The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 11, 1891, Image 3

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( iiltrd XlMtri and Cuiiiilj Offlrlal Pnprr.
. Rr. Hki-bmh, Hki'iumiiku 11.
School books at BoaV 1rtf lre.
Tret-pan notlcea on clotli for al a1.
III1V Ullllk '
v Mr. O. W. t)oW, of Vernonln'wui in
town MonuHjr on irt
Gootla pxolianged (or product) at
JJuoon'i toro.
f Mr. W. 3. Muoklo, of ltiiinUr, was
vUitlnK relative! in Ht, Helena on
Ifeaiurilay laat. '
Haooit tu'lU groccrion clicnp, at 0 ill
Ion. Cult on him.
W, It. Brailon, of (ho Nohnlem
Journal, wui at tlio ooiinty aunt liut
It la Mill that oulof the once power
full Motion triltn of Indiana Ihut only
vightoen are left. ,
Hon. O. W. MoDrhlo loft Monday
Morning for Bulem, having bcuu called
home on bun) hum.
Rom ban ft new "look of flavoring
extracts. You can got any flavor you
The romiihw of It. T. Hi.igham, the
l'ortlimd lawyer who w drowned
noma time ago at North Uciith, wan
buried in l'orilar.d Monday.
Kov.'l. II. William,' of Portland,
Will preach at Rainier, on Friday
evening. September 25th, mil at War
fun ttalion on the following HuiuUy at
11a. m.
Mr. J. 0. Lanikin, ton and iJangli
lor, of Hillsboro, were the rucoU of
Mrs. V. A. and Mr. JJt.
lluvglo llio luttur part of lout week.
Vixitort to the expoaition will find
the Ht Churlca Hotel Itcntanrunt flritt
claM in every rospwt. Muni 2.1 cent.
fit. Charles Hotel Iniildiitft Front and
Morrison st roots, 1'ortKiiul.
: Tlie Pacific Farmer, puhlifhed at
I'oriland by O. P. Manon, lias been
1 to Frank Leo, of Outcrvillo,
NVuoh., who will conduct the pupur in
the future.
ttonnty Asseiwor Charles roan left
lust Monday night for his old homo in
OoatHvillo, Putin., where he expects u
tiH'titl nlHiut two mouths vieiling old
friend and relatives.
We learn, on good authority, (hat
Mr. (iloudye, who was at the editorial
lielm of this paper on its ilritt appear
ance, is at preiteut holding a' position
In the custom liou-e in Han Francisco
Mrs. France Fuller Victor has
Ix-en quite tick for two or three week
nt the rei-ideuce of W. II. iohnun in
Ht. Helena. Khe is somewhat im
proved t present.
Ilto Pprtland Industrial Exposition
tmuiios to be far more attractive (bin
year than ever before. The arrange
limit of the dUpluy is altogether dilfor-
nt from former years, and pteially
the machinery hall ami horticultural
departments are map ni tit-en t.
Mr. IksIh'I r Inter unci two children,
vf Washington, 1). C. are the guests of
tier aunt, Mrs. N. K. Dolman, of this
Aim. They expect to spend several
Weeks visiting different parts of Ore
gon and Waabington befoni their re
turn to their home iu the nation's
A large nnmber of barrels came
ilown from Portland on the Northwent
Tuesday for Wharton and Wullace the
Aurgeon packers at Kalama. They
run quite an extotmivo business in
that line. The barrels were put oil" at
this place for cooperage after which
they will be roshippod to Kalama for
Wo have been informed by a parly
who claimed to know that Muj'.r K.
i. Adams, well known to Columbia
county p ople, and at one time editor
stud proprietor of the Columbian, is in
Vancouver, U. C. Our informant savs
that sinefl the major left Ht. Helens he
ba fallen heir to an immenae fortune
and is now living with his family in
Vancouver, B. 0.
Many years practice have given 0.
A. Know A Co., Solicitors of Talent,
nt Washington, 1. C, unsuipatwed
Hueceas in obtaining patents for all
s'lassea of invention. They make a
specialty of rejected cases, and have
secured allowance of many patents
Chat bad been previously rejected.
Their advertisement in another col
umn, will bo (if interest to inventors
Jiatentcee, manufacturers, and all who
mve to do. with patents.
