f THE ST. HELENS MIST VOLUME XL. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921. HALL c l u b d e s e r v e s METTER PATRONAGE MEET AT PICNIC WAUNA COMES FOR CHARTER ELECTION AT SUNDAY GAME SCAPPOOSE TOMORROW NO. 35 JUSTICE OF PEACE JOB A GOOD ONE T 11. I M i iih HI miw * luti li or «|>|>rrMl <'luir. Gl, lug ll«l li-r l’ u. roviag*-. v Peace. 1er Will la* A'lopled by Big Ma­ Coliiniblu K ltc r Clulia Wlalioa to I HUHuIly HI Heb'lts Itati shown Ita The office of Justice of the peace ........ <>( Ji W ) t 'a i t i « Mis-t ni uppi mi tuttofi of u » Unitine t«aui liy jo rity— Ai|e<|UiiU< Wilier Supply 'I'ry Colielualoiia Wi l l i Nl. Il-lc im j ' W’liat tin* County Officers Have Been In this district 1« the best of the W ill be Had if Charter I'aaaea. Tia«v«.— •»<•« Aaliine Will I'iKli. Humi)I aiih Farri. fnr I*li nl< nini KI v I ii< || ||l)«ral pai roiiuK« li ut IhlM Itoivig tin* Past Week— Much Mi)- county Jobs from a monetary stand- y ar. for « ohi « rnason or otliar, thI h ID m uuinn uf Unir» rrohles.l»— I h noi Ilio niM« Of rourit« lli«r« ur« uor Destroyed— l'iaal lns|s-iU>r Toniorrow the people of Scappoose, point, that Is, If the fees of Judge On Sunday afternoon the St H«l- “ ««w luyul fallii llke Juk» Lurge miih Tlaora will onlortutn the bu-ui- will vote to adopt or reject a charter | Hazen for the month of July can I I,u,tni Dnonr l» in r » « l . Makes Official \ isit. Harry lt«nn«tl, Muti Hax«n, A M aM tt basis on which to base . ball dull of W'uiinu. T h « tcuin fro.n I be principal purpose In the adop- tlrtn of the charter is to put the , , ... ... 11„, Columbia ♦ oOnly Jersey rimi Holl. N I) l.uruli««. J |( Ulllry, Mr III« auwiiiill d l y of tin* l.ow«r Colmii .own In u position to secure an ade- calculations The Judge drew down, The vault which Sheriff Welllng- inni Mr» Il F McCormlck, M uxiiun b#j,l u punii ni tu« rullili ni I. (■ quute W.iler supply. I'be proposed the tidy little sum of 1246.06 a n d ; ton uh «<1 to store tnose lbiuids pro- S uxoii . tir uml M im Orln BUepherd \ blu hua played many auincs tli I m piiiiin Suiurtlu) «■' Biniti.'* pine« hihited by t he \ ol*t< ad act *’ecainl® j« Itili!»li un ili« Suuuyliunk U n ii uml ‘ I v i « Sul| i « i I uim I Mr and M th KU hhuhoii and lias an excellent record, ebarter which embodies the best, there were other cuaes unreported ao crowded that the sheriff had to • •""i Balbutii. Fred lllult, K |, Mor I lui UI, I) lH»lotl||U«l lo Hurrjr West, ao It la probable lliut the Tiaera will features of the charters of the cities w |iic *i would bring the monthly have a housecleaning and with the of McMinnville. Marshfield and St. , . . wtl., i, ih « pUm««r In l'olumhla mini- l«y unii pOKMlbly iwwily ot Itera wlio Helens, also provides ways and compensation of the office to about assistance of Deputy Sheriff Graves tj ¡ui luoiouglibruil ■ ulti« ur» ur« -tir« io In- hi ili« aulii« ami root | have to put up a jam up exhibition for III« limili' team In wln, unii by If they defeat the uaKtea.ition from means of making further Improve- 1300. Of the ^amount paid mm. and Constable Frank George, ho etili''' rii*.