St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 06, 1922, Image 1

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REDUCED $4,000
Vole to Kllintnul«' Item of
E m ergen t > l-'und— F a ir
I m lia is e d
|50U— A
V\ >in 1 >
Watch l*iirtlee are Held and t ’liurcli-
i'« IIavt* ¡Service« a« New tear
The year 11122 was quietly but
cordially greeted by many Ht Helens
people who were up lo witness hi
advent. Several of the churches had
watch services and at many of Ili
homes In Hi Helens there were funi
11 y gatherings and reunions
Knights of
planned a big dance for New Year
eve, but when the news was received
of the tragic death of Mrs. Jaunlta
Miles, the dance was culled off. Tb*'
Had accident cast a gloom ov«r the
city and was responsible for the quiet
reception of the New Year
Monday was s legal holiday and
the banks, public offices snd store«
were closed through the mills oper
nted and the steamer t'elllo, the only
vessel In port, worked cargo.
-■« -
T h « Mteamor t'elllo laden with
950,000 feet of lumber and carry­
ing a number of passengers, sailed
on Thursday for Han Pedro vlu Han
The holiday season ended Tuesdav
and the students of the several state
colegea who have been spending the
season with parents sud friends, re­
turned to their respective liihtltullons
John Johnson has his big bus In
a Portland shop undergoing needed
repairs, but expects to be on the run
During the time the bus was
off the run, several Jitneys looked
sfler the transfer of passengers to
and from the depot.
I igiil »u Heveral 11« Hi«.
■" ■— «
All wta nut hanuouy ut III« bud­
get meeting III tli« rlrcull court room
FrRluy afternoon.
Aflur County
Clark Hunt toad thu proposed budget
a motion wui made to adopt Hi«
budget aa road.
Ill« motion * 1 «
W. U Hillard inov«d an
amrnilini'Dt that th« budget bo mail
by section, prefacing tho motion wltu
a lengthy Htutemuiil ua lo tbu prw»«ni
day bitch taxation. Tbu amHudmutii
« a a seconded aud carried and tb« re-
n r iling of tb« budget wum begun.
Kxcepl for a lengthy «peei h by F. H.
Taylor, Hill« wa» aald uutll the ex-
p«na« of th« sheriff's office
brought up
It «bowed an ««timated
Incroaa« of approximately $<ul* over
the provlou« yoar and Judge Whit«
oxplaluud where ilia n«ce««ary Itouia
came In. After ootue argument tuu
budget allowunc« waa paaaed by a
lain« majority vote.
Item after
tom waa read auJ
quickly approved, aa It waa apparent
that ammunition waa being held In
reetrve for certain il«ma. The flral
gen waa fired when K. N. Lovtiiuce
auggeated that the allowance tor the
county fair be incruaaed from $1000
to $1500. He explained that <1000
■ --...... .
waau'l eufflcienl to bang up the
premium« which would be attractive WILL LECTURE ON
to the fariuura and apolte of the Im­
portance of thu fair.
The motion
'■ — i — d
waa aecondod and after aouie debate
Professor Harold H Tuttle of
Seemingly the Item« of thouaanda Pacific university Is to speuk at the
of dollar« were forgotten when the Congregational church next Hundsy
allowance for the office of Fruit In evening on the historical background
apector waa brought before the meet of Klljah under the title "The (¡real
An appropriation of <100 had «si Man of his Century '
Mr Tuttle was for two years sec­
been made aa against <800 for the
previoua year
lieurga Ithodea who retary of the coant division of the
Uvea near Scappooae aud boa an or­ religious education association, and
chard, waa not In favor of auch a two yearn director of education In
church, I
red ml lull
He claimed that the fruit Klret Congregational
Of his lectures on educa­
Induatry of Columbia county could Angeles
aud would be made au Important In- tional and religious themes, I hose on
duatry If many of the fruit grower« Old Testament prophets have proved
could have the advice of a competent the most popular and stimulating
No more Interesting line of study
fruit lnapertor. He cited hie own ex­
perience aa an orchard!«! In aupport In any field could be found than
of hla atatoment. A U Morrle, for­ the new series of Hundny school les
mer county fruit Inspector, told of sons on the Hebrew prophets
tho poaalblllttea of Columbia County Tuttle, who Is an authority on Hi
becoming a great fruit eroduclrg brew history, will preeent some of
county If proper attentlcn waa paid th« Illuminating facta which form
to orchard«.
