PAGE SIX INDUSTRIAL NEWS NOTES OF OREGON and that the tires are a sepuraU problem tivim the truck itself As much money is wusled toils' on wrong tin's as on poor one.. Some truck owners wonder why their tire bills are so high while others' are moderate The answer is to be found in many cases in the fact that the wrong type or the wrong sUe ot tires has been selected. In the interest of greater economy the I ’ nited States Tire company has established a Technical service de partment. made tip of tire engineer! which will give impartial, disinter­ ested advice to everybody engaged in truck operation A full statement of any tire problem from any motet truck operator in the world will bring a detailed reply from the de partment giving the latest scientific information on the points involved Making a complete line of tires, the company need favor no type above another As the largest rubber com puny In the world it lias a large stulf of chemical and engineering expert:- which is made available to tho truck operator through the technical ser vies department. Portland— \\ midlawn district lias $ 100.000 paving program on. Wondburn «tannery bandies 20 tons blackberries daily. Haines Copper t.'n s 3 ml loo west being worked with 20 men. Portland lias started street and sewer work to cost $4.000.000 A verage of Marion county men teachers is $115 a month, fetualo *103.83. v Ontario district pnoduoea 1200 !cars apples and prunes for shipment. Pendleton Big wheat yields in JWeston Athena district P o rtla n d — Renewed activities tn lumber industr« in southern Oregon I promised with purchase of S4.000.- To s e a l In t h e 000 feet o f timber along Four Hit creek in the Orator lake forest. delicious Burley Hell Telephone Co spend $36.000 to b a c c o flavor. on Salem plant. Donald— Field of oats here thresh­ es SO bushels to acre. Portland- $5.( 00.000 to spent on power development for expos; I tiun. S IM M O N S Myrtle Creek to vote on bond issue III the Circuit Court of the Stale of for lurger saho'.ds. Oregon for Columbia County. Rainier— Work begun on first of six wood working plants to be erect­ Harbura Steiu. Plaintiff, vs W i l ­ lis C. Stein, Defendant ed here. G. A. R. VETERANS Silverton— Work to start on new To W illis C. Stein, the defendant HAVE MEETING $00.000 grade school building. above named: In the name o f the State o f Ore Corvallis»— New non resident stu- Y K K N O N IA . Or.— tSpecial, i— On dents to he charged $60 a year tul- gon. you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed Saturday. Aug. 20th John Hucher tion. Sheridan— T w o rock crushers and against you in the above entitled suit Host and Corps of Veruonia enter mim'd tho ShepariTstown Host a n d '26 men working at Leo Rowe l on or before six weeks from the first I quarry. publication of this summons, to-writ, Corps of t latskanie Vfter tho sumptuous chicken din­ Rend— All wool about here sold on or before the 24th day of Septem tier. 1921, and if you fail to so ap ner which the Vernonia ladies know­ at 14 to 17 cents. Linn county farm bureau lias con- pear and answer plaintiff will apply how to serve, a short meeting was held after which t lie afternoon was ¡tra d e d to buy all farm implement to the above entitled court for the spent in visiting and short talks by direct. relief prayed for in her said com Albina— Concrete pipe plant to plaint, to-wtt. for a decree dissolving the comrades and ladies of both cost $25,000 going in here the bonds o f