THE ST. HELENS MIST VOLUME X L I ST- H,:LKNS, OREGON. FRIDAY, W O M A N 'S IN AD A P R IL 14, 1922 N u m b e r 18 CLUB TAXPAYERS PROMPT IN TAX PAYMENT B R IE F N E W S N O T E S M U SIC A I. PROGRAM OF HOM E PEOPLE In orilitr to **r«.ii* u riniti t ut t»nd unii advertía» Oregon u (invai Iril i.ilvunluK*’M and runout h at tin Dutlonnl ron van lion of tin Ad ( ’lui» o f America, to I»* held m ■iati Ido T Kv,«*oii I« < . im 'IM m U- frar 1« * - g o in Jnu*’ , ih*’ Woiuaii i \d d u i , ortattu of l'or!lu mi i , uh * ■ . 11 . |,i. 1 , ,¡ . ...... ..ui/ Hlicrnuui Mil«»«. rangouo'iiiH lo appear .it I he, ri „Ulurr .,( \i rimili» «»“ • fi»r n»xl W«dn«edny night 11 , u »,„., , Hi-rvi'n’i"" 1 in liai* u I program under th dime- t Ion of M ru Itomi t ‘oilmen ft ed t ono ('«. piiii I»»14" " 1 •if I In* moat ttcrouipltelied IllUnlcImiH in tli» Mint» TM politicai «IIU..HOI1 "> Colum bi» 1 , ha.- unilirgoiin u murk»*l Ihe orgunl/.alIon was perfect.-it foU“l)' lurlnK Ui" P ’ »l «»vermi »nr ugo Tor the lln iu ia m i u r r i » o i A c A «(invention, when the om ‘ io Ui* oiiiiiiUfy <*f ii.’ p I »II pro veil l he III He I Ve H HUI 11 elle ,.|, "p ,„uii*" V,»i MH«». demte’ rai advertisers of Ihair *tut« they drought home lo Oregon the nip oí X .«|v.-.l !.. U.r u - t „ al„„ hu' " 1 Kv” " HMn ° f ' 11,1 fermi hy the national org.uil.utlon JJiihi' ii»» w -1 * for the nioHt »flu itivi Hi-rvie« tu i h 1 h , ......... .ii.iii *>r hl» <-«n dirertlon The octettu hope ,, peut the do».’ ut Hun Digo und 11 , »«'1 ru,‘ fore the forthcoming enterlulnrm «o tkkrl Vor county ."t' iii ■»l*»n*,r lh «re ur. should Appeal to every pijhlir plr I J Kltpplfl uf Kal ml rltlian not only of Hi. llelenH n candiil (,f * laink.uil*’ . and of t tie «.'«t're elute ,„r. J N Ml"* r Kurli The members of the octette ur pits Her,''" <" n ‘ *f Vurnonla „( the candid»'*’ h iirt» w««ll known (iartruda l ’urti r, l.ulit a retit i ilila (oiiiily und all Itroughoui 1 "lui* H en nin » All er», (ieri rude Ho«h< o( iheui s c i’ " ’" 1 in<*n u ml 1t I n i »X Marie lloolny. Itili h l«mge Ni p^icd that ili" *■< lUU'Mf for Ul«* noni liri’ HHi l, K it her 1 ollin» * hatten, May i Iona rara. imilon will b*' h » II» Wali’ott I n b*‘ injc Inkan In Jlufli The Odette bring» with It u full Ip (UlMTiulor m I coiit'iit lii'orK*' A orehen'ru, which in ti»mf udd Whit« ailjuum ^.• of Oragotl. greatly in the evening » program 01 iiaiorlul poMtblllty « (I)» late»' K"1 I wo lenii h , fll« Ui« il«i lor .litoti of hi» Qftlldl fu addition lo the »plenUld iiiuh I i* im an ftx-Mirvic*« fory Mr WliH nun and *«r»«i| ovt r*<*aa and th« cal program , Mr Hamuel i Laura» _ issino I» I Ha t lio will ha va a I 1 er. the engineer in charge of con itroim following uuiong th« « i Mir ktruction of the 1 oTumhia Itiv. i high way will lalli on the heautii*» of that tic*>ni«ii Hi» »uir.»iic« im a tli« ron world futnuue thoroughfure ihowtii f,.r ih« governorship nomination btiwevsr, a*** ni■* i,» inuk» m or« r*,r movin g pidurua m color* u» U« pro tain i!,« nouiui.» of ll»n W O lcoll . »eil* kl pulllll«l ohWTTlir» »tut» T h » St Helene t'huniher of Com The I,tu« for filing rundida!«* «!