PAGE FOUR th e ST. HELENS MIST ST. H r,L E N S MIST. FRID A Y. SEP IT.MHFR V-. l’>-1 F \I-‘OI{ 1 '| \ g T i t 1 1>|» ■ I..WVS The H ilt I I I I U VIDI IN IN cureful m o to rlsts uppreciute herllf ‘ VliiSw W elliuetim .,■> l'Iiere are no » suffit'ieul t un il.» un TIIK MUST 1*1 IIIJSIIING (X lM P A N I " ‘•‘ “ e thè htghway s « f e |„r | L ..and lo puy all l ’it> ol S. Ile lflia atul they bave lini«» nynipathv * * * a r r a n t 8 n*§ Uterini up to Aprii 1. S r MORTON....................... Editor » h o liuve been arr es tv d 1 * 3 1 . excepl warrant» drawn o. inaile a big ho » I a » to llie r aiul S tre e t liuprovenient Distrtcls lutei inent o f thè IralTIc law» .ifiiriv- e»t cease» a f t e r Septetnher 27. 1921 Hl'IUM'IUl'TION KA TES orisi w ho obeys thn T h e ino U A t'H II.H S . ?.n* . y * * r .............................................. i s oo laws has no th in g to tea City T re as u re r ate iratfic bix Month« .................................... 91.25 » J m violate thè law.^ » r. hut those T h e y .»tay expect tc Houglas tir mill prices in Oregon 1 punished. Entered h * second «ciana matter, I und many of thop luke a chance and Washington are today on an . a n u a r y 10th. 1912 at the l’o sto ffice «ee ih« t e r t. when caught a v e rag e about $16 00 for mill run. at St. Helena. Oregon, under the act lllli Ice •e o f the law or as against a maximum of $47 00 Hi-, o f March 3rd. 187». t a r i l i \V*||i,,J L lt» «Hiufttor 1,-4 e nlorceineii' teen months ago. T h e av erage price ¡" hi* HeternHu» . is absolu tely right o ' Douglas Mr in 1913 was about lion to e n fo rc e tin $14 Deflation has been com plete laws anil he v COUNTY O KKU IA I u P A P E R lung as they ¡> 1,1 '‘»fo rc e them so in th e lumber industry pie want t h e re laws. If the pen Member National Editorial Asaocla- it is a niatto traffic laws repealed. t. on * nd. Oregon State Ed.torlal » e l to the a* whicn Is up to them, Association. e n fo rc e thu hertIT His duty is to county slier laws and th e Colum bia _ iff is doing this. l'Ut NIHKS.s II m ay be i hut truth is stranger T h e agric u ltu . r a l exhib its at t h f l í “ n * c U on because it is al way* An ac cu ra te tim epiece whe­ firieiii conclusive evidence of I h c ' ^ î th e r it is in your pocket, on your wrist, on the mantel or Tin- change; once they went on your office desk, Is a n e ­ home m o th er ; now they go t. cessity. W ith a watch of loitrt. clock that is up to thn minute you will be prompt in both It it i all right to begin at the bot- business and pleasure fo r m e r slipshod me taking « 1 « torn A i you don’t stop there. abandoned and ami t h a t the KHttt program ihods have be“ T h e sure » kv is to come to Hemming S heets ri,>d instead, an intellt- d out. our s tore and select front o ur The of work is being car- wide arrav of fine timepieces It pays when m ak in g s h e e ts to COD'- We have m an tle or desk clocks s t i u h the hems at the end many In the highest grades of woods exh ibits of pure bred ■»<**! titn es. back and fo rth and up and that the Columbia I do» .n , to a depth of ubout three and have ju st received some . mees u and stock raisers inc hes, to prevont fvaying when they nifty new additio ns to the line ounty dairymen which are now on display in convinced that the scru b cow I a r e hung on th e line wash days. a re our window. N a liab ility and t h a ^ t h e i W hen the sheets are finished this w a y the hems do not fray at the is an asset. T h e sam e is true ends. Always Something New « ..I» , m Reports from all sections of the Wost show a growing industrial a c ­ tivity. Busluesg la getting on its feet again- Reduced taxation, eltin- Engraving—Watch R e ­ tnatien of lab o r ra d icalism and op­ eratin g industries mean prosperity pairing an important part of the future d- Mist W an tad s a re sale g e tte rs velupinent of the country Issued Every Friday by CLOCKS sssi r c E ” VON A. GRAY w i-sjsr, WHENCE SPRANG OREGON’ S S IMK'f T h e origin of the won? “ Oregon' has always been a mystery. Many explanations have been advanced, but none has until now had any ap- pea ranee