F. H Taylor waa In a background to thin study at his
favor of a good aum for a competent Sunday nvnnlng service
------------ • ------------
fruit Inapector but wandered away
from the aubjecl on a dlaruaaion of ST. HELENS HIGH
road condition« and aat down when
W U. Hillard callod attention of
Chairman White that Taylor waa out
The basketball learn of Ht Helen*
of order H. C. Morton elated that a
1100 appropriation for the work high will Journey to Portland today
would bn mouey thrown away and and try concluhlonn with the quintet
moved that the Item be alrlrken from of Washington high. Coach Isense-
the budget, If that waa all that could has had the boys out for rugular
be nliowed
Hla motion was «wound­ practice and they have much Im
While anti­
ed by Glen It. M«taker. Several olh proved In their playing
era talked at length on the Import­ cipating a close game the locals feel
ance or unimportance of the office sure they will win from Washington
Saturday ulght St Helena high will
of Inapector and when J H Flynn
moved aa amendment to Morton'J again play the town team and hope
Thu town team
motion, that the «alary of fruit In- to win this
apector be fixed at $1200 per year, It has handed the high hoys two de­
arouaed the Ire of W U Hillard, for feats and they are determined to
be made a etalemout to the effect even up the score. A fast game In
A nominal admission
that Klynn voted Illegally at a «chool looked for
election, that he waa not a bona-fid« charge will be made and a large
taxpayer and ahould not be allowed crowd Is expected
—— —
♦ ■ ---- --
to vote tax««, no conaldorable portion
Mr. and Mrs K. K Niblock of
of which ho would have to pay
Chairman White Interrupted Mr Hil­ Hcappooso were St. Helens visitors
Mrs Niblock is the
lard by atatlng that a port loo of hla Wednesday
remark« were out of order and hat Mist's correspondent In Bcappoose
no place In the proceeding« of the aud neighborhood and her news ar­
budget meeting. At the conclusion ticles from that growing section ol
of Hillard's «pooch, Klynn arose and the county add much to the Inter­
«aid: " I wish to say that Hillard Is a esting county news which regularly
appears In The Mist.
Commlneloner Weed seeing that a
storm was raging and fearing It meeting, and when the question to
would result In c. wreck, rushed the abolish rhe office was put before the
oil ran and poured oil upon the meeting there were sixteen votes for
troubled water« of healed argument, and sixteen against, according to
in his usual quiet manner the com- Chairman While s count. The chair
mlHSloner staled that the court rea man having the right to vote, voted
llxed the Importance of a compelen’ In the affirmative.
Another Item which worried many
fruit Inspector and It was not their
Idea to abolish the office nor to In­ of those present was tho "Kmergency
terfere with the work. The small ap­ Fund' of $4,770 37. Walter lllakea-
propriation of $100 the court made, ley could not understand why the 37
ho «luted, wan lo conform to the law rent« was added on He thought $4,-
which required that orchards be In­ 000 was n plenty without the ad­
If the county did nut do ditional 37c. Others voiced hts sen­
Chairman While explained
this, «late authorities would and timent.
