T H E ST. H E L E N S MIST, FRI DAY . J U L Y 22 . PAGE T W O lamtuette Kalis. J N Bennett of Portland spent Sunday at his pat Klamath Kails, and It. H Bennett ents' home George Beuver, Jiln Bacon. Cnrl of Eureka. Calif This is the first time they have all been together in K> lander und Chas Johnson wer among the Jurymen from Warren 85 years. SC A PPO O SE There will he a special election last week I G Wlkstrom is again seen on August 13th, in our city for the ac­ Mr and Mrs J E Nordlund of our city streets ceptance or rejection by the voters Kerry have moved into (heir newl> Hosteller and I'oris were on a of the town of Seuppoose of the acquired ranch Mrs. Nordlund I fishing trip to Chiiskante. charter which among other provi spending a few days In Portland Mr Bullock of VUska is spending -ions carries a section providing for while J E. Is making some repairs some time with his mother here issuing ’of bonds not to exceed tin >ai the house J T Bennett is now employed amount of $30,000, the proceeds of The W O. \V hfcid a "big" time building a house for Joe Kberly Stute Organ which shall he used for the construc­ on Saturday evening Vollej hall was resumed in the tion of a new water system for the izer Tate wus the guest of honor school gymnasium Tuesday evening town. It is of vital interest of each A good attendance greeted the vi- Mr and Mrs Smelts of Willims- and every inhabitant of the town, lltor The Woodmen have a strong port. I’a.. are guests at the Paige whether property owners or not All |organization here cottage that is required Is SO days' residence i More hay is being baled in War Mrs ( spies leaving Saturday for in the town to vote at this election. i ten district than »or many yem a trip to California with her friend Remember. Scappoose people. It is 1-arson und sons are busy all the Mr*. King our health first, our education next time and using their new engine for Bill Lindsrtom is having a new and then our business Without power The machine lias a reglsti-t gasoline tank and pump installed at health or education business would ed engine of 40 h p and a pulling power of 40 h p. his garage. ha very dull. Charles Hartman has rented and (> A Erickson and A. 1-, Morn- * ------------- taken p session of one of the A d -; represented the telephone users at W ARREN the Public Service telephone hearing amt cottages. The Kloyd Grew ell family is home I W C Cooper is finishing the Hill on Monday They oresented uffi after spending eight weeks camping! yer residence davits to tliut body and made an ur on the Brill place. Carl Lund. who is in business in gument for reduction of rates and The Gotn family gave us-a hearty I wave as they passed through en- rout > from California. The Handler family of Kerry have Thousands will go been guests of Mr and Mrs. \V Campbell tho past week Mr. and Mrs Charles Van Cleve. had their parents. Mr and Mrs. j Paisley for week end guests. Mrs. McClure and Eleanor of Kidgfleld, Washington are spending this week with Mrs. Gerlach. Burl Smith motored to Vancouver. Washington Sunday, to spend the this summer because of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush­ man. » Mrs. Paige had her tonsils remov­ ed last week and has been confined to her bed since returning from the hospital Mrs Henshaw of Seaside visited her sister. Mrs Knighton. Saturday and Sunday. They all joined in a family reunion at Portland. Mr Shatto sold his dairy to Mi Hargerader. owner of the ranch (re­ cently purchased from Burghdorfer) Mr. Shatto has now moved on to his own place offered by the hig cross-continent railroad Mr and Mrs Rothmeyer are on their way home to St. Paul. Enroute through Yellowstone Park. They will he sightseeing and camping for several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux from Sea­ Serving the transportation needs of the side are again with us Mr Dever- paux is reorganizing the telephone. Great Pacific Northwest They are making their home with Mrs. Van Cleve. and giving through service via the popular direct routes to Suit I were ac cotupanled by Mi» Morris. P H 1 -inni and G ii ho Josophson w ho look in ilio sighia ut thè Capital City The trip wus Iliade by automobile A meeting Of thoso Intereated III telepiloti e and t Itosi- w ho deaire "no ,s uelieduied for 'he tifar Intuì e Silice t lie new rate went itilo offerì : ìk phoiics bave been tuken «ut louvltig nuli 24 in sci-vice in thè on lire districi l’hi- N.' - Ime havliig only ime subscrlbei nou is min pareti wtth ten a short lime ago l.ou l'uzey expeets to di-inali t le Ihe old Bacon house mi'- <‘l thè incisi proililneiit latidniarks of War ren. and remove il io hi» rullili snmetluie You’ll Re A Regular Customer by ordering regularly after you have once tried our bread. You will at once realize the absurdity 0f sweating over a hot fire, when you can get such li^t toothsome bread as ours, and at less expense than you could bake it at' home. S A T U R D A Y S P K C IA L S Fresh Cookies 2 do/. 