th e raUSTKIAL N t W S ' NOTES O f OREGON A STORY FOUR ST. H E L E N S M IST, F R ID A Y , J U N E 2, 1922 **, u n k n o w n , U lunt li l|l» c h (J,| K O T K 'K OK S H K H I I i ' K HA I.K. tween said Sections 29 and 32, 2« thereof, at the front door of the “ ini I I M G ilb e r t . li« r liiih liu n d ; chains and 50 links, more or less, to County Court House in St Helens. * Kt a via In tin- » In ........................ uit l ourt of th« Htal« « of IliighHM u„d Jo h n Dots W U « »I a point of beginning Columbia County, Oregon, sell a ’ IK ill's, imr li uh band who«*- i»ul and ° r'K'*ii for County of Colimi Ida. Krom ||,„ day» of 11.« Hpruuirtn to Also all of lots 2 and 3 of Section public auction subject to the redemp­ „pent In Grant In •'« J «; 1 " kllo1w'*. K«‘*u « ’ Joseph D Htember* and John H Hu. present I m h lonK porlotl of tin,, 3 2 In Township 4 North of Range 1 tion to the highest bid for casli in »*: *• •* r.m,I work y » . In till.HI. ilu vm um „1 present! I,.,,,, ‘ , J l ’ 1,1 ,1" ’" Jo n«», li«r bus M ontgom ery. l*lalritllfM, Weal of the Willamette Meridian hand all the right, title and Interest ’“ ‘,‘d w1" »*« real and true name is I vs hÜr* Work starts p u lu lii w o rn «in.Ml ,u b «m u ilfyln |f um l Also all that part of the southeas, unknown; Victoria Luwtoii and John . K‘r,,t , , Ill hotlMW Minnie M l,ee and M K, her quarter of Section 29, in Township which tile within and above-name I preserving it.« ol.p.M- 1 . which they Doe I at w ton, her hu»liaud, whom - defendants and each and ail of them for I In' F 1» ........'Ill Guy» pitiiit w..s real und true name 1 » unknown, Km husband, Defendauis. 4 North of Range 1 West of the W i l ­ had on the 9th day of September, Hoot loo cov•,r•,,l , r,,K MU •••» UH«d UM U decorative in .i t >• r i it I r,,r Ily virtue of an Kxecution, Jud ge­ lamette Meridian, lying south and 1919. the date of tlie mortgage ftere- *-uck und John Doe Duck, tier Today It |H ,f“ «,rlt h*K11 * 11 ■' lo t f o r » 3 0 , 0 0 « I hi. Hiuiniiiy .uses husband whose real and 'ru e name ment, Decree und Order of Sale Is- east of San tosh Creek in said quar­ 1 in foreclosed, or since that defend­ to conserve th« natural and convert "*|rB la unknown. Mathilda Hlllaon and sui d out of the above entitled Court ter section, described as follows, to- ant» have acquired in and to the Commencing at the southeast above described real property or any John Doe Htilson. her hUHband whose in the above entitled cause to nri wlt: Io «cl ri.aour.fH of th« country rum puny 1 ‘alnt uik o n « '» building 1» not an 1 teal und true name 1 » unknown, und directed, the 10th day of May, 1922, corner of said southeast quarter of part thereof, and to satisfy said Ex­ here «xp«iiM« It u an investment li , puckltm O '«'" upon a Judgment rendered in said Section 29 and running thence west ecution, Judgment, Decree and Or- lirlilK" I " ■ pilli udaolutely liiHuri.H uKiiliiHt denrticlu I A Muriiuam and Jane Doe Mai •Iuntil, Ills wife whoHe real and true Court on the 10th day of Muy, 1922, along the south boundary line of said , der of Sale interests, costs and ac­ p,ndl»“*n N' " Hon and rottlnK It lH th« only form mime lH unknown, and ull the un In favor of Joseph If. Sternberg and Section 29, 1 342 feet to the channel cruing costs. I" 1 1*. r' « f r A •• "'■•<• Industries of Inauranc« that , « „ known h.