PAGE SIX , V vrv V V v v SI MMONS. v o t i c i -' oc i t t i \ i N \(.i hi \ i : i v <. v v s i MMOVi v v Vt Handy Business Birectory In the Circuit Court o f the unite .«t > PKUfKSSIONAL IAKUS MOKI To the owners and all persons In I » r e g o l i for the County o f CollUU- teresteil in the lands corpo-ate aud Ma. Lia other property in and adjacent to Joseph D Sternberg and John It 1)K. J. 11. FLYNN Pccscott Drainage District: Montgomery, Plaintiffs. Pii)-Idilli ami Surge«>n Klamath Falls calling for bills on You and each of you a ie herein atul Residence, Bunk umili 26.6S0 yards paving. notified that the supervisors of Pres­ Mimile M Lee and M K. Lee her Off ICO mg f h O M IO Mvrtle Point— Standard Oil to ABSTRACTS cott Drainage District have filed m hushund, IH-fendanls St Helens, Oregon build distributing station hers. K l.oo Di' the offic e t f the County Clerk of Co l'ii .Minino M Li e aud M O a k l a n d - - P r i l l i n g f o r oil starts. COLL'MUIA lO U M y AUaTLi" lutubia County, Oregon, a petition feudalità a bove nained' Vnlon to lay water mains prior to ^ V .'.b » company ai|ucr praying the county court for periiu- DK. C. E. W A D E In ihe natile of thè State of Oro paving. siou to extend the boundaries of said |g0 n, ,-acli of you are lierel») requlrod ÍT »',,rul 1 , i " ,, 11 i ,.lit'»t pii) >1« um and Hurgoou Koseburg— New concrete block -j week*. ' district so as fo Include the follow ito appetir in Ut*1 a bove eutttled court Pilline 9 9 building started , I • 111 ' 1 lug described tracts of lend: , nd atiswer thè complutut filo I AL) TUMULILI. i iKEs Lancaster to build new two-room Muck te Bldg Si H e le n». O re l All o f file oast half of the east I .,1 gain.-t 'OH ni ihe abovo eutitled sui school building. half o f the northeast quarter o f <« I ,,r | u i r o ilio explratlou of s i ' alto hue State highway commission lets tion 2, T «. N., K 2 W , U M Yll i., oks frolli tho date of thè tirsi puh L)K. JAMES T. MAK 1 IN ' ,,(« m l,r llo llio lu d u a tiy $1 000.000 roaii contracts ........ adlo'g‘ ,rU #U ' .ill ■' that portion o f tile east half o f tin lioaltou » . i li.-- -in . moni. Il you fall •U lu- maliig and repaln io; .i.,,, Corvallis. Monroe and Bellfoun southeast qu: rter of said section 2 lo so appe tì' m>l a- -wcr. thè plalutifl Room 14 Hunk Building alile pile»'» tain telephone lines to be rebuilt. I " 1 " tV »Ulani which lies ca-t o f the Columbia Rive ili appi.' i.» ihc a l m e eutitled com i I’ llt’ll«* U SI Helens hvvliv A „ that p „ rUoll of i,ols Roseburg to vote on bonds for ad tur thè re!,. I pi a.» ed l'or in its coni lloluuM, OruKuu St t inJ ditlons to schools. 4 o f section 1. I laint in ili«' 'bovi ontiiled «un. lo i Steady e" '1 Dallas Machine a. Locomotive Tow nship 6, N R. 2. W „ V M wit: For judgiuoul agallisi each oi barbers »„■die N»r 1 works monthly payroll $5,000. DK. L. J. CAIN which lies between the Columbia oli fot II siiiu of $1500, witli in I Astoria— $203, TOO paid monthly i ^ m mt River lligk w a) and the Astoria and Icri'SI tlicrcou al ili«' t'a'o «>f t» '. L ;J rtllto** H E N N E 1 I S HARUER siloK to men employed in logging camps Rooms 2 and .i Hank Building Columbia River Kailro. d All of Irolli Jul> 1. l i d i , tur tho furtbci ftow loc a l.on On tli I si rand t, Eugene— Field good for sash and Phone 1W said parcels belonging to the Cal suiu of $100 attorticys' fecs. and for | erythiu g uinduin First U aw tw„. ' door factory. Evenings by Appointment ifornia Troja n Powder Co. and con ­ ineir i o .