PAGE THREE THF: ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922 U N II AGENT NEWS n> <•. II O I . I H A I ’UH w. vrr "Ulme Sulfur" I h uaed, ih.. urilliiiiry concent rated \lfur aolutloti. .•xpr"*»bm I • <> 9. * lo •***■ I gal Inn o f I II In concili ,,lutlull to » nailon» of Will h , i II oiih of wulor, otc L , !.. lill Mill.... ioni. 1 would i u ,:„. ;i r.t IliHt ut t <■ III pt III If to I, .,i home, unloHK you uro , I M nli :i hydrumoter for I omi I in. vu h thorough under of ilio proper mot hod» of unii Imi I lu K j, ...... . that Hio Mocrot of peat I i , j ,|iraying I» the thorough I .1 indication I » ’ »uro tliui ^ ri of trooM uro covered il,, « tutor hud* are swelling fore they uro open; For Sun , I.., oyster Hindi Scale und I ml Iddio Sulfur I to H. ap inno now that the weath f„ H him k or Kroon aphlH ul, add :t 4 Pint of ''Black I ,.i Hitlpliuto of nicotine to S,n c.illun», or In that prupur fI r wlnlor hud» upon ,,i aroi-n parta on fruit »puri h , 1 I im h |M| For ». .i' jlldow, l.lmo Sulfur 1 to 30 I old I pint uf "B lack I.' if ¡, ..urli Idi* gallone, or In thi dion .■ i.od plan to apply the ilor |,r Iv w hether your treoa show ,,r Minio or not, u« ti eerve:. , .oil general clean-up apra ih the grower luta heeu tol ,i rI k Id Mprr.y program over a of jour», Il I» naie to »uy hl» , d ihiH clean up I m cHpectally hud und yo< it rid y.»ur I reca of It i|ulckl> ' pound of lyo for each » gallon» (tor. I, control »Iurta with our do I dor h .ml pruy, und In nddltlon S t ho old lop »oll. lo'.vo i I.oiild ho turned under by plow I Tliiw I »no of our moat a»r , 11 ». , . cm affecting apple» and IM » county and one of tie in control, and a clean-up Inly tic effected In tin» way. i I. .in-i p Spray Hue. ■. ,n up Mpruy of llmo-aulphur ,ppitnl thia month or early oh. I hooalng day« when th* . .mil Thla »pray w ill rid I of -cale, »plder mile», und und I m e»peclally neceaaary licier in.te* On p une. peach El in d iri-i-M It I» ulau needed fur , ik miner Oll »praya may In- ¡I'uted fur the llme-aulphur up a a »rule spray. hut lini" Inr I S la to he preferred fur id of blister mite und twig min Ill«|ie«l.-K"I|| do not souk them. Instead. lay )' it |>a|i"r over them und nth u 3 iron over the paper They will .i part easily. ------------ 0 - . . —- III III HI.F— i ANMVYKH TIIFM F VI FMTIDNM. Wh:.i relation was Jethro to Mo» ’ Kxodua .7, 1 . W hat Incident took place at M v;i? Kira 8, 15 What was the name of Human'» i'li.*r? Rat her 3. I. Who waa Joel'» fath er?— Joel 1, W'biif were the name» o f Zehedee'- '"" Murk 1, 19 Who w ; im Azamaveth* I Chron lb's 27, 25 W hat wornhn minister wna located » i "iichrea? Homans Ifi. I W but was King Jot ham's mother's *ni"’ 2 Chronicle» 27. 1 What prophet waa Instrument! I la 1 putting away his ld»la? — i bronlcln« 15. ft W ho wan the mother of Moses nml ‘iron? K vim I uh «. 20 I bo friction I 1934. OLD CO UPLE LQSKS HOMK ■ . ■ . i 'lenorally regarded ua the »Ideal At the •.,..<. 11 . . t u, ' ' ,f " ' " lr »><»«>« at thrurn... following reaolutlon druwn Wl»., recently, and laid plan» " to be by the reaolutlon committee. A I. |K|„ a|, „ v„r again They are 104 and 204 K 208 It h S t , Oppoaite I'i.rkor, N uiiiiih It. Hull unit L. Hie 102 yeura old, respectively. City Hall gerì, were uuuiilmoualy allupi ed : Their home waa deatroyed by fire W IIK K K A S , Il la u hutiuflde fuel which ulao conaumed their savings I'O K T I.A M l. OllH. tliut the »mount of atuuillug timber of a lifetime. He« us or write fur price«. In I oluinIna county la much In ex It will |>uy you. but the old couple are undaunted eoa» of the »tuuipuge now uaaeuaed; We'll aturt all over again," the bus i-nd wlieroa», tin. Ilmtior of the coun 1 bund auid. ly la lla moat vuluuhlo unaei; aud j Mr». Bell » l i m e d uulte affected a: whoreaa wo believe the farming In I the I onm of a o t year» In walkiug to tlie posto! I er» of the county, herohy request flct '■ to . 