MIST. F R I D A Y KOK S A I.K. Want Ads FOU S A L K u. u ' T I i k .............. . „.rvl, . . M« »'•••■ * ;l" W*r' uiitf uir ■ . .«iHf-r.Ml. w yl> |k .i I .1 ' Grant «ch '" ‘T "°; fiu u u Lynch, 171«* h l'l’ lil'.i I c i i o n s k x l'K I. h n f i i . Ht Helens KUK S A I . K Turkiiy Ori-Knn, Aprii f,. 1922 Unie Mm III« 1.11 II. i, i Krlen n«H uml l'uatoinani' ■Iri'iiM. Wurri'ii, Or« 1 « n i l u k liig t li I h nieiuiM of ¡ hin '»«riha ¡ili loitora ree, 1V"iI from hii I in ' <’UM|ooi«ra, w li le li | ornati y ap- H m S A I . K K » * l » i e r«,| Jersey bull precinte » » « If II WUH possi ble woul.l li»V" liei H monili» olii frinii si Miiwcs lliiv" “ " " » " r i - ' l all »Im in Alltiiri Freeman, vVitri.*,, ■ «r ItioHi* ' i . m “ 1* ," " ' rM '» « l'V ll. iH y . but UH Orwgon 1*11011« 3F2 , ß|.; t|ler . I » “ ••• letlem a ho w A P R I L 7, 1922 P A G E N IN E lii'lltci-Mion unit f'«inull|iafion. SAYS II KEPI I'rlo r t«> uHlnic Chamhi-rlaln'a Tab­ le**. 1 s u fe r e d dn-atliully frf.in in- «IlKoatlon Noihlnir ! '.ie arret*d with me anil I I oh I fleah and run down In health* < h; nlmrlalri’H Tablet« I-trenr'lhened my dlyt-Mlon and cared in« o f natlpatlon," wrltca Mrs fl o o r * « Stroup. S. Way. N. Y « IM . I lilt H A ItK A V T M . I have money on hand to pay all warrant , ned by School lilstrir* No. 2 Columbia County to and In- cludlri* March ¿4 l * j " 2. Interent cease* April 7, 1922 >1 ItS I M (. KORfIK, It Clerk Scine,I lilntrict No. 2. Master yourself ,,ml ih*-n Tnanterv V « h . sir If a man *lvca >ou hia " i anythin* »I . «riii i» comparat i » » - Flrai « U n MUI,.| * " “ !« he no*! lo InipiiH word he ou;;hl to keep a __________ ly easy. i ci i k k (.yicsii In - lo'iii li mi" lili" k norI li nr u," rll y dibit' lo oiNwi-r l liein peraonally. hot yt'K SAI.K 11 " ilo, k l'rli en reasonable „lui! lo ll!lV" liuti I lo op W as Afraid His Working Days I w I «VOIll'l cUMlor( uw.,l u t « « . absolutely r « Klver», likent „.„chini'. J » - 1 clulit *ia» f » r I «If pur.h'ip.niin ,,f ti,.H,. p';rrj : ; ; Were Over but He Feels Just! {“à V h ......... . ,,.o r 1 u ill " Il V■ ■ ry reasonable m i t SAI.K Itho'lw Iplund uKK» for hetr ni 7 " ,y “ PPr-clano.i uh lo Fine Now, Says Burkhiser. “f u ' i M , \ If i «*il O »Un lia I crii I u k . I l 60 per »ailing ,,f | ^ , r hhnlneaa, |)U, llH „ ,, . l ull pl“ *" I 7tr A la i rock urei for nule J j.- |(Vill '‘ ¡fi!’ w" h 0,, "P'"'I I «n. tuklnt! Ihe lankt»«- Oregon «0. HI Helen, Or«,,,,, ' "ii'dium 0f eonTerrluK my Janlac muile a brand new man of 1 linn lion tunk. •TÔTs\ i . k i «'* , * r‘" '»••• ’ patrona*« me and I am now Htrori* for It," nabl ! I-olt SAI.K Sprint n>"i| o » ih i h ,.|" , M, her." onowy ' ' ,M? " r" v'' " *o Iti ve uh kooi I *• 11 llurkhlsi-r. 1140 Maryland S I . ' ••ala». fine quality, rleu„«,| t|iru ' V ’ ,u,ur« I» Uni puh :. »*orUaii(J( Oregon. ¿ i . «OK«.«* ' I*'*""’ J 1 " • 1 2 Il In A 1 «ululi fi» u u I u * mill. |„n p.-r ion M ., i" ' " I 11 "n i"'' l " bave i|„. hiuliT «Ir “ Three year» o f stomach trouhp- imi il I u k en ul olili' rmel a l'uzzoliti. Warren '"-«nry or all v.ool rubrica unii .'Hid kidney diHorder had pulled mi ( in- tina f«r plume ÜKI6 |i ||. muer. Ho» I2f>, . , ‘. rv I lN'Nt "P lo I Ile minute down until, I wuh aim., hi past going |»' nlrht. Aprii 7th. hut r»r. o»e 'l.u » ill mudater, both YV ANTICO « l e n i le b o r i o , hu f<* f o r '* 'h i | couldn't bend over and « ut approximate- laily lo t r i » « , o r w ill iruili- n u n , , " " I M.y for your peraonul heneflt Htraighi.