\ y I THE ST. HELENS MIST VOLUME XLI ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24- 1922 T WO FOUND GUILTY ON LIQUOR CHARGE HOI POPULAR •I ui I ki l'lllli|l llll|»4in< N lin e s IMMI (ilVMi Jail Ken (4-nr©. On Tuesday Judge John l*hlllp hoard two eases against defendant* charged with violating the prohlhi kl.iM ) l II i/ e il* I 'i»ntli m u I ‘ u l l l l i H i t Men laws George Kloiils. proprie O i r i ' i i i i i i i i I w I od f o r \ Mi le 'll A r i i h tor o f the HI Ile|e,iH restaurant was I , 1 , 1 ') R u lin g ---------- H om o l i i l i take,, .r \ I mi Into I- custody by Sheriff Wei ilngton Hut unlay night after a search | i |, | „ I I I o iiiin lu M lo ii. o f the woodshed o f the restaurant sh eriff and Deputy Hatfield II , 0 p u h llr s e rv ic e c o m m is s io n by l i u the i I |i II i|o I|| ' l i l o l l r i * I : I 11 I III resulted lu the discovery o f six or >1.(1' . 'p h o n e r a le * T h e y iip h e M eight pint bottles o f "m o o n s h in e " At || .■ .1 i hi I* .In 'il i n il In p la in firs; Klotils plead that he was un aware that the liquor was cached I | " ' i p l l " I 1 l'\ M il. lu the Woodpile, but ut Il l s hearing i In h a v o lir o ilK llt (In p r o r e t il h " plead yullty to possessing Into* aU Iii k if m i u r e d u c tio n I,» m ade Irr.tiiig liquor and was fined $260 i 1 1 ,.- 1 r d e c is io n l hoy tils n used eon and given a 30-day J h II sentence k ' " ' '' •' ' I " ' . ill! On the same night the sheriff , i > e ll lio n d u iis n 't k n o w Just w lm l searched a houseboat o f W Hclhor | " i i * a llo il h im f o r ,|,ir aud succeeded In locating about five In n«k f o r w h e t ho t h o u g h t wa quarts o f "m o o n s h in e ." Hclhor was k, I 1 ■■ M l .1 IT. I IV I I I I In- L im it urrested and plead not guilty lie ^ . 1 ■ i- ; Li f i t t h a m i f ig u r . stated that he hud not been living forth hy the com m ission, end lut »III try In uHHlnilliilo h o i i h i o f II with his wife and child, who occu hut evidence in f'nd out what o u r citizen* pled the houseboat, bowed iliai he had been there fre iinht of thu decision, n nuinhni ih e rn were Interviewed. latck o f qtiautly although he made his head ||< , prohlhlte un from puhllnhlug quarters on the Gilbert river ) • in t e r v ie w . and poet a I reg . laluied the liquor w h s the property •»f his wife and she testified ti,a t ,i i i 1 ii in n p m h lh ltN un f r o m p u h llH li was hers and had been given her In I- hoidi * o f th e In io ry le w N »» npuk L ilt ilin f o llo w in g I n w lm l M in i' payment for doing "s o m e w ashin g.' that she had gotten it for the pur them siildi • Mini'll J W Mrl ton a i d : They pose o f ireulirig or warding o f f I hi Kvldeutly the Judge thought Ii" p u h llr «*rvloe ro m m lN e lo n 1 e re flu that five quarts o f " m o o n " was too i k•• a p i g * tell morn for or n. 'ii th a n f o r unh . In m y o p in io n much for one small family to us> for medicinal purposes and hts de ■' i "inm lM H ion la m o re a d e lr lm o ti cialon Implied that hn disbelieved th. tin a h o n e f l t to th e p e o p le .1 II T h a tc h e r : I never heard testimony for he Imposed a fine of l> h ln y l i k e It b e fo re , h u t It la t h " i lf,u with Ihe admonition that I' would he cheaper to employ a physi­ I | I " i, f in d t l. i • cian than t o rely on the " m o o n " treatment. The f i n e was paid a u r muHterH. |J G o d fre y , t ' l t y H n c o rd e r : It t h e p u b lic s e rv ic e com irelon I n m o re a n x io u s to M irv e th e ii Cli ' ll.it f. II an ■ n r v ii It Itulhnrford: th e pen T h e derlalon la J |l •> l i l t ' l l - at a (In n • v ia v k m il w e .......... d e c lin e a n d th e In rre u H e a h u u ln I i l l i i » e i l T h " i i.iu m i |>t iti> lii-il ilo - w h o le a f f a i r In un m r a t lc m a n n e r a n d a h o w e d an la la r k o