% » T H E S T . H E L E N S M I S T . KK 'IP A V. A l K i t ' S ' PAGE TEN ' : ' L Mrs Itoy Hill >ml daughter Maty the I Mfuri Laviniu Klhlun . pent Kilo,, were Cortland visitors Thure week end with friends m Porttanil da* Mi-< Ed Ketel and "it are visit Mrs l .»liti Si uii uni! daughter*. lug with rotai Ives in tini..... bis \gda and Helen, spent Thursday in VI. s I ;d l.ynch and Mi-s bate Cortland Mi Flora Owens, formerly a reel l.yncli wore I'ortland shoppers Sat ,u.j„ of St Helens, has returned " Ih s I. .1 VatiOt shovett had ascimi from Kugot.e and Is settled here. Mins Clout > of warm weather ahead ,j,iest Saturday and Sunday ,et del yourself a sport Jacket at Helen Johnson of Portland •AT- sal»' at Mi Milady's Shop Marked down to smut . Acts now on lu.it a -'hop at *& ‘ ¡'« at bargains !.. *6 Mr and Mrs .1 H Siegfried and and only a few I " " " [ Holen K i b la li returin'd Mon sous Holier! anil John, o f beline d», .... . Cathtarnet, Washington vvl.K Washington, »petti Wednesday v\ If li as the guest» of Mr uml Mrs Ita) « here she spent several day friends , Olii Mr and Mrs C C Haynaid hail Silk die ses ure being closed out | i4S i heir guests over the we-k at prices extremely low at MlMdy's Mr and Mrs Hugh Itihersteln . "t . and the . eri, marked cannot he duplicated L a d ie s W a t e r Proof Caston Oregon Mr and Mrs K 1 Hatlugh in Col I land « , H o u s e Aprons Mis Thomas Islilster re c e iv e d , ila u*: " t 1 i and " r » ' » ' Mr"1 V \ C.ray and sons -pent Sutttrday and woul from her soil (lordon. who Is | Sunday tit Seaside navy that he left Sun Kr,‘" hlsl T a b l e O il Cloth, yd.. Mi » Myrna Yeomans of Corilatid (i|m,0 WotlneMilay. and wlll spt««d l i d was t he guosi of friend • in Sl Ihlrlv day furloiigli in SI llelens Mrs Alidrew Itasniusseii and' C a n v a s Gloves nns over the week oiul Mr and Mr» li VI Itoyor arrived daughlor and Olaf F o i i l k of Astorln ... W • k Molli I* lion Ml "tin. w,.|o Suntlay guosts of Mr and Mrs f ,r a short n»tt with their niece. Il W Miller Mrs Hasliiussen I» a L a d ie s Bathing Suits 25'F Mr» li \ ('till and family dsior and Mr Forvik a hrolhor of : Mr I on amiti ( Quam has ■.•** ner Mr* Miller ,.Ul. Me Small liulltn o. Wye Harry lle-mett, lite liaiher I» hav S e w i n g Thread, per spool vili,. Wi ooitsiii, who will ma!*' a Ing oxcavatton w..rk dune under bis i wo weeks st.t* here before returning i.»Id e n c « on thè Strami for a base lo her borne in Wisconsin meni in wltlch wili ho Inslalled a La d ie s' Union Suits Miss lloatrlco laike accompanied heallng plani for bis hotue and! Mr and Mrs S V Hawkins to Sea l srtior shop hi* s., onlay » b o t o -he will spend \\ | Huth-rfoi'» sup* i III I eu don t Silk Th read, per spool the remainder n( the summer of thè Sl llelens schools reiurned M Klonu ..... on who has •he firsl of Ihe week frolli h.s suill-i e.