St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, August 04, 1922, Image 1

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W H I™ w e l T r e c e i v k i , “OLDTIMERS” AGAINST LUMBER MOVEMENT
I h« concert by tlm Whitney Hoy» j
chorua al I he Utterly theatre wum
ruuch wijoyml by tliOMi* pr^Mont.
T b « choruM work wa» Mplendid and ***>l,r lialUtfh mm Majiu#«» o f “ OKI Si. Helens Center o f lirlsk Activity In
HhowAd the i »» h * a of ton#» and wide
. .»
l.umlwr Hlil|>inenls — McCormick
runge Of the soprano sec I Ion and the
l b . - l » l l Team Out to tie!
w»u. ( lialruum Tooae nf Republican-,
sonority o f the lower voices The
Manager Hunt'« Mcalp— Interest-
U n e o f Boats Hupplylng < all for­
Hi»«.' T ou r In Hi. Helen», »peda l features were enjoyable one
i„ ,
ti la Ports.
of the best w,.H the song by Tom
<*»■■•« I*r..z.U^I.
Mir!» with IViitiul Oununltle iuii I
11 rad lev lie accompanied himself on
ttin ukulnln and Himu with an nuunr
.. .
Attends Banquet.
This week St. Helens is the center
,• ‘ ?ur" > . ......n
VV bat pro
ini ana .. to ...
bo . a
iinn en»„ that
an<w and
that many
. . . . thriller
baseball games Is to ho pulled o l f on of it brisk movement of coastwise
ala might envy
the fair grounds bull purk in Ut. Hel­ lumber, with a promised continuation
O iih of the imitl enthusiastic re
Mr Whitney, (lie founder o f all
, for the next week or ten days ut
iiubllcen gatherings In year» wax the Whitney Hoy choruses In the ens next Sunday.
There are a lot of "old timers" of least.
i„ St Helen» Tuesday n I k In State o f Oregon, was the director
The steam schooners Daisy Matth­
this great American game around
wtl,,n (Klumbla oounty republicans and George Ingram, aHsIstan
lurnwl »ut to greet W aller I.. Toose, visor o f ' mu« lr*r V ; ' ***1^i,,®n* *E***'*r’ I town who are laboring under whai ews, E. II. Meyer and Wakkeena are
j r ^publican state chairman, who land was the accompsnis!
¡ " m \ \ u u l * * » * . . * “ deluded delu sion" due to leave with full cargoes. The
Mr W iiii.,...v .
. , ,
Hiut they can come back, and are Daisy will clear Saturday night for
l(pr„«l his tour here o i every county
! the southern coast with eleven hun­
lo th« »isle
e b o n .» of twenty thousand voice» f . “ I'
l,,1,lkh thal there. ,B dred thousand feet o f lumber, the
A in eel lii k » f Hie state clialriiiun
Wakkeeria going out the same night
jad county central com m ittee wa»
with nine hundred thousand feet of
I,«Id In the court house du ring the rehearsing In prsctlcaliy'every’ to“i n ‘ W“ “ l P ' “ " ‘ o ’* i" v,nc,fb,U!"
, ...
y *Ery town in onj next Sunday afternoon,
Francisco. Tho
»ftsrnoon. at which time plan» were in
in in# w* h t•• rfi part of Ortviron |>**- * u
«, u
* '
Ml * or H
la m
t be
<>r Meyer will sail Sunday, loaded with
fi,. zi 1 1 #i>><• i I
e manaK»’
manager r or
adopted for a thorough organisation
piling for the south coast.
„( the county committee
t h o u s a n d v o ic e » in
ÏC rH a n d
M r" í
i ’" “ “ ? 1 " ? “
The steamer Steel Ranger is now
In dm evening a banquet wa» held
at the docks and loading lumber for
tt the SI Helens hotel, which wax
She sails tonight
,e . i » r V n
lu *“ * « wUh. but he will New York.
