St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, March 03, 1922, Image 1

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O'H j nin. i, -i ............. .
OreKonlail fur Hill pa*t rive month* l*la
‘ liinlut Ion Ñu i .per Noeiiil und Kinun-
lut Klv .111 up Hit' uKmcy und it him
lui Hineess I Ire in Guru««' Hum.
been taken over hy Cheater Wood
" « e s Volo Hua— Ollier 'Item s of
hr |,mli li 'I rm k H"iiml fur I ' o r i • who promisi.» to «ive the » tine good
liui. NIncty I in«-» uf Whl»ke> service Dial John Kiive to the malty
Is.enI unii l ’i'i'soiiul Interi st.
Oregonian »uhserther» In Hi Helena
luiM-r l im ii (kiUll iiml Given
The i’ luutaUon supper «Iven hy the
No t 'unni II NIis*(in«.— ( in uccnunt
- Hu) .lull N m l r » » .
.»f t lie una volila lile aii»ence of f o u n * ¡young m en ’s division o f the Hui.da;/
I I’ni:« I. In Jull iiml Ihn 90 i limen
O'Connor, school was very pleasing ’1 he young
I (if hicli (radii whiskey which In Hiere wits no quorum presenI al the men rendered excellent service. The
ikniK <« thirsty I’orilan der* are council chamber Monday night, so no I ^ S
contribuì ions, g 1 fl7.
out; v nil ul (Ini couti hmiHii tiK'i’ tliig whm held. 'I h« m*xt regular 1
moot lug will I» h on Monday niKhr t
j,, ii . i ki ' of Sh eriff W t)lllu(tra
i n k vi lili li It« ami drlvliiK ami mi,I there are several important o r - 1 i " " “ * ' ’
wa* U»»d«d down with tin1 dln to he acted upon.
iU' “
a '
r he Lad let Aid will hold a m u i
a ih .ilno In i ho custody uf ili>.
cal tea In the church, Thursday,
Stork lirlntP. Itoj.— The stork wu» | March tftli from 2 to 6
A program
mum arrest ud Saturday n l(lit
a visit, ir on Noli Hill Tuesday eve tle.s been nr ranged and a very suh
11 o 'clo c k hy T r a ffic O fflcor ultiK and iiuii ui tin home o f .Mr stnntiul lunch planned.
Everyone I
rho ufficor cl.'iliim lliul Me. Ii i; ll ker Ion« enough to j n vlled to attend and en joy a social
•andiiiH mi Ki lly's c orn er In
t w i t h a fine huhy ho> afternoon
St Helena wlion III" 1 111 ii ■ > r whlrh the Maker family promised
Contractor» have «tarted the ditch
iruck pusHi'd III" Hlruot Inter
h* y would take K<»od car»? of I hc J for the city water work»
A force
in slid Hint iho driv er
was mother und hois were wttiiiK along of twenty 1 a employed and the work
ftlllllK Ul I ►pt'Oll 111 I'li’.'l
nicely, mo the happy father hh UJ late
progrcLiHiiig rapidly.
mile« per hour'' law, anil thl
I'hitrudny evening.
Karl IMersoit had quite nil . xper
I I «
nit caused him lu c I iumo the
i i**nce Monday morn tig when h.
1 h" furl Is, however, that
Missionary K'M'b'I) ileets. ---- Th*‘ .[ ened the garage doors pre; rutory
i lil Imtl reeelved a tip to lin k Wom en s Foreign Miusinary Hoi'lety
taking out the bus.
v i |li|Uur Iml' i tr u ck ; lie did of the M K church will meet at the
| I'he whole place v.'.'S dense with
.Hid caught it.
l i e overtook home of Mr' I, W. itoss on Tltitrs
¡moke and soot a id intent«.' heat I'u
)r jck ut u place on the hl(l.