' The Dalles seoms to be doomed to
destruction by fire. Since the large
lire over a week ago that dentroyed
seventeen blocks of tho business part
of tho city there has been three
smaller biases, each one seemingly
coming from an incendiary origin.
Monday night two more fires wot
discovered and extinguished, ami
later on in the night another started.
The mayor felt, called noon to detail
about thirty special police to patrol the
Htreets all night, but in spite of the
vigilant watch of these ollieer another
liouse was found to be ablate. The
Dulles seems doomed to destruction
iu spite of all ett'ofts to tho contrary.
Mr. Tucker, of Nehalom, met with a
very unfortunate accident while on his
way serous the mountain to Ht. Helens
last Sunday. When about to the
oight-milo spring coming down the
mountain ou this side, tho horses be
came frightened and ran away down
the grade throwing Mr. Tucker out
first, leaving his littlo girl who was
with him still in the wagon. The
bosses rso for some distance and fin
ally struck an obstruction,, thereby
causing the wagon to overturn and
the wagon bed with the little gir) still
n it Was thrown several feet and
landed on its edge and its occupant
landed a few feet farther sway. The
girl seemed dated lor a few minutes
tiut soon came to consciousness and
on examination It was found that
her bruises, while (hey looked bad,
were not of a serious nature. Mr.
Tucker, when found, seemed to be
unconscious from the effects of the
full and bis head and face were badly
bruised. Thoy came on to St. Helens
and had their bruises oared for and
pre seemingly a)! right,
Moore and Colo, altsmys at law,
have been busy of Into preparing nn
shstarct of tliu non-resident real nutate
In Columbia county. There is a large
amount of land in this' county owned
by non-roshlonlN, that never bus been
assessed, consequently has never paid
a cent of taxes. Tho reason fur this
stale of ufiaiis is because it, has been
lmtonnihlo for the assessor to obtain a
Correct description of the land Hint it
could be advertised and sold for the
tuxes. If this properly wus advertised
for sale to pay the taxes, some one
would claim it and pay lb tux levied
thereon at once. This is the object of
the abstract, and We hope iu the future
to bo ublu to compel the payment of
this largo amount of uon-residunt tuxes,
which would greatly doorcase the per
centage in this county.
Judge Q. A. Uowlhy,nne of tho prin
cipal stock holders in the Astoria A
Hotith Coast (allway, says that the
reported sale of that property to the
Hotitlinrn Pacillo onmpauy for $51,X)0
Is a myth and has no foundation. In
tact, he said, negotiations were pending
between the stockholders of tho As
toria and Hotith Coast railway and the
Houlhern I'aelllo company for a loan,
which was to be secured by the stock
of the Astoria and South Coast Com
pany; hulevoH these negotiations fell
through. Tho Astoria stockholders
have an indedtudness on the road
they are desirous of paving1 off1, but
they have never thought of selling the
road si tho absurdly low figure of f 34,
(XX), as I'm road ulrcady represents an
Investment of over ff200,000.
The first party of the season was
given last Saturday evening by Judge
and Mrs. I). J. Hwitscr of this place.
There were a large ailendunco and a
spleudid lime was had by thoso pres
ent. About . 10 o'clock refreshments
were served, after which the pa-ty
were favored with vocal and iimtru
menial muaio by Misses Hohnan and
Duller, and Mesrs. Jones, Perry and
others. Altogether tho party was a
really social affair, and the individual
tordict of each one was that thoy had
enjoyed themselves hugely. Quite a
number were present from Columbia
City oud vicinity.
Tub Mist has made arrangements
with the Weekly Orcgonian to furnish
thai paper from now until December
1, ltiM, and The Mist for one year for
i he small sum of $3 00 in advance.
The regular price of llio Weekly
Oregoniau is $j 00 per year and The
Mint $1 50 per year making ft 00 for
tho two. Hut wn will send to any ad
dreas, for 3 00 culi in advance, the
Oregoniau for lifl-en months and Tiik
Mit for one year. This offer will
only last until December 1. and is an
opportunity never before offered in
this state. Add rem all communications
to The Mist, Ht. Helens, Oregon.