f a y m p a U iy f o r t h " k ’ It ! " ' ! ll'V e 11 1 lie r ■ 1 •• I h' i liel I 'T vt a V I " It |r ' I he IIMi'il III I 111.. I'.IHI' rV\" It H illa r d : W h e n th e c o u m l* >i ay . th a t th e o h Ji*c (lo n a a u h m tt • th e u i w e re f r iv o lo u s , their in a t lx liila o on Ita fa r e a n d ah |j I' \ i .en I fe e l i h a t I he r a d " v lio r b lt a u t , un ju s t I f .a h le and - " lia b le T h e te le p h o n e hunt h o o o tn in g m o re m o n o p o lis m ; In ini< h u d a Rood o p p o r to fe e l Itn g re e d y fa n g * The .on in n o t a p r o p e r t r lh u u u • lix it ig w ith th e p re a e u t per | J F u lle r t o n , Co C om m is sioner: p u h llr Hervlce c o n iiu lN n lo u ha- lu'' ly Ignored the mieri-at o f tin- ; .1 I ' V I ' I V ill h e r lin e 111 h o u id lie p u l u n d e r th e li 1 I g iv e n t h ' - im e eon l‘ i i „ 1 ( h i r e w o u ld lie n o huai h f i l l ire-i |.i 'in W hile A fn r .i know le d g e is c o n c e rn e d . 1 d o not tiv if th e ralae wua J uki iflulde, ae »in i i o i in c lin e d to c r it ic iz e t in I \ \ In n lIn - p in lie ra m ade, I felt that It wan o u t 0 1 w ith th e g e n e ra l te n d e n c y o. tu n io n . ii th e coat o f m a iu r ln h nay and the r e t u r n to n o rm a l !• I el la In ly I h e |. r I ' I ■ '■ o n rn ' union has n o M e i > in y i in- p u h llr a n d I f th e y lu d . n 't b e lie v e th e y a re th e p ro p e l n to puhr on q u e s tio n * o f I h l* on It Metsker: I h a v e not g o n e F ' roniiulnalona ruling thor Ihiv aud until 1 do I viidild not II " i " p in io n . l'ld g e J o h n 1‘ h lllp : I f th e Colli on t h o u g h t th e ra te « w e re J uh I, L' ’ " ‘ Id l . a v e Ml . t i l l e d w it h o u t III > in s u lt in g o r h e a p in g Im tu li 9n in ju r y r A i o il: I th o u g h t th e co m ' • UIppOHI'll to l|l> J llH tlle | h u t tn I I i I h cuae It *eeuiH th a t n - i r,. m a l l one w a y . r J II Flynn: R e g a rd le s s o f m e r it* o f th e c o n tr o v e r s y , th e lu ll in a il in s u lt to th » peo ple ESPER S- LARSEN ANSWERS FINAL CALL After an Illness lasting several mouths. Ksper H Lumen died at his home In Cortland lute Thursday eve nlug Ills wife mid daughter were with him when the end cam e Mr l.arsefi went to sleep about seven o 'clo c k In the evening and while asleep, passed away and without a struggle Ills wife and daughter were In the room al the time, but were unaware that he was dead un Ml they bent over the bed and no Meed he was not hreathiug Deceased was born lu liornhold, Denmark, 76 years ago He cam e tc the United States 68 years ago, set­ tling In New York In 1869 he rami to Fort land where he engaged In iho grocery business, and from Port land he went to Astoria w here he w. * In the general merchandise business for a number of years For the past 26 years he wa* engaged In the g ro ­ cery and commission business in Ore gun City, being associated with hi- *ons. ('. A and Henry D Larsen Sev eral years ag o lie f o u g h t out the business o f A S Harrison In Hi Hel ens and ui’ tll last winter w lien h • went to California for the benefit of his health, he and Mrs. Larsen re aided In HI. Helens. Mr Larsen was a member of Al K der temple o f tli<* Hbrlne He I- survived by his widow. Mrs Louisa Larsen ; three sons. Henry D.. of Si Helens, Ksper 8 J r . of Washington, It. Charles A , o f Oregon City, tw o daughters, M ss Daisy I-nrseti and Mrs. L M Huggins, both ot Cortland The funeral services were held Monday morning at 10: JO o'clock Kev E II Pence, pastor o f the Wes minster Presbyterian church, offlc luting The interment was in Mount Kent I cemetery Mr I-arsen had many friends It SI Helens who sorrow ut his passing PNEUMONIA CLAIMS IVAN TUCKER Ivan Tucker, aged 4 4, a resident o f the Yankton neighborhood, died at the SI Vincents hospital In Pori land Wednesday