The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 07, 1891, Image 3

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U.S. and County Oilleittl Taper
Tim Mist Unt wtk omitted lo mm
Hon that i. 8. Cl.mfiR"r !! leMy
ut in hi looii a wlilgnH" w w
most lintirovod tiusi.n. t ?.-;
TIhmhm Cwr( ' tl' Webfoot
1mm, I. having, mi l ""' V'r
liU placa, it "uul
Anbur Uwi'KWM " butMr,
( It eon now trtl.v ist-rUlu ibut
work will ba nomine fed oa (b lr
loeil Ooble mil Alorl railroad eooii,
mu w are Informed,
Christie A. Burko ontl Jtin.o K.
IJiuko mela proof mi llii'tr uuiuiiiulefl
liouiesteatl in Uwiitill8uoith, mugo
A Cliitukiuil, Moid li)Uiy
Clerk Dait Wt-tliitistlay.
Hheriff Mifker tmlii Clutkmil an
oittulul vlli i.n WtMlnonlny rumlutf
Thursday. Till ol'jiHii of W !
to levy en tttbii-hiucul on Hmiih ' w
mill mill tin wi yoke vl wen, U located
i lilUt, Or.
v When railroad comjmiiy cannot
imy the employe ol the iHmUii de
ment ( Ui road tlwir nuUrii i mily
once io U iiiontliH. Uiy li.i Utiler
uaiwnd niwrathii. Hutli i the caee
villi tlm Oickoii 1'rti.lllc, in (nut luit
il4o) id thai road lv riHelvwl
in i jwy lor tic iiKMitlii Hint no tux pnot
til gulling it in the future. . j
Iut guud.iy Hi. Htton a viUd
liy mi amusing ouiiiiiiiiiuiiiii n( hear
and lUlmu Uiurii-ii. Tlitf , coin inn?.
.onitd f live Italian eud three
Ur. Tub IihIUu ng mid tli btar
ilmined, wrll'd and olluiled t?l
ffrapll h4 li the grunt aiiiininiit
t.l (lis li.loibiUnts if llio !'. Any
thing to break the monotony.
A iwity eoneistinjr, of County Clerk
fluU-k, It. C nnil Ji'iiM! Ct Ml
'J uiwUy lor low wU reereatioii In
Ilia nHHinUiiui. 1 lu y ki1 t MIII
lr Hinm tinw nil Wilmm rivvr in Hi
viciniiy of ti TtM.iux4i tot, mikI
tln-ii iwIihw limy will, wi ilM lr r
turn Iioiiio n;nl .1 f .w l)" M'nrk
rrrvkin ihv Nilmlrm Uy. I)'j uiy
Dmt tilBniiiUn in lint rlfiVi tilttcw ilai
ing Mr. uick'it uWiim.
It in a nmtU r ol fvm-mX .IUeulm
wlMtllioror w th ruin .f tht (iwhmii
vk r b-nll oritlifri. It itl
im ilie nir.n of tt!iiii tlm lut, nnil
U) (iroveiil tli ntikUi rcwtrli friii
Uing vwr run. tin it wtlwr iinl i
ttiiii junt wlum lirv t Mf t
Kitti ami will uiiiliiiiliUlly lu t"'t
lKtl ( arfiimCf il 1 1' Itritlii Kruwinu
iiMt whiMiU it c'u.iiiaiiu lur miy
lungtU ut timo.
Cwnty Arx'r Ih-on, of KHinl r.
i hrro fcir li .ni l nmking nt
Hie 'iiwut r.-ll Ui WJl. Hi"
14 ink l.ik Iwv nt t rnwl frnn
hli'Hi,c"ili'!ly Ih will il '
tl in c.n.nivntiiiK lt wik w'h I
ImVd ftum now imtil t tti l
H.itpiiiUr ti e i4vt. Jiitlml
Iw hiiI lli Ji'l iy n furwuriling
tbr Uitikn U not known,
Mny vnirn prnclin litif Rlri C,
- A.Hnow'A Co., H. li itw if 1'mi-iiU,
Mt Wellington, I). C unnrtMipl
turcKM in oliiHiniug fall-lit (r all
i-UaM-C nf liii.n. TlH'J nmka H
rMH'inliy if n-Jwteil mmm, mil Im1
wjiiwI !l wuin.' uf inxny rttvnti
Unit hnd l';ii riiorly n jiiUHl.
Tliuir JvifrUiM'ut i:s atmtlmr col
umn, will be of inurrt to linrntoin
.lcntM, minif:i'tn" r, miti oil li
ia Vn to U Willi imirnM.
II in h arnotl m kihm! mUiriiy llioi
(Jovtrnor rmmoynf him ni-i-oinUjil
OoUmul J. C. Kliofm-r, of l'ortUml, bri.
