1 I pa g e T H E S T . H E L E N S M IS T , F R I D A Y . JU N K «>. I '1" e ig h t .Notili: u t Jubilee Singers Comind to Chautauqua [¡^{5 T) ! '>5 Ail O rgan ization of Seven Colored A rtists to Croon the l.ullabies and Sing the Songs of tho Southland in T w o C oncerts the Closing Day of C hautauqua AND YEARS OF E Mrs. C. B . Rowland Says 1 an lac Is Ju st G r a n d —D istress mt; C ase ol Stom ach Trouble E n tirely O vercom e. “Tanin .* ann ually Increased m weight thirty I h r e pounds anil g.o nie n i ef from trotini» limi luado ni*' ulti Vira »' H nnserahlc for »ears. l'uri I.uni. Ita» loud, 344 K iikcii , St Oregon. "About fourteen years igo I b e m to have i mutile with my simn.oii Then about »dghleen months ago I had tin* 'flu' which left m»1 weal. » ■ 1 could ho I couldn't * ut anything scarcely and ilio litt I«* I »11*1 unni t. it»» torci» down formed gas which ¡ hloutoil ni»* up terribly and mad*' n ; heart palpitate until I nearly smolli i cd. My nerv.-s were so wrctrli' 1 ' t h a t any noise like the cl lldrcn play ing around ihe house nearly ilrov. I me distracted " B u t I had hardly startl'd on P.i•» la»» before I wn f e d in e I" it»»» I now It bus liroiight nn out until ' haven’t a trac*' of my old troul.b left. My hustiand baa Tantac for his stomach trouble an I i has helped him wonderfully Tai: lac Is truly the Ernticb'st medicine I have ever found ' J u l i l e e t'unipanios as a rule are limn, .1 In auisical s.sii>e to a lively rendition o f tin* old-fashioned melodies and songs Tanluc is sold by nil good drug of tho Southland. T h e ( ¡ a m e r Jub ilee I V ; in\ ami male quartet, however, Is u very decided exception to this general gists. rule. s r i N i u i i K i i rs Here Is :i splendid organization which renders the old plantatl m favorites, the spirituals and the old folk sotigs elle! Mr M Mellon, ei rotary of the tr. of the s nth with ail the exquisite beauty and the expression so characteristic of the singing of their people. Then, they M surpris. rh"b- aii.'ii.-es with the in -t diftUult of operatic »'lections and arias, with tlie finest numbers from the ora- ury, write» that the national government m a y torial lihrari. - and in fact with the he«t In classical literature. *'n d* l i ! . . . ve to s . . . ,r for a reason for this very exceptional artistry. Professor (¡eorge It. Garner was or- I show a deficit oi $! »4.000.iron In the ; 1 923 fiscal year S congn*'.s Intends g:u st a* .1 t, ■ t - 1st In f ■ . ...........................F a y e W e hste r Phyrhology, Methods in Geography, income, the Mechanical I h awing. Domestic A rt.! who support him Bui spendthrift V E R N O N IA , Ore., J u u e 3.— ( S p e ­ , Song by F o u r Grandson of Comrade Course of Study for Domestic Art congressmen cannot l* -m li ken from Weed. cial to T h e Mist, i — M emorial Day the payroll until election time. Thursday A fternoon was observed in a fittin g m an ner at R e c ita tio n — My G r a n d p a ................... Congressmen will manage to find ................ Ben S pencer Vernoniu by J o h n B u c h e r Post and G ram m ar. Geography, S te n o g ­ Trumpet Drill. . . . . P r im a r y Grades raphy, American L itérât ure Physics. a way to avoid deficits if when they the R e lie f Corps. put Fuel,, Sam iu the hole, tlmy have Post, corps and school child ren met . ; ------ G '. A' K S “ “ r.tet I Typewriting. Methods in L angu age to make it up out of their own po, k In the !