St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 05, 1922, Image 1

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[ ol u me
T h r e e Link Menila r » and IteU-kuli»
Join In I elei,ral Ion of F ninni,
lug o f Order.
Util,! —
KiK'H11 HU"“ " ' » "
timi 'i
M u llir»
W illi
lim i-
11 lui \alnri' r i * " * i ' l ,,M-
TU« ri'lfi Ur w i i U l> tn* '*( tilK “ f t Ito
I,.-l.l Monday
i.Ham*«*. ilo* mayor **i
i,- Marm-tt aKuIn vory
.ihK h I oc ' m chair
I jvrliapH
I tb»* U“ •’
' a a i I I h ' crea! Ion of a
I In* matter wau
, .mieli li y I he local
po it, and that or*
( im I t lie follow
until I n moliera : Slier
I II I lyiin, Thomun
d.iin and Walden W
,, I,.
-TIM* (llUUHhloll
i name of Mr A
ai, i ituted for that
I IJMUfllinOUM vote of
\ ! »• commlSHion wan
1 1 h »ve named gen
I tu I r loncl’H
i iMfiiul problem of
tame un again
ou m l I if*»olv«d
-nt *t » «• wit h I he ad
I >a >. to meet wit I;
Miri and endeavor to
|.untre arrange men ta
nniiK taxon on tld**
••I I y (lie city.
;• »ria of t he ( ’hamher
• m*ht up the matter
.in up day. and urged
nr detail looking t.»
uni beautifying of
No ac*
r. \\ .i « t a ken at thin
1 note addrcNncd
tv. to damage that wa*
on the beach hy the
r*?l: nna
No action wgH
Ai-rt' granted to Meter
ig no relative, however,
a men ted vocalist of that
)cddle vegeUihlea
, Mr- MhUter and Mr»
nolle food » t u f f » for
J || • r.*
• * r* <}in - t to uae the
o%p boose a th* “ tree! near Itlch
rd -.»n H place w
! The \f:i■ < i I. 'gmn pout was
ranted perm
*?i to p*it In a
r *i«i rtern over
permlHHhm carrying
that no damage to
below result from
-t of monthly hlllr
d ordered paid and
1 i AGAl N
through a pin'
h r hushaud to the
.li 'iiiv»’ ner illicit
*» u••in she intended to
• miiod In Mr». Irene
ilUtrduin i«.»king down and cun
îcisaing iu •• frutne up and the ar
t, g , . (j, • i
Hurry llunntcutt
'*r> of the Brown Mor­
uiitit* re i ally store in Cortland
Wlictölng i.k H* a year ano.
A h /«mu lulu, the tiuHtmnd In
trian* |. • a woodauwyer in thin
1 In a hoUnehoat on the
arrested here Til**
!*y r. i i * d officials, a fter hU
' sed to t he o ffic ia l»
nd had committed the
iued a hunting cane
evidence mut he had the
• i' lain became HU»plc-
v,*f. (ha’ I here wuh a choc
•ntlcuiati In the wood
' i ' t he upnliot of I lie
aI r ’
lit, following fu r th ­
er ill v . i . .
aoman cam*
le r (oiifeSHloli that
> • > m of t to*
/ ’ ' 4,il •
I wan the ItiHtigatoc
ihf? irutne up
,l'1 " " ■ ',•■ 1111 Wellington wuh
• 11 • • 11 down lluniuoutl.
. r' vi" u " ' 1 , 1 . uifair tlii< nlieriff
- i 'I irri sifij lliiimirult on u charge
1 »«canni "in' clothe* from u line
* 1- n.ul ■'•rv•
I r ■ ■» ii.ii .! jai| Heninine
*a<i h** w«M i " t arretted Ity the
•to rifi fo r h u l
minor offense. Hun*
Dienti ami 11
> went to I’ort-
‘■nd t«„v‘t h .T Momlay, and leaving
“•« woman to ■>r;y out 11.« "l-’ruine
Hunniriiit ."turned to tliia city,
»“ l» to rim li, • Sheriff Wellington'/
•> 'un* ’ tilín.o I
when he stepped off
•b« ut» amer America
'■untiP-in i
i p e n it e n tiary ree
nt en red frinii P o lk
1 1 a i l l e nteallng c h a r g e
, " » i ver. « h ö r t ly at
,,,' ,,1 ‘"y '
'«* prinon.