K"l Rmumto! l ll" Ort-KOii Miiuiml
fu..r.l. ii Utni rnl J. M. Muim, ri-
nignctl. Itol't. Miulinll. of Tort
liiiij, mciwili C4iih4 Slmfm.r !
jiilnnt gt'iicral. mid J. N. Tfiil, i f l'ri
JniiU, iHomri ninj-ir. Brigili?r-0'n
i ml Hlioliii'r i wi ll-known in nroiyd
clou. Ilo i a gmthiHto of Vt I'.iinl,
mid wu a ImiiUMiant in tlm rnui ir
nrmy Mow iiiuklug In lioiiio in l'orlr
In i id.
It In wiili dorrow wu uro cullml npon
o minoiuifO tlm (ItMih ( Jili
Itenvt-r at llool on nn fmiilny lunl.
Tl, wrilxr l-n hvn ii'inoinilly
nuniniwi with Mr. Heaver for aoonl
JmirtcPii yenr miti enn comninml Ini-j
lU'tlonn tlirongli tifit nn hoti.irnUle nnl
iiirigltt. Knrtliur lin.n Uiln il i not J
tiot-ro-ary to any miyililng rtWnwiJ
w Uorn nini ininul in Columliin
county mnl known lv wlmoat every
limn, wiimmi an! iliil'l In tl'i )lUm.
TliU n i uk t-n tlm fnurlu cliiUI of Mr. miJ
Mia. Willi.uu ltnvor lo iliwrt for tli
iK-ilur worlil wiiliin aliitln ovor a yt-nr.
Tlia iwicuU. wifu mi l n'luiiven Imto
the nymiwiliy olTim Mihtiniliin tlifii
liour of aorrow. IKwuMfd lavw tt
loving wifu nail onu ihilU to uiuuru.
- We k-ani f the drowning in Tilf
mi'k.on ftuininy liinl, of Krt'U Lnn-jjni-lier.
Mr. I.uiiriiclir Inwl bm-n up
. to Mr. Conni U'ii pUco on Uwr UUwl
nnil on honn bnvk li ntnrluil 10 Inn
boiiin linviuu tn fotil liir Il mi
lougli nnil Til crwk on ilie wy. It
U uimcI Uiat lu enwinpt Tlila cn-ok
(liti wntur wu Jii'in-r tlnni ha (Miught
ami llin lionm thn w him off, Ihun pur
1imi Klnt Hi d willi era lliu, w.i
o" row mil, Mr. LmiKni'ln'rw nailva
tf Swwfnn, of nii.lillu uiro, tmil lnve
h wife nnil aoveral ti) all cliilJrt'n to
mourn hia untimely ilemiaa. All of have the aymimlliy of thu on
tira oouiinunity. f
After nil Ilia wMely eircnl ited !ory
of an Imiueiuo whale having drifted
NHhora at Long Btuch, I'ncitlo comity,
hauotherof thoneold Uuia fairy tnle
of which tieopla ahouM not allow ttiin-
ai-lvt-aiohe dei'ei vim!, TIh'm atont'
are alarted for iha nla puriioca of in
ducing peoiila to vi'.t tlie 8ilere-
aorts. It la a well known (not that the
oxem-aion buatnem tn li;3 MunniJa bu
tt la Una been .ry light thi aeaaoii ok
nocount of the Ions- continued cold
wmitlie' ao lata in tha atnumer. We
iireauma if tha ruin continue a day
... . . . i . .ui
or two longer numncr wumh win
come iir in the m kleutioul njiot
u ilia lust two liave ctuae, or 'rliap
it wiii bo a aea er(ieut thi time, per
Iiaia tha cottaga owner, hotel m
ii ml llwaoo railway connwny will club
tjii'thei: and mnnufiictnr a hi wreclc
in from of Tinker' Uutcl, Any!i'Ug
The iftowniiifi nf Mlna Nuill llolxc,
of H,i5.'mi, nod Mr. Wililaui HUiul, ol
rotUmi.f, at Norlll ili-ach, on WimIiio
iliiy lnat, in tin ouuiiwdull of great am
row to IN paople of their reanwcllve
cltlM. They wore bathing In Utomsrf
will) a arty of wm-riil gentlnmeu ami
lii'lica, when an iinnmnnu niidnrtow or
tidal wave WHtt ilia linaidi drowuiug
theia two and urlounly injnriiia; tilue
other of tha putty. Tlnwa rcacuod
weret llvrboit iehol, II, McKnr
land, tiiOige Myt-rn, llalfa Johuaon.
L. Phepnrd, Merle Johtiann, Iluti Loin
hard, Mun Huwkiu and Mr. Mym.