One of tho best (orations in tho stale
for store is in Heaver vu'.loy. The
people want a store and pontollice very
badly, and will offer a good trade to
somo btuiness man to open a general
merchandise store in thut vulley. They
slao ueeJ a grist mill, which could be
supplied witii Kwer by tho falls of the
Heaver, which is sutliciout to run all
the mills iu the state outside of Ore
gon City. Al-prcuviH the whole trade
of about KM) futilities come to Kuiuior
nd Cedar Landing, a distance of sev
eral miles over the mountain,' which
is a great drawback to thut thiii'ty
Mia Ilertha lson, daughter of the
late Hon. L. li. Ison, of Baker City,
Or., was shot and killed by her lover
iu Chicago lust Monday. Tho fiend,
Dr. Charles K. Hnllard, who murdered
her because she, having good reasons
fur so doing, had cancelled their en
gagement, immediately afterwartls
look his own life. Mrs. lion, after the
death of her htmhand, had moved East
for the purpose of cmnplotiiig her two
daughters' education -tixl it was while
at school that Miss Isou met Dr. Bal
lard. We are asked to Rtat our Ilotillon
correspondent was mistaken in regard
to Mis Oihunre quilting the telegraph
olliun, MishCli'.morequitouly because
of tho sickness of Mrs. Plummer whose
husband is tho operator, and' toucher
of Mia Oihnore. As ' soou as Mr,
l'lu miner is well onough so that Mr.
Plummer can give his attention to
the oltlce Miss Oihuore will resume her
Study of telegraphy again.
Wo understand that Mr. Kittering
is buildfng a new store on the mount
ain back of Cedar Landing. The buil
ding will be 22x3-1 feel, two sloricshigh,
the lower floor tu be u-ed as a store
and the upper us a residence.
Judge Sawyer of the United States
supreme court died in Han Francisco
Tuesday luat. J uilgo- Sawyer's death
following so closely that of judge Hoff
man it leaves the northern district
of California without a Federal Judge.
Lost A couple of black and tan
hounds, main and female, In the vi
cinity of Bunker Hill. Finder will
kindly return same, (or gay where they
can be had), to John Mackensio, Soap
poosc, Or. ' 2t
Eev. Mitrchion.of Monteaano, Wash,
bus been assigned to the Vernonia
pastorate of the Evangelical chinch,
and has gone hence to enter upon tho
important duties laid out tor him.
The oily murit'hal srrestod a man by
the name of Healy Saturday morning
for drunkenness. By Sunday' morn
ing the man was partially sober and
was released and left town at once.
The steamer Joseph Kellogg is at
present oarrymg passengers free, con
sequently she has a largo list daily.
It Ib just as cheap to travel on the
Kellogg as it is to stay at home.
Joseph Romblaskoy," who was
brought homo about ten days ago,
died at Bunker Hill Tuesday evening.
Ho leaves a wife and sevoral children.
J. II. Swnger, a formor resident of
Columbia county, wus in St. Helens
Tuesday. Mr Swager expeots soon to
go into busiuess at Woodburn, Oregon.
Dan Richardson, Jimmy Oox and
E. T. Gore left Tuosday for Mount St.
Helens on a huutiug expedition ' to be
one several aays.
liirlient price paid for butter, eggs,
eto., at Bucon's farmers' alliance store,
Thjs Mist and the Weekly Oregon
iau one yoar, iu advance, $3.
Buyout' school books at the drug
store, Rulers and blotters free, .'
Justice Don n, of Kuiuior, called at
this oflico Tuesday.
Mrs. Johnson, of Kelso, wus In Ht.
Helens Monday evening,
Judgo Switzer and Mr, Charles
MucUc have bud on the sick list for
the puSt week.
A. 8. Dresser, of the law firm of
McHiido & Dresner of Oregon City,
Was in town yesterday, .
Hutierinlendont Watts, W. W. West
and F. M. Tompkins, of Hcappoose,
were in town Woducsduy.
Rav, JJuniol Htaver, general mission
ary for the Congregational churches
of Oregon, will preach, ut Rainier for
W, C. Wiso next Buuduy evening,
September 13,
County court met wednosdey, and
will continue two or three d.iys yet,
consequently wo are unable to publish
the proceedings this Week. They will
appeur iu our next issue in detail.
Tho insurgent Chillian war vessel
Data which the United Htates sent the
Charleston ell the way from San Fran
cisco to Chilli to capture at a cost of
thousands of dollars, is now to bo re
turned to the victorious Insurgents
with Uncle Sum's compliments.
-The Mist is very mueh iu need of a
good live correspondent at each post
olllce iu tho county where wo are not
at present represented. Send in the
news and avoid personalities. If yon
are afraid your grammar will be criti
cicised wo can ussure you that it will
not. All wo want is the outline of
what you want to suy and wo will do
tho rest for you.