day. Marcii 9th. it t w o o'cloc k
The • hie to the bus out K r| w . i
ilte Mi llrtde sch ool ami 'SHlstUilt h o .S lH H s e s Will I.", Mrs John
to the rear, broke through a win
i. driver hack the truck to tin riiliip and Mrs Mathilde Hallberg dow gaining entrance. Fire wa Ion and then com e Mrs l.xtui Harriott will pro ent l,<*-
j leaping through the floor o f the car
Kherilf Wellington 1 ..on III in "Ah.*. d ia ry ' All member»
. en able to see anything yet Earl nian-
I I mid took 9t) ease», 1080 I .ltd fríen. 1 » »re cordially invited to
ig. d to find the fire extlngulH.ter
.f hltth g r i d e whiskey from I A t t e n d .
land succeeded In pullin g out th
• • •
Tui k uiid put the driver in jail !
1 flames.
Hu wag burned about the
rhi key uus lu saeks and eucli
Its. In-sh r«' M ir ila « .— A me. ting free and hands und while painful
Oliiulned 12 hot l lea and Were o f Columbia county txinkeepers will tit" hurts are not »«rlou*. The bu
..| tor luaiancn, O. T.
l e held In the «ymt.HHluin of the high ; waa taken to I’ ortland for repairs
le suck contain ed <M«1 la v
school at (Tutaknnle, on Saturday, The da mage Is supposed to have
11 I oih I fur lluly und llul;
March II. commencing at 1:00 p m item caused hy electric current. Th'-.
I fin (Jordou Win. and J H for All are cordially Invited to utten»l I heat was nj intonce It damaged the
.nd bring uny fríen.I h who may he varnish and nickel on Earl'.', car In
refused to tell the offic ers interested
Mr Hcullen o f the o A the oth er end of l i e garage. The bu»
In .m ured I lie lliiuor hut ad
and other Interesting speakers will will he ready for service hy Hie la»t
lu. whs on hla way to I’ ort
ne present and u dd'ess the meeting o f the week.
Muny of the sack» Imre a on timely subjects
Mrs. I> W Price and Hoy Price
vet h i
murk, uml II 1» U m
* »
returned from California by rail.
MtIon of the offtc ora that the
W om an 's t ful» Notice. The club Lloyd and Watts will return later in
•line front ilrltlah Colum bia members attention Is lulled to the the car.
Mr». Price stopped over In
in' i lie >. i. ks were marked us . hNitge of date und place o f the next I Eugene to see Vera at the I itivur
ere to expedlto delivery to meeting The club will meet at Ih«- s.ty o f Oregon und arrived home on
nr» who wished their favorlt. home o f Mrs Albert Uurcham on Monday eveiiing.
I In cum
Minnie Heimuller after spending
Mari r. 1 ill. ul 2 .1" u'clu. k
)rc Judge I’ hlllp l ‘uge plead M I. T Hidden o f Portland will ad- many w eek» in Tacoma with rela-
violation o f the prohl id ress 'lie eluh at this time
The all- ttves, returned home Sunday eve-
I law xiid was lined $6l)U and in ual silver tea benefit for the II- Bing.
day Jail »entonce
He paid I hrary will tie held In the M. E
Mr und Mrs John Anderson him
c and I» now In Jail
A war church parlors on March 17th.
children came up from Kerry on
Ja» Issued hy Ht«' U. H marshal
The baby Is HI and Mrs
• • •
• it to Sheriff W ellin gton to
New Hairy i.taii Arrlv«-».
Kliow- Anderson will »lay several weeks.
"it P a g e so It I» prob alile that
There nre many case» o f grippe In
c a l authorltlos will look In | lug ihat the business o f the Iggleslde the vicinity.
