"“•ulclpai THE ST. HELENS MIST I «Ir •i"ry He* llspi. iiniia ^ '■ v O L t '» i K X L I SI’. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1921 WEATHER GRIPS NORTHWEST FOUR L s HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE NO W A R TAX ON RAILROAD TICKETS s,'* ‘ r « l llu n tlm l ( I trguii./aDon h i < lirlx lmuja I «itcrt4tIn nit-it t. Œii New Kfavenue Art» Kffertlve Jan. I, l ! ! ^ , Doew Away Willi Tax on It. It. Tickets. rruòpra. aiiuprltBpra anil frirn iia ŒI ip ifliHt rxtr ttiiu lirai tu muiii uitiihra f u r a HOLIDAY SPIRIT Mori* Unni Imi tiieinhers of Dir lo iul organlzutlvii <•( Dir |, |. i. l .,1 A feature of the new revenue act Ime Spirit P r e v a i l » effective Jantfry 1, 1922, which » f brlstma I f '« " of far-reaching importance to busi-, A m o n g Shopper» und Mendiant*^— evcnlng un tintimi«?, ness men, producers and the public, U f l 'i '" •"•<» U t " **• 1 “ “* " '• 1 I . I is the repeal of taxer, on freight and I V olu m e o f Business Inc reuse as ‘ uiiiiii being a Christina» uiileiluin Mk«liHK H IH K hlnit •» , ; " J " ) " I pas ;enger fares. 'These taxes have | ( hrislmas Approach .. been a direct charge upon the per-1 Those tuklug part III Dm program (1;1I , : irr,. . »lipped onn ov sous paying for the service as the) wrm, Professor Elder, Miss Ka'e| I n iu i ■ ' oi« rMidanl or transportation coupmlcs were re ; With only two days intervening l.yncli, »ini iimiik « nolo and respond-l guired to colloct taxes from ttio per- I between now and ('hrlstm: s, the ••il lo a licarly rrituro, .VII hh Ito»" A,l sons to whom the u'-rvlces were re:i- | Yuletide spirit is becoming more ap­ I und Mis « Amy .Sten who reIlllCI - 1 parent There will always be found ■ , , 11 .,, .,. ri n i Dial Dir . i I iiiv h . i ,1 dered The repeal of this law will ttppr ocia I'll H) iUCliollM un the those who put off their Christmas |î'„ i,...........i "'I 'lo « I . .il li 1 . ' <1 save the people of Oregon at lea-:i 0 , vi MM Teddy TurbuJl, Wll 0 tie- 1 plano, two and onc-h. lf million dollars an- shopping until the last minute and «* h* inuimgttd io k»*»*p i nally. are now beginning to crowd tho Ulltl Vi IMs Etny kUHMill 111(1 Babe The mcrch: nts and traveling pub­ 1 stores. It was noticeable, Thursday, Dm.in »h o hroiiKht down llm hour" lic of St. Helens are glad that the ■ how many out-of-town rigs and auto­ hy dancing thu Highland K ling .dm. law Is to be repealed, for while the 1 gU .H I iiiii >111 i I I nn- UÍ 11 Hiilttll IM OÍ t 1.1« Vi ■ K mobiles were in St. Helens -..nd like- i onni’. H«ir| a h no and responded tax does not run Into the tcnB oi Uvr’vor, tildi rogm <>f Old I cibi i y w!se It was noticeable ho»' busy the to an rnrorr William K uhhu II, Joe thousands of dollars, it amounts to a Uptiy tttidttU WCUi.fula lyorta' merchants were Sauiuan. I. i artmll, Itoy t,ill and .4 . considerable sum. For Instance, the hol il oui titillili«! ] i Without exception, the merchants II lltgiuin util-Trained for fifteen | one way fare from St. Helens to I ■ t'loU'1 ill il Uni li I h b»*»t to Hielt mlnuli'H willi quartet and xoloa and of St. Helens prepared for a big hol- Portland is 83c. The war tax was Iti* »now «»«“l t« wurm up tin* ••arm ilm program closed with u hi lo hy ,a,,u 1 » I - " [ ¡ d a y trade. The inclement weather 7 c. The round trip fare is I l.bt, and ftf th# pMt wf)„k kept many of lhelP |Ta« ihttiiiioiiietur, which had invìi Kmy ItUHHI'lI tho war tax 13c. A considerable IrifUtorniK fn>iu -•* d**gn Tim hall was prmtlly dri orated Httveral HtrumiTh Hurry Irouding to ITaclier* and Pupil» will Have Vaca­ number of St. Helens peolpe patro­ country customers at home but since Iiiw»« wr«#. mount od lu four d«gim*H and a largn t hriutuius trrr directly more favorable werther is here the hall Iwfor« CliriMiiUM— Mor»* Than tion until January ¡4— tlirislmas nize the railroads so It can easily be l |öcye tar III WttdlKUMluy Ullîbt K IIg In front ol thr »tag» waa Illuminated people of the country are flocking in­ figured out that the war tax on rail­ I Kaerciaew at Si lice>1» Tmlay— Sen­ to town to aid Santa In his selection 104* IjongHlioivnittn Karu Tidy Hum wlili If00 colored IlglitH Tim coin road fares alone amounted to quite INfit a K‘ >ir r> of »now miti u « olii win«l nnllun pul In the entire afternoon • f Christmas presents. for ( hl ist mat Hlioppifig. a tidy sum each moi th. In other iors-Junior» Knienalu iaculi). itlU : to* « l»'*l molli* I ! : I One of the representative mer­ .