35c. Fresh Doughnuts ?. <|()/ ^ Try Our White Clover Ice Cream l.l M i l l s KINDS Ol Mason’s S E R V E D W i l l i E X T R A GOOD 401 E l l , PXSI ' RV, P I E S t N D I l k EM I I I E S I I i t\|i||.s ST . IIHLHNS B A K E R Y J E RAM SEY Makes a H| nh dall) of Brick Ice Cream Take One Home for Limili. Keep Cool- Save Labor Orange Sherbert "D o a uud -
f all kinds Tickets On Sale Daily Electrically" k " " l breezes fro m ,ui dec- m e lau in yum h.-tne—ami you w ill tioi know that i|lc ila\ <*r mght is hut An electric grill, ,i io,uter oi percolali>r helps you to prepare an a p p ■ t ■aing meal at the tai-lc ||qw much better than t.uidmg e i ei a In it su>\ i-' Union Pacific System “ OREGON WASHINGTON LIMITED” AND "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" it DEPOT GARAGE T H E DODGE A G E N C Y W e are agents for this popu­ lar and well known car and will be pleased to demon­ strate at any time. CAR FOR H IR E — D A Y OR N IG H T Blacksmith Shop in Connec­ tion. TIKES Full l*in<* of AMI A tV K M O R lM Welch & Co. Phon«» tll\ Special Value* in F.lcctrical I hmsi-hold Nee Klectrlc T(»anl«r HTVO K«*Htov Tallii* Stov»*H Hkl.T.T to 3 ll«»ut Ilolpolnt («rill SI 1.7ô 6-<*up Klwrtrir 6-lh lViv«>httor llotpofnt Iren K i.m An electric fl.itit -*ii doe, not heat the limi-ic, and lightens labor -oi trt>ntug day. An eledrii motor runs your sewing machine without work or itt»». Make this an electrical summer. See M St. IIHfi»** G. W. ROBERTS * Here’s w hy C A M E L S are m e quality cigarette I j Y Jjq Portland Marble Works l-Ntal dished IKS." — « Nothing i too gi >d for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it’s possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. N E U BROS. MONUMENTS 2ii4 &. 2*>(1 4th St.. Opposite City Hall See P O K T I.A V H , O K U . us i r w rite fo r prices. It will pay you. Service That ...Serves... V»t only Is ,'f*,' i « l ran* ami skill in i‘\.iiniriK fh«* «*>••»*. gì inditi«* 111« I«‘I» m * h , l i f t i n g fill ifldtspH, hilt ;ix W‘ ‘ll I ailif iilaP ran* is t«ik<‘ii that fh«* |{lassr<4 aff^r « r»««* mad«* remain ^ ou art» cordiali} invif.-d f*» st«-|> In af a»i} Min In flave >nur mniinf- in^ straightened, le ri sen tightened « r i» Itavi' any n«*ressa ry adjust un ni mafie, ulietlicr mafie li> in** «»I* n«?. Dr. Ruhndorf $ .esigili Mpei ialist 84*4 Bri. n i» ly llltlg Maio .CZiMl Morrlw.n »I Broadway TURKISH (* TX)MLST1< J ttLKND c I o W e are pleased to announce a drop in the price of O V E R L A N D Automobiles. The new prices are as follows: OVERLAND OVERLAND OVERLAND OVERLAND FOUR, 5-pasu. touring $853 R O A D STER .............. $853 S E D A N ................. $1475 C O U P E ................. $1225 l . ake the Camel package for instance. I t ’s the most perfect packing science can devise to pro­ tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper —secure foil wrapping— revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there’ s nothing tlashy about it. Y o u ’ ll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember— you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. I f you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine— and one entirely free from ■ cigaretty aftertaste. "" — ■ 1 1 ■ - ■ ■ J These prices are the delivered prices at any point in Columbia County. You cannot get a better car than the O V E R ­ L A N D for the price. W e will he glad to dem­ onstrate this to you at any time. I t ’s Camels lor you. Deer Island Garage L. ViRNGAfTHBIt, Pr«>prl*for Kl. Ilo P b u s O ffiiv . S. I i n ' i.i -.1, lt|i|.sii». I lazo ì fiorai, ry NEW PRICES ANNOUNCED V T E C A U S E wo put thi utmost quality into this ■*—' one brand. Camels arc as good as it’ s pos- s*ble for skill, money and lift long knowledge ot fine tobaccos to mab: a cigarette. Tiii-.il«y of every week. Agents for Columbia County Pliaaa i * m a Ik w r Island. O r tg o a S. lo 7 P. M — J REYNOLDS T Q B A C r o COMPANY. Wlaat— S.Um. N. C.