.Mrs. Watts, Mrs. L
■u e >fter the limn ban finish
(j. Smith. Mrs Heimuller nre nil very
lull i • ntencc *»re
On account o f s o
jdttlonal help, the stork called at the much Improved
aptured liquor has a value of
i dairy farm Wednesday night and pre much slrknuiui all basket bull en ­
• ."!»o to 1 10.tint) according to
1 settled Mr and Mrs W. L Horrle gagement» for the present are called
» irli are charged In Port
with u fltie seven pound boy to fill o f f
t high grade whiskey, so It
Mrs. Scott has purchased the tw..
the position us manager Mother and
son are doing nicely hut the father lots containing a new barn o f her
I ha» not yet returned to normal so brother. John Watson. Thl* Joins the
the Indulgence o f Ills many put runs V'ant "leave
\ will be extended until he has recov- Scott formerly ow ned and resided
The plan is to m ove the barn to the
middle of the lots and remodel into
• • •
I N*vv ..y Harrison. Ilmisll.-t.
Iiew- u 7 room house
Miss Annu Hunge, duughtpr o f Mr
ley Harrison am! Ethel Smith, both
\ i.d Players llr.-aily H I * . u s m I i i «
und Mrs Husl.iv Lange, died a' th.
« IT
,’f Bt
i their
. . . . . . . . .
:p* . ts f » r Ttm n This V«*ar— here hy journeylng to Portland and home o f her stster Mrs A II
heilig United In nm Hage
T h - c e r l ln Portland .... Wedneaday. I ebruary
rsi Members o f laast V e ar’» mony oc. urre.i M on .u y und 22
Pneumonlu was the cause of her
the coupb* have
» p e n d l n * . * d ~ t h and »h« * a , I ‘ ^
ii lUsuly to R e p o r t.
honeym oon In the m etropolis
They *e«,k
M 'ss L.inge was t a r » N »«
".h e r 17, l h » l In the sc
X'iigli the hase hall »eason I» a r e expected to return to St. Helens « Hou
and grew to young wom anhood
T h « Krooni i»
jour or five w eek» distant, the today or tom orrow .
and was educated in Scappoose.
. .
. For
T l lu St Helens bave
eery and u son o f A S llarr,son of 'h e past several years she ha» be« ;.
‘ "t o f t lie warmth o f the
residing In Portland and making her
i.l. b'ague" and are heglnnlng South Bend. Washington, and the home with her sister.
The funeral
tue prospects for the team I,ride ie the .lauguter of Mrs. Emma wns held Saturday and the interment
prt .. ni st Hgiraa tb l
:- r 1 H n r r l » n
wus In the Scappoose cemetery.
Surh dy« d lu the wool fans
* *
number of friendr gathered to pay
Large. Ilarry Hennutt. Jack
Engagetncttl Announcerl. -O f In
their last »ad resp<*cts and the many
*) and Edison I llallagh ui i ter. si lo th«*tr niany here ts floral offerin g s indicated the grief
........••■,..,.>■,. 1 , 1 . i , f . I,»• e n c u i ! ' l l ' . ' l l t
the entire line up o f Itappy evetlt will bo In June
Slough, Mrs. Rudolph Tetz, Mrs Roy
r will report this year so Ij.tlrk Is.llte re. or.llng . lerk in the Vant leave, Miss Elsie Lango and
McDonald, t’al- offlr.v o f the «Jounty clerk and a Ml»e Alm a Lange, all o f Scappoose
1 "tttior. Conyera, Atkinson, pari of her offic la l dutles Is to reg- The sympathy o f the entire Heap
I ter th« marrlage lirenses so It
*. McKle can he dopended up
poose com m unity und o f the many
I it" doubt the one and only ntlght fall to her lot to reglstor a friends throughout the county I* ex­
I will he w e n In a St IIrensr ln w hielt »l.e will be mueb ln- tend thl to the bereaved parents, the
uniform. The "Rtili«'' d"-
brothers nnd sisters.