-n up again without suffer I UJI model»- n" for tinnii- , r« -t» In "neh monti, I mg agony. 1, |,„If Ibetr > "> i if Ulken ul one« H I » " f u ll p u r l l i u l r* in «H I '»e wiih you urta Ir. ,t«,U uny of (bruì ii » litri** Uro» iluruiro i P P Thouaa Oobla ( ira I was very much alarmed for fear [ ur »ni« rolumlilu l'ounty Hunk, _ ______________ 1711 '" I ir frlenda wlulilnk lo InveatlKate that my working d ay» were over anil ' g, Ili-leu». Or«fon II* " V " '" * " ' «ulta tha. I uni 1 -nn convinced that they would have «elll:.* luliori-d to your iridivlilual * » ‘ n if I hadn't gotten TauLtc in ■ K-UHUre for 129 f,0 would be very time • O' OF l’KIlSO.N Al. l'UOI'KMTY ’ lad io ha ®ve anyone call on me while H> onler of in- ' ounty l'ouri of I hi medicine haw benefltted me , AMONG THE CHURCHES In ri- or can meet them at my n« * t llir Sul" uf Ore«un. for ( '«ilumili», In every way and I eat, sleep and | 'rip by appointment My home ad- Coiinty. oi««»' " " Aprii .1. 1932. I work and feel better than in years.*’ J ■Ir.-Hn u 2k2 W Lombard Kt , I'ort- „¡Il un Suturila), O"' I5th day of MI I III »Ills | | I'| s i '«»1» \ |, lanlni | h sold by all good drug- i land gists Aoiil. 1933 »> mi" '»'clock p in . •• riii- I rl. ii'll) « 1nir< ||" Attain Ihanklri* you for your KH »1 (tubile uuctnni lo Mie hi*Il We hope I o .... all the churi h' s kindness and a surln* you that I ni bulli"' ' •' ' l"' 1 • 1 The past winter haH been very fcep of lacluh l i" k. r, ileei'uiieil, of SI 11 elenN filled to overflown,* •Mil at all times guarantee absolute herd on all fall seeding Where lor the I 'a 1 hi Sunday ,ervi, r,,.vt f , f ' f.M" and aaliafaetton or money y ur crop is badly winter killed, on- t iul yf p.-r»"u.il properiy coiiaiat refunded aa my iui - i I iim U and policy HI of (urd"U II"-e. «o'ilK»'«. r»k e», rt«n d »> and for ihi- Kaaier hitv I i .-,. ., o« the best catch crops 1s oat« iqd „ „ un" ».iK"n 'ulllvulor. uuni Hi-i-k later Kor the Huk< of your I" to give value for what I receive P'- kh , using the lllue Prussian variety rruu» buu»"l'»l'l *eo«l». «*’ 0 « llw family, your community and your My Kind regard» to all who chance ot peas and inoculating the seed In- ,„Ji oh" « " un 'He. ,whe«'ll»»r* own Hi»|f respect aiiend some church ti. r, ail th!» letter i i ulatlon i-an he secured through the J L GANNON. If you have no ,A,1,t > ru. *p»blUK in-*« lime, pruner, •Mi lh « » e *ri-al duya county agent’s office uriuu. toeli. •* rukea. un« "I hi r church preference you are ror Charter No Irti r.ud varimi . III' » u»eful ur dlully Irivlli-d |„ enjoy , he rin,- f«l Reserve District No. 12 Udr. A A Milntyr«. A il III in m lowahlp »lid wholesome aurahip of KI.Pl HIT I I I T H K CONDITION (IK X H K The Krlendly Church At ihia tritar of K»i»i" "** '< aek» i "rl If led to tal loans .......................................... f 135.603.12 1 . J 11 Me 2 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured . . . . 228.52 < A T IIol.lt 1 228.52 Kay. Scappe'ite o r « * u n 1«I2* 4 l'. H. Government Securities Owned: Holy masa on Sunday at 1 I 30 a Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8 K <0 Hennn.-i and Ho* Kax I »ally maaa al K o'clock ( atechiani bonds par value) ...................................... 25,000.00 on Wa ha»" lint - , milk fur aule and lilble aludy at 4 lb on l ui-sda) v, b All other I'nite.l States government se­ it Helena l o Operativo «r e a m c h o ir pructlce on 7'ueaday nl*hto curities . . . . ........................................ 23,600 00 •rv A •oncial Ion I « 12 Children a choir and Sixlullty meet T O T A I .............................................................. 48.550.OU In* on hriduy a. 4 2b 9 other Ih.HiI h , StiM ks. Si-i urttlew, etc, 29.288.72 -OK SALE Work horaea, wel*lil N It Mua on 4ih Sunday of th<- « Banking bouse, f9 .M 3 50; furniture and 1 JOo pound* 4 ye.ira old In July month la al V 00 a m Confeaalons fixtures. $7.625.15 ................................ 17,468 «5 ioid cha p if taken al once J are heard on Saturday afternoon and i Real emate owned other than hanking house 6.496 68 Ihkaon Jr Warren lire 1614» eveolii* and tiefore all maas,-a H Imwful reserve with Federal Reserve Hank 10,045.09 I lev ,at loi.a from above schedule or 10 < ash lo vault and amount due from nat­ Ilk ¡»ALE Timothy buy. Amari ip«H-lal a«nrIcea will always be an­ ional h a n k s .............................................. 7.721.89 BO Wunder an.I Hurl,auk seed po nounced In this paper 14 Cherks on hunks located outside of city or Ulne» I J lair . |i. W arren. Ore Non-C'athollca ate always wel town of reporting hank and other Pt.ono 101II j o s K l ' l l H. CLANCY, Ifiif come. Items ......................................................... 4 28 Pastor lb Redemption fund with l" S Treasurer and t)K SAI.!. 1.... 1 ilradi* Jeraey, 6 due from U. S T r e a s u r e r ..................... 1.260.00 HW E lllNII I I T H I.lt \ V ,o»n "Id. milkm* C M Heeler. I •■ ■ ■ i ,.t i ,uam Service» held firat and third Sun T O T A I.................................................................. $2 56. f> 56.95 Ha County Mill I6t2 daya In Adventist church Sunday school «very Sunday at lu 30 a m I.IABII.ITIKH KL DHlhl.I.Nii «lot In your ur laidlos Aid meets every third Thura 17. Capital atoek paid In .................................... ' I 26.000 00 Pr au» ,f you ».ini your well day The public la Invited Itwv J 18. Surplus fund .................................................. 5.0UO 00 trilW this auuniier I haa Hell, K Shipp, Paaior 19 Undivided profits .......................................... f 3,784.20 liti Moure St . I'ortland, Ore*on h Reserved for interest und taxes accrued . . I KKK M K I I l n l H M I «13* c Lena current expenses, interest und taxes Sutiduy Mchool nt 10 o'clock a puid ......................................................... 3.129 02 6 5 5.18 < Revival m*rvin*H continue Rev SAKE SU in-mi »rad e Hol 20. Circulating notes outstanding ..................... 25.000.00 M III k I mm ', puhtor • t ♦ .5 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 318 09 Kolur» tan |„- ar ru li* ed fo r Total uf Items 21. 22. 