T H E ST. H E L E N S M IS T . F R I D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 3. 1922 INTERESTING NOTES OE COUNTY SCHOOLS Nil AGENT NEWS B They are talking about Hugh" for proHldent And about l.o I • • and ISotnh,* and LaFolh tie and John on. und Underwood, and ilryun, and i o . and ever air many other». H O U S E H O L D M IN I S H o t . I l l VI UH I PAGE THREE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * ♦ * V i RAM SEY’S luteal lli»titule 1« lo I n - llelil Here on 1 tli>' kilnin'' o f Mu' im I ttgf, |Md Ooliiinii » I I I appear M'KIIliti ly in future IHHIH'H of Ilo- HI 11 ill i1 ii m Milt, in ini' etitloavor u> bring lo I b i rannerarci Columbia county Infor- matlon nli Idi the County A «tun w l i h i i to get lo thorn on it- taonable unti tim i!) mbJaclM. W o approdato the ipirlt o f comperili Ion which Ilio editor of ilio HI Ilei -li» Mini In:H ul weys menlU'Hii-il toward tho County A g en t'l iofflc o unii Ilio funner« of Columbia county. Th e Couuiy Agent I ihn lioon uil vieed thel a ululi 1« ho II c III uk amoiig thè tarmar» lo «oli alfalfu unti olhor Inoculfttk'li ai oxholliltant lirico« In eomoreo »•» ho Im» charKoiI $2 un acre Cor tl>I h liiociilullon Inocula tlon for alfulfa, d o ver, voichee, eie. can be aerinoli through ilio Couuiy Agont'a o f f i c e hy « n y funner wl»hing nume a t.n prie« noi io exceed 60t per acre. Klmlly noilfy Couuiy Ag ent'a offi' HI ilolnna, o f inyone operatine tu your community cu deavortng lto «eli thl« Inoctilatlou. T r e e a 't h n weru Imdly infectod by »cab dtnlug Ilio |m«t your «houl i by all me he plowetl arouuil unti thè oid top «oli iuriieil under, whlch wlll aaela' uuiterlully In controlline »cab d u r iti» Dio comlnK mutami Later on apruy hullotin« wlll he 1 « aued from Ime io timo ahowlng ilio proper tini unii inethod» of uppllc'i tlon. Pruning if «mali fru ii» and her rlaa can » « My be atarted from now ou aa Hlaioier o f « «v o r e freexlng weather 1» practically »vor. W o wl»h to again'Ca uiIon tho g ro w e r» to burn all brusii fr o m x«iich pruning«. In ol­ der to ga«i it In tho control of dl ! ClOVer gee.! mid h o H o o d e d any tim e now T h o »« wlNhlng lo pur chaae n o d »end »him Id got In touch with the ' minty A gen t’» office, u» we have eomo good quotation» from grow er* :,wim have »e «d o f good quality Young tree« «bollili he planted now a » comi a » po«»lh|e timid d e e p holee »hould h e d u g a n d p a r t i a l l y filled back In with lop »o il b e f o r e netting. __ f Therekw ill he a pruning demon ■I rat Ion u< th « Christ Naegell or chard. Deer Ifl.ntd. February 7 » ' 1:00 p. tn There « ho a pruning demon et rat Ion at the Jordan farm, (ioide. W «duerni» y February s at 1:00 p m. 5 Attentlm I» again called to the meeting to be held in hee-keepen Rt. Melon» Saturday, February ■*« h - e — 11 ------ 1 SAY PUHEBREDS BEAT ¿ . O R D I N A R Y S 1 O C R ic 4 T’ I I» I It I I* S I» I I« I I I» I I» I » I I» I I' » I » I I fl I 1 I » I it- I d I DI *♦ >¥ February I I — Heionil Irid e) lu Kebruury I« Arbor Hay. ( I t ) J. It. W Ilkel'KOIl, Count) Hi lux,I Mu|M'rliitendent.) T h e flrnit local iii»tllute of the prohent »cliool yeur will ho held at HI. Helen» on Saturday, February 11. beginning ut lo o'clock In tho lorenooti. MethodH of teaching the kingllMli language throughout the ol cm on l ary grades will ho e in p tiUHl/'i’J by the Instructor». Supi. W. c. A ii ilurson, county »uperinleudent ot Multnomah cpunly, will he ono ot the speaker« Tho proposed county unnuul of the j schools of Columhlu county 1» heart A Imlh Ions Inquiry. lly approved by tho teacher». 'I he teacher» have been uivkod to stre»» A well known irr veltng man who lb " oulHtanding featur •» of the work \I k II» the drug trailo, ays lie In of that they aro ilmlig wncu preparing Ion heard drugglsto n ’ .