"tat 1.« is In g ood condition
"tilh wing ha* lost none of
"gilt or his head any o f its K onopka was the first farmer In thl* SH O R T LO CAL ITEMS
Huhe hud it in mind to ■entIon to buy a Kordaou tractor at
" the IteavHr aggrogatlon the new reduced price lie will use It
In cultivating the old r.ip lcs farm
Mrs II. R. Hudson and daughter,
"P 'h eir pitching staff
f just about ready to g o to which he has recently rented He In­ Nancy were Portland shopper* W e d ­
d to give Prexy Klepp«*r the
• ti.ty I., o f f e r hint a contract tractor an.l It will he a horseless
.Mrs J L. Storla entertained the
Arch Duncan o f the
H..t Individual left for San farm he ss a led
delivered the] indies o f the Plymouth Auxiliary at
and Rube being extremely j o f , h *
»•“ » O e o n « ! « nil day ansalo,, on Wednesday.
p " l . his logging operations. tractor .
The Fteldhoua* coni- | Mlsit n „ ih Perry, v ito Is teichin g
I take the tlinn to cull on the has It at work
boss when he r«>turned to p;.nv also report the follow in g »ales )n tho Astoria nubili schools, spent
A louring car to Matt
,q,d with her purouts. Mr
d. so It Is almost sure that of Kord cars
porlsbler will be soi'it on the McKle of St Helen*, a roadster t e i lin(1 Mr* G eorge Perry.
Hollingsworth left for his
Htie for St. Helens, a fact I.ouls Koteck of Scappoose and « ; ,, j
¡tM'i's much Intereat Hie roadster to V W «'l»rk or l.out home In Orande R on d e Monday
or morning, having almost recovered
. have luvoked .. several
Joe Antone, the dim inutive ton. —
front his recent lllnoNs.
He expect»
^wllli the slow deceptiv e curve der« for later delivery Mr
to resume his duties as school teach­
as lie will turn out regularly stall'd
• • •
er next week
a on and Itelghton, a newcorn
Hacreil t'o n .r r l l,l«,as«'*.
'” ' " “lens is a left-hand pltcli-
Mr and Mrs. O II. Setters o f As­
conslderahle experience. II«1 Catherine Covarli Frederick
toria were In St. Helens Wedn esday
.....pnny o f twenty sololsts and n< ■ j 0|. n
Mr Setters is can
given a try ou t nnd If he . com
f or circuit Judge for thls dis
goo.| will round out n g ood Istcrs, dellglited a large audience al
held at the t n t ho trlct, opposing Judge
There are several s m e t....... .
Eakin the
A v and
io t"’1' * ' " ' incumbent
A'wcomers, field er» and In Ile church Sunday afternoon
!. w,|o will turn out to prnc tin
by —•
There will ne
be a i meeting o f the
HU solo
»>■." ../•
i , h»rifie O i l -
'here seems to die plenty o f a ’e c llo solo hy Ml
w .<|| ! Parent-Teacher»' at t he school audl-
‘ I available
ernoon. March 7
vln were two
* ,7
” MUer torlun. Tue day afte.
, ls'
... 3 :3 0 o'clock
------ *- . An interesting pro­
Arnerlran l e g i o n . It 1 » lin­ rendered and appreciated
’d. may be sponsor» for the ere.” hy the chorus and
gram has been arranged and parents
Itid Inasmuch as many o f ‘ he r h r ls t o f o r o . tenor solotst. was > ^c P
rged to be present nt the meet-
Madame 1 rederl k r
Vs are American Legion men, tlonallv ...... I
» a „ a r.m.DlcUoU*
In several o f . m *
in. would go under that name. . h
ooraplcuoua part
and Mrs J O. Nanman were
’ Her will he settled In the the selections and her rich.
'rt,..r..l .v
w hile
»"•re and a manager selected v o|. ,. delighted the audience
Each 1
Mr n , , man s '
vtr. Nattmnn
mailman se
m Unit I , « W , l n n wa»
was« well rendered and I If f , In the metropolis Mr.
■vc a hase hall team this sen „ 1 rr . Vineer» 1 « .'n eome to St Helens j lected a number o f the latest popular
8" « |ln,.T
thev « w'll
to have
a large and , songs . for . . Hie
show o f the Chant
d prospect* are that It will h 8«
. . . he'»tire
. . . next
they w'll
e sur. to na
whlrh will be held at
°M .
approclatlve audience.
