f! I • 11 T H E ST. H E L E N S M IST. F R ID AY. AUGDS l n . I“ -'-’ NEW I \Cl <•<’ " Y the bull club idea is growing Into' made. Two hundred and lou motor actual results iu Columbia comity ists were taken into custody for this Switching license plates including two in the Warren and offense. Yankton neighborhoods. At lie 1 brought 139 persons into the court- Issued Every Friday by lena J W Curteman is president of while 90 were arrested for operating rn K MIST Pl'BUMHIMG COMPANY a third club. At Yankton tue ciuo cars with improper lights. Reckless driving was charged to 21 and six S. C. MORTON........................... Kditur is headed by D. M Robinelt. New • j were arrested for driving while in ell Sherwood and Wm Skuxie at] Warren have an organization and a toxicaled. promising young bull. 8l'BCRII*TION RATES The Columbia County Jersey club riUCSE One Year..................................... $2 00 has a harmonious and effective or­ THE RIlil.K— A NSW I RS Vl'ESTltlNS. Month*.................................. $1.26 ganization with L. U. Smith as pres- The Omniscient Guide—-The slops idem; F C Holibaugh, vice presi- Entered as second-class matter, dent. and Than Brown, secretary- of a good mau are ordered by the Psalms 37:33. The club mentbershi,) Lord. January 10th. 1912. at the Poatofftce treasurer. Who alone escaped the massacre at St. Helens. Oregon, under the act numbers forty, and includes a num­ ber of enthusiastic women m e im­ of the priests of Nob? Samuel of March 3rd, 1879 portance of a dairy organization is 2 2 : 20. What woman on the death ot her never so keenly appreciated as when the club gives a picnic or any sort son. king of Judah, murdered her POl'NTY OFFICIAL PAPER of entertainment On such occas­ children und usurped the kingdom ’ ions the men are usually found tak­ -—SChronlcles 2 2 : 10- 12. What king was killed by his own Member National Edltor'al Associa­ ing back seats and lookiug properly! tion and Oregon State Editorial meek and unassuming. — Western. sons?— 3 Kings 19:37. By whom wire two sticks uilrucu Association. Breeder loUBly united and became one?— Kzo kiel 37:16-17. I’ll IN tiS IS) NOT SATISFY. h a l f a CENTURY OF NATIONAL What is the year of jubilee men-! Roger W. Bahson, lu>aa of tne I toned in the Bible? l.eviticus 26:9- PARKS. ■ .. ; great Babsou Statistical organiza-1 10. The Yellowstone last w e tlon. and one of the leading world How was the timber used in build­ braied the 50th anniversary ot being iluthorities on business and Indus- ing King Solomon's temple conveyed made the first of the nations ' trial subjects, says: to Jerusalem? — 1 Kings 5:9 grounds, but the federal reservation ..The soiVing of the labor situa- What miracles were wrought on j of the Hot Springs of Arkansas w|,0Hy a question of religion, the suu and moon? — 2 Kings 20: 11; ' the beginning of the policv 4 > b pile wage-worker will never be sat- Joshua 10:12-14. back. The Yellowstone pat . l e i l v. u n u n i higher wages - further ' . n c u o i n u |)V o u and u u o short- iiu t i What is called in the Bible the however, which is the largest o o er |K,urg anv more than you und 1 "royal law?” — James 2 : 8. parks and in many resp ects th e fin uru satisiiej with more profits and What was found in the ark of Tin* voxut' I'T hi« 7 * k «list un t i wl> est, set a movement atoot that has. houses. the covenant when first brought in a V | M , - w s M l I I I I h l * I « » V • ‘ I > g « ' " » ----- I I I » ' traveled around the world. "Things never did satisfy anyone to the tem p le?--2 Chronicles 5:10 ,,,'iiid and »hlet lon*w of the hat A u stra la s ia a n d C a n a d a fo low i j ,lUj never will. Satisfaction and What was tile divinely appointe 1 , „ „ , , 1, die girdle, « h u h might lime the le a d o f the l n ited s ta te s . A r- | c o n te n tm e n t are matters of relig- punishment for blasphemy? — Levtt |M>.„ i„ rn m .d from a lady >r tin g e n tln a b o a sts oi lg u a z a pa rk . ion. Communities and industries harem. ________ den has ten n a tio n a l p a rk s a n a , w j,e re r ig|,t m o tiv e s are paramount l c Us Switzerland one. J a pa n last year sen . |iUVe uo st,rious labor troubles." There has nearly always been a an o f fic i a l to s tu d y o u r sy stem ot * ___________ , ___________ good wife behind every great man pars, and see what =ugg,s:iu;.s .