St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 16, 1921, Image 1

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V O L U M I* X L I
“ “ S S Ä ,,™
► ♦♦i
I k . i I h I.*» I ' » ' l e
M(r, | ,.o ii-
»ml tli
O i i l l n i U l l i i — H lo r t 's
»Hl» **,M,,I»
I ulMlil.
l>ld Ma
i gm fr»- i r cuu'l chuck I.ho ih r i n i
I hey may cru ü for nev
prior (o U n im (aun Limo
Ugl «I k a (luit Khul »«mnoii approach
. it(l; '
.11 • «»lily a le a ij.i . h*f
I bafor*.* ili® i hriuimah duy dawun
(tit) luit»* I tholr c ro a k in g and ho
I fl)d* #J)h *
fnn won'
L j ih« opt i in la l an«i p*•» miuihi
jj# fuiJT'l . I • «•> alili* .1 .in,
[ma« of tli* year ilio pe..blmtMi for
J u<*tÄ
i in i • :ii ami I ■ • • «
rwi helUg
•• ■» 1 *» no the i » • ih L ’
íji«)iih». I h»» o. rly »hopper* iiav«
liiroaiiy alariod to c arry out the or
fé«r»o( Old rtautu. T h e local Kiore*
|ir« tille«! with auitaiilu K»ft* chicli
recoin meli (loti ami obliging
Beni* ni » aio doing every I UI li K poa
lubie t i aid the »»hopper
tan) buying hub airuudy in • .1 |»*l
*«»»t hut dsni> of th<- »lor«
i*i pi 11 v < * r i » ln I htKl-(li') rum
n*rtf »Hi thoMU who ulway»
w nul run htf dolio loilu)
dr i ht» tomorrow
*• id if a of obiuluiiiK .in In
I t«Ulg«‘Ul l'l«M o f tli* t shop
)U>(. Tile Misi repiirter lutorview.-d
u»ny o f ili" Si. llu ieh s muri nani;
mil tin* 1 w liut tliey i.ay
I kid Jon ss, m a n a g e r ut A usi In »
1 umpari-'i
j gare
li e -, tu osa is goud
«liti last yuar, wo finii il - retalivel*
I bolter, rut islileung Ilio lower wngos
. viu liavo uo slck cniiilng
fbat ever for th è aniount of Curisi
[ a • trading in evldoncu »0 tur VS *
»rs well .al lai ivd
U Iticeli : Iteuioniliuriug m a l ila
tUtAcii* must n e l no cuun.utl petoii
tkr) i-av orokon tuo ugg slu-il.
Uve o « a ll u n lli a l a r - lir ia . c o m p u r * this ye.ii
will» lust.
So tur, mie.
Uve I" ten thoiMi ot last
I His may bu because lie
MS* ...
)«qii" ar • t l l O p p ll . g ni rile i
ti>, we mow »I Is hu t In is, 111.i
Hais,a ..I, it w* «iru pr»¿luti od lur il
» ho l »,tr*»uiiu.
lien i y L aiatm :
trail« ut t ho ferm er y itilUJ i '
lr« ua r !>od iké lu»i y ar. p» » lmp
btiler m »«»iu«* rouped a. ÜU Jhob.» H
MQcrul. U io wovor, iii.ij llUv 1)0 t.O fcoo*
t i he temi «no y of tho till)".
»ixe. llUl i lu»» 1 Uiti»u lin
1 HL*; Holl w lii DO UH ;:» i U1 K U
V\ »lite. T il») ( 1irliitntu
v * vi l ) ütvur. itile r»K, Il l 11 O w
lüuk. s« munii' tho lu hi a eP»
»her hui » tu »> liten il lia.
Dur mu ' «*H llU V«
fkkl'il Ip ' uo Ucea ul y. <
kci.'un. il .»ml w« iiisve Htai >iti hoX
tax candy > tor ( tirintimi» ir»iliO, L*X
it'i'id patron ¡»K»*.
Pel ■
1 w olii lei li ( eu tur?