matrimony between corps aud posts. i’olk county refunds $10,000 lev plaintiff In a few well chosen remarks and defendant and that t 'omander Weed spoke of the work j ied in excess of 6 per cent limitation plaintiff lie granted a divorce, and done hy the Womens’ Relief I ’orps Jeffersot*- Martin sawmill to op such other relief as to the court may in general and paid a much appreci-! erato five miles north of here seem equitable This summons is ated compliment to the work done j Indianapolis milling company un served upon you by publication hy by the Jolm Bucher Corps since or- dertaking large operations on Kane|order o f the Hon. J A Kakln. Judge creek. ganizatiun o f the above entitled court, which Brownsvill Calipooia berry crop order was made on the 4lh day of Commander Payne ot the Shep- August, 1921. requiring that said ardsiown Post gave a talk of ap­ will reach 450 000 pounds Marshfield- Myrtle wood com -1 summons bo published once a week preciation on their ^ordiai retention 'f o r six successive weeks in tho Si hy the John Bucher Corps and closed pany enlarges local plant Grants Pass erecting community Helens Mist and requiring that you his talk by inviting the John Hucher appear on or before the I4th day of Post and Corps to meet with them building to hold fair on Saturday, September 10th. Koseburg— Project pushed to Ir September, 1921. and answer the complaint o f plaintiff herein. Comrade Eastman spoke on tlie rigate Cow creek canyon Date of firet publication August unity of the Grand Arm y of the Re­ Bend— North Canal Co. organized 12, 1921 public and the Women's Relief to irrigate large tract. Date of last publication Septem Corps. Grants Pass— Lam on Savage ra­ President Popham of Shepards- pids completed and machinery in­ her 23. 1921 C H A M B E R L A IN . TH O M AS * town Corps spoke on the good of tlie ■ stalled. K R \ K M K R and R K P O W E L I order and what the corps stood for: j Cottage Grove will spend $15.000 Attorneys for Plaintiff " T o give without expecting returns." | on Lorane road. Mrs Roberts gave a talk in h on or. Postoffice address 400-7 Chamber Cuiatilla couuty fruit crop will to­ of "O ld G lo ry” which shold be re- ) taj 7 50 cars. of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Ore­ membered hy all who heard it. Oregon will receive $1,500,000 gon. President Spencer closed the in -1 under new highway law. teresting meeting by telling of a few Fossil - 25 men employed on Cum NOTICE TO CK K D ITO K S personal experiences of her girlhood ! ming.s Hill highway during tho Civil war Milton— Contracts let for $150,000 In the Count) Court of tin- State of Oregon, for the County of Colum­ The (Tatskanie people departed high school bia. amid many wishes of good will. Marshfield— Oregon Export com­ -------------a|e-----.------- . pany is loading 1,000.000 feet of In the Matter of the Estate of Carl George Hetmuller, Deceased lumber on the schooner North Bend How Old is Connie J. Grabb? Notice i» hereby given that the Grants Pass— W ork will start im­ W A S H IN G T O N . — Senator Stan­ mediately on the construction of tho undersigned has been apointed ad­ field has clashed with the civil ser­ highway to the caves. ministrator o f the — 'ate of Carl vice commission. He says Conr le J. Pendleton— The McKay creek pro­ George Hcimuller. deceased, by the Grabb, who is ambitious to grab the ject is an assured fact. above entitled Court, and has duly appointment as Baker po.4tma.ster, Ground now