¡.e- VKKXOX|A H A> \ | W >1’ \ PER. and there is a good deal of truth m ay m ak d to Japan w nen u &eia up In the saying that a man can he no r ig a re ttes its own system. The Vernonia Eagle Is the name greater than his wife will let him be Almost 20 years elapsed before 0f a newspaper which made its In-1 Edward Eggleston Y'ellowstone had a brother park, but i mal appearance in the N'ehalem me- our system now numbers 19 national-tropolis last week. * The Eagle, parks. They yearly draw more th an ! which is edited and published by a 1.000,000 visitors, and it is expected Paul M Robinson, was chuck full of| that Rocky Mountain park, the most local news and the Vernonia tner-, frequented, will in 1922 have visi- chants were liberal in UBing adver- tors enough to equal the residents Using space. The Eagle has a good of Seattle. Automobiles take moro j field and ¡f it receives the supporti tourists to the park than do rail- 1 to which it is entitled. It will do! way trains, the vogue of motoring * mudi for the development ot mat having given prodigious and un- section. The Mist welcomes the: dreamed of popularity to the parks | newly-born paper and wishes it anil | as summer resorts. I its able editor every success. cannot be overestimated. For The parks educate us estheticully ---------------• and recreate us, but the greatest use p n R P S T T 7TWP keeping appointments, makin^ is to strengthen the policy of con- c ' - ' xv . e . o i r irx .c- servation from which they issued. M E N A C E S E R IO U . trains and for a hundred o t h e r Visitors to the parks acquire better reasons a good watch is the understanding of the values involved j "This is the most serious torest only kind worth having. Bay t/iii Cigarette and Sate Meney in the practice of conserving ' ] fire season we have had for several people's natural resources. • , years, and unless the public who are Every watch that we sell car ---------------* using the forests are more careful ries a guarantee of reliability ----------------------------------------------- STATE FARM BL4X'. even more serious fires than we have THE ST. HELENS MIST Weekly Offerings of (lie RUTHERFORD MIANH, IN H IItA Nti;, Ctl.NYKYYNl '" » ll t H INI) INVIMI il F VIS lleinea for all inni |»rlrr» Ilo- lugiwl, terni* t„ I trina us ("III triules limi 11*1 lug* f»r .|ul, k IIO U S E S I FARM S 17 acre farm, plenty of building. en gun,| road ,, reck anil only 3 miles out, good part cleared ,,, nu ust« land, young orchard only $2600, th, price W of j cheap house am! lot 4 3acres oq ,-tt> limits, orchard about all dear and till able rich soil, fine view, dandy roads choice l.uv ,, $6600 1 11 10 acres fertile clear lumt all In crop nn Mllinn t'r»B|. i miles out Some buildings und fruit I'lenty of water tint) $1600 Sei us for choice city acreage ami siihurhan RUTHERFORD Phones — O ffice A new movement appears about to ^ J ° « S " 8aid Ue° H regardless of the price you pay be launched for the formation of a Cecil, district forester. "W e have had few 17 any lightning Your inspection is invited farm bloc to participate in the next fires to date, but we are apt to have! session of the Washington state | many of these during the early purt | legislature. It may be safely predicted that of this month. No one can prevent ; certain other industries of the state the lightning fires, but if people who; will raise a protest if anything like go into the woods, for business or* this takes place. But we rise to pleasure, would only realize the con- 1 stant danger from fires spreading ; ask what there is wrong about a farm bloc in the state legislature. - we would have far fewer losses of Ever since the lumber industry of valuable timber. "The U. 8. air service is assisting | Washington began to grow there has in the patrol again. As a precau­ been in the legislature at Olympia tionary measure, we have been com-1 a lumber bloc, though, to be sure, it was never advertised as such. The polled to require all campers, fisher- j fishing industry has always main­ men and hikers on the national for­ ests of Oregon to secure camp fire tained at the state capital during -armies, a» is being done in the