»llcnded by member» o f the republl receIvin» from
Annette Rolph shifted from Portland
i , pul on a spectacular
wl1' **• throw
into Jim
ctn organization und oth er leading aille
uoiH to
,. • . a surprise
, ,
# Hunt
.* s to St. Helens tbix morning and will
i*l>ubltcau nieu and women o f the timi In Portland for ih» 1926 fair 1
' T
‘ “ iV'v « Mp V * i l l «
take on 600,000 feet for San Diego
county Judge Murtln White, In hi» second to none, not even the ò u » *
» •Neffe and Lefty
She will Hail the first of
I tan use Swep Mor- delivery.
i-htr»( terIxllc good humor, actod a» i a hh i o h riay at OtwrarnriiarKuu
. tit.i llllV i.f . o <if , U‘ , i . /> . h iu crini<iz.i
, the coming week
The Mobile City Is
ton, uny on» of which is guaranteed
Kollowlng entbu»la»tlc
to g o ut lea»t one full round before due here next Monday to load lu m­
ttlki by vurlou» republican leader»
he swoons
" H a n k '’ ber for Philadelphia delivery.
preaenI. Mr Tooze »pok e along line» TH E LIBERTY HAS
The steamers Willamette, VVapama-
o p t n i i r i f n n i l I ! Wist and Morton have never been
of organization
l -
.19 1 l i y n l U L . known to let a bull push
Multnomah, Daisy and Daisy Putnam
P U S H them If they
Mr Tooze »aid that h« had no urn
had a ghost of ini opportunity ‘ o lay ure due at St. Helens the fore part of
for z man who did not have time to
The program at The Liberty next down on It before It got past tuClii. the week. The vessels are handling
||«» attention to our form o f govern
lumber for the McCormick California
tncnt. and that we should have two week Is one of unusual attractive­ These hoys w II pertorm behind tho
ness. featuring as il does some of hut and I uni going to see that they yards and the steamer Everett fin­
itrong political organiz ations; that
are far enough behind It so that ished a cargo o f 2,000.000 feet on
the duty of a republican orgunlza America's most popular screen siarn
in their latest productions
The Hunt's mullciouxly inclined hatter» Puget Sound for San Pedro yester­
tloh It to elect and not nomin ate re
day. the steamers Edna and Celilo
(llbllcufi candidate«
ll 1» also hi» week opens tomorrow night with will not try to bean them to win the
Pete llrukke la my reserve will load on the north harbor next
"O utla wed.■’ a western picture fea­ game.
opinion that «very republican engng
turing lllll Patton und t'arlyn Wag force.
Pete Is a little overweight,! week, while the steamer Daisy Gads-
mg In u republican primary Implied
iter, and 1» followed on Sunday an I hut he Is a darn sight more active' by is to work a full cargo on Grays
If pledge» himself to vote for the
than he look»
I have other players Harbor.
szcceotful nominee, and that It Is a Monday with James Oliver I'urw ood'j
famous story. "Flow er of the North," of just ax good material as th ose'
»acred pledge and should be carried
A portion o f this latter mentioned, hut f am not giving their! BRIEF HAPPENINGS
1 am g o ­
film wax made In Northern Oregon, names out for publication
Taken all together the meeting wan
and the scenery 1» said to lie espec ing In to give that bunch o f Hunt's
t decided success and much g ood for
tally Interesting
On Tuesday and a good, first-class drubbing, and I've
ike republican organization was ac <
Pll-1 got good salmon to bet on It.”
Annual Mite Ho*.— The Wom an's
Mr T ooze went from
g rim ." a story o f mystery and dar-
Manager Hunt o f tile regular team. Foreign Missionary society will o b ­
here to Astoria where he met with
Ing Is (lie bill, with liert Lytell In which Is to go up against the “ ulo serve the annual Mite Box opening
ikt (Tattop county central commit
"Thu Right That Failed" on Friday timers" says he has no fear of the Thursday, August 10th at 2 o'dlock
and Saturday
This Istler produc­ outcome of the struggle. "I am will­ In the parlor of the First M. E
Each member Is urged tn
tion shows Lytell In (he prize fight- ing to concede." suid Mr Hunt, " l h a ' ; church.
Ing ring, und Is u comedy Hint will I some time in the dim and distant I attend and bring a guest.
pust this aggregation that Mayor Hat
please any audience
lugh 1» championing could play base­
« - -
On Way Home.— A postal card re­
ball as It was played in ancient ceived by 81. Helens relatives states
But they have outlived their that J S. Botliwell and Roy Gtll who
One hundred and tweu ty -four mills;
ELECTS OFFICERS usefulness as hall players; besides, have been touring California by auto,
raporting to West Coast Lumber
my hunch of bull towers has forgoi- went a little farther than the Cal­
am > asxoctutlon for the week end
At the meeting of the St Helen» ,<M1 ,ul,re about tho game than those ifornia line.