bioken for armory a( qualified. All persons having claims att ai ned his 30th birthday on Sep­ McMinnville. against said estate are hereby noti­ tember 13 last, when he was 29 years fied to present the same, duly veri­ --------------------------- S c ---------------------------- old. Tlie civil service hoard ruled fied as by law required, to the un­ ESTABLISHES BUREAU Grabb out o f the •¿amination on dersigned at Seappoose, Oregon, September 16 because he will not oe FOR TRUCK OWNERS within six months from the date 30 years old until September 17. hereof. Senator Stanfield quotes the law as Truck owners are coming to real­ t>ated and first published Aug 19. saying a candidate shall have at­ ize that tires have a very important 1921 tained his 30th birthday. part in successful truck operation. JOHN H E L M IL L K K . Administrator as Aforesaid. Ridgwav hr Johnson, 1011 10! >1 Gasco B ld g. Portland. Oregon, A t­ torneys for Administrator Cigarette It’s Toasted Better than Pills Y l; OU WILL NEVER wish to take another dose o f pills after having once used Cham berlain’s T a b ­ lets. I hey are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reli­ able. i hey leave the bowels in a natural condition, " bile the use o f pills is often followed hy severe constipation, requiring a constant increase in the dose. Kvery bottle guaranteed by your druggie* 9. (6 You S ave M o n e y ” says the Good Judge A n d get more genuine chew­ ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This real long, chew is because the full, rich, tobacco taste lasts so you don’t need a fresh nearly as often. A n d a small chew gives more i cal satisfaction than a big chew «;■ toe ordinary kind ever did. • y man who uses the Real '1 obaeco C h ew will tell you tiiat. / ‘ul up in two styles V *.i ( .Lì I i.s a long fine-cut tobacco R I CJ11 1 C U I is a short-cut tobacco NOTICE OF M E E T IN G Ol ( M I NTY HOARD OF E Q I'A FIX A TIO N Notice I.s hereby given, that on tlie second Monday In September (Sep tember 12th), 1921, the Board of Equalization will attend, at - the Court House, In Columbia County, Oregon, and publicly examine tho assessment rolls for the year 192 1. and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessed by the assessor; and It shall be the duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed The Board of Equalization will continue Its meetings from day to day. until such examination Is com­ pleted but will not be in session for a longer period than one month from the date of beginning. O. W B L A K E S L E Y , 35-5t Assessor NOTICIA FOR Cl Mbit A ITON Department o f the Interior. H Land Office at Portland. Oregon Aug 6th. 1921 Notice la hereby given that John T I.ouslgnant. of Seappoose, Ore., who, on July 1. 19 IS, mads Home­ stead Entry las amended I, No 06183. for SW148WA4. Section 15, Township 3. N., Range 2 W , W i l ­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Throe-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register hr R e ­ ceiver of the U. H Land Office, at Portland, Ore., on the 28th day of September, 1921 Claimant names as w Its esses: Frank H. Hill, o f Seappoose, Ore . R. 1, Box 64, H J. M. Bennett, of Seappoose, Ore . It 1, Box 54, George Bleloh, of 26 East 8 HI , Portland, O r e , F I). Kammeyer, of Seappoose, Ore , Box 63 Act June 9, 1914 35-6 ALEXAND ER «W E E K , Register Il o F«, il PurgtiUve F \ F « i TOII S S I I F »»• Va .1 p u f ulivo Chiimberluln's l'ut» PHOPFIITN |, ls