Crei . 1
Tuo holidu)* Uv de h*t H ui
, r à d»
• ay a
Il ^(»0(1, »»lui i ' -
Sol I,
(or uny exc op: ton.
this I
> nrnt year In ht Helen h
\UOW ( ImMtlli.lH coiuiitioi».
I dun
first -land 1. " u t , unywi i)’# we ,»*o •»»
prepar'd for t h e rush
H S Mason:
It la a little early
)et fur ttu* c h r ls t m A s rudi, but He
trad*- na-, ,,*"-n Improving doling 'i l­
lesi week
W ith wages as they al
*« would " b o In lu c k " in have i
traile com para!)!* to 19 3 U Mo may
do It, tun ugh.
Von i . ray:
l shall lie satisfied if
my sale.-, are oBe-hivlf what tin y wer"
Issi liecouilmr.
As nearly as 1 can
tell Hu* iinslnesH for December c
•I iiiui n i bird less th in last yeai
Conditions s d d i as Ibis w ere nxp‘ cl
cd naturally, and
the merchun
,| ,i r r e n ) , In o ffe im g
tkelr Indoli-y stock.
Tr.iii llowe, St Halens Hardware
There won't be a grand rue
l.ocul |j uh ! fiumi m*aii wmvil .unit tifi
volleyball victory Monili y utglit when I
'liny disposed ,,r the r.-pre
IsenUtlvo-. In four HtraiKhl gullies ' iirg**-« l l.ii r .- il for \l Inn« I< ami I*,»-
I Member* ,,f tin, Hi. Helens team
r lf lr 4 *> hm I INirts ami»ltfii-
1 » iili'li li ' s not beoti (lofi*ati>(l UK k au,i
nitiDli S»*nl lo F o n i g l i Fort»
I'“ " 1- lirH'
*' 1* Rutherford, J (i
Thompson, J L Storia, " K l l " Con­
Shipment» T o tal 7,IHai.OOtl l i v l .
ivi-ra. I.i-Hier Wellington
, ' ■ 1 •»■ Tin. pluyiTM will jonrtiuy ti-
80 far uc lumber shipments an*
Mo lay night for .1 returi Iconocmed this «1 k h 1 b a n an s c
I tiro una along thu waterfront. Nlm,
Voi li - v Inin aniline, mm Ima Hprnuil "tenmnrs uro Imokod to loud IMI * I
" " " " g tin
'I iuh I iii - i , h k i■■ 1 h • of Si
currying approximately 6,860,-
ll«l"iin with the ri-Hiilt that a nutn I '»OO f«***< of lutnhor.
»•* r of thi-m havn hi-i-n practicing li, | I bo Daisy Matthews unit Daisy
jilt*» high set,mil gym 11 slum Hiding T u l l i a n i »III d e a r with 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0
and flooring Is lining placed In the feet each destined for soul horn C al­
T h e J a p s team e r Tal-
I 'M in m >) pl.-iy-ii-d In order to care for ifornia ports
;'h<" di innnilH o' town and high school kl Maru a f t e r taking on 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 fc>
I t»n *h»-l liall und volleyball
players of Ja p square:; sailed Thursday night
T h e Vrpr:-s Maru
I I • IIV prin t Ice will he held In hot h for the Orient.
j * he
heil and gymnasium but all Is scheduled to sail Monday night
I match games will ha played In the and w ill'h avo as pi rl c argo 7 6 0 ,0 0 0
j feet of squares.
T h e Mobile c it y , a Shipping Hoard
ve-ie l will leave S aturday a f t e r h av ­
ing taken 6 6 0 . 0 0 0 feet of lum ber fot
T O B E L I F T E D delivery at Now l u r k
T h e coasting
etoamer Wapama sailed Wednesday
I r ivi-|er-, will learn v lth Intereal night for San I’cdro c arryin g .a car
" f the announc 1 -i 1 mt made recent!) , go o f 0 6 6 . 0 0 0 feet of lum ber and a
h> ¡4 A llurnsldo, city fre ght anil l u m b e r of passengers.