** III« wuy, t tu. homo I « h in li a k woti W’uiinu. for they have ttu array of meets in the town when the neces-‘ $218.90 was for speed case fees and i oured many gallons of the contra­ Mure i Uuii -H O p-MipIt* « « m pri'ni'iil band stuff into the sewer. In the ¡ty arrive* and provides rules and J27.15 in criminal matters In his assortment was home made wine, lt ili« p ieni« unii ii i ii u ji i ii i ) ni illuni »•• »'Ut tlir«« kumii - h oul of m I xi « « ii I uihc I all talent Uiut la i.i'ldotn found pluy«il itila ai'aaon, or u per.enlage regulations for the proper ..Amlnls- . , , . ., , . m uinpora « I i h « Je.'itoy c iu u ut Mum.act Conyci nf h i - bui Ihe inujorlly of III« fatiH in u Hintil) town nation of the affairs of the town. l:ourt Tlle Balar>- o f JuiJge fcakln' moonshine, beer, and about every «hlrli I. lì Simili la III« presldent. liiiv« noi turtiod oul ita tri former known thin and he bun bud Ilia men So far as can tie ascertained, there Is circuit judge of the 1 wentieth Ju- other concoction that the 77 recipes t I. Ilaulu). a 'a i « l i m o cointuls- yeur* for home made stuff call for. A oul aeverul evening« tliia week for little opposition to the adoption o f f i c i a l district, is $4000 per year, or curious crowd gathered while old ,iini, i M e JuuivaOn nf ih « t> A e-, lf St ll«l«riH tia'l M in li a team un Hi" 'barter and it Is thought that $333.33 per mouth, so It can tie y A itimi«n ih 111« l'ut tlie Moni« man Barleycorn was being disposed tli« l'oririami l'eaver» of thè Pacific' practice and to keep them in comli- ii will carry by a three to one vote. nti-nili'i uml il M Plumtner, pr«nlUuut seen that the office of the justice of and the odor from the spirits r ouMt leugue, who ur« oonalatunl | tluu. uf tu« r a d i l e Llvestm 3 ussoctaliou. Water Supply Necessary. of the peace, from the standpoint of permeated the atmosphere for sev­ ....... tlu-r« lutali' he nome exi use • J o« \nlone Will I*viln» < lui ha hiueb una ot lln-iu A majority of the residents of emolument, Is almost equal to that eral blocks. All the liquor destroyed tur th« mm-aupport of tli« t»um, bui was taken or captured from people uUit#.ul««l Hi« lir««illiiK ul pui«lir«ci Si li«l«tiM hasn't aneli a t«uni They I Joe Antone, the liahiweiaht pitch Seappoose, so It Is stated, realized of the circuit judgeship who have had their "day in court" tiucR arti wlnnera. y«a, conslstent »timer», er with tho atrona urn^ atcudy heud the necessity of an adequate water The two other justices along the and only enough is left in the vault lim i) W mh I, Ih* plonver Ji'Mfynuu and deceptive curve will ne on the sys’ em and water supply and believe and ih«y haveu't pleked oul ih« i tiiuuiuiu couiity, tuld uh u* Dii firing line for St. Helena. Joe liua- teat the city should own such ays highway did not reap the harvest to use as evidence in further trials. » « a k l«ani. Tli«y havu played some . ,twid of having a privute tl|at Judge Hazen did for ¡1 majority From the amount which went into n't I oat u auine tliia aenaoli and lew •ipriiouct* li* «ndttliUahlng a Jnr**y of ih « »tronai'ut a«inl prua uml In! li« iti 11« alno hpuke i#i liI m me*«tui **x lilta have b*a*n r«al»tereil from loa \criership It is stated that to in- " f ihe speed cases are tried Ii the gutter and front there to the imarly all aum«a colli« bui ini thè ( #*iico «iti ilio I hìuim I of J«rK«y delivery. Iluiry lien nett und Juhe si,ill ii pumping plant on the farm However, Judge Clark o f Rainier river, it is a reasonable supposition Iona end of Ih« acoro luira« both of them old time play- or town property would entail an in- drew down the sum of $90 and that the fish in the river will be Wlirn Ut* Wfllt to I j U> «alilo The boya «Ivo up inucli vuluubloi era und habitual fan», >uy Joe baa vestment or about $700 11«, -,-, , Kfintoil li» tuo dutryiumi prò ho ut Interest Judge W A. Craft of Clatskanie rather sluggish for several days to lini« In pructlc na uml playlna Wblle sonicUiiny on the bull Unit even Balie on the Investment, depreciation u had $70.