* cusioin’T the material fur their d ltlrlc l» T i c who wlMhi'd to buy a cough tin dl- picture» and view » that the annual clne, whether It was far a child or will contain will alouu make It an 'ii adult and If for a child, they a l­ Interesting hook. It will ho dedtcaic I ii:"»!. Invari':lily recommended oliate to tho forme; county »cliool »uper berluln'H Cough Remedy The r> i intendent» of tho county. »on for thl» I» thut they know tliei Tho sim ond F riday In February 1« '» no danger from t and that It al Arbor Day tor c.ll counties o f t i c way» c u n » There I» not the I . ih I »la te west of tho Cascado mountain» danger In giving It for colds, croup The law make» it mandatory upon und whooping cough li 1» uusur­ the part of the toucher» to hold such pa ncod. exercise» on thl» day In their eclituds a» »hull tend to encouruge the plant­ lie good, and you will Improve ing, protection and preservation of your chance to make g .od i reeii and shrub». Program » for the Huy w ill In Kent out lo all teacher» \ asking for them March 10 ha» been designated as 1 "T each er»' Day" for Columbia coun­ ty. Tho »chool o fficer» and school pu'roiib In each district aro go.ug i<> be asked to unllo In making the day o.te of real pleasure for the teucliei .< u. teacher» serving tho district. The day will pro,'Ido many opporlunltle whereby parent» may make tho fallli till teacher feel thut »lie 1» appro elated In I ho community Ten year» ago there were only e'ght eight high »chool teachers e m ­ ployed In the » hools of the county. There are twenty-two employed hi the «cliool» during llio present school | year. The number o f pupil» attend mg these high »chool.« ten year« ago was about eighty »even a» compared to four hundred sixty five ui t h is ! time tfeuppooee, Hi. Helens, Itn Grocers tiler, Ch.tskanio amt Vernon a main lulu the only »taiidi.nl high school« Recommend of t ho county. Albers There 1« some proha hall ly that two field meet» will he held In the county Quality this year, one for the nigh schools the and one for the grade» T h e essay, hotcakes oratorical and declamatory context« will he held on the evenings o f the of the »■me day» on which the field »port» W e st are held. The grude teacher» arc especially Interested iii the literary contest» und there 1« little doubt hut that they wlll »upport a two-day pro gra ni. Seventy-five per cent o f the teach or» employed In the county are teaching their flr » l year here. The plan of changing teacher* each year 1» not so had a» it was several year» ago. Doing hack fifteen year» It win a common occurrence for ono room ■cliool» lo be served by two teacher« during a six-mintI ih school term There 1» one school In which llurtj two teacher» were employed during a period o f twenty years. Albert * • CHURCH N O T IC E S * * • • e e e e e e e e e HKYI N I'll HAY A D V K N T IN T Babbei h uchool every Rabbet h (flaturdu 1 at 10:00 n in. IT .ich ing servi Missionary meeting ut 11:16 • m Our Rundey evening ubrvices ! will begin on the evening o f Febrm ry S ut 7: 4 f.. Shall W> have world pence? Tho appearti of the ITInco o f Peace. Tha K in c dont of Peace. A new world. Tboee tnd other topic» of world Inte rest ' will be presented front u Il Ibi Ica I and h'etorlcal viewpoint In :i series *>t M Hu« You afe if Portland. * ‘ It 1» exported hy A. II Tarboll, m ailer of I’omona tlrange, that tht• r • will he a large attendance at the meeting which wlll bo held In Ver- nonla tomorrow Vernon la grang" I iuh mail'' ample preparation» so M Tarboll »luted, to hospitably enter tain the grange member» o f tho coun­ ty and the prog am which has been arranged will be of Interest to every grange/. ---------- - • ------------- Money wouldn’t he »0 tight If those who have it would loosen up On ft 'fini In 11 y Invited to attend. ---------« C A T H O I.IO ond Cowllot Ht reels mas» on Sunday at I I 30 Taxtor — — ^ ^ ^ ^ A p rln iii'« ■------------- it