The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 21, 1891, Image 1

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575 Subscribers
Circulation, 800.
1 I 1 Wl
VOL. 8.
, UnikkI Ifivoiy l'VUlny WoriiliHC,
feliusorlnlloll Hllt.
(tiii ciiiV, I'M' ) i'iir, In mtviiiiro
Olll l'ul' MIUHlll. .
Hliiitl(i (,'tii'y.
Ad vorlKliilt Hulrs.
I'l.ili.n.l.iinil funis, ntig o '
(iiii t i.Iiiiiiii, mm yvt
Hull ( i.lumii, "iio ! '2
liunrlrr Column, out' (car... . -
Oui. iii.'Ii, "iii iiikiiiIi . ;
iiiii. Int'li. llitei moiiUm J
(mo Iii.'Ii Iiv tin' venr, per month ,
N,4-h Mimim .'uni l.r llm. for llwl In
.ri.m; ii'ii V'viilH H'f llim or ioli til.iiit
' "rrt-Vtii ' liwm-iit nun dollar nii'l half
in. f In. It tor lhl m-iirlloii itml vMit'-no rents
j.ur lin h fur i 'Ii nlNiifiit liiMirllnn.
oiumhht County ' rectory-
CoiiiUr" Officers.
i,i.. . , i, J, Hwllyir,W. Ili'lvm
Hoik h K- K. ul.'k. HI. Ilt-kiw
Hbt.rlH Win. Mtwker, Ht, II.' ens
'In .minor . .,. ,.. W, t'ole, HI. Uoli-lis
lini.l, of HrlKnU " Willi". illMie
L,K'u,r .: .....I...... -V ' " lllle. HI. Il.len.
, 1 1. lnr-1 M.l..r. ViTliolila
COIillllU lolIMM Ju w rm., ( liil.killllU.
Nnitcly Nolli'ea.
Mtwinin W. I..i'ii I.o.litn So. nj -UwiilUr
-.iiiiiiiiiiil.nil"" rl mid llilnl Halimlay III Mill
nii.iilli, in . rt I', in. nl Min.iiili' Hull. Moiling
liu'iilli..' III K1 KlllllltlllK IiivIIimI l sllvud.
M 4w,Nii'.-ltlulr lliii' So. IM.-flMed mwl;
Iiii: yniit nl r . on or lt-iorp vh? lull moon M
7 'it , i.i. nl Mni.nilp hull, ovi-r lilmii-lnirds
I. .ii. .iiM niPiiiLcm In mnl nimiillwK In
ilii'.i in itileml.
KvttMjfullrul Aiiolimm.
Vir l Sunday. iH'vr Island, 11 a.m.; Hi,
Ilflt-tia, T ::fi p'ih .
s,,.,,ml H.hi'Iiiv. Swr Clly, U a.m !
Ili'lfin. I'.'". , ...
IVUIiiy. ix lii:!' Ilm llilnl Holiday, lata-
Iwiiiii;. i:'M .m. ,, , . .,
'I'liinl Humta.v, lilllon, It a.m.1, lloulbm,
V'oii'rlli Hnii'lnvi Wrmmla, 11 a m. ami
?..ii.. ..i . Wiltim. .1 li. in. .
I'liinii MtTtuiK, Vcriitniln, AiiiiI 20.
M Hi'ui.ixovmk, rtr.
Th jiimu.
Ijiiwii Hin t (llwl rloM l ; . in.
Ill lilt -it (ItiMi) 1 1'-1". .
I lu. iiuill f-r Vrit'.i.l mi.1 l-ltuonr livw
H lltilriM Tilt"'I) "i lhniiljr 'l HninnliiJ-i
'tih. w.ill f"r MiimlilHit'l. I'lRl.Kaitlo mi.t MW.
l.-.lvoVilMlim M.m..I, tt wliu.). mill Krl.Ur
"'Mii'lI'lBiillwnvlitorili.-rliwiii nl,IO.'.m. Tor
I'lirilmi l m a I'- '
l rnv,.W r' ild Ulver Um.
