ST HELKNS I-!' ------------ PAGE TW O Reservo OUlrli’l No 0 j Carl Hmirer* >f 1 » Uuest» of his aunt» Mr«* S C V »r. land Mi>- Olga lleilborti on Ne* a Y.'ar's (lay sud Monday, v'arl is » MIST M1STINGS * member o f the senior cl »* a' J*’ * * * * * - * • • * * • * month. 1. Join Columbi* Post, The 1 j Miss Blanche Warner of k»-* ii U* ids. Michigan, who h s been visa. 4 L egijn . J VV. Thatcher was a business vis : hpr gjster \|rs (.¡eont" Wilson for 3 ltor tn Portland. Tuesday. the past year, left on Wednesday for to visit her Mr and Mrs. Charles Smith and | ('„rona. California 4 r-.mhv «oen tÑ ew Year-» with friend*I i r„ther Allen 1. Warner of that 1 ,1 m > y 1 .tty. Mias W a nor has made manv in Portland 5. .... it Mrs J W. Akin and fatu- •I friends durine her sojourn in S: 1K were guests of Portland friends Helen» who regret her departure 6 . N 7 . Miss Mare Long left on Thursda' , .n any field could be found than the ' ‘ for ’ Astoria where she will new series of Sunday school .<’ » o t ■ y morning on the Hebrew prophets Mr Tut- spend several days with friends tie, w ho is an authority on Hebrt w Mrs. A B I.ake returned from So history, will present some of the n. attle Saturday after having spent the luminating facts which from the holidays season with friends in that background to this study. Sunday 12. city evening at the Congregai Iona’ Mrs Roy Gill and daughter Mary church.— Advt. Ellen » i l l "leave for Portland today Hr Thompson » ishea to n o i-1 to spend the week end with rela- ity his patrons that his prac c l « . ™ . » M l. o l . l l - "S - • « is r a r r r r is y r K Shop. linea to make room for spring good0 iduys. and can not be «ffioe headquarters in Portland — Advt Those wishing to se*> him personally Harry Bennett took a short vaca­ should arrango to do so on dates of tion from his work at the barber his visits here Next visit Saturday. shop Tuesday and journeyed to Januarv 14, Ore dia Hotel, all day. ------------ * ------------- Portland. no you enjoy a live, snappy, NOTICE. breezy address'* Hear Mr. Tuttle, Having sold our stock of merchan Sunday evening, at Congregational dise to Mr. T. V. Holstine. we w i s h church.— Advt. to thank all our customer» ior their Miss Edna Christie of Portlind ! patronage and hope they will extend spent the New Year holidays with 'he same kindness and patronage to her father and mother. Mr and Mrs i he new o w n er— C. H. Briggs A Co H. W. Chrietie. ; Yankton. Oregon. ___________ E M. Helon who has been con­ fined to his home with a severe cold, •BEHOLD MY W IFE.” has sufficiently recovered to resume his duties at his store. Mr. and Mrs. John Philip and Miss Elizabeth Philip were guests of Mr and Mrs. John Forbes at their Port­ land home on New Year’s day. P. E. Lovegren. a prominent res­ ident of the Quincy neighborhc od. was in St. Helens Wednesday in con­ ference with tho county court. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Solum have at their house a bouncing baby boy FOB W E E K HF».INNING SUNDAY. which the stork left in their care on .1 \ Nl A R Y M Friday evening. December 30. The mother and son are progressing nice- s l M > \ Y ONLY__ LIBERTY THEATRE PROGRAM v ‘ ls repo rt o r rH K C O N W l- 'l * BEST HAMS and BACON COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK .... ........... - 111 s o l lit i N Loan» and discount», including rediscounts shown m i - " Jl if any .................................................. Morrell s Choice Brand ¡>e 1 1 »> <- | P S government securities owned, including t.o'm in items 31 and -<«>• if any ■ • _ .