Mi(.li(ii"o i a diiUKhtcr of Judge
iiolne, of tho ciimill court of Marion
county, and a aiaier to W, L. Boiao,
of the Port in ml law firm of MUitt,
Hinitli. Htott k Holae. ' h wua 23
vciira old, Mr. Hteel wu a aon of John
HUh-1, of Portland, ami wua tha adopted
ami of tieorga A. Hied, PoitlundV
preaent HmtinnU-r. He wua 'M yenr
old. Tiii ia the firat drowning that
hamx-curred on Hortb Kaacbaiucallia
drowning of Mi.n Kva Uutbnuk twelve
yearn au;o, whoae body waa never re
covered. Hlia, uxt, wu a great favor
ita of the Heanlde n aorlei. .
Col. K. Wl igert vUited our office in
ilia internet of a loat ChiUtmm gift.
MAttatllj.i.M) ITBSZS.
Farmer wre atiU buny making hy.
Ji-ie Jonea, of Denver, came down
Huuday, uiid 1 at woik for V, V, El-
Kinhcrmcn report Halt pretty acarce.
Mr, tt. U, Davcy ia vwiting friend
and relative in Una piaco thin week.
Mr. II. L. Warren, of Warren Inland.
Waa on the flat thia week.
Minna M ind llnndernon and LouIm
Mraliaiu, made a Hying vUit to Dvuvet
A party of young folk went on a
lUhiug acuruion, Kund.iy eveoiug,
mid hud tha pleunura of acting two
linii vauiilit. "
Mi Oney (Jruham and Maud
!I.ii(liin.Hid Mr, rtitvia Oruhuin
tMik a plaaniira rido on AruoldV'gont"
Kuudny evening. ,
Mr. tieorgU Ornliani and Mia
Cl,ira It n.4.l', pniti a very pleauui to CUukanie Kii lny.
Mr. W. II, Conyern. of CtuUkmiie,
wan veiling fiictid in MarmUnd tltin
week.., . .
Ituubcn Oraliam tH)k a irip In Si,
J1.ii, Friday, returning ruudy.
Wo ore i;l ol to ntata Mr. Joseph
Dixon, who hud hi leg broken miilf
time ago, Uahlu to be mound ngaiti.
Mr. C. M. Oraliiim, Pr., hn taken
he ixmiiioii an "cook" iu II. L. Cul-
viu'n logging camp.
The rtdniad men urv.-yed thr xigii
thin placa l iA w k. U 1 n onetl
tlit we are going to hava a ruilroad
itirough iiere aoou.
Mi Alur i viry ait k will,
ihe ngue, We ho0 aooii to mhi het
nruuud. . '
Mr. and Mr. Jim.. Dixon moved U
H. Hixou' laat we k.. ,
Tlm recent aurvey of the Columbia
Knr, l-y Major IJumlbniy, give great
utifnc'ioii in thinoHiuty. With the
acMiruuce tf twenty nix fi-et at Jo
water, and tlm villi Inliou of thirty .
no chip need tie afraid to enter. Tti
mouth of the Columbia in imw the bent
hurlxir on tlm count. Ilia the point,
lied of comne the only 'lnt, wlmre
the gpcnl river njntetu of the Pacitic
nloptt moeia lida water. A forty-loot
rliauiH-1 fiom the n;a to iho Cancailen,
would hnrl nobody, but nnik the
Uiduuibia tho artery uf commerce
Ool na.igutiou open lo the Clearwater,
i.i Idtiho, and lo Uriluti ddumbia, ami
then l-Kik out A U the depth ol
water on the bar, il limit now be very
marly the mime a when th" river waa
liwovered in 17'Jl Capt. Oruy'n lo
Uaik reottnl from liv to even fath
omn, at hiilf tidu.
The worm weather 'U bringing many
viniiorn to lliu beacll. Willi the As
toria k South CoaH railroad in full
operation, Cliitol Ueach la eatily nc
eennible and the ted loo ride on the
road, wbii-h wa fornieily tnivclcd, i
iiow avt iled, IJt-liKhtful weather,
panl eloiiily, but a Uh all tlie nun
ih'ute wanietl.per l iUull aorUnf plea'
act doing. Kxoiirrlou, driven, pio
iiiin, boaliutf, clammiug and bathing
are in order. Fndiing in rood, a CI. l
aop puny recently caught 40 J trout
in the Ni kaiiikuoi.
Clatop in not niiicli of an agricul
lurul county, the chief dry cro liar
vented being hay and oal. It ha
been itreut year forgraaa, Oat are
prime. Koii and potatoes are above
tho average.
Ni-w iilaccrJti the Bonch cliiming
attention are tii'ei hart Paik, north of
Orluiea' liouaeand jillewitdo, near Ship
enon. The Klk creek road i open ul-
an. ami uniiner nuiiii ering to Ilia l
romanliu ahore, are undertaken by
ionic. '
L. P. Bauxcr, i thin week on a bui
nana trip to the mutropoli.
Frank Kpicltoft.l, ha void hi farm
in Mr. la lev. Bv Hit change we
Lamo agiMtd neighhor, but we prufer
faiuiliv to "bachulor.'
