PAGE TW O T h e ab s en tee s from t h e Y'eruoiilu high school have been many during t h e past month. Mr. and Mrs H erbert Condit and Mr. and Mrs. S V. Maluisten speul spent T h a n k s g iv in g in Cortland. Misa U e rtru d e Weed who Is teach mg In the R o se City Dark school iu Co rtla n d spent the T h an ksgivin g vacation with her parents, Mr uiul Mrs J u d s o n Weed o f Yornonlu J 11. I lu lle t, of the B a n k s H er­ ald. made a call on the Y’ernoulu high school, T hu rsday. A Cory now has his Economy store nearly com pleted and is preparing lor a lug holiday sale s tartin g on Decem ber 8th A party wue given at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J o h n , Friday night. November 25. A good crowd attended and a most deligh tfu l tunc was reported hv all J II Hulett of the B a n k s H e r­ ald gave an Interesting tulk before ' t h e Y'ertiouiu high scho o l student body, Frid ay. D ecem ber 2. SCAPPOOSE , re d at d [Kissed: W h e re a s , sin ce last met U -.»ill has I eu in our grange i n n i - . .nut tak e n a beloved Sister, G rand m a B in g h a m is now '»ak in a mitt«'«. C t se, a m e m b e r of Beav her home with her daughter, . r \ a l l e j ( ¡ r a n g e and a B ro t h e r, l". 1 Ch arles Sandstront. t a z e n ot Y ink ton lì range. There­ Mrs M artha Jo h n s o n ami child in aths. Columbi; County I’oinonu ren o f P ortlan d, spent last T l.u rs tC ngo lias lot-' a sister and b ro ther Oa' a ith Nels Anderson w a «se p! res w ill he Hard to fill. He Miss Ruby Tipton e n t e rt a in e d 01 it iur lier resolved, t i n t o ur chat­ Tuesday evenin g tor her sister. Mo- te r he draped in mourning for a per H. E. Cchoen of l-oa Angeles, t at imi of i\:y days and a copy of t h i . who is h e r guest. resolu tio n be -ent to the bereaved Mr. W ilso n was in tue r>t> i m •- lam lies * e ivi .1 i i .*t the cou nt) day on business . . . I «»or* and «.< to the O rang e Bulle T h e C. E. gav e a b anqu et hi* lit: S irn e d . J e n n i e Lovelace. Kat T h u rs d ay evening. T h o s e who w en A berry. May Briggs brave enough to v e n tu r e out wen- well repaid and th e c o m m it t e e wu- VEKNONIA to than k those who c a m e th ro n e D E E R ISLAND the storm, for their support. An,.it’ | Don't farg et the “ P oo r Married I I S 00 w ns realized. Man,” at th e Rose th e a tre . Decem ber D E E R ISLA N D. Or , Dec 8 tSpe A cho ru s of tw enty -liv e von - - met ; 16th, at eight o'clock. Everybody d a l to T h e M isti. Mrs Mary B u r n , at the home of R- Nlbloek, l it j out. is visiting witli Iter daughter, Mis day evenin g to select and prao i T h e Y. P. A business meeting Roy Miller t hrtstm as carols. About forty von . w hich was to be held at the home of Mrs Rewey was a P ortland visitor a re desired and the re h e a r s a l will b. .Ylrs S Y Maltusicn, Frid ay evening. Saturd ay. at th e ch u r ch F r id ay at 7 : 3 0 sharp. D ecem b er 2. w s postponed until on Mr ;i n j Mrs. ( h a s G rattan of Mrs G e tc h e ll is spending the wesk Mouda) veiling, D ecem bers heeausp P ortland a r e v isitors at the J a m e s in P ortlan d visiting friend s and San of t! • l-as l e t ball »mines between l o x home ta Claus. _ ■ ; • l,.:nie and Y’e rnon ia . Frid ay Miss Maude Coluti! is now muking Com munity church: ban b a t . night and W estp ort. S atu rd ay night. tier home here with Mr and Mrs school at 10 a. m., C. E. at 6 : * 5 . p Two tru ck lo a d s o f I ’ tah Con­ F. A. Colimi S h e will caro for baliv m . evenin g service a t . :4n. m i structio n men were released a few B la n c h e d uring Mrs. Arms! l ong's ab Coffyn will have c h a rg e o f the s. r