A nearch
x'*’'t'Tdulri s io w liro.iKht to
lir, n" in-' 1 fti«'l.-i* taken front the
; * .i ranni« o f tltn
p *7
’* "tt li'u 11 In now In ja fl In
'«i'" "I , m l with thin rob b ery
d isch arged f ro m run-
tody ' 1 1
or|) having I»
km ,l1"
11 •■ not believed I bat he
'i the matter, a m
1 "h " ’tiimllted the deed
inni' ' ' ' '‘ tulla Klver Lumber Co.
K ,la,,|a ( form erly the Ka-
...... 1 " 1 has been leased
«Kiel i ' ' ‘
‘vaiami» I,limber C o .
' " " t organised by (he V
hy uH,'
-'nd will be operated
th.., ' ," ' Ai> formed company while
' " ' " ’‘ "tK 1 heir new mill on
leu-,,, ^
" ‘' “ Dtma, which they are
K*'l«o Keisonln.
.¡. 1111:1 port dis
dangerouiv put
" P:'»« to he rarefili with
T im 103d an niversary o f the found
o f the Independent O rder of Odd l-'el
town wuh celebrated liy St Helen.
L o d g e No 117 and Kein kuh L od ge
N o 2 17 Sa tu rda y eveuli.K, April 29
at the lod ge roo hi h und J ft 0 meuilici.-
Number 21
Slearner W est Islip fin e » to A u n tralia
Several i iiiMltflah s i o r Hi«- (governor*
ship to !»«• 11«Tr on Muy I.i at the
( hum her o f (
truer leu— < ousters T a k e
hi men«*
I,un« lirón.
Steam er
J ep tlia
gues fo r < ullfuriiiu.
11 « v 11 « -41 to H ear Or.«tors.
S tate K i»h G am e ( 'oinrnisslon O rder
< lo s in g H lougli Ite fo re J u d ge
Kukiii F o r K illin g .
The duestlon of whether or not
Htate fish commission's order
closing the Willamette slough to sal­
mon fishing will stand depends upon
the uotcorne of an action pending
before Judge Kakln In the circuit
court at 8t. Helens
The commission's order was made
on the ground that the slough Is a
part of the Willamette river and was
In force last year as no one object­
Some months ago, however, a
suit was brought In the circuit court
of Columbia county to restrain the
commission from enforcing the or­
der this season, claiming the slough
Is not a p.".rt of the Willamette river
Judge Eakin granted a temporary
injunction as prayed for pending the
trial of the case, but the trial has
not been held, although Judge Eakin
has set tentative dates for it several
times. He is to he in St. Helens next
week and the hearing may come up
at that time, If the attorney general
and the other attorneys are ready to
proceed— Astoria Budget.
« a r ­ the
The pant week ban been a busy
I lie SI. Helenn Cliatnher of Com-
" waul» it dlHlluctly underntood one on the waterfront and tteveral
o f the o r d e r we re in attendimeli Tin that it has not entered the political million feet of lumber hau been
Tbo steamer Jeptlia took
p ro gram coro, at i d of iuti»lr und lunr> ruine, hut it turn out that that or­ shipped.
on 720,000 feet of lumber for Peru
d rill work hy the d o l l team of Un ganization han arranged for one of
delivery and went to Portland Sat­
O It Settern ut Antoría gav« •he tilg est political stunts of the
Kec-ntly l.ouls K Mean, can- urday night to complete the curgo.
un Interestin g and luHtructlve ad V a t
'••date fur governor, add re »ned a The steamer West Islip sailed W ed­
d r e « » on the lilntory o í the l o o p '
of conimerce uieetihg at nesday night for Melbourne, Austra­
T h e Itehik.iliH, headed by Mr
for tear that the (ham lia, after having loaded 1,1 ¡>0,000
la Smith and assisted try the Misse«
charr-d with entering feet here. The steamer Daisy Matth­
P r i n g l e and other inemlierH, enter
ews, laden with a million feet, left
tallied the erudii |,y preñen tini; a the political rani" it hit upon the our Tuesday night bound for San
eoiuedy nklt entitled,
"A She Odd nifty Idea of gening all the guber
Pedro and the Multnomah got away
Pel |o w "
Head I a a l,> Herm an ( ol j nutorlul candidates to St Helen- l,et- la.-t night huund for San P'rancisco
and Mm
li an ev ie v e Inal,.mi
| ! tel s were written to all the caadl- with 9:15,000 feet of lumber aud a
ilates for the logli office of guve,
fe n tu ie a o f tin, prog i x ln und enjoye,!
n u in her of passengers.