oat-, legislative sessions a very definite .onai forests of Washington. alignment intended to protect and L only the people who go into foster the fishing interests. Every biK in dust r except agr! c uUu re has e forests would foliow a tew , very dJvelòping ! uIes * hat a 8avin* tho *“ valuabI* * def, nue ways'of J ^ 6 and ^nvomnioni . , her and exnenft« expense in to the government, protecting its own interests during, jUte> and V e s t fire associations the sessions of the legislature. The AOUid re.uJt," suid Mr. Cecil, time is ripe, therefore for the farm- ..what we call th glx rules for Î ■ ;! ■ ” • II) I Í iitir ill« k amai Chara h prudiic I peni, c ■, Itpth and 1 (.me of )'< ai DO IT T O D A Y A S A V IN G S account can’ t be started with "good intentions." 10 ' 'olir.» oh 1 I the tllio LutM ... J • ■ Lui,etili i a:i Neither will talking about one get you anywhere Talking about doing it the day after tomorrow means you'll never do it. I - Uhi) ti.is im,. |r.uee whu li Certainly, you can let a lot o f things interiere with carrying out this very good plan. But you can't think of one good sound reason whv you shouldn't have a growing savings account. Arc you going to let anything stand in the way of a matter that has a thousand reasons in favor and not one against it? One dollar opens an account for you and earns com­ pound interest at four per cent. Von A. Gray Ice Cream resen tat ¡"ves^and .“ natorV are a ' r e chosen lL ^ n ng forest fires are short and resentatives ana senators ; . understand and easy to represent them at the nex ses- follow," said Mr. Cecil. "Here ston of the legislature and it is k p - , ^ , . u n . propriate and proper that these sen-1 , 1. Matches, Be sure your match ‘ ators and representatives align is out. Pinch it before you throw it themselves in a clearly defined, well away. organized farm bloc to protect and 2. Tobacco. Throw pipe ashen foster the most fundamental of all and cigar or cigerette stumps In the our industries. We not advocating of the TO»d and stamp pinch j , We are are not advocating a a farm farm dU3t ou[ the flre betor(J leaving or thelll oligarchy in the legislature. The DON'T throw them into brush, leaves farmers want no special favors at the or needles. bands of the lawmakers or of the 3. Making Camp. Build a small state executives. A11 they want is campfire. Build It In the open, not fair play, and the way to get it is against a tree or log or near brush to go out after It in an organized Scrape away the trash from all way.— Washington Farmer. around it. 4 Leaving (.'amp. Never leave; GOOD TOWN FUR NEWS. a campfire, even for a short time,, There are some who insist that it without quenching It with water and is dreadfully dull in Los Angeles. • iien covering it with earth. 6. Bonfires. Never build a bon- They may even yawn and declare that nothing ever happens in the old ire in windy weathel or where there is the slightest danger of their es­ town. But they know better. Don’t make As a matter of fact, too much is caping from control. happening. Here are some of the - iieru larger than you need. 6 Mghtlng Fires. If you find Incidents of a day: Body o f beautiful woman who had a fire, try to put it out. If you can't been beaten to death by a hammer1 net word of It to the nearest l nited in the hands of a jealous wife is i -States forest ranger or state fire war- found. ,Jen at ence.” Prominent citizen is arrested in ---------------— ------------ connection with dummy bribery of S T A T E T R A F F IC COPS United States officials. M AKE MANY ARRESTS Girl is bound, gagged and left un­ conscious in an old school building SALEM.