PAG E S E V E N «»I lo th» submarino »lullen ln New kS p O K I ' L A N D ’ S who bud known and lovd Ibe sleep­ death, the way to do it I» by »nine County Court of the Slate o f Ore­ N A T IO N S N E W ID E A L * n l R . A i i i i i m for the puip o . „r mukiiig expression of good will t o those who gon, for Columbia county, and that ers. O F F A T R IO T ISM Monday the 27th day of June. 1921 preliminary uui vey * U1| taking Those »uuie graves will be flow er- are »till livin g.’*— Exchange. at the hour of 1 1 o'clock in the fore­ President lluril | « bui ne ol lo n g u e l enii nuvul prop »irewu by loving baud» iblu yeur JINUTON unii lo invile llie | erlle*. noon o f »aid day and the court room I Ini bile wur bui. Inoligli! u» u new NOTICE OK E lN A Ii A C C O f N T iiulliei A» to on uh lhe Hurvey 1» mude uml ideili ol Meinoriul liuy Service» In und wet again wilb Ibe teuru of the In llio Citunty Cuurt o f the Slate nf of »aid Court as the time and place «in Id lo partici for the hearing o f objections there­ ’ " i n r i l a n i l e t p o u l l l o n o f !>•“ “ « u m o u H t u e il, u r l u u l w o i k inni ti" inni y ni Ilio bave been belìi uiinple folu wbo knew und loved our Oregon, for Colum bia County. Hut Ibe American» whose lov ­ In the Matter o f the E«tate of Jamea to and the settlement thereof. 1 i, .uni h o u s e ( o l l o w c o n s t i uctln li ut i o n g u o P o m i will ne al Moine flxed houhiìii ni ilio yeur by ooyu. Dated and first published May 27. Andre»» dec ea s ed : nii.ii 'Hi of B o n a l o r u n U e r l u k e n unii e a r r i o d (ni wu rd w lih ■ ili penpb'h nf ull liinet und ull re- ed one» lie buried there will not tulli un1 upend the day In idle learu. For * ol ili 1 ( u v o r u l i l y fr o l l i j “ 11 ponili Ilio spemi Notice 1» hereby given that the 1921. ho repoi U 1 11 l/.ul Ine in faci cullili ulmoHl Ile Ibe ideal» wllb whicb we went into undersigned as administrator of the W. J BUSH, u relui"'"'* i ii i n i i i l l t o e Hen j i lined i In ninth tin* evolution of H ichc Die VV oriti wur, uud with, which we estate o f James Andre»», ueceased Administrator. NOI II I. I li i IU.1H IOIM .■lui imi i " " king "lune finin the time when »aw it through, have become a new has filed his final account in the J. W. Day, Attorney. 24-5t »uiid pul ilflpullol» III Ilio In lite ( n u l l i ) ( m i n n i III. s i a l e ni ' 1 f*'fl Mm undent» brought sacrifice» and ideal of national life, of which we i >r<'K«»n, for • • >1 li hi li iti < ounty. llhulloi, uf fund und wine to leave should be never ao couucious a» on 11 ^ndK" reported wllli N ittico I» b e re li y glveu litui Ihe oti the grave to (lie present oh Memorial Duy. It ha» becom e to r«cuuin»ii d a llo« Ilio Joint uiideiuiKued I iuh lieeu a pp o nili» ! tlu; set value of niai.y countries Ub hot the day on whicb we mourn inumili, ed by Sonutor uiliuinlHtruior o l Un; u»lule ni Cai It was after Mie close of the Civil tho» who artt with uv no more, but I juiliui i/1'" uppolniiuonl rie K W a l t e r » de ceased, by thè war that Memorial Duy nr Decora­ rather tho day ou which wo t a k e 1 ally w ith i uñada t ouuty * nurl ut i In ui I hh I uii lìtuin ni O regon thought of tho groat upflamiug spirit j , , 1 ,,. , nnm I" Ibe Noi til- , lir i „lum ina County, and lia quail tion Duy us we love to cull It, first of patriotism which led thorn in to tho became a great American holiday. •»tur» i" ">•" of l *,,J f(u siale are hereby noli A group of women of a Mississippi Como» our spirit and wo catch tho , • •• way (I) (Mil t ho pumo MO tu fled to present the »ulne duly veil city went nut on Mils day, when h II vision to carry on. uli,er I. lung oullawa who fled a» by luw re.iuircd lo l lui an Mie most beaut if ul (iowrs nf the yeur It will com o to us ou Memorial destro)me Mil» food fl»b. It dei signed, at Ituoiu I, Columbia were in iilnniii. In decorate th° Day that wo g ood Am ericans are I ,|„. n ,.lu iInn will pa»» County Hank Building, Ht. Helens graves of their loved ones who bud f u d n g conflict» aimoHt a» grave as fallen in behalf of tin. “ Dost C a u s e . " OruKoii, V/1 tli m tux in oí 1 11 1 : y from thw IHIHI'S. Many nf the Southern dead lay side those they faced In tho first lino» iluto hereof. by side with the enemy, hut there ovr there, and wo must gird ou r­ Outod unci flint. puhÜMhod Muy 27, We have a C(. K l < i i NG FOR were no enemy graves when M ipv selves up with courage. 