- is aud disbursemciits in thi | Astoria— Pacific Power A Light taining 100 acres. suit incurrcd and tor ilio fiireclosur r . C" * k Co. reduces gas rates 15 per cent 2 The west half of the east halt f ilio mortg.igc \ecuied by you t UR. L. GILBERT RUSS Ml HR H A U HER •SUu|' muln»“1' 11' UPPo- ,1 September 6, J TI»)'viti.tu .nui ' ' * »M i ■ Everniw pini», i 12, 1919, Iff Ice in Hank Hldg Si. Helen» «aiutai > and up to dai. Halli lu J I ■ t »* mg .it page 55!, mu iiectloii C om o ln und »... u. perly mortgage- ■ UR. ALTREU J. REEL Oregon, on and O K. UARHER SHOP— Q JL. Pb)-K la n mul Singe,»«! property situai ‘.I SIi.iliit. K liai cl,»»., w.iin huid a liana Huildlug rtj, in Township oui»,ictiol» | An up u. . „ , uUlu" Si Helen». Oregon e 1, West of the Wd be erected hop 16 I Adam » ' iTuynator. said sectlun 2 wli cli lies cast of 'In n, and partlcularlv Vale cuts school budget 25 per In ilio County Court f o r thè State of Columbia River lliqhway sani par ,1 mortgage, anil fo UILLAKU <\ U1LLAKU cent i Oregon, for the Count) o f C olu m ­ cels belonging lo 1 C. Welter and BLACKSMU H as plaintiffs are en Cascade Locks— "B rid g e of the I.Utel M'*111' Allori».')« bia. contaUiing SO acre-, titled to in equity This summons m Gods to cost $ 150.000. practice any i ourl Siale or I-IK.) j o eiB jsa eqi j o j e n e m e q i uj 3. All of lot 1. soction 35 and Ini served upon you by publication in Hi J L t i m i EM Milton box factory has rec rd of Ei pert bun* |ci!:c Nut'•<•*' l odcral. George HeimuUer, Deceased. 4 o f sed ioli 26. T. « N , R. 2. W W Et. Helen- Misi, a to "» pa per of gsn «hoolug Ina,-kainiti» 1 ,1.1 ;udu»«r> starting 9 years ago ith 7 men and VS agao, iti- Offlc, » ou rl t11.,...», St. Helens, , ,, „ , - w aa Notice is hereby giveu that the un­ M which lies beiwoen thè Coluni irai circulation published and c i m i llago, au to repulís daily capacity o f loOO fruit boxes dersigueai Jobn Hcimuller, a d m in u- Ida River Highway and the A« Orogou. lated in Columbia County, Oregon and expanding until now it employs trator of the estate of t ari George torla and Columbia River Kail by order of Hon Jas \ Kakln I CON TRAC 1 UK ®TeT. mf n anJ !ias capac*tJ ot Heimuller, deceased, has filed his fi- road; also all of the 1 tonal ion Land I Judge »I tin- itane entitled court JUI1N L. EOO TE 1 n. . , ' xea' . . « a . oa a o ual account as such ad min istratot, Claim o f Thomas F. Galloway lying dated and otiti red the 14th day of I Mate Is paying $ ..O 4 .,0 0> a year and lhat datc ot AprU 17> 1922. at south o f the north end o f the Aston., Vi i « * i li«*) -ut - 1 a « L SS BOOTH , ou Ir.olor sud M. u h , 1922. . hielt said order re- as bond interest Li*.'* lUrl*» 2 :0 0 o'clock p. in., has been fixed as and Columbia River Railroad liridg' quires you *» , li » gon Uullib r Plan» and«« f ur, I lei eu.s. ip, ar aud answer the Marshfield-— New cedar sawmill to I the time, and tlie cour. r >oui o f the across Carr slough and between complunit in id l'd St. 1 telón», Oregon id suit on or before be built at Rocky Point. court above eutitled in the Countv the said railroad right-« f-v,ay and the expiration « i s , weeks from the Of 34,000 service men EU WIN RUSS I s ' ' Court House o f Columbia C. utity the Columbia River Highway —said A L B E R T Ht H( HAM I'd, dri». date of the fir t publi. atiou of tli.