:io: MIST ;:iFri(x, $1,50 ier RAR. i. I.ti-)M, OrVISUU., A&g. t.i -ii-j u'.uLi! it I yj" 'ft hi ... iCOUD 11YH. 'Unviiif li.iiootj o,f ny jteM.H So Thb Onitaos.MiKT to Wr. C It, BjW, lake ilt'Hure in eoiumenilinu; liim hi ,Ui good wilt of it .patiynia I wuuld .Also ex pre ply hearty appreciation of tlhe patronage extended Tis Mist retiring 10 y t'onuoctutP villi it, and es .jieciallv to lUoae who ua.ve contributed roni lima to time to the jiiktresta id its columns, in the way of couuly ami .uUmr eva, JU. arwclf iilly. J. H. SnxK. All persons indebted to TiHK Mist 1r K'k1 and otlior arlvrrtisiux in re- K.-etiuilY retiueeted to at-UIe Uie annte t n early date, aaall advertising nc- ,(-ounU to Auguot 1, 13U1, are Uu and , payable to me. All vulwcripiion rwaitea are payalle to Mr. J. 11. jBeegte. ' ; J. II. Stink. jDttUd August 1, 1891. In Mnuaoj wuMree of Thb Mist it pi nut necessary t.bat jre should liav u iutradoctiun m we anrved the lint Jtaree Jean of our annrvuticeship on j&'u paper and axe pretty well known 0 tbe greater portion uf tbe people of itA couuty. Jfe wiU simply any thai after an atactica from Uie county of ,6ver three years, I find that Uie tame narca of pixpeiily ia still in ;rogress at ; .wfien fast here. A to The Mist we wish 40 say that our patrom will beanpplied jwith lie best paper tliat oul" limited .circumstances, will permit of. If We .ayccMd to any extent it will by the as sistance of Uie general public, and we .trust that our .effort may be appre ciated in Ue iutute and merit the rood wUl of all. If ijiere ia anything jut iru porta oca happens in your section yon will confer a great favor on thj: J per by sending in a report .of it. We jnvit discussion upon all matters of general interest, yet reaenre the right io reject any and aH communications .of a radical persona! nature. Solicit ing a continuance .of your patronage jwe are ery ret pecfully yoora. . J. E. Beeglb. - OTRIVE TO GET A HOME. -c 80 far aa possible every man should Aim to socc re a boroe ot hi own. In ibe long run it is cheaper. Tbe temp- station of one who rents is to maka Ire. jaent cuanges, aua no truer spying was erer tittered than that ''three noves are as bad as a fire." You may Jiave only an average amount of furni ture. Its transportation cannot be .effected without breaking some of it anxl marring a great deal more. As a rule nothing fits whither yon go. " Even things which you did not need will have to be bought to replace de stroyed or damaged ones bo as to meet new conditions. When all has been done you are $5Q cr $75 worse off than yon were -before. Bemles all con uectea witu the liouf-eliold are worn put, disgusted, sick of themselves and .everyoooy inat uiey Know : that is poles tlie are angels in disposition ft seems strange to see a large propor tion of the families in the community ear op and move every spring, as if Jje vagrant lubit of their ancestors away back in tbe early centuries still ran as a tendency in Ibeir blood and jttould not be resisted. In the seeoud place, any man who ceases to Jive in a Jtired house in exchange for one of bis jown instinctively, unconsciously be comes a better citizen. He gains pew interest in seeing the tales kept Moderate, business IJouriisb, good order prevail, genera) improvements go for-. wajftf and the conditions of the peo- jiteli nappioess and prosperity multi plied. It is among the propertyless glasses chiefly that socialism, revolu tion and anarchy