THE ST. HELENS MIST ST VOLUME X U ' t OF C. SHOW MAKES Hll YEARLY REFORT OF PUBLIC LIBRARY HELENS* OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922 ........... ' ' a ! ISLAND MILL MAY INTERESTING NOTES CIRCUIT COURT TO RESUME OPERATION OF COUNTY SCHOOLS CONVENE MONDAY . —. ... 4 ItelNirt o f Idli rarla n I mill ate * That Pub li c I* T a k i n g M o m Interest In I *111.11«' InstItutlon - . « Huperlnlendent Wllkcrsou H ale o f <)|Minliig l>c|«-nd* Upon tie- ¡W e a th e r and F u tu re M ark et C on ­ — .. ^ d ition s. of H i n t l>«> i * NururaJixutifjii I> h > Tells That more Interest Is being taken School Activlllee In Columbia It is planned to start up the Is­ In the St Helena public library and land Lumber Company mill early In County. Loral r iu iw N Iliuidn'iU In 'hat more people urn taking advan­ February according to a statement tage of the facilities o f the library o f II F McCormick, president of “ NnudI T o h i i Ii*K Klmw is Indicated In llie following report the company. The date wheu the The eighth gra d « state exarain» -— T h N i 'i * < b o ti» N i e l l i * o f o f the lihrurtun which covera the ac­ mill will resume operation ha* not tlons were held In a few of the tivities for the yeur 1921 in o li« ti— >1 ny Im K o | m * u I< m I. school districts of the county on been definitely decided upon and d< Total circulation hooks und pend* on weather and market con til muguzliie* ................... 13,193 Thursday and Friday of thlH week tlons, hut at the present time both Largest dally circulation . . . . 9b May 1» the month In which the great­ seem favorable and there is no rea That thi< Hi Helen* Chamber of No. people reading In library. 3,999 er number of eighth grade pupils son to doubt hut that the mill will C u n m t r t " Chattier»' intiiLlrel allow No people visiting library . . . 1 6,529 take the state examination In C, start up In February, Mr. McCor­ which we* on Ho’ houril» al tin' I.Hi NO hook* In library ............. 1,311 lutnhla county. Hoys’ and girls’ club work Is re mick said. ■rty theatre Tuosduy ami VV ih I ih * Volumes added during y e a r . . 326 The mill which 1* situ ted on the day night* wan u n a l good iuln»lrel l l l f t * ................................................. 209 co ring an Impetus at this time Tho point of Sauries Island Just across county HUporiniondent will have the allow can ho ulloHtod lo li> the H00 1‘ urchused . . 117 Holllriugh, the the Willamette slough from St. Hel people wh<> mm l In« lilark face com Nir new borrowers ............... 397 Assistance of Mr county agent. In tho promotion >f ens, has been Idle since early In edlnna perionn. The ahow bouan wua Amt collected for flues on over- 1921 It* average dally capacity is tilled tor hoi ii performance» ami the due hooka ...........$ i h $ club work In the schools this year In 80.000 feet and when In operation fact, Mr llollhaugh will have charg' 8. ■ H. O digit wua hung out curly Amt. collected fur rent on pop­ furnished employment to sixty or of the calf and pig clubs Tueaday evening when it wan appitt ular f a c t i " t i ....................... $.!11¡. The first local 1'iMltute o f tho pres seventy men. Most o f the lumber ts enl that mure pimple waiiteil ticket* Amt collected for lost hook* I 7.36 shipped hy water ent school year will lie held at St than thura were neat* In the theatre Helens on Saturday. Kebruory 4th T h e show wua repeuted Wednenday BRIEF HAPPENINGS \ large attendance o f teachers Is ex venlng and the »how liouae watt uitam DEMONSTRATION OF ABOUT THE CITY p e e le d since on till* date plans for tilled with p ople who evidently on PRUNING TOMORROW the county field meet and coun'.. Joyed the pet >rt tuiice and the Joke* I iit. riain* S. s. t I u m .— Mrs I, s»ay and declamation contests will o f the ••nlg” o r County Agent F C Holihaugh will The aoiu* were exceptionally r. ion (I Ito- * "n t"itallied fifteen members he made The parent-teachers organization hold u pruning demonstration on the and the five ploee orchealra added of her Sunday school clans r.t a din Theodore Karth farm near Yankton much to the program welt their ■ i t at the L a r i lic e hotel In W'est of St. Helens hold a special meet tomorrow. Saturday, January 14. at ll e l nn* Wednesday evening, a Ing on Wednesday afternoon o f this aplondld im cm ipunuaenta nnd juzzv St It is expected that rent that w is much enjoyod and week A good program was prepared 1 o'clock p. in mualc. I)r Jala m T M.i'tln wua the and refreshments served Tho org a ­ a number of the farmer» of that vi­ appreciated by the class niuaicul direct >r Ml»* llecalo Hat • • • nization Is very active in Its effort- cinity will be present to wltnc*» the tan pianist. and W alter Freeman, the Viiniiul Met* Ing.