They were in
1st July ll^th, m snutactured 83.-
Juana, Mexiso.
Therv expected to
ill 111 feet of lum ber; sold 78.- j Tenni» club Iasi Monday
day night Hi. old1 Urner» ever d*d kn ow ."
So the die Is cast for a real Inter­ start on the homeward Journey Fri­
13».026 feet,
76, , followin g officers were elected for
m.100 feet
the year:
L R Rutherford, pres­ esting game of hall. The old tlmerr day, July 2 8
• • •
Production for reporting mills wa ident, II F McCormick, vice pres j may "com e ba ck " in a wuy to sur­
1 »«r cent above normal New bust Ident; II A Childs, treasurer, (¡or prise the regular team and give them
At n on Beach. — Miss Amy
Anyway. It L Geo. ge und Mrs. L. J. VanOrshoven
lew 6 per cent below production •loti Thompson, secretary and J W . |a run for their money
Shipment» were 4 per cent below new Thompson, J E Hutchinson and H j going to lie well worth going miles to accompanied by their friend, Miss
F McCormick were chosen as direc­ sen and a record crowd Is promised ll -itn Johnson of Portland left on
for Sunday's game
Tuesday morning for Cannon Beach
Thirty-four per cent of all new tors
Vuilnei» taken during the week was
An Invitation has been sent to s»v j
wl e e they will spend several weens
E A. Rotger took the party in his
for future water delivery
This erul I’ort land tennis clulm lo come OREGON CITY MAN
•mounted to 26,889.026
feet, ot lo Ht Helens lo give lhe local play - 1
IN DEATH DRIVE an o and Mrs. Jacob George made
the trip with them.
*klch 18.986.906 feet was for do ers a chance to show their skill In ;
mexllc cargo delivery, and 7,902.120 real competition. It was also decided i
• • •
f*«i for over aeus shipment
New lo malm uny necessary repairs on th> 1
\ccepts ( all.— Rev. Paul D. Holf-
t>u»lne»» for delivery by rnll nmoun’ courts and repaint the lines and to (
c ity , plunged o f f the highway neur man o f Portland has accepted a call
ask uII members to pay their dues ax;
*d to 1,726 cars
Goble Wednesday evening, resulting to Plymouth Congregational church
Thirty-one per cent o f the week's
In Injuries to
that o f this city and will begin his pastor­
lumber shipments moved by water tended for alt who are Interested in {
caused tils death In St Vincent's hos. ate on the first of September.
Thle »mounted to 23,1 16,800 feet ! tennis to join the club.
pltnl Thursday morning
The cause Holfman is a graduate of the Uni­
°f which 16 610,213
feet m oved;
o f the accident was not determined. versity of Southern California and
naslwlse slid Inter conical and 7.
Htretchberry left Goble in the early his wife Is a graduate o f the Univer­
6*6 5B7 f,.,.t export
Kail ship
sity o f Oregon, where she also took
n m * » i r r u c u r t i i c c v ! I w a n in g with Miss Ruth BloomquUt
arm« amounted to 1,746 cars
E N D A N G E R S M O U S E S ' (>f Katn|,.r for a ,|riVe
The accident a post-graduate course In music. Ser­
I nfilled domestic c a r g o orders to
occurred a few miles east of Goble vices, with the exception of the Sun­
1*1 »8,274.364 feel
Unfilled ex
day school, will he suspended during
This morning ut 4 30 o'clock, the i shortly after 10 o'clock, according to
thd month o f August.
P°r' (C
I.M S .T 4 4 feel
I li
fir« department was called oul to Dr. J F. Ditto of Rainier, who was
rail trade ordorn, 6,260 cars
extinguish a brush fire on the road called to the scene. Stretchberry sus-
In thirty weeks production hex l e a d l n g to t h e Columbia County H im - mined several broken ribs and Inter-
Oi fil ial yuli'tn«'»«— The s h e m » s
• 11S to r t; i n
kw i her company's mill
The fire boys nul Injuries
He was rushed to offic e reports a quietness bordering
J*** T 621:112.183 feet; shipments lesponded promptly and In a short Portland.