Muinhern youn g anil old, led I,y Mr " o i , and with a few exceptions they
The steamer E. H. Meyer is sched­
accepted hy wire.
and M r » G e o r g e Milln ’ danced I i . i
I le- arrangi la i.: now In for an In­ uled to sail tonight for San Pedro
old tim e V ir g in ia reel, and when ta-
and will take »50,000 feet of lumber,
dunce wuh ended u imuntlful »u pp-i formal luncheon to in* given on Sat­ lie- steamer Chattanooga City is due
urday, May llitli cf the St. Helens
van nerved
houl and everybody Interested In lo arrive Wednesday and will load a
i ihlgnmi-m of 800,000 feet of lum­
the livelle»! political event o f the
season is Invited n attend. It in be­ ber for New York
In St. Hel- steamers Willamette, Wuhkeena and
WI N N ER S NAMED lieved that every person
,,r more of th«- Wapatia aro expected lo arrive next
-ii„ nliotilil flue ,
andulaten to Ills taste, an the fol­ week lo load cargo for California
The winner» to the ennay and dei
Present 0|s-retta— The glee club
lumutlon content which wun held ut lowing have up ■ liate g i v u notice
of St. Helens high will present the
W.-ekly l.u in lie r K e v l e w .
the invitailon:
the high nchool auditorium hint p ri of accept a nee i
Hu vey (I Stark-
day are:
Oi'e hundred and thirty milln re­ comic operetta "T h e Treasure Hunt­
wentber, W M P ■rce, J I) l>>e and port n to West Coast Lumbermen's ers" at the high school auditorium
Webster Holme
Governor Olcot;
isoch.t Ion for the week ending on tonight. Under the direction of Miss
» Irsi I «l% Intuii
would have uccep -d hill tor I he fact
prll 29th. manufactured 81,012,572 Vivian Patterson, the club has been
P'lrnt prlite. Shirley llrlggn, Vunk- that lie had heretofore publicly a,i-
i-i-t of lumber; sold 103,341,040 practicing faithfully and “ The Hunt­
tou nchool; neeond prize, l ’erry Her uounced he would lake no active pai". feet.
ers" are sure to make a big hit.
nd shipped 94.19fi.131 feet.
aemon. Kim nchool; third prize. Mary In the campaign prior lo the pri­
Production for mills reporting was
Vandem lieure, Punktun nciiool
Missttng— The
As tie candidates are all
per cent below normal. New bust
Seriind Inv isti,a
I.....I P< ker
for the week waa 28 per cent Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society
d number of remedb for the exist-1 above production.
Shipments were will meet at the home of Mrs.
P'lrnt prize, Kutli McKee. Huchelor
A. J Hollingsworth, Thursday after­
ng evils of tin- it ... President Flynn 9 per cent below new business.
P'lat neh'iol, netuiiU prize, Ida I.eji :.
has announced that he will wield a
Ko ty-threc per cent of all new noon, May 11 at two o'clock.
|k*»r 1 .laud nchool, third prlz* P.
1 ic iness taken during the week was sistant hostesses, Mrs. George Hol­
tella Sbatto, South Scuppoom- nchool very ugly gavel
After the luncheon the future gov­ h r ftute
water delivery.
This lingsworth and Mrs. Harry Kurtz
l»l t I.AM \ i ll.N s
ernor- of Oregon will he escorted to amounted to 44.81 1,040 feet, of The lesson will be from the " A b e ­
.-'■c.ippoo-e to a t f tid the mid-May fes­ which 28,468,325 feet will move cedary" and the leader will be Mrs.
l i mi ItlvfnloU
George Wilson.
