1 .■tijjf w í- T H E ST. H E L E N S M IS .T F R I D A Y . M A R C H PAGE T W E L V E For nice fresh Home-made Candy I sed he gets inside dope from it sum come to our candy kltoheu. Candles I times wtch he get* a good kick out , manufactured fresh every day. Ice of cream and fancy drinks at our soda Jim dash M IST M IS T IN G S fountain St Helens Candy Kitcti- Mister Roy Gill is goin to Port " en. Hewitt Building. In quarters land to see Mary Gardei. Mrs Gill formerly occupied by St Helens she is goin also. * * * * * * • • • * * • Jim dash Misa Helen Dodd was a Portland Chamber of Commerce.— Adv. Ruby Mays wui home frum school Shopper Friday. The seventeenth of March being J. W. Akin was a business visitor the tenth anniversary of the C-tup for Sundy dinner an's gone buck to Fire organization, the Navrakahmoku finish up In Oregon City Thursday. George Perry and Mrs Dale Perry Camp Flro entertained the Bluebirds at a party Friday afternoon in the motored to Portland Tuesday. high sc hoi 1 auditorium An appro­ AMONG THE CHURCHES Mrs Jacob George and E. A Rot- priate program was giveu, games ger motored to Portland Tuesday. vere played and refreshments were Fritz Anliker. the road supervisor served. SWEDISH I I T I I K K W of the Goble district was in St. Hel­ Eber Brown, who has been em­ Services held first and third Sun ens Monday. ployed by the Milton Creek Logging Andrew Bl. ir. cf Seattle, was the company as engineer on one of their days in Adventist church Sunday guest of his sister. Miss Elvira Blair logging trains, has resigned that po- school every Sunday at 10:30 s m last Sunday. I nltion and now handles the loco Ladies' Aid meet* every third Thurs Roy Miller, the genial clerk a 1 motive operated by the St. Helens day. The public is invited. Rev J Eber E Shipp. Pastor Williams' store, spent Saturday and Dock A- Terminal company. . lias been running locomotives for the Sunday in Portland. SEVENTH DAY VDVKNT1ST Mrs. W. A. Ketel. Rachael Ke'el past ten years and is regarded as one Sabbath school every Sabbath and Janus Ketel visited relatives in of •>*'*' engineers in this part of (Saturday^ at 10 a in., preaching Rainier the week end. l h® country. service or Missionary meeting at The Guild of the Episcopal church 10:20 a. m. Lectures each Sunday T ifo I A I E TO CLASSIFY met Tuesday afternoon at the home j .livening at 7:30. Subject next Sun of Mrs. James L. Martin. evening, "International Perplex FOR SALE — Four grade Jersev The Junior class of St. Holens high cows, reasonable price. Eber Ity. Whi't Does II Mean?" You are held a "hot dog" sa!o in the halls Brown, 1’ . O. address. Houlton, Invited. Max Grimm, Local Elder. of the school Thursday noon. Oregon. 16tf CATHOIJO Fred Eiler of Portland is spend- [ ” _____________ | Holy mats on Sunday at 11 10 ing the week in St. Helens as the Dally matt at I o'clock Cataehiam guest of Mr. and Mrs. Von A. Gray. tad Bible atudv at 4 It 00 Tuesday* H. R. Hudson, manager of the Choir practice oa Tuesday sight» Columbia County Lumber company, Children a choir and Sodality meet made a business trip to Westport log on Trldey at 4:15 Tuesday. : O u r Boy R eporter , N. B.— Mat» oa 4th Sunday of the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gill and daugh­ month Is at 1:00 a m Contention» ter. Mary Ellen, spent the week end are beard on Saturday afternoon and in Portland and were guests of Mr Fare an warmer an Mister Tom evening and before ell masses and Mrs. John Strange. Muckle what razed the dickens cause Deviations from above schedule or Miss Marie Flynn, who attends he didn't- get our paper on time special services win always be an the Oregon Agricultural college at : "hats livin n Tennessee Is home nick aounced In this paper Corvallis, was