showers hove done no ma
terial damage, they have del.iyed some
late threshing, and fome-ivlut retarded
hop picking in a few sections. Tho thresh
ing of grain is practically over, only a few
small lots yet remain to be thre-hed The
wheat Is being delivered to warehouses anil
elevators: The wheat prwhiet was never
better, the berry Is of Hie first grade, the
yield has been heavy, generally more t'.ia i
was anticipated. Large yiiMs are rejiorted
from every county. In Washington county
for example, one farm yielde t 4'1 bushels
per acre, another 34 bushels per ai re Smut
is more generally reported than uoi illy,
though it is not tlii-i year so very extendve ,
spring whrat is more tilei'tcd than full
wheat. The oat crop has been good but
not as propoi tiouatoly good a the w heal
crop. Hop-picking will be about finished
next week, unless tho tecent rains should
delay the pickers ni fre than Is now expec
ted The hops of Douglas county were
supp sed tu be free from I ce and mould,
but on pictinjr, some yards are found to I'C
badly damaged. No lice are observable in
Josephine county. It is estimated that lice
and mould have damaged the hop crop lo
the extent of $.100,000. In Jackson and
Josephind counties corn is ripe of good
quality and yield. Bummer fallowing is
in proaress in many of the Willamette val
ley counties.
Weather A few showers haveocenrred.
The temperature has been cooler and about
the average. There has keen less smoke in
the atmosphere.. In the Interior counties.
on the higher elevations frost occurred.
Crops The showers did no damage.
Threshing is in progress in some tedious,
and in some counties it is nearly done. In
Wasco and in parts of Sherman counties
the wheat is more shrunken than in the
other counties Yields of forty bushels
and upwards are frequent in Morrow,
limatilla and I'niuii counties; in the latter
county. In Tinker, Wallowa anil interior
counties harvesting and threshing is well
along, lteports indicate yields nhove the
average and anove the expeciatlons ot the
tarmers in every county, i lie wneat lius
begun to move to seaboard. Fruit con
tinues plentiful. Grapes are rio in many
B. 8. PAOt'K, Observer.
To Subscribers, Old and New.
In order to put The Weekly Oreponlnn
into the homes of thoe now without it, the
publishers make the liberal otter of fifteen
months lor i 00 to all who subscribe prior
to January 1, lijiri. The offer applies not
only to new subscribers but to renewals as
well, In addition to this, each new sub
scriler, or old subscriber renewing, is given
his choice of either "The American Live
stock Manuel," or the Standard American
I'oultry ikKig," winch will he sent free.
postage prepaid. These are valuable works
of reference for the farmer.
The Weekly Oregonian is the great week
ly of the Northwest. There is no weekly
published on the Pacific coast . or anywhere
else, that furnishes readers a fuller com
pendium of all the news of the world than
docs tho Weekly Oregonlan. No other na
per gives cucli close attention to I'aciMc
coast news, especially i whut is transpiring
in the great Northwest. Aside from its
unexcelled news features, a largo number
of special articles, prepared for its columns
Dy well known writers, are published di
ing the year. Jt furnishes descriptive let
ters from various portions of our own conn
try and from foreign climes, as well as
stories, poetry and well selected miscellany.
There is a department maintained for the
farmer, alse for the women and children.
All the advantages of a newspsper of the
first class are ottered bv The Weekly Ore-
gonian. ro family In the entire fiorthwest
can afrord to be without it.
Portland, Oregon.
The New Uiscevery.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about It. You may yourself
oe one or me many wno Know from person
al experience lust how good a thing It is. If
you bave ever tried it, you are one of its
staunch friends, because the wonderful
thing alwut it is, that when once given a
trial, Dr. Kings New Discovery ever after
holds a place in the house. If you have
never used it and should be afflicted with a
cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a
fair trial. It fa guaranteed every time, or
money refunded Trial Bottles Free at
Edwin Hoes' Drugstore.
. Bucklen's Arnica !.
The Best Balre In the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Bores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Hkln
Ernptlons, and positively cures Plies, or no psy
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, f SMney refunded, Price 2A eeuts per
box. For Bale Bv Edwin loss.
I .. ul in i in ii n hi in " 'jiiiamr1'"1 1 i if ' rrri' i m. mm,, H
t JL V
Loerri' unci AVood"-ClioxitJirt Simp lies. m
Crescent Steel.
Saws, Under Cutters, Mann's Axes, Wedges, Sledges, Tea vys, Chains, lite.
For Sale Cheap
Of unimproved, rich, well-watered tiiuler
land, without hills and giilchc, on futility
road, ami i'i miles from steamboat land
ing and rut! loud station. Will be rold en
tire or
In 40-Acre Pieces.
Price, fsno, or in lO acre pieces for $-V)0 for
one mid fHKI for the other.
Term-Half cash; balance on lime lo
suit purchaser. Alu
Good Span of Mares,
Seven and eight yenrs old, weight abut
lint) pounds each One colt f nir months
old and a gad .'IS' inch wau'iii ai l 1 sold
ut less than real value either single or to
aether for cii'li.i r on credit if flrxt-i lass a
c.iiity is given; or I will lake good cows and
Young Stock in Exchange.
For further in'ormation address or rail on
sis n
l'i nlien, Columbia County. Or.
Webfoot Saloon.
TIIOS. COOrilH, Trop'r,
Cyrns Noble's Whiskies.
Excellent Wines, Liquors and
An Excellent Pool and Billiard
)o Yy link?
SV' II I1KISO THE CAME, It behooves
you to find the must desirable place lo
purchase vour ' invigorator."