>n attending summer school at ilici . va. i.iion ri" ai rii. «mi. i.i K u te Kut Koveialls Sl 25 I . ...irl ll " '"* Monmouth h.i* returned to Si llol d up the greater part of lilU Ills U vit­ t o f t h « « » u n t t n . t r • and ......................... iation. how ever. In study, having A u ttu h fll» Ih h ln ier. M »KOK I,. Ml a s' iith'll t III the sum.... . course, m j M u * i» » ! i M u rton jusi closed al the »tale university I s Ol• M i s s F a r r i . * Kl M e n 's Union Suits, lung in Kugelt* i*.o i lu m i h otel S u t­ hurl son Mi and Vlrs Kotiert HunnawaV of sleeves u rd a y a nd Sun il«* Cmtlund visited Mr and Mi John K a vai « s ii mu! fa m ily . •*< IV J Southard .Tumi.»' Mi Ibtnuawav I, .-i: -.m i K a l p l l . ..lo i by o l i i p a 1 !« d vías formerly Miss l-aloHc Cease and S e u l . le. m o to r e .1 (o Al H u e a f d C» I,as a number of a. iw.iltit.iio . in 44-inch Indian Head, p« S easid e* rta u ra d ¿ y i, . r u f e w i l u y » m u ) Sl Helen* The couple were on their yard t th o o c e a n r euor ................... tour wl*ui they stopped 1 ..v id K u r c h a m und M r a nd M r In St Helen» th e ir hom e in l..!iu .n u il y e ft fo r L li Uutheiford returned tn St (JJ q s s T o w c l i l l P , per y i tifilo li. California. Monday aft«'» •» felen Mimday after a several «lay* 7 vvi** k > visi' at tin* home oi Mr. anil tay in Spokane Th«< weather itti Mrs Alber- Bun-ham the metropolis i#f t..e inland F. G in g h a m s, 27-inch, 20c and! Mr a nil Mis W i. Gold and Miss w rather ti»rridt h«* said, and he Draiices Golii reiurned Tuesday from was very glad to get back to St Hot-, Jefferson. Oregon, when* they hai! md i. *v ti cooii c ie«»•/•*# In terw oven Sox for Mes Le mi to attend ilio annual picnic of th<* Golunihiu « ad rotini'»:; of tin Golii famil) \\* I» Howell «Mime over from J \\ Nelson a foi luer r«*sideut of F\»r«*st Grove Saturday evening to W o r k Slurt Yankton. died at t lie home of his spend Sunday with the home f«dk* daughter ill California on August The stut<* highway cotnmlaslon Is «lo :;rd Deceased lived in tho Yankton ing a lot of road paving in that vi 8 4 or 72-inch Unbleachd neighborhood for several years, rlnlfy and N K Walker, How«*ll. Hill I Have your car washed and polish Sheeting, p?r yd. Simmons. Harry Owens and Husaell •d Expert work, quick service and Jones ali Sl Helens men, have the! i »M «mahle prices You wUl take contract for furnishing the rock, and moie pride in the car when it looks L ad ies' Silk Lisle Huit, clean West Sitie Gai age, phone DO. re operating a quarry Eyes that need glasncH are! 3 & 11 per pair SOond! entitled to specluiiit*'d effort , Mrs. Lenoni tapies and little That*» why Dr Thompson t randdaugbtar Kvilene were here foi lu* w . • ml. the guests o* Mr und devote» IPs entire tfnte thought a n d 1 Child ren's Hose .25-1 effort to the examination of tile eye; Mrs K D H Ine Mrs Uaines went and the fitting of Quality Glasses ) • » VuiM-niver* Washington, on S»; Child ren's Kovrrall# unlay to ho with her father when lie A tim«»!y ««xaniluatlon of your iidei v. tH a serious operation, and may «ave you much trouble and in the future. Consult him nlmut ret urninii via r* Johns. brought her your evo» next visit, Saturday. An Men s W >rk Sit >es .....i aunt to St Helens The vlsit4>rs re turned to St Johns on Tuesday at 13, Orcadia hotel ail day no. hi La d ie s' House Aprons Mis Grace DoGraff and mother S T . H E L E N S G A R A G E • t Portland were r»* em guests of TO CH ANG E HANDS ♦ Mrs (Mara Miller Miss De G raff who a te.tcher in the Portland public Th»» S» I ! • ' • • r. Gli.u«* will chrifige B í l t l l í f l g C 1|)S o f the party who :t;n| oll »I |L* if ,^"i»ft tnf»i*r t'li'Sf on Henry i ord’a H M Dar** of San IN« uo. ( ’ul forfila. * gives . : : i'll crest ai «’ Xpert mii'hiniMt. wMI ho in charge Cotton Blankets iiM-unt »I le *«»; and tho of »he shop, lie Invite» the people! the arrival of Hit Sf Holen» and vicinity t«» com« .ip Hi the < her *ide Sii" and Mrs. ih" Kuri.KH iiut F.tu.l«-' U. Stx Ln d ics’ V.’liiU’ Slippers 10'^ Id i m friends having .• tit<» w h irl 111 u dr*plorahl* r ■ . * uo toe school in I’orl- Hurt. Aft.*r lit* it., thoiouichly ini*r V nui.il Lep of years ago haul...I III.' r a r **. ■Uhi Le c i d i ti­ Safety Fins, all ¡.ir« Mr. J. W. V an Sat ta re have you «xaiuln. lt and decido If • uriud Monday **vcniiig from Ash H-. w ork .1*. -. n o 1 Juatlfy your put- j md, Orei»i»n. and < tlil’ornta points ro nagu lii 'ic il of i*ndlnrr tho work M e n ’s Overalls ........ ¿’hey left St Helens several w • k- lo out of town tr.iriiKo*. M tiare pn# in I heir t hevrolet aedan and wlll l.ritiK Willi litui un AMltU li! -poni sonie time with relatives in NITIO N TK STK K and hi* l-now, how B o y s ’ Overalls, $1.35 Later they continued tile 10 U hi * II. > ou i u«y to « . 1 1 i f o r 11 1 a going to til«4 II., mire imi ratino and ulve thè K ’in itf (»f Mt »JllUht a Mr h . Van • I*‘tnoii*-t rat tuli *..r * thoriMi -h ex O u t in g Flannel, 27-u»ch. slatta w ho drove th«? “ dan most of ¡.tnini.t sm hefi.re 't i overhaule.l and per yard .............. he lime> «a VH «ho f*xp*?rien«**cl no -*• wli.-it Mr II i (¡in do for >..(i rouble except tor Koni«* detours 11 mak*•-* n . differotice wlmt ntake of . ii*-r>. paving work wi . h in proper.»»» • ir you ha ve nono aie t.»> lary.o or 36-irch Fercalr. Light andl 'tn the. «11 tiro trip of 1200 luih-s, lh«y :'i*i »Inali Hati-*f,.i-thm I . In molto »licln t l.uV" a imuctur. or i CLARK ih m in " A L L 12 OF A PEGGY” SUDDEN t x > M i:in i (»C- 2 .V . S \ IIK I>\X . i:t \ K .IS T W IL L IA M S. HART in “JOHN P E T T IC O A T S " Imagine T. 11" H r fiesh front a lumber cutup landed plum In the tangles o f a ladie.' lingerie business * In.agine the h- si bit > dancer in the .Sorti,west woods doing one steps In the proud old mansions of New Orleans * Ima ait , William Man ;l a detective, lover, fighter, man all through And that's only part of the fun ,nd ppeal In this big. smashing picture. FAT1Y ARBUCKLE in " C O N E Y 1 0 c - 2 5c IS L A N D ' Sl' A 1» I V - M t l M U l . \l (.1 ST I I - l o i n “ THE I VALLEY Si. m OF DOUBT” of a (f i l l With a \\\ man's Soul A Rom ance of the N o rth ern S n o w L a n d s fh ----------A I,SO---------- A n o t h e r Toonerville C o m e d y — " T O O N E R V I L L E "Screenland N e w s ” F O L L IE S ' M a d e in O reg o n . It >CI( S 1 .VslAr I >I)C'S i Vlll.l.'s it i s:> w —\ y k i » \ f . s i >.