J.iy s agi YY'ork is getting nearly st,ur8 vice and on Sunday. Decem ber 1." « ompb-ted so that some of the men Mrs F r a n k Daly and Mis Leng Uev. A. J . Su lle n s will occupy the m il be released. a c h e r motored to P ortlan d Tuesday pulpit in th e morning. T h e com Lillian Lesi r has wllhdr Ylrs Albert Adams and Mrs Jus munion will also be observed^ 1 h school. S h e will help her m o th er (*0 x motored to P ortlan d Saturd ay annual m e e ting will bo held S atu :-t the Dew-drop Inn B a k e r and Loyd a r e now occupy dav, D ecem ber 10 at 7 : 3 0 p. m. A m asq u e rad e dance was given at ing their new building Lucile Dobbins. d au g h te r oi Dr the Y’erno n ia hall. November 24th. J o h n B eaver was a St Helena vis­ YV. Dobbins was operated on for up E verybody reported a good time. itor Saturd ay. pendicitis aud is now ab le to be a. T h re e c a rlo a d s of pupils front the Chas M errill was a P ortland vlsl- home. S he and her b ro t h e r Davt1 Y e m e n i s high school v.lll attend the t,ir Monday a rc m ak in g tltei" home with tliei. b a ske tb all ga m e s between Clataka- Mr and Mrs. Perry S m ith and aun t. Mrs M cL au chlau at Hillsbor • tee High and Y’ err.onia High on Fri- fam ily of Newberg, Oregon, visited and atte n d in g school there. •la.-' evening and YVest port High and a , th e F r a n k Duly home during tin Monday evenin g C h arles Sami Vernonia High S atu rd ay evening Ev- w eek. strom and Dick M cConaghy wer - r y o n e expt'-ts to have a good time Mrs p k Clapperton and Mrs walking alo ng the highway driving T h e Her and S< --m a n c a r a g e and YVatson were P ortlan d v isitors Tu<*s- a te; m of horses when a c ar ap M ack sn .ith shop is com pleted now ,iay. proached from the r e a r and strut-:* ind ready fo r business Mr and Mrs N V. Murphy ant! Dick, throw ing him in t h e ditch. Th A play Dr tire All. and also fam ily returned to their home here driver stopped and o ffe re d any help a basket s o dal will he riv en at the YY’ednesday a f t e r a m o n th's ab sence he could do and reg retted tiie a c c i ­ Kist - ool house F r id a y evening, occasioned' by the illness of theli dent. He did not see the team ami Decem ber 9 d aug hter, E ileen who Is now irnprov the men failed to see th e car 11. M i s - P ea r l R o g e r s has resigned ing in health, driver o f th e c ar and th e numb, her po- tion as t e ach e r o f the sev- Mr and Mrs YY'illiam C lark were is unknown. Dick was shake n u, enth ; ! e ig h th g r id e s of the Y'ern- pleasantly surprised S a tu rd a y eve- and bru ised but o th e rw ise was no' i -boo! and M s- M arie Bowman ning by a party of friends who prê­ in ju re d t s keen secured to t a k e her place, senteil them with a beautiful silver Mr. B o le s who has been vis'ting n. Da e try out were held at the fruit basket in honor of t h e ir silver his sister. Mrs. Wm. Cam pbell, lo:t gh school on YY’ednesday, Novem- w e ld in g anniv ersary, t e r C alifo r n ia Tuesday. er 2 ' T h i r t e e n students tried out n. j McConnell Is visitin g at the T h e school me. ting w ill be h e l l for a p'ai • on th e team L es ta Weed nell. S atu rd ay, Decem ber 10 fo r the pur ■ nd Ru th Heverling were selected P atric ia and Bernard Clapperton pose of adoptin g or r e je c t in g the • r the team with Hilda T u c k e r and were P ortlan d visitors S aturd ay 1 udget. « L u cy S' nton as sub stitutes. Miss P a tric ia went up t o rake her C h ristm a s trees a re bein g shippe 1 The Pow ell hotel is alm o s t com- usual music lessons at St Marys, in car load lots to F s i c o from Scap- pleted and the P rin g le hotel Is being Rev. Everett will preach In the pouse. shingled school house S und ay morning. De- At th© t im e o f the stock show our YY K E v e rs a n t o f St Helens was «-ember 11. at 11 a m E very o ne is bank o ffered $ 1 7 . 