charge |t to the county, he said that It wan a matter of Impossibility
Knowing that K C. Hollbaugh, coun­ to accurately figure out Just to the
ty agent, was an experienced orchard- cent or dollar how much would he
l«t having been prominently identl needed for the county expense "Un
fl<-d with that Industry In one of the looked for expenses and demands arc
lending fruit producing counties of continually coming In.' he said, "and
Oregon, the court thought better re we should have some little fund la
suits would be obtained If he looked take care of such demands and ex­
after the work of fruit Inspector and penses '* The majority of those pres
Mr Hollbaugh had agreed to do so. ent did not agree with his Idea, how­
Blare the performance of such work ever, and It was voted to rut this Item
would require the county agent to he fr< m the budget Whether or not the
absent from hla office more time than court will do It Is another matter
The sum total of the reaults ob­
It now requires for the schedule work
therefore the court had raised the tained by the budget meeting seems
rllowance for the office to $2000 per to ho that $<700 was cut from a
year, an Increase of $500 over the <280.000 general fund expense anil
rrevloua yoar which would cover the <500 added (o It. so II seems that one
expense of having «ome one In the seventieth of the budget wns cut or
office during Mr llollhaugh s ab about I per cent In these days when
The Increase wan not for a people are crying for a reduction of
rnlao In tho «alary of the county ag from 25 lo 50 per cent and then
ent, hnt for additional office expense think that not enough. It Is quite ap­
The saving to the county would be parent that the budget meeting ac­
$300 per year, Mr Weed aald and complished little unless It Is that sat
the service rendered the fruit grow­ Isfartlon that comes to some people
because of the opportunity of be
ers would he better
About 50 people were
There were some who thought It Ing heard.
was an unnecessary expense to main preaent at the meeting
The total tax levy. Including stale,
tal» the office of county roadmaater
and there was much heated and fo r­ school, road fund and market road
cible argument on the subject
Bo fund la approximately <474.000 The
much wrangling over small Items h«d general fund levy, according t *
taknn place before this subject waa County Clerk Hunt, la about $8,000
brought up that many had left the lea* than last > ear
In s tru c tiv e l/ntiures and Klim.-, to be
Hlniwn by H y g ie n e Society.
Under the auspices of tho Ht. Hel
ens Chamber of Commerce wno am j
working in conjunction with the Ore
gon Social Hygiene Society, films 14“ Hownjn.ur of R«ln Driver Mine s
dialing with the various phase« o:
( ur
me nodal (jucHt'on will be showu at
the Liberty theatre Monday after
Inatantly Kill***) Is Tli; ugiit— Accl-
coon aud The pictures and
d„ „ Haiipras on Warren-Ht. Hel-
accompanying lectures are clean, In­
ens Road.
structive, sane and to the po.nt.
On Monday afternoon at 1:30,
o ’clock there will be a meeting foi
M.s Jaunlta Mil s, wife of Sher-
wouien only and Mrs Ellen Kelly I man M. Mllec, was almost instantly
will give an instructive address on I killed HMurday evening at about 8:15
subjects of vital Interest. At 2:3b o'cKck when the touring car of H.
o’clock films will te shown for the 1'. McCormick, driven by George
'jeneflt of the school children There Perkins, overturned at a point on the
Ttiix trodem buslneea block was rec< nlly < i mpleted. It has » frontage of is no admission charge and tickets old St. Helens-Wa:*ren road where
Professor the logging railroad crosses the coun­
114 feel on Columbia Sln-et and ext end# 4444 feet on (lowlitx Hire»-t. It 1« may be obtained
Rutherford at the high school.
ty road.
a «eml-flre-proof building of Indio« tile construction with a I’ atmtrv
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock a
I rick front. The lower floor Is dlv iili-il Into six store rooms and Ibe up-
Mrs. Miles and Mr. Perkins were
meeting will be held for men and on their way to the Miles residence
l«*r floor I iun a iliinrw ball with 7(1041 feet of floor spare. The building cost
approximately fUlö.lMMl and I« owned by Mrs. Nellie H. Met ormick.
which is about nidwuy between St.
tier of th* «'.ciety will give an to-1 Helen. , nd War-en. Mr. and Mrs.
Htruetlve address and there will be Miles had returned from Portland
several reels of
Interesting films only a I(3W toura
and Mr
shown cm the screen
Local physl- M.lwi ca, deTclopi g encme trouble.
, V. .
l° ° k K
«4 v race for repairs.
