PAGE FOUR T U F 1 III!/ CT O I. IM O U F I F\Vk M I C T n E / L L lìO 1 H ü I -------------------— H ltn ilT S . H O M E. BROTHER*». HOW L. of lifl' 11 Ì!< H*wavs ,l1' ’ ,uan Chat count not 11 1 ,* jub, conditions or tin- There are old familiar voices sav By A rth u r Lewis Tub b s equipment. ing the farm er I» ruined, Mie country T h e best bookkeeper the Standard She was a woman worn and thin. is ruined, oti*. Is s u e d E v e r y F r i d a y by ....... . . . . . . . . . . . Oil company ever had » a s J o h n 1>. W hom the world condemned for u Hut improvement in American T H E M IS T P l ' B l . I S H I M J i t Ml ANY R o c k e fe lle r Me did not merely keep sin gle sin ; backbone industries continues in a 5 C. M O R T O N ................................ E ditor b ooks; he look 'd ahead , and made T hey cast her out on the king's rem arkab le way. ‘_________________________________ good use of his opportunities. hlsyway Agriculture, live stock, mining, And ; assed her by as they went to lumbering are marching buck to nor 8U BC R IIT IO N RA TES pray. 1,0 0 1 . IT O X E R . mal One Y e a r ........................................... $2 00 Y o u r store mav seem com monplace Compared with December farm Mo was a man and more to blame. Six M o n th »........................................ * 1 2 5 to y o u But tin* world spared him a b re ath products .ire climbing steaili > "i Hecause you a r e in it every day. of rh n m e ; 1 market values. Entered as second -class m atter. F o l k s who live near N iagara Falls pi,,, professionals shake (heir gnr\ Ja n u a r y 10th. 1 912, at the P o s to ffic e fail to find a thrill in the beauty B en e ath his fee. lie saw her lie, ^ alU| sav the farm er has noth at St. Helens. Oregon, under the act and grand eu r of n atu re 's great spec­ Bui raised his bead and passed tier by. ing to sell. o f March 3rd. 1 8 79. tacle. The lie is given to the pessimist Rut your shop is wonderfully f a s ­ T hey were th e people who went to p o l j | |t> hogs Jumping (■• COUNTY O F F I C I A I , P A P E R cin ating to o t h e r people. T h e re is rom ance in merchandise At th e temple o* God i n a holy day r 1 , U , . , (( Ht,|| Member National E d ito rial Associa T h e re 's a story which could be told T hey scorned the woman, forgave I-armor- i w . n s n ' (| the inan; 'mid <*>*' real funner sells products an tlon and Oregon S t a t e E ditorial about every a rtic le on your shelves about every day's business Association. It were ever thus since the world •h' Sheep >' ir and r,,un<* a „.,r Try an experim ent. l imbs 40 . . to . - 70 per cent mu Tomorrow m orning go to your “ wheal and corn 20 per cent, wool 20 >111.F S S T A N D S ON R E C O R D . place of business as if it was your T im e passed on and the woman died. | per-cent, are samples of faiio T h e fact that there is little i n t e r ­ first day on the job. On the cross of sliume she was cru- b a c k s But T ry to look at your e stablishm ent ctfied I "''out brothers, shout. est in the contest for representative from the standpoint of a stranger. it the world was stern and would don't overlook lie to tUt' legislature front C o lu m b ia But vl,nd ua 1 initiative is an American trail county seems to ind icate that the vot­ Get a fresh viewpoint. T h e n you'll not ers of the county, irrespective of find your e nthu siasm growing. You An id they buried tier in the potter's ehnraeteri/ed h\ i tM' soldo is wt s, " , 1 . 0 , 1 I broad and Is the chief characterts- party lines, appreciate the service will thrill to tlie finger tips. field. Is your sto re com m onpla ce? A 1 ■ i I ' _______ tlc of \|I;> rendered by Representative S h e r ­ thousand tim es no! It is teeming man Miles. T h e logged o ff land bill T h e man died, too. and they buried with interest. It is alive with ro ­ of which he was the au th o r and him pushed through the legislature is a mance. Yo u’ll ptobably find t h a t e n th u si­ In a casket of cloth and a silver rim, measure which will aid in the f u r t h ­ And said, us they turned from his Why take tlie chance of e r development of the county and asm will bubble over into newspaper grave away. was