-lr» of the above named d< John II Montgomery, Plaintiffs, and of Santosh Creek; thence northerly Dated this 11th day of May. 1922. , ,,in.,..k f»r fU« .u tiul are now down to ll.le, estate, ||„„ or |merB„| in amt for the sum of $4500.00, with Inter- thereof, to its Intersection with the gon. norma! I» uh ! m - coltraci... It would aeeiu to tic to the real estate described in Me­ | est thereon from the 1st day of east line of Hiiid Section 29; thence Co to First issue May 12, 1 922. ^Portinoli Hon lumi Milf economy to paint now The Dutch complaint herein, the above ntimeli July, 1921. at the rate of six per cent south along the eakt line of said Sec­ Last issue June 9. 1922. have an old proverb which nay» defendanta: yen »er mill tier annum until paid, and the furth­ tion 29, 1390 feet to the place of be­ 7,hWd »tlvii' HlInk Htatlluiu to a. '(iuod palm cuh I h nothing for It IN T D K N A M E OK T H E 8T A T K er sum of $300.00, attorneys’ fees. ginning. I :.,»lt*0 people. h h v « h more than It costa." Prohibition, says an exchange, has N O W T H E R E F O R E , By virtue of • aught a lot of us that we can have There arc many brand» of palm Ml- OKKCON, Vou und each of you Hid for their costs and disbursements Tutrtfluld to K»t two »tory liusl- of and upon this writ amounting to .re hereby required to appear and Kxecution, Judgment, Decree and O r­ on the market and to the consumer a corking good time without ever answei til« complaint file<| again.»’ t lG 45 commanding me to make sale der of Sale and in compliance with pulling a cork. Alluri» -N «w l>ol«l .»n aU le ied a all paint» look ullkc 11 I» only when you and each of you In the above «n of the following described real prop the commands of said writ, I will on th« pulnt ha» li««n applied to a build rtalnty tj|e l f ill. • rty situated in the County of Co Monday, the 12th day of June. 1922. lot for liulldlng lug for four or flv« year» thu tlld- f i f 1 €»«1 H u i t ( j i i «/j* And sometime^ they marry at lei­ TulHtlu Contract the 'luy of July, H 2 2 ; said date being lumliia, State of Oregon, to-wlt; at eleven o'clock In the forenoop sure and repent in haste. duality la detnon»trat«d It I i n too Cii* uvr Stli.t^ I h r e r m ! x wiM'ks from aud the dat*- Beginning at the northwest cor­ contract aw ard lat« to r«g r«t o n «» action of a poor Hau don * 1 - • «1 the first putdicatlon of this sum ner of the northeast quarter of th’ j |ur .railtnit anti cluurlng 2 tulle» choice of paint If 1 m well to buy th» n,,.n». and. If you fall so to uppea northeast quarter of Section 32, in advertised line» While we a t « not i ru«l ind answer for want thereof, th- Township 4 North of Range 1 Wes ! . cannery under mentioning any brand In partlcului Huh»»« New plaintiff will apply to Do* above en of Willamette Meridian, and running t a perusal (>f our advertisement» will Mtled Court for a decree that plain lulttructliiti thence south along the west hound- i Slayton Woolen mill ln.itnlllng Indicate th« leaning of the editorial iff he adjudged Die absolute owner ary line of the east half of the north-1 chair ,, uitcltlnory In fee simple of the real estate il- When you work hard your appetite craves tender -■ast quarter of sahl Section, 40 ' I'Driaploynie**1 In Oregon greutly scribed In the complaint herein and chains more or less to the Intersec- i brown roast meat or a thick juicy steak Here is iteti more particularly described mm fol • ion of said line, or a continuation ! T h e l i e o i « o f ilo- Koul t myon »'»> N' * mining camp lows, to wit: where you get the best of meats at lowest price''. i hereof, with what Is known as Evans In olden timo», |t wu» believed inuainK up 111 u i‘i"i*«y Oulch. All of the Northwest quarto. Slough; thence in a general n o r t h - 1 . „ vi de \\ ■ Milan mill bullil that thè neiit of tlie soul was the Our stock of groceries, fruits and fresh vegetables is i.NW '» i of Heel ion ;tj (n Township i erly direction following the mean­ »lomach, mo»t llkely for Iti » reason . Uf» d>u liou»« complete. Give us a portion of your patronage. W e - North of Range z West of the VVil. | dering» of said Kvans Slough to its | :• • to pa . ■■ that » muli t» never »o completely lam.