T H E ST. H E L E N S M IST. FR ID A Y . A l’ K’ II PA G E TW O ' _ paper and trash off the school yard '■ I I,UI" mi Frid a. Mr. and Mrs *** April 9 at the home of Mrs A H E v e r y o n e worked diligently and th* Stanton. grounds were ------ soon chaired . and M s Mr Y K RN O N l A. O r e , April 12 " ............. A son was born 1 It the weather perm its some •r toe 1 I'caver hoi o 1922 He ( S p e cial to T h e M ist.) W alter Me Bruce McDoiiuld April Mr u* d Mrs K m 'I ioo I stu d en ts Donald was seriously in ju red while bus been named J dm l‘ er Meo Du Hie Vermut la high county truck meet ildron or Aun o } \v L , will enter 111 th* work in g in a logging camp near Ah lied Sund ay at th F, , . aid. at Rainier. r of Commerci erd eeu , W ashington, by the explos Vernon la ch am b e homo * «btHm ion of a steam engine. B oth legs met Friday evening. April 7. 1. U Mrs. B. L 01 ;il(1 . the e, presi «lent o t wore broken, one of them being Smith of Scappoos McD onald drove iw |*„rtl ™ D E E R ISLA N D crushed Mrs J A. McDonald. 01 i ulani hi,» county farm bureau L ll l lo B e r n ic e Mi !>„n ,|a 1 past week T hey a r e old friends of \ e rn o n la., Mr McDonald's mother F C llolibatigh. • ouitty ac ut, « e r e SCA PPO O SE 1 1 K E li I: LAND, Oregon. April 13 I rouble with hi ll hin twenty years standing «’> M has been with him In Aberdeen for iSnet-lul to 11 lie Mbit ) T h e pupils S C A P P O O S E . Ori-Kuu. April 13. — to attend school The social dance in the warehouse the past week His b ro th e r , 1 ’lody * The W K. C will give a baskei ■ho were selected as the la s t speak — iSp ec ial to The Mist > -Miss Ruby hall Saturd ay night was cxceptioii- Vivian Ululili Marled McDonald of Vortionla. waa also social and program in commemora r last I id. y .tft* noon were. Her «'tlUQl Tipton ha; purchased a new I ord all) well attended. T h e gu e sts were Monday Increasing called to Aberdeen d Chip’" t toil Mil gr.-d'-. Itlllle tuai of the birthday of Graut. Apri, coupo. H ie advance,I grad. , ',,,*'!****«• from Portland, Scappoose, St. Hel­ S V M alms!en has been very ill «o fer, At It grade, v llile FI »rence The school children »til pro E iu m e l Stevens of Seaside was Mrs Adams. 1 h . r o n Ä ens and surroundin g points. for the past week with the flu hut is Adams, cm grade anil WllllliUl tief- calling on Scappoose friends I'ues- • ale th« «mortalotuoni. »hl Cox were Portland v 1 .itera J Mrs H. B. Duncau c eleb rated her now slowly recovering , r t . 81 ' grade wen given second 1 -Munjjy day. School Nolo*. birthday Sunday and had all her Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Heverling 1 , n 1 > 1 . Ida L *ach, • n .1 .• •. » ro t» Mrs. Lillian Quigley of Tort land child ren home the first time in two of E ve re tt, W ashington, are visltin, piano tuner wus In this vicinity ■si essay nd Fern L each, i t h bas been a house guest of Mrs. JetT | y e ar s; a lso the Misses E ls ie Erick so n Mr H everling '* parents. Mr lie tuned lhe two school and lai week ah was fi 'n in her dlvlalun Mer- for several days. and L illia n P ete rs and Raymond Mrs Morris Heverling !" os and a number of others iti ox. 7th ;i.ide. glut M arjo rie Mr. and Mrs. Donai ue of Portland IT iu r to uh I iik Chumberlaia', Da\is were down to extend their best T h e infant son of Mr and Mrs ali around Vernouia !e. secured necond IrtH. I »ufOireil , 1 ,. Hl'ull,* ' Tf have rented the J e t t residence. wishes. club will me J o h n R o b erts died Wednesday eve The girls sewing \,l , 1 a .1 M ra JtK»Htl,in Nothin« I * Mr. and Mrs. t o n e Cottinghatu Tin* Misses B e a tr ic e Lin d. Olfield 11 inK April 5. 1922. l ie wus buried Saturday April t G at the home ■ luly hud the niest uttruet.ve posters. ">»’ am i 1 I oni f|. „ i , ,, ,t , ** were Sunday callers in our village. ! B ergland . Hulda Pierson uud Erwin | in St Helens by the side of some ol Mi--* Lelliu Pointer « h. . , „ J,*“ « S' lernt |«a rent, were pre .e u t d in in g »•••llh Mr. and Mrs. t i a c k e l t , Mr. and j Lind were visiting the Hervlunil • t h e ir o th e r children The local teachers' Institut* wa» ihn r f t e n o o n *tn>iigth«n« „ “ toi Mrs. Lin dston were among those wuoi home Sunday T h e Y P. A monthly business | at Vernouia, April ■ ' Assistant eut<»rtalneril I Alii. will o ffic ia te morning and evening. Krturii limit HCVfU «lil\H. AU m em b ers of lue W. B. A. of ..................