di' Ilo. ovati tiling inquired In thè Circuit Court of thè State of su-, tic 011 .tilg i for G>" robust. Oregon for thè Coutil) of Mulino mild t', io children I hoy ca lao muli. Dopurtmeiit of Prolude ni agro* aide movement of ilo' bow *| h In thè mutter of tho estate of Elizu u h limit all' of l'Ut! terrible griping lioth Waterford Doccused Ilo»' uro I M S ) anti pleasant to take Noi ice Is borri)' given limi fi “ tu und agn tviltlt. in effect AUS TRACTS and after thè 20th day of Heptnmbor 1921. Ilio undersigned exeeator t » » V V V V V v » y V V V ) C O L U M B IA COUNTY AU sti , ~ I thè lust w ili nini (. stameli! of Ho C< MI'ANY AU8Tk*lT atiovo itameli Elizabeth Waterford ► PROFESSIONAL CARDS J doreuscd. will al bis residence is;| Goo U old,,,, ! *1 "SliJsilt 1 ' East First Street Nortli. Portland. | I* k A A A A ^ A A A. gw A J E l,. M O K LE Y JITN e T Ì Oregon seiI al privalo olio ami lo, 38KV1CI Beat car lu Uiviu tho hlghost blihlor and for meli, a m i1 DK. C. E. W ADE ¡day or night Ac, nt HUbJeot tu ninflrnitdlon li) tho sbovo P i i ) sit ien, ami Surgntiu lami Spendivi* lloul'mi |u ' entitlod court tho followlng dorrrlh Phone 99 Phono l 6 N W «kg» od reai proporli belouglng io tho ih . Ruckle Bldg St Helena, Ore tujo of suiti ileooased. lo " il The west fifty foot of lots mie nini barbers DR. JAMES T. M ARTIN two In block flfteen of Ell aheth jrv : Itout t*t Ing's Addltion lo tno city of Kasf B E N N E T T 'S il A It BEK «111)77 ! Rank Building new Portland, no" wlthln thè corporate j Room 14 locatimi Oí, i,,,, s,,../ J* Plume U limita of thè i ttv of Pori lami tu tho| I cry Hung modern Coutil) of Multiiomah and Stato eft St Helens, Oregon 1 ice. Oregon, as sliown ti) thè .lui' record ed piata of salii Klixaholh irviiig » DR. L. G ILBERT ROSS .NIC HR B ARBER Additlon : aneli aule thereof to he slut Club t'lga. SI..,. Kr#rj I’ h) m I i I mu • i‘ *l Huru^on mudo as a " h o le •'min II lena sanitary aud up to list,. nM(l ln ^ Also thè smith half of thè soni 11 i Office In Haut HUi* iioction Coma In and »e« u, west quurtor >f soctlon thlrty-slx In DR. ALFRED J. PEEL township slx north of rango 111 ree wo»t of tho Wllluinotte Melrdlatl. rontaln Pti)H|ilen u n i S u r g e o n blacksmith ing eighty acre«, more or lesa, ai ! Bank Budding J I. 1 1 , egon cordlng to governtnent »urvov In thè «I t 'H I T T EM b- V part burw. Helens shooing blu* ksmlth County of Columbia and State or NN egtiu, t,,. Oregon. sudi salt* thereof to ho 110111 *' .Huge, aulo lepulis JOHN L. FOOTE us a whole Ylloi f ) -at-laiw riattai aliti first publlslietl August , • » A I' M N N BlgrWÜ ( trogoli St Helens, 19. 1921 lioraostioeing and sagcui wurk 7 Oste of last publiration. Septem ronugo »olle,tod and « „ rk , '' ber 16. 1921 teed Ward Shop, liuiiltoa. 0r, EDWIN ROSS AI.I.KN F FLOWERS. riiyftlrtmi «m l Hing« *>n Exeeutor as Aforeauld Tel. l : l l It,mi* lit lit COLLECTIONS. Muchi» Blot k. St Helens. 4 »regoli SIM M ONS H IE MODERN AGENCY ~$a prompt aliti renatile . t v I ci . 1 'oUg.L In the Circuit Court of tli ‘ W**|r of DR. S. H. RUSSELL . lion torvlce ' vt't y wli.