PAGE TEN toe O U F ^ -B O V ^ E P O R T E F L I H J Fare an warmer an ii look* like It wood rain for Sundy I hope. Jim daah Moat evrv time 1 no my Sundy school lesson jess the same hut 1 dont no my lesson for Sundy so I gees it will rane Jlnj d&ah U : i ! . I l i * : "i ' ;• í ! I INDUSTRIAL NEWS N O T E S OK OREGON T R I B U T E IS R A I D C L A T S K A N IE M ARSH AL cot marrid Now they are home for the rest o f thare lifes They node i ich other for a long time My mother sed when peeple get marrid what gets In love site unseen for the firt time they wake up an find out it wus a mistake. Good ulte wun time a bout a week a go I droemed it -"us Christrauss an I dreemed I got a motor sickle with lites on It on everythink n v-ns riditi It an full o f f from it an woke up. jim dash Melva Hottan what studdyln nor nmlcy up to Monmouth wus hone for Thanksgivin turV.ey also. jim dash Anna Quick is home from visitin Mice wieh is her sister wieh got inar- rid an is livin in Frisco an ni vr she sod she's hack to work ail fr rh an everthink she sed an feelln like l millyun dollers. She sed si e likes Frisco cause th-re is sumthln doin all the time in the day time also Jim dash Mister Tom Roy wieh wus nocked over bord from Daisy Mathews wieh is a bote an got a duoktn sed he tuck his breth a way when ho hit the water an for a m im it he dldnt no ware he wus but he nose now an he sed the next time he gets nocked over bord he wunts to get sum no­ tice a bout it so he cood take o ff his close so they wont get all wet agen Nobuddy was hurt. jim daab Mister Rivers he neer got drowned also when wun of the pegs under his house bote wus nocked out by a swell wieh a hoto made goin by an he saved his vilin an that wus all He coodnt get out the dore so he sed he Jess dun su msecond story work an got out a winder. Nohuddy wus hurt but he wus madder than a hen what gets wet he sed cause ho » i n ­ ni expenctin nothin like that. When the river gets down he is goin to get his bote up agen an go back an live an next time a .iv e bote cums a long he Is coin to be reddy for tt he sed Mister HJnlmer Njstrom wtch had two barruis of mashes up to his house whata nocr Ilirk nfeld give $ a hundred dollers to Judge Hazen hut it aint a t’ hrlstmuss presunts its jess to help out the county. Mister Duke Wellington found the mashes in a greese harrul My tot her sed he never hurd of usin greese in the mashes before. He soil it wus may­ be to make the hooch act like greese litnin. Nobuddy hurt. jitu dash Mary Yung wieh is been here vis- itin her relashuns for a long time is gone home to Ohio to spend Christ muss an see whats she got in het stockin I gess. I gess she will rite evrv day when site gets home to si mbuddv here. Mrs. Allen Is her sister. jim dash Mister Keating is all diffruut now an he likes more like a human bean now the cheef said cause Mrs Keat­ ing here an Donald with is thare boy from Minneapolis wieh is St. haul's bed room my fother sed. Good nite St Paul is ded a bout a tnill- yun veers. 1 no cause its in Sundy school about it but that aint the lesson for Sundy cause if it wus 1 wood go. j i a dash Mister Barnett got a letter from Mrs. Barnett vtch is in Peris takin In the sites left over from the war an Mrs. Trow also When they get threw with Paris they are goin to Rome to rest up I gess cause you haff to live so fast in Paris Mister Duke Wellington sed what wus in the war jim dash Mrs. Oswald Demine had a sur­ prise wieh wus her brother's berth day. Its Herman DeVin her broth­ er is by marridge I gess. jim dash H AM M ER MAKES REC­ and warmer eept nltes gettin ORD O N P O T A T O CROP nippy an Mister Childs np to the bank Is got a cold In his hed from two raenny drafts he sed I gess peeple Jacob Hammer who lives several leaves dores open when they go In ! miles west o f Deer Island has mad- the bank an thats how he got it. a record for successful potato pro­ Jim dash duction. This season he harvested Mister Pete McGorty Is down In 3440 bushels o f potatoes from a six- It was the first California now runnln a ranch with j teen-acre tract. chickens Ha sed he's got a bout 4 | year that the ground had been cul­ thousand chickens. I het he gets lots tivated . for when Hammer bought it of eggs wieh is fresh an wood be rich , three years ago. it was covered with many large sum day less the chickens dies. Mrs | underbrush and had McGorty Is with him belpin him with stumps which took some time to re­ move. the chickens. He slashed