writ ii W. Hiuvnt-I.m t llelcn. for I'ort
I nii4 It'll. Tiielv. Thnrilii ml Hjlnr
,U l."n Hi. Iloli'iin ("C ;mkiinlt. Moll
.l,ti li, X(vAwUr ! Kililitji. M :! a. I
Hrii J'ksi-II Kt!l.ifl,ii-Ive HI. Ili'lom loi
l'..itlMi.l, hi W. hi . M..ii'l. Wlii"Jnr ai
TiKrwinyo. Tlmrwliiya '
Hr Toi.ilMi-In' W. Helen for .C owlll
rlviir flu. in , M i'ly mi'l Hinrwl.v.. Uv
H l'. l.i for I'orliniKl. I m.. WihIiuhkUjii
mi. I Hmnnlmfc
n. it. . i-.m
Physician and Surgeon,
HI. Helena. Oregon
U. J. K. tl.M.t..
Physician and Surgeon,
t'lnti-knino. -'oUiinlle, t'oimty. Or.
ellltlDK A MtlHKU.
T. A. Mt.lirMu. I rrotni'l nttciilloii tclvci) (o
A. 8. Prcxwr. f, titul Ollloe liualiiwa.
OrPRoil t'Hy, OntROii.
v. i.rrn.B,
Surveyor and Civil Engineer.
I,nmt Murvi'vlutf, Town 1'lnlUnix ami Kn
Ulnwrlna wurk lroliiilly Oune. . ,
(('(H'HTV SUHvavun.) St. Ht'loun. Or.
Notary Public & Real Estate Agt,
OlntDlcauio. Oregon.
All luiii rnrcfully ami eorreolly maile
out. Wul I'M nu Unmlit. hoIiI nnil fimteil
W. T. IHIIINKV, l.. T, H.HIM. ti w. J' BAWH
OrH'ui city, O won.
Twelvo venra OMerli'iCii n Iti'Klter o(
tlio U.H. '.ii'1'! ollluolicre, iwoiniiienilH U
tn our siicoliiltv "f H kliulH i't Inclnei'"
fi.i'ii tint t.miil lm! or tliu Cinirlf, anil I";
vulviiiK the piaotico III thu tlenoriil l.aml
V llltOCKESllUOlTflH,
Attorney-aMaw, ,
( .Svcin1 Agi-nt ut (leneriil Unit Ollloe)
' Ubkuor City, Oiimii!.
Iliiincsti'iiit, I're-oiiilillini mt Timlier
l.niul Alipll' HlloiiK, unit "tlier l.nml Offle
liiisiiii'm, b riiwi'iiiliy. OINko, ami loor
l.nil JHH.:o Uiniii8.
i? wtsomrr. n
Notary Public & Real Estate Agt,
Uoulwn, Cohmilila Cnmity, OrKim. j
. . . . ... ... . i. . ai.. a n
1 lit) niiiiurBiir.irn win titanu m, sua cvr..j w .. ponlnitiir to th. truiatarrlnc ol ! mUI
ami mi.tvir imiulrln r.littina to locntiuii ami iviit
hkm. 1.01. In Hid town, ot Nnr. Ololi. or R.ilhi.
W ill alo ultonil U l'Mi.lon t)lim, bolut .utltoruwl
tn hv k'Kl rucogiilllon trout tits ot
Inturlor. K.WINUEKT.
The 'Photographer,
Firt nntl Tuylor StreeU.
1-Oli'l'LANir - - . OUKUON
Work ami rrk u ilint cannot U Iwutvu.
The Onntoen Hjttem,
A recent annouueomout to tlio eflfoot
that the "canteen yatem" wu to ba
Introduced In tlio military post at Fort
Snelllng awakened no little curiosity,
not onlr among tlio jroungnr pimorotloQ
of olvlllani, but anion"; Urand Army
men, vetorana of the war of tlio rebell
ion. The canteen system, as mulor
tood by the latttir, oonslslud duilng
the eventful years Intervonlo"; between
J801 and 1806 In mug((lnK poach and
honey and commissary whisky Into
oamp. , This is, in reality, nbout all the
canteen system of which the old boyt
in blue were cognizant. Uut tlio can
teen system which It la now proposed
to Introituoe Into the American Army
la altogether a difToront ouot It la an
adaptation of a custom now general in
European emtio, particularly so among
English troops. 'Ihere Is to be a "wet"
ana a "dry" ountoon. The wet citnteon
consists simply of a post club room fit
ted up with a library, games and re
freshment annex, where, for an exceed
ingly smalt sum, the private soldier can
proouro coffee, tea, cocoa, or chocolate;
eggs, soup, or a square meal. The dry
canteen will dlxiuso articles of wear
ing apparel, notions for the tollot and
all the stock usually found at the post
trader's or the sutler's. Both will be
under government control, and, instead
of exorbitant price being the rule, lirot
cost I all that I expected from Undo
fcarn' blue coats. The oantoeu system
ha proved a sticcoss in Europo; that it
will be in the United State lit regard
ed a undoubted. 6(. J'aul I'toiteer
fres. i
Time to Oo Homo.