-i « 708 li-ku Oregon, for tlie t unit) if I oillUI- 1 hit oprai lor Building, Purttund. Oiegoo biu M .1 Mattie Offlca ami Kealtlmu* 106 1 't »I u til I, la F. V. McCreery. Plaintiff McCroery. Defendant. St , Next to City Hull CONTRACTOR defenitaut To Mattie Met 1 eery, Phon» 12« J St Helena, Oregon above named J II. G R IF F IS t uulractui. bmg. ! In tlie name of the State of Ore er. Job ork Simp ,,u «1 Haim I DR. CHAS. E. RIGDON gon you are ht-rel > comma,,dud to Street St Halen», llreguu O lii opraci u: l'hyxiciun appear aud answer or otherwise F h runic mid Ntjrvuti» DI ••ai#*« plead to tlie complaint filed sgulnst It W B* il >T 11 t * ,n tractor u» Feiual« I)lhOI ( l l T O t c you lu the above suit ou or before Builder I’ luna and Kstiuialaa Kura 1 foil I'M « * 111 to £* p 111 the 9th day of September, 192 1, lulled St Helena, Oregon. 110 1 1*1 umiltà Sf which is six full week, from the iliitu opponi!« r i « / « r i i « r m « r y of tlie first publication of tbia sum A L B E R I ' HURI H A U HI» grit. Ht Urlati«, Oregon molts, aud if \ou full so to appeur I tug, dock builUlug, brlilga work j tlie plaintiff will ask tlie nourl for general water front coatracUiit the relief sought for Iti his in n DR. M HOWES St Helena, Ore plaint, to wit 1 divorca from you Vaterliiarlan on tlie grounds of cruel aud Inhuman Consultation Free AUTOMOBILE 11RES treatment and, "tillering lifa burden Phono Tabor 6566 some This summons Is served upon Writ« t i r i C Stalk Port latiti < )r** you by publication tn accordance I IIK L T O N T I R E SHoP-HoulU» with an order made by tlie Hon Ore Vulcanltilig, la tiaajiog tj. MERLE WILSON J A Eakin Judge of the above on a tire Work gu.tisD(t«i) I m » Tuai her of \ ittliu ourt made and entered on tlie 26th (lie s houglit ant) anld Chu 2 day of July. 1921. anti tlie date of YVaeka Apta Phone 114 U \ luasckaorl. Proprietor. St Halen» lito tha first publication hereof is July 29th. 1921, and tho date of the last DECORATOR publication will lie September 9lh. V. D. ELDER H a n d y b u sin e ss D ire c to ry Te«4 l»4*r 4 $f l ’ inno LYONS, T H E PA IN I Kit Un uU W E CRITCH LO W . At Orc«. Rtilialtl* Paper Hanger, i a .ut Attorney for Plaintiff. 726 Cham «ntl W«dU 6 tfday of K«rh Wvek St. Heleua, Oregon Pimi,a ID her Commerce Bldg Portland. Urs For Infor million phono 1 4 * lb -till Fvillllilirfllims Set. DAIRIES MRS E. E COX W ASH ING TO N Examinatlni a T w i l i e r o f I ’ i«ii4». IN G LE S ID K DAIRY fur l'unl for postmasters in Oregon at tlie fol W lióle Milk From our o»u T lowing places am scheduled for Sep­ RoHldenco Near Central Grocery Kf Helen», Of«. T« ted Cow* Quality, -urvim |M| tember 21. Cascade Lock*, Cove, nnt's'd* Try uw \\ I. Ilorrl* Hr,,» ] Helix. Maupin Barkdnle and Union Salaries range from $1100 to $ 1 900 , Phoiin 20 I- 2 t . s w in r i Tiio examinations may lie taken on r i o l c r l a k i r juh I f-'tinerii! IH rt M fo r tlie date named at tlie following f o i t n l ) < ( ir o lle r HOTELS places: lined River. La Grande I*hone 54 Hehldeuc** phone 113 2 Pendleton arid The Dalles St 11**1 emu Oregon OKI AMIA H O T E L Thoi labiata» i ’ rop i ’ourteouH treatneot, Kirn JOHN L. STORLA c l « « « «ccoiniuodatioiih «ml meal«. Yltornty -at-Ioiuv Room 17 Bunk Building |EARL OIL (kiroaini) PLUM BING Tnlcphone 122 St Helena Or* Pi.A clean-burning. For use inoil heater*, cook- stoves and lamps. Ask your dealer for Pearl OiL Ft IR I’ Ll MHING inni repalntl S le v « Balocco Moulton I'luuih- Ing Shop Price» ulways rea*oa»*k. GEO. H. S H I N N St m i , Ylltniit') -at-luiw Helens, Oregon RESTAURANTS J. W. DAY Y tit,l'Ut-) -a,- I .aw St II, 1.....• “ ' e Bank Bldg ST W. A HARRIS Attorney Harris Building St B A !. i l M o A. Jaloff, .Mgr *» it Flit I.K For Portland: For Astorln 7:30 a tn 8 00 a m 10 46 a m 10:00a n, 11:40a. m . 