- 12 000 will take loans. I Pli) -u ».ill and Surg, Oregon, the place for the hearing of parcels belonging to Prescott Devel summons, and provides that this i,.;, d oc k building, b u d ; , work me H ood River— Dee Flat formin g a I 1.14 It. III. I H- II». objections to said final account atid|opment Co. aud containing 50 acres -I'liimoii* bo published in sai l now« general water trout i on tracimi 2.000 acre irrigation district. I H ' l o n « . 1 »r, g o , , :>i Helena, o r e the settlement thereof. 4. All the follow in g bounded an Mu, kb- III ., k paper for six consecutive weeks Estacada to have new $20.000 oil I Dated and first published, March described parcel: l ir«i pubi - ,'d the 17th day of station. ’ Till 1922 I Krad Beginning at the northwest cor March, 1922 UR. S. II. RUSSELL Midland— 12215 beef cattle worth * 0 j ‘ last publication. April DECO RA 1 UK tier o f the east half of th southeas 4 hit <»|>ru4 lt*r Last publish'',I 2Mh day of April $730.000 have been shipped from i y > 2° ToUl ------- quarter of said section 35, T. 7 N 1922. here. ’ M » nil fuiil ' u I • 11 - **l Sir.un Hal lit on.- y « r • LYONS. H I E P A L M E R 1 h« u.d JOHN HEIM CLLEU, R. 2, W. M and running thence PERKINS A t HAILEY, S’. ayton woolen mills enlarging to iilfice and R,'» i ,I, ii , » ltd, » oluuibla Ilei,ubi» l a p e r Han,,,i. I»acorstar I R «:( ni' « ' Administrator. south along the west line of said eas' Attorneys for Plaintiff« employ 100 persons Next lo t lly Hall Si 11» compur»"! SI Heien», Ui oguii l'l..iu 11». L ID O W A Y & JOHNSON, one-half of the southeast quarter of O A d,ire«s 117 Hoard ot, Phone 12' J Hood River apple shipments- total St Helen«. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. raid section 2 70 feet; thence e.isterl' n.g ltuil,ling, I’, inland, Oregon. 2.S03 cars. to the intersection of Devil Canyon ---------------- DAlKiLw) Portland — Four leading indus­ UR. M. 11UWES NOTICE OK FINAL At O i l NT. with the west line of the Astoria m il sou»» »ml VI ».Ml M s I It \ M ill's Sul4< 1 tries are wheat, fruit, stock and In Veter Inailau I »nttiff <*u" In the County Court o f the State o f , 'olun^ ia lUr r K,a ilroa.<1 ri8 l>t-of lumber. t 'Rl HITS »Its. IsNOlafc-òUifc» b . U K i iur Far« way; thence along the railroad righ: png atmoll" CoiiNuUutlon Krv« Oregon, for Columbia County. Bend to get second reservoir and iV Bolo Mi*k t lui.! oui hvi U 1 u In I b i ' ( o l i a i ) < o u r t o f I l o - S i a l o o f o f , the south it tome uf th l'hniio Tabor In the Matter of the Estate o f Anna , of-wav to the north . . line , lay new mains. i uw». v¿uut i) acuvica gjar O r e g o n , f o r tin* t ' , » u n l ) o f t'.«- Writ«» 1 ÿ I K Siark. l'oi tluod. tM Btllinsii» W. L iw to n , Deceased. I east quarter o f said section 3 5 : - »«ito « u ii> ua v y . lioiriu, iJ roi> Iiimbia. 