Secretary John \. Storla of the 8 t Mm. Milos coing to the restuonce of
elens ( hamber of Commerce and Mr and Mrg H K McCormick to
Dr I,. G. Ross, city and county health wait until the car was put in running
officer -re co-operating with Mr. order. Becoming Impatient to reach
Jury Itrln gs In V erd ict o f N ot tlu ll- Hecond Hlmw to Is- (liven Wednesday Wagner In the matter
The public Is hor home, dress for the K. of P. par­
ty, but Recom m end*. a R eprim an d
Night In Order to A tioni module cordially Invited and .-.a stated there ty and to bring her children to St.
is no admission charge
Helena, she accepted the use of the
G iven D efen d an t — Case A ttra cts
Crowds— "Small Town Rig Min­
McCormick car, Mr. Perkins, brother
Much AttentJon.
strel*" Sure to Make u Hit.
of Mrs McCormick volunteering to
ABOUT THE CITY make the drive
After hearing the evidence !n the
According to the statement of Mr.
Th • long-talked of St Helen
Installation Postponed,— The Joint Perkins the car was traveling at a
case ol the Stale vs Theodore (Tate , C'haml liter of Ci ontinerce minstrel show
Hammer, charged with having Intox- will b. on the boards Tuesday anti toaUllr.tloa of the recently elected rate of 16 to 18 miles per hour. Rain
catlng liquor In his po me»« on, u Wednesday nights of the coming officers of St. Helens Lodge No 117 was falling In torrents and It was
Jury returned a verdict of "not gull week at the Liberty theatre, so there :lu<1 ,he Rc*>ekr.h Lodge which v,as to difficult to see through the wind­
v0 l>«0n held Saturday night, Jan- shield, he said. Approaching the
ly, but we recommend that a se­ are only three days more to wa t
vere reprimand he given
by the People passing by or residing near nary 7, hag been postponed until railroad crossing where a road leads
to the Columbia County mill and
Judge "
Soveral lawyers who were Joe Nauman's house on Nob Hill and Thursday night, January 12.
turns at right angles from the main
interviewed say that never before not knowing what was transpiring,
road, he mistook that road for the
bad they beard of such a verdict The would think that a new "bug house"
main road and s -eing his error, at­
Jury who rendered the verdict was, bad been opened, but such Is not the
■ i Bnllngk r r w u L it Kuth rase; It's only the Chunters practic­ attendance at the meeting of Co­ tempted to swerve the car back to
erford and J L. ('bittern of SI. Hel­ ing for the "Small Town Rig Min­ lumbia Post, American Legion In the the main road. It was too If.te, how­
court room of the court ever, as the rl«ht cide wheels of the
ens, J. II I’ rle and A. T. Klldan of strels."
y and tbw car
West Ht. Helens and J. U. McVey of
Nimble fingers have fashioned 'h e, house Monday night, January
. . . 9. The car had left the ro
was at such an angle that It tipped
Columbia City. t:i*-n it
Metsker gorgeous green velvet evening clothe, I " M . t !? 2
represented the defendant and John for the end men, for the soloists and wlll he installed and matters of much over, Mrs. Miles being caught by the
L. Koote was the prosecuting attor­ a.lso for the elaborate chair :ov<r- Importance to the post will be acted front seat and pinned down
Perkins mauaged to get clear of the
tigs and stage settings for the Grand j upon.
wreckage and endeavored to extri­
Hummer was arrested on the night Minstrel of the First Part.
cate Mrs. Miles, he said, but the car
of December 22 when In company
End men have to be funny and can
hk * s * a
too ueavy
heavy iur
for him
to right
with L a » (lore on a trail aoveral •âii v ($ 114 * i in air in** *nv un** mnrp c;,r, cu,utral Agent h i . Hollbaugh and was iuu
mm iu
ngni so he
miles west of I»eer Island
Accord­ able of doing this than Jo« Naurau-i.
