PA G E FOUR THE ST. HELENS MIST g i f t s Issued F very Friday by THK MINT I*1’ BI.1SHI\4J IXl.MFANA 8 C. MORTON books T h e St. Helens pubi io lib ra r/ Managing Editor tort > ..w vn w which Sl llHFUll*TU»N RATES Uoss. .................. $2 Do Onw ......... *1 25 Six Months ............ » K IL L CABBAGE WORMS BY USE OF ARSENICAL.S T O T H E LIB R A R Y of wore The t ' ' ' I » M l t l l d l i has Spray tir Unsi is Kocoiniin'iid. d b\ F\|N-rliin'ut sianoti l.m .in >- f il I U V . . Ogist lo Kill Garden of Pests Fannie : given by Mis. collectio n consists of O a C EX I’ KIUMK \ I STA TION. I ' m v.tilts S|e a> or lu F young oabbagn plants with one ol e rature, bearing such titles as 'So the arsenicata lo free il from im Entered as s o i ou ^ -cla st matter, Institutions o f the l S. by | ported cabbage worms, sag; '. \ January 10th, 1812 at th e PoatoffU-e H7 ‘ e First Steps in I. Loi et i chief in «intonano, * at St. Helena, Oregon, under the act lluni*,u I’ r o g r e s s . ’ Starr, U alks “ The ilust is usually better for # »1 *».. and la ik s m the (le ological hiehl. small plants." says Professor I .oven ut March 3ru. 18 . 9 . ___________________Win chell, • T h e Growth o f the Amer " I f an arsenical d ie ! is used on i w v n O KFH l.\li P A P K B 111 Nation.’ ' Judsott. " T h e Growth plants at intervals of liwo »* o f the English Nation. t oman. du ring growth until Iho plan - he ~ ' | 7T ! " E u r o p e in the Nineteenth Fen Member National E ditorla . Associa- lurv •• j u,ison. ‘ ‘ Industrial Evolution gin to head, injury In cal luge li tlon amt Oregou State h d .t o n a l , u tht, f n l t e d States." Wright. In a o m is will he extremely slight is well to add soap lo tile lh,uid Aaaorlatipn. tr oduction to American Literature.’ ’ sprays as a slicker for ft -• liek F ____ Itraiuler Matthews, " F r o m ( ‘ haucer ¡age. The t real tuent .Inni Id lie re to T en ny son ," Heers. and "Henaia pealed frequently until the heads DltOl* liK t 'A l .L PI.AN. , sunee and Modern Art." Goiulyt’iit. ( are well form ed." That the proposed recall o f Ju dge The library has also received from A number o f parasites prey on Eakin has been dropped is indicated " r 1 hateber a valuable hook en this worm effectively, and may in by news items in the tw o Astoria titled " I m* l wclttli l i- Infantry prevent fis becoming a s ou p. si newspapers T h e secretary o f the 1 • *> to 1919. by its men seven Fis hermen s Reague gave as one o f >>">•** com,>r,sing popular fiction, the reason s for not going farin er juveniles and eh Wren s. trout Julia with the recall petitions o r agita- K»™ an.1 a number oi I ioo h o im tions. that It w ould he a big expens, ular fiction from Mr* _ to Clatsop county There are some Mrs Storia. Miss Anna Quick and w h o might believe the statement. Mr McFallutu. These hooks are now ready for ’ but to us it appears that public sen timent was that Ju dge Eakin decided circulation. the case in question. o r gave the te m porary in ju nction, with the idea W E A T H E R R E P O R T o f doin g justice to all. and to give, F O R J U L Y . 1921 fu rther opportunity for the warring parties to have a hearing in th el Max. temp SI degrees on 22 and court o f justice. 23: min. 40 degrees on :t; mean Had recall petitions been circulât- j max. temp 72 degrees; mean min. ed. there is little likelih ood that . 47 2 degrees; mean monthly temp C olu m bia county citizens would have 59 ti degrees, which is 2.« degrees signed them *r given the stamp of below norm al; rain 0 13 inch, which approval to the idea, which, appar­ is 0.93 inch below average Prevall- ently. those en u y . originated origin n on with »nu os,- dis . . .. ... -rspre were >0 clear Pl«a8ed with he ru ’ ' | to partly c l o u d j and 1 clt udy lay while precipitation fell on four days Owing to continued N. W. winds and HOI M < I F W IN G . sea togs the month was cooler than General Dawes as director of t h e ; ; he average July, excellent for liar Budget Bureau, hat ordered a Mir vesting and cherry anil heiry pick vey o f surplus equipment, supplies m g ; the latter part however was and material in government posses . dry for pasture and growing sion. The property not wanted g o e s \ rops. l o the General Supply Com mittee o i ; Jos Hackenherg. Observe th e treasury. I ------------ — *-— ---------- Assistant Secretary Roosevelt COLUM BIA COUNTY under way a similar s u r v y of I r n x / r c i a c t n i t ! 