T H E ST . H E L E N S M IS T . FRIDAY. MAY 5. PAGE FOUR [ tice THE ST. HELENS MIST and iu Kansas ami Nebraska; edited published newspaper« at YVash- mut on and .Mankato. Kansas. Have lock, Nebraska; Colville and Monte- .-uni . Washington, and Rainier. Ore- non In 11H0 he received a largo ' o t' as Republican candidate for Oongresa in the Spokane district, be- t inn defeated by \V L LaFallette. who made none too satisfactory u record Veatch favors drastic tax reduction, also scaling down of high salaries and elimination of state sup port to law and medical schools. Oregon Voter. -------------- - » ---- ■ — ---- Issued Ever} Friday by THK MIST PÜUIJSH1NG COMPANY MORTON ................... Editor S. C. BPBCRIPTION RATES One Y e a r ....................................... Six M onth»............................. Entered as January 10th, at St. Helens. o f March 3rd. $2 00 $1.26 seccnJ-class matter, 1912, at the Poatoffiiv Ore on, under the act 1879. \ I A, I A I N C O I'NT Y OFFIC IA L PA P IT t M em ber Natt« tiou and Oregon Association. State COM Ml M i l l III K< III S NORTH A EST. Editorial IN ITII Reports from almost every quarter of Ute l ulled States reveal that the number of community churches m u l­ tiplies rapidly. Evidence o f the pr ■ press of the movement is presente'1, by the Pacific northwest. The com ­ munity churches it; Oregon and iu Washington already nunioer more than 50 and others are : i .sing An association of such cherches has been formed, and in March a. Id its first annual meeting at Portland. Oregon The secretary is G e ir c e V McClure o f Ridgefield. Wash. l i e reports that the assembly planned to have tito association move onward and that it also formulated plans for organizing a counci’ on home n. ssio.is. Mr. McClure characterizes his own church us “ a g e n u > o hybrid.” Its e Baptist, Ccn- t . repr 1 r.it cvatiot.nl. Episcopa a t , Methodist ami Presbyterian principles and ol- icies. The sama diversity exists among the elders, who consist of u.'ne: pars,ns than the trurteec. The 1 id j e f .c ld cor.in anity church, when Ur. McC.U'O bee. me its pastor, had t e . i l pasto'less and professed inabil­ ity to pr..- pastor's salary. Within two | a thOM . t 1120-21, it re­ ceived "2 m em be.s and enlarged its building four timo3. The Sunday schocl has five times as many mem­ bers as h id those of the churches that merred, and the benevolent con­ tributions are three times the amount ot those o f the ; r o d c c - : s o r cnurciies to-jother. Tr.o Ridgefield pastor makes a point that l'he Spokesman-Review has not before s.*?n m e.u .on cd in connection with community churches It is that they should he atm bed t. some denominatici t hut that thic should ’;o »no o f democratic c o n ­ stitution and gover' nient, allowing fre ;dom to the m -ml -rs. DICK s o , «»1.1» Tt»l*. Where, lias been asked, are the -slogans of yesterday? Where have gone those soulful cries with which the politicians swept you o ff your mental balance in l themselves into place and power Don’ t you. the tlreat American Roobery. remember h o » you frothed and frilled to some o f them, Prin- stance: " Y o u shall not press down on La­ bor's brow this Crown of Thorns! You shall not crucify Mankind up­ on a cross of G o l d ! ” V "It is better to open the Factories than th oMints McKinley and Dol­ lar W heat.” "R em em b er the Maine.” These slogans are now ancient history, however, but there are o th ­ ers, f'rln stance: 'Hoeli. der Kaiser and German K u lcu r!” "H a ng the Kaiser and save the Empire' Britons never shall be s l a v e s !" "Lafayette, we are here! Liberty, F ratern ity !” "H e kept us out o f war! Work or Fig ht! Force without linr't and without s tin t!” "D ow n with the League of Na­ tions' No entangling Alliances! Long live the Four Power