Ourgpiiiel frieud, II. Itciclmrdt, b
lULt nittile uia aoiH?arance rrom a irip,
niont pleaaani indeed, judging from the
pleananl amile. . We are orry to looe
any of our "tmclica," a they are scarce
but "lime will reveal nature' moat
hidden wonder," omeUnie
Appear to u atralu, our friend Win,
Qranam, who ha for noma time been
apending hi time among tho maid of
Washington., judging from hi lock,
that he "gut tha mitlcti." Hiabuaine
report ara a follow : Farmer hap
py, crop tinmually fine, awmilali
doing flauriahing bunines and log
ging men and camp are proapering,
ana he nun no lauit. wuu m -couu-try,"
wit taw.
Kd. Lyon, of the-ClaUkftnio river,
la making great preparation toward
building an addition lo hi cony real
deuce. - Kd. knowa what i good for
hi country, and U going to that
hi farm lack no convenience ol
well regulated raucli, J'.ch,o;j.
Beautiful ratul Oloriou Oregon!
A win man will barn hi buy when
the kuii thiue uud dot wait to have it
tcanoti in cock.
' The Bev, cx-Councllmn Jimlfca
BuiliiiKnoic, rreacheil m quite large
audience here lunt Sunday. People
came fur to hear him and contiibtited
tolia wituln, ntan evidence of their
apprcctiillun. Ho reipienled all to
coma to th Hock creek camp meet
ing and Manured them a nice Uine ana
plenty ol tutiing.
The NortliW' Hdo retond the
ntcaiii hovcl to t!.' rvcl pit lat Tuc-
a), Tiicy have Men uniug It on the
Hound for the lat month. .
PiiKi. At Hunter, Oregon, July
.lint, at 7 p. in., Klixi, wife of Jame
Kabbia, of connnmptloo, Hhe leave
a hunbund and four children to mourn
her domUe.
Charley II. Bpenecr gave a aoclnblt
dunce lant Hatrtrday evening, which
wa a decided uccenn. We hope lo b.
aldo to report mnueihinjr more inter
enting next time.
Tho neraon who reported to the
Cliilnkniiie Chief that the ptyiplo wen
kI.hI that the O K. u. camping war
over, could not be any of tiie vouiii
ladtc from Deer lalaud or Uolumbiu
City, either.
The pootde in thi vicinity aie abonl
throuKh ha vine, but are atariuig again
clearing laud and making ready for lull j
owing ;
Mr. IM!aky, who rime from the
Kant a (limit lime ago, ban taken up a
homcnlvud ncr thi valley. He L
now Ihrcnhing a four acre fallow and
expovla to ch ar it tip and auw a cro
in the fall, O'ukI for him, he find tc
a great difftrence, than being on a
Hay U very good in lhi viciniiy thin
year, .
Mr. Masoii and wife, U-ft for tln-ii
home ou the other aide of the rWer.
af',er a nltort vuit with Ihvir frieud ai
thi place.
Mr. R. Cox, .,I I hi ranch in tlib
vuliey, the oilier day, for 7lW.
There in great taik of a railroad com
ing through here. Maybe it will.
; rial.' .
' Latt ftaturday evening tiie spirit of
Chiixiixn benevolence no prevalent in
thin community, nunifent itnelf, in r
itatheriug of the ncighbora at the
Kvungt hi'ul parnoruge, on Milton
urrek, who broUitht with tlieui canb
Hour, grocene anj other nece-wariee,
which they kindly donated to the pan
1 .r nod liin family. Son were ung
a pleunalit a-a-ial ( h it enjoyed, pra; ci
oflored. and the friend went home
"And Iho King ihall y unU) them.
Verily I ay unto you, in n much a
ye have done il unto one' of the leatl
oi thene my Itrelhi-m, yo have doue it
iviito ii.e." Mat. 85. 40.
Many thank, come ncain, friend
J. M. BliAt'CliAMC.
Jonepli E. Beaver dcpurUxl thi 11 f'
Auguai Slrd, 1891, at the roideuce ol
Julio Luiiiberou, lloultou, Coluuibiu
eotiuty, Oregtin.
Th niil.j.-ct of thi notice wa liorn
January 10, 1803. He waa married t
Mum Aii'ia Lamttereon, aovemiK.-r n
IHS7. and wa calltfd to burry tlieii
little one Februiry 3, 1801. Although
not a nicmlier of any church, yet ht
waa reconciled l" umt. ite leave u
wife, one child. fther, mother, utor-
and brothel, beside a large circle ol
friend to awail the re-uuion at lh
lantdtiv. A very large cmiotHirne ol
iminlo Kathcrod at (rilltoit school
hou where the funeral ncrvice wen
held, tluuca lo the 8ca;'ooee ceme
lery where the remain were buried
Uu wa a kind husband, obedient oi
aud dovoled falln-r.