Miss Bloomquest escaped on boredom In moonshine activity re­
cently. No new hauls have been made
while had the fire under control with minor scalp lacerations.
Lumber shipments from Ht llel Their prompt action doubtless saved
Coroner White took charge of the of Individuals with an overzealous
•tu have been light for the week hut
several residence ax the fire wax body and brought It to this city De­ desire to go Into the Illicit manu­
»»»twlje steamers nnd
steamers spreading over a considerable area, eased s mother lives at Long It.-i^h, facturing business
Even the speed­
coming for o ffsh o r e cargo#'» will | Chief Gaffnev detailed several of I California, and upon advices from ers have almost quit speeding
•HmuUte shipping
the hoys to watch the ...... Iderlng i there the remains were shipped to offic e force is taking a rest, ready
for renewed activities
fire to keep It from spreading
• Long Beach Friday morning
r 1 -« ï â
wüh'u;-: ü î ï w" " -
¿ z Xt
Followlng a week o f artlvlty al
olumhla • 'Iry. next Hunday will he
A* cloalng day for the Oregon Bap
1,1 '» u n g l'eople's asseinbly
ttsndsnc« bas been g ood and the'
wrvire» niueh enjo yed by all who at
frlday night Dr W rlg ht ls «e.hed-
u "d tu malle an address o f welcome
n,l »pprerlatlon, nnd the n egro eher
** * dl hav« a short program and
idurt th« ram p flr« Servic e
or nln »', program will h« In th« na
r" Of a rereption to Citizen» o f Mt
af l i'nlimihln t'lty.
Mo»? InternsMng Service» will he
” 1 Hunday
In addllion to the
■ervjrxs and slnglng, Dr W II Hin-!
will i„, t|IH «hie f Speaker o f the
"*'• deiiverlng hls sermon al 3:3 0
ln ’ h» «fternoon.
**Peelal Invitation ls eitended
«I» . Cl,l,w,B o f H» Helen» and Vl-
V ,0 he present at all o f the»«
“ rvlces
J» T
Mi A,
del egat i on o f mem bers of
Mr>. . i
No , 1 7 ' 1 ° ° F
m o » * * 1 *°
OTnr *° Vernonia to - 1
In , ,r,?,W n,* ht lo «14 Vernonia lodgi
"n d
wor k, hut on ar-
V -„
,,f tbany o f the mem bers of
being out o f town
m»itikLlf ,h,> 7or,>,,l fires, the lodge
tin. >r r" *bo,1*lll It liest to postpone
V«rnV " ' ,,nM1 * ,n,*’ r d « ' ' '
T'1" ’
onlv"nlH ’ "dK*’ though organized
ha" * ***•»•* i
flfnirl»hrr hlp " n<1 , h " lo dge Is In a
"»«rt.hing condition.
Iules» <k»ve|(>|>niint o f o ffe n s iv e w eep on x in n aval w a r fe r e .
In n av al h a llle a o f the
u » i k on ca p ita l sh lp s.
itl ,u
a n l„ d u
d e e a e .iiy
d l) a a lla
F l) Ing al a s|ieeil o f f n m 7 »
m ass fo rm a tio n on th e i n. ni> h e ttle Une. T lie hu-
wiu .n iv e r torpédo et lacks In ni».
lev elop tn g n n rw t)|*e to r p é d o p la n e w h iM i w lll
T h e l o i q - x l o .d o n c ‘ x '¡¡J ^
future, ten"'**** l»'*1
ï r«6j| L it L o f r H»'nniiurtl's
j ^ i  T ..........
' Æ J L - «n*—
■ .... — ■ ■
he the le st o f II»
*■ U,e WOrW*
Number 34
Llnnton's strong baseball
came to St
Helens Sunday,
Hunt's invincible» sent them home
properly drubbed.
The hoys from up river started off
well by running In one score in the
first frame.
The locals were un- ; filiere Breaks Izxwe on Holdings of
able to connect In the first round
Went|H>rt Lumber (V>m|uuiy Near
but from the second inning on to the
Mist— Nehalem Valley Near For­
finish the boys almost ran them ­
selves ragged in circling the bases
est lllaze.
