K A U E . IN I IN n. LOST AND FOUND Want Ads l." :n ' a»». l»U»h. foiifi •ulti Willi r u I,I ,.„p anil rlniç. |{<-Muni "f $ I »U If ruturiKMl ( olunihlu * uunty Almlrui i ( 21 I 1 OK S A L E n|lt »Al. H lm rl I iiiim I Huven port bed, ulino i . limili »soil A i t i in Van l.m lioii. llr « * im 212 x l." S r Hum'll nf koys lii'tv/mui punt O fdn un,I Hull K:, r, | |,«r.' won- 12 to if, kiiya on rintf Klmlur I’l.'uni* rat urn to ( wutrul M»at Mm kill. Kuward. '¿ti, 1*Ivii m o n i 1 1h old r»K »r W lilt« kilt .. ; i ! ho liOST, S IH A V KI » Ott STOI.KN 1’ S W h ite , Moulton, A lrd'l" doK. a l il h t l y rrlpplml in Ki»r 91 jliouo 1 l .t V\ 112 li'H li’K, ou» mir aoro Howard or I lu will l.o ..Ivon fur rot urn or I’iK* four moni Ii Old. III fot unit Ion lo'idlUR to ro..ivory run m « « , t limit li> li iy Iiulo.1 A M llurohatu, at II.-| r1H, o r » c .1 l .a r s i '11 Wurr.'M, ____ ________________ M m 2tf Ihon« 10 I Kb Ilf M U H I l u I u \ I It \ i I l i l t s IfUK ***‘ llllTI"> 1 » 1 ruK 8AI-I1 M uli r i l n nonni iii.mi.y Rood H lX U H M I R O o d |>IK IllRH n i ^rguiii in i ii ii O o l lo liwvo unni e ! Thom *», o n l.iMk • KiiRlneiira, SOO-KUR C h u n her of pboim i K J l . 4 i l l Com m erce Hulldintt. 1‘ortlutid. Or • Roil. KOK SAI. K Sunil, plnnty of It Ku. h Md in m l he accom p anied liv I’romi’l < I *■ 11 v •• r y St U h I . ii » T r a in a e r t I f l e d check payable lo tini City |rr ; ,i St 11 il I i*ii H, r iio lm l b 2Htf 'f Scappimi.., for b per cent of tin total am oun t of the hid w h ich will I... forfeited to t h 'i City u i agreed, W ANTED. ni I lie event of the hldder'a failu re to enter Into a contract If aw arded WANTKI * I’lovnr or «»at and v* frh him, or If lie fails to f u r n l i h aatia- hay. loo h « or baled S ta te prie»* n to r y su rety bond for RU pen cent AI fr« 1 IlHtiMO, Y an kton . Phon»* his total lild UKS H2 of The c it y rone. vom the right to re Jed any unit all Iddi : e l l a n e < h j s Da te of first advertisem ent De­ cern tier 23. 19 21 KOK S K K V I t 'K K»* k ’ h ?•*r •*c! J**rHt*\ Date of last ad vert In ameni. J a n ­ bull I - I f » 00 S ervir« Kuaran uary 6. 1922 CITY OK SCAf’POOSK, tP©d W illia m S k u l l e . Hachelor KlaL p h Q P I 8 F 11______________f t l t f t j l i v e K I ATHCAHT. ' Hy IteroMl".- i : Hl MMONS. In Ilio Circuit t miri ,,f tin- Hint« of OroRon, for I '«.limitila t o u iu y . N ellie M l 'u n >11, Plaintiff, va, Alexander i'urcoll, l ufin.l ut. To Alexander l ' u n . II, the Der. ndarit a'love nur nul : IN TDK NAMK OK TDK STATK Ol' OKKIÌON, You are herehy re uulrud to ap' i ur and annv or the [com plain t filed a»;-.n it you in tlm “ bove e n title d nil on o r bel » "xplratlon of h I x wo'-ki from the date of lini f i r n pul III il Ion of this ,un loon», which first publication • iiia.lii und dated on Dece tuber 2k 1921. that being th e tim e pre.icrlhc.l by ili» Court In th e order for pul. Iicutlon of O i I m Humilions, and if you fall so ip appear and a n s w e r the com plain t, the plain tiff will appiy io ih» Court for ili» r»ll -f d«manil"d iti tlm com plain t, to-w t: l or a d" eroe »f a b solu t» divorce d issolvin g tlm lioiitlrt of m a trim o n y e x is tin g lie I w»»ti plaintiff and defendant and fur tini cu stod i o f the minor child n n of plaintiff, and for her t o is T his su m m o n » is published by or der of tin* H onorable Martin W hit n Ju d ge of iti» Cou nty Court of tlm S ta le of Oregon, for < olum ldu Conn ty, duly made, dated and cu tered Decem ber 2 2. 192 1. J. W. DAY. Attorney for P laintiff, Ite.-ulenci- and post o f f ■(•« add ress, Si Helen ( trcRon Klrst pu blication I t e c e n lier 23 1921. Last publication, Keliruary 3, 1922 Doe-n't It muk» you cross to run across a man who won't c ontrib uto to lb« It.