here this week for a an wished he cood cum back here Non-Catholics aie alwaxe wel short visit with her father, Dr. J. H. I an his fambly also. Tennessee is toms JOSEPH P CLANCT, i ware the moon shlr.es brighter than Flynn. Pastor ennywares sept Kentucky wich Its Mrs. S. E. Lynch returned front jess the same as Tennessee. California Friday and was accom­ jim dasn panied by her daughter, Mrs. Harry Mister Sherman Miles is back from Wilson who will visit here for sev­ I down to San Dago wich is jess across eral weeks. _. . . . . ,, , i'he street fr>.m Mexico an Mister Mc- Tl.e athletic council of the St. Hel- | c ortnick all Mrs. McCormick also an ens high school entertained the Girls' they stopped a long the rode an seen Glee club of Pacific university • t an Louis Roc&aco an Ills wife also. They informal dance In the city hall Wed­ talked for a long time cn then they P r o g r a m fo r th e \\**«*L IG g in iiin # nesday night. went on an seen the s‘ 'es. Suiuh»>, Marvti -<» with Suiitla) Mrs. W. C. Morley and daughter. jim Cash Matinm Elsie are home from Corvallis where The cheef got down early this the latter is attending the O. A. (.'. mornin. Mister Keating what sets 81NDAY O NLY— They expect to return to the college the tlpes he told mo to rite that M A R G U E R IT E C L A R K city next week. cause he sed it wood be news, — IN — jim dash The stork made a visit to the home Walter Hadfield lie's a trafflck of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Meyers, Sat­ "S C R A M B L E D W IV E S ” urday and presented them with i cop also now like his brothor wtch It's laughing time again! Miss baby girl, a welcome addition to is Mister Hadfield also what pinches , Clark is bars to the screen. After you if you step on it. Mister Duke [ their family circle. a year's absence she is here once Mr. and Mrs. Albert Held and son. Wellington wich is the siiariff he > more with all her sparkle, her Joy, made the change. Mister Abbott he I Fritz, who live in the Shiloh Basin all her scintillating vivacity, skip district, were in St. Heleus Thurs­ quit cause Mister Wellington wood- ping from laugh to laugh, happy n’t so thats how It cum. day and visited at the home of Mr. trial to hilarious tribulation, In Jim dash and Mrs. J. L. Chittem. ,, . .. .. . , Mister Will Brown's got three doz- "Scrambled Wives,' the biggest hu Mr. and Mrs. \\ llliam Muckle. | en hens an roosters from Chinese mor-hit in years. Mrs. C. H. Johns. James Muckle, fezzunts wich he let loose In the i BN’ I 'l l • o l . H I I D C OMEDY Edgar Muckle, former residents of woods an you dassunt shoot them till ! "allie Review St. Helens but now residing in Port­ Its time. j land, were visitors here Wednesday. jim dash Suniltt) Matinee li till <1. B.V; f i s . Taking advantage of the Easter Mister Lew Cates what runs the ning«. 30c; Children lite Always. holidays Max Wilson, who is attend­ Liberty movie Is got all the wolfs ing the O. A. C. at Corvallis is home run a way an now he aint so blzzy M ONDAY O N L Y — for a few days' visit with his par­ so he cood let you in for 30 sents “ The Merchant of Venice” ♦ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. sted of 3 5 sents. Cum wun an cum ( Ity School) P A. Dixon transacted business in all an get In for 30 sents. Also Holman Day Two-reeler an.l Jim dash Portland Wednesday. He U planning 1 Aesop Fable. Gladys Lake Is back agen, to leave for the Xehalem country jim dash in the near future to resume his j T I ESDAY-WEDNESDAY— work as fire warden in that section | An Barbara Jordan also. Jim dash of the county. M A R IO N D A V IE S Barbed wire and nails have de-! Mister Hon. Norman Merrill up to — IN— Clatskanie wus in an lie t o d the dined again, nails are now $4.65 cheef he's bln