1 urtland d-*' NOTICE is hereby given that the thence to the place o f beginning, sai. 4 140140 m . W E A T H E R REPORT of Jam | ri'ion csmpn. dersieneil as as administrator administrator with writh parcel belonging to \\ L. Grahun In tl„ Matter of the Est» ri-iB M A D r u undersigned, F. U. ELDER Minnie English, Heeeu» d: nrd rsllros, r C J r i iV lJ x K C r i , the will annexed of the estate o f An ­ and containing 3 acres: — Notice j» lereby given thut thè 5. Beginning at the Bout h West lust« bridge I rui lu r of l'Iuiio a u I E L a na W. Lawton, deceased, has filed Maximum temperature 57 degrees hi3 fin ai accoun’t in the County Court <>ornPr of ,he ea« hal,1 ,,f " ,e s" u,h. undersigned . s in et, appointed ad Al Orcadui Hot«?l Moiul.iy lil'Milk), L. m amp- on 31st, minimum 24 degrees j»,» r«»titty atul Urtila Tu) »f Kadi U k ees on l l l h 0 ( the State of Oregon, for Columbia ,ast tj uar! er,. 1 section .!■ luinistratrix »f Hi«* »'state of Juue 4> U 4 A U 1A Ü U I L L 4 Bui» i auUUl Minnie Eng sii, decesseli, by thè and 25th. Mean maximum duebos rep<»r um temper- County, and that Saturday, the lo t h Township .. North Range 2 \\ si U l ’or iufurluatiut) ptioiui 14 i l op i o u i l t o u b U Bailli oui. f irli . : .. : ' 1 cl omi rnnn in tr t Loiwm nni«t l, n Lvri . U m utuul (nr autre 46.7 degrees, mean minimum day of April, 1922. at th e'hou r of 11 M. and running thence north along j above en liti ed Court, and Ima duly I Ubd ,u t UUillntUallGU» alni UWtU§. «udì. All persona huv rvport« c 30.9 dpgrees Meun monthly tern- o ’clock in the forenoon o f said day the west line o f suid east hr If of tin-j southeast quarter of said section against said estate ar*- T. S. W H I TE perature 3^.8 degrees which is 4 5 aI1d the court room o f said court allUM. Wes 1050 feet; thence easterly to the in notified to ID LbU K M i v L i . pr.'Sent Uie sanie prop degrees below normal. Precipitation bas been appointed by said court as t m b r i i i k t i un* 1 I i n o r a l b l u ■ i«»r prating »nd 6.30 inches, which is 1.21 inch above the time and place for the hearing of tersection o f the center line of Devil erly verifi d i h required l»y law I producing u I «»un i) i o r o i i r r o -he under, •glieli. ,t 1125 V.... Pilone 54 Re dden,, phone 113 2 with plan» or, the greatest rainfall objections thereto and the settlement ti-vrio ‘ ’anyon i r\ wi,h wes' ID :ine of I > ,I|H W m. J. b llL ld I Y 1 AC average; : inch; n a L ............ V r» : inches. — .. t, daily . n _ ..... - ,l f Columbia , ,hp l 11 r.1 ; l _. A , toria < and H i v r Railroad 1.05 snow " 7.9 Prevail­ Building, Portland. Oregon, withli. j s i Helena, Oregon g»r* to 4< llv .hereof. ;>i>« « 4 4 A l A*i* L ix months from tin date hereof ing wind N. W.; heavy winds on 17, Dated and first published Marcn rlKht-of-way . t h e n c e southerly «long able ildo be On-Jf«t|| lall«* lll*UI»IIU > « '»IIIR .U I) «aid railroad right-of-way to th» Dated Mar, 24. 1922. 18 and 27. Aurora borealis on i 7> 1922. Mr JOHN L. STURLA «il» 4 oriKîii iUiik , Tui, urc. south line of said section 35; them»’ 24. There were 2 clear. 10 partly i R. L. KENNY' I' tr ' published March 31. 1922 Th« W«d ' Vil«»« u* ) iti’ L t a laist published Aprii 28, 1922 cloudy and 19 cloudy days while pre- 1 Administrator w ith the Will An- to the place o f beginning said parcel •ociatlon rep, Hooin 17 Hunk HultiiniK belonging to Victor Eurer and c o n ­ cipitation fell on 27 days Month nexed. HAROLD i . ENGLISH illMUltt )UU1 plUpBll) Y* nil A KUUi I Kirch U »b<> l4*l«pbun*i St iloUfu a Ur© i*444i) l 11 »41 Ì4I4n I’UiU latín » UV«r • taining 37 acres. was cloudy, rainy and c o ld ; the night j j . VV. DAY, Attorney. Admin ist raí i tbov« both pt 6. All of the northeast quart,! R I SHELL E SEW.ALL. frosts were very severe on. late sown ----- -----------* —C----------- i