P a c t!" "N othing will he too good for vou hoys when you come b a c k ! " All of which reminds of Hamlet's soliloquy which translated reads as follows: "Lies of great men all remind us, W e can make our lies sublime. And. departing leave behind us. Bush wall on the sands of Time " G e n t l e In E f f e c t . The New York Tribune remarks that there are throe-year-old child The laxative effect ot Chambo ren in Mexico now who have never I Iain's' Tablets Is so mild ..nd Il’ seen a war i hat you can hardly It/« n h:-s boon produced by a nu «h«' ! ' Charity may begin at home, hut thut is no reason for men to make There are fe» cheaper tilings in .heir wives lieg for what money they I he world t h.i get. You can't always tell. The prettiest silk stocking that you .-oe on the street may have a hole in the toe It Is a good rule to investigate la ­ tore you invest. Especially when »II stock salesmen c om e around. The new Irish government has plenty of horrible examples from which it pays profit. Alinosi pie war prices. on wh.it we bave un hauti. Wlieu in PortInini *'•’!’ 11 ' c m AUTO LAUNDRY G A R A G E , Inc. I III It .I ll-Id,' s u e . I Ilei » e o n and I'dlli Streets A mtut e. COME • Wuahing. I» dishing. * n. mixing. M«> loi* ( It .iiitn^. «»onorai Kcpoiring. D res-tis as low a s One Dresser cut from $49.50 to Others m the same proportion. St. Helens, Oregon In op im n g .in art«>unt with a hunk y«»ur flint Ito UKht Noi i.boulU tb iir vauU «ujuiptio-nt unti « » l lift phynhul yuurtlH btt’ tuk« hi luto conhM«*ratfc)ii, but t lt«*ir im i nf dutlig liu h in«’ ss thoir r«,|»u u lori for hoiH'Ht) un, t «'K r i >. and tlotr ' u n t i , in 1 1 » com m u n ity »houli) 1)0 tétk«*n luto conMl<|*TutioH W«* Holiclt now u » -uni « on our rnputattou in i Ills community and we baco ilo Indurr i «•f»*! «Hir«* Ih in on«« « » f th«* bnndi ’ 1 » of |»« •« »pi«* vvbo hèiv«* arcoiiniN sci b ut W »• ar** ptuud « » f th«* futi that * •• ar«« u Nutionul buik and opcruting timi» r • h« i ' « ! « ; , il It* «crva SyMoin, ali of i«*r thè n«’ \v i|«*p* sltor t ! * - ) i K • n k connection (bai li s not excelled First National Bank si III U N ' U R I G l IN M r iiibvr I . ,|. i. : It- <-rvr* Sy sl.- tii I II IS. GII All «XI. Pr.s.1.1. ni II \. « Il 11 DN. ( '.i«lilrr ♦ ^ f V m price had been reached, but it takes Ford to surprise us ah with another drop in his already law | need high qual ity car. && ♦ ♦ ♦ ItiiNDs. Iti N i­ III s| N I s s I II \ NI | S Ho si. iwo rooming bous'-N. confsctliinirry fnr sah' ut hargsin prlcat HOUSES I»amly moilorn *» room .in»l nI«’**plnK pofrh, 3 cholr«* ko II Ioti. v«ry rh»8«-. dandy IfMaflon. chl. k'-n park, k . iiuk «-, fruii and a snap at $j»)0n on tornii» • -room m<*d«»rn Inni-• wlil» .iit*,pifiK porr li. li c*hol< #.« garden fruii, $ 1 h 00 ii-rnui lo room hoUH«» and lo h in Houllon, K'"»d larallon, $1100 a h iiit p FAR MS 10 ;m» , S arn-H • “ Urf.tr •• < I *• i r «• « I w il li 4 acrt’ M rl»«*ir. goo«l 4 ruoiu hou «*, La rii fruii, fin«« lodg hhorhood, phuily of gii nil'll p la n in ’ f 11; il o a « r * f* r l « * a r , r o a d . g o o d fir u l l , c r t D ’ k , rione to ■*< hoot, $ 6 0 0 V l f y w a t o r , i< • a m a n d c o w . Wlii'li 1 * an vou if f< « r 1 0 a g o o d u r r e » 20 a m ! b o t t o rii hnuflft. l a n d , v d o n e In . 7 - r o o m ? Chassis, demountable rims, self starter $482.1 Roadster,, demountable rims, self starter $ 52 5..s Touring Car, demountable rims, self starter $555.54 Sedan, demountable rims, self starter . $765.62 Coupe, demountable rims, self starter $608.02 Truck, demountable rims, self starter $605.01 Truck, r e g u la r ............................................................ $533.32- T r a c t o r ...................................................................................... $492.85 St. HELENS STEAM LAUNDRY K. *34 u n n i. tin u l l sir«* t'-riiu c l o a r ' Hi * . a l l m i . IM-í'o-HUir y tu> t o w n kl) ari' 1 gto o d b t i i l d l n g h . s c h o o l lan d . c h o i r « 1 a n d a or- b a r g a i n CO. RK AI ;r\ It Costs You More Above Prices for St. Helens Delivery IF YOU LIKE A K l I N Oh s o \ I K | I s M to rot buildings than it does to let paint save them ! Fieldhouse Motor Co. Nice Lunch ▲ C Our white Icari, f(,r instante, fi, p K y the prices of lumber md ST. H E L E N S NKKK . O WHITE REGO N LEAD I, i. ,„p e , paint. They will show you how purified and ground so fine dial u extravapant it is to allow build will pas- through a -ilk «creen «u h ings to depreciate for lack of «0,000 meshes lo tlie -t | ti a r i mil. paint. So with the other materials pure you. I And buildings do depreciate rapidly unle.-s they are painted when they need to lie. Faint saves the lumber. It protects your investment. prices. You will be pleased with our drinks in bottles or at the fountain 5c. BRICK ICE CREAM T o en joy the biggest painting, use the best saving paint. linseed oil, pure rim and pure lora "Il "I 'be finest quality, rombi ned in ) nllr-r i 1 mul in -r ir-ntihr ally e r a d proporUons with Irwig unie skill. F ree A d v ic e in It spreads more easily - saves l»b.,r <-o«t ll rovers more surface per gah„i, t|liul “ cheap” paint on Painting A«k «nr agrnt f«n «olor carri«, «iC. m étier, 5«k rh#» Falte« »toa Ue !>« f • meni tirili If serves five nr more years longer than “cheap" paint. The beat paint is most eeonornie.il because it is scientific in formu n and preparation. We have been making Lest paints for 73 years J na « « I, Fififoa fer F'.«^« lari «tel H—,f I'linl Cs-« ,.,1 sirs, Cr.-r' uju , ' r ',m- « a PIO/1IJ.S « in n have brick ice cream on p u lle rs Saturdays and Sundays. A. E Veatch. one o f the most ex perienced newspaper editors in Ore­ Fresh Chocolates received gon and for 25 years a consistent an.I every week. steady opponent o f high taxation, is a candidate for Representative in Co­ lumbia county. He is editor and ow ner o f the Rainier Review, which is a well-edited paper, well thought o f by other editors of the slate for It discussion of public questions Veatch is a native o f Iowa, born n, Rutherford Building 1870, but grew to manhood in Kan n , , . _ »as; graduated from the normal mi Columbia St. St. Helens 1 com mercial rourse of Campbell Cnl- versity o f Kansas admitted to prac-i -X N > \r~r ~ r l y ♦ Soft ® A 1H U ECK T H O the R I Z costs. E D F ( O R D A N D They FOR D SO N E A L materials. ERS compare fontani tlie D fire-- Prompt service, reasonable We A sbollici ho ¡D to wliethoi that bui k I h auf«» T H E N E W P R IC E S A R E ; service. $10.50 $37.50 SAFETY W e are careful— we know our business. We can please you. Just phone and the driver will call for your bundle. Fountain FOR Y O U R S K L F ANi) m CONVINCE!) K L . Tlie customers of this modern laundry know that they Invariably receive the kind o f service which satis­ fies. Because our cleansing raeCiods are scientific and modern in every respect, we are able to offer you a ser­ vice which cannot be ex­ celled anywhere. Soda IN A N D S E K Masonic Building If you have ever been an­ noyed by saw-edged collars, perhaps you had better change your laundry. we will be glad to serve It is a btmafide reduction .uni thè must substantial cut we bave yet had in fUr Some of the senators found that liny unii Night storage ¡they couldn't beat the farm bloc, and T T (Itarniel Pounder. P i. - ld . n i i just joined it j G le n n K ill. . » . Sr. rolar) .Treasure. --------------- •---------------- Some peoples idea o f charity seems to be to share their troubles with others. New collars are c o m f o r t­ able, and when they are properly laundered they re­ tain their