Hero I a good storv from the De
troit Pre I'trtt: A little after 11
o'clock Inst night a young man evi
dently not many minute, from thenlco
hollo atmosphere of a bar-room, was
walking up Monroe avenue, when In
front of the I'lankington lit gaxo hap
pened to fall on the Inirlv forms of the
two corpulent Individuals who piny the
two Johns in the comedy of that name
now running a week atone of the local
theatre. The young man halted, rub
bed hi eyes, straightened out hi
spinal column and went through all
the different movement Included in
the process of "bracing up," looked
earnestly at the two portly forma, each
wrapped In a closo-IItting ovcrciwt,
each topped off with a shiny silk hat.
then he shook hi head mournfully and
resumed his walk. Just before he
reached Randolph street he met an ac
quaintance who. hailing him, said:
"Hollo, there, Charley, what' your
hurry? Not going home, are you?"
'You belcher sweet life I am," was the
emphntlo response. "I think I know
when Ish gut 'nough. Seoln' double
now. Dig fat man down street: took
a look at him; hang ma if I din t see
two of him. Here word of advice,
ole fcl. When you sliee doublo go
homo, don't tarry, git," and away ho
went, firmly impressed that he had
been the victim of an optical Illusion,
induced by the libations that he had
offered up at the shrine ot llacchu.
Ii'e a Great Intlnstry.
Superintendent of the Census Porter
recently received a letter suggesting
that statistic be gathered relative to
the chewing-gum liabit. A visitor at
one of the uptown hotel last week I
the pronrlotor of a chewing-gum fao
tory, which is one of the eiuallest and
least Important In the country, ho said:
"Thus far this year we fiavo made
and sold ftOO.OOO worth of the stuff.
We employ ISO men and girls, and we
hip to jobbing houto In every large
city in the country. There aro in the
United Slate alone fully a dozen largo
factories, employing as many people
a we do, and in most case more. The
annual output of these factories will
average $460,000 per year, making a
total production of mora than tt.OOO,
000, and there are enough smaller con
fectionery establishment to Inorease
the annual production to at least $8,
000.000." M r. Sun.
The Photographer.
107 and 169, First Street, Portland Or.
BT. HKl.KNH. - - - - - OHKdON,
State Insurance Co.
-1 OO TO r-
Watchmaker ami Jeweler,
-Fon vorn-
Elegant Jewelry.
The Fluent Assortment of Wntehes, Clin ks
ami Jcweiry oi an iet.Tiii(ii.
r -Proprietor of
Oriental ; Hotel.
The bonne has lieen fVy refurbished
tlirotiRhmtt ami tn nesv or nceom
Hiodultons wRb plvcn. , ,
STACK run In eoniicetlon with
the hotel coimectluK with Die North
av l'ttclllrt W,iilr.tnil itl. Miltiin Hlilffo
for Taeoina trnins 10 p. m. For l'orliiuul
. train at 3 l. ui. .
A Biimll smellor will bo erected
at the galena mine on Middlo fork,
Grant county.
Tho body of Mins Ncllia Boise,
who waB drowned at North Beach,
hn been recovered.
Tho body of Willie Steel, who wafl
drowned while bathing- at North
Beach, ha been recovered.
" Tho Klamath cannery is prepar
ing for a big season's run. Twenty
boats with forty men, will scoop in
tho (11).
Geo. Kbell, one of Baker county's
most prosperous farmers, states that
his grail) this year will average
sixty bushels to tho acre.
Tho First National bank of Uose
burg will be it) working order by
tho first of next month. All pre
liminary arrangements have been
made or are now in progress.
V. F. Noble has shipped from
Baker county since tho liret of the
year between 13,000 and 14,000
head of sheep, leaving something
like $40,000 with tho sheepmen.