1921 thousand enemies which we must bed finished, for ail alike had been ^Uh I OIN I S U R V E Y IIEN II Y J WATTERS, T o »It down flower strewn When the story of face Insidious one». AdinlulMlratoi Mils wn; spread shroud many North- and weep now would be but to be­ HINCTO. v . May 2« Con- J W Day. Attorney. 2«-*| ern cities set apart a (Jay i month tray the, bravery they have shown. MoArll .r has been advts- . —. 1 ------------ ------------—----- . ■ ■ later uh* i. the flowers in he c o ld ­ We must fight the little tongues of , yui.l. mil ducks bureau er climates were beginning to bloom revolutionary flame that are con- ,’.,vv ilei riment that Coin- profusely, and went out and d ecor­ »tantly darting up here and there; liáyloril chitrcli of the ated all Mie graves of Ibe soldier we must combat the restlessness, the discontent, we must fig ht the p r o f ­ Sub" nuvv formerly attach dead In their cemeteries I ItAMv Hlll-.I'A Iti), ft'rop. One by one Mie stale législatures iteers and the trade abuses; and we have (equally to fight o f f old, rWO* SI 'IIICIII I.K passed laws making Memorial _ 1' M (April 20 In nome of the sou nil ,rr ,loIl“ rY tendencies toward slipping ' a m r l back into old, stagnated channels. 1:30 statesi a legal holiday l.v Ht Meleti»..... 7; HO T o us ’ It " has I Sneered "t. *n 'e d, falsely W irm . . . 7 : n l : l b been more familiar as a day on which And so this year, even more than [ .1er tie Uttel Scappoose ............... 8:00 2:00 the . . meterles are visited and the last, Memorial Day will be a day Masonic Bldg. St. Helens Ar i ' o r t l a n d ....... 9.29 3:20 ¡grave not onlv of the Civil war on which we will consciou sly pledge . ,.4nr .1 " d I »Illy be and :ourselves anew to the ideals to which 4:00 l.v I'ortland ...............10.00 veterans, hut of all the dead, dec­ [ went 6:60 orated than as an occasion for great our boys, with all Am erica Ar si H eleni . 1 1 . 1.0 to war. ■ tiling I"' " id done A t I he pulriotic gatherings Sai ut day» and Sun. la«» All over Am erica there are to be Itemliibcent of that first Memorier I M.e May 20 Spel lai trip leavlng SI tleleie 8 p n> Day » " d the wav In which It drew gatherings together o f men, women l.eave l'ortlnnd t i p ui North and South together with the and children, as if all the com m u n i­ common bond o f their dead between ties o f the coun tr) had heard the them Is an Incident of bow this ho|l- voices o f the dead through the voice •!..v « . ved in France las, y e a r V ^ . ^ ^ v e U saytng; , r V . A great cemetery. where simple ,f fr,endH <>r ' 0Ved 0n“ 8 ° f i C.*7 freshly-painted crosses row on r o w ; " ur" w,Kh com m em orate us after! marked the serried ranks o f A m e r i - , ---------------------------------------- — — .--------- : can sleepers, had been hull! up near ■ ■* a Prttnch village Tlje simple folk A cool and refreshing Ice Cream >.f this village, with their own beau­ tiful but sad Jour des Morts, or a n ­ Soda or Sundae nual day of praying for Mie souls of I t hoir (lead, had heard that the next) Wil l. HIVE YOU MOHK I'EI* TO KINUill THE day was the day on which Americans UA\ S W O R K A M . FRESH Eltt’ lT FLAV OR * honored their dead so they sent a M ) l l REST RIC H EST H E CREAM ¡request to the American (“hospital j not far away, asking doctors, nurses, ¡canteen workers, und putients— all who could to join them early on the following morning ut the en- W ill take your car with S A V IN G S Account at St Helens’ modem, pro­ j trance to the cemetery just at