M,“ * haT* exchanged hastened to the home of H. R. Hud-
ing lo the testimony of Sheriff W el­ R J Coates Hally Heacock ai-d J <l uarter»- Mr Hollbaugh moving toison a short distance from the scene
lington. Deputy Sheriff Hatfield uu<l R 4 ; li by with S. C. Morton, -he ,-en i ! ‘°
flowr of l»ha court houae i of the accident and Mr. Hudson and
...... i___. . . . ____,
j ... . ......
the roadmaster 1 Mr Hicks rushed to the scene and
Carl Hoffmlller. who is deputy mar tertnan ...
or interlocutor
>h* m I he
i, drafting room of luc
sbal of St. Helens, the duo v ere ar­ along
The comedians have a brand ;“ dJ” L?Ath*
T " “ for.merly succeeded In righting the car and ex­
Life was ex­
rested when they ; rrlved at a plate new line of - - luughable Jokes wulch ¡occupied by tho county agent and tricating Mrs. Miles.
where a quantity of "moonshine" wa * many of the prominent citizens of St ' » « c ° “ r‘ thought It would be better tinct and it is the supposition that
cached and after (lore "had stepped Helena wdl appreciate ( ? ) and e n -' to haTe the ,wo officials exchange- death was almost instantaneous, as it
locations and both were well pleased was only a matter of 10 or 15 mln-
over a log" and handed a sack of joy
liquor to Hammer
At this lime the
And among th.......
th-r.* art
'» é c h a n g é
utes betw-.-n the
:ne the accident
- herlff. so lie testified, called out, "I Sam Ingham, Will Russell. Ho'-
, , ,
* *
, occurred aud the tttue that help ar-
am the sheriff, slick ’em up.’ He Bladcburn. Maurice Richardson Hal q ' ««ebraU». Birthday.— Dr. Edwtn rived.
nabbed (lore but Hammer fled and ly Heacock, J V. A
Parnell, ' Boh u 1 <> 8 sK 1 cel eb£ra.,ed. the ®»ni,rer» ary of j The body was placed in the Hud-
Hatfield and Hoffmlller gave chase Nauraon and Swepson Morton. J r . ! 1® birth Saturday.
He came very son auto and a quick run made to St.
shooting as they ran ufter the flee- mil the chorus of sixteen voices will near not haring a birthday, he said Helens and to the office of Dr. Kd-
-ng man
lloth Hatfield and Hoff add to the melody.
for It was the last day of the month, ! Wjn Ross, but nothing could be done,
miller. In answer to questions of
Miles was located at the garago
Rufus J. Coates will appear in a ihe year, and also of the week
Metsker. acknowledged that they ........
.......... ......___
monologue, hts "Ledg the dinner party glveu in his hono- i an(j arrived nt the office a few min­
fired several shots but fired Into the er of Laughter," and you will be sure
j f n - Ross were Mr and Mrs. E utes afterwards
They overhauled Hamm *r to Join him in the "laughter" part A .K??9, ,T
i!.™' ( ar Aa® and
The news of the tragic occurrence
after a chase of several hundred fee; ■ t it.
an<l Miss < arrie Libert son of Port- j spread
rapidly over the city ana tile
and took him Into custody. Welling­
Rip's Awakening" Is a laughable ian<*-
Ross came to St. Helens : anticipated New Y’ ear festivities were
ton in llie meantime having snapped stunt In which Hally Heacock
an I f, ,Ut., tb . y"°n, j
and a! called o ff and a feeling of gloom
the handcuffs on (lore
Hnffmiller Bob Blackburn
are sure to make a ! ial. ! lm® tne ° " Miles house on Co- wag manifest by every one and ex-
testified that he took Hummer to tie big hit and the two diminutive “ “ H '*8 street was the last houss on presslon» of sympathy for the de
Hammer home and thut he was bleed
"coons" brought direct from the cot- '»**
and there were but two I Ceased and the bereaved were heard
tog profusely about the head
Hum ton fields of "Ole Alabcmy" are go rMtUtences bptwoen St. Helens anil t(n every side
Mrs Miles had made
mer testified that the wound was ing to please you with their South
Hou t.°". .Tbe p 0 pu,aL:.°? of S! H? " ! many friends during
her several
caused by a bullet fired by either ern melodies.
j»® at that ' ' me was .50 people, tho ; years reaidenca here and her untime-
Hatfield or Hoffmlller.