P'lrnt prlzet Wayne High««, Mr tival that will he in full progress up­ coast wise or Intercoastal; and 16.-
• •
Itrlde nchool, St
Helen», necotiti
Books For Library— Sixteen books
Allen, Scappoo». tin- adherents of these candidates business for delivery by rail amount­ were given to the library during the
nchool, third prize. Vera Tliouip on, will also make Hie trip to Scappoose. ed to 1.951 cars
Il is expected the dining hall of
Forty per cent of the week’s lum­ month of April. Of these five were
Mcllride nchool, si Helenn.
the St Helens hotel will he filled to ber shipments moved by water This valuable reference books presented
Kissind l>i\l»lou
overflowing, and the eeretary of the amourted to 37,976,131
of by Mrs John Sten and a set of Am er­
P'lrnt prize, Ulmer Anderson, W ar­ eh:1 niher of commerce has suggested which domestic clearances accounted ican short story classics given by-
The remainder were
ren nchool; necoud prize, Itonald A l­ that you telephone lo him at phono for 24.434,068 feet, and overseas Mr. Ellison.
len, Scuppooni* nchool, third priz-*, 122 or call at Ins office Doom 17, dea ranees, 13.542,063 feet.
Kail given by Professor Wilkerson and
Lester Jones.
The circulation for
Ulta Atrhtnon, John tjuiiiiii nchool, Columbia County hank building f o '
hipments amounted to 1,874 cars
at Helenn
Cnflllod domestic cargo orders the month of April was 1026.
Die fifth aud sixth Rrail"-.
• •
total 97.204.224 feet; and unfilled
Attends Insurance Convention—
comprine the flint division aud tin*
export orders, 62,136,154 feet. Un­
seventh and eighth grades the ne>
filled rail trade orders total 5,988 Mrs. Golden Star» Scott left for
Portland this morning to attend the
oud division
The seventeen weeks' production annual convention of the
The Liberty has nothei sti
«14 : . 11,083,1 (9 feet; new busi- agents of the West Coast Life In­
surance compan;
Mrs. Scott has
1,4 j ,> c ,
1x1». K.- I If I s P I U A l ' 1 r.c 11 .-u next Sunday
: I Mot. ness 1.311,316,7(1 feet; and ship- made such a go, d record with the
r O K S O L . D 1 P . K H U o r l U U j |;|J. w|ltl
sun.l.x aft",
meats feet
company that she was requested 10
» -i "'»
noon mutin." wiieu Pauline I ’reder
v _
attend the convention and take part
Washington,— Erection of t w e i v
in the
program. The convention
soldiern' liosp.lain al a cost of 4 •. the diver ser.-.-n, uni a favorite of
THE LIBERTY will last for two days and be held
uuo.000 and with a totul lupaclty ot • lie local movie Ians, comes to this
at the Multnomah hotel.
.,43o buds in pruv.ded for in a "ill playhouse in
11," Lure of Jade
That brilliant dramatic achleve-
leporteil today oy III" house appro
• M
no-nt. The Lure of Jade," by Amer-
VeSemariati Iax'aXe* Hvre----Dr.
piiutlonn committee.
roductlon and
foremost crltici ¡¿g'| greatest screen actreee, P i t U i » « W. G. Parent, an experienced veter-
I'tie lucililien piopon'-d to he ac I
•■• "•
Frederick, in the attraction at The narian lias located in St. Helens. He
< 4 uired wllli appioxiiuuui cos. figures, |
it i - ■ r "utidle
Glberty Sunday and Monday, with the was induced to come here by County
a» ou.llued to the committee hy t ol
Mi u I rederii i. .... -i ioh m w liici ,lsUai Sunday matinee. It is u strange Agent Holibaugh. The doctor comes
oiiel t or hen of the vele’ ans bureau
ne revel- in .. n - she do
<|ttn atu| tragic story with scenes in an from Great Falls. Montaua, and fur
lie finest wor
if her are, ,
Sin American naval bane and the South a number of years was employed by
District No. 12. California, Arl-
i l" 'i - a tb.- ilaughtcr "l a rear ail vt,.a islands, where waving palms anil the state of Montana. The need f o ’
..olia and Nev da, tuoeri ulosin can'.- l Ultra I in the n..vy
She llviu- at . colorful surroundings lend rare and an experienced veterinary in Colum­
aOU hods, fl.uUU.OUO
¡naval hi-*' in the Pacific Coast. 1 hen exotic beauty to one of the greatest bia county is apparent on account of
District No U . Washingion. Id.,
u |lu,,j.|n,.. . un'il sqpndul breaks episodes ever shown upon the screen the Increasing number of pure bred
ho. and Oregon, noun, pnycliaii. i i-
11(, sll„ i„.,-„m, ., the unwitting vie- Doca||y Miss Frederick is extremely
stork Mr. Holibaugh said and he
races 2.'ti t ed- ) '
The shock results In the death popular, and her admirers will see hopes that the farmers and stock­
halrman Madden " f
I"' ’ I’ 1","
| l,.■, father and she flee- to the |lt,r at j,er |,est |n tills picture, says men needing the services of a veter­
priatlonn i otiiml-tee »aid lie hoped to ,SlMlt|, ^,,a ¡glands, a virtual outcast \ian;,ger Cates
inary will avail themselves of Dr.