evening after a short Illness Pneumonia was tin cause o f his death. Deceased had lived In the Yankton neighborhood for a number o f yeurs and was en: ployed by I h« Milton Creek la g g in g company its hooktender Deceased Is survived hy a son. Lyle, age :i >enr* and a daughter. Hilda, age 4 Hirngon. |< '1 i r i s The d e e ls lo n w h ic h years Since the death o f Mrs Tuck I r o y a to r y a lm o n t hn ii u n it t o the er which occurred a year ago, the 'i i an a u t o c r a t ic a la n d n e v e r children have been residing with an ,unt who resides In llrownsville 1 h e a rd o f in the h is t o r y o f th e il S ta le * W e s h o u ld g o t m en T w o brothers. W U Tucker o f E* t Beads, and Solomon Tucker, of ' ill givo th e p e o p le r u m e Con Portland, also survive The funeral t- rat Ion. were condu cted Rt the 'A l , u y . C it y A t t o r n e y : S h o r tly services " m r r e a >• In p h o n e r a t e s la s t Methodist church In West St Helens yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock 1 I p u h llr I v m a te d th a t In m | i " it th e p u l, lie n e rv ir e c iim n iM i u ii |{„v s Itarlow Johnson offic iatin g [ ‘ " y i ' i i h I i o i i I i I be a h o lin h e d . T h a t and the body was interred In the I the side o f his I'o n itn la a lo n now s e rv e s no p u r O. O. K. cemetery by except to h a m p e r th e p e o p le wife. [ " " " I lin in g N. [ L t h e ir r ig h t s . "I tae l V al I V 1» con m e m b e r ■ I" M Ho- O r e y o n ia n . t see ri. I o f F e h r u iir v 2 I 1 922 i re fu s a l o f th e c o m m is s io n to 1 r e lie f t o th e p e tit io n e r s was / r iv L ie i. im Mini a r r o y n n t ; a m i ■ 'in ly it. s e lf a s s u ra n c e tu n f 1 ' l " ' i i i i th a t w h e n II m in e I ' r ' I 'l l n g I t s e lf in a f a v o r a b le ill, F 'h ' H is a case o f lo v e n t f ir s t f * r nn o n ly e x c la im In th e FARM BUREAU MEMBERSHIP GROWING The secretary o f the Columbia County Farm Itureaii reports that new members are being secured each day. many o f the farmer* being at t r a d e d by the actual cash savin« (hat com es about by reason o f stidt membership The secretary ex plained that the Columbia County [, propiiet " T h e r . fore i Nien! f a r fr o m us. n e it h e r d o e th Farm Bureau and the Farm Equip Mr o v e rta k e n s ; w e w a ll f o r lig h t , ment Company o f Clatskante h a v 1 ' h o ld o b s c u r it y ; f o r b rig h tn e s s , entered Into a contract whereby the we w a lk In d a r k n e s s ." T h e farm bureau members niny buy Mo I' " f for near wholesale cost th e r e fo r e le t It |w a b o lis h e d slated that as considerable machln 1 he p r in c ip le o f h o m e r u le be t ery and farm tools are us«>d each i ‘ ' ' ' ’ 'h a t th e p e o p le m a y a t least | venr In the county It should mean F ’ s .'N i" vo ice in h o w th e y a re t o . thousands o f dollars saved to th» ‘ e x p lo ite d . members. Number 11 COM MUNITY SING SCAPPOOSE CLUB LUMBER CARGO FOR A T DENK ISLAND ELECTS OFFICERS NEW YORK MARKET , atriot's Itlrtiniay is Hon ored l>) the K. OF P. LODGE HOLDS ROLL CALL t'lli/z ii* o f 1 Ms*r Island K. Mlilot k Heads linceatly Or- Siemner < 'old H arbor Tukea Big Hlilp DEEH ISLAND, Ore., l e b 23 — I g a u l/sd ( 1 1 in mereiai ilo d y —^ , r t - ment f o r New Y o r k — Several |‘» r - ¡ ( S p e c i a l . ) — The c om m u n ity s a g in lo g e ih e r Meeting Held and Well goes Shipp,-,| to Coast Ports — A honor o f W ashington's birthday and l.argi Nt Attcnilaiiie in H.st r> o f t .c Attendisi— l'Ino Dinner .Servisi. nat'oiial *ong week, was held Tues Itusy Week on Waterfront. | IxNlgc A s i hi |> .1 at th e T w e n t y . day evening and voted a complete | Nuccese by the large crow d present Kig.itb l l II < all— Many Old Mem- SCAPPOOSE. Ore., Feb. 22. The largest lumber shipments l.i‘ i* Pr. sent at .M c lii.g (Special ) T h e second meeting of made this week wan the cargo o f 1.