The Terrible Agonv Does Not Pre
vent Its Use.
No poison brings death with more
madeniug agony than ammonia, but
that fuct does not teem to discourage
the suicide. The man Hanowitz, who
deliberately swallowed a fatal dose of
the drug in New York recently, is
only one of tho many who have gone
the ammonia route to death in suite of
tho cxcrutiating pain. Dr Blyih has
recorded thirly caaesol ammonia pots
oning iu tiie small London district of
which he is heullh officer; Professor
Mitchell mentions twenty-two cases,
and four have occurred during the
short time Dr. Jenkins has been con
nected with tho coroner's oflice in
Now York.
Cases of slow poisoning from am
monia are of constant, occurence
among men who work in its manu
fact uro, or eveu in decomposing sub
stances which give it off in considera
ble quantities. Ammonia, slowly and
from day to day taken into the system,
causes the complexion to lose its
freshness, and the skin of men who
get heavily impregnated with it has a
disagreeable blotched and discolored
Taken into the stomach from day
to day iu even the amall quantities
used to adulterate lood, such us bak
ing powder, it not only injures the
complexion but at luck a the lining of
the stomach, and is the source of much
genera", ill heitlth.
The recent rapid increase in I he use
of ammonia for various purposes, and
the consequent increase in its manu
facture, have made it one of the most
easily obtained poisons and, although
everybody is familiar wild it in some
form, there is a surprising amount of
ignorance of its dangerous qualities.
Its use us an adulterant in any food
preparation is simply a crime, and as
a crime should be punished.
Smoky weather is the order of the
day. Forest lires are raging.
L. F. Buiizcr has shut his mill down
for a few weeks.
The infant son of Charles Prichard,
escaping from the attention of its
mother, crept a few rods from the
house where a stump was being tired,
resulting iu ils feet being badly
burned. It will probably be a cripple
for life.
The forest fires are at present doing
considerable damage. Our esteemed
neighbor, Ed. Lyons, is the loser ef
7010 shingles.
S. D. Oirt has improved bis oozy
farm with a snug little barn. The old
gentleman is by no means going to be
left iu the cold when the weather will
permit him to build.
A fishing party last Saturday Ml for
the Clatskanie river with a box of
cigars and a kog of beor. They caught
one tish two inches long. The query
among Die boys is, "If a keg of beer
and a box of cigars can catch one fish,
how much boer and cigars will it take
to catch a mess of fish?" T. P. Woods
caught tho trout. Tom Thumb.
DKKll 181, AND.
We approve of your editorial of
August 2d ou "Our Taxable Property."
The Mist deserves the support of
every honest persou who is interested
in an honcBt assessment law.
Oran A. Woods is circulating a pe
tition fur a saloon at Deer Island. Of
course a oily requires all manner of
business to be prosperous. Mr. Woods
sees a father city here and is laying a
foundation. We "possess all the re
quirements nocossary for a largo city,
and at some future day Eastern capi
tal will step in and take possession of
our resources. We have excellent
water, unlimited timber, iron and coal,
excellent trans)ortution facilities,
splendid maimfaoturing locution, and
a itood farming couatry to back it.
The only direct and practicable route
into the Nohulem and Clatskanie is
from Deer Island, and, in fact, as far
as it is extended, to the west line of
section 0, township 5 north, range 3
weat, is as good road as any in the
county. It has fewer 1 ridges and less
hill, lower grades and less swails than
any road we have traveled in these
western mountains.
Mrs. Edwin Merrill has just received
a beautiful cape orotohed by her aunt,
Mrs. JenuieC. Collins, of Wheeliug,
Missouri. .
Alonzo A. Merrill and family have
siont the past week at Hiltsboro visit
ing friends and relatives. They re
turned home Sunday. .
J. W. Shockley and family returned
to Kansas the first of this week. Wu
regret to lose such a family-from the
I neighborhood as Mr. Shockley was a
useful man in the community. We
predict, however, that lie will return
in a few yours a poorer but wiser man.
We are asked if we know bow to
"stick" type; well, we don't. We know
how to stick hoi;, hut we have not be
come such a cruel devil as to "stick"
.Two young baft from Portland, son
of Mr. Bancroft, the, Southern Pacific
agent at thut place, passed here last
Monday enroute fur Clatskuuie City,
Mrs. liurlingame, the pastors wife,
attended church here lust Sunday.