T h e McCor-
P a-iiger a -nt, thut word has just im lck steam e rs Celllo and W illam ette
I" ' n reci-lvi-d In Astoria by J J jure scheduled to sail tonight for San
Hu dal-, lin-al 111 il general agent of Francisco and San Diego respective-
ill'- Spid in-
Cortland A- Seattle ] ly carryin g lum ber and pcssengers
Itallwa) ci.tiipiiny, Ihnt afier January and the s team er Ernest II Meyers
fir 1 the w ar tax of s per cent which afte r taking on 6 0 0 , OUU feet of l u m ­
In . Iiei-n for the past several years ber, will r e t away tomorrow n i g h ’
charged 011 Cullman fare, and parlor t ound for San Cedro.
car ticket- will he a thing of tin-
Several o ilier v- ssels are expect
Notification has been received ed to arriv e next week.
h r" Dial tin> t x will be removed ai
that time. This does not effect (he LAST MINUTE
»c.rcliurgu on Cullinun t i c k e t *
With tin- war tax. the parlor car
tickets n i trains between this city
Ml ss Marie W alker, secretary to
and Cortland as now selling it Si Hch ol Superintendent
nu ts
T in y will he 76 ccnt.-i hog In- was r. Portla nd visitor Wednesday
11 lug January first
• .
Rev F a t h e r Clancy was taken to
a Cortland ho-.plial Thursday eve-
He is s u f 'e r ng v/It H a mild
attack of diphtheria.
‘ r m s i M , t o H11II1I I t o o i u A l o n g
I t.M-i-nil y
M atter
in llle ,
A cq u ired
R eferred
lo lliq m rt
W aterfron t— •
M i u u i e e C u n i-
N e xt W e e k .
Law rence
D avies)
A question of city revenue appar­
ently occupied the minds of the coun-
1 Ilmen in their Monday si.-saiun. Due
move which will result In a regular
income of fifteen dollars each month
was approved, w hile a bigger propo­
sition designed as a sevluty-fiv e dol­
lar project, will be considered again
T h e discussion was aroused when
the dock commission reported. Coun­
cilman J
li. Flyn n sponsored a
movement to have the waterfront
south of the city dock cleaned ou:
and to have a stiff boom put In 011
a line with S heldon's dock.
He de­
clared the estim ated revenue from
such a boom would total aeventy-flv*.
dollars a month.
Sin ce the mayor
and others disagreed with some of
tho features, the whole m a tte r was
referred to the finance com m ittee
lor Investigation.
As the result of a motion by Coun­
cilman McDonald, the city market
building was ordered moved to the
dock for use as a warehouse. The
s team er Fleetwood will he charged
at Die rate of fifteen dollars monthly
for dockage and wharfage.
A building permit was issued to
W illiam K o rkan , for a 12 by 24 foot
house, and w arrants were ordered
drawn to pay hills amounting to
$ 2 3 2 .9 6 .
T h e entire council was
present at the session and several
m atters corning under the head of
routine business was disposed of be­
fore ad journment.
Helens han kers were hosts
last night to tho visiting members
of the Columbia County Hankers' as­
A. L Fu lle r, of Rainier,
president of the association, was the
to astm aster at the banquet served in
the Congregational church and sev­
eral Colum bia county and outside
speakers addressed the gathering. R
W. S chm eer. vice-president of the
United S tates National hank of P o r t ­
land, Harry Albert, s ta te bank e x a m ­
iner. F. B. HUhruok. president of
¡he Colum bia County F a r m Bureau
lid Wist, Scappoose (maker, and
Sherm an Miles, president of the Co­
lumbia County hunk ull appeared o:i
the program
Followin g l short business session
the hunquellcrs adjourned to the
Blue Rose dancing hall of the Mi
Cormlck building, where they spen’
a pleasant evening dancing and play­
ing cards
Member banks, in ro ta ­
tion, e n to rtai* the county association
once a month.