the edge of the town. gressive Bank means more than an accumulation free storage until soiii. The r^mioos in whlrh the Ameri­ of money. cans would have gone were all press­ Car repairing, battery re­ ed Into emergency service, and when they finally arrived at the cemetery. It develops thrift habits. charging and repairing- It was late afternoon. The French ta m e , tc, meet them disappointed, It creates personal prestige. All labor $1 per hour. thinking 'h ey had failed to make then selves understood All the child­ It establishes credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. ren of 'he village, they said, had arisen at daybreak airfl gone out into It insures privacy. the fields and gathered dew-wet flowers until the graves 01 1«. It is a firm foundation on which to build for Américains had ben entirely cover­ ed from sight When they had wuit- future progress and financial independence. ed as long as they could, many of them went away sobbing that the GARAGE It causes savings to become productive. OUR grocery account is one of the im- flowers, which V e r e already hegir.- ^Houlton Oregon r ln g to droop could not have been p. rtant items in your monthly expenses. Begin saving now— open an account today. heh( Id In all 'heir freshness by those 192J W U l ^ o U o Refrigerators... You want one—we have them. May we deliver one to you? SF. HELENS POKIIANO AUTO LINE E. A. ROSS i -* m It’ll Refresh You P.'I * Bargains In USED CARS RIVERSIDE CONFECTIONERY It Pays.. A We Help You Save HARDIN’ S Y If wc can save somethin« on these bills we nave helped you reduce your cost of living. We kn w that a visit to our store will satisfy you that we can make such a saving for you- J. I,. WILLIAMS & SONS Mimi» 84-Vt Went Ht. Helen» Those Valuables r b a r t e r No. Reserve District No. 12 lt4 |M)i‘t of ('onilition o f the FIRST N A T I O N A L it Scappoose, in the Statu uf Oregon, at the close of business April 28, 1921. Cashier President Resources u Loans and discounts. Including redls- counls (except those shown in h and c ) . .3 1 3 5 924.84 a) ¡"..1..................................................... 135.924 84 3135.924 -4 Overdrafts, secured, n one; unsecured.......... 9.86 9.86 I'. S. (iovcninicnt securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value | ......................................... 25,000.000 '**"—^ ™ S T HELENS OREGON __ b All oth er United Stutes Government Se­ curities ................................................................. 16.360 00 R aj . _____ Ju/RGVG 1 Total . ........................................................ 40.360 00 IN C O L.U 'M b iA C O U N T Y Other iNinds, stocks, »erurltir», e t c . : ............ 41,367.21 Hanking house. $9 843.60; Furniture and fixtures, 38.030.43 ......................................... 17,873.9 3; Real estate owned other thau banking house 1,496.88 I 1,605.62 K (.'ash in vault .......................................................... * 9 213.34 9 lafwful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Net amounts due from national b a n k s .......... 10 731.40 11. Total of Items 9. 10. 11, 12. 13, and 14 19.944.74 I 5. Checks on banks located outside of city or town o f reporting hank and other cash items ...................................................................... 80.10 i Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and ’. 6. duo from U. 8. Treasurer ............................. ' 1 250.00 1 17. Other assets, if un.v: Adv for Svgs Bank, New Organization, Taking Full Control, Turns Prices 3115.13; ltit. earned but not collected. 3481.72 .................................................................. 596.85 i Back Three Years d L b Ui mbin^L o n n tvjiß auk Maxwell Prices Reduced— Now valuable papers that could nof be replaced, those In 1 looms; those important records. I i 19 20 . Don't keep them at home where they arc subject to fire, theft or ‘‘Spontaneous disappearance. Keep them behind locked steel doors in the salcty vaults of this bank. Act now for safety first and always. 