Mis. Elizabeth Merrill has received
quite a collection of antiquities lately,
from her sisters, Miss Alary freeman
and Mrs. Jennie C. Collins, of Wheel
ing, Mo., consisting of a bedspread
caiieu "j lie Jiuss company t,umo;
Fancy," The bedspread was spun and
dyed by her sister, Mrs. Collins, a bed
quilt thut was pieced by her step
mother when she wag past ou years,
and it is culled "ocean wave," and a
dress she made all by hand to wear on
lur 80t.h birthday; also somo pieces of
mensclolh that wus home-made over
400 yeurs ago. Theso aro only fam
ily antiquities, but wo can't help men
tioning them us we notice tho marked
contrast between the past and the
present. .
Parties have received letters from
William Drummoud,a former resident
of this place. He fs at present ut
Manitoba managing a large farm for
an English army ollieer, Major-General
Wilkinson, and will urrivejiere in
due time. It will be remembered that
Mr. Drurnmond left here two yeurs
ago for Scotland, but like many more
who left, they most again relurn to
Oregon like ''little chickens, come
home to roost."
The Rev. M. Burlingame deserves
much credit for his effort in establish
ing a church here. He meets with
considerable encouragement, and it is
to be hoped that he may convert many
souls to his church, not his church,
bul the living church of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
H. C. Lamberson-H doing more sub
stantia! repair work ou his house. II.
C. is a rustler.
J. Culuhan's house is
nouring com-
Georgo Allshouse looms up in fine
style us ho applies the paiut to Walts'
Joseph Girdner calls atScuppose
quite often. He says everything is
dead up his way.
A teacher is still needed in district
No. 28.
Watts & Company have purchased
a store site in the town of Souppoose.
M. II. West lost $250 and George
AIUIiouro $175 by the failure of the
Union Fuel Company in Portland last
week. The loss fell quite heavily on
them as the cord wood business is one
of stmill profit at the best.
The Church sociuble at Dr. Qnivy'a
last Friday evening was a grand suc
cess. Over $28 was netted for the
church building fund.
Miss Belle Shattuck is confined to
her home with a sprained ankle.
W. M. Mitchell, the blacksmith, has
moved with his family to Hubbard,
where he will locate.
The farmers' alliance now hold
regular meetings at Watts' hall. The
membership is increasing freely.
A grand literary and musical treat
will be inaugurated at Scuppoose in
the near future aud a rousing time
will be 'bad.
Mrs. 8. F. Shattuck has secured the
best well in this vicinity, Mr. Burnett
dil the work for f 1 25 per foot aud he
struck a vein of cold water right from
Mount Hood.
Cordwood men claim that there is no
demand at present, but they are losing
no time in hauling it out while the
weather is good.
S. F. Shattuck finds all tho work he
can do iu his blacksmith shop.
Miss Mary Watts carried off the
prize cake at the sociuble on 150 voles,
wall Miss r-va Uonser a close second.
S. G. Haines' horse an I cart left
him in the road last Tuesday, but
Steve always gels home. "
Velocipede riding is getting quite
the thing with the young people lately.
Rev. W. C.Wise spent a few days
here last week.
, Rev. J. J. Staub departed for Ca'i
foroia this week, and rumor has it that
when he returns his bride will ac
company him.
Tlio residence of J. M. Gore on his
homestead was destroyed by tire this
week. Loss about $300. .
Mr. Condon Ewing and sister,
brother and sister of Mrs. J. G. Watts,
arrived from the East this week, Mr.
Ewing is pleased with our country
and will doubtless remain.
... F. Kairncl began thu erection of a
residunco on his place this week.
Mr. R. C. Mclntoosh's smilling face
was seen in our little village Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. freeman, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Conklin, Misses Maude
I in bra and Lizzie Hessie and Master
Ralph Itubria, are visiting friends and
reluiives in Marshland this week.
The thistle crop on 8. M. Graham's
place is ripe, slid the down is floating
all over Marshland.
The farmers are done harvesting
and are now busy burning brush.
essrs. Joe Subayska and Steve
Lanipa have relumed from Banter
Hill, and are now cloaring laud for A.
S. Graham. .- -
Messers. Charles and Silvo Graham
have taken the contract of hauling
hay for R. P. and A. 8. Graham.