Chief Jwailee l allnr.
Cliief Jumice Mi-lville W. Fullor.ol
tho I.' oil i'd State supreme court, ar
rived in roilnd,Monday,and stient the
d.iy in viewing the metroiMdi of Ibc
North went antl h-ft the same evening,
via the In ton ruculc, tor the E..ivt.
The Chief Juntico, while bis name- is
not quite so common among the mua
es, is fully as big a man iu inn-ortance
lo tha Amcr Can people, a llio prom
dent, iu fact ho enjoy creuter pretiite
from tlie fact that he i appointed for
a life term, uml tliereloie serves the
rumuinderof hi year, provided, of
course, he irivea sutinfuction and do-
nire to oontinue on the bench. The
bar of the stale andepeciully in Port
land, save him royal reception one
uo doubt tu which will cause him to
carry pleasant recollection b.itk U
the.liine when ho visited the fur West,
Did an Indiana Woman to Have Her
Babx'a Idfu.
Jacob Conrath live on a (arm near
the town of Lawrencebura, Ind. On
Tuesday hi wife, her housework done,
put her lour-montha-old baby in its
curriage and trumltal il off down the
lane to a berry patch in a hn If -cleared
Held. A dauKliter auutl tix went along
to mind the baby while the mother
could pick berries enough for topper
for the men whom they had there for
htirveetinif. The little girl atteoded
to her lank only until the mother wa
out of distil hearing. Then (he
ttartod to see how many berries die
could gut her into her own apron. She
left the biiby placidly communing with
a rubber tipped nursing bottle. , Mrs.
Odd rath heard a cry from tha buby,
then two or three shriek of terror
from the guardian. She hurried back
crving a she rail, "Vhiil' the matter
What' the matter?" "A snake I" the
child yelled in nwr. "Ita biting
her!" Tearing her garments at every
step againnt the titngtnd briars, the
mother ouhed on, in agony, Coiled
about tha eSubby arm of the child
and hipping with venomous tongue
the milk which ouxd from it lip, in
lha little curriage there loy a mnn
Btron blacktnak. Fright Bud toi
aud famines could not still t' o ninth
era'cry. She fell to ihgrouoi x-'nnini-juj.
iirmer Coa;ii Li v;cu
came running from the hnrvct Held,
lleaaw hi wife prontratoand (bought
her dying. He picked her up, but,
pointing u where the carriage l(l,
aUciUV'Tba t-J'J Save tlm baby!"
But tho men were to !ow, Bhe aw
the vcrpeut now niowty choking tier
child to dentn. The little one' feeble
ntruggle, willed had angered the rep
tile, were growing every inntant weak
er. The men bad pitchfork and hat
vent hooka, hut dared not lined them.
With a wild cry Conrath' wife broke
from her hunband' arm, runbed fren
zied to the carriage, eied the ennke
hy the Deck and lore ite fold from
about her child. The long black body
writhed and biahed in a mad effort to
fanten the fang in the mother' arm.
Hlie lrugglud and atrnggted, and at
lat hurled the hated tiling fmm her.
riicti nlie fainted dead away. The bar
vomer killed the auake. Then they
carried Mr. Conrath to the lion,
(tho weal Into rioleut hyileric, wbico
have not yet entirely ceaacd. It ia
feared nhe wilt go innnne nlUigciher.
The bale wa unharmed. When the
farm baud mcnred the anake they
found it to be nearly ten feet long.
The following i the report for
week ending, Hulurtluy, Augunt
1801s. ,
WRKTcar oHRooa.
The week ha been warm, though
there ha been an ulwcnce of excoa
aivelv warm day. The maximum
temperature ranged from 80 to 00 de
greea; the minimum temperature
ranged from 55 to 65 degree. The
wind have been generally northerly
and of litfht velocity. On the 30th
few droiHi of ram tell in welionu, atil-
licicnt to lay the dual. The wealhei
ho been generally cloudle, with
light uioke apiHrnriug.
Croix.Fall wheal ia nearly all cul
and nhocked. Threnher will begin
operation next week. IteporU all in
ilicnie tost tlie tan wueai wa never
bet'er, both a to quality and quantity
Hnrinz wheat i ieiii cut in place
I'.ml in Doilgln county ba teriounly
iffvctetl spring wheal. Spring oaU
ire beiiia cut in idacen; aome early
oat are Mna delivered and a retmrt
from Corvalli ay that it weigh 100
to the ack. Pome young orchanh
were injured hv the extreme heat oi
ll.e 2:nl. All report indicate that
the 23rd wan the warmest day on re
cord. Hoi' lice have developed rapid
ly in the pt ten dye and eerioun re-
nulU are learetl fanu Itiem. Ile coo
:iu nioth'n ravace Continue. Boulh
eru Oregon fruit in better than that of
the va ev countn . I. e. more plant I
fid and more free from inxect. In
Cnrrv county five and ix tone of clov-
r hay Ui the acre wa eecun-d ; timo
thy liay averaged 3 tona lo Ilie acre.