- Walter Jones, of Pilot Rock, was
thrown from his borso and his leg
being broken was unablo to help
himself and laid out on the prairie
all night before his accident was
The Oregon railroad commission
has investigated the facts of the
accident in tunnel No. 11 in tho
Siskiyou mountains which caused
the death of Engineer ltochford on
July 29th. '
Tho'Medford distillery people
talk of working up the small
peaches of next year's crop into
peach brandy. This will make a
market for culls which are usually
a dead loss.
William' Q.' Brown was making
geological observations in tho Emi
grant creek region, mapping the
sandstone layers for the next annual
report of tho United States geolog
ical survey. .
The Albany "woolen mills have
purchased this season " 280,000
pounds of wool. Tlio mills are
running steadily, and will manu
facture more than that amount dur
ing tho next year.
Captian It. S. Littlefield has
already driven two solid rows of
piles at the mouth of tho Coquillc
river. In a month work on the
jetty will be advanced far enough
to commence dumping rock.
Over 100 men are now employed
at tho Myrtle creek mines and about
fifty more will be sent out in a day
or two. Work on the big ditch is
being pushed rapidly, and will be
Completed about October 4th.
Georgo Waldrou, the 19-year-old
sou of William Waldron, a promi
nent farmer living near Prairie City,
was dragged to death by a horse
last week, tho young man being
thrown off and his foot caught in
the stirrup.
The farmers of Jackson county
are manifesting much interest in
the fanners' alliance movement.
T. Barubum, of the Kansas national
organization, is now there, under
whoso efforts four alliances have
been recently organized.
The 800,000 acresof land granted
to the Oregon Central Military
Wagon Iload Company has been
sold to a company of Eastern cap
italists. It is said that they will
start mills along tho Middle Fork
next year and put tho lumber on
the market. '
Rev. Father Metaper, of Albany,
who has been at the hospital at
Portland for somo tune, has so Tar
recovered from his severe illness tft
to bo able to go to tho Siskiyou
mountains whero ho will romain
until he is ablo to resumo his minis
terial duties. ;
The now armory building in Port
land is about eompluted. The drill
hall is 200x100 feet in size and is
tho finest in tho country. The
gallery around tho drill hall will
comfortably scat 1200 people, while
several hundred more can hnd
standing room.
E. B. Burdick, of San Francisco,
an old-time minor, and an oxpertin
all matters appertaining to mines,
has returned from ft trip to the San-
tiam mines whero ho niado a
thorough prospect of tho ores there.
Ho is well pleased with the outlook
and believes the Santiam has a
good future.
F. J. Miller, clerk of tho board
of railroad commissioners, is busily
engaged in taking caro of the mass
of papers which have accumulated
in that office during tho last fivo
vears. Previous to this there was
no svstem of filing tho papers, and
they were scattered here and there,
without any attempt at keeping
them m outer.
The Portland postoflice " gives
employment to fifty persons and is
soon to be classified, Postmaster
Steel has boen notiflod by the postal
authorities at Washington that a
board of examiners will be appointed
to examine all employes in the
postoflice. The civil service applied
will removo the appointing power
from Poatmiibler Steel.
'Mount Vernon will have electric
lights and a new postoflice.
Tho proposed industrial exposi
tion at Spokane this year has been
Senator Long, of Lewis county,
has sixteen acres of his farm near
Chehalis planted in hopB.
The annual fair of the Lewis
County Agricultural Association
will bo held on the tin, otn auu win
of Octolier. . '
Tho city of Tumwater has sent
Olympia tiro department $50, as a
recognition of their services on tho
night of the lire.
The Douglas county farmers'
alliance has passed resolutions
denouncing proposed improvements
to tho county courthouse.
W. II. Leighton, conductor of an
electric car in Seattle, received
serious injuries by falling from the
top of a car while repairing tne
There is a schomcon foot to build
In electric line from Seattle toPuy-
allup, a distanco of ? miles, it will
bo constructed so as to carry freight
and passengers.
Nearly 100 of the striking miners
at Franklin and Newcastle, whose
places were filled by negroes, are
leaving Wilkeson with their fami
lies, being unable to get work in the
There are now 2500 squatters on
tho government townsite reserve at
Port Angeles who are anxiously
awaiting tho survey in the expecta
tion of having their rights con
firmed. A female eagle was killed along
tho Columbia, near Wilbur, one
day last week. Its mate was shot
at several times but not hit. , The
bird killed measured eight feet from
tip to tip. - I
Seattle has 188 saloons, which
are owned by persons of different
nationalities as follows: French, 7;
Italians, 9; Scandinavian, .18;
American, 37; Irish, 48; German
and Swiss, C9.