-tte Meridian in Oregon, save amt nli-isccUon with the section line lie-j u»*'d up a* wlieti lils utomuch ,» oul will save you money on your purchases. liter tlr*al. ac- pi an undivided oiie-eigh'li in tween sections 28 and 33 in said I Portland ' ontrncl l«t for tua of arder Kor thè cure of ordinari ••rest therein owned by Marla In- township and range, at or near the ! ■lomach trouble». there I» nothlng l.aaliniutt. und t factory In Kenton common corner of Sections 28, 29, (uirni I.Hti.i county to purrli a»« dotte so prompt unii satlsfartory a- All of the SouthcuHl qUurtei i 32, and 33, in said Township and Chamberlaln'a Tablet» 'iti«» (round* Strand St. St. Helens, Oregon Telephone 40 KciburK tin- plant to r«c«lv.< •frongthen Mie »toniadi and «natile . ' S K ' , 1 of Section 22 In Township' R a n g e , and thence west along said I North of Range 2 Weal of the WTI lo pet forni II - functuni» naturully action line, and its continuation b e ­ lyrovviuen I e Riltcti Modern laundry to he In (live them a trial. Tliey only co»t a laiuetle Meridian lit Oregon, ill hi Columbia County, State of Ore-! duarter died goli, that tile title to said premises I [ Siaufndd W< « ri mined on th“ bo quieted in the plaintiff; that you | lion bulhlinit Hl MMIINH. mil each of you have no right, title, Now shlngl« mill In opera In file Circuit Court of the NliOc of ••stale lien or 'merest In or to the -aid real property or any part there­ Oregon, for 4 'olumblu 4 ounty. WilUnhna ilrtrk plant again In of. und that you und each of you he J « » « - l< Hhurp, Plaintiff, »ration Ta forever barred and estopped from Coitm-t* highway under con victor li'*ch and J mii « Doe 11:>i L, asserting or claiming any right, title, t i.iri*i»iiiirg Hud hbi wife whose ri al .md true t um-- estate, Ren or interest in and to said I l.ri.lge b«la|| 1» unknown. Mlanch lllxch Gilbert real property or any part thereof, and II V tillle-rt her hushand; <)c and for such further equitable re­ lief as lo the Court shall deem meet [ Por:land New Sovereign hotel lo lavla Hughes and John Doe Hughes her husband whose reul und tru--| ind proper In the premises 1600,000 This summons is published In tlie Toltelo • «iru lion ntarled on i name 1» unknown; Kllta C Jour 'anil John Doe Jones. h«r hushund St Helens Mist, St Helens, Oregon j g* ho»»«* | Corvallis award pavlng contract» j whose real anil true name Is un­ Ey order of the Hon J A, K.ikin. known, Victoria l.awton und John Judge of the above entitled f o u r ', kalini l i * . 000 | Ortion City tu • modern $1 0.0UO | Doe laiwton. her husband whose real which order was made and entered I land true name Is unknown. Kmma on tlie 26th day of May. 1922. loto building The date of the first publication I Slater» e-, linn of McKenzie high 1 l.urk and John l>oe Duck her bus hand whose real and true name I of this summons is June 2. 