-d Croi..? T h e r e used to be men who were a fr eld o f t o ' h l n g , but now wo h a v e traffic tifile rs See Us For P rices are c o m in g d o w n , but we haven't got rid of e x c e ss political prophets. I WISH YOU A MERRY C H R I S T MA S T h om as H . R oy McCormick Building St. Helens, Oregon U If such was the case, better ask us for information as to the line of furnaces we carry and which we can install on short notice. The saving on fuel will go a long way towards paying for the furnace and in addition to this YOUR H O U SE W IL L BE C O M FO RTA BLE. prompt, prices the lowest. FRANK WILKINS Sheldon Dock, St. Helens Phone 86 : R. C o n s t a n t i n Plum ber and H eating Expert Engineer St. Helens, Oregon l ♦ ❖ ♦ T ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ T H IS ST O R E IS ST. H E L E N S ’ REA L C H R IS T ­ Wishing You a MAS G IF T H EA D Q U A R T E R S MERRY CHRISTMAS CHEVROLET-“Most Economical Car on Earth” ' I hope to meet many ol my former customers. I will call on YOU and then I hope YOU will call on ME. I will give you the same satisfactory service that I did when I was your grocer. W as yours such during the cold weather, or did you stay huddled at the stove or the heater to keep from freezing? Delivery \ T H E Y A R E F R E S H —NO OLD STOCK ON T H E SH E L V E S A Comfortable House in Cold Weather A large stock always car­ ried on hand. -V i BBlII Ti 1 |Ml Poultry Supplies M erry Christmas Friends! ' Well, here I am back in the grocery business. Mv s t o r e is in the McCormick Building- corner of Co­ lumbia and Cowlitz streets. My stock arrived this week—the gootls are the best. . Feed Hay Grain — m ------------------------------ T h e po litic ia n s have »ult talking abou t th e plain people, now tliut l lie wom en vet» ©RmtmQp;) o Ei l rJm ’l'ii« treulile ul »ul lead er sh ip is that s e »fleti th e crowd in sists on going the o t h e r way. ■------------- — I m n X X , Holiday Specials |IF T S suitable for every member oi the family are now on display in our store. It is impossible to teii you of every article in stock but we are certain that a visit to our store will con­ vince you th a t we are ST. H E L E N S ' REA L CH R ISTM A S G IF T H EA D Q U A R T E R S H undreds of useful articles are on display for the grown-up and children besides the usual line of toys, etc. for tl^p little folks’ Christm as COPELAND AUTO CO. ST. H E L E N S , O REG ON ELITE VARIETY STORE | McCormick Building l St. Helens, Oregon ^ ^ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Notice To The Public! Club Cigar Store ed by D. J. Switzer. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ building on Strand street. I have bought the business heretofore conduct­ I carry a full and complete line of— W ill have its usual fine display of Holiday Goods with a little bit added. My store is in the K. of P. ■ choicest that can be purchased. ♦ W indows, spent a portion of it riding along the highway in a Doors, Glass- Building M aterial FORD SEDAN Sash, Roofing Paper, Paint Brushes Pipe and F'ittings, A nything you want to make up in a C H R IS T ­ MAS B A SK ET we have—also the baskets. St. Helens, Oregon You would enjoy more of the Christmas Day if you ¿UPPl/£S is replete with all the home-made brands. In addition to these I am as usual putting on a lim- ited line of Jo h n so n s Chocolates. These goods are the Ne Plus Ultra in their line. For fifty years they have been without a peer 1 hese goods will be our leader and sold at a profit of overhead charges. The Club Cigar Store ^ P A i.vrzx s T H E CANDY D E P A R T M E N T + ♦ ♦ We Wish You a Mnx\] (CljriHtmas My line of Cigars, C igarettes and Smoking Tobaccos are of the a THE U N I V E R S A L CAR : Nails Every day is a pleasant day in such a car. We can and other miscellaneous articles in the Builder's Supply line. I can give you the best of service and the lowest of prices and will appreciate a pt rtion of your patronage. make prom pt delivery for we have several of these J. W. A K I N Fieldhouse Motor Co. K. (Successor to D. J. Sw itzer) of P. Building St. Helens. Oregon cars in stock. Authorized Ford Dealers St. Helens, O regen v ♦ X