J. D. Scott, a highly respected
and well known citizen of North
Bend, in a state of temporary insan
ity, committed suicido by shooting'
himself in the head. No ;ause is
known for tho act.
The rails for the West Side motor
road, at Olympia, are now laid the
whole length of Long bridge includ
ing the draw. The iron will be laid
up the bill and so on to Butler's
cove as soon as tho grading is
The four-masted barkentine Che
halis, at Gray's Harbor, is fast
nearing completion. Captain Simp
son is now superintending the work
in person and states that the mon-.
ster vessel will bo launcnea Sep
tember Gih.
The question of borrowing $-10,000
or $50,000 for the purpose of con
structing roads wa3 discussed at
Kalaum by the citizens from all
parts of the county. Thore was a
general sentiment in favor of selling
county bonds for that purpose.
Tho Burlingame Contract Com
pany has taken a contract to build
ninoty-threo miles of roads through
out Clallam county. 1 ho bonds
have been disposed of and the
money to completo the work, to tho
araonnt of $190,000, now lies in the
Ben Swaggait and George Har
rington had remarkable luck hunt
ing ana tismng up aDove .towns.
Mathews sheep camp at tne neaa
of Big creek last week. They
caught 1001 trout, killed all the
grouse in that part of the mountains,
as well as a large part of tho deer.
Lightning near Almira last Fri
day killed six horses belonging to
Charles Maxen. . The horses were
found doad, stretclied out on their
right sides, and all in': a row
on a trail a short distanco from the
creek. They showed no signs of
having made the least kick,, and
hardly a hair was turned to show
the causo of death.
Secretary Tonneson, of the State
Board of Horticulture, after making
an inspection of the berry fields in
tho Pnyallup valley, has roached
the conclusion that the berries will
beforo many years ;tako tho place
of hops in that section, G. W. Kirk,
of Puyallup, reported to Mr. Tonne
son that from one and one-half acres
of raspberries ho realized $810 net.
P. Summersfield netted $320 from
another one and one-half aero patch
of tho same kind of fruit.
I. M. Galbraith, who already
owns a fine coal prospect on the
Bouth fork of tho Nooksack, not far
from Fairhaven, has discovered
what he believes is a vein of truo
anthraeito ooal, in that district,
Tho cropping from which tho sam-
plo was taken is about twenty-five
feet in longth and about two in
breadth. The mountain on which
this coal find was made is about
1000 feet high, and t he expose vein
is 1000 feet above Bea - lovel.
Immediate steps will bo . taken to
teBt tho coal anil ascertain the
extent of the vein,
A grass which should be the
dairyman's favorite, owing to the
sweet scented fragrance it commu
nicates to the milk, is the , vernal
grass (anthoxanthum odoratum).
It springs up early in the spring,
flowers and sc-nts the air with its
fragrance. Asagrass for exclusive
feeding it will not rank high, but
when mixed properly with the other
more nutritious grasses it gives a
fragrance to the whole mass which
is veiy delightful.
No grasB probably flavoTS milk,
cream and nutter so directly and
noticeable as this sweet, scented
vernal grass, and where it is abund
ant in the fields growing along
with the other varieties, tho butter
made from that section has a dis
tinguishing and exquisite taste.
When this grass is mowed and
stowed away in the silo with other
grasses it gives a splendid milk
food for winter feeding. ' On large
dairy farms it is well worth the
trouble to scatter some of the seeds
of the vernal grass in the pastures.
Tho reBult in the flavor of tho milk
and butter will soon be noticeable.
Where fancy butter is made a spec
ialty this grass is an essential to
the pastures.
The fragrance of the grass is due
to the presence of gum benzoin or
benzoic acid, which can be dissolved
in cold water. Butter washed in
water in which the the grass has
been soaking will loso its rancidity
to a large extent. Ensilage butter
is often destitute of true flavor, and
it can only be flavored by artificial
methods or by adding 6ome such
fragrant grass to the silo whiifh
will impart its sweetness to the milk
before it leaves the cows, E. P.
Smith in American Cultivator.
The wheat growing region is full
of hopes. Its crops are excellent, and
the crops of European and Asiatic
wheat fields are bad. Tho Amer
ican farmers look for an enormous
demand, and high prices. This
promises to be his year the year
in which he will not be compelled
to meet on equal terms in the
Loudon market the peasants of the
Danube and Southern Russia and
the ryots of India.