EAtrrumt oitaoos
Weather. Warm weather baa con-
rimied ami no rain U rejiorted lo have
fallen. The maximum leniierature
rmiK'-d fmm 85 10 100 degree; the
minimum temperature ranged Irom
JO to 70 degree. Few clouds have
. . . - i..
iteen aeeu, ana smuue u appearing in
the atmoaphere.
Coin. The waather comliuon
have It-en favorabbi tu tho wheat bar.
vent which in ia full oiratioo. A
wa expected the wheat ha nevei
been better, both a to quantity and
4 mill IV.' In section of Haeco antl
L'matilla counties the whea1, is gener
ally poor and thin year ia no exception,
s-herman county has an extra, good
crop, lareer than ever before. Mor
row, (iilhain. Sherman and Wanor
counties will ship about 1,300,000
tmshel of wheat ; lunt year t bene coun
lies shipped ytK),(XK bunhela. Cm a
till county has a remarkably fine
crop; to the north aud east of Pendle
ton, it in. as unual, the best, luton
Wallowa and Baker counties have line
pronpects ; In thee counties, harvest
inlaUr Ulan in the previous mentioned
comities. Throughontthis section the
hay crop is the largest on record.
B. 8. Pagce,
Observer U. S. Weather Bureau.
Though money make tho mare g v
ih inonev miike the man?
A thousand timet I'd answer no,
That imincy never can.
'Tis honcMy tlmt It-adn ilie vau
Along life's rugged rid ; .
"And lii.m-Mty linn made iu m, .
The noblcnt orkof Uod."
Man may Inherit noble birth,
Yet lack an h'-nrt ;
The wcil -nprinu of man' noble worth
In hoiietv, n-t art.
II in i oat nmv make him blush nith shame,
Hi fuith both pim-h'd and wan;
Man tuny be poor but nt ill may tluhu
What eoiwtuute the mun.
Will wealth alone secure you Joy,
Where nolliiitir itare molest T
Wi I ax.ld est-nci the base alloy
That enters in I he breast T
If wenltli be yoiin, make God your Kdulc,
Adopt hit noble plan ;
For autd, a'", nor empty pride,
Alas, when denth's slmrp pruning knifo
Hetum-s yon as its prey.
Will opulence insure ymir life
Kor onu brief single day T
The king may wear a Jewel'd crown,
And on il rank may scan;
'Tin not the gold, nor y.. I the gown,
That constitute the man.
N.itiok in ni shut oiv that by virtue of
a chattel mortgage given by J A. Smith to
Harrv Huxkk, on tiiu 22ml day of Novem.
bor. upon the ertinal properly here
innficr dvwribisd, to secure the pay
ment o( the iiiiii of 13.783.00 with
interenl thereon at the rate of ten per cent,
tier year sine said dto, ll of which anid
sum has hten paid escept the sum of Seven
Hundred and Hixty one and 53-100 Dollars,
which sum u now due aud payable, aud
Khli'.U default has been made.
Whereas., up-n the written demand of
thenald Harrv Diisick, I, as idieritl of C
lumliia roiintv. Or.itou. did on the .1th
day of Augii't", 111. levy ution and take
tnlo my iHisses-l 'K me pemoiiiu properly
deseritied in said mortgage an follows:. On
nln-uUr sawmill, mill boiler, engine, steam
pnmp, pinner, and all belts, tools aud
other iiiai-hinery connected with said saw
mill, situated at Mint, In the said county
and male; also seven head, of work oxen,
yokes chains and alt toola and Implements
connected with said sawmill aud logging
camp; also one logging truck.
Now, thweforo, by virtue of. as. hi mort
gacsdefuult, demand and levy, 1 wilt on
Friday, tlie 2fth day of Anguot,, at th
Hour ul l oeioi-K p. m., sen at piimie
oiiciion to the higlieMt bidder for rush Vl
Mist In th sidd county nil of the said wi
stmnl proiu-tiy.or mhiihcIi thereof ! nmv
bencceMary to satisfy nail sun of 5"'U .
and the ami exp'MWe r tid . .
"ii. A. ii .. r i. '..U,
SSu-rlfTaf Cyn-H Co4i" o ' ri
Have yon sampled ilmfe beautiful,
(weel candle at the ilrujj atoret Tbry
are very line IndeeiL,
Thv St. Hklkn IfoTBL Till
iKiuse, tinder the niangcmcnt of Mr.
McNulty, I complete in every detail
n country hotel. Every department
ha been thoroughly refitted and re
furnl-hed. The table are spread with
everything the market offer, and the
lodging apartment are all thai cud be
desired. A good horse and buggy i
kept for the convenience of customer
(Jive the Ht. Helena a call. '
ftewapapre Law. . .