1 I SO a m 1:1 6 p in ~ ■ 30 p m 1:46 p. m 6 : 30 p rn S IS p in. 8 30 p m 6:15 p m 9 : 4 5 g ni Dentisi o ffic e in Bunk Building Helena, . . . oregm, St. I nncral Dirt-cior ' v v v v a a a v l.mbaliner v w v a a a a a a a liour» 0» !*« restauba W - c C CARSON Tha Shoe Iwctor iSiioe Making, Repairing Wallin|!°* B l d g . St Halt'ii» Ree Phone 116 W St. Helena, Ore LODGES I v v R EST AURA NT- SHOESHOP E. A. ROSS Bua Phone 23 Maeonlt: Bltlg re all Tile Home of G imm I Futa. 0i*lt*iT and cl<‘aii jDn ilie Strand. Helena. Ore S. B. HOSKIN SHEPARD'S AUTO BUS LINES HELENB 4, 00*1 meala ut Si rumi. SHOE S H IN E P A R L O i^ FOR LA D IE S AND 'r*-'1* V v i Shoe« Cleaned and Dy».! 8bua lAWj Slioe Polls), Courteous 1 J and Good Work P«t*r 0*T/*: St Hale»* a a i H e w i t t Building all day _______ St Helena Isidga Ticket office and waiting room at menta in th* 1. O. O T R A N S F E R COMPANIES Riverside 1 01 ,fe, . :onery k' building on tbu Pliona 13 1 "L 3nd, trd unti 4 1 li Snturdaya of Hltecial leaves Portia,ul Satinila) ST H E LE N S I HANSI *-K mo li mouth. \ islllng hrothara are and S u i n i «) at I f i m i p. na Tran »far. Storage ll» i mi “ g . aiwaya glvun a lieurty waicoiua. h B L U F O R I) E , OOP E R, N G. kinds: also oak and 1 " loy ano IleSlileH*. F t")1». (4* B L A K E S L E Y , Secretary 33 R and 16 _______ Mizpah Chapter O K 8 meets in R S M rK IE T r u n a h r j g Musoni» Mail ti,*, »et-oati au.l fourth local and long d »I ' ” Saturdays of eu. li month Phon* «HJ Uf LAI HA Iti l'LER, W. M Rates ressonaltle St Helena K F F IK BROWN, Secretary Iit'i'h » Rukukah Lodgi, No 317, ■lenta second unti fourth Thura lay wf taci, month in I O o F hall Vlalllng members nlwaya welcome GENEVA INGHAM. N G o k A 1 E N N E T T , Secregary TRY OUR FINE BUTTER o » tha hraad arid ssa how mach kattar it taataa It will maka S K f T I lK yonr ir.outh wata, arary Hma ),,« tblnk of It. Oar bu'tar i« M Notice la hereby given that the for all purpoao* It glras a dall urideraigneil will not he responsible acy of f|A.,r ao other butte, for any debts or expenses incurred ] or contracted by my son Tony Corey I A pound ia all (hat Is necessary tc make you a atead uaer or his wife Bernice Corey, as he has left my home and got married again-t my wishes He is at present In the! I ’ nited States Navy at Bremerton I Washington Dated at Vernonlu, Or., this 180, i day o f August, 1921. 37-3t A SAD CORKY | St. Helens Co-Opera- live Creamery Assn. Aron Lodge No 62 Kliigbt* of Pythlea meela crery I ueaday atau ln* lb 1 » 'lo Hall. 8t Helens Vis IMng Knlghls always welcome F. T P H I L L I P C. C I EDISON I B A LI,A G II. K of R and , 8 , and M of F S' Helens Ixxlge No 31, j A F Ar A M menta lat »nd rhuraday In each month ____ _____________ Y Islting brothers cordially welcomed ” ~ j JAMES II K E M P. W M W K QUICK, Secretary. » Helens Camp No 16.» I f . Med Wood men of America, meet* th, r rsi WVfjneaday of each month U Hie I O O F hall B f, MONISH, Conaul “ ■ L m B A R K , Clerk. PERRY GRANITE CO Karl Perry, M8r' 301 4th St. P o r t la n d , Ore. D es ig n e r * and Manuf*c Hirers of Monuments ileal with us direct thus save agent s colini'** sion For (rood W o r k alw»y* the cheapest \ I ’n.u ■ » red ........ * m TI,o uniform euct r*#< ",g o t.nndnd tho ueo of 1 'u,r" " . ttie ra lie and Duir hoea •‘ ^ l,(^ yc„ llll(|»l*» ; h«< lief and cure o f I n . " 11 ' I h /H i for children and * d " “ ’ I-r, ught it almost ,"a fin1 • hat It Is practically " ' ,h7 ,„cd « and as everyone who h»* knows. It Is without an « * “ •