Take this opportunity to tell the readers of
HIist that they have at
The finest line of Wines Minora and
Cigars hi be found this side of l'ort
lail.l. And If )ou wish to
engage in a game of
Theyean assure you that they have the
iH-t tuhio In town. Kverythlng new and
nent. ami your patronage is respectfully
St. Helens, Oregon.
Ths (jsletratedFrencHure,
to cure any form
or any dlwirdorof
tho generative or-
Whutlmr ari.lnu'
RFFnar tiuinl uHm..i Ar-r
uneol Htlmiilauta,
Tobacco or 0pliiin,ortt,roiii(tivotitlilnirni
lion, over Indulgence, Ac , ui fi a. L..M ol
tlT J "'' nc,iitariiii(down Pallia In tha
ti ik.Heialiial WcaknrM,ltyterla, Nervoua pro..
I 7'ti l "I." ""'"""; . i-micorrlio-a. Dl
Jlner... Weak Memory, tmnol Power andlmno
tencjr, which It neK ectcdoltcri lea1 to prunmtiira
fl'1.:;',,i', "tr.rnot H.m a boa, Aboxet
lor 10.00. Kent by mall on receipt of prlc."
A WftliTKN UV a llAMfKR 'in Kiren for
very I.1.U0 order received, to refund the money If
a feruianant rure I. not eireeUr). We hive
thousand, ol Unllmonlal. froiaold and yourur,
nt both ox, who have been permanently en r.4
by the nte of Aphrodltlne. (dn-iilarfreo. Addreni
WeMerniirancb. JiozS. Pobtjwiwo. Oa.
For wile by EDWIN 11088, DnuaaisT,
St. Helnno, Or.
The Photographer.
J 07 und 10!, First Rtrcet, Portland Or.
"V ft A puahl(t of Information uHtb.ll i
I , .tractor tb. lawibowlim How toy f
f Obtain I'atwiM, ('areata, Trad. V
llkliarka. Cop rrlaht, ml jtu. W
rmi MUNM 4t CQ.jS
J Ss-SBl Hr.aawar. Zlff
Diamonds, Clocks,
. Watches, Jewelerv, and Optical Goods.
Fine Watch and Jowelrv Repairing.
Orders from the Country Solicited. .
165 First Street. Between Morrison ond Yamhill, Portland, Or.
rPIIK RKTAIL MERCHANT i tho newwrnry
Medium of Triule bctwvon the MtuiufiwtiU'ir
ninl tho C'oitHium'r. He lnunt protect the in to reft
of liia cuftomcra by piiirhttftnn iu the luwent and
find boxt mtirketft, ninl by felling to hit piitronn
at tho Lowest l'opfihlo I'rieeu.
In keeping these true principle of tnwlo nlwup in
view ; often leaves theuM truck anil ftrikex "iienws
lotu" for IJurguius fur bin cutuinoi'a. Block of
&SGoneral Merchandise
Is being enlarged by New Hoods Every Puy.
It h nut lo name tlw mniiv dltrrent art'ele. kept
on ante, n-l le from hrv i.u.)., 4 .thitipr. 1,-nlleV Weiir tietitlelneira
ar, Iliad Wear, Kiaii W.r, I lnuruiid Kel, OruttM utid Cull
ninl l OiNidi, Nail ami Hardware. 'riit rv and OIare. Oranlh
audi lm an-. Powder mid Html, ll.ilit und Cp, Huu'a and hliuen,
I'lilent Med it lne, Toilet Aril. !., t te.
Dealers in all Kinds of
Lumber, Latli
Paints, Oils, Glassware, Boots and
Shoos, Hats and Caps.
Dry Goods and Groceries,
General :-: Merchandise.
J. S. CL0MNGER, PropV.
Choice Wines,
Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Billord and Pool Mle
fop ths Pfjeoraraoflaiion of Patrom
.X -.
St. Helens Meat Market
Frnah and Baited
Meat, PaiiMiRc, Klab
and vegetables.
Meats by wholenalo at apcclal rnU'i,
ExpreM wairon run tn all nrt nt i.n
find clirirflea roanoiinblc, '
y Prbprictor of
Oriental : Hotel.
Tlie liouxo hai lieen fully rofnmlnlinl
throiiirliuut and the heat of iiceom
tnodatluna Will be nlven.
KTAOIC run In cnnnmtlnn with
the hotel t'omieotlng with the North
ern I'nciillo llnllrund at Mllinit. Htaxa
for I'nconia tralna 10 p. ni. For Tort lunil
trniii at 3 p. tn.
The Photographer,
Fimt and Taylor flrtoi".
Work and price tlint cannot bo beaten.
NOTit N ton PlinclCATIO.
fjind omee nt Ornxrin City, flreifon Auk. 1". Wl.
Notice U hereby ulv.n that the fnllowliiK'
nauieil Hellli-rhaalllrdiiollee nt Ilia InleiiHea
to mnke mud proof In mi'iirt of hl elaliii, ii"'i
thut HHltl piiHif will lie made before tho eoiuiiy
clerk of olumblri eoiuiiy, utMt, Helen, Ori'Kon,
on Oelotier li, laai, via:
WILLIAM IKlWn, - , .,
Itorneateiid entry No. TlllO, for the 'P
n, r a we.t. He iinmeathefollowlna wltne
Ui prove lila contlniioiia realdeace upon, aim
cutllVBtlonofaeld land, via: 1.1, t!, Kowler.
Neer, I,. T, Venover. I,, llradleyi nil of Nwn
ColiunhUrriuutr, Oreton. .. , ,.
augioa i, i. A1TEK80N, Itcifliteft