n 11 l l'l» Netiin*. Mogh id B v i i >' * 4 Holy m 6:00 A rrive» SI Helen» Dally ni (Sunday l;3 0 p in ) and Bit 1« study at 4:16 on Tuesday«. (Sunday 2.00 p ui » prnatlie on night ni 7:00 ChlldrOt r h o lr and Sodality meet Leaves St Helen» - - 10:30 m A rrive» Portland Ing o t Friday i ( L. II HOLMAN. Agent N. A- Mas - on 4 i | i Sunday of the W liarf fool monthhs at 9 00 a m t’onfe»»lo n» Make» nil way landing« Phoned: Main 8323 STS h«S' on Saturday afternoon anil Alder »tree! A-4204 •van tug and ho'ore all masses Helen» Agl Davli' Ilona from above schedule or H A R V E Y W IL K IN S , SI •paclal »ervlees wilt always ho an- DounM' In this paper. No*-' l l"»ll<'« a ie always wel I JOSEPH P. C L A N C Y , BREAD, BUNS A N D COFFEE CAKE r , . <* Having any Trouble With % Your Car? j it for you in a hurry. <> ♦ POM ONA GRANGE M E E T IN G T O M O R R O W Max Or Imro. Iroral Elder. I Portland Marble Works ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PA ST R Y OF A L L K IN D S Flapjacks It I* the concenatt» of opinion of 600 grown. « of purebred and grade liveet'ick Who were queatlot ed hy the United g l i " « » Deparintunt o f A " r culture that the purebred »Irr I» from I h I the ordine / «Ire. T h l» applies to all claMes Of live »t o d Many o f the men win» replied lo the deputi ment'» Sucetioiiualro gave figure FEDERAL FUNDS and epeeific Inetnnco« to back up FOR F O R E S !’ RO ADS what they Itati to »■> regarding th ■ remarkable Improvement offocted In $15.01)0,000 has been apportioned a relative ly »hört time In reptv to the quo lien » » to the by tho S e e n ’ ary o f Agrirultur among 97 »tali'«. Alaska und Porto value of Itlco in which national for « I » are others in Improved live »tuck most of the ,• located for the construction o f road» farmers (end breedern »aid that they and trull*. Of tli » amount Oregon will re had been tho m e m » o f »t.-rtlng at Wiishlnglon will leset two or three, und one man who celvn $1,87l>.644 had been rai- mg purehr da f >r forty receive $1,311,09$ und Alaska I» ul $ 1.090.493 In total» a l­ years sabl he had Influenced every lotted maa lO l i e neighborhood It A 1% lowed for all national forest slates. Oregon rank» third. Washington Editorial fifth and Alaska I» in seventh place; •fcköP*’’ ' “ 'H ---------- Idaho leading with California second a • *. e e e e e e e e e und Montana and Colorado In fourt’.i • • and »ixlh place». • A "d o u b tfu l" colored » w ater mu Hiime friend» never come around hu » u c e e s H f u lly w iiH h iil If the » w ater until they are in need. I» f ir s t soaked in out third pull of lukewarm water to which has been added three tubbspoon» of lurp u tine and a eup of »alt. To remove rust »p o i» from linen ISH.T wet the material In warm water an I rub on the »pots a »o litiion of one N E U BROS. part oxalic Held to hix parts wati r. ¡lung in the bright sunl Tit to dry Cereal boxe« em pind o f their con­ tent» ure the very best thing to pill ¡5114 & 2HC 4th Ht., Opposite the Jur» o f vegetatile» and preserve City Hall In lo exclude the light When ar­ ranged on the »helve» I bel or writ*- P O R T L A N D , o i l I,. the name of the content» on III" He« us or write for price». boxes. It will pay you. ♦ ♦ CHEVROLETS A Comfortable House in Cold Weather fl W a s yours such during the cold weather, or did you stay huddled at the stove or the heater to keep from freezing? A re $ 0 7 5 .0 0 Delivered at your home. fl If such was the case, better ask us for information as to the line of furnaces we carry and which we can install on short notice. R EASO N ABLE TERMS fl The saving on fuel will go a long way towards paying for the furnace and in addition to this Y O U R HOUSE W IL L BE COM FORTABLE. IM M E D IA T E D E L IV E R Y R. C o n sta n tin Plumber and Heating Expert Engineer St. Helens, Oregon COPELAND AUTO CO. ST. H E L E N S . O R E G O N