— The stork hold to Induce all under-nourtshod child­ demonstration. aloflnlet John iH'mlng wan tight The county agent sayt that now Is r» of the si llervn* Co-Operative ren to drl:tk ph ii ty o f milk, and a* thore win the tri p dri'.iu* und W ale 'he time to prune fruit trees. "A Kutherfoi tl with hi* $t>00 aaxaphone • reutuery a**oclatlon will hold their a means of furthering this program, unuul meeting m the Methodist children who are not able to pur­ general thinning out Is usually het £ » d C. C Turner v. lie pi yed the 'cel ter th"n a severe cutting hack Al! lo ronnih tl out an orchestra which ' hureh on Saturday, January 14th chase milk are furnished the milk (Uttlngs should he burned and no' and dinucr will tie served by the la» free o f charge couldn't lie hunt The school at Hlrkenfeld will be left on the ground or piled up In a T h e credit for the ,ucro»*ful per dies’ Aid Society In the basement of corner Quite often diseased wood is formance I* due to the untiring of the church, according to notices *en' standardized on the evening of Jan the stock holder* by (I W Mills, sec uary 20th. Superintendent J A < ut o f f and serves as a hatching forta o f J G Nauuian who original f'hurchlll of Salem will bo present ground for Insect peefs" Mr Holt ed the chow and to Mra. Nauman rotary of the association He Is anxious to co • • • and deliver an address The teachors Laugh stated who had hurge of the Mage setting* Ford Car Halm. Manager Guy and the school hoard have taken a operate with the fruit growers of and dMlr i* lloth of them were so Columbia county to secure the he«' enthttSlat lr a* to the show thut the Fteldhouse report* the following re great deal o f Intereat In providing Fete Mar- the requirement* nore*sary for stan­ possible results and In addition to his mlnstreF hoy» caught the spirit and cent sale* of Kuril car». It will lie an occasion duties as county agent ho will take worked hard to make a hiicccsh a* ncrl bought a touring car, Ml»» I.a dardization vtnla Klhlan. a coupe and Thomas that will count 'o r something In the up tho work o f county fruit Inspector Mr. and M r* Nauman wished for and render such aid as Is within hi? He has five or six o r­ school life o f the Hlrkenfeld school One of the pleasing features of Roy a truck Twenty four teachers took the ex power to help the fruit growers to the »bo.' v ere the dliulnutlv” der* hooked w hich called for delivery raise better fruit and more of it. the month Mr Fleldhous* amlnattons for certificate* at St Hel "coons" Hoh N iiui lull and Hwepwin during ns during tho third week In Decern- "Columbia county Is a splendid fruit Morton, Jr Ma ter lloli. attired In believes the prospect* are excellent her, and with one or two exceptions, country." Mr. Holihaugh stated, “ but tho gorgeous minstrel costume, for a good business this year. • • • all o f them passed very creditably we must take better care o f our or pleased the ; mllenre with his solo, Joint Installation. __ _ St. Helens An official report will be »ent to the chard* If we expect to produce good " I Know Abut ll Mean» to he Lone m in e," and responding to an encore. Lodge, No. 117, I O. O. F and lie teachers from the state department j fruit.' Master 8wep»on Joined him in sing I skull Lodge No 217, had a Joint of education about January 20th The county superintendent, w F ’.i The Ing " M a ' Tho performance of those installation Thursday night. two "OO ouk ' pleased everyone umt lodge hull was well filled with tnetu the asslKtanco o f the teachers, will brought a storm of applause They her* of the three links fraternity, ssue a county annual of the school were fort'* ! 