#0 coming to him quite come. _______ limi II toould I h * u proiluthlo U ivoh I oili«r p«upl« are ut III« li«acti«a or, Hulli wouldn't fallen liia l.uttlna av- tli« pumping plant ami expense, av tidy sums for a side issue job. nifui li ilio) wouiil put tuoi. inoii«!y tuklna nul» rlilca Mumiaor ron yer.1 eruae while Joe in In the box. In »rages $s9 00 per year according to 1,1 bygone years, it was rather The stale dairy and food inspector ili purobrctl «look 1 Ilo 1MUil of wuhtliiK ’ bai Ma "T lg e rò " oul un lite fluid; thlrty-l wo inninaa pitched, Joe hua Hie figures submitted by one who difficult to get anyone to act as just- was poking around town a few days Il oti *1 luti Htock. uml Mr bolliti. Alio practlclna uml un snmtuy when liiu It is pointed ice «he peace, for $12 to $20 per ago and gathered in a couple of eat- lir, a uuuiiioi of iny.il clami caditi, aulii« im pluyi'il tli« I ciiiii ahowa lliut allowed only nine lilta und aeven owns a private plant. rutiH. lie will a » tne entire diatance out t hat should the tow n inHt.ill its month was about the average fees, ing house keepers on alleged viola- iìaji «il Alili Mi W»‘bi lli«y liuvu b««n prucilenta ,,w„ n iti»r system, there would he hut with the highway open and ' tion of food laws. Milk to come uu- Sunday'. ih«' kt-yno h of tu«« picnic w ì i ili** Smn« uf Ui« boy. are u little dia- . lutat Sunday the Tiaera showed n„ necessity for private pumping speeders speeding and paying fines j der the pure food law must test mivatitag** oi ruiHiiiK bvllor Hlcick, ami rikurnaod al III« appiir«nt luca of the I'ortluud At! Star Banker«' team plants and that the property owner and the office yielding such rev- 1 three and two-tenths per cent, while Hit* n 'w ia l li utili i ^*<1 p« «*plo pi ratini npiiroclatlon by thè rana T h « fl- Ami Alio aro 1 * o |I« v * tk iii | im *tl ilock. nanccM nf tli« club are no’ In tli« how to play bn bull The score wua c o u ld secure water at about one- enue, It is probable that when Judge cream to be standard must test 18 As violators of tests re- thiiu^bt limi th» lalkn i»> «xprrltinced lavai or ahup« bui It » III lak« i i ly St Helens lt>. Bankers .'I. Moon did fourth the rust of the maintenance Hazen's term expires there will be per cent. “ Dlad rush for the Job. The emolu- quired in milk and creiun one rest- the heuviiia for the first six frames of a private plant. m«n Aoulil ahi tli**m u fair ultondanee al III« n«xt few . and the financiers auruered only Jaines McKay, who has made an tnents of the office are on the fee | aurant man was fin^d $S0 and costs Mr and Mra Simili, uh I i O h I ami auini'H lo pilli thotn oul uf tho bolo and the other $20 and costs. A Antone Investigation of the proposed water system and a speed case averages bulli-. niinUtortnl to ilio waniM oi I boy ur« » llllna lo aiv« lloitr tini« three runs and three litis. ili«« liuiiìCry ait«l tlioir )iui4pi;*lil> Mia bill ahould noi be «iportod to niuk« took up the burden in the eiahth system, is of the opinion that it ; about $?.60 per speeder for thejHoulton business man parted with and the I'ortluud visitors were un­ would he a good investment to pur-' Judge. s° lf two or three speeders , $10 and costs for reeding hogs too Appi n-la Imi liy ali up uny deflelt He come in each day, as has been t h e : near his slaughter house. A Warren able to score St Helens pluyers r hase the Gurley creek site. » < )n Sun day lite («ani play« ih « fiiat | murdered the