-iaturduy In de urutiUK thr treo and words, it is 8 per cent of the amount chants of St. Helens informed The I tu thtt fr* • /.itiK d« Kr«w the hall uud when thu lights were The waterfront of St Helen» hug Teacher» and pupils of the St. Hel­ of the ticket sales. , « n i over cast lliurnla. Mist that his sales this year were al­ Tbf turned on It wan a hrautlful .1«lit Not only does this ruling affect h«M?n a busy pi <« iHis week. For ens schools will close their hooks ,w irli und Diu lunrrury I but no Aflrr Ihr program »ome 27 5 child­ hcveral ila>8 there* w » tw three vua- this noon and riot open them until passenger fares, but likewise tho tax most equal, in amount of dollars, to that of last year and it will be re­ , u rei.poeti.ble lirixli' ren filed hy the tree and Santa I'I uuh I cliail»-'! School books on freight shipments. There was a membered that last year's prices freezing |x>litt. Weutlier gave to each one u t 4 pound box ho | i ut the dock» of the St Helen» Monday. January 2. I iUivi1 wer tax of 2c on even the smallest were considtrebly higher than the are I liât I lin rold »p poundH of uHHoried Lumber company and one up stream have no place in the celebration of I pnd i shipment on any common carrier and lofrr «"'I ' hat it warm Chinook »ill nut», a Imx i.l tTackerJ ick and an taking cargo from the Columbia the Christmas holiday anyhow and J. R. Gilby, S. P. & S. agont and prices of this year. County Lumber < omp: •»> It re- there Is no use for a school house, The social side of the Christmas of lloreus 1 rout irungr More lliuu TOO pounit» of requlrod the force of 140 longshore­ both scholars and teachers th.nk. Harve Wilkins, agent for the steam­ holiday is, also, quite apparent. lo SI ID In.« and vicinity Dm candy were given r.wny, not only to Each grade will have its own lit er Att^riea. estimate that the war There are many home gathering par- covurrd with four to flv Dm chlldron of Dm member» of the men. accord.ng t(# H. T. Scott, man­ I grour: .1 In tax on freight shipments caused the tieg planned and social functions will lith*» uf n i" « I in- I'.lddlm and III« t I,’a, 1 ut to needy children ol the ager of tie* 4 ulumbiu Hiver Steve- lte Christmas entertainment. d< ring company to load the vesaela. some of the rooms there will be people of this vicinity to pay out sev­ be numerous. Among the first of I fro» ' ip . ddlM did im M overlook community Order» were Isaucd to eral hundred dollars per month on such affairs is the dance tonight at lu* DM» ' unity tor coasting and several f ii ill 111 **» on local Hloren fur in their a: ate to clear before Christ­ Christmas trees with presents for all this item. In um» the vesa<*l8 worked overtime, of the scholars of that grade. the city hall given by the Junior I ,ei i- H.irv purchases of nmrchandi- • class of St. Helens high in honor of Thr »•• In r Hilo yrur I« a mark' .! huc I i an ruhlirr», »tucking», glove», o the longshoremen made from * f ‘> other rooniB, there will he a Christ­ RECORDER IMPOSES to $12 per day. Mr. Scott CHtliunt**» mas celebration and the kiddies will the high student body and the fac­ I tut I ' Of I » I vr.ll • • «hoc», etc. thet not I'*«» than ii.OOo i#!ll he play Santa to each other. ulty of the high school. HE AV Y FINES I «tin. inoiiii'lnr wnit do»n : It wuh a HuccoH»ful and enjoy- The members of tho Junior and Tomorrow night there will he the I «ru « 1 « boo mm» and I....... varad iihlr entertainment from every stand- paid out for longHhoro labor for the Senior classes will entertain the Two of the heaviest fines imposed Christmas eve dance which will be I ihr in ..und nid pond» for ■ vergi polnl and the organization ih to he week. teachers of the high school at a The Hti an y i-ini i.