'o r< tpunil to repeated tunny of whom tame front a distance of Columbia county near the end uf Thus fat- 'o tie present at the Installation A f ­ the present school year encore«. It wa* a mighty good show and ter the Installation ceremonies mem­ no such year book has ever been pub­ thore Wen o many " » t a r » " that The bers and guests assembled around lished In the state and this one If Mlat will nol mention any o f them the table In the hantiuet hall and par- properly edited should prove very Financial Institutions Make a ( « hk I except to say th.-t all o f the troupe took of a bountiful spread which was helpful to our schools Showing and Annual Dividendi, arc Some o f the voters of the Quincy were star ami tin r-> I* a po*sll lllty furnished by the Rehekahs. A • • school district have petitioned the Iks lared — O ffic e r» F-lected to that the show may he repeated Tho llirllulii) I'arty. — Mine Adello school hoard to call an election for program was: serve for Ensuing Year. Interlocutor ............ s c Morton M'tchrnin. daughter of Mr and Mr* the purpose o f contracting a bond buries llltchmnn celebrated he- ed Indebtedness to erect a new school I'agoe— Swep on Morion, Jr , and TBoru to vital need o f u *• ith birthday by having fifteen of building lloh Nauman The aunual meeting of the stock­ End Men I «Hi Nauman, Jack Ollby, her young friend* as guests at a par- I good school building In the Quincy holders of the Columbia County district and the matter o f the selec­ : y Game* wore played and after ! Hally Heaoock. Itiifu* Conte» lit.r.k was ti j M Thursday afternoon ward* delightful refreshments were j tion o f n site should not longer stand [ I N T lltll >1'< " I I l >N A lo lg table In the St llel ; In the way o f the educational pro j Reports submitted as lo the uffaits "Oregon"- Hoh Hlarkburn, Jr . Kate served of the ban* were satisfactory to the cits Hotel dining room, which was gress o f the children there Lynch The Freacott school has over fifty stockholder* and a dividend of lu .istefiilly decorated for the occasion, Overture . ."HIrut Ml*» Lizzie" was loaded with the heat o f e very­ pupils In attendance at the present per cent on the par value uf the The stockhold­ Itufua h C o . i i es ............................................ thin" lo cut end the young guent* 1 time Mis* Ruth Ilaloted, the teach stock was declared. ....... "I mler Southern Skle) icartll) enjoyed thu afternoon'» an er. I* perhaps the hardest worked , er» elected as director», Suerman W ill Russell ■ Silver Sanda of Love teacher In the county. The school Miles, Mat tin White. J w Day, L 'ertulli menf. The Juck OIL . " L i t t l e Liza June " board has recently built a one-rootn ) G. Rom and Charles Graham * * * Maurice Richardson . . . Stork llrlng* Little Girl.— The addition to the old building and the , directors elected Sherman Miles as ..................... "W y o m in g L u lK b y " ordluary wrote a Jingle about a well known Washington high school basketball his annual report of the work of his T H E (IR A N I) FIN A LE The number o f Instruments article which wa* advertised Thurw club, the St. Helens high quintet office " T m l e Remus' Hlrthday" day she received a $2 check fr* m the went on the floor o f the auditorium filed In the clerk's office dining Binging those dear Old Negro Melo­ Telegram saying that she had won Saturday night determined to »c o r« I 1921 were 2 7 « « and the fee* colleit The ne dise ami closing with the Virginia the fourth prize in the content. She a victory over the town team and ; ed amounted to Id.SO« «7 Reel " A s Is" -avs she will try again and hope* to they did It, the score being 32 to 23 ‘ expense o f the office for ihe )e a r was |5,438.90 nnd leaves a profit Introducing he first among the nine prize win­ In favor o f the " h i " team Tho i Th-' lio^ Hally H cacock Joe Naum.m ner*. but she Is happy thitt she scored town team showed a lack o f practice to the county of 3367 77 llllllt* Hrowu foiirlh among the hundred* o f nchool and the fighting spirit o f the " H I " I tax collected was 1409 and this sum '« plac'd In a special fund lor Buck ami Wing I lancers- " L o t 'or children of Oregon who nubmllted team was much In evidence. In fac; protection of domestic animals The Jingle*. Buck" the game, at times, reminded one of game fee* collected and reported to • • • a football contest and many foul* Bum (iiiii.s Early Morning Fire.