$1.50 the M accabees are requested to be ♦ St. Helens present at W atts A P rice hall F r i- ♦ $1.60 Assembly . day, April 21 ai 8 p ta. $1.70 Mrs* E t h e l Garrison le it Sunday ♦ McBride for Spokane to visit her m o th er and ♦ ................... $1.85 Deer Island expects to be gone about a mouth. ♦ P. L. Shultz came home front the ♦ Goble ............. ..................$2.25 hospital a f t e r au operation for ap­ ♦ Prescott ........... ................ I ■ pendicitis. ★ ★ ★ ★ Wendall West had the m isfortune > ..................$2.60 Rainier to break his little finge r while play­ ♦ ing ball last week. < 'omhn io r* will **«*11 ti«k«*t* from ♦ Mrs. Ii. J . Newton celebrated her ♦ |M»ùit.*i w her«» ng«‘nts hin * not «*ti «l»»f>. 8 0 th birthday ann iv ersary last Sa - ♦ ol si U 'I' oom K urday by having a party. Sue said it v.as her first birthday party and she ♦ thought it time to have one. She was ♦ ♦ S. A Wilson, Pies. Albert D. Ridgeway, Vice Pres. born in New Y o rk and much of her ♦ ♦ lif e was spent pioneering when there ♦ E. E. W ist, Cashier ♦ were no neighbors to invite. Heal ♦ party e rfre s h m e n ts were served— ice ♦ < Hpital itinl Stirpili* $ 30,000 I i»ltc«l Kt«l«m I (••»allorj ♦ cream , cake and candy. Mrs. New­ ♦ ton has seven children, 23 grand ­ ♦ ♦ children and h great g-andchild ren. ♦ ♦ T h e work of nuns. B e a u tifu l fa n ­ S a f e D e p o a it B o x e s f o r R e n t ♦ J. R. G IL B Y . Agent ♦ cy work on sale a t the city hall. St. ♦ Helens, F r id a y at one o 'c lo c k until * St. Helens Oregon I’ « • *ir IVr ( V n l lnt«*r«**l un Tim«» Drpov.it»* S atu rd ay nigh t, April 21. Dancing * ♦ and music F r id a y night. Hooked food ♦ ♦ sale, Saturd ay. E :s h pond, candy ♦ ♦ store. B e n e f it C atholic Lad’les' so­ ♦ ♦ ciety. P. L. Schultz returned home on ♦ Sunday a f t e r having been in the ♦ Good S a m a rita n hospital in P ortland ♦ fo r several weeks. Mr. Sch ultz, his ♦ friends will be glad to learn, is rap­ idly recovering from an operation for ♦ appendicitis. K obcrt McQuinn ♦ brought Mr. Schultz from the hospi­ ♦ tal in his c ar and as they neared ♦ • ♦ heard them sing, " B e it ever so hum ­ ♦ ble, th e re 's no place lik e h o m e.” T h e senio r c la s s has been working ♦ on their play, "M o lly 's A u n t .” which wiil be given Frid ay, April 21 at the ♦ W a t t s & P r ic e hall. T h e y are pro gressing rapidly under the able di­ i l l i quality standard . timidly maintained, with many prices even more rection of Wm. M. Luebke. It prom­ attractive than they have been in past weeks, you could not wish for a ises to be a great success. T h e cast Includes. Inez M cKay , Nina Koscoe, more advantageous opportunity than this store offers you. Here you Lucy Smith, E v a T a rb e ll, K insley Al­ len. Irving E rick so n and J a m e s will find the distinct advantage of large selections of merchandise that is spic- W atts. V ER N O N IA ..J liKtltfeMio,, mul « ..n.nWK Reduced Round Trip Fares Who Is Most Benefitted by the Money You Earn? You Are PORTLAND Others Are If You Spend It Be true to yourself and deposit a small amount regularly with HIGH SCHOOL P L A Y FIRST NATIONAL BANK “MOLLY’S AUNT" By Senior Class of Scappoose High School Scajtpoose Legion Notea. ol O a< r* to cl at T h e re g u lar business m eeting of the local American L e g i t n Post was held Satu rd ay evening and a good a ttend ance was recorded. A fter the business m eeting Mrs. W. A. Ewers, president of the s tate au x iliary gave a very interesting talk on what th< auxiliary is doing in the state. She was followed by Mrs. Paul B. B a r t h ­ olomew who spoke on hospitalization. T his was followed by H arry Nelson, s ta te a d ju ta n t o f the legion who gave a talk on the legion and the cou n ty ! council. T h e local com m an der. A. K. Dorris then s urren dered his chair to Miss Coletta Bartho lo m ew , stale executive secretary , who proceeded to org anize the woman's auxiliary to the Scappoose post. Mrs. L: ura S. B o ater was chosen president. Mrs A. R. Dorris s ecre tary and Mrs. Mabel tion the legionnaires put out a feed K ilw orth treasurer. A fter this elec- which closed the evening. A. R. Dorris was