- T h e g rou p singing was enth usiastic All otlier numbers 'h e ScappoosH Commercial clu b wu 300,000 feet o f lumber shipped on and enjoyable. •"•Id In the Watts & Price hull Iasi the steamer Cold Harbor and des­ were especially well rece ved. D eco­ On the twenty-e g hth annual roll Thursday evening, Februory 1«, wii.i tined for the McCormick yard in .New rations o f Ivy and flags r iadc a pat- ail o i Avon Lodge -.o. 52 . . n l f u ; » r otic display. Mrs Phillip Shank more iliun a hundred members anil York The vessel was to have tak­ was the accompanist. The rocitr.tion of Pytb.as. held in the caatle nail visitors present. en 2,000,000 feet but ill of the o r ­ Tuesday even.ng, exclusive of v.si- It v.'iis planned for a whole com der was not out, so another team- 'I Want to He a C o w b o y ,” hy little tors, the largest attendance in the UiUlilty ufialr and about 8 :3 0 p. m ' i will call in the near future to l a k e Hohlty Shnfer, 3 years old, was much history o f the lodge w.is present to F o l­ parti"-, began arriving with baske;* the balance o f It and other consign ­ appreciated by the audionce. pay trinute to thone who labored in lowing Is the program : filled to the hrliu aud hy 7 : 0 0 o'clock ments. The Cold Harbor, which Is the pioneer days to make the order a feast fit for the occasion wu one of the Hog Island built s t e a m ­ Am erica ................................................. Ail what it is, and by their presence Highland F l i n g ..............Agnes Hatton spread and the mem bers and visitor ers, sailed Thursday and will cell In Itecftaticn ....................... Bobbie Shafer manifest interest in its future up- Invited to the tubles. at Sen Francisco and San Pedro for Plnno S o l o ............................................ Ida Leach 1 , uilding. Ample Justice wus attempted Cb u consignment o f general cargo. But few o f the resident members "O u r F l a g " . . . . P r t r l c l a cia pporton the food displayed, as was evidencari Other shipments o f lumber dur failed to answer when the.r names tij M e almost inability of several rb ;ng the week were destined for c-oasi Violin Solo ................... Morris Woven wore called, aud of the absentees iroup S i n g i n g ..................................... move ufterwards. yet not half wu ports. The Celilo sailed Monday from the city many responded with Three F-imous S p e e c h e s ................. consumed and everyone present was evening for San Diego after taking j letters. Several veteran Jewel* ............................. Eighth Grr-.de Bovs of Ihe opinion that this was one of on 350,000 feet o f lumber to com 1 «.ere n evidence. Charter members Vocal S o b .................... Florence Adams he finest get-together dinners ever pb-le her cargo of 950.000 feet. The Plano Solo . . . Patricia Clnppertor of the lo dge present w ere: Judge held In the community. same day the J C. Kirkpatrick | Beautiful Oregon Kose' School Martin Wh.te, E. E. Quick, Charles After the dinner the clu b wa ailed for San Pedro with 1.150.000 Vocal Solo ............ . Evelyn Kussell Blakesley, Dr. i liff ot Portland. J. called to order by the temporary leet all of which was taken from the W. M atts and E. E. Stevens. Group Singing . . . chairman, C L. C offyn, and a con local docks The Daisy Putnam got Piano Solo ............ . . . Morris Hoven Grand V.ce Chancellor E E. Hard- Ntltutlon and by-laws, as worked out awi-.y late W ednesday night with a Song ............................................... Girls Isty of Seas.de made the lodge an by the committee, was read anu cargo o f 1,1 10,000 feet for San Ped- Song .....................................Jane Shafer official vi-.it on this oc casion, other adopted The election o f offln *is foi ro and tl.e W illa m ette sailed for Group Si’ig in " ................. v sitors bt .ng 1 red Johnson, pa*l he year was next taken up. and tbo Westport Thursday to com plete her Industrial Clubs ............ t-rand chancellor, A. Jaloff. past follow in g were elected: It I Nib cargo The steamer took on 350,003 "Star Spangled Banner" rand prelate, and Mr. Price, ernts- .All lock, president; Dana Frame, vlci 'eel here. The McCormick steamer -ary o f the D. O. O. K. president; C. L C offyn, secretary; Multnomah arrived W ednesday night Mrs. Phillip Shank presented he- Hr ef talks were made by many o f Al llackett, treasurer. and is I king on 500,000 feet o f I no punils at an Informal t tcital he members in answer to the roll John Htorlu, executive secretary lumber and will com plete the cargo rt her horn" Saturday afternoon. All all. F ollow in g the roll call the vis- o f the St Helens Cham ber o f C om ­ witli a deck load o f piling The v e s ­ o f the children played well showing torg were called upon. Rainier was merce. next Hildre^i.q the meeting sel goes to San Francisco and Is a marked improvement sinct begin- represented hy fifteen members, and and gave som e valuable points on hedulml to sail Sunday. Including ning work with Mrs. Shank After short talks w-ere made by Judge the organization and work o f the In- cargo o f the Multnomah, the t o he recital refreshments v.-ere served lark. Chancellor C om m ander Clark club 'I shipments from St. Helens for the The G irls’ Cookin g Club was d e­ and Eil tor Veach. O fficials o f the F. C. Hollhitugh, the county ag e’ it, m k » 1 1 amount to approximate!v lightfully entertained on Monday af- grand lodg e also responded briefly. gave a peppy talk o:i what the Corn five million feet. Practically the e n ­ rnoon by their lender, Mrs. Chris Along toward the midnight hour m e n ia l club would accomplish. tire lon gshore force was kept busy Naogell. T h e girls plan to have one members and guests repaired to the The meeting was then turned ove l nd several vessels worked much social meeting each month. Mrs. Congregational church dining ball to Mr Quayle. the general secretary overtime. Xaegell served delicious refreshments where the ladies spread before the o f the Oregon State Chamber o f Com-) Weekly 1.limber llevlew. consisting o f cake and» cocoa. B e­ hungry Pythiang a feed that only the tnerce, who gave a very interesting One hundred and thirty-six mills sides the regular members of the ladies of St. Helens know how to talk on the state activities. D. C. reporting to West Coast Lu m ber­ club, Mrs. Leach and Mrs Colvin prepare. Judge W h ite acted as toast­ Freeman o f the Associated Industrie men's association for the week end­ were present. master and bis first introduction to o f Oregon, next addressed the meet Mr and Mrs. C. H. English motor- the assembled Knights was Dr. Cliff. ing Febru: ry 18th, m .nuf-.ctured ing on Ihe industries of Oregon. Hr .9 154.189 feet o f lu m ber; sold 69.- - d to Portland Sunday to call on Mrs. '1 he doctor spoke briefly on the early was followed hy Attorney A. F. Fle- 576,525 feet; r»nd shipped 69,783,- Stanley McKay (nee Lillian Ingalls ) days o f the lodge. Other speakers gel, who told a wonderful cow story 604 feet. who underwent a serious operation at made short talks and a few stories and thereby spoiled many an ambl Production was only 10 per cent St. Vincents hcspital about ton days were told, clo sin g one o f the most tlon to become a lawyer, and mad" nek w normal. New businers was 12 ago. She is improving slowly. successful roll calls ever held by many decide to stick to the farm» The per cent below production. Last Monday was the banner day Avon lodge. Ship­ lust speaker wus E C. UechliHilf'ex ments and new business practically for the Deer Inland Log gin g Com - e, ullve secretary o f the ( M k i e i luncel each other for «lie week. pi ny in pu t'in g in logs, tw o engines MAY GIVE AID IN Portland Association, who i Th irty-fou r per cent o f all new having h tu lcd 50 sets that day, the LA ND CLEARING very Interesting account of the work business taken du ring the week waa logs makin g ftv» large rafts. of the association for future delivery hy water. This The second stump burnin g d em on ­ The above mentioned men all ex- amounted to 23.585,525 -feet, of GET LICENSE FOR stration in th:s county was held on pressed great interest In the fo r m a ­ which 11,413,122 feet will move DOGS SAYS SHERIFF the A R. Geiger f rm at Delena las' tion o f the commercial club at Scap c-. "stw .se and Intercoastal; and 12,- Saturday and attended by over 200 poose as a movement for progres . 17 2.403 feet will move export. New ■nil better things for the town and business for delivery by rail umouul- The failure o f many dog owners persons. This is a farm bureau p r o ­ -•immunity. In Columbia county to take out le ject. under the supervision o f Coun­ d to 1,533 carloads. censes for their dogs has convinced ty Agent Holibaugh. Prof Scudder The next meeting of the cummer Sheriff Wellington that he must *ak' o f the Oregon Agricultural College rial club will he held on the 2d of YOUNG MAN K ILL ED gave a very excellent talk on removal some action to make the tardy one March at the school house and It L IN LOGGING CAMP com e to time and next week, so lie o f large stumps hy an im proved hoped thut every citizen o f the town stated, he will begin to en force the ineth.id o f burning and stated that and com m unity will become a m em ­ B E Granaski, aged 22. was In- law as to dogs having licenses. T..e the cost o f rem ovin g the large stumps ber and attend. stautly killed in the logging camp low provides "that any owner or could be estimated to be fifty per o f the Columbia Tim ber Compani keeper o f said dog or doge w ho shall cent cheaper than 1 ny oth er known W O M A N ’S CLUB AT west of Goble at 9 o'cloc k Tuesday fail o r neglect to apply for, o r fall method. This talk was g ven in con ­ Keen WAS HI NGT ON TEA morning He was em ployed es a to p .y the state license during ■ i.. nection with si de pictures. Tin« second social event In the cal chaser and at the spar tree, he un- month o f January o f each year or inter, st was manitesied by the f a r m ­ ondar o f the St. Helens W om an's i'ook cd the log from the line o f one » - th in 30 days after he becomes o v:. ers in witness ng the actual burning d u b was in the form of a "Washlni-. donkey to transfer It to the line of er or keeper o f s ld d eg or d o r s iT the stumps on the Melis farm. A verv fine dinner » a s served by In som e manner shall pay a fine of $10 for each o f ­ ton T e a " held r.t the home o f Mr- another donkey. Gulden Starr Scott on Wedn esdaj yet unexplained, the line was taken fer s", which fine shall be collected the ladies in the gym nasiu m o f the up und the log swung crushing the with the costs o f the proceedings of Delena school, and Mr Holibaugh afternoon. T h e assisting hostesses were Mrs nnfortuiuite man between the log a civil action In the name of the ■rted as toastmaster. Several inter­ nd the spar tree. Coroner White 3 ate o f Oregon before a just ce o esting short talks were m de by the Wm. Russell, Mrs Eugene Blok- - Neglect to apply for or 1» le..a ,es den s. as well as bus ness ley. Mr* C. II Adams, Mrs J W was n otified and brought the body to he pec.ee. y said license fee for a per oil o. men from Rainiet and Clatskanie. Akin. Mrs 8. L. Butler atui Mrs S. St. Helens aud later sent it to Broad Acres, near W oodb urn , where the hirty days after said fine shall i.e and several of the farm o u .e a u olt - Darlow Johnson. cers. Practically t e e n 'i . a ouu The entertainment provided fm parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Grau- nine