|< r !..•■ • sel also carrici 700 tons of mill feed Christmas program and at the coti- Helens and received three gallons are scheduled to be held during the I MASONIC LODGE . nd flour taki'ti on at Portland. i elusion of the program a Christmas of the forbidden liquid. It was evi­ coming week and it is apparent that I : i ..priaiiena on accotant The steamers Daisy Matthews and tree and presents for each member dent that one of the par'les had the week's festivities will be typical ELECTS OFFICERS »utlirr roiidltlon» Daisy Putnam, the former carrying of the society will be a feature. asrapled the brand of liquor for h-* of the old time holiday season. School will close early in the aftcr- staggered a$ he walked. This at­ At their meeting Thursday nlglil, tiOO.OOU feet from St Helens and the i.oon and teachers and scholars will tracted Marshal Potter’s attention PYTHIAN DANCE I St. Helens Lodge, No 32. A. K ét A. latter 200,000 feet, sailed late Wed­ hurry home to make preparations nesday night. The Isthmian line and he asked the courtesy to exa­ LIBERTY THEATRE i d selected the following officer» steamer Mobile City arrived Tuesday for the celebration of the Yuletide mine the contents of the suit cases N E W YEAR ’S EVE lo s< rve for the ensuing yeir Jumna which tho men were carrying. Ho Till l.idiTty theatre w is d rk las' IA Huron. VV M , Thomas S White. night and is taking on 800.000 feet Season. The Old Year will be danced out ---- * " discovered 1 V4 gallons of liquor in 1S W . ; Albert Freeman, J W John for New York It is expected to clear) lliirit ' III b«' I .1 li t. e i l g ' each case. The men spent the night and the New Year In by the members ■ mail- b d In Men «■ « ..... it 1 Philip, treasurer; and E E quick. lie vi "1 tonight or early tomorrow i LATE HAPPENINGS A'nCvTr'T T U K * P I T V !r the city lail and befqre Recorder of Avon Lodge No, 62, Knights of lutili' lu Die heating plant. On Sat- »«cieiary. The appointive officers The sti'inu r J C Klrkpairlek is an-1 1 l I T t G i 1 \ Ov.dfrey Monday morning plead **'i- Pyfhtas and 'heir friend« st »ho city- C f> Little. 3 D. ; Ira Mm other coaster 1» port taking on a |ird»> night it will »im» the bfll are: ty to possessing intoxicating liquors. hall Saturday evening, December 31. of 1.000,000 feet for delivery I liant American slap" slur, Hmliv ! Intvre J It, W J Hush. S. H.; J. car-o it san Pedro P. O. Business latrge.— The vol- The recorder imposed a fine of $200 The commiitee appointed by the In "The Sacred I ’laiie.' tier is Copeland. J 8 . S Suulser. tyh-r Tl„. steamer Trinidad of the H am -' umo of Christmas husincse pasniiig on each of the men They raised tin lodge to stage this event, has ar­ bill . ‘ nTbÌ*mrta°UtÌS2’ o T T k e ' officers m o^fìe'eiTs'expected to arrive here through the local POSt. o ffic3l_whlle money Tuesday and left for Portland ranged a little eide program in addi­ I for Saturday night al»u Include Sunday or early Monday morning lot so heavy as last year, is enough hut not with the ''moonshine.' tion to the dance and the committee »III tie held on the evinlnx of De I ■ dm feature, (Juceu ol ' and will load a cargo of 1.250,000 lo keep the post office force on tho which they claimed they had bought is positive that every ofie who at­ »Ve one reel rOl.ied) and the rember 27 at which time the recent - feet of lumber for the Hrmmond Jump. tends will lave an enjoyable eve­ The incoming packages to- for Christmas celebration. It elected officers of the Eastern >ard at San Pedro. I r»|u, I nuitt"i..il N*' i ning. Tho usual good music and I tal more th in the outgoing, nccord- Star will ulso he Installed. H.I ' i lie ; ......... . .1 I __________ 0 ____ jing to employees of the post office. . floor management is assured. and Monday with "The Stealers, Tupper Phillips, chairman of the MILK GOATS TO TEST * * * I WUli.i in « hriaiy Caban i.... powerful committee said, "This dancing party AC, r i A c r i t D I ' Knights Entertain Sisters.