termed by other le gislators as advertising. "\\'e have buried an honest man An e n th u siastic merchant simply •• a legislative m easure o f develop­ toduy.” m e n t.” In announcin g him self as a must advertise. Me feels an irresistib le impulse to candid ate to succeeed himself. Mr. Two m o rtals knocked at heaven's Miles says he hopes the voters of the tell the men and women of his c o m ­ gate, county will endorse his work for the munity about his store and his s e r ­ Stood face to face to Inquire their vice. county. He is willing, he says, to fate ; And when he gets his enthusiasm let his record in the le gislatu re stati t He carried a pastport with earthly " o v e r " to the puldic, th e y 'll make a as his claim for support at the hands sign. path to his door of the voters But she a pardon from Love Divine Now that a b aseball team Is to be SE L F-R U L E FOR EGYPT. organized let every loyal fan get out O! ye who ju d g e 'twixt vir tue and vice. Washing is hard work In 1910, a f t e r having killed much and boost for the home team. B a s e ­ big game in A frica and having in­ ball is a d e a n spurt, tlie great A m er­ W hich, think you, entered to para­ You become overheat dise? spected the P russian Guards as they ican game and a town or city winch goose-stepped before the kaiser T h e o ­ has a winning team, receives much N'ot he who the world had said would win. ed. Then you hang the But looking at it from dore Roosevelt smashed several pre­ advertising. cedents and startle d the world and a n o th e r angle, th e St. Helens t e a n F o r tlie woman alone was ushered in — Selected. clothes out to dry and more particularly the B ritish E m p ire will be composed of home boys who when he declared in his Guild hall will do their best to furnish e n t e r ­ become chilled. tainment for the lovers of the game. ad dress: Tim e may he money, as the philo­ "Now, eith er you have the right to They will put in much tim e and ef- sophers say. hut a bank generally be in Egypt or you have not. E it h e r it | fort and without thought of recom- wants Its money when a note is due is or it is not your duty to e stablish pense except to win tor St. Helens, Our Family Washing and keep order. If you fail, you have T h e least the public can do is to give T h e re are times when one suspect . no right in Egypt. If you do not thern hearty moral and fin an c ial sui that S e nato r B orah had ra th e r he In Service solves t h e s e wish to e stablish and keep order port. L e t 's do that. the minority than be right. there, why, then, by all means get problems. o u t .’ Credit the St. Helens C h am b e r of Life in this world now is ju s t one Great B rita in did not dream of do­ Com m erce with having done ano ther conference afte r another. ing other than keeping order and not good turn for St. Helens. T h e fact SANITARY getting out, botn in Egypt and in I r e ­ that tlie Union Oil company will e s ­ land. But scarcely more than a de- tablish a 8 3 0 . 0 0 0 d istrib uting sta- cade has passed and tlie great deeps, tion here and, like the S tand ard Oil SATISFACTORY W h e n in P o r t l a n d S t o p at underlying what men had com e to company, give employm ent to resi- regard as an estab lish ed ord er, a re ; dents of tlie city, is due to the work SERV IC E broken up and to the surface has o f tDo c h a m b e r of com merc e. T h e C ITY AUTO LAUNDRY & come new fo rm s of governm ent and | local organization is not makin g GARAGE, Inc. new alig nm ents of peoples u n d r e a m e j much ado about what they are ac- of by E ngland or her lecturer th a ' ! cc mplis' ing or endeavoring to ac- I I » B u r n - i d e S t r e e t . B e t w e e n I Itti a n d 1 2 th S t r e e t s J u n e day in the Guild hall. complish, t u t their work is becoming F irs t of ail, the great Dominions 1 more and more apparent as the dif- W a s h i n g , P o l i s h i n g , S e m o n i z i n g , Mo­ of South Africa, A ustralia and Can- i'ereiit p ro je c ts on which they have t o r C l e a n in g . G e n e r a l R e p a ir i n g . ada. aw ak e to the consciousn ess o f v o r k e d materialize. Day a n d Vigili S t o r a g e power