„eluding Other bonds, warrant» and secuntn». ■ . government, »lato, municipal, corporal . ' ’ 10x o o tug those shown iu items .11 and if a » » ■ 44 ; y ; : Slotks s.turttles. claims, liens, judgments, e.j _ Banking house. >21.015 - . . furuituro •* 3t,4Hti #0 $H).4T1 t>3 Real estate owned other than banking .n - lb ! A m unta due in m banka, banker» and paule*, designate,! and approved rosor.e ag-t. 4 01 ■ Exchanges for clearing house and Heirs on other banks M the same city or towu as reporting batik Cash on hand in vault .. . . •■•••• . . Total cash aud due from banks, item» k 1 1 t .1 ■ ..................................................... $s5.ilik 17. IS 1». 24 25. 5«. 27. 2v IS. 30. ^ r j(t 0 „ S&17.97K 3 < T o t a l ......................................................................... ’ ’ 11 U lll.l 1 11 *v . ,. , I 50.000 00 Capital »took paid in ........................... .............. a 10 000 ••«> Surplus fund . . . ............................... ia ) Cndlvided profits .. ib l Less current expense*, interest and luxe, * 14 “ llEM \ N I v DFINKsI IN, r I : il'.i ■ Deposit* due the Stat * of Oregon, and deposit* duo conn ty or cities and other public funds Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates o f deposit outstnndr.c C. shier’» checks of this bank outstanding payable "ii demand ............................................. Certified checks out ia ling Total of demand deposits, other than Kink deposit- subject to reserve items 24. 25. 27 and ’2» $211.47» *>7 TIM E \NI> S W I M . * HEINiwITN. payable on demand and subject to ic ■■.. >■ Time certificates of deposit outstanding J ' 2Ü» U" Savings deposits payable *ubj-ct to no’ n 21».0 0 • 2 Tota! of time and savings deposit» payable on demand and subject to notice, items 30 and 30 $J ts 27 4 2 4 Metal • - ___ STATE OF OHEOON. County of 1 oluuP 1 -s I J E Hutchinson Cashier of t •• v.- nan: I *u » do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the of tr , knowledge and * None itc In-itci and lew as good. Shipped to us direct Horn Mouell's g i c . i t packing plant at Sioux I.., 1 1 . Our customers tell us tltry never had such excellent hams and bacon and the price is no more than hams not as good.. The next time you wain ham t bao>n Buy Monell's lro«n us. You will be sutislted. J E HI r< HINgON CORRECT— Attest: Sherman M M ies J iv ''ay. M ..-tin A h •• Inr-- 'or- Subscril ed and »worn to t.efore me *' 5i! i.i> ,-f J.-.miry. l i t . . JOHN L STOHI.A. Notary Public My comtnis. ion expires February 1 11 ly.' , OUK M E A T D E P A R T M E N T always lias a choice line 0 » beef, veal, pork and in tact any kind id choice liesh meat at the lowest pus side prices, we also have a full line of fresh fruit 4 and vegetables and .t complete stock of choice *ro- Give us a trial ortler and you will become a 1 rues regular customer. People’s Market St Helens. Oregon ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J » Wire and Nails \ Down Again : : N A IL S —B.isc puce per keg Chamber of Commerce Chanter MINSTRELS Eugene Blakesley on Thur-d .y after- noon. J nuary 12 at 2 o'clock. As- sistant hos’ esses. Mrs. Selby Gar- riott am! Mrs. Dale Perry. As pro- gram leader Mrs. Albert Burcham " i l l present Lesson II in the Abe- cedar»." The steamer Multnomah was due l ist night or early this morning A part o f her uphound cargo is a steam crane belonging to the Island Lum- her company. Since the mill shut down the crane has been In service in the Sin Diego yards of the Me- Cormlck Lumber company. The st" mer will load a consignment of 500,000 feet of lumber here for San Fra:-. d finish her cargo a’ some mill on the river. sup|>«>rt<*l by Katlilci-n Clifford and an all-star in the fa’’n conspire against him — ,b®> I’1"* 40 h|,,w “ I* hla dam. There are tense and thrilling sit- lta,,,,n* tn this story of a life o f ad- ' ' ‘n,ur’’ among soldiers o f fortune ,h'' '»order. D*h>ty Kathleen Clifford who win Fairbanks leading woman ” " ' ,en ,h,‘ « loud* Roll By,” play* opposite MctVowan. Join Columbia Post. The American SENNETT COMEDY: Legiun. "H IS HIDDEN "BEHOLD MY W IFE.' PURPOSE” SATU R D AY O N L Y — DOUGLAS MacLEAN IES1 YOUR BRAIN POW ER Ki'VfT« Y'.nr School Day*' The