— Tho re*t ' were made hy members of the school the stale treasurer amounted to 3983.87. Roy Oil) Bolt Nauman dene« owned hy t'harle* W h ile and j team which Referee Rene DeVIn did Naturally Mr Hunt Is pleased E. O. Young Billy Hrowu occupied hy William t’orwtn anil fam- | not see The high school team with the excellent showing made hy tly caught fire Monday morning at J. R. Ollhy ila lly lleccock showed a wonderful improvement In his offic e and the fact that In addi alsnit 8 o ’clock A defective flu" form and playing and If they keep R. W. Murphy Sum Ingham caused the fire and the damage lo up the pace It will take a very strong lion to being self-sustaining, there 1* Bob Blackburn, Jr Maurice Rlchnrd a little surplus o f profit to turn In the building wan nominal The team to heat them. lo the county treasurer Kufua jC'oatcH an a household good* o f the Corwin's ST. HELENS BANKS ELECT OFFICERS Swepaoi Morion Kit t'onyera J. V. A. Farnoll Jon Naum; n 8. C. Morton W ill Itusnell F id d ler 1» J. O'Malley GOOD N IG H T SUNSET THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY NUMBER 5 were removed from the building without lo** Mnce the fire was smouldering In tke upper »lory. The volunteer fire department wa* on the t'.ccne In a few minute» after the alarm «minded, Hen Copeland al the wheel o f the fire truck, having lost no llnte In Marling the engine and having the truck ready when the boy* rnme They soon extinguished tho fire and worked as velerrn fire­ men. On Sa turd ty evening the Sunset theatre m West St Helens will open after having hern closed for several Miss Hazel Brittain accompanied month* A Gray, Jr bought the by her mother. Mrs. Enitna Brittain, ■how Bo uni and It*» hooked n number came down from Portland last night o f good plays. The film proituctlons to attend the Joint Installation of are fO’'nl bed by tho Universal Film tho I. O. O. F and Rehekahs. Ml?» compoti ami aro high c l ’ «a pruiluc Brittain was chief operator In the St lion*, Mr tl ray Mated lie plan* to I Helens telephone office until a few have ghown on Tuesday*. Thursdays! months ago when she was promoted . snd «a A . ___i ........ o . f each .....,........i. i. i to a more responsible position In the flnttmh'ys week ___ and ■ .. will end « » v o r lo cure only high class general offices of the phone company prod wet lo is. in Portland. PEACE DOLLAR “ MOONSHINE" POURED MAKES APPEARANCE INTO COLUMBIA RIVER Von Gray, so far as Is known. Is the only person In Kt Helens lo pos ses» one o f the new Peace Dollars It wan sent to him by one of Ihe big wholesale jewelry houses In t'hlca go, who stated that they had been able to secure only 200 of these coins on account of so limited a number be­ ing coined. T h e new dollar is a won derfttl sample of the silversmith's art T h » “ Liberty H ead" stands oul In a raised figure and the American eagle on the reverse side of the dol­ lar Is a work o f art Under the eagle appears Ihe word "p ea ce" and the date 1921 Mr Gray has Ihe dol­ lar on exhibition In Ihe window of his Jewelry store and It has attract­ ed much attention. Thursday morning was vault- cleaning time over at the court house | and Sheriff Wellington and Deputle- Abbott and Hatfield made a clean up of the wines and liquors tskon In raids, tho cases having been settled. One lot o f wine of about 500 gal Ions which was seized when Ihe fsrm o f P Maraccl wa* raided was poured Into the river snd was followed hy a steady stream o f moonshine whlske? Demijohns, Jug*, gallon contain) r*. quart and pint bottles were broken and the content* went Into the river Between 1200 and 1800 gallon* o> the stuff was dumped out and it I* estimated that at the prevailing rc (nil prices, close to 325,000 worth cl the etuff wee destroyed FOR INIS WEEK u ih ! TttPiiJiy A p p l i c a n t * f o r < itix«*iifc iip. ( AftI«* ( ' aha *' W i l l la ll»*nr«t 8«*v«*ral O th e r ( ra « a on l io i k c t. •Several V essel* I ■ aMvvtue Jaiiiil O ffsh o re and LumlH-r Cargo«*» and Longshoremen Circuit court, Jmige Eslíen prestd Ing, will convene mi Monday, Jan uury 16th The flrst day .» natural Ization day and ther are sume 20 applicunt» for citizenshlp A ti mu ber applted for cítIzens.oip orne tim ago bul Judge Eaken Instructed theni to become netter acijuainled wlth tli fundamental principie» of thl» gov ernment and when they nad done th!» to come ag .ni for • xanini tlon On January 17 , Tues day, the i <;t for hearing .