\ y . u (it sp l u - r III A N I L A S I E W A R T in " T H E F I G H T I N G S H E P H E R D E S S ” The t ig open range, il -m i ate. hard riding, merciless cattlemen w ho recognize no sex in t ir . ¡torts to dr.ve Kate and tier flocks from their domain They seek her life, he: good name aid bar her way to love— hut she tight» alone, and wins her battle with man'» weapons, hut not in man's way. III \ II v\ i Ik s tv (o V IillY I n i KSD VV . VI (.1 S T IMTH ROBERT W A R W IC K in ' J A C K STRAW' S( I MI CCM Fl V They Are Coming—Watch for Them THE ♦ NORTHW EST MOUNTED P O L IC E IN m PERSON 1C S T O R E S 16 S T O R E S ♦ ♦ 4^ ♦ v ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t remendously Important Facts ♦ ♦ ♦ U N E M P L O Y M E N T , lowering of value ol farm and manufactured products, loss of business confidence, high taxes, high rentals, these and many other conditions have b r o u g h t about situations that vitally effect everyone. It might Le called a "1 r a i n ­ less A g e ” through which w e are passing, » h e greatest care in the handling oi iamily and individual finance should be used n o w 20th Century methods are individual. T h e y are alone in the fact that t'.ie 20th Cen tury is the only institution of any import­ ance in this section that have priced all their g o o d s on an F .O .B . store basis. N o uess- Eacn and M e n ’s W o r k Sox. Black This, in our mind, is the fair way and B row n .............. i.ng is ever done about adding cost of delivery service or charge service. e v e ry dollar spent at these stores buys merchandise. to cash buyers. yu ick SATURDAY WE OFFER: Ivory S jap , 8 nt -. 10 l> n r > .............. 75c Loked b e a n s ; small cans 1 f e i n z d e liri* 10c. ;iH'*liitm n 15c, large c a n . . . . 25c I till ('r e a m Cheese, p o u n d ................. 25c M e n ’s Neck Ties .25*> 1.00, and S y ru p — W h i t e Rose, Cane "id < .rn Syrup, nicely flavored, 5 lb p. ¡' 4 8 Ci 10 lb. pails .......................................... t ry-tal size 80c W hite S oap Flakes, tin !,*•■ J5e ......................................................... 25c II Il»s. Fancy W h ite P o t a t o e s ........... 25c f e d e r a l * r D a rim a de Milk, tall cans 10c, Baisy * Federal Milk ............................. 6c B o y d Mason C a p s or Econom y Caps. 28c do/., 2 d o z ............................................... 5 5 C Ottart can of W e s s o n O il ........ 53c tcoyal B a k in „ Pow*ler, <> <•/. cans 20c, 12 oz can 3Jc, 2 1.. 11». can $1.15, lb. c a n ......................................................... $2.25 7 ars .| ) oi L e n o x i*»r ......................................... 25c R oyal W h ite «* bars Pure .* it ,v • , ttiMe W h i t e Soap <*r W h i t e W onder Soap, ..................................................... 25c Bulk Cocoa, 2 lh>.........................25c 20TH C E N T U R Y C o m b H o n e y , s e c t i o n ........................... 38c Full 15-oz. package Royal Club S<*. ded Kaisins ..................................................... 20c tAuscat Raisins, pound .........................20c N u r a y a Te a , % lb .................................. 25c 1 olgcrs G olden G ate Coffee, 2 ih 08c C O F F E E — If von feel g ru m p y or out of sorts, one good and reli­ able cure is a cup of C< > F F E E . T h e r e i» nothing better than this 20th ( enturv ( oifee iresh roasted, fresh ground, and 35c II»., 3 lh s ................................................................ $1.00 Stores are conveniently located— the St. H e le n s Store on the Strand. in the W e llin g t o n W h ite Shoe P » ^ Building, .............. . Mi.4t» r Ahhott w liais thf» spivd cop Ile WH> I speli I like limi r> alt J.»K Is g«H a n»»w par«* of pant» His old ruffy l>ett«*r cuinyhow. L ad ies' Vests, all purr? w il h worried to tlctli that Um* jivq clanh w^'ti h«* i II C#n fruiri his in«»i«*r MÌHf**r un M ìhm *‘ m Tliornpaon what . if kb? cm D «* rod«* whr*n h»? wuh f«?»i a ii s tip fi# iMirtland fo «*. 311111 r«* in a Kp«*cl rn* t»*r Nohuddy wuh hurt 'a hun« i back honi«« ageii tliank III«* Barefoot Sandals, J' 25' je»H his punti« lurd Mister I hompson h »* cì $1.35 and ............... jirq d.^.1* jini dash Mi'sif -r DII lare! w h.it m U h ? h»w- Thü r«? i* 200 cloys jj, fj]|. roqnfy •?r in Ih»* world tuy M«»th«*r ned uh ! M e n 's W o r k Ua*s ’ . h i t Hint EOI no i i H * ■ n ,S • ? ti# I)«? dog* • J what w ((«‘putty ni«? j« 4 now (b ’orge whata thè m ailer ■ ’ ' • M H an i •••! noihmli H ifi«» -li ritf in fh«? jai«* The rent is got mattar witli il an i d » * * n h«* •> I well M e n 's Cap". $l -50, t20*! lisr»n.H«*s he si #I. >oti ari Mortori look np fora hil 11 J » rii «lash pag«*:. last w«*»»k lo teli how lo rtlli and Mi t«*r Spent ««i what wuh wun «»f Hi«» «Miy of Se;ippsi<*le lo Ihf» office j " hh now I ani hrok«* when hi* wiih v I hí t In sum Mister Mortori a boni it ari I»»* »«»d R ed Seal R u b b er Baby I rond» up in Srapp<*<»Hr? an now h»? is w»*ll von (eli Minier Dillard when bants, washable ••• hack a g«*n Mi «r Hallagh what» you H'*** bini a g«*n I hai Ihem fo ie Mi«* mayor **«l ll atn what h«‘ got for lu'i'en ìm golfi lo pay >«»ur wag«*» fot yoin a way without gl viti his for a yner an inayhe more *o I will May-j ward in a cires to M ihmt Grave,« Deline#«*; h‘* ih** rheef ìh golfi to r,i/.»i no* wlch September Jim da »h l hop** li«? d«*e» canne h«» K#*d when M M " r Hurry li«»nrult wlu.i» the I «'tini lo work he wood raso ni«? fo Needle Art Book, * * * 1 ""I'' " ' (J.l-ll ,-tlHl.., tlly $ fiv«? dollern a ninnili if I g*»l Iota sh- . *) un I ,lHi him in 8" the n ew style* jirq darli svimi wood it »ay an ho se.l |t w m Mister Watt» an M.nler Wlsl friim ■ j - vuu «row them m I will mow Patterns with th« appoo ♦? wiis lo Portland li* •■«■«• in Ik' ti* He binons your Wht .kers ' vrythlnk all réte a bolli Ih«* a|»«*ed jtnt dash la ah in Scappo«»-«? wlch they are »No Itortor Ufi -il lo m». yestiddy budeiy ever g#*tH rtiiineil «»ver flirt re ! fieorxo I dont see your .pellín mäkln liti; danti * 1 ta tM .m i You doni haff to nave dollerw Mla-i ‘"•'l * • * ! e * r j dm«! . i,.-n i « „ m »<, t«*r MI leu ami up to fhe batik I g«>: 'ook up ;. word how to poll |„ th* a bunk a colini up tharc wbat» my dlckahutiary Mister Morton lie p, wageH evry w«» k ari Mlafer Mlloa ami) ubiti it an ennyl.ow tf you dont no to no* whfn I wuh piiltin II In thèi how to spell it you .oo.lnt find It in l>ank George if you lake rare o f th«* | the diekshunary. Itoetor Ko . i« |,ed porinlo» thè dollern wood lak«* care <»f the «knie» an I dont K. » he llk.s of Iil«'IIIB»df h so I wlll. AUST1