pellet, the scorer rea- states that 1 tie timber on the tra c t; average. It is easy to figure out that farmer gave up $50 on a charge of Wiiuuu l«ain T h « anme «tarla at FURSE SEINE CASP.S ¡sterlna sixteen lilts to thur credit. of land around the water site is the Job is a good one. and while the ' attempting to do Ills own milk tewt- il) »'clock 11 la a aood lini« for worth $3000 It is understood Hnes collected enrich the coffers of 1 iug. The cases ail came up before lijANG UPON DEC1SION i I ioh " wln- wlali St Heteua to con- 1 The hunkers were outclassed by the -•a.tly 9t Helens lumbermen In fielding that Ihe property can be bought for th« county, likewise do the costs 1 Justice Hazen._______ Un'io to huv« u wlmiliia '«um io and buttlna The game whs put on $1500 and It being at the headwaters enrich the J. P s before whom the ■ Wellington was down by A hi i». ui I » mino i li ttrKUllHMHH tu coni« out uml «how lh«lr upproda- I Sheriff Wellington was down by Ice In the seventh when Kit Conyers of the creek, the town would always unfortunate speeder appears. tli«* p.ll • M Í!»** Clini* of ir 1 arubociila Unll of Ih« t«um. the seaside several days the first of Come connected with the pill for a home be assured of a bountiful supply of Im i o l Horn HK klt iit ( ai i IV Slno uiak the week renewing acquaintance with run Two were ahead uf him. and pur« water. •r, -.lai«* finii wurden. imi John Lar Mrs Wellington, who is spending the Ills fiilir-buae swat seemed to lake Another city in Columbia county •«»li deputy wurden, viert» romplnimi | summer at Seaside, and it is pre- th« "p e p " out of the visitors The will s am vote on a new charter It before Judge John S • okO iti ili,* E IN IÇ U P Ç sume(l t,le >heriff i M y took occasion visiting team wus eninposed of the is tho city of Vernonfa and, like cuculi «o u il I uh I availing. r i n u n c e ü L i J u I U I I tl, d.splay IMS sylph-like form by slur playera out of the several banks Scappoose, It realizes that a new Ih « - - » MI KIIIIKintH .tino a p p ly to lito indulging in a few salt water dips. In Portland, und they were coitfl charter la necessary in order that Appeal i i o lii i l i o j u m leu c o u r t in Ili M ore Than T w o H undred l)i- le g »fc * «uni u f a t i uni N ic k .Ni imov teli, «i pur hì * Iiiaaoe M jui \\ lm I 'iinfifM'il Murdc. dent of winning until the, realiz' d propos'd h -ceasury Improvements can ' Supt. Wilkerson. who is secretary In A Men dance— Heaalon W a s the ho» the St Helens players hit urn! lm made The dale wtien Veroonta MtiAcr ariio * un f il im i 4 UH) Mini cual* to tho fair board, was up the river of Mr«. Wrhrman «1 lairge— Mu|i- fielded votes haa not ye: li^n decided upon 1 luirgeat ioni M oat F o t hílalas.ii oil to Columbia Beach last Sunday look­ (ur ••iiln K flati iti <>r« Ron vs it litinit c rin im d ra t Belie,«*. Man to la- liap tiat lU a is il. ing over aoiue possible concussions liuvin A a alai** linn»»** llniuiliaw. ---------- ! for the coming county fair. JuK f(*l ill s itti«ni«*, v lu i ‘t»l i ..uni n .»1(1 In ■ n* The fifty-third annual meeting of I'res reporta frotu Sulent atate an« 14• ii.au> h'Kéti «1 li « <11,III ft 11$ Vt•ivmi the Oregon Baptist State convention The county clerk issued a mar- Dial John Sh-rkH eacap«d from Hie closed their session Wednesday J riage license Saturday to Bert H. ' 4* V t*rai duvrt a ili •lair • la ♦ III»re ifcftt 1 st; ■ > 1 IItil ul out 10 o'clock We ur» ’• Jtitfht. ,ls 1 st.it' s lecording to The Oregon visit with lier daughter, Mrs S 1). Mrs Edwardt