the undergrowth and Jim dash This Cum wun cum al’ to the big mln- second growth and burned It strul sow wieh Mister N'auman is get­ year he planted potatoes. He tin reddy to make you laff. I dont vested 3440 bushels from the tract, an average of 215 bushels to the no when its goln to be but pretty- acre. He thinks that the average is soon I gess an you will la ff your in­ sides out an bust you g string laffin | exceptionally good considering th“ Mister N'auman sed when sum of the fact that it was “ new land” and that minstruls get to cuttin up. Min- it beats the record of George Brown of New Era, Clackamas county, for struls use razers to cut with, Brown harvested 4 500 bushels from jim dash 3 2 acres, an average of 141 bushels Dorothy Al.ln wus home for the to the acre. Thrnksgivin an I gess she will cum Hammer is known as the "potato home also for Chrlstmuss to see what kin?” of Colmtibla county. He ha- she got in her stockin an then she made a careful study o? growing the will go back to collluge agen to Eu­ tubers and with few exceptions has gene. raised big crops pach year. Jim dash ------------- • ------------- Dolly Cooley an Guy Waldon Is A girl thinks a ring on the hand marriil. It wus up to Portla'.d they s wort h - in Iln- jewelry tore Wheeler Ioo carloads of loss are .............. '* *T ' inn Will», handled daily on railroad »40.000 chureli I ,on«irurl , | i Lit op county taxes to Increase $86.696 over 921 Idilli county has »-i, „ i , , . , i aii.von City Survey of John Duy ubiti proport y .1 \V McDonald, w ho attended thè I at Ita lion Paper „m, r,.(| Portland Port eonim Istillili buia cut off road being made Unterai of Ilio late Ben llirkenfeld. ‘ “"••»v,. \storia fla t op mill opening Is es. night marslial of Clatskunio. Snudai tìwan Island l'or ♦ 1 -<*.•• • • Engulle $40,000 i nw. last at Clatskanie. says thut it * Oregon Carniera tutoli convelli loti planned for January I Maker I-arles I.limber Co to re provemeiils roinp|,.|,,,| cur ini one o f thè largest funeral» i cr hehl advocalrs $5 personal poli tnx Rickrei'll ilei d et 1 f> Jers. is mi me loglttg operations Demi Iron Work- t„ „ in Clatskanie McDonald, who ior "Ul1 ll*.. llh i - It > I ' I » 1 1 -• o 1 in p li’l ei| fur " t i e n o r t h ,.t i, , ...... .. nterly llvod in l'iatskanle and wus inake non »o riti record of Inittertui Lane and Idilli couuty cltles all ìli well acquainted wlth Ilio deeoa ed. In company wlth Glen It Metsker itToaae tax I n ics for 192 1 Pori land 19 vessels h.indltng cur went down to pay bis last respeets I The funeral wat conducted front ' go past weck in Ibis litirhur Vale io ha ve *30,000 Improveuioni thè Presbyterlau church li) thè pas ter. Rev K. A Weld and bolero ili | in w ater systeni Dayton to luiiIti io u city reservolr Iniur of thè servire thè church w a tilled and hundreds o f aorrowing 1 Sumpter gold dredge lo résumé op frlends stood In ilio Street and tirar cratlons. The shiiigle Imitisi rv has a liriglit l he church w hile thè Services »>■•• conducted The body was labi il outlook fer marketing resi in thè Clatskanie cemeteri Warrenlon Vleu era naiued to se Deceased. in uddition to bis wife. leet right-of uni for roud lo heuelt New Era 1500 bushels potutoli ■ ivtio bus heon an invalili fer solerai ’ vears. is survived by tlireo datigli freni 3 2 aerea is crop rei-ord bere Demuild ter woot and mohair eoii- ters and one sou. Mrs Mina l.ewi . Mrs Flora Garrlson, Mrs Emina tlnues at tilgher prie*-« Portland u ili spemi »1.600 000 In Juhlnvllle and Paul llirkenfeld The (ragie death o f Mr llirkenfeld 1922 for Street improvements and deeply grieved McDonald, fer ih. > sewera. Recdsport $8.000 dredge to he 1 ad been Intimate frlends for muny vears. liuilt for use on Iteedsport Seottslnirg A HOME FOR CHRISTMAS high wat. West Coast sawmills past week cut $25.000 liollds voi ed for 1 000 aere 60,172.192 feet, shipped 46.172.192 rrlcation districi In Josephine eoun- feet. 45 per cent o f new business to ■ f titling 23.685,760 feet moved bv wal Portland $ I contrae! awurd- et. ¡ed to cotistruct 2 story hutliling lb ? \ O u r o n iu . T O llr BU Y A CH EVRO LET Wouldn't you feel happier at the joyous time of the year it you celebrated it in your U W N H O M E ' ilieie ix plenty of tune between now and Christmas to buy a home. Call on us, our autos are at your service, and we are sure wc can find just what you want and on term* within your reach. C E L E B R A T E C H R I S 1 MAS IN YO U R OW N HOME. The new reduced price for a C H E V R O LE T touring car is 8 0 7 5 .0 0 ST. H K I.R N S o H M l.o Y HERE AkE SEVERAL E X C E P T I O N A L GOOD BARGAINS: N i c e in w 4 r o o m I J u i i Ku l o w. cloo«* i n. U t h , p a n t r y , f ul l I mmeui h U, 1 f u l l l o t * . • ant f r o n t . m u t t , I m m e d l a l « *iion, only U . O O U DU v* li It f Sf » 0 d o w n . 