»r» i» l"*tr«l*
It. N. I/O v e la re
A g a in
» m l H ay T u r lx 'll,
H e a d s lb , a l - 1
Nc«'r«*Utr> — T I.“
IT» niiutu la st Ib vise.l— L u tes fo r
T h is l e u r N ept«'inls r ID, at) iui.1 V2I
The t'olumhiu < ou n iy Fair hoard
met at the o lf lc o of J. Li. W llk eison
county school superintendent, Wed-
nestl'.y morning. Tho full hoard wus
President it. N. Lovelace
The first niutier was the
lection of o ffic e rs for the ensuing
It. N. Lovelace was re-elected
president and Hay Tar bell was elect-
'■•d secretary-treuaurer, to succeed J.
H. Wiikerson, w ho voluntarily r e ­
Several hours In the afternoon
were put in In revising the p r e m ­
made In the clasulflcatlon, but the
premiums will am ount to fully ae
much as lust year.
( ounty Agen t Hollhaugh met with
the board and gave them many uae-
ul suggest ions.
A m ong th.-m wa»
be adding o f a grange and co m m u n ­
ity exhibit. T be board adopted ibis
uggestion and made provisions for
ev.-ral premium*.
September lk . 20 und 21 are the
fair dates.
The date was moved
■ihead one day In order that the ex ­
hibits could be gathered together and
taken to the state fair at Salem.
Last year the exhibits were hur­
riedly thrown together before being
ikon to Salem and the result was
'hat those in charge o f the exhibit
at Sal.'in, did not have the ticne to
prepare the exhibits as well as they
would have done had they had m ore
Hay Tarbell, the- newly elected
secretary-treasurer, has been a m em ­
ber o f the fair board for the past
year und undeisia nds the duties uf
the offic e lie lias assumed. He has
always taken a prominen t and active
part in fair business and has been a
consistent and regular exhibitor. He
says that he will do his utmost to
make the 1922 fair a success front
very standpoint.
Number 12
A total o f 25 orders for appraisal
under the soldiers' bonus and loan
act have been issued to appraisers,
no loans have y«R been approved
F or both cash bonus and loans a t o ­
tal o f 19,986 ap plications have Iteeii
received o f which 60 per cent are
for tite cash bonuB.
The one hundred and ninth poBt
o f the American Legion has ju sl
oeeu granted Scappoose, Oregon. Mr.
Dorris was elected com m ander. The
post already has presented a petition
'<> t i e newly organiz ed Commercial
clu b lo r a memorial.
C tiutnbia Post No. 42 will hold Us
regular meeting Mouday, March 6,
1922, in the city hall, St. Helens.
Our slate adjusant, Harry N Nel­
son will be with us so It is expected
t .at ail ex-service men and L e g io n ­
naires will he at the meeting. Come
hear our state adjutant
Comrades, if you have not paid
those 1922 dues by March 16th yout
subscription to the Am erican Legion
Week ly stops com in g to you.
pay those dues and slay on the list.
It you are delinquent ju sl pay 1922
dues 82.VO and be with tbe hunch.
We expect to have a great time this
-'..miner and
miss the opportunity .
T h e city hall is now the headq ua r­
ters o f Columbia Post No. 42, the
American Legion.
The American Legion expect* to
take ov e r the base ball team this
> ear.
The entertainment com m ittee of
the legion has arranged a sm ok er
tor the 17th o f March.
Ue a legiannairo and jo in in the
A fter some w eek s’ deliberation in
which, also, details o f the contract
were debated and arraugod to suit
both organizations, the city council
has defin itely given charge o f the
city ball to the Am erican Legion. It
will be tbe meeting place for the lo­
cal post and for the ladies' auxiliary.
All persons or bodies— civic, p oliti­
cal, theatrical or religious must here­
after apply for use th ereof to t h j
American Legion. T h e legion b ys
will pay a regular rent and supply
light and iieat. Other organiz ations
will pay the legion f o r the use o f the
hall according to a schedule of rates
co n fo r m in g to the rates hitherto
ad opted hy th e council.