Avon Lodge No. G2, K nigh ts of
Pythias will entertain the Pythian
S iste rs at a card party to be held In
the lodge room on the evening of
December 21.
P A. Dixon, Hugh
Adams and T. W. White compose the
com m ittee appointed by the lodge to
se-y that every one has an enjo yable
T h e S isters have e n t e r ­
tained the lodge members a t several
banquets and parties during the past
year and the members of Avon
Lodge thought tt was about time
that they have the Pythian Sisters
as their guests. An e nte rtaining pro­
gram has been arranged and re f r e s h ­
ments will be served.
All K nights
and their friends are cordially In­
vited to be present, the com mittee
form s T h e Mist.
Fo r m e r Owner and Killtor of St. Hel­
ens Mist W rites Interesting His­
tory o f Mu- Pu|ier and of P io neer
Days in Colum bia County.
E d ito r's Note.
W ith tills Issue o f T h e Mist
It In-gins its fo rty -firs t year.
T h e history of Tin- Mist is In-
terwoven with the history of
the Pioneers of Columhia
eounty and the growth of the
eounty. Believing t h a t no one
eould give a lietter retrospec-
tive view o f both, we askeil
K. H. I lagg, form er owner
and editor of T h e Mist, to
write a short history of T h e
Mist. Mr. F la g g is now edi-
to r and publisher o f the W ar-
rentou News, u mighty fine
little |*aper fo r the town the
size o f Warren ton.
P io neers
of Colom bia county will en-
Joy Mr. F la g g 's a rticle for it
will bring to their recoUec-
lion the times of forty years
Mr. l-lagg w rites:
• • • • • • * • • • •
3. C. Morton, Editor,
St. Helens Mist:
In response to your request for
the early history of T h e Mist:
Tho first paper published in Co­
lumhia county was started by E noch
G. Adams, a veteran of the civil war
and was published at his home ou
i-’rogmore, a promontory at the ju n c ­
tion of F r gm ore slough and W il­
lam ette slough.
M ajo r Adams, as
he was called, was wounded in the
civil war and this inju ry caused him
to be e rratic and irresponsible in
Chanters will put on their Big Min­
uis statem ents. He was assisted In
strel Show nt the Liberty theatre.
his work by his wife, a very e stim ­
able woman who had the esteem of
Igtwrence Davies, who Is on th" Thurs day and Friday nights, J a n ­
the e n tire community.
Adams be-
news s ta ff of the Cortland T eleg ram .
T his production will be no ordi­ Steann-rs A merica and Fleetwood cam - so abusive in his language that
Ciinlnwl \«inr<l<*,t t<> Si. Hclens Shlp spenf thè week end wlth bis parente.
ub most of us
the Muckle B ro th e rs , Charles and
: Mr. and Mra. William Davies.
Compete fo r Fre ig h t and P a s s e n ­ Ja m e s , decided to finance a new pa­
I *i|ii|M»ii) to r ll u l l d m g T w o la tr g e
consider .-uch hut will really ha a
ger Busin ess on Nt. Helen »-P ort­ per and secured the services of a
! la r g e * — 4 Veil m o t C a l l s f o r K a r l)
J. W. Thompson, manager of the stupenduiius presentation o f old 'line
man named Glendye who was the
St. Helens L um ber company and o t h ­ minstrelsy.
land llu n— K ates are ¡slashed.
D e l i v e r ) — A d d ii i" m il F o r r e A d ii**!.
S ix !" n of the best com edians arid
first editor and m anager of T h e Mist.
er McCoriui * k tm erests, transacted
.»loiH s in our city present the big
He was succeeded by a Mr. Ayres,
business 111 P ortland, Thursday.
first part and the costumes and th"
T h e re is a lively rate war now on who in turn
was succeeded
• • •
th e St, Helens siili building coni- i
puny h a s bona awarded a Contraili]
Mr. and Mrs C. T. Snook of Co­ stage settings are to he the mos' between the Bleamers A m erica and Charles Meserve, one of the cleanest,
Fleetwood and the rates for haul­ best and must unselfish men I ever
by m e Northw "Stern Klectric com lumbia City accompanied by Opal elabo rate ever seen hero.