u$4iiiui4 aliti a itali Uuli ti» lu üri (or the week o f the northwest quarter of said _____ Aj torne) for Administrator » > a < ib iBo iaBi -0 )«* a » luiur wlntei | \(»TK E ok F IN A L ACCOUNT. GLU. II. SHINN by railroad« 1 section 35 which lies east o f the Co­ niant. While stock in general has a l i CO A l l U ' I i u i i U ö 1 .No aiVHÍ«Jü0i get her with \ I lOMK ) -al - I ,44 4% wintered well, there is no grass but *n , *,p * '»unty Court of the State of lumbia River Highway, said pare, I U l« k o li im » iio iu l A » . ' 44, Vieilli! makes the I a big shortage ot' hay. Nothing could . 0 r , ‘* o n ' f,,r *’°lunit>la County. belonging to Clear Creek Logging St. Melun*», OrBgou .»11- , UlT'gUU. I» ké. 144 4 IV . PERRY GRANITE CO be done as yet in spring farm work flatter of the Estate of James Company and containing three acres rood »•Yl 1104» 14», \J U|UU Production 7. All southeast qu ar'eri ow in g to the sogginess of the soil. w - r r ^ i i 3, I,eceased. ... of the __ .......... .. I’.arl Perry, Mgr. JOS. HACKENHEKG, Observer. NO I ICE is hereby given that the ■ o f the southwest quarter o f , 1,1 «<■< I eoiiideratily J. W. DAY i ’LUMUlNG --------------- * ---------------- undersigned, as administrator of the tion 3 5. which lies east of the < . ! and order» t 301-303 Fourth St., Cor. .\ I ( 0 1 11« ) -al - i , a n The to Happiness estate of James P. Wells, deceased, lun.bia River Highway, -aid par,-, I rolnine corup 1 OH l i ai A 4 4 > 4 .N V * aiiU F**lU *« Columbia, Portland. Ore. Hank Hlilg lower price» lleieliH, i»i, Y'ou must keep well if you wisn has filed his final account in the belonging to Jacob R Buck and » «’ d U’ MJ 4»aiO( ( U| 14U U4lUB 4 IU41IÜ- b«eu cutting 1 to be happy. When constipated take ! TT*T1/ , ' , , „ , _ m .)liup i l It U h d i V S d> J i U dB U U àU lt Designers and Manufac­ M racently, one or Chamb-.rlain's < harub riatn - T i a ab b l le.- e.- f“ , . . ... 7. t '■ , l.hat, on e o or r two of y' ? " n.d a ' " 1 Lnl,'ss -vou s|low cau-e t„ t: UR. PAUL LUNG Order« and turers of Monuments immediately after supper. They ¿ h,fP “A V I' ? 22 contrary on or before the first ,1a., I I«ir«»|»B ,n i «» i ami Inm i*| ......... ... tiiaa a year : K L i l A U b / i R 15 cause a gentle movement o f the at the hour o f 10 o ’clock In the for«»- of the May term of the Cotnty t o u r ! l< i. m 11 Mu, * J - Ululili, g noon of said day and the court room to be held on May 3 1922 tl, bowels Y Designs and prices by mail Et. Helen . Or, , Ph >n 22 of said court has been appointed by prayer of said petition may -Si’ ilL U a ».^ Ut*?* à «\ » KAiNi-: (Mil -aid court as the time aud place granted, NOTIC E OF’ F IN A L .1( 0 1 1 NT- t # t $ii«i lu «ai# al ail Boum iJQ llit Tor «'» Frisi» Fir»! eight In the Matter o f the Estate of Anna tate of Emma C. Tarbell, deceassu, ------- -------- * ---------------- A. .1 aloft. Mgr. l ' d u o ,I „n an im e» E»> i ) i ..Uig lut Order» . Lange, Deceased. has filed his final account and re- NOTICE TO CREDITORS, < I lie bulli,' I, UH Mul tili, i l*»p *' HEIM I.». Production LUlHxLS Notice is hereby given that lit»' un port in the County Court o f the Shipment» s Helen», o r o . State of Oregon, lor the County 01 I,,TÎÎÜ..