or likelihood. But the J u n e issue o f the Q uarterly of the O re­ gon Historical Society contain s '» a r t ic le by T. C. K lllott of W alla W alla that will yet be found, per­ haps. to have solved the mystery. T h e nam e first appeared in print in C a r v e r ’s “ T r a v e ls . ” which was pu blish ed at London in 1 7 7 8 , but w h e th e r Carver invented the name o r whence he drew ft. If he did not c r e a t e it. has been a m a tte r much mooted by specialist* In th e story of A m erican exploration and o f the Oregon country. Mr. E llio t now sta te s that In 1765 M a jo r Robert Kogers of Maekinat and the regions around presented a j peiUIun or propo»»\ lo the ptWate c o u n c il o f t h e B r it is h h ln g w ta lc W contained the name ‘ ‘ Ourafor. an i that a n o t h e r d ocum ent of his In 1 7 7 2 con tain ed the n am e “ O u rig an ." T h e sim ila rity of 9uch spellings to that o f “ O rego n” is ebv io u s and s u g ­ gests w here C arver learned o f his “ Origan " In fact. C arver had the two R o g e r s d ocum ents In his pos­ session. fo r at th e end of the second appears this endorsem ent by R o g ers himself. “ Lent the two plans to Capt. C a r v e r 15 F e b ., 17 7 5 . ” T h e next inquiry is where Rogers obtain ed the name. In his first doc­ ument be wrote. " T h e river called by the Indians O u r a g o n ." T h is seems to show that R o g ers heard the word from th e Indians. B u t was their word a native word or no t? Mr. E llio tt notes that "O u rag o n Is p rac­ tically the ame a*, » u r a g a n . a w o r l to be found in any F r e n c h diction­ ary, meanin g windstorm , tornad o or h u rrica n e .” T h e river was supposed to flow w here tornados and blizzards prevail. Hence th e nam e " O u r a g a i.” which seem s to Mr E llio t t to be ti e origin o f the name " O r e g o n .” It is an in teresting theory , this of Mr E llio t t , and any man who can present a more re as o n ab le theory has his w ork cut out fo r him. Tin* W alla W alla scho lar has done a dit- flcult bit of historical and lin guistic Investigation t h a t re fle cts credit i n western sch olarship. III M .W K K D l ’t XTIOV T h e 1921 le g islatu re enacted a la»' t h a t kindness to a n im als tuu-it be ta u g h t 15 to 30 m inu tes each week in ev ery public school In the state. State Su p e rinte nd e nt Churc hill ru les that In the absence o f a re g u la r course of study on the su b je c t of hu mane education, t e a c h ­ ers must get material T h e Oregon S t a t e H um ane So cie­ ty will supply te ach e rs who apply to the S t a t e Manager. Mrs F. W Swan- ton. C ourthouse, Cortland, with le afle ts P u b lic lib raries and the b ran rh lib r a rie s a re to co-operate. A r* g u lar course of study will be prepared and published In th*' bi­ ennial cou rse o f stuuy fo r Oregon schools prepared in 1 922. T h e S t a t e M anager is m ak in g a to u r of the sheep and c a t tl e cou n­ ties o f E a ste rn Oregon to s ec u re bet­ t e r c a re o f stock on ranges In the com ing winter T h e S t a t e S o cie ty will have two officers a t the P endleton Roundup to see that a ll anim al s tu n ts put on a r e as fr e e from cruelty as possible rori,i> h i : h k ttk k Oregon Is In the !«est financial shape of any «fate In the union, a c ­ cording to financial expert*. And yet. Oregon could lie a lot b e tte r off than she is if Oregon people were loyal to Oregon C arefu l estim ate s by men in a position to And out s la t e th a t Oregon people send $ 5 0 , ' 000.000 a year out of the s t a te ti mall order houses. T h a t m ak e s that c.u ch less money left In Oregon husl ness to help increase Oregon wealth, to help pay Oregon faxes to m a in ­ tain Oregon schools, ch u rch e s, h ig h ­ ways and pu blic Institutions. The mail o rd er b uy er is th e most s h o r t ­ sig hted o f people. |, Three Days Sale Monday SEPT SEPT. 26 24 Tuesday S E P T . 27 ALUM INUM ASSORTM ENT Saucepans (3 in s e t); Double Cookers; Double Roasters; Percolators; Sa.iftrpans, 4-qt.; Covered Saucepans, 3-qt. and 4-qg.; Kettles. 