Several of Marshland's young peo
ple gathered at 8. M. Graham's Sun
day evening. Instrumental, vocal
and "chin" musio was the enjoyment
of the evening.
The debating society was reorganised
and officers were elected a follows ;
II. L. Warren, president; J. Wallace,
vice president; Ine Graham, secre
tary ; Georgia Graham, assistant secre
tary; A. 8. Graham, sargeant alarms;
Silvo Graham, treasurer. The ques
tion to be debated next meeting is,
"Resolved, that the works of art is.
more boantihil than ; Hie works of
tialure," AUiriuative Silyo Graham,
James Wallace, W. L, Oraham, Neg
ative O. D. Sutherland, A. S. Oahan,
II. L.Warren.
Mis Maude Henderson hat returned
from the coast having bad a very pleas
ant trip.
O. D. Sutherland paid Clatskanie a
visit Sunday.
Among the visitors at Marshland
were Mr. and Mrs T. 3. F.ippen, Kit
'nd Ellen Flippen and Dave McDonald
ullof Clutskanie Odd Fki.Ujiv.
Klectrie Bitters.
This remedy Is becoming no well known
and so pupular ss to need no special men
tion. All wh j have used Klectrie Hitter
Vlng the same song of praise- A purer
medicine does not exist and It 1 guaran
teed to do all Is claimed. Klectrie liitters
will cure all disease of the Liver and Kid
neys.wlll remove Pimples. Bolls.ult liiiruin
and other afli-ctloiia caused by impure
blood Will dilve Malaria from the sys
tem and prevent at well as euro all Ma!aiiul
fevers -For.curo of Headache, Constipa
tion and indigestion try Klcctri-3 Bitters -
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refund'!. Price 60c and W-OJ per bottle at
i;dwiu lloss' Drugstore. ,
Thnraday, Sept. 10
WHKAT Valley, $1 53; Walla Walla,
31 Vxiil WA !r cental.
Lou it Btanuuru,
$.-; Walla
Go jier barrel.
OA IS flew, 3X(14c per busncl.
HAY $12"' II ner tin.
MILIjm.'PF. lirnn. mtt: short?,
iM,iii: chop feed, ai&a per tjii, barley,
SI 2i 1 25 per ceUal.
Hul lKK Mrexon tuncy creamery, -vm
32'ic: fancy dairy, '2.1i-; fair to tfootl, iitc;
common, lo(!s20e; hfcUrn. Sj((.. per
OUKESR-Orcson, 12(gl2Wc; Eastern.
13e per pouiHi.
K'ifi!4(a25c ner dozen.
KM5LTKY Old chicken?. 53 50;
young chickens, 3 SUnCiduck, tt&'i;
geese, nominal , $7S per dozen; turkeys,
lie per pound.
V hiibl Alil.lyj Uaohaire, nonimnl, 7
fii!$l per cental; onion. ttjctSSI per cental,
new potatoes, 4.iS!C0c percental; tomatoes
4'K.Vc per box; green pen. 9 to -leper
poena; siring I m. 'l to Ao per pound; cu
cumber, Wc per dozen; carrut.4, 75e per
suck: cr,m. 7 to 8c ierdian.
FKITI TK--Ai!!. Ml ti, KTc ner hox:
plum I, 2., to Wc per box; watermelons, fl 50
to f-' per dozen ; caute ioe, CI to 1 : anil
$1 Vi per dozen, l per crate; gruM.-ii, Tokay
it Sf) per box, mo-cut mid black, tl pe'r
box; pears, 812.)-, ttartlett, 7J to MUe per
box, nectarines. 00 to 70c per crate; puniji-
Kins, si w per dozen.
COKFEE-Costa Rica. 2VA", T!io.
Mocha, 30c; Java. ''A; Arhuckle's,
pound vases. Z4-e per p..uml.
bUOAK Golden C.Xe: extra C. 4Jc:
granulated. 5e.
HKANS Small whites, Zc; pink, 3! to
3'Ac; bsyus. 4Jc; butter, 4i-; liruas,4
to ikt per Jtounti.
HONEY is to 20c per pound.
BA lr Liverpool. BUI. $10 si toSI7: stock.
(II Pi $12 per ton in carload lots.
SYKl'P Eastern , in barrels, 47 to 55c;
55 t, 0c per (fa 1 1, in; $2 25 to $2 50 per keg;
California, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1 ,a
per Ke.