Thero is one thing the farmer
should guard against carefully, and
that is invidious advice to hold on
to his wheat, for it is easy ' to hold
on too long. He should see to it
that he gets his price, and he should
take steps, through the various
agencies at his command, to keep
himself informed of the prices rul
ing in the market of the world. He
must, in other words, avoid the
wiles of the middleman; but . he
muse bear in mind the important
fact that wheat can be kept too long;
that holding on for a rise demands
capital, and that the price must rise
faster than the interest accumu
lates. Holding on is a dangerous
game even when played by experts.
Last summer the ice crop was
short in many parts of this country,
Our ice gave out the 1st of .July,
and we didn't know what to do about
"raising the cream until we hit upon
the expediont of diluting the milk
with 50 percent, of well water when
it was strained into the deep cans
in the creamery. This answered
the purpose. The cVeam was all up
in a few hours, and the only objec
tion to this method was that it took
up moro room in the creamery, and
tho skimmed milk was very poor
for feeding purposes; but the addi
tion of some linseed meal made it
all right to feed to calves and pig3.
This method of diluting milk for
cream raising can be practiced with
any style of setting the milk, I
suppose, but it is probably better to
use deep cans sot in a tank of water.
It will be worth while to make a
note of this in case' tho ice should
give out beforo cold weather.
C. Smith, an American trapper,
accompanied by a Cocopah Indian,
has returned from the Gulf of
California to Yuma, Arizona, and
eives additional details concerning
the earthquakes and tidal waves of
August Oth. About six o clock
that morning a heavy shock was
felt near tho Lordo Colony in the
state of Sonora, Mexico, on the Col
orado river The sky darkened
and a terrifio thunder storm came
up. A huge wave from the, gulf
was driven inland, and fences and
laudine places were washed away.
A second earthauako shock caused
tho earth to open -in many places
Some of the fissures were four to
seven feet wide,, and from twenty
to thirty feet long and seemingly
fathomless. Mon were thrown to
the ground by tho force of this
shock. About a mile from Lordo
they noticed a fissure in the middle
of the river bed, into which the
Colorado was pouring with much
noise. A third shock of earthquake
destroyed three Bmall habitations
ot colonists and cracked others
No human life was lost, but a large
amount of live stock was killed.
William Dunn was burned
death in a fire in a livery stable
Kansas City.
Phylioxer has appeared in the
French champagne districts. The
leading growers are alarmed.
Two colonels in the Mexican
army fought a duel with sword3,
and one, Manuel Blanco, will dio.
John Palmer, of New York, has
been elected commander-in-chief of
the Grand Army of . the Republic.
A collision of trains on the West
Shore railroad in New York caused
the death of twenty persons on
August 6th.
The cruiser Charleston has been
ordered to China. Trouble in China
of -some kind ia expected, hence
the order.
The strike of miners in the Coeur
d'Alenc, Idaho, mining districts
have gone on a strike and over
1000 men are out.
A Lisbon cablegram Bays a water
spout on an island of the Azors
group has caused immense damage
and killed six persons.. V
Severe storms have spoiled the
crops in many districts of Austria
and Hungary., Several persons were
killed by falling trees and houses.
Prince Alexander of Battetiberg,
who is known as Count Hartenan,
is recovering from his recent serious
illness. .
Henry Jahke, a Philadelphia
butcher, killed his son by striking
him over the head with a piece of
gaepipe during a quarrel.
Prof. Claud Bain, of Tuscola,
Illinois, has invented an aquacycle
which runs upon the water with the
same ease and speed as a bicycle
on land.
August 10th was tho hottest day
this summer in New. York City.
FUfteefi persons died from sunstroke
and hundreds were prostrated by
the intense heat. :
The amount taken by Sylvester
Young, defaulting cashier of New
port News '& Mississippi Valley
railroad, is estimated by his bonds
men to be $125,000. ,
A letter from Tehoran says the
shah has condemned the governor of
Wazenderan to be boiled alive for
failing to collect taxes enough to
satisfy the monarch.
James Russell Lowell, the noted
poet and statesman, died at his
home in Boston August 12th, after
an illness of three weeks. He was
aged seventy-two years.
Sunday, AueuEt 9th, was the
hottest day in Chicago for years
tho thermometer registering 100.