flourish and endan ger tbe existing order of things. It is a duty that the head of the family pwes not only to - those dependent jipon him for support but to the com nuuity to aim to become a home Jiolder. . The larger ti proportion of ihje class in tbe country the safer will fail the ship of state. JShoulp Mr. Atkinson, the eccentric puHionnire who is tjie Tory member of furliaincnt for the ancient and decay ; ng little borough Qf Bostpn in Hdcoo ahire, tesign his seat at he threatens to 4o,or should he be expelled from the House of Commons, the Gladatonian Drill opt have pmch trouble in wiuninj lifloUier victory.; Atkinson gained the flcat jn 1886 through . mere accident and ly a majority of only 48, tbe poll standing 1493 for Atkinson to wr ins Home Kule op-j tju;.,,, t, iiiiain a. jugrnin, propneier ol the London Illustrated News tnd a only tjie way, of William J. Ingram, who was lost In the Lsdy Elgin wreck ( f ally Chicago history. Mr. Ingram ei the selected Liberal candidate. 'I ho Tories have determined in any !-vtr,t not to name Atkinson, and have Uctcd as their msii a young. Jordling, f ntn t-3rairijf!ioqi)oyii'Krtiiby. Jn 4;af w tl!9(5ii4tV njHjority 0 298 ' 1 , iHrfore'.tlifl hbifle-rtilewuewus 1 1 7 s fcvp msjwity. TJmler 1 -e !.' TUADI3 SCHOOLS ISKKl'I TJ-.P .rtnrof t&e BitiWcr ami Wart VVorkur believes iu trudo nhwitif. It gives it young' man, iii a few niotvths.l.s di.VjiiistrncU Unit it would tuk him the same nunilwruf years to "pick ui iiujiiiiuirit m a bM'p, and aeoompauii s ibis iuatnicti ju with a tochuicid and 'scfentUta .leaching .uf the wh.vs juid wberitforei of his woi that the shop pelJom .or : nevor' furninhes. At tbe iime. time, enables lum to reach the singe at which ho -"attains Value as a iiict'b nio tliiu niuish eailUsT than if ho went Into a shop as a boy. He can commence with the tr:ide schools in seven tetiu.h or oihtcenih yeiir, and would be just as far n the ahon boy uu comitle'.iug' Jiis tntde school course, with ' the inrnlcuhtlde udvantago, if h h.ia wisely nsed hi time, of possessing the foundation for an education that ex'tr help him. It would seem that Mr. Knnim, owmer of the steamer Mascot, plying on Lewis river, wotdd gt tired of run uing a ooat wnicn Joes not pay ex penses by a considerable, and whose business is gradually deceasing all lh t'nie. In the past, in this state, steam boats owned and eontroled by farmers, have not been a success financially, but in the case of the 'Toledo, owned and Operated by a combination of about 600 farmers under contract to support the boat of tbe com bine, they are doing a fair business and accom modating themselves nt the same time. The farmers are able to control transportation' liues if they are well organised and will stick together and select some oue ot their number to ninnatre the business for them who ill give his entire energy to their in terests. But unless this ia done there ia sure to be dissent ion iu their ranks. and once started will in the eud ter minate in disaster. PKOPJbE OP NOTE. Stonewall Jackson was a poor rider indeed, he was reckoned the worst rider in the Confederal: army. But if a poor rider, he certainly was a success as a raider. i The Empress of Germany is loval to the Fatherland to the extent of hav ing alt her dresses made in Beiliu and Vienna. She buys her bats in Ber lin and only her gloves come from Paris. Susan B. Anthony finds that twen ty-three stales have tiven woman the right to