Dalton and Mrs meeting and every Baptist church in tifb sheriff Monday, under attach- In fitti coltra« o f Iti* a ( gummi ( lor tali, that lie ‘does not believe tltat D Johnson Howard Hudson were I’ortluud shop- Oregon was represented, ihure ln*ihg ment, for $110.50. The machine wus th«- hi at<\ Assistant At* m any gm!im .1 ! Sleit.a is dungrrouH." Imt atuiea that M Kulnly of llroudhead. Wlscon- pets Wednesday. more than 200 delegates in attend- sold to cover costs of the garage man Uily«j! Il 1H t aid there w it* no pr<»p«ur­ over) effort i« being niude to cap­ sin. Is visiting tils niece Mr- Amy Miss Grace Fleldhouse was a week ance. Prominent clergymen and for repairs It was a good buy. and tl4 • a liti ture Hi» runaway !tïU involved in 1It»* Stone and tils nephew, Dr. I, G. end guest at the home of Mr. and laymen were on the program. A re- H. S Mason was the purchaser. Ul* M*lr«»nf Hie circuit <•ourt li.uJ n«* The account. In The Oregonian R ohm this week Mrs. Guy Fleldhouse. port of the secertary of the confer- ---- - At&t lmrily l o giant U i « t ttiupnriil n. loads Ihe tin Info''Hied to believe that Mr and Mrs George H Shinn Miss Edrie I-a Bare, who is visiting ence stated that during the past year Paul \ Marls, extension director JUlt« (1Itiit ail Slerka committed the atrocious crime » e r e In Portland Tlttcsday transact- rionds in Seattle and Keut. Washing- Hr matin out4 'air mt4 2000 people had united with the of tho State I arm Bureau, and C. J. that w a m hewn to and t a U si» : MOInc of murdei ring Mr» Wehrntan and ing hustness for the Columbia County ton. Is expected home soon. Baptist church in Oregon and that Hurd, assistant state leader, were of- surprint* among thune in the court li«r child and that the "confeaatim of A bat met company 1 T E Kelet and H. R. Hudson $103,000 had been raised for mis Hcial visitors at the county agricul- ruiuu. Mr Liltyqulsl assorted that an Insane titan" cleared Tender of Dr and Mrs li. Q. Ross » i l l have spent Saturday und Sunday on a sionary work. Thé executive com- tural agent s office Tuesday They while the talked t»f fisheries ruminici Uni accusation T.-nuer wua tried as their house guests tliia week end fishing trip up the Kaluma river. mlttee of the conference decided to|are making their annual rounds of lai*#» h i he stilt «* h of Oregon and and convicted of Hie murder of Mra Miss Carrl" Joseph and Dr anil Mrs. Mrs. K. E. Thomas has as her buy additional property at Columbia Hie counties in taking inventories V\ > n 11i 11 g toil would not appl> t«* this Wehrman and Iter little son It is Ralpit Jeffcott of Portland. house guests tliia week Mrs. Wyeth City and concluded arrangements for and making surveys for the coming cu « , ito* attorney general s (»ifi««» true tti.it Slerka. after having been Mr and Mrs R S. Owens and Jaynes and little daughter Jeanette the purchase of the rest of the ship- yea rs work, d«j* not recognize the existence of committed to the insane asylum, con­ daughters, Hetty. Sarah and Merle. ,,f Portland. 'yard site which gives them thirteen ■ any such compact. fessed having committed the deed of Madison. Wisconsin are 111 rtt.