•»<- rio re«, the Woman .1 club und other [»ration» fio»« on Tuesday. April civic organixutlon* urn gi’ itiiig lie II »nil II I* probable limi *»v»rul Ulud the movement and It la there xlier candidal* » will fil» on or b e foro eertaiu o f auree»» lor» that dai« Mr*. E. M. iiolon was a Portluud vinitor Saturday. Mrs. Bertha Pennington spent Sat- j urday in Portland. Mis. Win. Bush spent Thursday in I j Dcor island visiting friends Almost One-H alf o f Taxe* C illertwl Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holman I on I Ok I itoli— The 8 . P. A 8 . it. j visited in St. Helens Thursday. It. Oonipuny Heaviest Payei---- T en ­ Mr. arid Mrs. H. G. Hadfleld visit- i ed in Portland Wednesday and I der Chec k f o r LOO. Thursday. Merrill H ollingw orth o f Portland | —— « spent Sunday in St. Helens v is it in g 1 At the clo se o f business Thursday his parents. j night, Deputy Sheriff Bu-rell Graves, Mrs. Carl Christiansen and Miss chief o f the tax collectin g depart- Cortnne Hill were Portland shoppers ! tuent In the s h e r i f f s office, reported Wednesday. that I3 2 6 .i6 ti.1 5 had been collected Misses Lavlnia and Hose Klblan and turned over to Treasurer Haltan. | spent the week end in Ra'nier as the " W e have probably collected $20,000 guests o f Miss Minnie Ellis. or $26,000 in checks and money Wesley Mays hag returned from which came in yesterday and to­ ; Wash ton. Washington, where he has day and it will not be turt.ed over | been visiting for (he past few weeks. to the treasurer until Saturday," Mr and Mrs. Charjos Gratton of said Mr. Graves. The total tax roll Portland spent the week end in St o f the county Is $766.733.56 b o it Helens as the guests o f Mrs. L. D. can he seen that u pp-oximately 15 Weeks. per cent o f the first half o f the taxes Attorney John L. Storla was In were sent in o r delivered at the Portland Wednesday transacting s h r i f f s office. legal business before the federal A ccordin g to Mr. Graves, the Spo­ court. kane, Portland & Seattle railway The Lad ies’ Aid society o f the company are the heaviest ta xpa yers Methodist church will meet at the Thoir check for tha first half o f their home of Mrs. Ethel Miller, T h u r s­ taxes in Colum bia county amounting day, April 20th. to a little m ore than $20,000. The Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brakke and Deer Island Loggin g company, the son, Hichaid, o f Portland spent Sun -1 Hi. Helens Lumber c o m p a n y ’ the (lay visiting friends and relatives in j Lamb Lumber company, the McPher- 1 St- Helens. ( son com pany, Benson Tim ber com- ( larence Masten returned Monday pany, Kerry Tim ber com pa ny and from Washington where l.e spent the; seveic.l oth er logging and mill com- PMt b u b week». His many friends pañíes sent in checks for large are glad to see him in St. Helens amounts, Mr. Graves said. again. Mrs. I M. Sh ackleford, Miss Aver­ JA C K IE C O O G A N T O ts Shackleford, Miss Helen Kiblan. | A. M. Holt and A. H. Keiten motored A G A IN BE SEEN H E R E to Eugene Saturday where they spent the week end as the guests o f f r ie n d s .! Jackie Coogan, the little stx-year- Miss +'rancis Scott arrived t h i s . (,1d star who delighted hundreds of week from Novia Scotia for a visit p e o f le o f thia c om m u n ity in " P e c k 's with her brother, H. D. Scott and Had B o y .” and in " T h e K id,” with wife. Miss Scott will make an extend- j Charlie Chaplin, has made another BARGE CONTRACT' ed visit here and may possibly d e - ' Picture which will be seen at The SC APROOSE C L U B A W A R D E D S H IP Y A R D clde to become a permanent resident Liberty on Sunday and Monday next, PLANS C E L E B R A T I O N o f St. Helens. with the usual continuou s p e r fo rm ­ Mise Anna Benson has received a ance Sunday afternoon. Tha* rtt Hulun a .Ship company will At A ai«***r|ng of th«* Hrüppooii«* S|„-i ml Herm es to !»