vote for school ollicers. That is just a majority of all the states, Susan now moves to make it unanimous. Lord Wokeley. the famous English General, is a small man, with a slim, lithe figure. His face is ruddy, bis eyes blue, and he wears a dn.ppi g gray mustache. He is now 58, and his hair is grown white. Officer John Rollings, whose not is at the corner of Tliirtitjnth and Chest nut stieets, Philadelphia, claims to be the tallest policeman 111 the United States. His height is six feet inches, and weight 34G pounds. The favorvite page of the Crown rrincess 01 eweuen is a tune nearo boy who was imported from EgvpL lie is a pretty little fellow of 12. years nu is tiresseu in a picturesque cos tume lopped off with a diminutive red fes. Capt. Haines, of the steamship r.trnria aim commouor 01 the Cun- rd fleet, has just completed his 508th trip across the Atlantic. He began his sea life in 1&S8, and has been in lbs service of the Cunard company since loai. Leo XII. was baptized by the names of Viiicensoaml Uioacebino. His moth er always called him by his (ir. t name, winch was use J by himself up to the termination of his collegiate days, wtien lie began to use the second name. President Harrison expects to shoot deer in W est Virginia next fall in com pany with Stephen B. Elkins, accord ing to the Pittsburg Chronicle, which adds that Mr. Blaine will . probably be in the party, even if he does not join the hunt. The club-house at which the President will stay is on Cheat Mountain, near Beverly, in Randolph county, and it is said that fine sport is to be had there. Matlia BpreaatMft .Concerning the Mafia autiiety iuthis country, we copy .ilia lollbwiug from Tuesday's Oregnniani' ? Eugene I'oclvtue and R. II. Hum phrey, bad an examination in Josiioe Wood's court yosUirdny" morning on a ohnrgv of assault with intent to kill. The complitining witness, David Re Retta., is the .vegetable render Whose horse was recently shot near the gar bjig dump ,ou the St. Ud 11s road. Ueyetla useoted Pooltine, as the lat ter, bad f recently niadu threat against him because he (.Uegetto) refused to join the Ouibago Haulintr Union. This Union is a sort of u Mallun trust, ami mit of the Italian givrlmgo haul ers -la-long to it. So pmiiouurud were the t hi eats made against Uegetto that two .of his -men left his employ for fear of getting killed. -One of Rrgcti's horses was shot Ky some man coueenl id in the bt4i last Tnesdny, and it laeamo necessary to kiU the animal. Asrtated lafore, Regotto suspeted 1'ia-hino and Humphrey, and caused Uictr arrest. Hi suspicions ssere not entirely unfounded, for he sueceeded in adducing enough evidence to sliow Hint I ot-Iune had been hangm around the brush, neaxtho place whtre the shooting occurred, wi;h a gun. This is only circumstantial evidence to be sure, loit Justi. e Wood concluded to hold Pochino just the same. He bound him over to appear before the grand jury under bonds in the sum of tZM. Iiinnphr y was discharired be cause there was no evidence against turn. The Portland pclico authorities are of the opinion that a branch of the notorious Jlaha society is lm-nted in this city, and more trouble among the Itulia.13 mty Iks expected. 