a P ortlan d visi­ to r Wednesday evening attend in g a meeting of the o ffic e rs ' reserve corps of the 9th corps area B ig plans are being arranged for the reserve o f f i­ cers camp this year at « amp Lew is In J u l y and August. W ARREN W A RRE N ’. Oregon. April 12. __ ( Special to T h e .Mint.,— -Another of W a rr e n 's old and highly respected citizens has been called. S aturd ay night the Angel of Death cam e to the horn- of J J . Lindahl and sum moned nis life helper. Mr*. Lindahl Beloved by all and revered univ ersal­ ly she will be missed by her ho t of friends. Mrs. Lindahl leaves a f a m ­ ily among which is A rthu r and his sister at home, a son in Iowa and Mrs A H. Carlson at W arren . Mrs Lin dahl has been ailing during the winter but not .-ieriously. S aturd ay she suffered and quickly an-wered the call in the evening She wn hur­ led from the Swedish L uthe ran church of which she has he-n an honored and faithful member. She was burled in the Swedish cem etery the services being conducted by Rev Shipp and was attended by nearly every re sid e nt o f W arren. Mr. and Mr*. M D. Link and Mr*. N eer o f Goble were week end guest* a t the F a r r home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F a r r i s of V e ntu ra. C alifo rn ia, were c alle rs or Mr. and Mrs J o h n F a r r during the ♦ ♦ W span new. And we are giving you many outstan (he i uuniy « ■y. May 3, I B V M alte r i 1, 0 ; ol 1. H |lam xllowed 1 $; M alfar o f |j Kallunki li |i»«rn appoli nH rrp o f! p*t!t!on«'( Mauer o l Jetfi et al rem appo) f» and repo ls oelitlntli- Matter ol t. H e le n , ut T u e , Yeart 191S tirella! lon of III Erroneo« ■red that |l telird Glorious A rr a y Watts & Price Hall * )ur Mu«« New S p r in g Goods In Friday, April 21, 8 p. m. ♦ tùli HT thè M alter o f rroaby. ni*r»(l t hat I ; ini I Matter o bld Wxrnnt piurabix « om i ■derej th:it a IMO 00 he Im I 1 J ô ü i¥ £ â r T ra d e a t R o y ’s ! ♦ ^ou are sure to receive prompt \ service, courteous treatment and : reasonable prices consistent witli ; dependable merchandise < Shoes, today, rank as the most important accessory of d ress, You know this. an«, expect quality, style, price fairnc-s when you p u rch ase sh o e s You also cx- pect a comfortable fit. You have a right to all of these things. I his store recognizes this right an«l is prepared to more than meet it in these New Easter Shoes. A' ... . vT - . / * 1 he best of the new lasts have been combind with leathers of perfected quality. And our Shoe Department is in charge of efficient shoe fitters. Country Boy Corn, 2 cans .......................................... 25c No. 2*. 2 Cans Oro Brand Tom atoes, 2 cans . . 25c 1 Pound Can Ghirardellis Ground Chocolate . 29c 20 Bars Crystal W hite Soap ...................................$ 1.00 3 Pound Can Diamond W . Coffee ........................$ 1.00 3 Pound Can B Brand Coffee ...................................% c Tru Blue Grahams, large package ..................... 29c Picnics, nice and lean, per pound .......................... 23c Citrus Powder, 2 packages ..................................... 55 ,. Skat Soap, 2 cans ................................................... 25c Del Monte Dri-Pak Prunes, per can .................. 40c YES, W E D E L IV E R ! Springtime Silks The most attractive of the new season’s patterns ami colorings are now on display, and a shopping trip will prove our ability to show you many p1CCes that will win your ap­ proval. Not only in their beauty will you be pleased, hut the prices as well will likewise meet, with your approval. u , ,, Capes for Spring Capes will he much in evidence this spring. The demand will be great and you are sure to find what you are looking for here. They are beauties ard the most wanted col­ ors are navy, brown, blue, beaver an«] lack. W e have them with caps to m atch. Something extra* ordinary classy. Come and see them NEW Sp0 RT ( OATS the new c o S ^ . T n . n " ' ” ,' ............ ’ priV * in J " ” V s P ° rl C oa' * ln 111 equally popular. C o m e m and let '"i ’ " s e m ,fl,,e '1 or wrappy effect will be display. us h ',w you the splendid line we have on "T he Money-Saving G rocer” Phone 4p McCormick Bldg. S t. Helens O re ST. HELENS E. M. HE LON ST. HELENS \ lt le f tuna for ih be not refi Ttiur,iU), I I