— Avon un ii domili nt woven hy Die uutui will be no exception to the rule the C L A I S O P A S r A o 1 U K r , Lodge No. 62. Knights of Pythias ei.- a I l istar Into a plplure w ill a K. of P. have rs'ablished for having -- itertatned the Pythian Sisters at the al" Slid »oui It Is presomeli b> enjoyable parties, and I am sure all Three hundred miles overland, K. of P. lodge rooms Wednesday I ta ail la « .i»t and ii n » . , „ 1 ... ■ of our guest.- will have a pleasunt driving a band of 30 milk goats, wts evening. Cards, games and other _ Two MilUoa T l. - iis . ID»!' I<" \ irmi v i ii — ------------- ihe experience of tlie two sons of amusements afforded the entertain-1 Beau'nul Lucy Dorainc. a Franco- Imughti.n A U iggi"« lainis A [rated on the Lewis and Clark river. ,,f Knights and Sisters present. I l*n i ni, i in ent», comes to the Lil»'rtj , .. . thelr $1.00 to M L. Wilson, E. I. Improvement. .|-,1P trip („„g 30 days, the hoys « # • Ihe annual report of t.ie c<^mlnls' ' pa]|a(rh Tupper Philips or to John M i i 1 ............ I . ' ' ■ — ----------------- with their goats being delayed by Wishes Christmas Over.— John Doner of navigation shows that o n , Storl., K of K s . to aid the rand Kvti 1 Thl» I» sud to !»«• tu* In the a . enee of Mayor Pallagh st(irms UI,j floods, but they arrived Johnson, who operates tho bus line June 30, 1921, the American mer- fund which t)ie lodge is trying to I e ’ between St. Helens and the depot. chant marine comprised 28.012 ves- president of the council A. K. Bar without the loss of a single goat. for the bttnd;Bg of a new d und includes 10,000 per I nett presided ut the meeting m tin Mrs. White is convinced of the will he glad when Christmas Is over, sets of all kinds of gross I mil apport of the Kuropnuii «lar |council Monday night hume. adaptability of Cl-tsop county f o r ' not but what he enjoys Christmas. With he ex tons, an increase over the preceding Icoptlou of Councilman u Connor all Die r 'islng of milk goats, as they | |,ut he doesn't enjoy lugging the tons fiscal year of 1,958,1 1-1 g.oss tons, thrive on salal brush. Her convic- mail and parcel post packages [SANTA VISITS 'of the city officials » " r e pmi'.enl or 12 per cent. Marshal Potter repo lied timt : In Don is shared by 1. B. Bryan, pur- which he has handled during the Of this amount 5.951 vessels of MRS. H A N N A H OYA 1 walk chasing agent of the Port of Astoria we. k. Oftentimes he has to make a lor trestle» on Hemlock street 1 1.077,398 gross tuns were in for­ who is also a g. at enthusiast and »pecT 1 trip to make delivery of the eign trade. 21,478 vessels o: 7.163.- , K. Ori Dee l * (8jle I adjoining the Richardson pi open y w h o s e experiments hew with the lit-, mail received on one train. In the issue of The Mist of the 9th , 136 gross tons were in the coasting The matter » as r . - rial . li... Misi i Su,mbl B) Otte I was unsafe of December there appeared an ar­ tie animals have proven highly sat- • . • ferred to Die street committee# trade and 583 vessels of 4 1.602 gross I Hani ticle relative to trout fishing. In the ! Poison Moonshine. — Sheriff Wel- tons in the fisheries. Attorney J W. Day reported tiiut ¡»factory' The tonnage thè . t»f Diiu wói'lii : l"‘ » oi."I Thc milk of goats is of a superior lington believe» that a man 1» tak- of vessels registered for the foreign main, the information wrs correct, l|,„ had made a settlement wli'i I qui, , i answer timi it was a V"" I hut we made one mistake that the | Broughton a Wiggins us to the cla.m quality. especially for infant» and in , ing desperate chances when he im- trado is almost * eleven times larger Oregon Sia;e Game Commission orld rillBd w.tli Di ' klndoil dlvidualB. and Mr Ryan is confident tubes in "moonshine” whiskey. Re- the city had against that firm 'or than in 1914. called our attention to and asked Ipooi'i. On sm.ih.t ia*« i b n l f|(l' rent while occupying city proper y. D 1 . 