| ,\fr. and Mrs Barnard o f Weed, acres of property and several build- Speed cop Abbott turned in twelve in explanation, the attorney said latter lie retracted th® statement und Helens on a two weeks' visit with California, are the guests of Mr and tngs which will be remodeled for next | victims of the disease known as that la 1911 the two Míale* tgieed neither his confession or retraction Dr and Mrs. I, (7 Ross and Mr. Mrs. J. N. Demsey Mrs. Barnard is convention time. A resolution was speeditis Monday morning, the result upon a compact and submitted it to 1 an I1" relied upon V\ B Dillard, Owens' mother. Mrs Flora Owens .the mother of Mrs. Demsey. passed thanking thq St. Helens ° f his dragnet for Saturday and Sun- congress It was not until two years who ul Hie time of the murder was Mavor and Mrs K l llallugh and Miss Vivian I.Inn has returned to Chamber o f Commerce and the cit-1 day. Some o f thetii stood trial and ali«T however, that congress rutilimi district attorn«) for Folumbtft coun­ children and Mr and Mrs Von Gray Helens after a six weeks course liens of St Helens for their coopéra- ! some forfeited hall money, but they He eonipact and thus made It «>p«*ra- ty interviewed Slerka on the sup­ and children returned Sunda' night ¡at Normal school in Monmouth. Ore. tiou and hospitality. | paid in the end. flv' but in (be meantime, the stai«* posed to be confession." and Dillard from Seaside » here the, hud been Mrs. Raymond Heavers entertained ___________* __________ ia positive that Slerka la not the man of Washington had repudiated th«* T,u‘ ' ' ' " " D license hi to attend the big celebration on ac- Tuesday evening in honor of her hits- c m t r D M U P U T A U t A D n c reau and divorce court ran a dead compact in several instances, ho wluit « h o committed the crime Governor count of the completion of !,ie new | bund's birthday. Those present were G U V E R N M L . N 1 A v V A K l i a GODFREY A PENSION 1 tieat ttie past week. One divorce cus gr**MM nui inti was hot what the Olrott haa granted Tender a pardon sea wall. The party motored down I M r and Mrs. Kit Conyers. Keturuh _____ | suit, that of Hugo G. Stelzig vs. and he ¡a a free man He was sen- oarly Saturday morning and liad u I and Molly Dixon, Jintmy Adams. Dr. two 'tales bad agreed to 1 «need to bang and Governor Went fins trip For services rendered in the ’ In- ; Mary btehfg, was filed with the Cain. Cecil Ross. Dancing was en- < 4.tilts Ihulg«* I'm t. minuted lit« sentence to life tm- dian war in Kansus in 1S74. the county clerk this week. Likewise Miss Pearl Turner of Colorado joyed. Continuing, he said: "In lh»*lr de­ prl-o,intent Thta year Olcott gave Springs. Colorado, lias been visiting Paul Riggs and Miss Icy Bryan of government has awarded City Re- '**ie marriage license was issued. cisions on fishing cast's, the Oregon him a pardon, but Slerka remained f -------------• ------------- with her sister, Mrs. H A Childs, | Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley For- corder J B Godfrey a pension o upn*ino court. Judge I lean of the in Hie asvlum Slerka Is out and the past week Miss Turner .wus n ten o f Seattle. Mr. and Mrs William $20 per month. He was notified <0 YOUNG GIRL fedirai court and the federal court so la Tender The Jury said Tender student at Berkeley this summer and 1 d a r k . Mis« Annie Johnson and Tom tht\t effect Wednesday and naturally | of ppeals at dan Francisco have was guilty PASSES AW AY The crime couldn't be made the voyage from 'Frisco to f5! • 1 T'hillips all of Portland were Sunday was much pleased. The pension ; Rid** stepped tills compact The mat fust...... I on Slerka He w ta sent to Helens on the ill fated Alaska >• guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hamer Me takes effect as o f October 12. 