■ Ilei.I at Every II oiium Commission Receive» SIO Ap­ The story Is grip pin gly effectiv e, letter from Mrs. Merle Wilson stat­ ! Commerci«! rluh field April 6th, build four barg«*« 22x60 fur th» I The con < tinn ii in Hi. Helen»— ( ’anim a at plications from Columbia tv.unty ing that both she and Mr Wilson and contains both hum or and path­ pimi wer«* laid for one of the hlKigeMt S Knilbmira' department are very much pleased with C a lifor­ os. Jackie plays the part o f an im ­ MlobrAtioiiv ever held In Hcippoua«* tract wiiN awarded tu th»» local con 'telliu.lisi ( «iiireli Hundu) Evening. E<-Service Men — Cauli Applica­ nia and have decided to settle per­ migrant orphan, who, although on ly It I« phurud to hold a “ Spring c«ru In competition with novaral m a n e n tl y in Maysville. Mr. and Mrs. six years o f age, is faced with the Th* Kino Program Arrang*’«!. tions Total $07.500. Opening d*y on th»* 13th o f Mn> Cortland ahiphulldin« yard«« Wilson are greatly micsed in St. H el­ necessity o f making his ow n living. and to maki* tt an nil day (affair ccntract rail« for the delivery of ihe ens. Landing on Ellis Island he Is sched­ Easter services » ill he obnerved hy A ccordin g to figures contained In Maijr feature* of *' i U / ' h proKrain b ir g o s within ninety day« and < ari Misses Lillian Wyes and Naomi uled for deportation , but he started y«t r«*m.iin to !•»• v nrkod out hut th» ( lirtaioiuM'u, NUporlntuiident of lh< I dt Helena people and .ippropriat* i a communication received yesterday Bunnell left W ednesday to attend to play with the eight children of a >ard. «tat« h tfiut lw«*nty or pohh bl> service* held In Uto local chttrclie» front Die bonus commission at Sa- ftntral pian I« nu follow «: the convention o f the editors o f high Hebrew woman w ho had arrived with Finit then *¡1| lie ¿4 hall giinie more men will be ictven Hi«*.«d> em ¡ I b» announcements of the special ! lent, ex-service men o f Columbia school papers which was hi Id by the her brood to Join her husband. ployiucnt for the next thr«*«* moitthk j Easter services follow: | county have applied for $217,700 in it trn o'clork I m M ww ® th»* Heap Th erefore, when the fam ily was a l­ loans. There have been 310 applica­ school o f journalism of the Univer­ pooe* team ¿it'd n iicIchhurlnK temiti, Thu contract* amount to about $*». VIKlHOHIM KPIHZOPAI. sity o f Oregon. The Critic staff o f lowed to leave the island, Jackie tions filed from the men o f C olu m ­ 600 and Mr t'hn«u*nM*n ha* alread) followed by M'-vurnl tithletIc content; followed. Owing to the num ber o f ’T be tr li ndlj t l i u r c h " bia Of this number SO are for loans, the St. Helens high school were all and a Mg Mutin*! dinner for all «ai aecured hi« force of mucUatlicM m*l W e will begin the celebration ot , the am ounts requested in toe appli­ invited to attend but the staff chose juveniles, the offic ial in charge lost work will he ruuhed ho fin to compia!