l,ut the hi!! through the house mu
fr(im 8oci**t>
Sul'-cqueiit action
Meighan in
Parent's services.
iki- place on an island In the South r|(Jthes," Is the bill for Tuesday and
■ •
Work "Il tha low projects will t»- Soan and
..................... ur son»« Wednesday. It is saul to be an all-
Home F'roni «'alifornia.— A fte r an
gin at once
of the biggest drama the screen hu
romance, lined with silk and ahgence o f six months, E. A. Crouse
------------- * ■
..lined in many a day.
-titched throughout with laughter. returned to St. Helens Saturday a f ­
V It hough this Is oin- of the b
ilea ut if ul Martha Mansfield acts op- ternoon. He made the trip from Los
r.s of the year. Manager t'ute |H>8lle
Angeles to St. Helens by the “ Lizzie-
nnounces lhal there will be no ad
Ethel Clayton, one of the most routo.
He did not travel at night
vance In prices lor the attract.on
beautiful stars on the screen, and time, but the Ford reeled o ff mile at
Senppoo»'- is making great pt''p
Herbert Itawlinson, a star in his own ter mile in the daytime. The 1150-
urations for their Spring Opening
right, appear in "W e a lt h ,"
the mile trip was made in five days.
which will be held on Saturday. May
While considerable building is in
1 M D f A D T l A N I 1 Thursday
13th A feature of the rograni which
llN 1 U R l 1 ^/xiNG» j ,.W e a ,th„ ,e lu an absorbingly Inter­ progress in the California city, there
Is sure to be enjoyed is the concert
esting story on the theme that mon- are more carpenters looking for work
which will he g.veii hy the 591 II In
I .it Sunday's Oregonian had th ' ,,y w )thout the incentive to work is than there is work looking for car­
runtry hand of Vancouver. Washing
ollowing to say ill Its musical de- a ourse
penters Mr. Crouse stated, and he ad­
ton, barracks
i hat J opl" from p.irtment of a piano redini g ven hy
William Fairbanks, v.ho has not vises mechanics to stay away from
every section o f the county will in­ Miss Lnelle t’ utnmlns. daughter <>i been seen locally for months, «¡tomes that city if they are looking for em ­
tend the hlg celebration Is the wish j M. Cummins of ibis city:
here on Saturday in "Western I’ e p " ployment.
of the Scappoose committee who have
"Lucile Cuiiiniins. pinnist, dellght- probably the biggest stunt picture he
worked hard to arrange an enter ed a lurge audience witli thè pro- ever made.
There are many new
Meet.— The di­
talning program for the day
* ,M I , granirne site presente,! lasi I iitrsday thrills In Mill's latest production
rectors o f the Chamber o f Commerce
pages »lx and seven of this issue ot , n|Rjit. under III. direction " f I'en
held their regular business session
flie Mist will lie found full P“ r" ' j Mow rev. with w tin she is s udvinc
at West St. Helens Monday noon. The
culars of Hie big event
Make your j ^||ss Cummins | y d with f tie con
THE GOVE RN MEN T directors formally endorsed the 4th
plans now to be in Scappoose O tlj|ro| combined with a fluei.t tecn-
of July celebration at Clatskanie this
Saturduy, May 13.