"Uncle Remus' Birthday", the old
Hatfield and Hoffmlller were given melodies sung by the negroes of day« n/-ini it a d d a t r \ r 3 r t o o
The bod) was taken to Lebanon
a severe grilling by Metsker and J long since passed, tho Virginia reel POPULAR FAVORITES
her former home, and interred in the
lively till occurred between the sliet and various other entertaining fea­
FOR COMING WEEK 'family plot beside her mother wht
;ff and the attorney for the defaml tures are on the program and you
preceded her to the grave a number
Charles Ray In "The Village of years ago
Funeral services were
will be delighted with O'Malley's
Hammer testified that I a - o Gor< fiddling
Sleuth" is the attraction at the Lib- » eld in the Lebanon Presbvteria.i
h; d been at the Hummer house play
Hr James T Mr.rtto Is director erty on Sunday and evening, with a church of which she was a member.
ng checker« anil asked him to "take of the musical part of the program Sunday matinee from 2 until 6 p m
I 'ev John J Conoles. the pastor, con-
it walk" aud he followed (lore down and u fine orchestra, with Miss Bessie This 1« a comedy drama with charm ducting tho obsequies. 1 he services
the trail. He swore that lie did not Hattun ut the piano, will furnish the and heart appeal
The comedy f o r i 8' ' » * grave were conducted by the
know of any liquor cache and did uol t lusle for the "coon soloists and the these days is another Edgar effort, Lebanon t bapter of the Eastern Star
have his bauds un thu suck of Itquoi chorus "
entitled, "Edgar's Country Cousin.” of which deceased was a member.
which the officers testified tlore
The Chanters' Minstrels have been
On Tuesday and Wednesday there During the funeral hour the business
handed to him. He ran, he (esllfied, practicing faithfully for the past two will be no pictures, the Chanter« houses of lA*banon were closed as a
because he heard some one say. months and they will stage a show | .Minstrels holding the boards
mark of resp- ct, and the little church
"stick out up." He also heard bul which will long be remembered b\
"Cold Steel,’ a story of a life of ¡waa filled with sorrowing friends who
lets whislliug by his head
Two ol the people of St Helens and those of adventure among the soldiers of for- came to pay their last respects to
Hammer’s brothers testified
that surrounding community, and front tune along the Mexican border. Is one whose girlhood and young wom­
they discovered bullet marks on sev reports Manager Nauntan has tp | scheduled for Thursday and Friday, anhood had been spent among them
eral trees "Alaiut the height of a reived it Is probable that a number i This is an all-star cA»t with J P. There was a wealth of floral offer­
man s head" along the trail which of people will come front Scappoose. i McGowan and Kathleen Clifford iu ings from friends near and far. mute
Hammer ran
expressions of love, sympathy and
Bachelor Flat,
Yankton, ¡the title roles.
The defeuae produced several char Deer Island and Goble to witness the!
f o r Saturday only Douglas Mac- respect.
actor witnesses who testified to the big performance.
j Lean cornea to "The Jailbird," a . Deceased was born In Lebanon and
good standing of the defendant In
In order that there should be no i comedy drama full of pep and laughs was 32 years, t months and 24 days
the community, and Lee tlore. who delay In gettlre* trtv«ets. it has been 1 MaeLean is a popular favorlto among
a 6 e She was the daughter of Mil-
plead guilty to a charge of having arranged for Ee b'-x office at the local movie fans and on this occasion '*.*» A MHler anil h lorence Me auley
intoxicating liquor in his possession
She was united ir marriage
Liberty T h e a o NT*
°P*>n on Sa!' 1 they will see him at his best.
and was fined $300 and given a to­ urday aft err *on >_rom one o'clock to
j to Mr Miles, June 1, 1908. In ad­
day jail sentence, testified that Ham five o’clock md MVh reserved sea's
dition to her widower, she is sur-
mer knew nothing about the liquor :-nd general • d.T» «in n tickets will be
I vlved by two children, a son. Mtlton
"The Friendly (Tton-h"
cache, that he didn't hand Hammer on sale
Francis, aged 11 years and a daugh­
Tln.-«e w h* do not obtain
The Bible school opens each Sun­ ter, Florence Mae, aged nine years,
any sack and that the liquor was his tickets Saturday wll' be accommo­
On the first ballot the Jury stood dated Tuesday and Wednesday eve day morning at 9:46. The Epworth and her father, Milton A Miller.
three for acquittal and three for con nlnga as the box office will be open League, a young people's institution.