Relten .pitched a good game and
made a record o f strikeouts by fan ­
ning 17 men
Renewed forest fire activity has
The tabulated result o f the gamej been manifest In Columbia county In
the past week.
The fire which has
St. Helens
All R H PO A E| been sm ouldering for some weeks at
McDonald, 3 . . 8 0
1 0 0 o: Belding broke its bounds and spread
Parkinson, If . . . 4 1 1 1 0 o into surrounding green timber in the
Paulson, 2b . . . . 5 2 1 0 2 0 1 properties of the Wheeler, Ham mond
Calhoun, cf . . . . 5 3 3 (J
0 o ; and Oregon Loggin g & Tim ber c o m ­
Fifty fresh fire fighters
Howe, c . . . ____ 6
S 2 16
1 0 panies.
McKie, l b . . . . . 5 3 4 8 0 1 ! were summoned to the scene o f the
Pll, ss .......... ____ 5
1 1 2 0 ■ fire.
Hicks, rf . . .
4 1 0
1 0 0 - C. C. Scott, of the patrol associa­
Kelten, p . . ____4
2 1 0
1 0 I tion was o f the opinion that the old
fire was fanned by new winds and
would give a little trouble, but he
Totals . .
43 16 14 27
was In no fear of its getting be­
yond control Mere men than were
Dlmmick, If . . . . Ö
1 0 0
requested by those at the fire would
Munson, 2b . . . . 3 1 1 1 2
be needed if the fire had grown to
Bradley, cf . . . . . 4 1 0 2
any mammoth proportions.
Wilson, 3b
0 0
1 i been low humidity In the c o u n ­
2 4 8 0
Wist, c ____ ____5
try for a day or two. thus making
Krause, p . ____6
0 4 0 2
conditions favorable to the sp read­
Warnick, ss
4 0 0
6 2
ing o f the fire.
Young, rf . . . . . 3 0 0
1 Ö
Accordin g to the last word from
Jenson, l b . ____4
0 0 6 0
Fire Chief Dixon, a fire o f quite
la r g e proportions has broken out at
Totals . . ,. . .38
5 9 24
the site o f the Westport logging
St. Helens 0 1 3 2 1 0 2 6 X—
camp and is traveling in a southeast­
. . 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0—
erly direction toward Vernonia. This
fire, as well as others in the near
Summary— Home runs. C'a! ho
McKie. Three-base hits, Calhoun, Mi- vicinity, hag been under control for
Hie, Munson, Wist.
Two-base hits, the past tw o weeks, but due to the
Calhoun, McKie, Krause.
Base on high wind, together with the pro­
balls, o f f Krause, 3; o f f Reiten, 1. longed dry spell, It has been almost
Hit by pitched ball, Munson 2, by impossible to keep the fire on the
Relten, and Parkinson by Krause. ground.
Men com in g In from the front
Struck out, by Relten 17. by Krause
7. Tim e of game, 2 hours. Umpires, have reported the fire still under
control, but feared that it would
B iilag h and Conners.
he impossible to make much h ead­
way against the flame If the wind
continued from the present dir ec­
ENDS IN DOG SCRAP tion. The fire traveled about tw o
miles an hour on the ground but was
A family scrap was brou ght be­ entirely surrounded by trails and
More men are in
fore Judge Philip Monday, and the well patrolled.
Judge adjudicated the matter by readiness if the situation grows
handing out a stiff reprimand to the ious. Fear has been felt for the safe­
participants and advising them to ty o f the town ow in g to the complete
live in peace and harmony in future. lack o f fire protection and the fact
Accordin g to reports the Fritz and that the timber extends to the city
Thomas families o f the Yankton limits at nearly all points.
The United States forest service
neighborhood have not been living
together in that brotherly love we of- ig on the watch fa» lightning storms,
teu hear and read about.
It re­ which are well known starters o f
A perilous condition exists a;
mained, however, for a dog fight to fire.
bring the row to a climax. Whether present, with the forest lookout be­
the dogs shared in the enmity m e ing greatly handicapped
families had for each oth er is not of smokiness o f the atmosphere. Ordi­
record, hut the fact remains that the dog» narily they are able to spot fires for
carried on no words o f war hut ac­ distances o f nearly 20 miles, but
tually entered into mortal combat. their range o f visage under present
Each family attributed to the o th ­ conditions is in places hardly a mite.