23, 24 and 2b........... 318 09 * Ir» Hl...... F O O D S C O S T S A R E IiciiiHiiil m-jH'nlts (oilier than hank deposits III'! 9 'f subject to Reserve (deposits payable N O W S T A T IO N A R Y within 30 days i ; K ,A¡ t 1 s • «rod Holstein | 26 Individual deposits subject to check ......... 80,4 25.55 T I ik 41, llulH'Iin uf reri-nt date i 27 - Tsar« old, mie ( hen I nr Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 ■ -I i J glves a compiirallve telile timi show duys„l other l hull for money borrowed, 1.60 ♦ The 28. Slate, county, or other municipal deposits UfMD Wnrnin, ur« pilotiti 1K6 fiK»d costa are nuw mattonar) figure» In thè tahulatlon reprcsent secured by piadge of assets of this hank M lf 20.833.9o lhe fiM»d costa per days for a fan, Total of demand deposits (other than bank lly o f flve (father. mothi-r boy of deposits i subject to Reserve, Items 26 •A1.E Maat.Man pansy plain R E D U C E C H IC K M O R T A L IT Y A N D R A IS E 27. 28. 29. 30 and 31.............................. 101,260 95 c Hr duieu, t ,. rt«v<| lulled, 3 be | 12. girl o f S and child of 2l ha.n-d on thè atnoulit of food requlred l>y Time l»i-|>o»ii« subject lo Hewerve (pay­ ■ Ibis sire fan,lly hh delermlned by Ihe B E T T E R P U L L E T S BY F E E D IN G >» bloom. Mrs able after 30 days, or subject to 30 W u. Holmes. t' S lliin-au of l.ahor atatlsllchma ‘Tan. or« days or more notice, and postal sav. 1614 Sllvertoti bus Ihe low average of Inga; f i 42 alni Portland coinè» ne*t wllh 32 K ERR S C H IC K SCRATCH FEED. Certificates of deposit (other than for mon­ •SAl.L ml*ed hay, haled f i 4.1 w tuie lailirandi- I h t li Ini w llh ey borrowed l .......................................... 2.070.00 _ » b i l »heal straw, wheat und ali average of f 1 4 4 St Heli-na and 3S State, county, or other municipal deposits K E R R S B A B Y C H I C K M A S H (with dried but- r„ * I’ahigr.-i, Hros War '«• "r.T ,,„ ( gM Itaker Ile, thè sverngc belng f i 47 secured by pledge of assets of this hunk 6 . 000.00 termilk.) whlh' Aatorln I h Ihe high pince wllh 34. Other time deposits ...................................... 71,111 ; : < un average of f i fi7 The average of Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, [»rl»'i!'E ' ) " * p ' " r ' » » h O N I l rllli-s quoled I h f i 4«. so St Ilei K E R R S D E V E L O P IN G MASH. 80.122.73 Items 32, 33. 34 and 35.......................... ' I. fine shape; ena I h sllghily under thè average- 29 Hills payuble (including all obligations rep­ •'•on,/ *k*n<* 111 « " " ‘1 condition; ■ ■ ■»■---- ------- resenting money borrowed oilier than K E R R S D E V E L O P I N G S C R A T C H FEED. ( ' A l i l i 4 »1 TIIANKN. «J Z ?, UI" " " 1 j“1«- pi«»i* 19.200 00 rediscounts ............................................ T * rt* « I' Ingham lb W e wlsli to exprens olir sincere Kerr’s Feeds will maintain all of the elements nec­ SAI.K T O T A L .................................................................................... »256.656 96 K,,"r grad« Jersey appreda'lon and hearlfelt tliaiiks lo C(i W u essary to maintain health and vitality and to promote thoae kiiiil frlends und arqualnlances ®* »cun hie prh-e Kher ■man, y U. addreaa. lloulton, who aliled nini coniforted uh durlug ST AT K OF OREGON. County of Multnomah, ss rapid and uniform growth. I. K F Wist. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear ^•lon thè long llltii'H» and death of our he 1 öl f loved olle Sarah tinge Klllson I I" Dial the above statement Is true to the best «>f my knowledge and belief E E. W IST. Cashier Ask us for Bulletin No. I — "Care and Feed of Chicks" 0 urne runa fiorai offerlnga weri lok Attest \ W Ridgeway. J G Watts. S A. Wilson, Directors i-ns of aympathy and reapect. e*i>r-« C o r r e c t FREE! ¡ s « ' ï x < * , s ,r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of March, 1922. slotis whlrh wlll nlways I«' rei, cm M J I .A ID L A W . Notary Public. hi'red ' ..... Mv commission expires February 20, 1924_______________ ._______________ .l AMKs B L L I8 0 N , MltS F R A N K t'LA' III III N K, »»«ríá'uY, ' r"' ’ 1 “ « K'»U use a MRS H A R R Y C O I T I N lfr®‘ um trurl1^ Vour own (tappo»»'' " r' K _____________ l o l l SAI.K ’A M 'S' This new sugar-coated gum deli ght! y o u n g a n d ol d. It “ melts in your m o u th ” and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. There are the other W R S G L E Y friends to choose from, too: ♦ £ i S TA R T R IG H T T H IS Y E A R Aa. ^ /• ^ ^‘»id r charg", Mint. * S ake JftRli p w 1 .at nil. 13 Y r I'rest, cow. for sale Warren. O r » 131 r li-|'th i |lrJ.rüt « r," * 'h fir wood, Houlton Z 1 ■ I le r I on ' ur«l"n. p hon» g | ri6 . 1 1 -«* RfjXlya > » 4„ 0n'n® J®r,**y hull, ser <"•> «'h e. ........... W hile w y PN t„ ' *«paralar FIRE COMES - like a thief in the night Are your buildings and household effects covered by a policy in a good old reliable company? If not see me. Rates are low. M O N U M E N T S ¡ i « . nr, «nie. No ?• Tn ? !" ,r . ......... i st Hel Ha ’. " " f e r I i'hone 15, Kt Ore, ton ■ I It4 ■ H O O S I E R K I T C H E N C A B I N E T with full set of W e have the L I Q U I D L I M E - S U L P H U R Spray. This spray is recommended by County Agent Holi- glass jars, light oak uotsitle. white enamel inside—$42.50 baugh and is the best. W e also have the sprayers. Our stock of seeds is complete. W e have what you vice of the Columbia county agent. Bear in mind that ? r °" îüî .TZ-TT will need and have made our selection upon the ad­ Portland Marble Works ■ — - St. Helens. Oregon all «^ »rlly —^ P. J. KAVANAGH. Agt-nl ( T i l ,,u k T Mr,,w»- * 0" Phone 12KI6. — ___ _ * U lf 1 SAI.K n -------- -------------- «M 7 „ >"*r' "mall horses, «ut» 7 ' • ,l,l. one saddle »irw old . * h - *fn«H,. . 11-«. ... ,wo s,‘ ,* Mouhle •j". ana ''• «’ k bar heavy 1 '•"Hvery wagon * ’ «en Our Specials This Week SPRAY THE FRUIT TREES NOW G E N U IN E A M E R IC A N W ALNUT D IN IN G T A B L E . 45-inch top. 6-foot extension, latest H«-e city Hall 1*1 »KTL.%Nit. OKI*. us o r w rite for prices. II wtll |vay you- package. Any amount— one pound to 100 pounds Frank Wilkins N E U BROS 266 4th SI . Opposite they are much cheaper by the pound than by the style— $43.50 IS td l'Ih lir il I HAA 264 A you make a considerable saving by buying bulk seeds: M , Ä . Masonic Building St. Helens. Oregon Office and Warehouse on Sheldon Dock. Phone 86 Building Supplies- Feed Hay and Grain ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