— There were 2,000 vio­ by mysterious masker. Leading detective confesses to lations of the traffic laws reported | bribery of prohibition agent on be­ by the 17 officers of the state traffic half of organized hand of bootleg­ division during the first six months of 1922. Seven hundred and fifty- gers. Little girl is kidnapped and as­ three of the traffic law violators saulted by aged stranger in a lim­ were arrested by the state officers and paid fines aggregating $21,239 - ousine. Film favorite is taxed with v a m p -,11*- according to the semi-annual re- ing a wealty business man into a m“ dfi Public yesterday by T. A marriage with her mother to obtain Raffety, state traffic chief, his estate Multnomah county headed the list Wife of prominent lumberman ior violations with 659, while Wash- sues husband for separate rnainte-. ington county came second with 254, Polk was third with 171. Yamhill nance. Two men cut their throats with was fourth with 168, Columbia fifth razors and one may live because he with 157. Jackson sixth with 92, and was found by a dog that brought Marion seventh with 87. Multnomah county courts, the re­ rescuers. Operations of a hand o f opium and port indicates, are more lenient w'th the offenders than are some of the drug purveyors are disclosed These are a few of the more im- ,,,h,;r counties With 669 offenders, portant Rems braided In the news of ,h* Multnomah courts collected but a day.— Los Angeles Times $4,218.58, while Washington county w with trot 254, received fines total- (lOI.I MBIA COUKTY JKKHEV MEN *nK $3,381.50 Columbia county. | with 147 violation, assessed the o f­ ARE LIVE BUNCH. fe n d e rs $2,006 86, while Marlon Encouraged by the Influence of county, with but 87 made the motor- purebred sires such as we find in ists put up $1,460.50. the barns o f Harry West, George It was for speeding, as usual, that Perry and other down-river breeders: the greatest number of arrests were: • Huiler I + + + *4 + *+ + *+ + + + + ' The W arm V\ eather Food St. Helens, Oregon CO. PoUlt ! > 111 hi a H i\ W U Heliable J ew eler REALTY 123 — Residence 38-J and 74-W Hhuw 111. full IF*'" I T«**\ *tMi I Tria» I"" mm ¥w They are GOOD! 7 room house, d o s e In. olii) I l 600, $260 oa.li i i $16 and Internet. " '"“ “»e* 4 room house. Imseineul, good wood shed, |WII |„ ident) . .. of - --»rilen garden lam) lumi ami room rm f chick, $1060, terms 1 "*•* und cozy Good modern r.mm lmi.se. two dandy garden |ut, „ rage, good 3 room ligacuient, liuseiiient, cloth clothes ,|ry plenty of fruit, etc . and all in good shape and »up at listiti, terms Nin 111 The Importance of an Accurate TIME-PIECE REALTY CO RONIW4, Mill i o n s M Mil. EH, H«0> thx ft:. ! : Lter«. lumi I Culling in election uf ■ n n ließe!, Tsiwoi.r.-.t t ft.- ■- • r e s ilie n t lilting lu I iKtnled I It |»)i J. K. Ill T< IIINSoN, ('ashler T h e:« warm Mays when appe tites need stimulating thoughts turn naturally to the soothin'; coolness of Ice Cream. -, ofcEOOK r r« Y i - And when rightly and sanitar > made Ice Cream is a healthful IN COLUHTUA and nourishing food. If you would enjoy the best of health during the summer eat ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ plenty of— Sino- hen d io lu mtññ^TonnUdiJanlí T h . UNIVERSITY contains: OREGON »top L# Ilk' I) I l»ter th. h«'i ft»n her ■ tig P Bare r.i-* ¡SOIL MA BASK Bulletin \ ultund p i. fount) farm woniimi« Svrtaln »»tent Slept fart Mt. Hood Ice Cream Either Brick or Bulk T h e college o f Liter.ture. Science end the A r U with 22 departments The professional schools of A rch i­ tecture-B usiness Administration - Education-G raduate Study L sw - Medicine— M u sic—Physical Educa­ tion— Sociology. The 47lh Year Openi October 2, 1922 For ocatalogu e or a n y inform ation u n ite The Registrar. U n tvereity o f O regon, Eugene, Oregon. F 'i1 it» ♦ ♦ Senotnl yen ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M Rutherford Building St. Helens VO I Squibbs' Highly Purified ---------- Products----------- L Thre.- t»r afte r clt M ason's Columbia St. f i A P P E T IZ IN G LU NCH ES FOR P A R T IC U L A R P E O PL E : ♦ ♦ ♦ » pop p ail .Soa n irley Higher in Quality Better in Performance Lower in Price In Greater Demand [»II Sown \\ i it» Soil I After rorii 1 After nr» tr f hi X I,icli«‘H 1 All pi,DWitll lone in Ufa A*ohl fk» not wor Sow r|c»v»*r Treat all g •Ming Vetch and •»letnheT 1 5 k la a good ,rn all potai Pr**|l >r l.ol Ü?1 may b„ i — than ever before ♦ > it Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Phosphate ♦ Milk of Magnesia Epsom Salts ♦ ♦ ♦ * CAI.I 11 |(I h wi l l l„ r *M l« m Sugar Milk > ♦ I psanierv V p*7 ♦ ♦ Deming’s Drug Store Muckle Building » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : of , i'i r* »h ni* in C "Everywhere You L ook Y ou See a Chevrolet k The ri * ny " r Hl liii I** Raletis r, A» COPELAND A U TO CO. ST. H E L E N S , O R E G O N