And now
the activity commence*.
A boxia g
ring will be set up and training be­
The first big sm ok er will be
held on St. Patrick's day, the 17th
o f March.
T w o fig hters w h o are
makin g the fans sit up at Milwaukie
will head the list.
Any local boys
who want to be m atc hed for the
event should ap ply right now to
Father Clancy or George Gardiner
Orville A. Willis, a well known
resident o f St. Helens, died Satuid ay
evening at 7 o 'clock , follo w in g a
stroke o f paralysis which he su f f e r ­
ed ut abput four o 'clo c k in the uf-
li’ rnoon. Mr. Willis had been down
town nnd returned home altout 3 : 3 0
• clock and did a little work in the
Comin g into the house he
sat dow n hy the stove and c o m ­
plained to his w ife that his right
arm wus going to sleep und in a few CHURCH PROG RAM S
mom ents stated that his leg was also
going to sleep, and that he felt funny
ail over. His wife got a neig hbor to
stay with him while she went to a
Rev. G. M. Peacock o f Green R i v ­
neighbor's house to 'phone for a d o c ­
tor. Returning in twenty niinut<>s er, W y om in g , will preach at the Con-
site found her husband unconscious. , gregatinal church at both morning
Dr L. (I. Ross arrived a few m in ­ and evenin g services on Sunday.
The public is cordially
utes later but nothing could be done March 6.
•n.l W illis passed aw ay at about sev­ ; invited to attend these services.
en o 'clo c k without regaining c o n ­
Before he suffered the
-ir o k e he was, apparently, in the best
! (S a tu rd ay ) at It) a. m.
Preachin g
o f he !th.
Deceaseti was born In Mendota, ¡erv ices or missionary meeting at
You are invited to at­
Illinois, February 13, 1874. He was 11 :20 a. m
united In marriage to Etta E. Powell tend the lectures each Sunday ev e ­
of Harrington, Kansas, on June 23. ning at 7 :3 0 . Subject. “ The Eternal
W h ere W ill It
1908. T h e couple carte to St. H el­ H om e o f the Saved.
Max Grimm, Local Elder.
ens In 1909 nnd have resided here B e ? ”
«Ince that time.
In addition to his
w idow he is surviv«td by fou r “sisters
W edn esday evenin gs at 7 : 3 0 ser­
all of whom live in the east and one
brother. Jack W illis o f Kalama. mon on l ’ asslon of Christ and Bene­
diction o f Ulessed Scicrament.
Friday evening at 7 : 3 0 — Way o f
Funeral services were con ducted
at the residence o f deceased Tuesday Cross. Benediction.
Sunday evenin g at 7 : 3 0 — Lecture
morning. Rev. S. Darlow Johnson o f ­
ficiating and the interment was in on History of Bible.
Every morning during the Lenten
the Rose City Park cemetery In I’o r t ­
land, Rev. A. S. Hlsey conducting season Holy Alass will be said at
7:4 6 o 'clock .
i he services at the grave
On W ednesday evenings in Lent,
Mr. W illis was a quiet, unassum­
ing man and had many friends in St the pastor will give serm ons on the
Helena w h o regret his untimely end “ S u ffering s ot the Crucified Savior.”
and extend sympathy to those be­
“ T h e Friendly C h u rch ”
G ood pr ogress is being made In
the Lib erty theatre In the near fu­
the repair o f the heating plant a n l
A Canaparoli, manager o f the Ital­ we will be back in o u r ow n building
ian Importing com pany, visited tlie for the service* o f next Sunday. Sun­
logging camp o f tho Columbia T im ­ day school begins promptly at 9 : 4 5
A cor­
ber com pa n y near Goble on W ed n es­ Every sch olar be on time.
day. The com pa ny Is operating full dial w elcom e awaits anyone w h o does
force, he said, and putting In fr o m , not attend som e oth er Sunday school.