1 t the keoplng of goats will de- cently it came to his 1 otlco that There were 1.361 vessels of 2.- that the correct ruling be published, I *»f : riend gai htrsd «t hor ..... .. The sel Dement » us for $18 n« velop mto a considerable Industry -ome of the different brands of 265,115 gross tons built, 380 ves­ so here it ia: on the lower Columbia, both for the "moonshine” was Willamette slough sels of 183.209 gross tons lost, and original bill rendered Die firm »a s I hoc | V to serve a »um ptuoui r il “Trout, open season frem April Flynn moved that that ■onimerclal value of their mill, and water mixed with wood or denatured 212 vessels of 1 16.572 gross tons fifteenth 'o November thirtieth. Bag Ile Diesi» good Dii IV» to BBl I for $316 ¡»vans., they t'.irlve on land that can alcohol. Fortunately the slough mix- sold to alien flags during the year. I settlement be approved. The mo­ limit, thirty fish, or twenty pounds «■eli vin si brought a remer ibratic" l,e for Uttle else anil are a great tUre was discovered before the mix- It is interesting to note tnat the and one fish in any one day. and of Burnii subita' Dal gift among whlch tion was seroBill'd and carried Archie Newbold made a complaint ati! In clearing land >f brush an 1 jologist had an opportunity to dispose average gross tonnage of a mer­ sixty fish or forty poinds and one w«< elilnaware, r luminimi »are. of It to tho thirsty one». that H Morgiis was removing dirt undergrowth.- Budget chant vessel In 1868 was 154, in fish in any seven consecvtive days; "nrin beddlng. a largo eopp r wami - * ------ 1920 it was 579. and in 1921 it was provided, however, that It shall be Itoli' r, bestdos nuin*'rous »mailer ar I from a certain street und using Die IIK!2, Dona Away with Tax on ¡dirt to make a garden. Newborn, CHKISTMAS HOLIDAY unlawful to have in possession more I r* Mr» I)>a live» oli a inali f«r:'l has opened a grocery stcre in the 652. apparently, did not object to Merges OBSERVED MONDAY McCormick building. Tom was in The number of officers below the than sixty fish or forty pounds and H 'pie of liti Iteri frolli Mayger ami I making n garden but he did object grade of master, and seamen shipped one fish at one time; provided furth­ •in. i he deal li of ber hushainl alaiut the grocery business In St. Helens and reshipped on American vessels four years aito, wllh Die holp of ber 1 1 .. making the street This year Christmas day comes for several years and knows the by shipping commissioners was 325.- er. there shall he an open season for The matter was referred to the street trout over ten Inches in length in "Icle.i »mi bus'i indi' a hcrolc effort on Sunday, so Mond: y «DU h" a holl‘ business from A to Z and made a In St Helen» llttl" business suecos of it. selling out beer use h' 320. of which 4S 3 per cent was the waters of the Pacific ocean and lo suppuri ber fuiinly Hlie ha» suc­ committee Juy. American The total number shipped. all the hays, inlets and s;re:im-> af- The) had to go to t'allfo-'ila for an indef-ir^ re dell :in il never cotiiplaineil and hipp(iil ^ dliCharg^ by 8hip “ illS ° f V h u rc h ,r*nd'Winter wiil he transacted Dial day f. cted hy the tidewater thereof, dur­ offices and many of : . « . h »A _1— ..bu Oil Mil' •Et urprlse shower guv" ber many work on We • * ing the months of December. Jan­ ® »' deii artleles Thoee uary, February. March and April of *hg Dils movemi' it ars I" I•*' culli each year." »•iided un brlnglng so rniich hippi* ■ ■ — » ---------------------- h"ss »b e re It » . » » mostly neoded — - ♦ -------------- I >" „ Kollo« rii II) \\. .