and begin to speak with au- ----------------* ---------------- thority in tlie imperial council. S e v - , T h e slogan of J R. ( D i c k ) Thei- E . T . ( M a m i e ) P o u n d e r , P r e s i d e n t en centuries of con flict in Ireland hoff, candid ate for public service G le n n B a r l o w , S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s i m r and in the granting of autonomy to j com m issioner is, ' R e g u la te the util- IrisJimen, though it rem ain s to be ities in the puldic in te re st— not the seen what they will do with it. public in th e u tilitie s’ i n t e r e s t ." And now E gyp t, ruled in absolu- T hose who know T h ie h o ff believe tism and overrun by conquerors since , that his cam paign slogan is not a the days of P h aro ah s. achieves v ir - 1 c atchy phrase to appeal to the voter, tual independence. T h e p ro tectorate i They believe that Dick expressed j u s ’ is not entirely removed; the Suez : what he thought and that he will not canal and the road to India, where forg et his slogan should he be elect- o th e r storm clouds gather, must be ed to office, guarded, and no o th e r great power ----------------# must succeed in B rita in 's place in the Tlie Mist is favorable to the cand i­ government of Egypt. dacy of S e n a to r A. W. N'orblad of T h e world is not yet s a fe for Clatsop county fo r representative in N'orblad is a brainy and democracy, but it becomes eve. y day congress. more dangerous for those to n u s of aggressive man. As s tate s e n a to r he government which do not reci gnize has made an enviable reputation the p.o gresc of manlt c d in capacity Siiouid he be elected to con gress the people of t h i s congressional districi fo r d em ocratic government. will be assured of real re p rese n ta­ tion. TH E DISA BLED VETER AN S. ----------------♦ ----- -- 9 X 1 2 . . Rug ............ ................ $14.25 Hanford McNider, national com­ Getting about time fo r t h a t A n­ 9 X 1 0 * á Rug ............. mander of the A merican Legion, in a nual Clean-Up Day. recent address said: 9 X 9 Rug ............ ................ $10.75 " I pledge you that the American P eace has her slac k e rs no less Legion is going to fight first for tlie than wur. 7 lA X 9 Rug .............. man who is fighting Die fight for his Somehow a man's neigh bors never re a lise what a good man he was un til they hear the m inister tell about it at Mie funeral T h e st Ing of u wusp I» only nun 1. rli second of an Inch lotig 1 Io rcst of the tnile and a half Is Int agiuitloti -- ------------- » .. —------ 1 |’he old wom 'ii w ho u»ed Io »Hinke i pipe _>!pe now uow hue hu» a u g l ran d d au g h te r who sniokes clgarettes Large line of “Pabcoline” in both yard goods and rugs, 75c per square yard 6 lire. " O u r big fight is for the man who came hack lame or blind who must live through the war fo r e v e r ." T h e whole American people, how­ ever divided they may he upon the question of the soldiers' bonus, are unitedly sym pathetic with this first aim o f the American Legion. The first duty of the nation should be to care for, sustain, c om fo rt and com pensate as f a r as possible the young men disabled in the country's service during the world war. Those who a r e no longer ab le to help them selves hecause of their self-sacrifice for the nation deserves from it the most liberal treatment. And they siiouid have it now. T h e American people will never protest or complain against wtiatever Is done to alle viate the s u ffe rin g s of the soldiers who were disabled through disease or wounds or a c ci­ dent while in the service of the na-1 tion, e ith e r overseas or in training camps in this country. Lib erality, lib erality to tlie utmost for the disabled veterans! W IL L I I.IP P I N I I.IP IN ? T H E MAN T H A T P O I N T S . 9 Rug .............. ................ $ 7.25 COME IN AND S E E THEM Masonic Building .'