< that o f Edith M Kelley v*. Goorir e W Kelley Th* plaintiff 1* suing for n divorce ami 1* repre** nt»d Attori «y J W I y und Glen It Met ?kor r jpresun's thu tli fondant. T w o other cases arc also to he heard on this day, hut y motion only am! both arc divorce - im *. B. Trindle vs C F. Trindle nod ( or:- rtanco Ellis vs H C Ellis On Wednesday the c se of B I'au! sen and Louiso Faulsen v*. Charles Bernard, E Stipe and \ /..ll'-r and the case of Charles Bern; rd and E Stipe vs. C. I) Faulsen are schedule I to he heard These cases are the well known “ Paulsen cattle cases which have been In the court iron, time to time and apparently Is a case where one party claims som thing which another party claims and ►ach go to the court It is expected that the rase will bring out some Interesting facts. Kept Busy— Hhip- menls VV ill Total 7,04)0,000 Feet. Ih.a week ha* been a bu»y one along lue wateiiront and more tout) UHi iongshoremeu have been kept busy loading the several vessel» which were or are iu port. The -n.eamor i>a.s> Putnam sailed Tuea­ day night for San i'edro after tatt­ ing on a cargo o i bj(j,UUU leet of lumber. Ih e steamer Kirkpatrick ia taking on a cargo of l.uUU.OUu leet and is scheduled to sail Satur­ day evening. I ne »hipping board steamer steel Seafarer was due la*t night and will lake 1,200,000 feel tor .v-w York delivery. The Japa­ nese steamer Holland Maru wa* due last mgnt, coming for a consignment I of two million leet lor the orient I he Kinkasaen Maru arrived Sunday ..¡id will leave tomorrow or Monday, tier cargo from Bt. Helen» i» 2,000,- uoo leet of Umoers and also about 300 tons of scrap steel. 1 he steamer Waparna was sched­ uled to come to rit. Helen* Saturday nut tho order* were changed and Joseph Maxfield who ha* charge of •he snipping department here for the Met ormick o. d. company, s: ys that the vessel m.ghl not arrive until .Sunday, lie also expects the Celiio in during the ea-ly part of the week The steamer krank Stout is e l ­ i c i t e d today, according to Mr Max- t.eld, and v ill load 950,000 feet of (Umber tor Ban PeJro. Shipments DOG TAX LEGAL for tli.* week, including the cargo of COURT DECLARES ne Multnomah which sailed Sunday i ight. wall total close to seven mil­ The Oregon supreme court ha* lion feet, Mr Maxfield *aid hr nded down a decision declaring the dog tax law to be constitution;* THE OLD NES f " IS and owners of canines will he corn COMING TO LIBERTY pelled to pay their license* within 31 days under penalty of having their The great cry has gone up from animals destroyed The license fee is 3 1 for male and :he public to the theatres for worth- w hile picture» and "T h e Old Nest," 32 for f«m a!e dog? In return for these fees uwn?rj are entitled to free w hich comes to the Liberty on Thurs­ day »u d Friday of next week will collars for their dogs. For fallu?« answer that cry. It 1» a genuine to obtain the proper dog license the photoplay— a story of ov.-ner may lie fined in an amount not American to exceed 310 and the costs o f the mother love and celf-sacrifice com­ prosecution. The state dog tax la* mon to every family the world over, i Imre .* humor and there are tears was enacted in 1920, hut the const' 'utionality o f the act was subse- in the plain tale of daily life as we all know it Uf " T h e Old Nest” an luently attacked County Clerk Hunt hes a supply " f eminent movie critic says, “ I f you dog collars and license tag* and he like to laugh, if you enjoy a gentle advises all dog owners to send 'n veeping spell, if you want to see their application for license? The yourself, your brothers and sisters, your father and your mother on the collar and tag will be promptly mailed or delivered to th't-e wh< .-treen. go and see this picture.” Whtie "T h e Old Nest" is gripping. come to the office of the cle* k Det>- utv Veazie will h a v e cha’ ge of thi‘ ;t has an altogether different hold on work a.nd he promises prompt a r t the emotions than the usual thriller. satisfactory service to both the ow ■ There isn't one m lcdtamat'.c scene yet this picture holds the audience er and the dog. So It you value your dog better get the Been-" right now more strongly than any melodrama . v r filmed. In brief, it is a picture America has betn waiting for. CONGREGATION ALISTS ELECT OFFICERS FATAL ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAY The annual election of offlcrrs m the Plymouth Congregati • .al clutrc! When the tuu ing car of Max Lev- to >k place Saturday \ crut J..a sk 'ded on the frost coated sut- uary 7th, and Ihe follow tig .f:icer- .u'O of the R inier hill, the car were chosen: Mr* Th unu* Ish'ster plitnc (1 over th high embankment. 