« Boon Easter Sunday with tin early morning aggregating the am ount Miss Wyes and Miss Bunnell as their count and Ja ckie found him self on About ore o ’clock » puldtr auction the bargei» within the «peclònci time I Pray* r and Praise service beginning cation« (th e crow ded streets of New York. above mentioned, and 230 are for representatives. till bt held to h hich everyone I n I ii But wh^n the head o f the fam ily i at 7 o'clock Those attending this i the bonus which aggregates $57,- tltel to bring mny article they with started to count noses he discovered j service are .i-keii to come prepared j 500. Of the num ber o f cash or bon- to diapone of and it will ho mold b) the presence o f Jackie, and in dig­ lo i|Uo!e some saying of Jesus which I us claims, about 125 have been paid a eompetem mui tione« r Thlm mhould nantly chased him out o f th e fold. j Has been especially helpful. Kol- to date, the otul being $28.125 und ha the forer unti er i»f a "Cnmruflnlty Then began a thrilling series o f ad­ i lowing the praise hour tin Easier the claims averaging $225 each. >a ♦* hay held at r«*gular Intervale ventures f o r the little shaver. I morning lue.ikfnst will he served. That the bonus commission is d o - ; throughou' the nutnmer. Because of the high cost o f this Th**«» attending the breakfast arc mg everything possible to promptly N>it will be the «peclal water cele . ! picture, it will be necessary f o r the asked to contribute twenty-five handle Hie claims is Indicated ln the \\ I n n e r * U» I» •* \i»n»>uin «*d N « xt U «rl» Senator from Clatsop 4Y>unty Swic» management o f Tne Lib erty to ad- brat ion when the n •• water ayNtetii cents to cover actual co t and It of .'icupptoo * will 1 )«* formally dedl Noiniiiation as Congressman from vauce the price o f the afternoon — Ju«lg«*N ( lUiiiot ( oiiiph te ( l i n k ­ ! would he greatly appreciated if 'hose follow in g statement made to the M iat: ca'**d A «tunt hy the new fire do sh ow s fr o m 25 cents to 30 ceuts. and ing Over Aitawrra Ttila W w k — I who plan to attend would give heir tlie T i n t Congressional District. 0( evening shows from 30 to 40 partm«'nf will )»«• put «»u, alno a real "In connection with the state as I attmes In advance to Mrs Geo. WII ; cents. This slight advance merely .* whole, up io and including April tator f;ght t$etw«*«*n chomen toamn M a n ) ( « i l i Prix«*«* *0 I n * \ w a n l i ‘«l. ison. Korty five have already Indl- A. W. Norblad, state senator from takes care o f the increased cost j f I bt g||gg ! . ated their Intention to attend the tith, 24,711 claims had been filed In Cortland thousands with the bonus commission, o f v'hich 1 Clatsop county, will be a candidate the film. ‘or (1*' t*'1«! in outarde «peaaor T h » "I*“ Word puzzl» picture con early morning servlet'» and have re- 14.466 desired the cash bonus which for congress from this, the first con- paid a minim um price o f 60 cents to : '' * vili be aecured I served plates for the breakfast. from the s u : « Chamber o f c oui t»»t I» In Ih» hand* of th» Judg»». Sunday School will begin at li- 45. aggregates over $1.963.000; and 10,- gressionul district. Seventeen coun- i see “ My B o y " and millions in oth er Bierre Mr* A K Barnett, Prof J H WII ties comprise this district, and Con- cities ot the country are doin g the there »'111 he Easter lesson« In all 250 have expressed themselves as Kor» »'M m Ir m uta will b» *tag»d keraon unii II A. Childs, cashier of departments. Bring the whole fam­ desiring loans, which aggregate $29,- gressman W. C. Hawley is the pres- j same. Th»y »III He has been a — —--------- **........... ......... 568.000. Over 6,000 claims for the ent representative. imnn« Whirl, will |m thfl la.II*'«’ nail Ih» Ktrat Nationul hank Th* ily to review once more the wonder­ cash or bonus, aggregating over $ 1 .