..I:""'"""* The Peoples Market Strand St. St.. Helens, Oregon Telephone« HOME OWNING A drc.i III horn «, i n • id of a ilri'u n of « hum» . ii '■ ». ht-ruuse h«-y lo not x»t bu «ln*•SI* unti HUvi- en o u g h for u first payment dovi'll t li on pro »»Tty l>< you rt U117. * Chat In »ur Savings »art no t**r«»■t, will in »V id « u r boi io? Aft *»r you on co rvr JH easy >ou 14 V « i fivi- d o llar» a tit for tw o y«-i .i o n 'lib - first K««l litui your M •im-nttv«i to wi-i-k . dupli» ItfJ r». plu» t lui in- pay mini! un ■ own homo. (llu Hit V« 1 fieli First National Bank HI I I I I I NS, O R E G O N Miqnhsr F e d e ra l IO«»«»rve System F IIX S G R A I I X M . I'rt*al ! «ll, otti) $ « 0 0 . your ti-rniH in reason • 6 Room io w homo-, river vl.-w full b as em e n t. 3 Mocks oat, lari--' utili only $ 1 3 0 0 . $ 3 0 0 down, halunro very csiv terms. 5-R oom II. him . finished riot hut hn hltable. one nere cholts Kurd n -oil. on crook, plowed and read y to plant, only $ 3 0 0 , ‘on D-riii* FA RM S 20 Acro», | fi ucre cle ar, 7 room house. Imrn. I S hearing fruit ,r<" n*i '' , r " in s tr-u n i. spring and well, on good road. ' I" - to achool and »tore, only $ 3 . 4 7 6 on terms (0 Acre IO acre» cle ar, 8-room house, hum. city w«t*f, ero. k. fruit, good road, team wagon, harness, tool», c i . n o crook, bottom land, $ ( 6 o o , te rm s reusonabls 20 Acri. 3 acres clear, 2 houses, barn ch ick en house, grtv- « . ‘ 'o r rock road. % mile to school, only $1 650 on very «-usy terms. RUTHERFORD REALTY CO. Phone* - Office 123 - Residence 38-J and 74-W rr. ■ St. Helens, Oregon . I«”e r - se r / ~ > "N -s -. •* II Easter Special Bricks M ason's Rutherford Building Columbia St. St. Helens She Knows ACTION “ I am a Domestic Science Graduate and a chemical student from the ----- Normal School. After m a k in g the experiment testing various baking powders I never use any except the Royal." Mrs. J. P. is 'he connecting link between resolve and accom­ plishment. Any business which is sent to us by out-of-town customers is handled without delay and with particular attention to the customer’s special needs. Our experience, location and re­ sources are important factors to consider if you are choosing a county-seal banking connection. ROYAL B A K IN G PO W DER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taate Send fo r New R o y a l Cooh B ook— It’s FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St., New York ì ult HOOK' fo IkH «Vi *r j>ow ü ö S ä ls J líA ® T h e Oregon V o ter has the follow­ Nesselrode Pudding, Orange ing which will he of Interest to Co­ lum bia county people: " T J Flip- Sherbet French Vanilla with pin, of R ainier, who won tlie cou n­ ty com m issioner nomination for < • > - Nuts — a rare combination and lum bia county two years ago, is ex- , . , . pected to he a candidate a g a i n this ^ perfect Dlentl. year. That redoubtable expense ; fi g h t e r and tax student, w J . F u l- . D _ . _ lerton. defeated Flippin at the gen- Easter Rabbits and Candy Eggs e ral election two years ago, hut that in a great variety. does not mean that Flippin was not a stro ng candidate. F u lle rto n , even though a dem ocrat, could heat SE E OUR W INDOW a lm o s t anybody. T h is time it is J u I ! son W eed's te rm s which expires and F lip p in m ay flip ifF for i t . ’ T h e d oughboy with the bayonet is s t ill t h e most Im po rtant war device, a r m y o f f ic e r s say. A irplanes, a r t i l ­ le ry, m ac h in e guns, guns and tan k * a r e i m p o rta n t, but th e y a re in the backgro und . It is the s a m e wny in all walks X '• " Will tell you that the best meat is alw,ty8 tf, cheapest. But lu>w to tell choice meats is a difficult thing to learn and expensive, tot You can avoid butt difficulty and expense by buying your meats here We sell only the finest grades, so y u waste no mon ey on experiments. St. HELENS STEAM LAUNDRY Just Arrived.... Identity, si eanier was I«, ha r b o r of Athen» "''"w lm *1®1 young passenger i.ppr„, cu pi a In and point t„ i.. , ' "» hill» Inquired : u ,h* < 3 "XX'hal is that white ... tuff 00 n, hills, c a p t u l u ? " " T h a t is snow ........... lite c ap tain . r,WI^ u ' 11 " .......a. k, ,| ||lH t b o n g h i »o in)» but I Your Experienced Friend Catching Cold mm Mistaken u We invite your connection with our growing li*1 of out-of-town customers. «H ERM A N M. M IL K S . I>rral U ) \ T y \ !>/W0N( j _ _ _ u /MBB t T W J i