Several cases Of sunstroke were
reported, two of them fatal.
E. H. Schwabe, a wealthy
founder of Manchester, shot
killed himself at Montreal,
was despondent, caused by
death of his wife about a year
Cardinal Manning was congratu
lated by representatives of every
religious denomination in England,
and Mr. Gladstone, when he cele
brated hia 83d birthdav a few
day 8 ago.
A year ago this country was
importing large quantities of silver
from Europe, but to-day the tide is
turned and tons of our silver pro
duct are bemg sold to that country
for coinage.
Miss Kate Hackney, aged
sixteen, took carbolic , acid instead
of peppermint, at San Bernardino,
Cal., to relieve a pain in the stom
ach, and died from the ehects a
half hour afterwards. "
It is uow stated that Senator
Quay will bo made chairmen of the
Pennsylvania republican central
committee, and will lead the fight
for Blaine as against Harrison for
the presidential nomination.
Conger, of Ohio, member of the
national republican committee, is
responsible for giving to the world
that Mr.' Blaine will be a candidate
for nomination for tho presidency
by the republican national com
mittee in 1892.
World's Fair Commissioner
Meeker, of Washington, has discov.
ered that the law creating the state
board of commissioners contained
no emergency clause, and that all
the business transacted by the com'
missioners has been illegal. -
Tho Chinese government has
issued an imperial decree to all
officials in districts whero the late
Chinese riots occurred to arrest
all the' rioters and iuilict capital
punishment upon all offenders
which means cut their heads off.
H. Frank Tandy, pastor of the
Christian church at Tulare, Cal.,
committed suicide by taking poison
The cause of the act was a suit for
divorce by liis wife charging him
with cruel and inhuman treatment.
He left a letter denying the charges.
Judge Ogedn Hoffman, United
States district judge of California,
died in San Francisco August 9th,
aged seventy years. He was
appointed federal judge by Presi
dent Fillmore in 1851, and has
served forty years, longer than any
other judge has held ollice.
- Whiat-Walla Walla, $1.32; Valley,
fl.42 percental. '
Flour Quote; Standard, $4.85; Walla
Walls, $4.00 per barrel.
Oath Quote: 43(o;50o per bushel.
Hay Quote: $12(0:14 per ton.
MiLLSTorvs Quote: Bran, $23.00; Short.,
125.00. Gronmi Barley, $30.00fa 32.00;
Chop Feed, $252G per ton; Barley, $1.20
1.25 per cental.
Bottkr Quote: Oregon fancy orramery,
32&C; fsney diry,30c; fail to good. 2.W;27Jc;
common, 15fc20i; California, 22fo24o per
per pound, Quote: Oregon, 12121s; Cali
fornU, I2e per pound.
Egos - Oregon, 20o per dczeu. :
Fodltbv Quote:- Old Chicketia, $0.00
(5,9,50; young chickens, $2 50(4; Ducks, .
$4.00(0,6.00; Geese, nominal, $3 per dozen;
Turkeys, 15o per pound.
V to itabi. Eft Quote: (Jabbaco, f 1.00 per
cental; Cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; Onions,
Ie per pound; Beets, $1.25 per tuck; Tur
nips, $1.00 per sack; New Potatoes. COc:
Tomatoes, 90o per box; Lettuce, 12)o
per dozen; Green Pea. 3f4c per round:
String Beans, 3o per pound; Rhu
barb, 30 per pound; Artichokes, 40c
per dozen; Radishes, 10c per dozen bunches; '
younjr Onions, 10a per dozen bunches:
Cucumbers, 10c per dosen ; Carrots, $100 .
per sack; Coie, loo per dozen; Sweet Pots
toes, 4o per pound.
fEulTS Uiverside Oransos. 82 50 to 3.60:
Sicily Lemons, 7 to 8.00; California, 5.00 to
6.00 per boit; Apples, 75o to 1.25 per box;
Bian, d.&o to 4.00 per bunch; Pinesp
ples, 5.00 to 7.00 per dozen; Cherries,
1.10 to 1.25 per box; Gooaberries, 4 to So
per pound; Current!, 6c ner pound; Apricots,
I.UO to l.zo per box; Kupberrics. Bo per
pound; Peaches, 75o per box; Blackberries,
7c per pound; Plums, 50c per box; Water
melons, 4.00 per dozen; Cantloupes, 1.75 to
2.25 per dozen; Grapes, 1 00 per box;
Peart, 1.75 per box.