reedin the Mist for 30 “ B U R I E D TREASURE” per hundred, base, and light weight , barbed wire »3.50 per 80 rod spool; | yeers an he sed lie dont never miss Captive on an old-time pirate ship heavy weight $4.75 per 80 rod spool. ; reedin 1117 news 1st of all cause he where mutinous cut-throats hr: wle,i St. Helens Hardware Co. and battled for loot. A romance of golden adventure, built of a thou­ James Drew, who is attending the 1 sand thrills. Facific university, is home for the Easter vacation. James is a St. Hel­ COMEDY : "Migli Tide.' eus high graduate and his many l'allie R e v ie w friends will be glad to learn that he Is making an enviable record at Pa­ (Sunday Matine*«) T i l l K SR A Y-I RIDA Y — cific. • «M U * • * * • m UU« ► ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ’♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i * * Ready With Complete New Stocks and Special Price ! Advantages (or the ' ’ V ’ G For Men, Women Spring Showing • V \ ; and Children 5 y / E A R and Sale The most particular people wear Munsing tin- , ,, «3 ¡I r , \ -i . i most economical. V I l ’in p lc w h o buy J Liberty Sunday Only • r e tili result to OCC assist char? DEI F( § Mr: « preslc F Sunds I ceivec I ker, for • count the Ir i rentic •as Cl ! Is ent plann Port It la I ra proml pan y. Friends will sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Baker in the lose of their infr.nt son. Tile baby, which was about three weeks old, died Tuesday and was buried In the I. O. O. F. cemetery near Warren Thurs­ day morning. C. D. White who formerly resided here but now engaged In the general merchandise business in Vernonia, spent a few days this week with his brother. T. 3. White. The Nehalem valley metropolis continues to grow Mr. White said. M. Doran, who has been a resi­ dent of the Clatskanie section for the past nineteen years, was In St. Hel­ ens Monday looking after tax meas­ ures He was a caller at The Mist office and has his name enrolled on the Mist's subscription list. the ai H. E Graham, driver of the Ore gonian truck is scheduled to appear before Justice Philip this morning to answer to the charge of driving the truck at 35 miles per hour. The ar rest was made by the Hadfield broth­ ers. speed cops for this county, and a man from the state department. S'a of Dl 54. C ichoo; 111 7:: Tht ind a Cal Howard came over from Va- der, Washington, where he is en­ gaged In the lumber business to spendthe week end with home folks who are now living in West St Hel­ ens. He will be through with his con­ tract about July first, he said, and plans to return to Columbia coun ty. Franti Watt» count; trip s a p p o ii lumlil to h" 4tt Cl Fothi srlal r it/ 5tt»t 1ÍS S¿ 1 1 « I l BRYANT WASHBURN The debating club of St. Helens high will present the second of n series of three programs at tho high school auditorium tonight. The pro­ gram promises to be a good one and much interest Is being taken In the contest. Tracy Howe has received a letter | from his father, H A Howe, stating that he and Mrs. Howe had visited Tijuana. Mexico, and took In the . race». They also visited the Imper ial Valley, but It was too hot for them there and had returned to Los Angeles. They expect to start for 8t. Helens about April 1st and make the trip by auto, Mr. Howe having - purchased a machine to tour the I California country. They report j having met W. A. Harris and Ed Laws who are sojourning near Los 1 Angeles. — IN — “A F U L L H O U S E ” A rlp-roarous tale of u "queen" and a "knave” who spoiled a royal flush. J “SCRAMBLED W IVES” THE BIG COMEDY HIT Sparkling, Scintillating 82 Minutes of Laughter Joyous NO AI.L-STAR CAST ADVANCE IN PRICKS Matinee ¡¿.V Children Ihe S A T IR D A Y O N L Y — W IL L IA M FARNUM le « The 0)09(111 u s iW - I In ') buy U |««ri h iiln r- d«uri 1! led fr. cordit A I count’ll The ml road .11 I, on iM'cn'.loti» m u II « » t ill« , w in 'll I h e ) ra n i*r. II I ,)!