due, shall I.e an oth er a ' d se Granaski had been a ate offen se and w.H su b'ect th' sent representatives. ' h e afternoon proved very Interest aski reside It is repo ted tn t ti;e but neap rson to pity at. additional fine for ing, especially the cutting o f cher working In the camp on ly four d a ; s men o f St. Helens R inier nd Clat- ries from u fir tree by the guests cut was an experienced logger so bis ¡e. cli offense brother stated George was working The flier f f did not en force this skanle are so fav orably impressea blindfolded i h the new method o f slum p re­ Mrs Glen Metsker delighted the about two hundred yards from where law at the expiration o f the first guests by singing. " T h e Star Spang t lie accident occu rred and uccompu- th 'rty days o f this year, because the moval that pro; ably in the near f u ­ |niei1 the body to St. Helens atul then licenses were late in arriving here ture each chamber o f c om m er ce will led Banner." ' hut Inasmuch as the clerk has hr.d a l uy a com plete set o i stump b u rn ­ The color scheme o f red and white to Broad Acres. supply for the past thirty days an l ers and loan them out to the farm ­ was most daintily carried out in the th » dog ow ners have had ample time ers under the su; crv.sion o f the refreshments. Mrs S. Darlow John- BASKET BALL make application for license tags county agent. n poured und was assisted by the GAME TONIGHT to Wellington said there was no further evcral hostesses. O Besides the club members the In­ Tonight at the gctiool auditorium excuse for delay, so he s »oing to SE • O - . CLASS vited guests were, Mrs Dodd. Mrs. .here will be a double-header ban start in on the “ dog ow ner c a m ­ . : ESEi i T “ MR. BOB Arch Duncan, Mrs. Paul Wiggins. kctball gam e for tiie Beaverton hign pa ign ." If your dog hasn't a. license, Mrs. Sayling. Mrs. Martha Hammer. " b o o l is sending ov er both the b o j s I etter get him or her on e just as s o » ”, At the Mgh se. oid and torium on Mrs L. (1 Ross, Mrs. Ilollbaug'i, and girls teams to try conclusions .is you can mail a. letter or call al Tuesd y ev ning i e ir> 28. the he o f f ic e o f the clerk. Mrs Edwin Ross and Mrs. lla llberg with St. Helens high. Both Beaver- senior class o f 3 l l e ' e 1 s high will on teams have made good records present the p'.ay M B oh ." A this season and St Helens will have SHOULD BE A ¡•ATRIOT’S BI RT HDA Y maiden lady, Mi-s Ue e a t ke her play fust ball if they succeed in S W E E T TOWN niece. M.sa Bryant, anil ..atherine. N O l’ FORGO i’TEL to registering victories. T h e first gam.1 her fr end. ar - having trou ble in no' W ashin gton's birthday was not for which will be between the g irls’ If a big stock o f sugar would knowin g w ho Mr Doe is when Phil­ gotten in St, Helens though there le j m s , will start promptly at 7 :3 0 have a tendency to make things ip, K ather.ne's cous u, is preparing was no general observance of the i,.'clock and it is expected that a large sweet, then St. Helens should he a to'en tertain him But in spite o f the dry. Tlve hanks closed for the day crowd will he present. It Is report- sweet ti wn for the next several entanglement o f cats and the dear and the of flees of the court lious led that Beaverton will send a large weeks as Monday night there was old maiden lady, love finds a way were closed for the transaction of ' number o f tans to root for their unloaded one lot o f sugar o f 4 00 and with the help ot the maid and business, though some of the offic ials 1 1 earns. bags It was consigned to J. L butler i l l is well and ends well. The put in a full day's work Due to the After the gam e the visitors and Williams A Sons and distributed play begins promptly at 8 o'cloc k l a d that Porcy Harrison, custodian h'gh school students will be guests among several o f the St. Hele.is g r o ­ and the admission Is 50c and 35c. >f the court bouse never forgets the o f the ju n ior class at an Informal cers. Anticipating a raise In sugar The c a s t : proper time to ruu up the flag. Old little dance in the city hall. Rela­ Glen W il liam s placed an order d i ­ Philip Royson ............ Kenneth Pratt Glory was seen on the court house tives and friends o f the high school rect with the San Francisco w hole­ Robert Brown, clerk of Benson flag pole At the schools there were students are invited to attend tho salers for a carload It was shipped and Benson ................. t'arl Tucker brief exercises In several o f the grade dance which promises to he an en ­ via one o f the McCormick boats to Rebecca Lake, a maiden l a d y . . . . rooms and in the high school and the joy ab le affair ...................................... Naomi Bunnell Portland and then via river boat to scholars were dismissed at 10 St. Helens Several trucks were busv Jenkins. Miss Rebecca's butler. . . o'clock So far as can be ascertained MANY GRIPPE ....................................... T h o m a s Ketel the greater part o f Tuesday distrib­ there were no oth er patriotic ex er­ uting the sugar to the merchants in­ Katherine Rodgers, her n i e c e . . . . CASES RE PO RT ED cises com m em oratin g the day of the .........................................Helen Klblnn terested birth o f the "F a th er o f Ills t’oun- Marion Bryant. K ath erin e’s f r l m d The doctors In 8t. Helens have ........................................Doris Nauman 'r' ” ------- -------- been very busy persons for the past ISLAND MILL Miss R eb ecca’s m a i d .......... Under the direction o f Madame ten days on recount o f tho prevalenn NOW RUNNING Patty, ........................................ Elvira Blair Katherine Covach-Frederick, there o f grippe. About every oth er per- It. will he a sacred concert at the Gath ollc church, Sunday afternoon be­ ginning promptly at 3 o ’clock No doubt the music lovers o f St. Helens and vicinity will w elcom e the an­ nouncement o f this extraordinary concert under the direction o f one o f the most distinguished vocalists of the west The twenty people In the company supporting her are high class singers o f note and there are several violins and ’cellos in the in- companiment. There are no re­ served seats anil the early comers will find the best accommodations. sou on e secs has Just recovered. Is nlwHit to be sick, or thinks so. o r has a cold. Dr W a d e said that there was no cause for alarm but warned Ihe people to be careful. "T h er e are not less than 100 cases o f grippe in St. Helens and v icinity," he said. The epid emic has been o f mild form and usually the sick person has not been confin ed to bed or room for more than fou r o r fiv e days. Report« front oth er places in the coun ty and rom the state at large, indicate that the grippe epid emic is not confin ed lo this section Monday morning the whistle of the Island mill blew and the big en ­ gines started the wheels In motion after an idleness o f almost a year. Very little lumber was out Monday ns It was found necessary to mak-» som e minor changes This was done and since that time the mill has been grindin g steadily and turning out from 60.000 to 80.000 feet per day At present 4 4 men are employed and as the yard begins t o f'll with lu m ­ ber and shipments begin, an ndd'- tional fo r ce o f 10 or 15 more men will be required. MASONS AND STAR T O H A V E SOCIAL On W ednesday night. March let members o f the Masonic lodg e and their fam ilies and mem bers o f the Eastern 8tar will gather at the *o c>al room In the Masonic building tor a social evening and s general vet togeth er meeting. Tho last a f ­ fair o f this kind was very enjoyatila r o d no donht there will be a large a.tendance at the m e « ' " g scheduled f o r next W ednesday evening. 4 * 4 !