- member of congress for a number of R A I L R O A D O F F E R S fällig rin . ii» i I the tug of-w ar dncld» »In* ar» the winners ful Easter story. master lint of word* which has be«*n p r n i i C T r n PATTTC Conte«!‘tig team* Morning Worship at 1 1 o'clock. 500.000, have been paid by the state years and by reason o f his long ser- ; i \ r . u u i , E . u rx.r\ t n miT. I Ullis Will I)» *sk»*l In p ò » « « -»Ion of Prof Wilkerson for There w ill be m Luster message hj to date, and payments o f tlie re­ vice has some important committee " pu: OB apoclal low prie«* for Ibis th» pa»i several day« ».m »ubmltteil I the pastor and some Easter music. maining applications or the cash or appointments. E ffective Saturday. April 15th, the to the juilg**« Wednesday afternoon . ’ *' ■l’* inuiiy kiiush I iik c«n 1 Patents are invìi, d to bring their bonus are made as rapidly as the ; S. P. & S. K. It., Astoria division, *'* " r Pr'r* - il III» various pl»r«s a* were the 300 or more anawer*. Children for Christian baptism at applications are returned to the will make marked reductions in pas­ commission and checked and a p ­ A fr-.- automobil« tir» will h» glv The Jtidg»» worked until 10 o'clo. k ! this hour senger rates along the line for round- proved hy that body for final pay­ p by u,« rouiniHrcial club to Ih» Wednesday night and up to 9 n'clo* k trip tickets. T h e reduction brings ment. The commission to date has I"KIT; METHODIST at a fri«» drawing to h» litHt night In checking over the the rates almost back to pre-war Mr Child* suoi approved nearly 300 loans, repre- . "I f'*r .ill (ho**, who c o m e In »u tos words submitted Easier v III tie »pproprlately ob­ rales and is to encourage travel on '"1 » laprol». wl|| lM. Klr,.„ ln lhl, I Imt It would r»i|Ulro several seaslons served by the Sunday school and the ' s u it i n g applications front Tactically the rail lines Tiie round-trip rate, o f the judgin g committee to d»t»r- every county in the state. T h e pay-I h T* "Af on» who *lrlv»s u church on Sunday morning. There tickets g ood for seven days, from St. mlne "win* Is w h o " as to the prize inent o f the loans is naturally inucn B< H** nr team » i l l be special music by the young Helens to Portland is $1.50, and the winners, and Mr» liarnetf and Pro people Sermon by Ihe district el­ slower than the cash, as with the !nrA»PUhll,‘ m’l r k ''' «111 * 1*0 he f.*« f ollow in g will be the new rates from cash it is merely a matter o f deter­ f»Hsiir Wilkerson agr«.» with him der. Ilev W T Klotshach. the several points mentioned to P or t­ d » « « Wl*r® *n’,0no w , , h “ »T P” » mining a man's comensatlon and » may |,aTn u oliane» of Many o f Ihe 300 answer* have The evangelist c meetings now In land: Assembly, $1 « « , McBride. * *P'>*lntt of it. from 160 to 200 words so it can I*» progress »111 close .Sunday evening. completing the payment; hut in the $1 70; Deer Island, $1.85; Tide ruse o f loans the property must be A .nui f,.