«il,« , munì unii tr rr ire NUMBER 2 ifie r ru X m as J A BUSY WEEK ON SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR THE WATER FRONT CHRISTMAS HOUDAYS I pkogkam a t JD 34 MERCHANT MARINE GROWTH THIS YEAR COUNCIL TRANSACTS ROUTINE BUSINESS WRONG INFORMATION IS FURNISHED CHKISTMAS PROGRAM ENJOYABLE AFFAIR it The l'hrlstm:'» program ami •er' , itiment glven al Ilio Congrega ll'uial church Wednesday evcnlng * '» un enjoyahle uff» ir There wu - "li luterentlng progruin after which thè younger ones renev * m I thelr ac 'inaitilance with Mr. and Mrs Santa ' lau» Santa ami III» wlfe found il Impnvslble lo he in St Meleti» We'l h",.i|ay nlglit, so li" depullxed .MI»« •larrlett |{,m» lo ari a» Mrs Santa * laiis and Maurice Rlehardson to r"pre»ent Salila, «nd In carrylng out Di" InntrurDon» of ^ a ' a , De » u h »'1 tiiies played thelr parfci »eli I’" •*hly If Mr and Mr» Santa had l.een pere they wouldn't have clone *ny hetter. After thè rtltertntnnient a chrls nia» tree whlch w » » Icden »'Uh «ni, nhle gift» froni Santa » " '» Di" center "f attractlon Mr». It J Colie» ar rangeii thè Interesl Ing program "hlch waa a dlsttnctlvv »ucce»*. work cargo, '" s e v e r ........tors of . » o r im p o rt hut for Christmas "m m ". and it i» a holiday J dT.wn for si- I STUDENTS HOME FOR _ - A T ^ CHRISTMAS W E E K 1 FLORENCE McDONALD DIPHTHERIA VICTIM Ä z ‘- ä 1 The population of St. Helens was! — ------- Diphtheria claimed another victim thwe.®r(t|mM.> win be duly observed Increased to «..me extent la»t Frl- day evening on account of the arriv-lin St. Helen» this week when M or­ )n gt Helena. al of a number of student» who came enoe McDonald, the five-year M>1 from the IT. of O at Eugene and tin*»dauRhter of Mr and Mra J \N Mc- FATHER CLANCY <) A | CV __________ at Corralllt. ____ Among JUNIORS ENTERTAIN _ thos«* __ IK>nald succumbed parly \\Vdnesm foTme^at.^lUlTn» hl«h afu d ro " j^*The body » a s taken to (Matskan^e . . . at Helens Thursday. Fath- ulty. Ihe senior» snu m __________ « --------------- Wednesday and Interred tn the fani !.rr Clancy n : . n r y n x l o u s t1 °1 ^ t b * ^ ^ » u i b H t K T h i Juniors have Twenty-eight per cent of the|Uy plot \n ‘ he_riatakan|e or »r date, hut yielded to th. lo tnese tsr e number of St. homes of the country are owned by Rev 8 Darlow Johnson conducted ii n- eurlt* their occupant's and are free from the funeral service», ^ 'f " . irie n . r o « « - . * .$ tn. rhrut- encumbrance, and 17 5 per cent are; The sympathy of a host of friend, T í K ” ^ D i m n l T r á í d w ith the holld.y_.ptr- v. ----- ■-rnnrt tn m « » r t r * i T h e mortgaged home« goes out to the bereaved parents arm ur.ual rhrlHtmHB services ai at in the Ca.h make this dance ore of Z usual rhrbitmaa services the * social have increased in number during the j the surTtVlng momberK oft tho fania my- I paat census period. Mo be Ing a holiday there will be no comi ctl meet ink _________ _ -v is ? a e ssr. js rs s a . i ss? r Tàmtr--- . 1925 FAIR BILL GOES TO SENATE The legislatures, convened in spe cial session, p issed a measure Wed­ nesday to increase the tax on gaso­ line from 2c to 3c thus providing the $3,000.000 which the state was called upon to put up for the 1925 fair This was in lieu of the prop­ erty tax which-was at first proposed. It is estimated that the lc additional on each gallon of gasoline consumed in the state of Oregon during the next three years will bring in the «mount asked for hy the fair board The measure Is now before the sen­ ate and s in c e several senator» have different ideas as to how to alse the <3.000.000. it 1» likely tha| the bill as coming from the house will he amended, cut off, choked off or killed Sherman Miles, representa­ tive from Columbia county, was among those who voted for the pas­ sage of the bill.