• landers Field Tlieuis for Prim ary Certificate. at the grange hall at 10 a. m. and Her. ation ets, as ha happened lately 1 u a good .................................................B e r t h a Gray m arched to the bridge spanning R ock Frid ay Fo ren o on many p i h a t e corporations C reek and held the service for our Dialogue— Flo w ers for Our Heroes Myrtle Hall, Alice Rnndell and Theory and P ractic e, O rthography sailo r dead. Durin g the service R R VIN- Dale McDaniel. ( S p e ll i n g ) , Physical Geography, flow ers were strewn ou the water for Dr Geor E nglish L ite ratu re , Chemistry . W Crii the world- the boys losing t h e ir lives at sea. T a m b o u rin e Drill ................................. ......................Miss M alm ste n ’s Room ! wide famous urg un w ho operates F lo w e rs and small balloons were a l ­ \fleniiMin Frid ay . with one hand a« a.-dly as with tin* so tossed in the air in memory of the .-'ong— R u sse l Stanto n. Lloyd T h o m as : and R o he rt Sp e n cer I School Law, Geology, Algebra, oth , mup human hodv to a boys who were lost during the world P la y e tte . . .M iss C o m sto c k ’s Room * ivil Govern ment dry cell with the liver th<> negatlv war in the a ir service. Sal unlay Forenoon poll' and the brain the positive 1-rum the bridge all marched to S o n g ..............................G. A. R. Q uartet R e c ita tio n — A fter th e W a r . . . . | I *he || vet the cem etery where a fitting servic Geometry, Botany. ................................ Anna K»a W e b ste r »Hi .life, i the brain . , ys Dr i r ■■■• was held around tlie graves of the Sat un lay \ftennvon Indirectly, therefore, ll app< i com rad es and also of the world war S o n g —- B y Five G ran d d au gh te rs of (¡»»iterai History, Bo»kke»>ping Civil W a r \ eterans. I that the intellect Is partlv In Hi»' veterans who died in F r a n c e . The J I! W I L K E R S O N . liver. service at the cem etery was closed T a l k s by VisKing Com rades and El- County S ch ool Superintendent li ; McGraw of the W orld W a r A sluggish liv**r is frequently the by the quartet of c iv il W ar V e te ran s singing. " L e a d K indly L ig h t .” cauim of stupidity. A course m ralo W hat som e of us need now is an uiel is therefor»* oimdinies worth a« T F \< 11 F i t s ' ! \ \ MI \ I T I i l V S All returned to town where a pic­ acyl urn for the sane. inile|i as a cours», in si hoot nic din ner was served. T h e members Notice is hereby given t h a t the of the R e lie f Corps served dinner for County Su p e rinte nd e nt of Colum bia 1 the Civil W a r veterans. County, Oregon, will hold the re g ­ At 2 p. m. the a fterno o n program ular exam in atio n o f applicants fori began. A quartet composed of Com­ s tate c e r tif ic a te s at St Helens as * rad es Hamilton. C h am b ers and Hall follows, com m encing W ednesday. ♦ and Mrs Hamilton sang in place of J u n e 14, 1 9 2 2 . at 9 : 0 0 o ’clock a. m the fourth com rade who was too nd con tin uing until S atu rd ay. J u n e feeble to m a k e ihe trip, came from 17, 1 9 22. at 4 : 0 0 o ’clo ck p. m.: Portland T h e y sang several b eau­ W h I upm I hv Forou(K>n tiful songs and the com rades gav*> t a lk s which were e njo y ed by all. It I ’ . 8- History, W ritin g ( P e n m a n ­ was estim ated that about 3 5 0 peopie s h ip ). Music Drawing. attended the afte rn o o n program Weflnes'iluy A fternoon T h e program follo w s: Physiology, Read in g, Manual THE U N I V E R S A L c a r S t a r Spangled B a n n e r ...................... T ra in in g Composition, Domestic ........................................ I-erl by Quartet Science. Methods in Readin g. Course I n v o c a t i o n ......................Rev. H everling of Study for Drawing, Methods in Origin of M emorial Day. .............. I Arithmetic. \ S / iie n t h e V e r d i c t is , D ead P i atcs l ie Car Owner knows that it means a New Battery T o get the best battery, it is first necessary to choose the best plates—the longest lived plates. alone. But they m-*-/ choose them, confident that every other part of the battery is par with Prest-O-Platcs. What the thoroughbred is to commonbred, Prest-O- Platesaretoordinary plates. They reveal their two-fold value in heat-resisting, non- buckling strength in hot­ test summer, and a ready reserve power in coldest winter. Secure in the certainty of quality and uniform prod­ uct, Prext-O-Lite under writes every Presi O-Lite B attery with a liberal guar- an‘y. This is a specifically stated obligation, plus a policy that says the car owner must be pleased. Car owners may well select Prest-O-Lite Batteries on account of Preat-O-Plates Drive around and let us in­ spect the health of your battery. A ttention j F O R D Ow ners! t F o rd p arts, like alm ost everything else worth while, are cou nterteited . Im itation p arts arc m anufactured to S E L L at tlie highest possible rate oi profit and the grad es of steel used are consequently not the same high quality, specially heat-treated alloy steels sp e­ cified in Lord fomulas for the m anufacture of G F N U IN E F O R D PA R TS. 5 0 % O F GENUINE F O R D P A R T S R E TA IL F O R LESS T H A N 10c E A C H ♦ Ask for P a rts P rice L ist 4 * S t. Helens, Oregon TH E OLDEST SERVICE TO MOTORISTS T H E NEW PRICES ON FORD CARS: C hassis, dem ountable rims, sell s l a r t e i . . . R o ad ster dem ountable rim ., sell s la r te , . . T o u n n « C ar. dem ountable rim s, self sta rter Sed an , dem ountable rims, sell starter C oupe, dem ount able runs, se ll sta r, e , Truck." r Tractor ~ .. h‘r | ,, L $555 4 t ,' , * • " « ............ W “ ......................... $533.33 ................................................. ... Above Price, l„ r St. Helen, Delivery \ M '» • ■in' Autta . J " l" ‘ ........ ! .. O sborn» ()1| w " Bl o.i. 1er ( s F ' ■ ' and tourte. ,, 1 »trip ^ » 4 * 1 roil, ,„ „ , T ri" willing, riuiiitirr. ♦ t j ? * w ¡ •dq'J .... • . twuiiujl ... - tlïfl ,1 jiv \ it i ti» of an I'MTuiion mid or ulti«« of t|tl \o r l »off ir°ui t^l ,|. i . . 1 .-..il«' duly liutu.'ll by tho ciurli S* i o( t li„ N oria.*1“ ‘‘““ i l ut »«»un toi i Us c o u u l ) t.i ' , , .,, i io» ótalo ol Oregon, d ated Ilio m I m II ii k ,,f i M ilumina, áuilo in iii i». */rivw '.'.i ! l ‘U" . il*.* 1 '■* 111 •* istrutti • o l i » * " all in ...... i..„ hn l c i irc m u i l ii i c court o lili ft»r ,r » [ ^ . . I . . I I Ut I tini (or MUÍÜI aulii flVn rivo f < t . ) I ^ v\ , i uf ■ ^ M . w li.'( t i n VI um VI. i M. 1 1,li.in »limi * (* lil.iuitirr. rtcoveroil|»»f Oregon VV lui ni, aient saluai I J , 'iihoii A rth u r | T a k e n , ,„i |„.. . ....................... boi Ut and An pro,.. 11 \ H ‘ uP»n i . » i i ' i n, husband and wll»>, tot «munti. Job,, , , '‘‘‘ •«D Art* and u anii, fel l' fol ■Árr.-n I sale ltd.,Ipl> 1 il V 1 " " i • " ih "., ml » " *1 . and dinbu .»' j much I ■ I I II II ' 11 e.l lo SAl.K tier i»1*» id, •**»»> I , eu»e ileuii. " " . gAlil " ul »H» ,|l I h I j I , ;’> 1,1 *M H olláis, on ,,| A im , \| , T * 1,1 l‘n I «I ,1 .. , ol Juno. 1 » 2 * . I fondane w t ..................... . .i...i i . . i n ' _ _ . «i»u*r**«» ^ ,'ieby giv.'ii limi l will got h e r w,n. u|| ' * " thw Ih»n, • t i y * Jii*y. 1 1 ».'.’, at Hi« in on is l b .,i *®4 HI i "i. i d ."r bouse j (l w ki ’ | “¡J1!. f“ * vv.................... . - ot the cou rt ---------- I l e e n » , in salii county, at I t tlmtk tu I lit* forenoon of mitt! ii ay Helen ». u * , , ^ al pillili»' «ui'lion lo t li»» li la li * 6, | >j j ÉI. "Arr' I - Í L«e tuu L uni»'* , II. !, li. ■' M,i,|.r lor r.ixh, lini followlua , tl prt»pt*rty, to wl t: \ hirife* t»f lami twriily of I ll. roti» 1 ■ In • 1*1.11 I"| i SU .................................... ............... Ore. e Miss Ml * a lull ,„ M ---- -, ^ IU ■■ ■ w u ' . u... ,, ,-t bai , d . .eil ( I I ) . and tho K0 ' 1'1 Hutonet si .piurtor INVV1« 1 o t t l i e ’ ■ M » "■ d' ■ I HAl.K I J« «li" tino « I irouuil l'trlk'ii. , . . ■ ‘ " * • ■ I . oi the .... it boast quartor ( I I I ■ " ' t ' ■ , ,.,| ttla t, A I SALE - ,J pipili I S O M E BARGAINS! , tu ti « ; mi ■I tur leu tur «e I i ,roit »a 1 I c|p»reil barn. mail. ’sew Steel Rangea ................ ................................ iiVfi ( a c t Stove« troni ......................................................... . . . Itfv v w U ,»' lea Red Springs fro m q j, B il iprlni - * i o u il tt » . Reel Spi mgs f r o m .................................................... from from .............................................................. ■ .o Rocken and Chaira I r Si Ilei* 111. M 511 a)*' H il m «ttrytkfeg! Hie home. l a b , olm Rugs. Linoleum« and Rug« of diffuient kind» Ult l'u • - iron, ...................................... jj,, (,o ,-I ka«ortm»‘nt uf Dlahea W ...................................... I Si per domi Toula of all kinds I Visori meut ot Aluminum W a r e at i*uch I v "ri ment of G r a n ile W a r e at each I \ - riment ot G r a n it« W an* al eacli '. 1 "ii, mon ti.,1 I t - • .-.i,- I im line of iiiiieb er and P arin g K niv es und S ... .,rs, ( arrio( sgl , : I ll p r i e s IV .»■ f .my value bought, «old Ulti ext-!,., - I Give a* 1 C fl i l.vli.K ;» " H nev I' I DPflt l'Mh or «HI I No I , taro St I I I* K V-... n i l'.MNl S. . I «I« eh «a H A R R Y S IB L E NF.W AND SLCONL» HAND GOODS I I olumUla SAI.E - Ll • \ jrieidhuuiM. ISTi.E 1 »... ISt Htiwi I H O U L T O N , O R FC O N I SALE un u »eil t • I flock pur |a* d ì ; - I pilono IK , Ttakion, 1 j h Ff’kiT I ---------- I ! ■ « 'VAI F ’’ F ’ * I »lpprlpD, ,. r Dear F o lk s : The other day I ran acro ss a friend f trine— Bob we alw ays call lin n — and, of course, the talk drifted | around to money. h Moflir»i pM,,:, i POR I roud as usual, I had to tell B ob about my httle I "Id ¡wings acco u n t and how 1 was adding to it right j ¡'long even though I couldn't spare much ol anything. W ell, Bill," B o b said finally, " I can’t for the hk j n • an save. I wish I lvefig’ j ured it up tim e and again and the most I could sp41* lig h t now would he a dollar a week and hanks dont ike to handle th o se sm all a m o u n ts." • » * church • » * » CATH Of cou rse, a dollar a week m akes only $52.00* year, plus in terest, but if you ’re like me, there have j • n tim es when $ 5 2 .0 0 would com e in pretty handy 1 here m ay he o th er tim es you'll need it too, and you I ■ *n have it then if y o u ’ll s ta rt now savin., a little eac | pay day. I ell you w hat you do,— take a pencil, sit do*11 ui'l ligure ou t how m uch you can spare each payd*!' if you can spare no more than fifty cents or a dollar pay day, bring it to my bank, Columbia Coisity . St. Helens, Oregon. I know from cxperienc{ | H cy II help you save in every way they can. I I try I t n o w — today— you'll like thecon8*>*| *1' 1 saving regularly gives a person and it s going t01 I y you well. It has me. W I L L B . T H R IF T Y . i ♦ X " H E R M A N M M II . r h , I V . »M eni J. Fieldhouse Motor Co l AUTHORIZED FORD AND FORDSON D EA LE r ’ s • HELENS, OREGON Timi Now that w as w h ere B o h w as making his big m istake and I told him so, fo r M Y bank DOES **nt I o f acco u n t, A person wh . eadolli- i week now will save m ore la te r— you just naturally | get the h abit of sav in g reg u larly . D o n 't be m isled— Insist upon GENUINE F O R D P A R 1 3 made by the Ford M otor Company. By v , doing you will get fr mi 35 to 100 per cent m ore wear irom them , and you will pay the low est possible cost — the sam e everyw here. COPELAND AUTO CO. s i l l l i l i KH w t l . l í . l„ ||„ i in oll t ourt o í llie Míalo o l o i i u o i i , (or ( olunililn l'ountjr. K. HBTrM IN MO!» I '»»hi«* Safety Deposit B o x R e n ta ls are Moderate I ^ JO L O I W>hKlNf f/AF**, IN NT Y