- v | n - i « 11» lo g * ial in. re garment«. lin e * ! l>) l,u n l i » » l n g tw o <>r It 1« tin *........«nierailulls that ltd * «Mxaalnn port am <* f e r til an d tin - w h o ap p ro , l a i r a g o o d » » ( i ll a m e a n in g »»»» - lier w e a r h i» )!n g i.p|M >rtu iill). Dr m«.le » gppolllt board 1 cept It r»l»r> E a N 'S t N IO N M il'S »I |{*‘KuU r h I zi ' h . ench $1 HO or 2 for *17$ Extra fUZ«'*, i•ach $1 26 or 2 f..t Medium we'gl.t $a.aa- cottoti union hui I h in ull Btylos White * NOM I N H WOMEN s I NION' SI FI’S $1 AO Regular size*, each $1 50 or 2 for $'g.7A. Extra »■re« each 11.7$ Of 2 for $3.1$. Light weight rot- ton union suit s in low neck sleeveless stylo tight and loose knee. Flesh an.l w hite. NOMI V S I NION si I IS $1.211 ir h I zkh , une h $1 25 Extra or 2 for S 'J ¿N for fltZ**«. 1 i*a«ti $1 50 ur 7.Y M<'illuni weight Cot toll union «ut!« in good «ty I**» Ml VS I NIoN E \( II Adc Special 2 for Mr, Medium weight cot­ ton wai-tt* with h«*e «upper • r attachment Taped buttens. *11 »ties. I for * « 7A. Light weight cot'on ribbed union suits in spring and «iimnier styles All » I.* s l IIS g g no \ Í .IÏU. WOMEN'S I NIoN HI I IS *g Regular sizes earh |2 or 2 for $:l A4I Kzlra sue*, earh $2 25 or 2 for «loo. Medium light weight li»|* union suits In Spring cud Hummer style« In whit* only. \ I s IS, I ti II MA. Si...ial, 2 for «M An. Ihe 11 "0 v.-da special . t • *1 7 a Medium weight ration venia. Pink a'i.1 white 1 llll.OKI VS I NIoN s i l l s SI.on 1 i for 91 ra ../■>« 4 i • , id t 1 2$ of 2 for N i i 3 *< * I and It each $1 50 or 2 for * and girl* While and .ream C H I L D R E N 'S W YIHTS Ml V s I NIoN HI IIS« I2.INI 2 for gd.T.V Medium Ughi weight cotton union siili* In ecru col- or Spring Style* In all sizes MEN'S I NI o N SI ITS f-J.AO 2 for HI 7A Light weight combed cotton union milts In blenched color Good «prlni and summer style« All Size« ST. HELENS, OREGON A U S T I N ST. HELENS, OREGON S A N N OU NC EM E N T FIRST SHOWING OF SPRING Millinery r A I U R E ’S mirror furnished the reflections which w ere captioned creators who made by the the «r - J X fashion beautiful orer un'l hetlih ut premnc, Mured by Flynn hert for .1 orer until he be non pllcai;»o , J Mov'd In tid ihm John Otnm of lot 4 . •landing ., thii lea«., u y time .1 dwlre 11, 1 other »Inn ®*f do HO boom or o' Hntrnnce , Carried •econd.'.l h; lo John 01 kcrepiod Mured I b> Mr Don nl •tracted to teem nnd 1 dirt >n ir.. buddm* to The foil , nu motion i* d»fed paid .> Ing tlrnma r»f a fu gitive from p u tire, with a powerful A wonilHi A wonilerful romance— rem arkable sr.nery. A pin un- jo u li not ».Km forget. muumt itary cund A • Thrilling moments on a sinking 1 :p and on a desert island. An ab­ sorbing detective story. it. r*«t. p»ty tie IMder.'.l of the i lh* rec. cen»e« Appl l< prenib « « “T H E S C U T T L E R S ” LIBERTY, SATURDAY, March 25 mil».- to A \\ — IN — •See llearixk & Itlaekhum In IS min­ ute« of vaudeville Haluroay Night, Mnrrh 2$. ■ poke ll of Ih" block I gUi'Hleil unie rl Kepm Ihe he.' bp Flyn form» f> Move. OVonnu corder I Connor 1 COM EDY: “ Little, Rut O M y!” Æ AARCtjEBITE CLARK raanaPtoK » Vhnmywt L2Zi M ii n « l n g » t 'i i r lu i) w e ir In n g iv e n p e rio d G E O R G E LIBERTY THEATRE 11 « v prefer MunaingwMU for ns nt8 uniformly tint- qn.ility. for Us excellent w o r k ­ manship. for its perfect tit. Because of these, because of its properties of washability and dur­ ability and other excellences. Munsingweor is M c C o r m i c k BLDG. MILADY’S SHOP + f ST. H E L E N S OREGON M M « # # » * * * CAMP KIR mav