1 HMdtr Haiktr. Mr. Frank Huffman, a yminj man of BuMnKtun, Ohio, states that lie lias he-n under the rare of two prominent physlri int and ust-d their trratmcnt until he wa-i not able to get aniuml. lie was irsuailcil to try Dr. King's Sew Discovery for Consump tion, Cough slid Colds, and ut that titno was not able ti walk arrom the street with out retting. He found, before he ha I used half of a dollar bottle, that he wai niui-b better; be continued to uss it and is to-day njoylna: good heahh. If you have any Throat, Lung, or Chest Trouble, try It. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Kdwiu Ross' Drugstore. 'TkaCclaliratol French Gura, oaiTtvt OUARANTCB oeurasuriiirta etuorvuiu uiMra,a or an diioMrd Uis svucralive ja:iollllM-ru!. vtotcr arUlim inaa I haxnMMi o BEFORf uit)ttitiiauuuv, AFrCR Tnbaooo or Opium, or throiiah o-ualul ni.iti llun. over tnuulmxit-it. . turh Limi ot II Power, Wakef niiu-M, llesrtns down Hslnctuilis lav.-k, Setiilual WeatuMis, lly.loi:, Nmom tiiitlou. N M-umst Kmlwloui; t -.coithiva. 1I liaiu,Wiak Msiaarr, l,na nt towaraiHl Imp tencf.wtilt-hlf neirleetistofwn Irafo nremsiata IU am anl tnxmi'tv. Wtco a hnx, sihmjs lor f ivm fSQ r ina i on twvu.t ol iirieo' A WHITCKM tlltAIIAKTKK J irtron tor voryf.iiir;vriwe;rvi. 'nota tasniiiiiev u S ft'srtuaaout rare U not tifAeh-d. We have t'innsau'lini testlmnalata rminoM and yoiniK, of bolhsexo,wh"liavH ttoea tHnitaiwuUy run 'I tjrttienaaof APIimiiuoo. cireniarlnm, AuUlvil TH5 APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wtftluia iiruuci, lijx S7. vau. Oa For sale by JSDWIN ROSS, DKrootsT, ; St. Helens, Or, HABIGHORST & CONANT,, t Ktoetrle Billora. This remedy is bci-oiiilnir so well known and so popular as to need no scial men tion. All aha have ti-eil Klu-triu Vitters sing the same s.nj? of praise. A purer medic'ine does not exL-t and it is fruarsn terdtodoa!! is claimed. Kbctric Itittvrs will cure a'.l diseases of the I.lvi-r and Kid neys.aU remove liiiles.B,iIs.Salt Kheiini and other affi-etions caused by impure t)!o d Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fei-crs.--For cure of Hiaduche. Constipa tion and imlijre-tiun try tli-ctrlj Hitters Entire sat inflict ion guaranteed , ir money refunded. I'rii 50c and nor Lottie at Edwin Row' Drugstore. STRICTURE! rermaneiitlr Cured n-ltlinut Cuttlnr, BliriitnB or ooaoair. a (wriei-iiv itainiess ireniaicui siai a guaranteed oara Iu everv rvto. no matter hour loux MUBittux- Tils treatmoui, lor SHU lnrw.nl Pr. Hn.TWi-U . t the snrutest otx-otery known to Milji-tn. It ai-su.he aud viulelelr w aatvon the strkstun wlllioul auuoyaui-a or aln u in luiuaui. of Men! Peru 1 tar to their wx, mil not proper to Mine here, i at-1 mm tic nti ihM tie ninrtiiuui mtp Vttkufiit"i, which ih wtxihl tthrlnk irom tli'hwiiitftolhtriMiniW tmlfln, titfnuaiioiil ly cured In lev ttmo Ihmiwm ver kiiouii lo of Trvrttmttut. II reJtivrHutvv th Bvnlta-uil imry oiynMn itud mk wvutt: mm ulittiitf. Wtteu lKfanihle, tt 1 iilwttvft btut u rH for r.tr- imtttu tiiMi)tii4iti .ik) tiH ImI xiiniiutifltiti. liul iho-e who canutil iMMthihlv mil. liHill write trtrttin ihetr cni fullv, Mottoliif cnl hy uiH or rxtirtfSM, whKhi, fre fnn oxuwuio, to nil liirU uf the l;tt ibr rot, , AtUir. Xk m A. Dsvw ll, lfl, 'ofwttilujr PhyslHtto, IMC I. msPKNSAKY PORTLAND. OHLCiO. REAL ESTATE D. J. SWITZER, General Real Estate Agent, St. IIki.kns, Okkoox. f.rrahejrrff Sale oa Fjre;!Mura Henry Labonehere, the famous free lance London editor and member of Failiament, is a little fat man who a correal tondent who recently saw him describes as sitting in a leather chair twiddling a grizzled beard. "Ho U a millionare, a Iiadical, an unsufferable wag. tie has an exuberant animosity Mr an srovernments ; be ts the bud bov of the House of Commons; the fat. wicked little jeswr of the English press. Dr. Henry T. Helm bold, the famous tmncliu man, wiio was credited with having piled np a fortune of 110.000.- 000 by the sale of his patent medicines, is once more in a madhouse. Chained at the wrist and with shackles on his ankles, he was taken from bis home at Long Branch, last Friday, sod con veyed to the insane asylum at Trenton, N.J. He is now in a strait-jacket, a raving maniac. It is the fourth time within tbe last twenty years that the doctor's family has been compelled to place him under restraint, This will probably be the last, for competent physiuiats have pronounced his case hopeless. Baiekles Arnica salva. The Bet Salve la tbe world lor Cuts, Unities, Sorea, fleers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapi-ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all skin Krnptlous, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Jt Is iruaranteed to give perfcet satb fa?(lon, or money refunded, Priee 2.1 ecuts per box. For Sale tty Edwin Kims. Of Norics is nsREDT oivEir, that by virtue of a chattel niort(r i(.e given by K. A. Kniith to S!e-ip. Kloxit-rnniii A Co., on the 12th day of May. A 1.. 111. hjhmi Ibe nersonal jro(rty, tiereinafter described, to secure the payment of tiie sum uf KilUen Hun ilreif und Korth-three Dollars, with interest thereon nt the rare of ten pvt cent (a-rviar, from May 12th, 1H61. which mortf age debt be came due and iavab!e sixty days after said late. And aherean default has been made in the payment of said sum. I, as Sheriff of Columbia county. Orepon, did on Ihe 2sth day of July, lUi, by written request of the said mortgagees, dole It rv upon the' er sonsl property deserilwd fn the said chat tel mortgage, to-wit: One hundred thous and feet ol lirst-class cetiar lumber, now in the lumber yard of K. A. 8tuith's mill at Mist, Columbia county, Oregon, tiftv-tive thousand feet of which lumber is known a "door stock." Now therefore by virtuo of the said mortpsge, the default in the pay ment thereof, the written request of the said innrtRagee and the levy aforesaid, I will sell at public auction on the 11th day of August, Mil, at the hour of one o'clock n. ra.. at the said mill yard at Mist, in the said Htnte and County, the personal pnir ty, above described, to the highest bidder for ca-h, or so much thereof, as may be necessary to sati.fy the said mortgage, to wit: The sum of Kift.-en Hundred and Eiehty-one Dollars, in It. S Gold Coin, be sides the sura of Three Hundred and Kix teen Dollars, attorney's fees as provided by the terms of said ohitt.-l morliriio and the costs and expenses of such sula w. a. jir.r.Ktit. Sheriff of Columbia county, Orcuon. The foIlnwinR are a few of the farms anil bther propel ty which will appear in this column, ami with will be rolu on ti-rms to suit purchaiera. The best fruit lands in Uie Columbia liver. Can guarantee the best ot watir, and one the healthiest lan-s in Oregon, 'j best farms arc all mar the .X. V. railroad, and within from out) lo two hours' ride from Portland, where a coo. I market 15 afforded for all products: 10 Aeres--rix acres rleaied ; mw house and barn: running watir and spring; p. ml " fruit land. HW Acres Fifteen acres cleared; 3 aeres of yoilne orennrd , bc;:imiint to bear, also small fruit: new house, 2tn2'.', 15 sto ries: (rood weft-water at the door; I lulle f mm school house. 10 Acres JSir acres cleared; some frnil trees; pood bouse Wri.'; branch of .Mil ton creek runs through the land, also good spring water. 80 Acres Tinilier land in t'ow'itx ci-un-Wa-di ; well timlx-ied witii ytllou- lir and ami cedar. Hi, 'ivuul innsaSTiii LoggorsS and "V"ood--Chopxors Sunplies HARDWARE, AND - CRESCENT STEELl Saws, Under Cutters, Mann's Axes, Wedges, Sledges, Peavys, Chains, Etc. 1 mt rmtvr sthkkt, pioii'k f..himi iiotku ianri.i. Webfoot Saloon.' TWOS. C00PKK, rrtiji'r. ST. IIKI.KNS, - - - OltKUON Cyrus Noble's Whiskies. A I.AROK STOCK OF Excellent Wines, Liquors and Cigars, -KRPT COKSTAXTLY OS HAKl).- An Excellent l'owl and Billiard Table FOR THE USE OF FATRONS V art US A CALL : OF COURSE YOU DO. Administratrix Final notice. Kotics is hrbkrv civss that Mary Tlmoi as. executrix of the last will and testament of isaav Thomas, deceased, has tiled her final account ot administration of the said estate, with tbe county court ef Colninhia county. Oregon, and that said county court has appointed Tuesday the 23lh day of Aueust, Irtil , at 1 o -loclt p. m. f said day, at the court bouse in said county as the time and place for hearing of objections to suid accoimtand for objections of i he same. 1 tits notice is published by order of D. J. Hwitzer, ju.lvre of said court,' duly made on me ziai uay 01 juiy irsui. Mast Thomas. O. P. Masob, Att'y. Execuirix, iUmlt AtlinitiiKlrntor's Sale. Sotu s is MRRKBY niVKS that pursuant to a i order of the county f ourt uf tbe H ate of Oregon for Columbia county, iiuidn on the eleventh day of May, lKtil. the under siantd Administrator ot the K-ituU-ot Mary lleiim-tt, drcea-H-d, will sell at pill. I c auc tion, t the highest bidder, for cash in liand att'iec iurt bouse door In the town of .Vaint 1I lens, olumhla county, Oregon, on H'lturdny. the 15tli day of Au-ju.-t, lwil, at 11 o'clock . m.. tbe followi iK de-cribe l r al protierty, belonaina to t'le estiite of Mary lSennett, dei-ea-eil, toWit: Tbesouth west quarter of the no:tbwest quarter(.S W Ki of K W 14) f section six (t) in townsllin nunilier four (t i north, range oue (II wet of the Will inn tie meridian and c-mt linina tnining forty-four (44 ) acres nctrording to the L'nited States goren ineot survev. . W'M. II. IIoi.hik, Administrator of said Kstute. 8t. Helen, Ore-oil, June 10, liftll. jl-5t. SKCII 1IEIXO TIIK t'ASSK. tt liehnove y. u to find the in t de-iiablu place ti puruluise vonr ' l:ivi,;..rntir." MEEKER & DECKER Take this otipnrttin'tv t.i tell the renders ot .mint mat tney nave ut "THE BANQUET" e finest I'ne of Wines 1.1 mora and Cigars to Le found tbisside ot I'oi t hind. And if uu i-h to enguKe in tt t;iiiie ot POOL OR BILLIARDS, Thy can n-im e you tiat tliey 1-ovc tin nt tul'l-' in low'n. Kveryt..iiK n w nn-1 in-lit, itt.il yijur piitroungc U rr iHrclfiUy MEEKER A DKCKKIl, fc't ILKim. - Oregon. NOTK R f OH PI BtlCATIOI. Land Offtrf tit Oregon City, Oregon June 2ff. 18t. Notice I Hereby Kfvn l(jnt tlie fnllfwiii(f UHinel fettler hit (llwl notice nf tain fntt'UIiH to make Hunl irnf in RupfMirt of hi claim, mid thatMii'l prtH)t will be mwle before the county t.lerkof OoliimhU county, atKt, Heieiit, Oiexon, on AultiiH J, 11, vu: Andrew AnitbrtMip, home-teul entry N. A7M for Ihe NPj mwtloii 1H, township 3 north, rctnge'i c.t 114 nitme the followliiK witnciKCM to prove his 'roiittonouM realileni-e upoikatifl culttviifclon of, mild iiin.l, vlx: William Wuit. H. ii, Maine, Wiltirirn It ml in, A. T. Crtleey, it It of caiipotMH potofflfe. ( iuiuIjih county. (rceoti. -julylUuugU J. T Al'VEUMfS, Kt filter. VV, A paaiphlat of laftmnatlsa sad as. f J .raot ot UM Utmt, bulna lluw f f Olasln pulwis, CnaiL Trade AT V DON'T 60 TO PORTLAND For j our Drugs, when yon enn buy them ut home JbfJaKSB Money, nnU snve traveling cxpeiifou. DONT BUY YOUR DRUGS At a grocery or hitrtlwnre ptore, 'when you can get get them Fresh ami Pure u. a regular lihurtuuey. Drug Store, You will nlways find a complete stock of Drugs' Patent Medicine, CheniktilH, Toilet Articles Plain and Fancy Stationery, School IJtHika ' and c!chtoi StipjilieH, amlill Arti cles iiHiittlly kept in a w$l reg-uhitv-'d Phttrmov Prescriptions and .Fan&y Receipts, . A SPECIALTt Orders from the country will -receive our tmiml Pkomit Attkxtiox EDWIN ROSS, - ST. HELENS UNCLE MYERS. THE PORTLAND JEWELER. JM PORT hit AMI lr:.U.r:it IN I- I.' Diamonds. Clocks Watches, Jeweterv, and Optical Ccotfs. " :) Tine Watch arid Jewelrv Rop airing J Orders from the Country Solicited. 1 165 first Street, Between Morrison mi Yamhill. Portland, Or.! " HOTICE roB PIIBLICATIO.1. Ijind Offlrs al OrcKon City, Orf-non. June II.IHtil. ottcs Is hereby fftvsu that tha f-'llou-ina name4 settler has flteil nottre of herlntetttfoa In make final priiof la stipMrt ft b.r i-Ulia, and that salil uriMif will be aiane ttnr the Cimiitv Clerk of Columbia count)', at bt Helens, Oregon, oil Auk. 4, lstil. vis: - ADAUNK REED, formerly Alallne Bellcnlr. iiomesieuu cniry no. r7. i t ine sa oi er zii, tp 0 n r 2 w. Hh. names the following wttne-wes to prove her cmilfniious residence utisaiil eul tiratiunof. sslil land, vlx: i'mlcr s:lloii 21101 K. H. 1. Archibald, f. Arrhlluld. J. I' Well and II. Johnson, all of lteiili.ii, f. O., Columbia roiinty, Oregon. Iy0i 4 iiirn.nm?, jtejfisier. KOTICE KOB PCHL1CATIOK. Land Offlre at Oregon City, Or.. July 21, 1W1. Notice ts berebr riven that the fnllmrlne. named settler has riled notice of his liilemlon to make nnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof aril! lie made before the euniiiv clerk of Columbia county, at SI. Helens, Oregon, on September w. 11. viae rniftn rAi i, nursun, Homestead entry No. SI7S. for the nwU of see. 27tnr2w. He names the following wltnew- es 10 prove nisconiiauoiis resuenee utMin ana cultivation of. said land, vis: A. Dotta, Fred Ke-iben, Columbia Count: JS1 si IiiK U-her. Knos Jones and Homer Brown, all of 1 County, Oreiroii. J.T. aH'ERSON, Beieiater. ' " aff - if i -rJ .-ji, . gg If f 6W' a ifti is-. ROTICE FOB PCBII CATItn, Land Office nt Oregon City. Or., July 7, VOX. Kotic la hereby given that the followina named settler has filed notice of his Intention hi make final proof in siiirt of his claim and that said proof will be made Is-fore the ei'imty clerk oll olumMa county, at Mt. Helens, Oregon, on August tb, Mil, vis: JOHS (III.DXEK. ' A Pre-emption I). 8. No. 7&iO for the sw'4 of sec. 1 lp n J w. He names the following wlcnewes to prove nis coniinuoux rexiuence iiM,n and cui tlvalion of. said laad, vis: H. D. Hurn.w. H. Powler, C. Monroe end J. M. Ix-ndsay, all of Keuoen,oiuin oia connij. vn-cgon. Jldalt J. T. AFl'tKSON, Ueglster. The Consolidator Saloon 6or. Thfrd and jpllder 8k, Portland Oregon J. H.SWAGER. I'ropT. ) ( The Finest Brands8 of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. XILLWU'EIZ BKKB. DIDOT'Q five mn mvoi mam The Fi lends of the I'mprletnr In Culuiiilila County are esiaxially rtiieslcd to cull when in tlio city. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS NOTICE i'OB ri'BLICATI0I. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., July 13 1MI, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, snd that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia con my, at al. Helens, Oregoa, oil Augustus, mi, vis; . KOHKitf FKKY. ' Homestead entry for the s of sec. . t , n r t w. He names U.e following wllnesiies to prove htseoiitlnuous resldeuce upon and cnltl vntien of, said Und, viz: H. It. Kork, '. t. Kowlcr. t. B. Fowler and C. W. Kmenon. ail of ajt. Helens, Columbia county. Oregon. in ku , i. An tKBu., egiiter. NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Or on City, Or., July M. 1S91. Notice Is herbv given that tbe foPowlnff- namad settler has filed aottcn of his IntenHon in make 0nI proof instn.ixM of his claim and tbst said proof llt)inaf sbefare tbe Coiiutr (;lrknf Columls,rtunl. m tit. Ilsien. Un. gun, '..!, vie -v:i(,omoK MOCK", HomeMMid entry No. f" the wH ol ne'4 s.-iti v-4 of nwli of r. t ft, a r 2 sr. He nsm.ii ll,e Miowlng wunes-cs lo prove his continu ous r-i!!;nCe iijhii nti'i .-'iiJlH all,;3 rif. nH inod, THE OWLY TRUE RON TOWiC Ltn mud RWoen anil !( tli UUh m1 f 7 , ttnpMwiB. . Wauit at AmieHtU. InillnMiloflL LNk Of Hlrni.b T TlrM Wi iBI UtrrOftlf ReHMBa HttKiw ana nrr mtttra . F.BJ11 Ladieo" CVnBplil M tr Mid l0 BOCMIX (saw tortm, t ntffl iSu9rlnn from WHi4iif la tliotr f Btiil toA HAHXBK'9 IMQ i. lllvsvei aslaer hxati. Iks mot mtirimtnttttt tiM OK 101 lid mm4 Vinulpmloa, lA'wr Complint n rUcltj Thm. H.itnei LMM ana lirm Vl matt taxi rn PneolM of two sWfjta la DtWLaalB, &f HART KM WB&MIMft OO HLihiU, Bft : HEIiIABLE MEN WAITED a trmrelinc anlegtnen for a firitstluM Cigar Companyv iluitgiv goof rcftsretite. -.- . rVllE RETAIL MKRCIJANT is 1 lie nccp8nry 'i'iMetlium of Trade Iwtw wn the 'AIiMJiifuctiinT nnd tho ConHuiner. He iiint protewt the intercut of hi cuntomer8 by pnrchiuirig iu the lowest nnd nntl Ut iimrketn, and hy filing to his patrons ftt the Lowest lWible Prices. PROPRIETOR OF IHE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, . In keeping thcfe true principles of trade nlwajH in vtow.j often leaves theold truck and utrikeH "ncroKH lots" for Bargains for liitt citomers. His stock of $SGeneral Merchandise Is being enlitrged by New Goods Every l)ny. It Is not conrenlent to name the innnv illlfi rent orf'r-li-s kept i , , . V. , innnv iilli' iTTlt an (MI'S Kept on sale, -l. e from )ry lnpris,ri,,tlitiiK. Wear lliiiiili iiicn's Wear, lliml V caj K.KVt Wear, I'kitir iiihI If,.!, finaer es ami l!nn neil f iiHiils, Nulls nnd Hardware, Crockery anil (llniswaro. llrmiltii ami lliinar.. I'ow.ler anil Khot , Hats ami Cu, lloo a ami Bl.ues, I'utcnt Muilii liiw , Toilet Arf'tlittu. NOTICE K ...! i 'VBMhaaw- y.fJf&L. ?fjmm- raMimf4ftteat ' The Fine New Steamer,- Built for the Kalama and Portland Trade, Will be ready to go on tho Route HY THE 10TH OF MAY.' Leaving Kaiama at fi n. m., Arriving at Portland 10. '30 a. m. Leaving l'ortlnnd at 2:30 p. m., Arriving at Kalama 0:30 n.-m. w. e; NEWSOM a!7-tf, r' - ; Kiilmtio w.i, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop .J .-.v Ay AMI- Oft AO Js ,- OREGQX 'iiJ'ei.- viz: C r. ynwUj. IX U :m'l-- Jch Hi!lnc i and Hot: I foiintv, O i il7 aii V. 0, E. CIGAU CO., rr mr. all I'l m. iirscus, toiumMa fiorse-Shoci n a Special ty. : rircgoiv. J aii - J. T.' '"" ' b--' ",