, nlque and beau iul lone
An es-
The United States civil service year and urge that everyone who
__________ _ — • •
.....¡ally charmli ■ number was the
Mazurka " o f Supelllnnkoff which j commission states that there is need wishes to celebrate away from home
was played with a ry gr ce ant: : for nurses in the hospitals o f the will help to swell the crowd at Clat­
The Commercial Club at
Th. programme was an United States Veterans' bureau and skanie.
B E P O S T P O N E D daintiness
interesting comb nation of the mod i he public health service and at in ­ Scappoose desires the chamber to
send a “ tug-of-war” team to com­
Due to the Inclement weather il ert! and classic chools consisting of dtan schools and agencies. Applica-
pete with the Scappoose team on the
is expected that the track meet which u it in hers from i ui, Ik’ bnssy. 8a pel It Ions will be received for these po-
¡occasion of the Mid-May festival on
I’t'.lmgren. Schu- sittons until further notice,
was to be held In Katnler tomorrow, linlkeff. Chopin
Applicants are not given a written May 13th. President Flynn appoint­
will be postponed f " r
1,1 matin Sibelius and Dent Mowrey."
_______ ------------- —
‘ examination, but are rated upon the ed County Agent Holibaugh as cap­
order that the grounds muy be in
tain with the suggestion that he se­
better condition "fer use rs u track g j g H O P S U M N E R
‘ subjects of physical ability, weight-
lect five of the biggest huskies he can
o i r u n a v I 0,1
10 Ppr ct,n,• nnd tcaining and
field If the truck and field meet ¡11
C O M I N G o U i N I ' A l ‘ expo* lence, weighted at 90 per cent. get in order that St Helens might
postponed the baseball game and "i
-------- «
Applicants must have graduated from drag down the prize from Scappoose
aturlral and essay cx>ntests w ‘ 11 also j
a recognized school for trained nurs It Is possible that the Chamber of
be ..........................
port potted until next^ Salurihiy
, The in.
Commerce volley ball team will play
Sl«*ady rains during the past few , ,-hurch are looking forward with es requiring a residence of at least
days have made the grounds unde I pleasant anticipation to the eomlrg two years In a hospital giving thor­ Scappoose on the 13th
sir ,1 hie for use for this purpose
I Sunday of Bishop Taylor Sumner of ough prnctlcal and theoretical train­ May 20 was selected as a tentative
date for the spring clean-up cam­
__________ * - ----------- | Portland
It has been nearly a year ing.
Full Information concerning en­ paign and It Is expected that Dr. Ed­
The Spokane, Portland *
Seattle 1 s|nrP the bishop's last visit lo this
win Koss will be the captain in
Hallway company will pay Into ‘ he , church.
. trance requirements, salaries, etc.,
c e ff.r s of the Clatsop county tress
There will he services at ' «»clock and application blanks, may be ob­ charge.
,,rv this vear the tidy mini of *87. Sunday evening in the church, at tained by communicatin' with the
Mrs Fannie P. Ross, former resi-
983 7 8 as taxes and In Columbia *hich time the b shop will hold con United States civil service commis­ I dent
of St Helens but now residing
sion, Washington. IV ('., or the secre­
county the company will l*oy *«;>■ ¡flrmallon on a class of Hve
i n if, as Its proportion of the main |,,ja| m„»ic has been arranged for the tary of the civil service board at the in Chicago, is seriously 111. For a
post office or customhouse in any time it was feared she would not re
tenanre of state, county nnd ettv ex i ,.,M-;inlon Bishop Sumner Is a force
cover but she Is now much better.
cense» w hich "Is a whole lot of nioti I r„, an<l logical speaker and the pub cltv.
according to information received by
- - -— »-
CV" I I! Cllhv. local agent of ‘ h*1 Me Is cordially Invited to attend these
Traffic Officers Davir. and Harry Dr. L. O. Ross yeste.-day from Cecil
I services and » enjoy ik
rmrtn and
the . ..
coti puny said
Iladfield were in the Nehalem sec­ Ross who is attending the medical
splendid music
tion of the county this week check­ school o f the University of Chicago
The registration
Judge^Eakln v a » here Monday ing up the auto owners who have
------------- •-------------
county totals 4870. ........ naie popu and Tuesday arranging the calendar failed lo secure the 1922 license
Bend— Central Oregon Irrigation
liât Ion having a registration of 3 ‘ - s
district sells $180,000 bonds.
for the May term of court
‘ he female 1742.
iiii - k
Ueorga A w htt<
fiood Catches
are for Profitable Season for F'iah»
ermen— Prices
Many Fishermen at Work.