4 I h t s 1» a nacr l f h»* ui f&OO.) W ry choir«* iiva .» room liuiiK*Uow, I Hitch kitchen, breakfast nook furnace * *h tray», t»n»«»m*,nt, h *’ w « t connection«, Unproved # improvi'meuta all paid. don«* In I’rim rt*u»onahlt» on «•*«-> term* 4 Hooin lluu •- pantry, woodHtied, paid up Hired. good Kood locution $550 00> $100 down moi | lot. 4 Hoorn I io u m ', I S lot h , 10 Iwartnic fruit tr«««*«, toll«*!, paid up Hfr»«‘t, i 'I ob «« in $1100 DO with your own teruiM in r»*it)w»n 4 Kootn modern houM«*, pantry. n^nod porch, full hu-^um'nt, nl««* rlvi-r view, two full Iota, nit** yurdeu plot, chicken houao and yard, a choir« buy at $ J «»DO DO on ««any t«*rro» M O ST ECO NO M ICAL T R A N S P O R T A T IO N ’ Nice 0 Itoom modern We have cars in stock for imme­ diate delivery. Place orders now. Copeland Auto Company choice home (M o lli :t «»II l«»fn. i»l*«*p;nic porch, v«*ry $11,000 00 1(1 N||i| N I I \ I. Ill II.IHNi RU TH ERFO RD L O IS \l REALTY In. HM< m » CO. J and 74-W St. Helens, Oregon Buy Home Products for Christmas c I om * $7 50 caah For the Holiday Shopper The Christmas Tree or Every purchaser welcomes a reduction in price, and the bigger the reduc­ tion the better the purchaser is pleased. We have made some startling Christmas time is not com­ plete without candy, and concessions this month on several lines of merchandise, and we are going to list a few items showing the drastic cuts we re making and also name when you buy candy you want the best. buy candy Why made in not S l some of the many good things we have from v/hich you can make your Christmas purchases. H elens7 It is made of only the best of materials, pure, palatable and nourishing. Suggestions for Christmas Shopping: Home-Made Chocolates W e wish you would try them. They are hand-rolled and dipped. None are better. The prices are right. Put up in fancy boxes in / 2 , 1 lb. and 2 lb. packages. W e also have a great variety of home-made Fancy Mixed Candy, either in bulk or boxes. The prices are lower than other candies and the quality is as good, possibly better. W e are willing to prove this assertion by giving you a free sample if you will call at our candy kiteken. silk I III l.n I hi* . . to «10.50 I -tulli *' silk HotW. . . . i .Inp 1,unt il S«is in. lulling Napkin* ............. « 1.0.1 to *.|.oo Silk I mli-rwi ur ............... HI.On to Manieur« Seta ...............# a.ito to * 1 . 7.1 Silk l* « t I le o a l* ................... *a..1#| to * 10.00 Collar anil t uff Het* 7 .%, ,)( , llanilkeri liief* ............................ o,. llox Handkerehlefa o f :i W h ite’s K andy Kitchen \ p *t iHNir to ( olu m h ia ( «Minty Hank St. HHevift, Oregon I'Mliey Halli Towel* Towel* on, i,. IM), to *1.00 Hull. Hoi*. Illankeu *.1.7.1 I ,Itien t.ueat A II-W . h .I Hlanket* Item i I ) I’ in* Boudoir < * P n ......................... fW»t to #1.7.1 o.-¡ i .»«' * i.:in to «i.n tt C hildren ’ a Box llanilkrrelilefa U > sell If axe I wood Irp Pria m , Clgara, ( 'Igurettos and ■Smoking Tobaccos. Soil llrinks and many articles In »lie confectionery line. We will lie glad to have you inapei l our candy kitchen and bring the little folks With you. They are always welcome. in ini.on ane to Jin, Su*pi-in|er* ................. Artn H a n d * ......... Nnrktle* . A re Hie to * no, to * 1.00 l.le to Jl«1e IOe to > l i « '» lia i* H oya' * to Kin.iwi t 'apa Hoya* J e rse y C apa M en a K ill ( . l o i e * *|.7n * i .no to *.*,.1111 ................ 7.V- . . . . Jin. t«, imi , *a mi i,. *ji.iMi Men 'a \\(H,| M o t.a i* liiitli liola-a 7.V to » H » *7.0» ........... I nnej W o o l S o * I alley S ilk Silk . Mft, to *• Sox I'lla -r S lijrta . . . . I am y Slrl|M. Shirt a . * ft .W * #1 OH lo *0.181 ............ *ft.!IA lo * .' •'**» ....................... #0 .10 to *7■** T r a v e lin g lla g a Suit Canea Oft, t « *• ‘JA IledriM i’ii Sll|.|a*ra < M ld r e ir * H a ir llo w a C h IM r e n '* S ilk Moa». OH, to *!i I*" 7.V *1.00 JUST ARRIVED— SII.K HOI.KPKOOF STOCKINGS; 3 pair, in bo,; supply is limited: order now lor Xmas. ST. H E LE N S, ORE. l i M. II L E O N ST. HELENS, ORE- I