77 u W t'.O OoO / ,1390. / / jurisdiction o f the navy department x hp indebtedness o f Columbia Obsolete vessels are to be - M or countv as reported by the state tax scrapped It is a pity that > >m i ( m commission by various subdivisions ■ the good gray ships" must go foi is as follow s: County indebtedness, traditions have clustered about them April 5. 1921. $347.108.113; school thick as barnacles, hut we tie>*(1 tin indebtedness June 21, 1921. $158,- money. T h e proceeds fjeeru* • for 402 99; drainage district Indebter- c alc keeping to the treasury de­ ness $79.700; city indebtedness partment. April 5. 1921, $281.835.16. T otal.' These r.nd parallel operations m $867.046.77. other branches o.* the service m Ki The indebtedness o f the state of the purpose o f the government t o ! June 1, 1921. is totaled at ...........nice and t o reduce the blight } 2 4 ,9 8 0 300 The grand total o f all of "squandermania. \\u.-hing'oi. indebtedness of state. counties, is doing what every forethoughtful .,ltiPS schools. irrigation and drain- householder feels Call' d on now u:d ,j,8 is p|;,ced at $107.400.593 84. again to do. Governments, tike d o ­ mestic establishments, need a ok Sugar consumed by Americans in i< cacal housecleaning. the fiscal year ending this month But while I’ ncle Sam and Aun' averages 100 pounds for every man. Colum bia are up attic under the woman and child That’s nine eaves and down cellar among ti ' . pounds more than lu»t year and 11 rusthltis let Mi'-nt 1 ■ r minded M . j mor„ than 1914 in their prospective rummag- . - a h -------------------------------------------------------------- they will do well to include a lot o f | hand-me-down sinecure« There a r e ' — the price of success is eternal obsolete clerkships as well as obso | publicity. lete battleships. Let t i e clean-up] — judicious publicity in any include them all.*— Philadelphia | form is good for your business. Ledger. _______________ 1*110X1.4T IO .V FROM S b lV IM I l f > I KAMI*. Cramp while swimming Is the black bogyntan of tin* inexperienced or timid swimmer, and the re’ iirn o,' Jhe drownin g season makes imely a -word o f caution as to this trouble. Regard for the suggestions of o r d i­ nary sense will help many a swim mer if he should he attack -d by- cramp while in the water. and may serve to save some lives Cramp has few dangers for those w h o are not chance-ta king swinp mers. For expert sw im mers it has prset a lly * no perils I »w im m er. w hen he is attacked by | cra m p, will remember that It Is not th e cramp Itself that is dangerous but the possible panic and lo - self-control Into which he may fall, cramp need never cost him b'.-t 1 if« The thing for a poor swimmer >r a la th e r in shallow water to do is ti eschew foolh ardin ess Bear ti' in mind, if in deep water and caught by a cramp, that sudden panic kill- many more swimmers than do cramp and exhaustion together An expert swimmer, when a; sailed by cramp, overcom es it by turning on his hack and floating quietly till he cun kick the cramp out of his legs Observant’-* o f tljis - tuple s a f e guard will preserve even a poor sw im m er who is ,»ut of hi-, depth I'llK — but the best o f all is dis­ played every day in the columns of the newspapers o f tbs country. — it. reaches more people, curries greater weight and re­ in ins longer in the memory of those reading it. — to reach your home people use your home newspaper. Columbia Beach is an asset to the city ar I the Cham ber o f Com Ilierce has nail'- it possible for the citizens o ' tb<* town and nearby comntuniti' - to en joy it The Agee murder mystery is ytt a mystery. T hrough a clever ruse perpetrat­ ed on penitentiary guards last Tue day. Frank Payne, a convict escaped. , He was captured, however, the f o l­ low in g night. I’ ayne forged the name o f Deputy Warden Jim Lewis to n letter transferring atm rroin the brickyard to the highway gang. This was passed on a gatekeeper, and one«* outside Payne ran a ' a Pa ne was sent up from Milltno Hi i > uii ty In September. 1920. for .. s,,ult with intent to rob. ,» family ini’itnie Taking atl ave for lust year of if $980 exclusive of caled by the lust re farmers us Indie turns llu* total c * o . i o f government ,s going lo I"* iholit Id per cent of the family ineom ■ for flu* year .tart M l I T Y o t It I I t l l Nb.s A T RIVERSIDE THE Where you can enjoy a cooling drink or a dish of the finest of Ice Cream made. Our c o /y little dance llu i is at your service. You are always welcome. s i \ 11 \ I S, |i l MINI l> Itlll N KH, «111 \ >1 < IGIKM Il INI» <\M »y, I < III If V V t IH E - PEOPLE’S M A R K E T lug next month Y. u will ti nl Ft ii .mil Cured tin l • •nr'h trade with Ii h U | | \ \ || I uily the highest quality Groceries. Meats. Out cold storage plant and «1 r'l'plnyrtl enable us to supply i|)e meats and vrgctuDles at all times. \\ INsPt *T|I>\ OI o i' VO N K M I Wll I pk «.MP\KI ho \ 1« >: h . A. G R A Y W 414 I I M t k h . l t IM I ILW K LK It Will repair your watch, clock or jewelry of any kind. Keeps always in .stock an exceptional line of watches, clocks, rin^s. pins, pendants, and silverware. bt. Helens, Oregon — — "Gifts That East” “ Fry Our Malted M ilks’ — TH E R E X A L L Vacation Needs Talcum Powder —.V ami (Jonteel) f o l d ( realm, tall makes i Tooth I’aHto (Lilly l ............ .-,«»<• Germicidal S o a p ................. 25c Kodak Supplies Stationery (Sy in plumy l.awnl Suuiiuru l.o i,-u Take Home a Quart of Mutual Ice Cream Brick Specials for Sundays and Holidays STORE- Buy Your Cigars and Cigarettes From Us—We carry a Complete Line o f Van Dycks. Owls, Little Bobbies, Chancellor ( 10c si/e) and Others. Our Prescription Department is Always at Your Service A registered Pharmacist is in Charge at All lim es P L A Z A PH A R M A C Y Masonic Building Columbia St. St. Helens, Ore THE U N I V L R S A L CA B T S A PERFECT D A Y to you, * no matter how hot and dusty o. cold and wet, if you are privi­ leged to ride in a Ford Sedan or Coupe. The Fieidhouse M otor Company has lately received a car-loi d of Fords: all models. STANDARD OIL CO M PANY (CALIFORNIA! Sure Road to Wealth Everything ( ' •lit-. \ T A B L E . Did you ever try to kill a w-'IIow tree? c h o p it down and a dozen trees spring up in its place. it re­ fuses to be bea'ci . Some men ar born uacoM-jiierul.le. c h o p down the tree o f then am dlion and a new one takes its place. T i.ugli wa may not all be -iidowcii n.ttuio w i li undaunted souls, we can, w lien the wind o f adversity blasts the tree « ou r hop«, pla m< ter tend it w ith greater z> ai. Selected. I AO d e g r e e s o r i all so lllliou. » i l l kill tIn* worms If they are » e l with it I'lie imported la ohuge » m i l l is a he«* • fender* on the te*v< ùi enb hace and .'lonely allied plants I'lie « . c m is a velvety g ...... "i color with a f a 1 I ye lo v\ si t ip»* ll'»WM til' hack and a row of . Ilow d*>.> »low n eat If side The adult 1: a wlnio biittorflx. a titiRur tii. ill o ; about tbo vMi 4 »>1 > il\' ays roconul/aul in»- «b nt (leu Plie so but I orillas as an •neiuy. »•Hierge in t lu< s PI tin un il Ia> okks llß the h uve.« of uva Habla food worms t« oil Thu >oil plat I uro Ir 10 i o uutl ar .• i ft ut loas! tliria* duv t. Titer* i in. onora I ion ; in ! W a t e r at in I i.rm Machinery N U matter what kind of implement you want, we can supply you and deliver it at your farm at ?he same price, or possibly less, as you would pay in Portland Tell us what you necn and we will gladly call. W e have supplied many enterprising farmers anti can supply you There Is one sure road to wealth. It i a,., «;,.t Quick scheme, no Wild-Fat mining v n t u i* speculation; it is simply a common ,.i ,. way ,,r ,, ,,, . »mall iortune in a strictly legitimat w . ij One dollar deposited ea< W*}#‘ k for 1 » ,'tit j iars in a savings liank paying four p<*r (»•fit compoiiod in 1 <• 1 * ■:-! Would am ount to $ 1 61 1 !.Ob. This » $51Í2 mor«* thuti 1 h«- to ta l amount deposited. Five dollars deposited en *h w<“<*k f o r Hie -am o f time would become $ s « mhi nu 0 00 T h e ttite re n t on th is $8000.00 would be $6 of) a week k A n y on>* l o l l , , « „ , 1 ; o u t tti.s piao o f weekly deposits o f $f, 0 oo for 0 r< n tw e n ty y**ar ' (»»lid a * the end of that period draw on i of ff lie hank $0 o*> «*.:i< h w**<*k • " ; ,u/ •“ * !i" l " " 1 - 1 t u n .............. Ins deal It. not on I j an be d< poeited .b u t It , , . The young man o f twenty » h o will , v< t« eu - .... and one-half cents a day in a savings bank p.-,V|tli. ■ „ tent compound inter and keep i"' U i i he I ■ evei j year o f ig! of 829.000 00 which would pay Inter, t of $L2 oo e/o-t I Ills Interest wi»uit| be about ten time , tie ....... .■veil i*. W i ; h K We pay 4 % I,„ e r , st r „ n i,....... <*n S;»\ i n .lei mint m . SHERMAN M. MILKS President F.O.B. DETROIT W e are always pleased to demur strate, and when you choose you favorite model, can make immei iate delivery. n(|)<< J. E. HUTCHINSON C tshier Fieidhouse Motor Co. Farm Equipment Company Ifiirv« > A Chassis, starter, dem. rims, $440.00 465.00 Runabout, ‘ Touring, 510.00 760.00 Sedan 695.00 Coupe . 495.00 Truck . 625.00 Praetor St. Helens, Oregon Hat ton, Proprietor*. Clatskanie, Oregon. J.VU couJpatA • m "KVKRV DA V A FINK l»A%r IN A r 4 *Ki* ■Kl