1 timi thè ( ounty t ourt he uahed und wlfe to read to hlm. Mra bell Is i l lbiportuuud to iiuvn a recrulae of 111 " . rapatile manager of lier own houtie | tlmb .1 in.w taliIlllig Ih Columbi). Molli unii milk In-r <•»»» ea.-h dav county, und tliat action to Ibi« end I — —w - - ho alurtud al once. j During Iho 1920-21 aeaaon there W IIK K K A K , It bua heen reported | were «hlppeil lo tho United klngdui TO K F K P HIS H E A L T H In ilio l'ortlau.l Telegraui timi lui from New /.calumi 52,014 <:::»"» o', proved turm property In »01110 couu apple», an Increase of 50 per cen IS F A C H M AN'S A I M — tlea hua been uhhohko 7 BASKET” P A S T R Y O F A L L K IN D S BREAD. BUNS A N D COFFEE CAKE F I N E P IE S A N D C A K E S D A I L Y HOT LUNCH ES AT A L L HOURS ^ Calumet It’s s o ld a t a moderate price — that rep­ resents another saving. P O L A R C A K E — T H E L A T E S T IN IC E C R E A M ( I T ’S A B E A R ) ♦ ♦ ST. HELENS BAKERY J. E. R A M S E Y The B E R G M A N N D O U B L E C A L K LO C K CALK S G U A R A N T E E D TO H OLD. A N E W P A I R O F S H O E S F R E E IF TH E CALK S COM E OUT. In Bergmann S h oes O nly Insist upon Bergman Shoes and Double-Calk Lock Calks and have the best Shoes made and absolute Calk P ro­ tection. No more lost calks. W rite for Our Illustrated Catalog. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co. U t P O R T I O N S , ORB. TUITRM \N ST. You don’t feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail— because Calumet never fall» be I w the proven standard of “Best by Teat." T o Prevent k Winter Ills S T R . A M HR I L A l.euv's 1’iirllaiiil dally - - 2:30 p ni (Sunday I I A 0 » m > Arrives SI Helena 5:00 p m tSunday l : * 0 p m l tSunday 2.00 p m l Leaves St. Helens - - - 7:00 a ni Arrivo» Portland ■ 10:30 a m L. II HOL MA N. Agent Makes all way landings Wharf fool Alder street Phono«: Main 9323, A-4204 H A R V E Y W IL K IN S , St Helens Agt HOME RAMSEY’S Y For Inillgcath n and Omatlp.iOon. "The nicest und pleasantest medi­ cine I have used for Indi'.’ c tlon n iJ , ousttputIon Is ( humherlaln'» Txb- lets.' write» Melartl F <‘ rul". Middle t.rove, N. ^ They work like a charm and do not gripe or leave uiv an ideas nit after e f f e c t . ____ For­ If you need a good range this is your opportunity to b u y one W est St. Helens Bakery t 'hanibi'rlnln's Tablet* W ill sell for $55. at a bargain price. SL HELENS STEAM LAUNDRY There’s Health and Vigor in Every Bite R IC E N and to m ore quickly recover from colds, coughs and grippe Use It possesses the highest qual­ ity ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been offi­ cially endorsed by United Sutra Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full at •trength aa th« day k left th « Calumet Pactorte* th « World“» Large»!, most Sanitary and Modar* Baking Powder plant* , m of Calumet contain» f a i Soma baking povedaracome la i i oa. Inatead of 16 oa, ran«. Be wir» you get a pound when youwant It. A W in ter Tonic Gold Cake Talks o f 8 ogg* 1 Vicupa of graa- utated augar, $•$ cup of water. $} cup of butter, IVh cup« pantry •our, 3 level tea- •pnons Calumet Baking Powder. 1 tablespoon of vanilla. T h e n mix in the regu lar way. Nyal'a T o n i c ....................................................... $1.00 Nyal's Malt. W ild Cherry and Cod Livtr Oil Com­ pound $1.00 DEMING’S DRUG STORE Muckle Building