1920.! te» is now before the United Stales the Insane asylum. Both of them its last trip Into Portland. enclosed Its! Evelyn Iris Peterson, daughter of I Kie. The party had an enjoyable so the government supreme court, and whether <»r not ate out, Mrs Wehrman la dead. Ten­ voucher for $140. Mr. Godfrey when Mr. und Mrs Frank L. Peterson, died An appnul has been made by t he | picnic at Columbia beach. >t will also side step the compact r»* der la free anil, according to Dr Pacific Const Rescue and Protective) The W. M. F. S. will have a picnic a lad of sixteen enlisted in Captain at the family home in St. Helens mains t«> be seen As a result no one Steiner Sierks la harmless though society, through the Woman's club | |n Godfrey park h»re next Wednes- G. H Norton's company and chased early Monday morning She was fif- Rn«»ws If there Is a compact anti «»ur the ' If corfeased murderer of a de­ or St Helens, for canned goods pr» day. Hie 17th. Lunch will be at Hie the Commanche and Osage Indians teen years of age and had been in ill office takes the position that none fenseless woman and her baby boy ferubly frulls and vegetables Th> noon hour. T w o societies from Port- who were on the rampage in Kan- health for a number of months She exists.*' If Slerka was harmless, why are the club asks thut all - I 10 po -Ihly can ia„d will meet with the home society sas. He enlisted a f Arkansas City, graduated from the eighth grade o f I'tlarge ( Villinii*t*rn Interference. int hot Hies looking for hint and mak­ contribute a Jar or more. Mr Ruth tltat day. A good program in the Kansas and was in the service sev- .the St Helens school in June and Attorney Fulton for the plaintiffs ing every effort lo capture him? ' orford has kindly consented to care afternoon. AH members and friends enty-five days He made application the pallbearers were her former conimided that the purse seiners • |'hose In thl < part of Columbia 'fo r the donations and ¡1 box » i l l l> ,,f the society are Invited to particl- for a pension about a year ago and I classmates. Deceased was popular « ;»tch their fist wither In the open county place little credence In the found at his office in the Rutherford pate Bring your lunch and have a some of his former comrades now among her many friends, her bright , or In Washington wulers. and report emanating from Salem living In Kansas, helped hint to prove and sunny disposition drawing many Realty Co. , good Unie when they bring I hem In Oregon to friends who grieve at her untimely 1 David Burcham. wife and three. Lieutenant Commander K. C. In- his clatm '-ell the fish art* In their original “WAY DOWN EAST" end. The funeral services were held •children have been visiting the past j crnliam o f the Kagle boat 38 which form Therefore, he said, the men at the Free Methodist church W ed­ at the home of Ills brother. is now at Kverett, Washington, wired COASTWISE VESSELS COMING TO LIBERTY week »re engaged In interstate and foreign nesday and conducted by Rev. H!g- Albert Burcham They are visiting an invitation to the editor of The TAKE BIG CARGOES bee and the interment was in the '<*tiimere«* and the state «»f Oreg«»n relatives and friends in the North- Mistf to join the vessel at Bellingham, Manager Bast o f Hie l.iberty the­ west on their vacation from Long Washington, for a trip down the has no right to Impose a tax or 1L Warren cemetery. Deceased had With San Pedro as her destination. lived in 9t Helens for the past year «’anse upon them Me admitted the atre informs The Mist that in the Beach. Calif , where Mr Hitrchani is coast to the Columbia river and up ,„ the steamer Daisy Matthews, laden an,j ¡s survived by her par-sets