3, 4 and 6-qt.: Preserving Kettles, 4, 5 and 6-q t.; Tea Kettles, 5-qt. P R I C E S . . 2 5 t o 3 » 1 . 7 5 E. A. ROSS Masonic Bldg. Bini» or Olilo. City of Toledo. laica* County- «• Fr an k k J* Cheney make* oath thst be le noi tur osi tuer of tlte ttnn of (• .1 1 h* n*y * Co .loin* tinello»" Io tlie CH' "f ¡7.,til C o n n i» ...... S tu te s t o . » sei,I WEST SIDE o i l ’ o t o r UNO I. .u .alt Urin will pay the amu cf »'Nc. J. rh:.’CÂ , - î i , " - Î n n f niv"*"V.e HA1.I. S CATARRH^ T O I K S 'P Y Pwiun to before me ami mv pr. «.no*. ttila f il» day of December. CARA (H o ce s » ,, V . ', , , ”* W .5 .'isoli Notary I’uhlV Î i î l . t . 'S c \ T \Kltll M l -P i c t v i 1.1] 'li­ an Internali» «« I -«cts thrniml. th* »' •> on the Mm on. Hnifa. es ol tin «' tun I irii**l«ts. 71 h *. T i * Im*" F. J* Cheney & Co . Toltalo. Ohio. \ West St Helens O p p o s ite llak ery |di-a»aut and tiling game >"ur fonte ............. EXPERT REPAIRING Ol all makes of cars; courteous at».I pr >mpt ser gasoline, oils and complete garage service; all guaranteed. out for a B A T T E R Y CHARGING AND RKBUILDIN' H OBBS B A T T E R Y STATION contest. G K O K G F f* - H t» I. T Proprietor USE I CRS TOR SI.E Houlton. Ore. rF Y O U W A N T your Household Effects, or House, Farm or Equip ment sold, s» e me. I can sell it f'»r ytiu at Auction and get you good results. Phone r C P. J. KAVANAGH ^ r 1 ft ä ip p- r. ‘ w Tx, v * t \ • * * • • i , P OrfgC St. H« lent ,|l)rilk Hoi hs &■ Walilron, p BOW LING A L L E Y J K . ' v - - - - ___— DON’T OVERLOOK VALUABLE SERVICES To patron* <>f (In« St. Helens Steam Laundry It t*. not e n o u g h to use one or two d our sen vices for we can offer you others by which you ca profit. Make use of as many as you can This 1« will give you an idea of the services which we ar equipped to rentier you : Checking and Time DejMisits Purchase, sale and care of securities. Foreign drafts to all civilized countries Trade and Credit information Sate Deposit Boxes for rent. v vi i s accounts pay 4 per cent interest. Traveler's Checks equivalent of currency. Insurance for home, stock, automobile, liability, se curity. Owing to popular de­ mand we are establish­ ing a pound system for rough dry family wash ing. at 8c per pound handkerchiefs extra lc each. Minimum charge $1.20, or 15 pounds. Bundles less than 15 pounds will be charged on our regular rough dry or finished slips. Phone 85J and our We wagon will call. strive for better laundry w ork »• *«% « » r v l v » C A L L . W R IT E OR T E L E P H O N E US «•* • SH ERM A N M M ILES price anyone can pay. W ET St. Helens o „! [ m I j,* I lU-rbtllNSON President Cashier W ASH T / o !tt m h in & 'o n n ttn & u i 25 Pounds for $1.00 cv.o t ST. HELENS S T E A M LAU ND RY DON’T BAKE IN SUMMER HEAT.... Baking in the home kitchen in the summer heat not only tries one's temper, but is exhausting work. And really, after all, the only difference between Ramsey’s Bread flavor of the fin« tt wheat« White Clover Ice Cream All kind» of pie», cakes ajnC drink». ST. HELENS BAKERY J E. R A M SE Y HtH T H E R U TH ER FO R D R E A L T Y and M oney and TR Y A M IST W A N T A D FOR SALE $100 $ aiin tin.- trout s t n s M i h M tins h a l f m ile .................. . House IIUMMI. Good :t room float house on 4-log float, only T w o fine 6-room m od ern house with nice gardens. Very close in 4UIHMI. Good four room ho u se with garden soil. *7«M». Farms Dandy 14 acres, tronr strvam V i n e set of buildings All c le a r ; clo se in Nice, lot o f c h o ic e fru it Barn full of hav Some stock an.l equipm ent # 4 o o o . (only th e co t of building t Good 20 a c r e * on rock road. 5 a c re s level and cle a r; flu.. stream at * 7 5 p e r acre, ( lo se to s c h o o l 25 acre*» unimproved, well lo cate d , close to good school at * 1 5 per a c r e 20 acres fine bottom land % clear, house. Earn, creek Spring: 4 cows 2 horses, all e q u ip m en t; 10 tons bay In barn WatH»0 ' r° i,d' Cln<,> ,0 " r h ' K' 1- K F . I> and Telephone It, RUTHERFORD REALTY CO. PHONES Copeland Auto Co. MOST ECONOMICAL T R A N S P O R T A T I O N " Office, 123; Residence 31-J and 74-W $1 00 $100