'rustee; Mrs \V R Til! rd, clerk 1 'he act id nt occurred about noon II A Childs, treasurer; (>. Youi • \\ dnesd > Tho car roiled over three superintendent of the Sunday School lime at..i landed in a r. vino fifty Edwin Ross. a*sistant »tin rtntend feet below the roadway Passing •nt Edwin Ross and 1' 1. Ada n» auto:.- atr.’.e o the assistance of the were elected deacons and \1’ * Edwin Injured and took them from the Ross and Mrs John L St irla. dea wrecked car. Mr Levin was rushed conetises Annabolle L*1 ster was to Portland in an umbul. nee and giv ­ elected Sunday School secretary tine en surgical atto'.i:ion but he was so treasurer. badly injured that he died soon after The business meeting was preced­ reaching the hospital. Mrs. Levin ed by a fellowship supper and was was seriousl) injured but the proo- attended hy member* and their fain pects *re that she will reco"cr. An­ Illes to the number of more than other oecup • t oft the car escaped hundred. An interesting program of injury. The t/osty pavement v a s the after dinner speeches wa* ctrrie.l cat *e of the tar skidding, it is re- out. Mra. W. B Dillard being the pr rted. toaatmaster. The general theme w-.i-« that St. Helen» need* Its churche- i and the churches need men Thes* LEGION INSI ALLS who responded with appropriate ami NEW OFFICERS well received talk* were. Dr Edwin i Rose, Prof. Harold Tuttle. Peter Ad The recently elected officer* of ants, H A. t'hilds. .1 h Foote an l Columbia Post 42. American Legion Mr*. Thomas Ishisler wore Installed Monday night at a nice ng of the Legion which was at­ CLATSKANIE PIONEER tended by 3 5 members. Waldeu Dil- rd was installed a* commander; ANSWERS LAS CALI Harr) Kuttz. vice commander: Wll- ■ ■ 4 . nt Russell, adjutant; J P. Clancy, Adam Barr died at hi* home in a plain and James Baker, htstorlau. t’ lalskanie on New V e e r’s night Curing this year Columbia Po*l 11:55 o'clock, death being due !.• plans to give a series of entertain­ hi* advanced age He was v \ ,ir- ment* the first of which will he a I month ami 9 day* of age at the s ticker and will be held in the near time o f his death. Adam Harr w.,- futuie A campaign for membership borirvin 1835 in Gochen. Ohio lie i- alto to he inaugurated and tho o f ­ crossed the plain* in 1853 with hi ; ficers of the post hope to see the parent* settling in the t’ latskani" membership roll increased to not valley where he has lived rontin le < than 100 this year Tho present ttously He made several trip* membership is about «0 across the plains returning at one time hy water around Gape Horn 11* was married In 1865 In Ohio to Mi* PAREN r-TEACHERS Sarsh Sagle Five children were HAVE MEETING horn to this union, Mr* Lucretla Ulce. deceased; John A Harr, of The St Helens Parent-Teachers' t'lstskanle; Mary Seffert. o f Deer I- held a meeting at the school house on land; William j Harr, o f t'latsk t Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas tile, and James A. Harr, o f t'latsk.i Ishisler, president of the association, nle Ten grandchildren and tw > presided at the meeting Interesting great grandchildren survive, also and instructive talk* were made by two brothers. William Harr and J*- Dr I. (I Ross, Dr Edwin Ross aud Harr o f f ! a t * k » n i e Funeral service Martin White It was decided to con- were held In the Pioneer Method t'n u« the program outlined by th ) church. January 3. Rev Ebert offt Parent-Tc chera’ asst elation to Tur­ elating. in h milk to tho many pupils of the school who apparently needed such Sale* o f gasoline in Oregon durine nourishment. the month o f November. 1921. ex After the business session the la­ reeded those of the seme month a dies o f tho association served re­ year ago hy 70,41« gallons, accord freshments to the 100 persons pre ing to a statement comoiled hy Sam ent. A Kozer, secretary of «• :'•' Distil late »ale* showed an Increase of 70. St Helens vs. Forest Grove. Sat­ 709 gallons, , urday night— basketball. t