KICK 15 2.5 per rental.
the meat market.
BKEF Mve, 2X to 3c; dressed, 5toCc.
Ml' 'I TON Live, sheared 3 to 3c;
dressed, 7c
110(13 Live . flc ; d ressed , Cc.
VKAL 5 to 7c per pound.
era ham. 13Vi to Vic; other varieties , 10
to 12c; lard, compound. 10 to lite; pure. 1'2A
to 12lic; Oregon, 10'A to 12ljc; breakfast
bacon, ll'A to 13c; smoked bacon, 10'A to
BLOOI). At Clatskanie, Or., Sept. 1, 11
W. lliood.atred 52 years.
HOMULABKEY. At Bunker Hill, Or.,
luesuay, ncpt. s, Josepn Kuuniiusiccy.
GUrKLL.-To the wife of T. Grnell, of
titilton, on Sunday, September 6th, a
I! BANT. To the wife of Lewis Brant, of
Apiury, Or., a son.
ALV0Rl-WON'DERLY.-At the resi
lience of Mrs. E. It. Little, ia Pt Helens,
Oregon. Monday, September 7, bv
Kev M. Jlurl'nframe, llisa Kus-ic Jl.
Wondeily and Frank Alvord; all of
Columbia county, Oregon.
V A pamphlet of Information udatj
lnrenui tun awi,iuuwui uuw 10 1
.utnatn rnienia, l aYenia, TraeA,'
s.3i H roadway, .
,I hereby give notice that I will not be re-spons-ible
for any debts ciintriictcd'liy George
I'resstun Oross. (iEdhoe W. Cross.
Dated Neer City, Or.. Aug. , 1S91.
A flne traot of 160 acres In Beaver valley, com
prishuf the cei of 1111)4. sw1 of neVi". nwt-4 of
tioV. anil neH ol wl4, 8e. as. township 7 uortli.
mniroS wet. Ttita 1h a t:aet of ltiuil thnt is
miwtly ai?rleulturnl after the timber In removed.
Terms reasonable. Apply at UiU ciflu-e.
aept4-tl '
Notice is hereby isiven that all persons
are hereby warned against fishing, hunting
or otherwise trespassing on mv premises
on Peer Ishmrt W. 1). CONN KM,.
Daled Aug. 23, JSM. aJX-Ln
Land Offlee at Oregon City. Or., Am 10,
Notice is hereby given that the follovinr
named nettler has fllevl notice of hts lnteniiou
to nuiko tlnul proof In uppurt of his claim and
thnt Hniil nrtv.f will hi) ntailn lu,fi,m ,1, m...,,i,v
lon October is, lsai.vis: .
Homeatead ntry Km SSS3, for the sw ( of. see.
32, tp In, rt west He uaioes the followiitg
witnesses to prove his couliuuoua residence
upon, and ouUlvatiou.of snld laud, vis: ti. H.
Llrks, Calvin J. Rover, Julius Chesman, Nleo
las Maser; all ol Scappoose, Columbia county,
Urevon. .
aiiSol ; J. T. APPKESON, Keiister.
Ari old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his bands by an East
India missionary , the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy sod )er
uiauent cure of consumption, broucbittis,
catarrh, asthma and nil turunt and lung af
fections, also a positive and racical cure
for nervous debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having tested its wonderful
curative (lowers in thousands of cases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his suf
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desii-e to relieve human surtcring I
will send tree of charge, to all whoilesire it,
this recipe, in Herman, French or English,
with full directions fur preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
numing this paper. Y. A. Roves,
Sd) Powers' Block, Kuchetor, N. Y.
All Our Seeds Are
Our (eclogue Tellj tye t
F.L.Posson fi Son. Portland. On.
Great Portland
ith its world of wonders,
OPENS SEPT, 17, 1891; CLOSES OCT. 17, 1891.
Music by the (Treat Zupadores Band, direct from the City of Mexico. Art from tiie e'cnt
masters of Kurupe and America, valued at n quarter million dn'lars Wonderful
Electrical Adimtntinns in fell operation. A Splendid Series of Mineral
Exhibit. Everv Department li, led with the Novel n nil Itircsting
A grmfrr number of exhibits than ever before presented upon the const. The stock
department made a prominent feature. $SOOO in premluniH. The hirirot
display of fruit nnd the finest exhibit cif agriculture ever made in the I'ucific Northwest.