T h e olio or the vaude/ille part of ing milk havo been slashed to rock met. Mr. Meserve came to P ortland
puny tor the roust ruction of two Meter motored to Vern onia Sunday
i.ami s The plans and specifieuliom. and spent the day with relatives. tho show, consists of five big acts bottom prices, and a reduction made while 1 was at w-ork as a compositor
all for arges 126 feel long. 32 feel Vernonia 1 h booming. Mr. Snook said. put on by local people and each act in passenger rates. B oth steam ers on the Oregonian and upon the rec-
are on the St. Helens-Portland run ommendat.on of J a m e s McCowan.
a scream.
i .-aiu nd 7 loot l-i depth,
thu con
Kach and every mem ber of the via the Columbia river route.
foreman of that paper and I under­
Ir 1 1 into which lln- company lias e i t ­
T h e St. Helens T r a n s f e r company
F o r alm ost a year the America stand is still an employe of that
ler d, sp ifl‘ a tin.i delivery of the chrng ed ownership this w"ek. tie show is working night and day un­
(list b a r g e must t o III da in thirl)' business passing from Hurry Sibley der the direction of Manager Nau- has been the only boat on the run paper, secured my services as fo re ­
days and the second one .n savi-nly- to W illiam 1lurns and brother. Mr. m in to make thU th s one big show T h e principal business Is hauling man and general assistan t and to ­
milk from the several dairies on gether we worked for the upbuild­
' a i l Burns has been a resident of Deer of the season.
Followin g editions of T h e Mis- Sauvie3 Island to Portland and th " ing of Colum bia county and th e ex­
n of th • dilpbu Idlng com- Island for several y ja r s and Is well
will give the complete line-up: in the freight to St Helens merchants. It tension of the business and influ­
, any muted to Th • Mist that In ord r known in this city.
m e an tim e it would t e well for St is stated that there Is ju st about ence of the paper.
io deliver tho barges within th e .tim e
Charles Meserve afterw ard s m a r ­
I i-ctfu-d It would I"- ne*cc--ary to put
T h e B lu e Rose d; nco hull In the Helenltes to e n te r in their d ate book aufficlent business to make the run
mi a force of 20 to 25 men and have new McCormick building will be open e ith e r Thursday', J a n u a r y 12th or profitable for one boat, so it seems ried Louise, daughter of \V. H. Con­
il,, ,, «tari v.o.k inimedir.lely.
lo the public tomorrow evening, Friday, J a n u a r y 13th as the days tor Hat the e ntry of the Fleetwood on yers, of Clatskauie, and about one
the run makeB it a case of the sur year ago he was laid to rest by her
'The lumber order has been placed when a public dance will ho given their a ttend ance at the show.
Reserved seats will be placed on vtval of the boat owner with th- side In the C latskanie cemetery.
with the St Melina Lum ber cor pauy Mrs Nellie H McCormick, owner of
I was the next proprietor of T h e
sale about one week before the pro­ longest purse for th e re is not the
mid as boon as Hi t:i iteriul Is un­ the building plans to have dances
Mist and of all the nearly forty years
Wilson's or- duction so as to give those desiring •.olume of business to ju stify the op­
scmhlisl m ’T. ni Il e bi.rsos will he every Saturd ay night
I havo spent as a country newspa­
eration of two boats.
It their choic e of seats.
choHira will furnish tho music.