Coffee Costa Rics, 21 ; Rio, 23e; Mocha.
30c; Java, 25c; Arbuckle's, 20c per pound.
Sugars Golden C, 433 extra C. c: drv
granulated, 5c; cube crashed and powdered,
6Jc ; oonfecsioners' A, 5Ja per pound.
SYKCPS Eastern, in barrels, 47 to 55c:
half barrels, 50 to 58c; in cases, 55 to 80c;
per gallon. $2.2o to 2 50 per keg; California.
in barrels, 30c pe gallon; $1.75 per keg.
BiASts Uuoto: Small Whites, aio: Pink.
3S,3j5; Bayo. 4je; Butter, 4Jc; Limas, 4
&5c per pound.
Dried fariTS wnote: Italian Prunes.
10J(S;12c;Petiesnd German Prunes, 10c per
pound; Raisins, $1.75(a2 25 per box; Plum-
mer-dried Pears, 11c; sun-dried and
factory Plums, ll(M2c: evaporated Peaches,
ISffi20s; Smyrna I' ltfs. 20vj; California Figs.
9c per pound.
Km .50 per cental.
Hohev Quote: 18C 20o per pound.
Salt Quote: Liverpool. $16. $16.50.
$17: stock, $tl per ton in carload lots.
Beef Live, 3c; dressed, ofi'.Gc.
Mutton Live, sheared, 3e; dressed, 7c.
Hogs Live, 6c, dressed, kt'jOc.
Veal 5C 7c per pomid.
Smoked Meat and Lard Quoted: Rastern
Ham, 12?(a;!3c; Oregon, 12.',c: Breakfast
Bacon, 12(8l3o; other variolic, 8llc;
Lard, 5JHJa per pound.
Hides Quoted, ' Dry Hides selected
prime. o(":yc eo less tor calls; green.
selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55
pounds, 3o; sheep Pelts, short wool, 30
B;50o; medium, GOfaSOo; long, 90($1.2i
shearlings, 10((i 20c; Tallow, good to choice,
33i per pound. .
Wool Uoote: Willamette Valley. 17
l9e; Eastern Oregon, tOfS.ltiJjC per pound,
according to conditions and shrinkage.
Hops .Nominal, tjaote: uoo per pound.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.85;
Steel, $2.85; Wire. $3.40 per keg. '
Shot Quote: 51.75 per sask.
Coal Oil Quote: $1.90 per case.
People who live along the Nis-
qually river are compelled to pay
nfty cents ferriage for crossing a
stream do wider than a street.
William Wilev, a farmer, living
near Hender's ferry, was drowned
in the Umpqua river while attempt
ing to swim across the stream.
J. B. Rough who was injured in
the Lake Labish wreck last winter,
has been awarded $10,000 damages
by a jury in the United StateB
circuit court. .
Portland had a hundred thous
and dollar fire on August 12th.
The paint and oil storeroom of
Kelly, Dunne & Co. and Ann, J! old
mai & Co.'s broom factory were
burned.' .- ;i :'.:'' .v.''-.
The Northern Pacific Railway
Company is reported to have secured
control of the Hunt svstem of rail
ways in Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington and will tako charge of the
lines in September.
Rev. Dr. Lindsey, of Portland,
was thrown from a runaway wagon
Sunday while returning home from
church down on Lewis river, and ,
received injuries from which ho
died Tuesday, August 11th.
A fire in a lodging-house at
Spokane, Wash., on August 10th
burned two men to deathand a num
ber of others were badly burned
and injured from jumping from the
third-story windowB. The fire occur
red at three o'clook iti the morning,
and all the inmates were asleep.
' Mrs. Parker, wife of P. V. Par
ker, one of the proprietors of the
Astorian, was drowned at Clatsop
boach while bathing Sunday, August
9th. She was caught in ono of
the noted and treacherous under
tows and carried to sea. Parties
tried to assist her, but. it was too
Oscar Oliver, of Lost Prairie,
Wallowa county, aged 13, wa
thrown from his horse and kicked
by the animal in the face.
lad'B jaw was broken in two places
and the accident may result f.itnUy.
Mr. Oliver lost two little girls nbout
a year ago by a terrihlo accidmt,
and it seems that misfortune istill
pursues his family.