All iiikiiiifactuiits in full motion. Kvert thiiiic new. No dead exhibits.
Admission as usual, 6 rcatly reduced rates for ronnd-trip on all passenger linen.
r"Wl 't X
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First and cor. Salmon Street. . PORTLAND-
Yon are respectfully Invited to call at the office of the
And examine our list of
Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland,
Patties who desire to visit and examine this property will find our agent end team ready at any
time free of expense.
MTe also offer 100 10-aere tracts belonsrinj? to
the Hawthorne esiau at Hillsboro, Washington
county, U miles wetol Portland, one hour's rhie
by rail, three times daily.
. . White Salmon. Wakii, August SO, ISM.
This Is to certify that the "Oregon Homentcftd Conioauy' has secured furusKoodand H olllfctcd
hiimolei'la. reuuirine little, if any clearing, with linit-cusa noil, well adapted to grain and vetre
ttihUi. aa well a-, t the tmHlm-tii,!! ot every variety of grain tim fruits thut cnu hp rrroA-n in Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington, and we have hcaled toerein. Said hon;eieiida are situated uii
the Wahinirlon pUIh of the Columbia river, convenient to the ltmdhic of a daitv line uf Members.
and optHKsiic to Uo,k1 U1t rotation, on the line of the Union i'ai-ihc railwuv, tii niilen caat of the
city ol 1'orlUud, We ourdialty recomineud our friends and others to join our colony.
" (Sixned, . S. A.CAPP,4MTst., l'orthind.
W. . Koi.b, 2 Oak at.. KuHlanil.
, W. J. Bates, cor. Knlttand ilall Hts.. Portland. .
CHA9. II. 0HID8ON, 27i Kourth st., t'oi-tluod.
G. V. Cook, cor. Fourth ami J Hx., K. Forilnnd.
C. B. BtACKWLL. cor. 41 h and J sis. E. I'orUund.
. M. W. Kincaid, t6 Forter st.. I'ortland.
F. Pikkcb, cor. Third anil Ash sis., 1'orlluud.
There are now sixty settlers in the colony and claims enourh for 10 to 13 more families. Call
and obtaiu full particulars. -
0 ' .
We arc also locating a eolony about three mfles from Port Angeles. Five. 10 and 20-acre tracts
. . $i0 per acre.
Also a colony at Hillsboro, Or. on 10 and 20-acre tracts at H01 and 1121 per aero.
10 acre farm miles from Pt. Helens, all good land, creek runntiiR- through the center, splendid
springs, new 6 room house, small garden, fruit trees; 35 j;er acie.
Lots ifl CHELSEA
v"';,-v: EAST SIDE. ; '
One of the most beautiful sites near Portland, IMS to t500 each. Lots MxlOO each.
.... .
0 '.-
We have thelanrest and mod valuable tracts of land in the states of Oregon and Wsnhtlia;-
taa. We reeeive none for sutKilvision or sale that we cannot have endorsed by ths K-aitiu H-&1
dents ot the distriet In which sueh lauds are situated. We receive none oxcept such as have an
absolute perfect title.
We have 200 S-acre tracts near PORT ANOE1.ES, WASH., an elesant tract for a colony 190 per
acre; b.iOO acres iu a body ueur the above, f-' per acts. Very libel al terms.
Four Homesteads, Aeraeh, $130 Each.
a ,- .
We have for sale a beautiful fruit farm ot a ISO acres, 80 acres under fence, no acres under culti
vation. Price Sl.AOO. Terms 11.200 cash, balance on time. With household lurniture
borseN cattle, hoga, poultry, wagons and everylhliiK suitable for a first-class
farm, ti,a00. Terms, f.'.OUU cash, bulance on time. Call aud get
v -.- full particulars. ..
US acres flne cleared land near Roscbiira. Oreiron, nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oak
, tree. d per aire. Kpendid fruit and grain fariu,
Oregon Homestead Co.
d. .-pisisrjsY,
Mf-AU Work Warranted.
Industrial Exposition,
Table and Pocket Cutlery-
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,
Properties , the finest and best
which is
it acres, imvrovefl farm 7 miles south of Port
land, neArOiackamas, Clackamas station, ti. P.
R. K., cood houte, lain! till fenoe;l, yood water,,
some timber; price $i5j per mete, eimy term it.
Bepairing a Specialty.