<- ‘ U" '. Ï S,HUi o t t,;, 1,,, . . appoint d Ad For Portland: For Astoria * * A A Jl A 4 E»ery imli Oregon, for Columbia County. minlstrator of the estate ,,1 Ann, 7 ; 30 a. ut 8 . l»(i a in Columbia, and that Saturday th H o l L I o N NEW AND S E ' ON1» abd iteady NOTICE is hereby given that the Lange by the above entitled , , , „ n I 0 : 4 f, a in ■ài Helens Lodg« 19th day of April. 1922, at the hour 10:0 0 a m HAND s i O R E Everything of snj beginning A All per 1 1 :4 0 a . ni. of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day. at undersigned has been appointed ad- and has qualified as such. 11:3b a m ,lieels a, tbs 1 o o value bought. Hold or f«.i»uiig»4 throughout t 1:15pm the court room of said court at m e minlstrator o f the estate of Isaiah sons having claims again ,1 -aid - 2 30 p 01 E budding on Hiv V i i V Phono J, Harry Sibley. 1 i„p. 'In lh« a 1:45 p. rn county court house in St. Helens, in Tucker, deceased, by the County tate are hereby notified to present 5 30 p in u id a ) » of 1112 »how » 5 : 15 p m said county and state, has been ap­ Court o f the State of Oregon, for the same, duly certified, as required * 3« g m 6 :1 5 p m. Hit» period !i pointed by said court as the time Columbia county, and has qualified by law, to Hie undersigned ;ii i i i U E b liU iJ ■ * "• « » *»l< has taken a and place for the hearing o f o b je c ­ All persons having claims against poose. Oregon, within six months of 9 :4 5 p ni said estate are hereby notified to the date hereof, ' n a z i e , n . (J. ll fetnovcii a tions to said final account aud re­ Y\ Hi, Ticket office and waiting ro,,m w • 4MVON l b " ’ LE . ■< retury ru present the same, duly verified as Dated and first published March 3 port anil the settlement thereof. Riverside Confectioner) Shoe Making, Repairing YYuilingtot» by law required, to the undersigned 1922. Until order« Dated aud first published March Pilone 2«H M lapa b I hapter o E S meets In Hldg , St Helen« at Room 1, Columbia County Bank ’ be normal pr GUSTAVE LANGE, 31, 1922. Hall thè Special leaves Portland S alun i«) M. Building. St. Heier.s, Oregon, within » I and fourth there is mil, Administrator Last publication April 28, 1922. tl.IlKIt r B R A I BERG Sin.» »“ J and Sunday al I C imi p. )n six months from the date hereof. JOHN I,. FOOTE, Attorney for Ad Inlte price G. L. TAR B E L L , Hui!i«*HH Maker. j\uy kind "i l ^ ^ 1 * Dated and first published March IE \ W M ministrator. 12t.'> merely meat Administrator. 10, 1922. • i viork don«. r r k «n r«*4 ia<>n»foi* NETTE UI ì o W.N i eiary run. J. W. DAY, Attorney. V \ ork rum ciu m O n« block ***1 w. a M c I n t y r e , About the worst break a man can 1 Ilei *0 a • i Helena d« i"d 1315 Administrator. make is to go broke. ' T ‘d all Lodge No SUMMONS. m > » d fourth Thurs lay of each m In the Circuit Court o f the State o f 1 1 11 '» F hall S i i U E S U I N E l'AKLOK Y laillng luci,,i i « a a ayg w elcoius Oregon, for Columbia County. Iva Smith, Plaintiff, . I, FOR L A D IE S AND GEN HF" »HA HE NEI I , .Secretory I vs. .«hoes , leaned and Dyed. Sb*»e l aces, William G. Smith, Defendant. di,,,» I ’(»listi i ourteuus I rial maul In tlie name o f the 8 tate of Ore­ Avon Led; i» ,,| , 11,1 G ood W o r k Royal Sb o S'ibl». gon you are hereby refuired to a p ­ Pythias linei » every I des.lay even ••"'»111 Building, St. Helens Hk1"1 pear and answer the complrint 'iied hg ln I .,stle Hall, Si Helens \ I» all day. against you in the ab ove entitled ding Knights “ i r a ) » w eie,mie court and cause, on or before the ' HAS ^ 1 >i Ro.YI r 29th day o f April, 1922. and f o r 1 1 AILUK J o h n l . 