and »late has a right to forbiti the Itn- near future he will show the famous principal o f the Polytechnic high Portland Tho Eagle 38 was in This ptc- .schiHil. one o f the largest of its kind fit. Helens a few weeks ago \^-e with 1.226.000 feet of lumber, sailed two sisters !"»rtatInn of fish caught during the picture. Way Down Bast We _ - . . . . . * v c I umm I fishing season. hut held it ; „ r,. la Griffith's »("liar production on the Pacific coast, having over would like to make the trtp hut now Tuesday night. It was a record car- could not do so during the open sea •itid tins been running at the Helilg 13000 students last year (Thursday night» we haven't been ^or ,ho J’0“,' “J1*1 is accounted HELENS GIRL t„ Portland for the past two weekw «on At the close of the argument* Perry Austin, n former St Helen» aide to make the neard GOES TO U. OF O. rhe prices charged at the Portland Perry used mPnts had been in the lumber yard for sev- briefs were submitted by each side boy. wn» here Sunday. theatre was $1 60. but Mr East will 't o bo one o f Hie mainstays nf the a__________ oral months and was almost kiln ---------- ..bow the picture here at 36c H» old St Helens hall ...tin and he is ot t rtW P S T p p u C A P IT A dried. The steamer Egeria sailed U N IV E R S IT Y OF OREGON, Eu F IR E M E N T O G IV I. A.'-J w 1 r r. rx k n r i t i , Wednesday night with a cargo o f , gen«. Aug. 10.— (Special to The ,.,in do this because the expensive the opinion that lie can v c play A JITNEY DANCE orchestra will not be present -How- lie Is anxious "> gather up onte of ON SCHOOL FUND 1.476.6100 feet of lumber for San Mist , Dorothy Akin of St. Helen* ______ _ Diego. These were the two largest I has been admitted Into the l Tnlver- Tho hicniliora o f th« St Helen» ,.,,.r it 1» the identical picture and 1 Hie old timers like " C m " Campbell of cargoes sent out during the week, laity o f Oregon with full freshman Volunteer Firn. Department will Ktve identical reel shown In Tortlan.l and Fred DeNeffe. Earl Perry. Ed. Hal SALEM, Aug 1 0 — The total Morton. Pete Rrakke \ $334.935.fit) in interest collected on Several coastwise steamers are ex-1 „landing Her high school average a " jitn e y " dance al (lie rlly hall Hat the saving of $1 16 more Ilian off- lagli s C the absence of the orchestra and Joe Specht and" try conclusion* 1 school fund loans by state land board1 patted during the coming few days is among the best yet noted on the tirili,v «vetting The boya who com- C l with the St Helens team. He sug- and distributed by the state treasurer' for full or partial loads for Culifor credentials presented by new stu­ Prlse tli« organiza I* n wb'b '<> tin- ' Mrs Marlon Gilbert.'county provi­ dents this year. In the three and a "Ufflcienl ruiiiln to enable them f" dent " f Multnomah sV. <* T « . vis gested that the game he played ilnr-1 to the several counties of the state nia ports. half years she was in high school • • ------------- fut niait a club room Doultllea« all \ ' » d with Mrs llurcham Iasi Tuesday, ing (he lint« of Hie county fair He represents a total school population | Site 1» a Portland men plan hotel near Mt her average was 94.2. " f Utoi.e who favor encouraging «he motoring down with her son In law expects to take up the mutter with ) of 221,2*8 in the state on a basis o f) graduate of St Helens high school. Manager Conyer*. ¡$1.74 per capita ^Hood. boy» v tu |,n at the timin' or buv » Dr Ruhndorff. lb k«(. BAPTIST CONVENTION JOHN SIERKS ESCAPES FROM STATE ASYLUM Personal and Local Briefs