1. Hulnwrihern who do not irfve express
notice tu tlm contrary are considered
wlnlilng to continue tlielr utieiitlon.
1 If nuljnvrilier order rh llcontliince
of their N-rl'Hlii-ula the piihtlnlirr may cm-
Unun lo send uiem un il an arrearn arc paiu.
il. If nbcriier neirlrct to or refuse to
take Ihvir yvtoAetA frira lha ofltm to
which Ihey nre direrled, tliey are fold re
poniiiliie tilt llicy have witlid th ir bill
nd ordered llieir paiwr liUoiilinoed.
4. If nntmcrilier mov to other plneen
itlmut In oriuina the nublixlier nr tlie
.ht are sent to the former direction they
are held renpom-ltle.
. TliecurlliavsdecMil Hint refolnit
to take jxriiNlluiln from tli oHtce, or re-
.novuiR ana lenvuiir luem nnnuia wi w
prima facie" evident oi inttutUnul fraud
ceMtnrriei ixar.a.
An old pliynician, retired from practiee.
having tuvl placed la hi hand by an Eat
India mUnioiiary, the formula of a simple
vcgi talil remedy for tlie speedy ad per
manent cure of, broncliittln.
catarrh, artbma ami all turnal aol lunn af-
ftctioiin, alio a rxUive and ratical care
tor nerven deblHly nd all nervou com-
litaints, after having tented its wonderful
curative ponrm in lhmnandii of t aien, han
ell it mi amy to make u Known w ma ui
Irrium flk,w. Actiisled by thin mo lire
and a ileftre to r. Iie human nult.-riii I
wilt tend free of rharfte, to nil wliodenire It.
tliin recipt, in (ieriuan, Krei:b orKnglinh.
wltb full ilirm lim for pre annir and iixinK.
(km! by mail by addremit with stamp,
naming Hit pnix-r. W, A. Novan,
(t0 p-mW JRVn-k. BM-liMU-r. N. Y.
. ive'i'.i'ii
IhertvirlV(aoteithBl I will notfc n
nouitilctfnr any dtbin contret"lny George
Pret..n Cnm. (jaoBUB W. Caon.
Uate.1 5-r t"ity. Or.. Aug. . 1891.
7-lt ;;'.' ",
Teat-hern' Examination.
Knnra n aesrsv oivm that the remilar
Jiuartrrly puUic examination of ' trac-ttern
or Columbia coniity. will convene nt the
court houae in St. Helen, en Wednesday,
Aumist ! lH!d. iH-irinninK nfiniiitlv at I
o't-lix-ir.. p. ni. All ka brn boidoiR permlm
are reuuirtJ to ue
(Viuntr iSchotil fup't
Notice to Creditors.
The nndeHnned huvinu been appointed
Admini!iraUjrf thel-jtiit8 of A. iiotta,
ilwrared, nil -roui linvinu claims against
aid otal. are requested to prewnt tlie
sme lu me Uli tiie proiKT voucher at my
piare of b ieinetn in the t-. n t Keiitien,
tulunibia county, Htate of Oregon, witltiu
six moiilbs fruni tliii data.
u. c. jAquiau,'
Admimttrator atoreoaiil
Dated JnlvSS.ld. iH 51
final Settlement.
Xirnn in nitaesr oivtx. Ihnt I. William
Sviikmi, Aiiniuitrator of Ilie Entnte of
Kleanur fteed, deceaieil, have filetl in tlie
cuuuty ourt of Columbia county. Oregon,
my rtnai ncuoum m my o,iiuiiiimiiuti, w
mtlifr witli inv lK"lil:oii for dUtributiou of
tlu. rrvitlue of snkl rtdte. and that the
jmlae of said court ha ttxed Monday, Sep-
tcmoer nn, isi, at i o twi p. m. , tn urn
dnv, and the court room of said court an
ik lime and ulnce fur (llnm-ut f anid
nrcomit and ht-arinff raid petiliou, when
and wbere any i-erwin ini-ented may ap
pear and uOt r otiic tioun iiu-reto.
Jit At Administrator of aaiJ estate.
I! a Ind Ofllre. OrHoi Citv. Ornma. July 9.
jmI. t'omlnint having Ik-cu nnicrvd at Ihis
Ontr br InnaiSintrk avaint William Form for
al-nn.tuiihn bin llommt-xi enlrr No. 7?7,iicil
July , pw. iln lh S W nrlion i tma
h!jn S nmiS W. In ('olu m Mb ctranif, Of
non. nilh n iw tothe canllilon ol nl,l en
l.-. (he mid pntien nre hnrahr ummnl to
ikmMftr ut ihlv oiAre on the nih dnv of October,
PSI. nt loo 1ok, a. in., io nwiitwd and forul-h
letllnMHijreHWrBif mtd lUi.'.l hanlonmil.