The spring fishing season on the
Columbia opened at noon Monday
with a larger number of fishermen
at work than last year. The catches
made by the fishermen in the St.
Helens district have been above the
average, so E I. Uallagh, buyer for
the Columbia Kiver Packers associa­
tion, stated. On Tuesday 13 tons of
fish were delivered and the Wednes­
day delivery amounted to nine tons.
Thursday's delivery was 7 tons. The
fish are small but i ne quality good,
so it is stated. The price pafd for
Chinooks is 12 cent-, which is an in­
crease over the price paid last year.
Trolling is not permitted until a f ­
ter June 30 under the Oregon law
which, Master Kish Warden Shoe­
maker has warned will be strictly
enforced. The Washington fish com­
mission ruling forbids trolling at all
times, and reports are current that
the Oregon fish commission will is­
sue an order forbidding trolling af­
ter June 30, in conformity with the
Washington law.
An increase in the commercial ac­
tivities in the Columbia river district
and coast stretch is foreseen this sea­
son by the slate fish commission fo l­
lowing the first large issue of li­
censes and collection of poundage
fees for salmon taken last year.
While the season in the Columbia
only opened May 1, numbers of li­
censes of several classes already ex­
ceed the total of those issued last
year, according to Carl D. Shoemak­
er. master fish warden.
Some 81
gillnet licenses thiB year have been
issued, he said.
Thirty-one trap permits have been
issued this season, while last sea­
son’s total was only 33. Licenses for
fish dealers to date total 27 9, while
last year only 259 were issued.
One-fourth of the value o f the en­
tire agricultural output of the state
last year was poultry products, ac­
cording to U. L. Upton, head of the
Uaciflc Poultry Producers’ associa­
J. A. Churchill, state superintend­
ent of public instruction, has named
a committee composed of prominent
Oregon educators to assist in revis­
ing the course iu English for the
high seb ols of the state.
Fire losses in Oregon outside of
Portland in March aggregated 1276,-
580, according to u report issued by
A. C. Barber, stale fire marshal.
There were 54 files, the most dis­
astrous of which occurred at Oregou
City with a loss of $168,000.
Contracts for the construction of
approximately 82 miles of road and
one large bridge at a cost estimated
at $2,500,000 will be awarded at a
meeting of the state highway com­
mission to be held in Portland, May
Although the season is backward,
the grain crop of the state is doing
fairly well, according to the first
weekly crop and weather report of
the year, issued by Edward L. Wells,
mcteorilogist for Oregon of the
weather bureau
The Solomon Butte Lumber com­
pany of Klumath Falls, capitalized
at $55,000, filed articles of incor­
poration at Salem yesterday. The in­
corporators are N. A. Kinker, S. M.
Skinner and W. C. Van Emou
ticles also were filed by the Oriental
Inn, Inc., of Portland, capitalized at
$10,000. The incorporators are Lee
Lung, Lee How Turn and Lee Sing
Bids tor the surfacing of that por­
tion of the St Helens-Pittsburg road
from a point near Trenholm to a
point near the Sixteen Mile hill were
submitted to the county court W ed ­
nesday. There were two bids, E. K.
Treharne's bid was $4 50 per yard
and S L. Klannigan wanted $4 90
per yard.
Both bids, according to
Judge White, were considerably in
excess of the roadmaster's estimate
and the court decided to re-adver-
tise. In the event that favorable bids
arc not received the court will have
the work done by force account the
judge stated.
------------- • ----- — —
Manager Hunt will take his ag­
gregation of ball players to Rainier
Sunday to try conclusions with the
fast team of that city.
The lo«^«ls
have been having good workouts and
it is expected they will put up a
' good
ball playing,
" K u b e ” Maxmeyer will probably be
; called upon to do the hurling aud Ev-
.erett Howe the receiving.
The big
! portsider is in mldseeson form and
should pitch a good game. It is ex-
i pected that a number o ! St. Helens
¡fans will accompany the team to Rai-