T h e Fleetwood tried the W i ll a m ­ per man in Oregon, I look hack up­
T h e dance hull Is 6 0 x 1 2 0 feet and
e tte slough route for several week on those as the happiest. 1 was m ar­
i ios" io $ 1 5 0 ,000. 000 in interest In- s 7 ,0 0 0 aquure feet of space. The THE L. L. L. L.
com petition with the l a u n c h P i ­ ried there to E lla Morrison and my
payable by tie* United Staten floor Is of hardwood and iiihi I o espec­
lot, but finding that run un pro fit­ oldest son. George, now editor of the
l i . ury on December l a *»I» alt is ially for dancing.
able went on the Columbia river run l ’rineville C entral Oregonian, was
f rsl Liberty load bonds and
T h e local org anization of t h "
born there in the house now occupied
in competition with tho America.
Victory noies ami ou cerium issue*
A nother huslner.s tra n s fe r look Loyal Legion of Lum bermen and
L aw rence Holman, principal own­ by Mr. and Mrs. E m erso n E Quick.
,,f l e n i f í c a l e s of Indebtedness and place In St. Helens t h 's v.-oek when Loggers has perfected plans for an
In m aterial m atters, St. Helens
ire sury notos
Of Hits total, about J \V Akin purchased the stock and e n tertainm en t and Christm as tree on er of th e America and Captain Dolph
has im.iioved
$ 4 - ,o o 0 ,0 oO was disnurse-d at 111" good will of 1> J. Switzer, who has Saturd ay evening. December 17th. Hooghklrk say that the A merica Is
on the run to stay.
" T h e boat has those days, but I venture to assert
,»l IT "TV" Bank of Ni-w York been so long a fixture on the Strand which will be held In the city ball the people of Sauvies Island th a t in the quality of tlio citizenship
T h e 4-L com m ittee in ch arg e of
to holders of these securities
! red Mr Sw itzer conducted a building
and lit. Helens for tho past twenty- it bus uo: advanced nor ever will it.
T he re v as a Masonic lodge, and
five voars and it will contin ue to
i art hunt hr nch of Hie Federal Re- |H „ pioneer resideht and business j program for the occasion In the way serve t h e m ." Mr. Holman stated.
its membership included such men as
, r i " Bank, announced thut the.lo cal mi>n ,,f th is city
Mr Ak'n. who a-*- ,,f musical numbers, recitations unit
Captain Chet T urner of the Fleet- George 'd McBride, aU erw ards S e c ­
ilisbut.."iii'-ut "ii account of interest mimed the management of the bust- speaking. Adra ssion will he by tlck- wood is equally positive that his boat retary of s t a t e for Cregon and later
ini-n i ■ on government obligations no„ , this week, has been a real dent e t only,
will remain on the run and is g rati­ United S tates s e n a to r from Oregon.
In addition to contributions mnde fied at the amount of business which Thomas A McBride, then d istrict
a m o u n ted lo close lo $IOU.UOO
j of S(. Helens for many and Is'
by members, the organization has
well and favorably known,
attorney and now Suprem e J u d g e ou
the boat is taking cure of.
appropriated $60 from the treasury
h i« b< "ii In tho
It is said that the Fleetwood re ­ the bench ot’ Oregon's highest triu-
S oil " f one finally for well over !
S h e rm an Miles, representative to which will be used to provide a duced the rate for carry ing milk tinal.
One of the lodge members,
til -Hands In Urlxton. the legislature from Colum bia cou n­ Merry C h ristm as for many needy from 25c to 2 0c per can. and the Mr. Powell (futhei o f W. H. Poweli,
u century
ty plans to leave Sunday for Sal iu children as well as others not so America then reduced the rate to 1 0 ’ the Portland itoruey > never to my
Added to this donations have per can.
_____________ ______________— i to attend the special session of the needy
i-o i -,, but people 11 •
Tho passenger rates from knowledge, mused a meeting of tho
buying so m * holiday article - air ail'
Denting of the
Plaza legislature called * by Govern or Ol- b e c t m a d e of candy and oranges, and Portland to Island points was out lodge, walking over B u n k e r Hill
•nd business sh.mill continue steady ... '
, |„. Christmas busiic ss cott
Milos stale d that he Is In ac- taken all In all the 4 - L ’s have pro­ to 36c by the Fleetwood and the road from P ittsb urg , leading his
U sai Clirlsinias t h e r e was talk ,,f Is not good
Hew can it he w-hen | cord with the governor's Idea of tin.- v id 'd right handsomely for tho little America then cut the fa re to 25c. horse, with a hex of eggs packed on
T h e usu il brilliantly lighted T h e r a te on f re ig h t destined to St. each slue, ~ud driving back the next
th" mills cinsi lg, which result «’d li wages ar*« ( ut lo half,
Men getting Bing the se-tslon to only tho passage folks.