Hosts of friends In St. Helens,
latter the fourth man at 7:30 o'clock
Th* akow'atartY'at 1 ho,<U " *
at 6 30 p m The throughout Columbia county. In Port­
Morning Worship hour begins at 11 land and the Willamette Valley, ex
switched over to the side of the de S o’clock and right on the minute
fendant and seeing a hung Jury was
Mr Nauman say, that those who
H“ PPy Sunday Eve- tend their heartfelt sympathy to the
the probable outcome, the remaining prefer to attend the Wednesda' eye-
epens with song service at ■ .30 bereaved ones.
two Jurymen consented to a verdict nlng performance Instead of the Tues T » 0** various meeting« belong to the
of not guilty with the "reprimand" day evening show may make sure of P 0 " P >0
Why not get your share to
clause attached
having seats by buying tickets Hatur ' h,'m
The sermon next Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL
morning will tie entitled "Everybody
Not since the days of the Tender dat
The evening topic will be
trial has tho court room been so
"It's going to be a h.g show" all At It.
crowded and a considerable portion the Chanters say and * - reporter fo- “ 9toy*ry. Voluntary or Involuntary
The annual eloction of officers of
of the population of the Deer Island The Mist, who heard part of two f e- i » P ^ t o l music at both services The
community were present either as hearsal« believes they told the truth Epworth league will begin a aerie« the Methodist Sunday school was
held at the parsonage Tuesday night.
of ittu(lion on John W *n\oy. Jr
witnesses or Interested spectators.
------------ * ------------
' ’
F-ome intprestinn ntudics in the dlf- Dr. L G. Rosa was re-elected super­
intendent. Mrs. Albert llurcham, sup­
Greet men are alwat f» ri„a,lng fpren,
of Kingdom work
The Woman's club will meet at
erintendent of the primary depart­
\V«n Ht Helms
tho home of Mre.
H Thompson on when you really understand them
Tuesday afternoon, January 10 at Herr M r TutHe on "The Greatest
Sunday morning service at 9 30 ment. Mrs A. J HoUingworth. sup­
2:30 o'clock
Mrs J I,. Storla will Man of HI« ( entury
Sunday night fo „ owed by Sunday School nt 10:- erintendent of the missionary de
,,„pular f
p| «arvice Thura- partmrnt. Mrs W A. I^vl, tho home
be p-ogrtm leader and the following at the ( ongregatlcnal church— Adv
papers will he road:
America anil
Vnuve got another guess coming d, y evening at 7:30. The people ol department and Mrs. E A Rosa, sup­
Japan, America and China, by Mrs If you expect to hear a drv lecture
community are cordially Invited erintendent of the cradle roll, a po­
sition she has filled for several
a„ of th* . e „rvtcea
J. L. Storla; Heroe« o f Old Japan from a foeelllxed professor Mr Tut
- -
Mis# Winnie Melllnger was
nnd New Japan, by Mre H. J. South­ tie is a wide awake, sllmnlnttog
Hear him Sunday night at
Mr and Mrs. Harry Richardson elected secretary and Mies Grace
ard; Japanese Art, by Mre. Philip speaker
Congregational church
and son Donald, returned from Ett- Rountree, treasurer.
- ■ ■
gene Wednesday where they spent
KOK SALE -A used piano. Sohmer
Mr. and Mrs C. E I-ake « < :
Mrs Jame« Armstrong and sons of the holidays visiting Mrs Rlchard-
mrke. cheap for cash. See M. Rl- Marshland spent Christmas with Mr son's rvnrents, Mr. and Mrs W J guests of Mr«. W. O. Wright at e.
cen about It.
and Mm. C. W. Masten and family, i Young.
Portland home on New Year'* day..