> w. r« preaent to enjoy seen that the work o f checking over The last quarterly meeting o f the Creek, $2.00 and Goble. $2.25. On appraised, the am ount o f the loan I r "l’i r served afl*T th» the list and comparing It with the conference year »111 he held In con­ account o f these rates the com pany, determined hy the commission, the I '«""'in g Th* ou t-of-tow n master list, Is something of a Job nection with tin so special services, according to a statement from J. R. title approved, and the mortgage ex ­ « w. r,. Mr H**:itliertnn. <**»»U- The ju dges are working hard on the beginning Friday and continuing over | Gilby, local agent, expects the vol- ecuted and placed o f record before proposition and will soon fumi li ' ’ ume o f passenger business to show Sunday. l^r ut l,u' •’" f l n n d cham the amount of the loan is finally ! Tit *1 Sacrament o f the L ord’s Sup­ n... ' ni«nib»r o f th» com - Mist with the name* o f tin* ............ a material Increase. turned over. Every effort is being When they do thl* per will follow the Sunday morning Mr V ' l * ’T t Intuì chamber, ami ronteetanla made both hj the world war voter- . checkH will he mailed and a list <*f iservices SCHOOL PLAY .ins' state aid com mission and the Z J C T ,' ,,f 0 r * « on D M U M B R E . Pastor, Ihe correct words In the "P puzzl*' secretary of state to expedite both 1 ,hort talk» ,vho 6 |*v" u,i AT SCAPPOOSE published. the payment o f the cash and the 1 i \ r n o '. Everyone who has entered the cen ­ loans, but in view o f the fact that T h e Senior close o f the Sccppoose Church and » owllz Streets to*! has had a lot of fun out o f It ¡t h e r e is such a great number o f | high school will present the play. easi er c a n t a t a a t Special Easter Servito*. T h eC ath- Th»lr work Is don«, hut the Judge« claims It naturally follow s that more "M o lly 's A u n t” , Friday evening. still working Possibly they » ill I olle people who huve spent many METHODIST C H U R C H |ar« or less time is necessary in eonsum- April 21 at the Watts a * Price hall. tell you how they enjoyed the c*m- i mornings and evenings at service« l mating either one o f th em ." It will be the only play given by the te*t after they have checked over I during Lent will truly rejoice ott Tin. 1 1 k . s t k a h t k h . " school this season and the actors KaHir morning In the glory and the thousands of word* submitted. and actresses have been practicing triumph of the Hlsett Saviour C A T H O L IC L A D IE S diligently to make a success o f the At 8:00 o'clock lloly Mass and ANNUAL BAZAAR entertainment. " M o l l y 's A u n t" is an S E N A T O R A. W. NOKHI.AD A V O N L O D G E IS Communion Twenty little children <;h*,rul". 8 l , a , , ° W i0hnB0n 4 a n im ia te f o r C o n g re » « interesting three-act play and G R O W I N G F A S T .will make their first communion. S'l.’iit th.. H]«...p 1 nn T o w n ” abounds in com ical situations which At 10:30 High Mass« sermon by The annual bazaar o f the Catholic i Senator Norblad left Astoria Tu es­ are happily solved by the actors. B e ­ 1 pastor Music: Mas* In It flat by Ladles' society will he held this year ft,,,. ' h0,r.lB , h. (}>r(1„ n .. A large attendance o f members day night for the W illam ette val­ on April 21 and 22 at the city hall. ; ley and fired the opening gun o f his tween the acts there will be several I Leonard at the regular meeting o f the local I Public Is cordially Invite*! Tw o years ag o these ladies gave a campaign at Albany Wednesday noon special feature* which will enter­ Knight* o f Pythine lodge Tuesday j p CI.AN'CY, Rector. ........... similar bazaar and cleared nearly a ] when ho spoke b e f o - e the Albany tain the large audience which is Kira r . .. Heavy It c k " night witnessed the conferring of thousand dollars. They received Cham ber o f Commerce. The chairman sure to