The service has asked the co-op­
er rough handling of the oth er fel­
low's dog in the attempts to separ­ eration o f all who frequent the f o r ­
ate them
Ray Fr'tz and ests In watching for fires and report­
Instances are
Allard Thom as took up tlie matter ing them promptly.
where the dogs left off, with the frequent where fires may not be dis­
further result that Fritz was haled covered until they have spread to un­
before the court on complaint o f as­ controllable proportions.
sault by Thomas.
The judge deemed the matter of M ILL FOREM AN
trifling Importance and dismissed the
whole proceedings with the ad m on i­
tion to the interested parlies to go
Struck by timbers from the rolls,
and sin no more, and that any furth­
er sinning along the same line would B. J Holm, night foreman at the
cost som ebody real money next time- St Helens lumber mill, sustained lu­
juries Sunday evening which will lay
him up for some time.
W hile long on experience as a mill
OF HOM E PEOPLE man. Mr. Holm was a new man on
the forem anship jo b at the mill.
II. F Mct’ormick and Clyde Suth­ Sunday evening was the starting o f
erland motored over to Vernonia to­ his first shift, though he had been
day via the St.
Helens-Plttshurg about the mill for a few evenings
with the old foreman
Hls Injuries
were a broken arm and some frac­
After spending a week In the Ne­
tured ribs.
halem Valley near Jewell, Mr. and
He was im mediately rushed to a
Mrs Harry Laltare and daughter r e ­ Portland hospital where he 1s said
turned to St Helens Saturday ev e­ to be getting along very nicely. R e­
ports have been in circulation on
Raym ond DeVin and " B i l l " Ben­ the streets that he had died from
nett joined the Whitney Boys chorus the effects o f injuries received, but
for a tour of the down river towns. these rum ots are untrue.
They will take part In the chorus at
Rainier, Astoria and Seaside.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ross and son
John returned to St. Helens M on­
day evening, after having spent a
In keeping with their progressive
pleasant ten days' outing at Cannon
McCormick Steamship
line has entered into shipping ar­
Mr and Mrs. F. R. Eller of Port­ rangements with the various railroad
land btp in St. Helens I his week lines entering Portland whereby the
lo okin g after Von Gray's je w elr y e s ­ steamship line will get the benefit
tablishment while the Gray family o f through rates between California
are sojournin g at Seaside. Mrs. El­ and all points on the respective rail­
ler and Mrs. Gray are sisters
Joe Strlstmaller and H. Hudde-
Tariffs coverin g have been made
man were In the city Thursday look effectiv e June 5th which puts the
Ing up business
The former is gen­ steamship line In position to give an
eral frieght agent and the latter unequalled service through the Port­
ig em o f the Mct’ ormick land gateway.
steamship line with offices at Port-,
F L O W E R OF N O R T H ”
Perhaps a little late In mentioning
it, but Harry Lyons kept It rathei
quiet that he has quit frying hls own
There is a wealth o f action tn
Recently Harry sneaked
o f f and took unto himself a wife "Flow er o f the N orth ." the James
The lady who changed her name was Oliver Curwond production which
will be shown at The Liberty on
Miss Joyce LaVale o f Portland.
Sunday and Monday, with tw o shows
Mr and Mrs. Sydney
Mclhuish Sunday afternoon
Indian ftghta,
were here Sunday for a short visit to night charges o f the enraged r ed ­
Mrs. Melhulsh's
parents. Mr
and skins. a helpless girl whirling Into
Mrs H. E. Laltare.
They are now the rapids as her canoe rushes on.
making their home ln Portland. Mr paddleless; physical fights and m or­
Melhuish having accepted a position al struggles.
with the Price Shipbuilding c o m - 1
--------------------------- * — —
— — —
Dr. W. G. Parent was in the lower
end o f the county and at Astoria
Tuesday on professional business
About 4 o'clock Friday morning
The dortor is specializing in sterility
in cows and has been quite busy r e ­ the siren call o f fire went out from
cently In making calls to various the mill whistle. Many citizens arosn
parts o f the county attending to live I rather earlier than usual to find it
stock diseases and particularly the! to be a brush fire on the Portland
work In which he specializes.
| road.