5 0 in prizes to the a Y - i n o n i a v sito r last M o n d a y ,.c o rd ia lly invited to attend the s**r pupils of t h e high school for the be-- T ue sd ay and YY’ ednesdav. vires. essay on th e exposition T h e r e was to be a $5 prize, a $ 2 .5 0 prize ami ten $ 1 .0 0 prizes. T h e essays were handed in and prizes award ed on Tuesday. L a u r a U lh m an captured the five d o lla r prize. J o h n Jepsot. and D elbert Snyder tied fo r secom and th e $ 1 . 0 0 prizes were awarded to Jo se p h B e n n e tt, Irvin g E ric k -o n Eva T a r h e l l Helen L a m a r , Gohli ('.rewell. B e r t h a Soder. A rth u r Olsen M arg u e rite Sm ith, and H erb ert A ck ­ ley. T h e volley bal team jo urneyed to St. Helens Monday night for a game and were d efeated, St. Helens t a k ­ ing t h r e e gam es o ut of five. Ther These are everyday prices Yvith us. Did you ever com­ will be a return gam e in the gymna- pare our prices with our competitor’s? In mak­ ium next week and we will expo*- o u r team to play ball as they cer ing a comparison of a bill of goods amounting to $3.00 t ain ly played a m iserab le gam e Mor c i t rices »n the same articles was 68 cents less. This day. T h i s gam e was followed by a is ‘he extra charge for calls at your door for orders, b a s k e t b a ll g. me between the Scap- /.n account with us means dollars in your pocket. We poo-e boys and St. Helens town team and while th e score was 4 7 to 7 in have no old stock to move out—all new goods and favor of St Helens our boys put up new prices. an exce lle nt game. N e ith e r team had practiced to g e th e r but St. Helens had som e cla ssy players who are all GRO CERY D EPA RTM EN T around a t h l e t e s and players college Carnation Milk, per case ............... $5.50 trained with records behind them Carnation Milk, 2 c a n s .......................... 25c T h e gam e was m ore inte re sting than Borden’s Milk, 2 cans .......................... 25c the score indicates Meats and Groceries $ at R ig h t P rice s W ARREN T h e a v e ra g e a tte n d a n c e of the school for the four weeks ending Decem ber 2 was 9 5.6 per cent. Six ty-seven pupils were n e ith e r absent ♦ n r tard y during th e month. T h e a t h l e t ic society o f the school ♦ ♦ purchased a new football and ha k e tb all this week. T h e good w e a th ­ ♦ er Is giving opportunity for daily practice. V isitors f o r th e week were Mr Harold Carlson, Rev. Shipp, pas’ oi o f th e L u th e ra n c h u r c h and his wifi A rran g e m e n ts have been made for ♦ seen ring a piano for tho low© ♦ B o th floors will then hav grades. ♦ a piano. ♦ A L L arson has re turned a trip to Lakovlew «rhero ho a cenili ♦ pani*«! hi* d aug hter -, Ylyrtlo ( Mr* ♦ Ho saw son«* storn Harvey, i ♦ say*. Many of Kd Hays f rie n d s ««er© a ♦ ♦ loss to account for his su«ldon chan.- of resid ence d uring th<- storm. H ♦ home moved without his consent t.« ♦ the Island hut YY. D. Green brought ♦ It berk E d ’s post o f f ic e ndflre v.cs not changed only fo r a coup! ■ ♦ o f days. » YV'arren has a m instrel show | lay ♦ i r g a five-nig ht -tand at E r i c k s o n '- hall for tho week T h e E v e n g e lic al church b a z a a r and s ale was a financial sucre«.