J.Y API'l.6:!ON. Keitittur.
Jrtl II. F. Bl KCH. Ketnlver.
r lliiil (Mi Orenon Cltv. Orraon Julr S7,
iwil. omi'luiul huviug been entnrvit a( thin
Offlee by U ThmiiMia nninst Ansust Hoba
nacle fee nbaadoniiia bit llomesirtnl Kntry
Nik iw. unled Jul)- ii. ISMS, upoa the 8. E.
Sectional). Toirnshlp S. K. Raiure X W. la Co-
ll,u rminiT. Omrnn with a view lu uieeui-
(vlUliun ol Mid entry, lb Mid parties nre here
by siirainone.1 tn 4;s-ar at I lilt oill' e on the Snh
Av of wii.. iwi at io o'clock A. If., to rtxiHuet
ami furnish testimony equcerulug said alleged
aiMiuioiiuiciii. .
j, T. Arrsanoa, Keener.
jll si ' ; B. F. Ut nt-M, Kect-oer.
it A Inil Offlre. Oremn C!t. Orecna. Julr
IS91. t'ouiiMllt hnttng beeu eulerett at thla
finiis. by Aujuai nsinn anaiuM nu ret-
termn l or abandoning hia Homestead Kutry
No.77;t. iltttHl lob. as. ism.upoii toe wi neeuon
i ,..t.nhinA t, rauae V w . in Colnmbln coun
ty. Oreasn, with s view to the cnoeelUUon of
aiUJ emry, ine aaiti imrrien ott i-njuj mi,,'
I' iwIa Piihliiv on the loth (lay of Heiv
ntitnMi to aiiNAr mi juts, lrezsm. oeiore n.
tember, Wfl, n't I o'clock a. m., to respond a t
funilKli tesllluony conceniing snin auegea
ainiilnmiit. And ou testimony then sub-
tniitcl nhenring will he had nt thia oic on
October 10, IWt, nt IU o'clock n. in.
i. T. API'ERSOS, Kerlster.
pu B. F. Bt'KCll, Betvicer.
At Portland Until Jolj 5th.
PR. AROKK, Fourth and; Morrinoe
Street, Portland, Oregon, the! must mic
ctssfnl physician on the AnterKan conrt-
nent for the njieedy, positive, abrnlute ml
perniaucnt cure for Catarrh of fche Heati
Astlima, Brochitis, Pneumonia? and Con
sumption. Twenty-five ysure' !uccesful
Instantaneous relief and pcrnianentcnres
often effected uikju tlrt consultation.
Dr. his original, modern scieiv
tide method, effects ,
Speedy and radical cures of the most
otatiniteand tongsUiidingcasea
of Nasal Catarrh, Oscna, Denfues, Pis-
charges from tlie Earn, Asthma, BroncUi-
tis and Consumption.
Also Stomach Ulsordsrs, Billions Colic
OallStonen, and Jaudice, Heart, tdver,
Kidney, lilndder aud Nervous alS'cctntions
Diseases ot Mu. . Also all silmenta pecu
liar to women. . ' " ,,.
Dr. Aborn consulted front cow
until July 8th. when be leaves tor Europe'
Hot. Home treatment, securely packed
sent by express 1 1 any part of the Vaeifie
Coast and Territories for those who can
not possibly eatl in peraou.
Tlii property U now olTcrctl in Trnrts
to ftuit the piirchaner. It ia tsittintod fit
Hilton Station, oa tha Northern PaciUc R. R,
If you want a
With cool breezes, pure nir and nhacly grovcn, .:
buy a tract in Milton Parkland snd . your
family therefor the ftummcr. The officers of
First Hegiinent, Oregon National Guard
Selected Milton as the mcst desirable place for
tl-eir Kncnmpment, and Camp Qibdom will prob- '.
ably become the Permanent Encampment of
our ''Boy in lilue."
While the opportunity ia offered. ;
For further particulars, call on or addres,
D. J. GT7IXZSH. St. UeleiiH, On-gonV
F. R.
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First anil cor. Salman Strsst
-Now is the Time to Secure a Lot Ia
This Desirable Trojrty Adjoins Milton Station, on the North
crn racuic
And is Only li Miles irom St.
Columbia Kiver. Wilton UreeK, a - jteauniui iMuunuua
Stream, runa within 200 yards of this Property, fur
nishing an Inexhaustible supply of Water for
all Purposes.
LOTS, 50
Ranging in Price, from $50
St Helens, Columbia County, Crchr.,
Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing (?
. " - . ' . . .. ,i.-.-s,
And Novelties of the Latent Styles and Dos:.-
CCOrdcrs far Eo-
Table and Pocket Cutlery
and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,
Helena, the County Seat, on the
o -
X100 feet;
to $100, can be Secured from
St. Helens, Oregon.
:.i c: