PAGE TWO PLEDGES FOR THE PROTECTION OF HOME I will not permit rubbish, greasy rags, paper aiui useless waste to ac­ cum ulate In or arouiul buildings. 1 will see that m atches are kept In metul boxes and out of the reach of children, and use only safety match­ es I will not permit children under ten years of age to use matches I will see that lamps are kept clean, and that lamps are filled by daylight only. I will see that kerosene oil it kept in a closed metal cun in a safe place, and not used for kindling fires I will not permit gasoline to oe kept In the house I will not permit gasoline tc I"' kept in anything but an air-tight metal can. painted red. I will not allow anyone to fill a kerosene or gasoline stove w h ile it is lighted or by artificial light I will not allow anyone to wash clothes or other articles in gasoline In a house. If they are washed out o f doors. I will not permit them in the house until the gasoline has en ­ tirely evaporated I will have the chim neys, flues, stovepipes, and stoves inspected at least tw ice a year I will never per­ mit a stove to be set up without metal protection underneath. I will see that all ashes are placed In a tightly closed metal receptacle, and not deposited near a building or fence. I will not permit cotton or other flim sy decorations to be used on or around Christmas trees. I will not celebrate the Fourth of July or any other holiday by endan­ gering life or property For ordinary care will prevent many fires and save many lives and much property. Fire prevention week October 7 to 14 COW TESTING REPORT; AUGUST The report of the Columbia Coun­ ty Cow Testing association for the month o f August sh ow s that 326 cows were tested with an average production o f 618 pounds of milk and 23.1 of butter fat. The three high pure bred herds for the month were those of W atts Rice, who has a Jersey herd of 6 cows. The average milk par cow was 834 pounds and the average fat 39.8. R Anliker's Holstein herd produced an average of 1278 pounds o f milk and 39 5 of fat, w h ile the Jersey herd of G. C. Curteman averaged 67 2 pounds of milk and 37.5 o f fat. The three high grade herds for the month were: John Holmes, number of cows. 14; average milk. 776 pounds; average fat. 43.2 pounds. Frank Brown, average milk. 665 pounds, average fat. 30.4. and J W. Curte­ man, average milk 612 and fat 29.7. T he high pure bred cow is Ladv Gay. ow ned by R. B. Magruder with 1086 pounds of milk and 52.1 pounds o f fat. She is a four-year-old Guernsey. Nine boarders were dis­ posed of during the month. Due to the high cost o f hay, the mem bers o f the association are checking up very closely on their boarders. It is stated that a member of the associa­ tion who has been keeping a close tab on his herd recently sold the en­ tire herd and the fact that he was a member of the association probably increased the sale price of each ani­ mal at least $15. QIF.STIOXS. The Glad A w a k en in g — As for me. I will behold thy face in righ teou s­ ness; I shall be satisfied, when T awake, with th y likeness. — Psalm s 17:15. W ho was the first judge accord­ ing to the B ible?— Exodus 18. 13. W ho was the first pilgrim? —• Genesis 12, 1-5. W ho is the first shepherd men­ tioned in the B ib le? — Genesis, 4. 4 W ho told the first lie?—-Genesis 4. 9 What was the first of the plagues of E gyp t?— Exodus 7, 20. W hat was the first recorded song of the a n g els? — Job 38, 7. During the siege and fam ine in Samaria, what price was paid for the head of an ass?— II Kings 6. 25. How many were killed in the fall of the building that Samson pulled dow n?— Judges 16, 26-30 How many idolatrous worshippers of the golden calf were slain by or­ der o f Moses?— Exodus 32. 28 LATEST PHOTO OE \ K \ \ I.KADKK. DEER ISLAND j Business is Exacting— ------------- ------------------ DeLAVAL Set of Five Class MIXING BO W LS 79c COMMAND----- THERE IS A CHARM in clean, well laundryed linen that appeals to mi­ lady as do fine cut glass and services of silver. She can entrust her lin­ ens to our laundry-care because she knows we are expert in the hand­ ling of them. ME IM) H E M S T IT C H IN G Haul's Jams. 1 pound jars 30 c Grapes for Jelly Now is the time to make your supply of Grape Jelly Barton's Picnic Hams, the poutul 20c Barton'^ Bacon, 10 to 12 lbs., per pound 39c Barton’s Bacon, 12 to 14 lbs., 29c per lb. \ I The choicest of inspected beef, meats, roasts, veal and pork. Let us furnish you your meats. You will be f satisfied with the quality, the price and the service, t C e n t r a l Grocery Successors to Columbia River Meat Company Rutherford Bldg., Phone 80 St. Helens, Oregon Suggestions of Seasonable “ Alligator” Brand ♦ THE GOOD MAXWELL Guaranteed not to leak. ♦ OVERSHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS HEAVY WORK SHOES JI The good MAXWELL is just as unusual in its stamina, reliability, comfort and economy, as it is ir. beauty of appearance. The new low prices of the Sedan and Coupe make these fine cars more desir­ able ar, sound values. ♦ ♦ ♦ The following new prices on Maxwell Cars are now effective. Prices quoted are for St. Helens delivery. Boys’ Suits at Moderate Cost ’ I :: Shoes, Caps and Sweaters t ♦ Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Touring .......................................$1050.00 Roadster ................................... $1050.00 Coupe .........................................$1435.00 S ed a n .......................................... $1550.00 ♦ UV can m a k e p ro m p t d e liv e ry . Tti<- M A X W E L L Is **a*llv (hr I a*** i* o f Hu- inr<||iini |>rl<«*«l r a n t. I*-« u s . I n * i ra t* fills fwt fo you. H a r m s Bros. O a r a g e St. H E L E N S S T E A M LAUNDRY 50c Waterproof Capes for the Children the well known II. A. CHILDS, Cashier -------------- •--------------- Extra Special Kerr’s Variety Store Member Eednral Reserve System «'HAS. GRAHAM, l ’reald.-iit LAUNDRY IN THE AWAITING YOUR Maple Flavor Karo, 5 pound cans REN. ♦ ♦ WE RE NOW $2.15 ST. HELENS, OREGON ♦ LAND----- per sack First National Bank Parts i St. Helens, Oregon Contract let for new- Booth-Kellv saw mill at Wendling. ______________ Gold Flour, none better, lew as goo«l RAIN COATS FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILD­ H. A. C O L T THE CLEANEST Money-Saving Special for Thrifty Housekeepers We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest. I am agent for this well known St. H E L E N S S T E A M LAUNDRY se In >o I students yveili,„s,i.. on the Near East R„|lt.r A*f Ing the startling ,■■..„dii|,JtlI P. h"*r' Near East the student |„„|y *“ an orphan v *0uH«4 Ml»« Naomi Bunnell »Isiua lust Friday 1 d "«hooi A good turn out Is . -he firs, foot hull game S siu r'-V ? ternooii on ih., flat si u «i.. plays High School of , hl*o l 'orilami Admission H e ™ ? V The si „.le,,, Mr( 7 even in g welcoming n„. ,,uu(? rll4*$ dents, wus well attended **' of the evening whs the '1 """“V " , '••f'esi,,,,;nr7 ®« served uud everyone hud " " able time Merchandise They are sure of such service here. Cream Separators and reliable separator. and oil carried in stock. : Their customers demand good service of them. It is logical that they should require good service of their bank. i ’ortland— Three churches costing $ 51,000 to be built in Mt. Scott dis- j trict. DEVANKY A GORTMAN Pastuerized Pure Milk and Cream from T. B. TeBted Jersey Cows. Two Deliveries Daily Phone 141 ONE WEEK ONLY The Fresh man elusa have held l hell first class m enilllg and have , lioseii Vernon Moss, president; Opal Hunter, vice president. Amelia Klb- l.m secretary, and t rysial Knighton. Ireasurer Glenn Linn has been elected yell |,aider The first yell practice was In*Iti Thursday afternoon S 11 II S. will have U rally Friday afternoon to u d veillse the Hut un lay game In the student body m eeting held Tuesday afternoon Miss Helen Dodd and Miss Marion Morton were elect , ,| presidents of the two literary or­ ganization* I’lioi e socio! lo» will I»« similar to those of last year \lr Noreross .poke f" 'he high FRE E METHODIST Mr and Mrs W K Clark. Mr and Mrs A. Adams and Miss Fay Preaching at 11 a •“ • Sunday ned left Tuesday morning for Salem school at 10 a m . preaching at 8 P to attend the state fair. . ni/* Wednesday prayer meetings at 8 p m Geo tl Edwards, Pastor. Mrs. F Mcnonald was a Portland visitor Tuesday SE V E N T H DA A 1 VI *\ EN 11ST. Mrs Mary Colviu uud daughter Sabbath school every Sabbath Miss Electa of Marshland were visi­ (Saturday) at 10 u in Missionary tors with Mr and Mrs F A Colvin last week and took in the Columbia service or preaching at 11 15 "" county fair. are invited. Mrs N A Andrews and son have ei t h e r in closed the restaurant part of their Services held on the first Sunday of business until next year each month at 3 P m In Adventist Mr and Mrs Chester McConnell church. English Sunday tchoo. every are back in Deer Island after an a b ­ Sunday at 10:30 a m sence o f several months Aid meets every third Friday at Miss lila Naegeli and Master Fred Rev p m The public Is Invited Cox both won a trip to the state fair J E Shipp, pastor. on their club work and will start W ednesday for J idem w ith Mrs ♦ t ’A TH O L lil l.ena Garnett as chaperone Hour of services changed Due to The pupils of the sew ing and can­ the division of the large territory ning club received 2 6 prizes. 14 blue ! in charge of Father t'lancy. the fo ribbons and 9 red and 3 white for lowing hour» of iervicon ut St. 11**1- their work which was voted by many ens will he observed, temporarily at people visitin gthe fair to be the leust : Sunday mass at 9 00 o'clock best exhibit in the building, only one dally mass at 8:00 o'clock, l ate I pupil of the club being over 13 j e a i s chis'm and Bible study, Tuesday a j o f age. 1 1 5 p m . Sodality on Fridays all Mrs. L W Gill's and sons, T h om ­ 4:15, choir practice on Wednesdays as and Warren of Baker. Oregon, at 7:30 p m. have returned to Deer Island for the winter and are at the home of T ( o M d t l t r \ TI ON t l . S. Morrell. Mr. Qlllis will return some time in November. Rally Day Sunday will be observed Vlilerman William «'.e-grove, «Ilo ut the Congregational church next T. 5. Morrell left Saturday for Baker, Oregon, and expects to be assumed th e leadership of Ireland's Sunday A short program will be giv destinies since the death of Arthur i n by tbe Sunday school at 10 a m. gone several months. Mr and Mrs. A. E. B utterfield t .n f fit li and Michael t'olltns, left the All children who do not attend Sun­ and Dr. and Mrs. Allen Noyes re­ I'rce State without ei»il eonuiuunlers. day school elsewhere are urged to turned from Seaside after a ten days His |M.sit i. tn is teiii|Mirar>, loll will | make the Congregational Sunday iindniihtcdly become is rimim nl la— school their home the parents are stay. The Vancouver t B. C.) Tim es has cause of the Irish |as.pie's fallii in especially In vlted to come with their At 11 o'clock the fo llow ing report of an incident him,__________________________________ children next Sunday Rev Paul Holfinun will preach <>•> at the recent regatta held there: " S u rp ris es” Communion will be oh- Hundreds of spectators in a tten d ­ CHAMBER PLANS erve.l children baptized and n. a , ance at the fall regatta of the Van­ WEEKLY LUNCHEONS members received Into tbe fellow- couver Rowing club Saturday a fter­ 'ship of the church “The (Juest for, noon were treated to a thrilling ex ­ hibition of aquaplaning as a final to President J H. Flynn of the St. H ap p in ess" la the th e m e for 7 $6 the events, in which Miss Veroqua Helens Chamber ot Commerce, states Mrs Glenn ll Metaker will sing at Godfrey, 11 years of age. and her that It has beeu decided to hold a the morning service. sister. Marguerite, aged 13. dau gh ­ weekly meeting at luncheon on Mon­ M ETHO DIST K PIK iTIPA L. ters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry God­ day of each week, the first of these frey, were the performers. Clad In luncheons to be held on Monday. " T h e Friendly C h u r . l i ” -mart battling costum es they took October 9, ut a place to be later Rally Day will be observed by tbe turns in riding the polished surf designated. The meeting will be Sunday school next Sunday morning boats, which slipped through the called to order at 12 o'clock and Let's have every member present on water at racing speed, at the end of closed promptly at one o ’clock and time If you do not attend sou • a line attached to Mr LePage's fast during the luncheon hour various other Sunday school we cordially In motor launch With feet firmly matters of business and work In pro­ vite you to Join oui runks Ai ill'­ braced on the board, like a chariot gress will be discussed. Many o ili­ l l o'clock hour a Ki ll) Day piogratn racer, and gripping the lines to their er towns have inaugurated this v 111 be given shiny steed, they skim m ed the su r ­ method of holding club m eetings and Beginning with Sunday evening face ot the water at full speed, the It has met with popular approval. all evening meetings will run on tin boards th row in g up a great bank ot Non-members, as well as members winter schedule Kpwortli League spray. As the launch made the cir­ are Invited to attend. at fi:30. other meetings at 7 .3 0 . m i­ cuit of the harbor they banked the The president stated that in order le.* otherwise announced corners like an airplane, and as an to make this a success it would be There Is still room for more at exhibition of you th fu l grace and necessary to make reservations for our Happy Sunday Evening servlc* poise and daring it was exceedingly Come on«'* and you will want to pretty. Suddenly in rounding a a place at tile luncheon not luler than Saturday noon preceding the come again. Next Sunday the pas­ curve the board slipped from under the feet of the youngest girl and she meeting and that such reservations tor will speak on "The Man God should be requested from John L. Sent There will be live coiigr> was precipitated into the water with the fasf-going launch leaving hyr Storla, bank huilding. phone 122 o r gational singing and special music I Come! helpless, a bobbing speck of girl­ at his residence, phone 7 2-.M hood in the center of the big bay T h e ' i p i s h a p apparently did not phase her in the least, for with deft overhand strokes she pursued the. launch, which made a sw ift turn ] and came back to pick her up Both j girls are adepts at water sports ! ♦ Their aquaplaning stunt cam e as a surprise and was one of the most speotacujar features of a m em or­ able afternoon of sport. Business men have a right to be exacting The tw o young ladles mentioned are nieces of Mr and Mrs. C. H in their banging requirements. English of this little city. ST. HELENS DAIRY Extra Special HIGH St i m o l i NOTES CHURCH NOTICES IR ISH Mason Cord Tires Philadelphia Batteries Maxwell Parts Service Station Accessories OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J We have just received our fall line of Knitting Yarn in Assorted Colors Our stock of Holeproof Hosiery is compl***- E. M. HELON, Dry Goods : Clothing : Furnishings 1