* feeling o f u n ce rtain ly
,(r six dollars a day in other ,>f the 1925 exposition measure and Ch ristm as tree will he In evidence as Helens has not been reduced though day.
i i » gi-iting three if they 11 he m easure regulatin g truck tra ffic well as S anta Claus in his snow-cov
*l»eni ibis w inter and I look fot
You may tell the bretheren that
this might happen If the r a te war
or i d g a r m e n ts
huriiie..' to Increase. It Is si IB •* U* ,v ‘ lucky ...... ................. lave a j o b .
-on the hlghweys. __________
desplto their nu mbers, 1 hardly be­
II« early for th e rush
Wo have no faun
~ . _ _
Both boats leave St. Helens at the lieve they a re in* to the standard of
________ In SCARE
this locality and Is gradually gr.ln-
' Mn-klo" McD onald, of The Hoys , fiud wl'h . hristnms buying so fa. DIPHTHERIA
same time, 7 o'clock In the morning enthusiasm set by those old time de­
T t M D F P C f l M T U m ¡InIt ,n memborshlp. It is an organi- and It is said that there Is a lively votees o f the S quare and CompaBB.
« " I I St Helens nev er had what call
, * r l y ............* how big a vol-
t , t l o n that stands in high esteem
h« celled a U hrlstm aa rush, so *• lin„. Of trade we'll actually have for
T h e Mist while I conducted it was
epidemic which atid can ror.dlly be classed us an o r ­ race up riv e r.
ar*- not e xp e ctin g It this year
A some buy
the only paper In Columbia, Cowlitx
f* r ns the o rd in a ry buying at Mi'*
and W a h k ia k u m counties, and tho
rush -H
,iY, -lrt
And at
this glad ­ EASTERN STAR
. m e , u r g e holiday de
to bo
he now
now w*ll under control, accord Americanism.
•a a van Is con cern ed. It probably t h " ...............
St. Helens attorneys
some Yuletlde season It Is doing good
ELECTS OFFICERS those of P ortland the legal business
•ou t he much different In our line r*and, t'himgh. and are well satisfied | Ing to Dr
! til
from form er years
of thu counties.
T h e epidemic has at
r.o tlm " tie folks In general and those in real
ta r iiii Williams, of t J f I L William-.
Mrs M U ra l, o f Milaily's Shop
To wander into the field of per­
At t h e ir meeting Saturd ay evening
ti.-ed of It In part cular.
Hu ilness Is fine.
Although * b ro
Our business, you know.
Mizpah Chapter O E S. elected the sonal rem iniscences would take too
«HV I s hound to affect It somewhat
following o ffice rs to serve for the en much of your space th e re fo re I will
one that is nn greatly affecte-l chools or public e ntertainm en ts
suing ye ar:
Olive Sten, W. M ; K. get back to my more Immediate sub­
P a tro r.; E f f le Brown, ject.
MEETS GREEK s C. ec re Conyers.