« hevonrl expectation s Over $ 1 0 0 00 whs re allzed and t h e money will he use«) fo r d eco rating, painting and fixing ♦ the church. T h e L u t h e ra n and Swedish B a p ­ t i s t s will each hold a b a z a a r and s ale In th e n e a r fu tu re Good | ro ♦ pram s and e n t e r t a i n m e n t s will h< ♦ given at each . A potiple o f c a rlo a d * o f C h r is t ­ ♦ m as trees a re bein g shipped by P an' (7. Adams and M arrace A* Cuzzolii ♦ T h e y will be consign ed to Onllforn ♦ point*. ♦ Miss Nina S an d -t om entertain« 1 a n u m b e r o f h e r friend s at a cofft-'* ♦ party one «)* *• la ,« week T h « fo llow ing re so lu tio n o f tt Condolence C o m m ittee was receive«!. X % ♦ : : x C W. Soap. 4 f o r ..................................... 25c R. W. Soap, 5 f o r ...................................25c Wheat Hearts, p ack ag e........................ 30c Olympia Rolled Oats, p ack ag e............30c Olympia Pancake Flour, package 30c Citrus, nackage .......................................30c S on aid Raisins. 15 oz. package . ,25c On'-Half Pound Can Cocoa ........... 15c 12 Pound Can Army B a c o n ..............$2.50 Kdl Corn Flakes, 2 packages for 25c G-jak^r Porn Flakes, package . 10c I >t Toasties, package .........................14c N >e Such Mince M e a t........................ 20c 1 ill Cream Cheese .................................35c > ¡nd- Liberty Blend Coffee .. $1.00 Good Bulk Coffee, lb............................. 25c T h e Sunday school 1» busy prepar­ i l e a Christm as program to bo given at the school house Ch ristm as moru- iiig Mrs. Frank Mc Donal d is drill mg i lie child leu with the assistance of M rs Philip Skunk Mrs. J a c k Appel sou of Poi Hand was a visitor at the English home Monda) and I'ueadu) Mr. and Mi>- J F. l.o>d were on Portla nd this week Mrs. Randolph Anderson is !» P ortlan d lo r a lew weeks Mrs Adam Sharp was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mrs J F. Wheclock was a St Holt-us visitor Tuesday. DOWNING DOWNING. O r , Dec ,v (Special to The Mist I S M Boats and Alplia motored to * latsk.mie ou Sal urduy and called ou Dr YY oods Mr and Mrs. Cui Atchesou and child ren of St Helens spent Sunday a i ilio Dowling home. Mi aud Mrs Al Giger aud Mr aud Mrs Hall of Deleva wore Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. B u rt Wolfe. Jim P atly who has been III at tho Stunley home returned u> the Kerry lino during the week Miss Hazel Edm onds was u caller at the Severn h o m e on Friday Miss S te lla llo lh o u se r was a May- ger visitor Sunday S M Boats made a business trip to Goble Wednesdo) Gus Carlson was a visitor at the home of Mr and Ylrs Chus Carlson during the week YANKTON YANKTON. D r . D«-r 8 (Spi'tlul to l b « Mist». Mr M.irkkuueu Inis shipped a n o th e r Je rs ey calf, this one going to L ake Bay. \Y .«sii Mr and Mrs T Bo>«1 wer«* P o r t ­ land visitors the first part of tin* week Fred B a rg e r l a m e homo YYednes «lay from P ortland where he ha«l been for a couple of weeks. L F B urger is 1 in ployed by a t«-l ephone ciunpany in Portland Mr B a rg e r is an old bund at tin* tele phone work Albert Faxon started Monday f«»r C alifornia where he will e n te r school fa «•!# I’roi K S Faxon w ho Is w«*ll known here Than Brown slilpp«*«l two fine Chester YVhlte hogs la s t - w e e k to a party living near Philom ath Mr and Mrs IKdibatigh anil Dr R E Leigh of .St Helens were In Yankton Tuesday T h e man who won't go to n r l r r u i m.