most fascinating period of history, next to our own, was the period o f tho Hebrew prophet». Yon arr- invited to join the Bible • Ians »t the Congrega­ tin' al church, Sunday morning at ten. Dr. Edwin K im », Lead­ er. DOUBLE NUMBER FREE’ Professor Harold d. Tuttle o f Pacific University, will give a popular lecture on the his­ torical background of Elijah p. m . C o n g re g a tio n a l Church Snappy Fa*, iuaiing Stimulating “THE JAILBIRD" The crowded career of one Khake«- I'eare t laary, who ran from a cell to run a village journal. \\ hen he fried to lie honest and l*T U|> the native*, they'd «wallow nothing hut fake oil -lock. So he fc»| ’em what they wanted. ' and w »« sneaking out with the prof, it* xx hen— Holy «moke! You never ran tell at*.nt Mother Earth or a Woman A liiouvand-harrel "gu«her" of laugh*, heart-tug and excitement. 'I D K s| N N F T T COMFDY ROOM 23.’ I N r E ltN A T IO N .il, NEWS. SATURDAY. JYNI YRY 7— "M O N TA N A H I L L " » Big Western. 80 rod »pools BARB W I R E EVERY ARTICLE Bargains In DRY GOODS CLOTHING HOSIERY SHOES NOTIONS E. M. Heavy Galvanized. 12 ' t $3.75 Ka 11 pound to the rod. 80 rod spools REDUCED IN PRICE PRK-INYENTORY SALE .................. , about $4 80 We have -i > »ig Jewel theft baffled Minstrels. them smart city sleuth*, and i|u.-cr Miss Jane Day. who has been tilings happened in that Home for spending the holidays with her par­ Nervous Women— ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day, re­ Sh-h-h-h 1 Just watch Sherlock turned to Portland Mondp.y to re­ Wells* sume her -tudies in one of the Port­ COMEDY: land schools. Speed up your brain work! Enjo» “ Edgar’s Country Cousin” the stimulating and enlightening ad EDUCATIONAL REEL: ” EAIKY dress by Professor H S. Tuttle of M AtilC ." Pacific University, Sunday night at Congregational church. Dry? Not a I- Continuous Sumlay from ’3 to I I p minute!— Advt. m. Matinee Brice« until M o’clock D. A. Robertson an old time friend AT h : and 1<>C. o f County Clerk J W. Hunt was here for a week end visit with Mr. aud T l ESDAY-W EDNESDA Y — Mrs. Hunt. He ls an ex-service man and is receiving treatment at the Cushman hospital. Mr and Mrs. Harry Isensee of Mo- decta, Calif., who have been here since December 16, guests at the An entertainment that should place home of Professor and Mrs. A F. this hunch of amateur artists in tin. Isens*-. left for their home yester- ri.fw s , „ na, day. Tue visitors a^e the parents of NO PICTU RES — JUST Ml sir the professor. JOKES. EUX. Mrs. .Sophia Dolan and three P R IC E : H A I.I A BU» K. cl: ughn-rs and J. B. Godfrey x eie cues'- of Mr. ar.d Mrs A. J Van T U I I l a l l . . . v I»ulan at an enjoyable New Y ea rs ** 1 dinner. The e\oning was ^pent in J. P. McGOWAN p.a; :ng cards and the party watched, ... t e old year out and tho new year In 1 The Woman’s Foreign Missionary Wf LULU ftl H STFFI JIL i L i L ” Telephone 4u L IB E R T Y THEATRE My I I NS OREGON. “Men’s Lecture Film” Three Reels with Fixplanatory Talks •s , L or Men and Older Boys t 7:30 P. M. /Hygiene and Health” For Women anti Older Girls Illustrated by Moving Pictures Mrs. Ellyn Kelly 1:30 P. M. "How Life Begins” Four Reels of Nature s Story for Everyom Young or Old 2:30 P. M. Jelly Powder, per package ............................... i 0 c Ghiradelli’s Chocolate. 1 pound can ................. 27c Ghiradelli s Chocolate. 3 pound can.................. 80c Morton's Shaker Salt, 2 packages ................... 25c P L E N T Y OF FRESH V E G E T A B LE S Presented by OREGON SOCIAL HYGIENESOCIETi Tickets for evening meeting for boys under 16 years may be obtained from Supt. Rutherford, at the high school; 16 years or over no tickets required. NO ADM ISSION CHARGF;S NO C O LLE C TIO N S A N D F RUI T S R O Y ’S rhe Grocer Money Saving (Y E S . W E D E L IV E R !) St. Helens, Oregon Phone 42 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