160,000 to 200.000 fe*‘t o f logs each Mt ruing worship at 11 o 'clock . W hat
would happen if the prayer found in
¡the second verse o f the third epistle
Tho pupils o f tho M cB ride sell««
>f John were answered f o r every pro­
will »tune a novel o n t o - . 'i n m e n t at c e s s i n g Christian? H ear the sermon
the Sunset theatre Friday evening ¡Sunday morning.
Many o f tho grade children will par­
Epworth League at 6 :3 0 p. m . led
t i c ip a t e and the proceeds fr o m the i by Miss Jessie Cracroft.
T h e Hap-
entertainment will be
on , i«y Sunday Evening service at 7:3t)
la ym en t for the piano which the nvites you to share its fellowship
school p u rch as'd.
j and good cheer.
Som e very inter­
Mayor E
I Ballagh, wife and esting facts concernin g the progress
children m otored to I’ or tla nd Satur­ o f the Negro and our part therein
day. The kiddies were left with rel­ will lie presented In the illustrated
atives while the m a yor and Mrs. Bal­ ¡a ddress on " T h e Ten th A m erican.”
lagh took In the T I’ . A. hall at the ¡Special music.
---------------- 0 ------------—
Multnomah. Miss Merna Yeoman re­
turned to St. Helens with them and
Actors from the senior class o f the
spent Sunday at the Ballagh home
j St Hole * high school presented the
In their ” 30 Year A g o ” colum n the two-act comedy. " M r Boh” at the
Ystorla Astorfan has the follow in g I high
audit orium
notice. ” E H. Flagg, form erly of night. The acting was excellent and
St. Helens and later o f Hillsboro, has showed that the participants had
decided to found a dem ocratic paper practiced faithfully. Before the cur-
in Salem.
Ho will begin publi ca­ | tain arose, the HI orchestra pleased
tion In about three weeks. T h e pa­ .th e large audience with sevoral se-
per will be a M onday m orn in g w e e k ­ ! lections and during the intermission
ly o f eight pages.”
| between acts. Mirs Ora Hrttan sang
Mr. and Mr» Frank G eorge re fa solo, and r"s p onded to an en core
turned to St. Helens Tuesday afte' ! and Miss Jane Wells gave an anius-
having spent several month s In Neils | ing reading
The high school stu-
vllle, Wis consin. Frank wasn't fe e l­ ■ dents are justifia bly proud o f the
ing as well when he reached h em e as ; talent dis p'ayed by the actors and
when he left and is su ffering with a actresses o f the senior class and wish
mild case o f grippe.
Loth o f them I to thank Mrs. Hendricks f o r her
were g lsd to gel back to St. Helens | ocpi clentlou* work in drilling the
after having experienced the cold I mem bers o f-th e cast end her Interest
weather In Wisconsin.
in the perform ance.
R oc k in g anil
Wid enin g o f St.
en s-I’ lttshurg R oa d Considere<t by
Court— Money
f o r W o r k to Soon Start.
With the exception o f about six
hundred feet, the g radin g on the St.
Heluns-Pittsburg road is com pleted
and now the county court is f ig u r ­
ing on having
th e
Roadmaater MIU b has turnisheu tho
court with the estimate o f the cost
of the work and it is prohabla that
the court will soon call f o r bids.
Judge W hite stated tiiai tne court
preferred to let the rockin g by c o n ­
tract, the contractu, to furnish the
laboi and machinery and do i..e w ork
and the county u> furnish tho rock
The sp ecifications prepared hy in*
roaam aster call f o r the rock in g . r
macadamizin g o f miles 4 to 14 c o l o n
is fr om Trenh oim to a p o .n l one mite
west o f Sixteen Hill mil. It is also
planned to widen the grade from
Trenhoim lo the Little C la u k a u ie
At several places the tills are too
narrow to permit the building o f a
12-foot macadam roadway. T n e es­
timated cost of thi„ work is around
f l o . u o o which will leave ap proxi­
mately $40,000 for th e rockin g ot
the road.