Mr. Meserve repurchased T h e Mist
ta ry ; S s r a h M Quick, t r e a s u r ­
F a ilu re to oust lleorgo Klonls. SI. e r ; Sadie Coates, con du ctress; Eliza from me and I moved to other fields,
returning to St. Helens In 1904, and
s re stau ran t proprietor, from beth P erry, associa te conductress
building Join tly occupied by the A fter the meeting of the S ta r the bought out a man named Oabbert,
ant and P e e p l e s Market re- Masons surprised <?> the members who had allowed the paper and the
when J o h n C'otis filed suit of the S t a r hv having prepared a plant to sink to the lowest level In Its
You may know- Just what
forcib le entry and d e tain e r" nice supper which was served In tli" history.
that means when I tell you t h a t I
this week In J u s t i c e Hazett’s banquet hall of the lodge
found the form s on the bed o f the
C'otis likewise sought dam
old hand press so rusted that tt was
•I II T h r l c h e r -
Onf 1 , 1 " "
o re new cases wlll de ages alleged due as t i n result of MARKET IS IN
hard m atte r to pry them off.
i r e.
a^‘ PhrVaramH'b u si- 1 and th a t no m
rsndv s a l" s bave not yet start ed I S
non-payment of rent. Although Co<-
thiX i t is not self praise to say that
,"t*lti. ,s good ns List yenr* llnw «'•*n ae-is will b" good
T h e health offic er, however, ad-
j raised the paper from Its fallen
» he?
t* th o re i l ) » 1 ............
T h e K IB "
».Ming I vises caution and a promptness on Jury decided, In face o f adverse tes­
T h e Strand Market o f Morton *4 e sta te and nv’ de tt again a fa c to r tn
sturld where cnndltlons m ah" it
Donava said. ' * " *r' ,r tors anti l i t h e part of all In reporting any in ­ is Duros; his partn er, that the plain-1 Wilson is now located In Its new the growth o / . ^ e ^ m m u n l t y B y lts
I hmi I s Duro« nf t h " l ’i-ople's M ir
ni'-'! I" n''r
™‘ i!« , d h ation of the disease
Due cun
in the wrong
A t t o r n e y s ! quarters In the McCormick build- influence, aided m aterially by tho
: Chrlsfm iis traile does ti"' »'
i,., haven't had time to make a tton In avoiding any con tact with cas t i f f
Glen M etsker and G O S m ith e n-H ng
T h e owners have had a crew of people of the I n n k t o n G range and
'*ct griM-erlc« ns tnuch a"
r eon! pa riniti, but P 'n S
d l . r a H .n ^ a r e that
» . . . es and promptly reporting any pos-
'Ihnes. hnt we thlnk 'h e lm!"l " thIs holiday s - is o n * »«•' "
vpnr Ktt,|e cases will go a long ways In gaged In som e lively word com bats work men busy Installing u p -to -d a te , o th e r granges of the county the
T h e case w i l l ! fixtu re s In the new location
T h e CountT F a i r Board * “ * ^ * J ' ' ’* ’* ? !
**,n« wlM he tese t b r n 'h o « " of l"st e m p a r e favorably with
i ^
, t .unpln|t out the prevalence of th-l during the afternoon
T h 'O g s wlll
We know that wages a
inll, disease. Co-operation In this m a tte r hu b rou ght up iigain In circu it court presence of an ice machine, ice m a n - (and I wns honored hy h i l mad<
In the m eantim e K lon ls 1« prepar ! ufacturln g plant, two reft igerators. C o l u m b ia county s represenfaHve In
Ih" sprtng. I thlnk
with the health auth o rities may save
, 0 m o v e ' tils* re s ta u ra n t f u t u r e * a smoke room and other modern fix- charge of its exhibits .at the Lewis
Mra J
K R a m se y :
•'» cotir«"
a life, and It wlll at least add much
!o 6 t h e T t o r e raom ju st v a ca tid hv lu re s will combine to m ak e It as and Clark fair which did, on n small
•««Iti. « thla f ’hrlstnius wlll not *■
! toward stamping out tho so-called
* ' rumi ns tn«t, un acronwt
epidemic with which the city has the E lite Varie ty store In the Muck com plete as possible in every re- ----------- (Continued on pagi» 3 )
s p e d , Mr. WtUon believes.
" » n
*» wages
Rn III t thlngs '* are lookln»
s, .. nr"
iqq ,h M
) f a r * h a s 'bee'ti' very''satIsfac I been afflic ted.
‘ U block.
Bratti good, considerin g « » 00,1
] ia t f.