-.y lw good, hut few p«*ople envy hint. LIBERTY THEATRE Christmas Here JU S T TO REMIND YOU OK SOME ‘ HINGS W E HAVE WHICH M IGHT IN T E R E ST YOU DKt E M I I K K 10 “Beach of Dreams” (W ith an Mitici l( ( r Ylll.l : h I III I . D’M IBM K l l t M i l l l l l> '< • H M B s IM >1.1, « Yltl-n YIIHSllM' I KK Ivl l t S ( P I I r IBM K l B.S I l Mi t NT4M1IM SMOKING STANDS H O Y 'S W A G O N S HOA ' S ( ( I t * hi * ouns COME IN AND M AKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY W H IL E T H E STO CK IS COMPLETE K. A. M OHS Masonic Building St. Helens, Oregon Savings Builds Character Character among other things, is indicated by ability to save. Thrift, the saving sense, points to good reasoning; thought for the future; to success. A Savings Account with the First National tnay be opened with an initial deposit of one dollar. NOW IS T H E T IM E Not tomorrow or next week—but NOW—is the time to become a bank depositor. Particularly if you are young and ambitious. All honor to the middle- aged folks who recently opened savings accounts. But you can accomplish so much more, and seize so many more opportunities if you begin in young manhood or womanhood. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 111 Saturday Only Soon He Will H< A BIN M >Hk S I N C L A I R WII.HON, P realtime DAVI D M' KI NNON W I LS O N , Vica-l raaKIsul E D W A R D E W I S T , Ta* tiler Cn|«llitl a n i l Sur|ilu-« tJ U .l K M ) ( ««i f •-■ I S t a t u a Bu ix M llo rf Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent K n u r IV r 1 m l ln u -f« --t on T liu « U r| n a lli. Y ll-S ta r C a s t ) T tie Ib rillin g ta le o f a w o m an Koh- ins«in ( rils«N* iii s t r a n g e a « l\ e n tiiri*s t h a t ab sorl» an il f a s c i n a t e . G i -o n l e i ( a - r i l s t h a n tl«»s«. o f it««, s e a «ire ni«*i a m i c« inf««« r«'«l in a s w i f t l y m o v i n g t a l e o f |«alh««s a n i l |Hiw«*r. Your I’ropnrty should be liisuri*il a x aln s t Fire H«*t'er he snf>. than sorry We r«*i>n ««'lit several of the ll«*t of tu« Old Lln«‘ Compatii«)* Se«* us for Insuru nru r r n l e n your Home and I ’ rop* rty hku I i i M u Fin* lutes ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S a n t a C la u s S ays: “MAKE THE WIFE HAPPY AND THE HOME COMFORTABLE.” \ ou can do this by installing a furnace. You will get satisfaction and comfort from it. The house will be warm and cheerful during the dreary winter months. MEAT D EPA RTM EN T No. 50 Pure L a r d .................................$7.50 No. 10 Pure Lard ............................ $1.65 No. 5 Pure Lard .................................. 85c Bulk Pure Lard, per pound ................ 18c Bulk Shortening, per pound ................ 17c t Cottage Hams, per p o u n d ....................30c Picnic Hams, per pound........................ 22c Bacon Backs, sugar cured, pound 30c Ur.i ;ue Bac jn, per pound 40c and 50c Unique Hams, per bound ................. 35c Hamburger, per pound ..................... 18c Pork Sausage, per Dound................... 20c Sirloin Steak, per pound ...................... 25c Pot Roast, per pound.............18c and 20c Veal Steak ("shoulder) per pound . . 22c Welcome Universal Furnace Is one of the best pipeless furnaces made. There are many installed in the homes of St. Helens and each one giving the satisfaction demanded of the UNIVERSAL. Installed in Your Home-Only $185.00 1 his furnace, in the above size, is suitable for a 5- to7-room house and will g>ve ampk heat. We also have on hand the American Radiator Company's "AKCO- LA furnace. One of these furnaces is installed in the new S. P. & S. depot. We have just installed a large new refrigerating machine to enable us to better our service. NO, 3 C O M PL ET ELY IN STA LLED AND REA D Y FOR USE $2Q4_8J NO 5 C O M PL ET ELY IN STA LLED AND READY FOR USE $327.0() We can aud will give you prompt and satisfactory service i'OLÜMBIA RIVER MEAT X ' r ""™ COMPANY o PH O N E 80 R . CONSTANTIN Plumbing* E*P*rt PLUMBING GOODS AND BATH ROOM SU PPLIES