smooth, co m fo rt­ able edges for a long time. One of the interesting campaigns being made during these p.e-primur> days is that of Dick Thiehoff, pop­ ular conductor for the S. P. w S who is a candida.e for a position on the state public service commission As a basis for ins cta.m to support he presents his record of 24 years' practical experience in transportation work. Reports have it that he is not only favorable to the railroad w ork­ ers but to railroad operators as well and he has a large host of friends who are h.s enthusiastic endorsers. The traveling men 0 f the State at a recent meeting went on iecord for him and every one of them is “ g o ­ ing down the lin e" for him. Here in the lower Columbia lie will get a generous support, not only be­ cause he lias made many warm friends while on ins Portland-Astor- ia run, but because this port district wants someone on the commission who lias some knowledge of this port s needs and some sympathy foi its aspirations. People here have not forgotten that the present com mission joined hands with Portland and against As.oria in the Columbia basin rate case although elected to represent the w hole state rather th in a part of it whyre the most votes lie. Dick Th iehoff's only campaign promise is to be fair and impart.al to all, and such tieatmeiu is all t h r this community or any other c o m ­ munity should expect.— Astov.a Bud­ get. I lns cut is macie by thè |, k tory and wc are passing it un to uur cwstomers, even Comfortable Collars THIKHOEE. The soviet govermucri. o f Husala, having brouglil all sorts of d.¿asters upon ,'s country, it new beginning .u realize that the worst o f its eviis . the condition of famine which has been »teadily growin g worse and whicli has now enveloped th soviet stronghold of Moscow. \\ .tli this realization lias come c o n ­ templation of the fact that f Russia is forced to depend upon her own ic- sources it will bankrupt the soviet treasury, as every do.lar stored up will have to be used for fam m s re­ lief alone. In tiiis predicament, the soviet* have conceived the idea of securing aid lrom the allies. If the Genoa con ­ ference should he willing to gran, th .- soviet gove. liiiH iit a "loan' suificie.it for tlie reconstruction of its cou.,- try. Russia in turn will grant all the concessions that might be deniaud'-d Tills is the scheme. Meanwhile, the threatened actio i by the soviet government to. a con fiscation of all church gold and ■ j- ver has been put into effect. In the way o f bringing gei era. ruin upon a nation, sovietism seem to be all the success that could ho cliamed for it. 25 Per Cent Reduction * * p C ClriCATIO H H o •»Koenla u se P u P aints r * Pain» ®urp P r e p a r a d P a m » by W P. Fuller * C o „ D , p ,. 47> s „ Mason's I 8 ' ■ ■ .■ ^ 5 J# Courtesy Service First ottered depositors who put money into our I ime Savings Deposits is the entire capital, surplus oiui profits of this intitution, protected by burglar proijt vault;, and insurance on its money, with the iurther safeguard of constant State supervision 1 " l,< the State Banking Department. Now is the time to get a strong bank back of you. •‘ H.t business or personality—to aid you with .4ea* n" i business counsel, to facilitate your financial tran actions with the machinery of modern bank inL- to extend you the measure of credit accomo 'lotion warranted by your character, standing and balance. in m ay M W E SER VE Y O U ’ Mills, ................. Fr> fTBi aU’l'isi i«iimi 4 JL|ill limi in ............................ .... ...................... L A R S E N & CO., St. Helens, Ore. W H I T E & S IE G E R T Vernonia, Ore. Stability I lie Guarantee of Safety on Investment * ,,F ,t'U N Beserhr. m 19 r ifle , in th. Wot - •v J. b Mi l* IIINHON. «•|»*ht,r Safety Deposit Box Rentals are Moderate