1922. | I Grocers 1 Gold itcach Itosd work being unknown, Mathilda Stllson and John and the ilute of (lie Iasi publication i Doe Htll»on. her hu»hund whose r« i l thereof Is July I I , 1922 $. ■ Recommend and true name Is unknown, und T All processes and papers in this 1 Tillamook reports Issuance of A Muriiuam and Jam* Doe Marquam. suit may I m - served upon the und v ay permits Albers And you will want a new fishing outfit or replenish a his wife whose real and true mini" sigend attorneys for plaintiff resid Toladu vote» 622.50« I mjih I n to ex- 1» unknown; and nil the unknown Ing within Hie Slu'e of Oregon at the the old one. Come in and look our fishing goods •d »tier ayatetn Quality th e heirs of the above named defend addiess herelnhelow first stated. Tillarn < k (millisldl school di» ants; al»o all other per»ons or par T H K O D O R K O l ’SI ND, stock over. W e are headquarters for everything in h o tc a k e s $ I ..... in Im tiding C |, STA R R. ties unknown rlutming any right, Portland l'Un» completed for a o f t h e the way of Rods, Reels, Baskets, Lines. Hooks and M A ZOI.KIN'GKR, title, •■stale, lien or Interest In and 0» capital. Attorneys lor Plaint iff to the real estate described In the W est Mortali:» Work under way ou a the dozen and one things that go into a trout fisher- A ddre ss: complaint herein. Defendants it |C0 000 .In­ 506 Selling liulldlng. Portland. To Victor Itlach and June Doe man’t outfit. t e l l'a» 1 uves hlghwny com lllsch his wife who »« real and true Oregon. s«d June 1 tug-rie woidi-n nulla now working THOUSAND y e a r s o l d The Energy Food is Meat The Peoples Market It’s Trout l ime Albert Flapjacks l capacity Roe-:,un- i Deming’s Drug Store : i-v I veil for rati I ••! Roga b u rg i tidcwt-er mi Marshfield. Italia» lo lay concrete »tdew alk» *' ’r l j : ; 1 1 -■ 6 U 7 . 9 6 4 K 2 im- Muckle Building pr -v “ ir. : i r : Amity i -.le» fur n«w water »y»- . way I I od house | ¡.rllami i '.mia. i uwarded for f ‘ •»!- - "US“ . 1 1 - » under im i To . r “1*' lr. . . . . fm new Concord ii.unty „ lo p _ bulli! i ni ! » a Ilio.l r ’-inung ' 1 ' e- t.i-gin soi.ii • Uop roail Newrberg < rilettoti work <>n •»ttiUUDIly hall I.irts . ' - . » ’ ., In- npi- P Aitiai) t„ K„ $,io imo l.akery ••Mun lei» p.tving contrarla. * nan • ■ ' ■ » wood flntshlng PKiory I'\ork proKr.-,si„g I I, li . ,,n Hoppner- urie tfl-T min rtilll is r o ocetv celvlng improvmn.nts ■ «"ad c..n»trui Don In ____ ____ ili.» I >r •'.' ■' now well under way m ■ 11 . |... li y I h t. » r * " n»« Imi,,.. T*'” «ni , t . n s i n “ H*. f r i . ni p l n*sl'i* l- I., .....l, * K K T H E U T E N T IN Jewelry " « • I I’ I I \NI-: VOU I^Aintrlcrn R p j , * * 111' \\ ,tchet .... Hi - Hamilton Bend and I l ,1 1 I filled Dickens I 1,4,M n u r 'VM,rh chnlns Har Ho* ' 1 1 sllverwar. — fifty r Itertulet. •yttunl" i.rl,n " "ml.lem p i n » ev- 1« b.kU Jewelry from thlnga for «•atrh "r " ' X'st.dpi rent« |j*»e|rvh migravlng and , u r * 35» «id ■•NtM. ' " r,'l’» ' r « d All work » h I ♦ ^liable Jeweler St Helen», Oregon mmmm . ' v ♦ ♦ mmmm ■ 7 ''V v w ' The Telephone Directory Good telephone service depends vitally upon care in calling telephone numbers. A wrong num­ ber called causes loss of time to you, to the party called and to the operator. F,very instance means avoidable inconvenience to all concerned. It is not the loss of time to you alone or to the ofierator that concerns us most, but it is the annoy­ ance to the party called. Your mistake cannot be explained to him. and the Telephone Company is held responsible for your error. Radio Sets and ! Supplies Chevrolets All Makes. Let us demonstrate. New cars $ 2 2 5 .0 0 down, balance easy terms. Some bargains in Used Cars Fires Batteries Accessories Consulting the current issue of the telephone di­ rectory. instead of trusting to memory; giving your number clearly, and quickly correcting the operator if she misunderstands your call, will greatly in­ crease the efficiency of the service. ’ «’•»•in -.1 r °n A. Gray LOOS! I ♦ “Everywhere You Look You See a Chevrolet" The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company COPELAND AUTO CO. ST. H E L E N S . OREGON