attend the perform ance. the third rank on three candidate* SEVENTH l»XV ADVENTIST. a"Pr»n! « ,lH ,,or n ,h T«»lt *n<1 Choir fancy work from Catholic Sisterhoods o f tb e meeting was E I> Cusick, one The St. Helens Chanters will Sabbath school every Sabbath throughout the country and sold it " l h,‘ Hreak o f D ay " Avon lodge has made a record In o f Albany's leading bankers. From sponsor a big dance which will be lh*> matter of growth within the pa t (Salurday I at 10 a m . preaching R»i| S«in fH .J"*’11 W'KKlna so reasonably that the patrons were Albany Senator Norblad went to Eu­ held at the city hall Tu esday ev e­ Hiarilng on th- member 'service or missionary meeting at l l : - W,. li li»gan to D aw n" tw o years surprised and pleased. gene where he attended a mass meet­ ning, A p .ll 18. tn addition to the ship campaign with something in the *0 Br „ H tT " n f * t , F'llll « h.irus You are cordially Invited Io at The same source o f supply ha* ing o f the Oregon roast counties beet o f orchestra music, soloists neighborhood o f H >0 members, the , l'end the lecture Sunday evening at been drawn upon this year and tbe M ,Ji ni,' r Moadamo* holding membership in the R oose­ from the ranks o f the chanters will lodge has grown in Ihe past two ¡7 30. subject. "H e Did not W e l||,"p, lllaheoley and people o f St Helens have another ; velt Highway association. sing and many o f the cnanters will >«ars to a membership well up t" Vain " M* X Grim in. Local Elder. vacnift. Hnisted and chance to obtain cheaply necessary o r ! Returning from the W’ illamett* join in the c h o r u s the 300 mark The lodge will con Choral » 0 . . ' h o ,r desirable staple and fancy good*. - ■ ■ ■ . * — . — . . valley Senator Norblad will visit n i M . I I K * . ATION Al. ,r I'^ri! Indeed I n R lson " fer the third rank si the next meet The Lad ies’ Aid society o f the The bazaar com m ences on Friday | several point* In Columbia county Ing Tuesday night, at which Gin* Sunday morning prayer meeting Tstior s„i„ . , ho,r During the evenin g; and meet many o f his friends and I Methodist church will hold their an ­ >"> .« im I ( horn*. . " A l l H all" t hef A I. Morris will il"» P '" '"t 'a n d breakfast at « 30 Urogram by at one o'clo rk o n - o f his Justly c.dehrsied potato I the Sunday school class and hapllsm there will be music, dancing and en ­ supporters. Senator Norblad in well nual bazaar at the chu rch parlors on Raa* Soi, ” ni ,<" " H''II, I’ holr Many useful salad foods, ably ass slo.l '<> , the morning servi.e New no m- tertainment from 8:00 until 1 2 : 0 0 . known In this coun ty and It is cer- Tuesday. April 18th. p. m On Saturday the bazaar opens tsin that he will receive the e n ­ and beau: if til articles will be on sale. Adam*, erstwhile notorious slum I tiers enrolled « ' evening service at 1.' 1 A,n With You A lw a ys " Cooked food will b e ' dorsem ent o f m any voters at the pri­ A 26c luuch will be served at 1 1 :3 0 thr*.w.r In Enel» Ham* "«»> >"r " * I S O'clock Rev K Tweed o f I <>rt- at 9 :3 0 a. m Pinal < " " " " w Hillings a tn. mary election on May 19. ¡s o ld on this day. ho,,,» . . * Thrta| „ KlM(n.. the lat * unpleas m in es « with the I land will occupy the pulpll. country «*n the Rhine. i ’holr . g S ........... • PUZZLE CONTEST IN HANDS OF JUDGES EASTER SERVICES COLUMBIA MEN APPLY AT THE CHURCHES FOR $217,700 LOANS SENATOR A. W.NORBLAD OUT FOR CONGRESS ^ ■ / a s i h . ..... J