21 . 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. We have just installed some new safety deposit boxes and have a few vacant ones left. Get one to- ‘W . for tomorrow may be too late. 33. 34. 55. MUST NATIONAL BANK 40. O F HCAPPOOHK 41. S IN CLA IR D a v i d W ILS O N , m k in n o n President w il so n . vie*MT«*id»nt E D W A R D E. W I8 T . ( ‘ »»hier ,|M'IU| nnd Stirpili» £10,04)0 United State» Depository Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent ........................................................ Liabilities Capital stock paid I n ............................................ Surplus fund .......................................................... Undivided profits ............................. 35 106.80 b Reserved f o r .................................... 481.73 c. Less current expanses, Interest and taxes paid ......................................................................... Circulating notes outstanding ........................ Net am ounts due to national b a n k s ............ Cashier's checks on own hank outstanding Total o f Items 22, 23, 24. 26. and 2 8 . . Individual deposits subject to c h e c k ............ Certificates o f deposit due tu less than 30 days (oth er than for money b o r r o w e d ) . . State county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge o f assets o f this bank. . Other demand d e p o s i t s ....................................... Total of demand deposits (oth er than tiank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 27. 28, 29, 30. 31 and 3 2 . . . . Certificates of deposit (oth er than for m on ­ ey bor r ow ed ) .....................................••••••• State, county or other municipal deposits secured by pledge o f assets o f this bank. . Other time deposits ................. Total of time deposits subject to R e­ serve Items 33, 34, 35 and 3 6 .......... Bills payable, other than with Federal Re­ serve ¡tank (Including all obligations rep­ resenting money borrow ed other than re­ discounts) .............................................. .. Bills payable with Federal Reserve B a u k . . $ 8 4 5 3260.500.03 TOTAL Tho J. H. H U T C H IN S O N S H E R M A N M. M IL E S BANK 5.00ILOO 6.587 52 6.587.52 23.500.00 6,214 43 1 419.26 7.633.68 71,268.20 750 00 17,304 07 1.50 89 323.77 3.540.80 3,000 00 92,401.78 NEW PRIC K LIST Tou rin g Car 31035 Roadster *1038 Sedan 31795 F. O. B. St. Helens Coupe 31085 I Can Make Immediate Delivery 98,942 58 8 ,0 0 0 00 3.100 00 TOTAI< ........................................................ 3260.500 03 STATE OF OREGON County o f Multnomah, sa: I F F Wist Cashier o f the above-nam ed bank, do solem nly swear that the .hove statement Is true to the best o f my ^ o w l e ^ g e ^ n d belief. siiitucrfhnd and sworn to before me this 5th day o f May, 1921. Subscribed anu swi r . w R YOUNG. N O TA R Y PUBLIC. My com mission expires March 10 1922. C O R R E C T — Attest: DAVID McK WILSON. D W. PRIC E, i. Q. WATTS, Directors. The last step in the Maxwell reorganization was the sale o f the Maxwell properties to the new and pow erful o r ­ ganization. May 12. The first step o f the new organization was to raise the value o f the g ood Maxwell still higher, by restoring prices to the former low level o f 1918. The reduction is 3150 on each o f the fou r ^models, e f ­ fective at once. This is the second price revision made by the new o r ­ ganization; and the total reduction from the high level, since Sepk 28. 1920 has been «RIO ou open car» and |UA4) on closed cars. T h e new organization now ow ns the great Maxwell ^ la m s outright. Its way Is clear tc carry out in full its larger plans and policies. It pledges Itself never to stop w orkin g for the further betterment of the good Maxwell, and for the greater satisfaction o f present and future owners o f this g ood car. J. H. FLYNN Agent for Columbia County «7 he flooti A X W E L L