The market road la x will bring in
a b o t t ( 2 6 ,o u o and the state h igh ­
way commission nas available $21,-
000 for the work. Th ere is a bal­
ance to he paid the Johnson C on ­
tracting com pa n y f o r the work they
are now doing.
It will am ount to
about $7,o00, so the court will have
about $60,000 to spend on the road.
The c ontra ctor w h o has been d o ­
ing the gradin g has not com ple ted
the slopin g, crow ning and ditchin g
o f the road and W. T. Nelson, o f the
ruadmaster s o f f ic e think* it wilt
lake six or seven weeks to cum plele
this work.
W h en It is com pleted
the w ork o t widenin g the road and
rock in g it will begin, J u d g e W hite
T h ere is a supply o f g o o d
rock near Tren h oim in the quarry
ow ned by the coun ty and Air. Nel­
son dis covered another supply o f
rock near the Sobie. ki place w hich is
ab ou t fo u r mile* rrom Trenhoim.
There is also a fine quarry site near
the Sixteen Mile hifl so there seems
\ to be n o question o f obtain in g suf-
j iicieut rock to m acadam ize the road.
N o J u ly T ria l* o n D u c k e t b u t S e v e ra l
E q u ity C a se* to
H eard— T w o
D iv o r c e M a tte r* t o b e A r g u e d o u
A lle g e d I r r e g u la r it ie s .
Circuit court. Ju dge Eakin pre­
siding, will convene here on Monday,
March 13. So far there is not a case
on the dock et w hich will require a
ju ry trial which will be w elcom e
news to the farm er ju rym en just at
this busy season o f the year.
T w o d iv orce cases in which, it is
alleged, there were irregularities in
grantlug the div orce* are lo be heard.
One o f them is Alary E sch ebeck vs.
Herman Eschebeck, fo r m e r resident*
o f Scappoose.
On A pril 24. 1 9 1 » ,
Mrs. Eschebeck obtain ed a div orce
from her husband and in February,
1921, w as married to 1’ . L. Turner.
Evidently the marital bliss o f tli*
Turners was sbort-lived for Air».
Tu rner instituted divorce proceeding*
in Multnomah county asking that
the marital ties be severed.
It ap­
pears that Turner, through his at­
torney, c laim ed that he was not le­
gally married to Mrs. Turner, c la im ­
ing that the district attorney o f Co­
lumbia coun ty had not been served
with the divorce su m m ons when the
div orce proceedings o f Mrs. Esche­
beck was Instituted, therefore, the
div orce was null and void and the
plaintiff was not Mrs. Turner but
Mrs. Eschebeck And now comes Mrs.
Eschebeck, through her attorney, O.
M. Hic key, askin g that the div orce
pr oceedings o f the Eschebecks be
vacated and that an alia* su m m ons
be made on the district attorney. In
oth er words. Mrs. Eschebeck is again
seeking to obtain a div orce fr o m Mr.
Eschebeck, who. It appears, is yet her
Another divorce case is that o f
Bert Trindle vs. C. F. Trindle. The
pla in tiff was granted a div orce In
the circuit court tor Columbia c oun ­
ty on July 18. 1921.
Mrs. Trindle
alleges that she did not kn> w o f the
divorce proceeding s o r that a d iv orce
had beeti granted her husband until
September 8, 1921.
That she was
served with no papers although h^r
form er husband knew o f her w here­
abouts. She alleges that there were
irregularities o r frau d in obtain in g
the divorce and many misrepresenta­
tions. She asks that tho divorce pro­
ceedin gs be vacated.
Her form er
husband is resisting such pr ocedure
and dentes many allegations o f the
plain tiff.
A perusal o f the paper*
in the rase Indicates that the c ouple
had en cou ntered many stofm s on the
marital sea. Som e property matter*
| are involved. The case wtll be hot­
ly c o n tested ’ It Is thought, f o r th*
ex husband does not seem to be par­
ticularly fon d It his ex -w jfe nor pine
tor her com pany.