1 D P I . A , K „ f R want thereof the plaintiff will apply and M of 1- to the court for the relief prayed JACK O 'M A L L E Y , Custom l»»*,w' for in her complaint, to-wit: for Holons Lodgo No 1 2 , Tuts Made to Order, CleaulUg “ uJ a decree o f this Honorable Court dis­ o f the stomach and constipation are •V A M meets 1st PresHlng. solving the bonds of matrimony ex­ ■ml 3rd Itu m d a y in caci. ST. HELENS BEST isting between your self and the the most common diseases o f children. T o TR AN SFE R CUMFANIES bro“ ‘ * « dlally plaintiff and for permission o f Court to hereafter resume her former BUTTER J » M ES A P M ON. VV correct them you will find nothing better than M |K E gt u » name. to-v,*it, Iva La Rone and for T R A N S F E R and STORAGK 4«' Sccreiary 4 home product o f gurran ’ . < d such further relief as to the Court I iiHiam e Hauling an 11) a n u - a or for Hloruge call U. A .SaiH«"r quality, manufacture I by horn»- This summons Is published by o r ­ • es P h one 7 2J, liualneee yhoiO do the work and will make your child bright and in fwi n« ' M S ■ t l i S der o f the Honorable Martin White, folks for* home consur.ij tlr ii | rroin pi aet vice. • Ih'.hM, „ Judge of the County Court of the cheerful the following morning. Do not punish pi •«•*** it always goo»l— and tl.«r< , State of Oregon for Columbia Coun­ B I- I, MONISH. Consul ty, made and entered on this 23rd substitutes for dairy f-.ods li K I .a It A " It K your children by giving them castor oil. Cham ber­ ST H E LE N S T R A N S F E R ' ‘ >7 . i lern day o f March, 1922. I'ransfer, Storage Hauling of •» First publication March 31, 1922. lain’s Tablets are better and more pleasant to take. kind s.,',,.| |(,„ I, I ml WSS« f"»' **'• Last publication May 12 1922, St. ' irci,. I. m . ‘ 11 " " l ' u n HI RNS BROS., Props. Phon« IIV M. J. MacMAHON. : Li. da, V, „ ; " ’ 'j' 1 fourth --------------------- — -------------------- r Attorney for Flaintiff. Il S M. K I K T r o i a W orcester Building, Portland, Ore. local and long distance h»ul,n* VEKA M u r r a y s ' i l I ry1 reason a III* Phone SRJ " r • St Helen« INDUSTRIAL NEWS NOTES OF OREGON In the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for Columbia County. E. E. Brooks, Plaintiff. vs. Margaret T. Brooks. Defendant. To Margaret T. Brooks, the defend ant above named: Ui the name of the State o f Ore­ gon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the ab ove en titled suit on or before the expira tion o f six week from the date of the tirst publication of this summons, which first publication is made aud dated on March 10, 1922. that b e ­ ing the time prescribed by the Court in the order for publication of this I summons; and If you fail so to ap- pear and answer the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the l ourt for the relief demanded in the c o m ­ plaint. to-wit: For a decree of ab­ solute divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existiug between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by o r ­ der of the Honorable Martin White. Judge of tile County Court o f the j 1 ■ I IIfY 'ltlanietle ' Ivci t » l jrl Igniti“ »«'* ' I Ig n .a i J T id i E m i i g G re p g i' c. MO BOS LiNtS ce iiid re n 's Ailments D ISO RD ERS hamberlain’s Tablets Helens Co-Opera­ tive Creamery Assn.