St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, May 06, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    T H E ST. H E L E N S M IS T . F R ID A Y
10:30 a m.
All member« de*lring
G H . 4 N G F
bolieve it economically
unsound. M E E T I N G 111 ' I ’ O M l l W
I'onuMia tiranne of t’olumliia comi to attend the national Krnn^e should
; u> unjust and governnii'iitally
»sent and take the fifth dourer
ty will meet with Fern Hill urtUK*' he pres
the —
sellimi house, .. south
A 11 T A U B E M Mastei
sau*s tax
l i f t would
iliu m , shift
s in n ! in
"T h e r sales
■ i
-i -0111 interne ■ ;
' ■ : "
■ Q' ■
and excess profits to a tax on funda , •
• ,iis such as food, fuel, clothing
Nitiionnl F< •!■ i i t i o i i « ( Bur au* II !•'«
P r o v itlo ii' I n f air in Fat«' <>f I all-
\ orotic effort has beer, made to
in*; ('<»1« Fl«'wh«*re.
T a r iff on repeal the execs* profit tax. but as
. better way for raising an equal
Food Products lU-> •'ll.
at >unt of r venue has been found
the federation opposes Its repeal
ent with
(Published by Arra
1 miller Needs Aid.
"M ore than $16.000.000,000 in se-
l uritii s now escape a federal tax. 1 he
the adjournment o. the executive
,it:o: reeiuuniSi ds to congress
committee of the A: 1 f ’ >
! j submit to the several states a
weeks' session, some definite recom­ ing the issue of alt tax free securi­
mendations of cr-
the agricultural industry have been ties.
"Recent experiences have detuon-
placed before the administration and - rated that the farmer is not being
ud quately financed through our
The committee recommend* the present system When he avails him-1
abolition o f that section of the trans­ self of tho present short time com­
portation a.'t .1-
d ' t " i'
:’i mercial credits he jeopardizes Ills
return to the railroads
Tir feder­
ation demands e.;-:al pr
«'Ion by-
> imp' >ve this situs “ >tt the
tariff on agricultural product*.
American Farm Bureau federation
It is oppos d Uefir.i*• ■> and aggres­ urn s 1 - Halation which will provide
sively to the general >.il* ' ’ ax
t:ie proper authorization for commod­
ity financing based upon warehouse
\»k* Ft-ci- Lumln-r.
The bureau demands free lumber receipts also for cattle financing
and free fertilizer nrd _-r iter lib- ha-ed upon the proper pledge and for
erality in the m atte r ..f : dit to the personal rural credits secured by tHe
lt also
prop t Insurance features.
Federal Reserve bank
Among those v i m o -or - i-. ' v. >h así s tbat tli» profits derived from
federal reserve batiks be nado a
the American Farm bur
se-oion In rev ilvltr; fund which may be us* d to
the executive co- mitt,
forming a legislative p ■ cy ",.e -tec- pr o de working capital during the
interim between the time when re-
retarv Hoover. S- cre •. rv \4
aes's for money are received and
Governor W. P G'.-ng, of the
Federal Reserve b.-afl' > F I.ev. r, ti .. sale of debentures. It Is sug-
o f the Farm Loan bank: T ' >n i ; Mc- p si ,1 that these debenture# be made
,-ible for - l i e in federal reserve
Donold. chief of the bur
: of put -
kg ir in the open market. It le
lie roads, and Edgar E. Clark chair­
man of the ir.tersta'e comm**:- •' com­ 1 - . sugr sted that the federal re-
- rve
urd be given proper author-
ation to so classify rediscounts that
Th.ese. together with many other
official# of the executive depart­ prlr, iry production may he given
The feder­
ments, gave considerable co-o; .'ra­ adequa't.
tion in the discussion of the 1 —is- ation re. .mi . »nils legislation which
will make it possible for th-? federal
lative program.
An authorized summary of what farm loan banks to increase their
was accomplished a' this conf'—euce maximum .oan fro >nt $10.000 to $2 5.-
in d ic a te # among other things, the 000 and it urges all the country
fo llow ing:
at ks to Join the federal reaorve
! banks.
Fairness Is Urged.
PU(>nP Increase« Hit.
"T h e Am-rican Far::. P ,re,u f-1-.
coniUiittee Uas been appointed
eration believes that
, . .ads must
,.rate ,wtU the Washington ot-
render adequate s. v e
but they
(he iederation ln making a
should receive a - -mo
. ra
“ ■ t a le ful study, setting data, securing
return based upon fair and Juat ral-
Jf* Ixperts and formulat-
uations M e realiz. ' r v -he farmers
measur« as wtll meet the
pei . d i p . have i . i t t i e t l T r a v e l e r s Cltei|ucs to
cvci v nook and cranny ot the earth.
Inexpet tenecil travelers .ts well as veteran
Kiln- trotters have found this form ot self,
.-untying tr.ivel funds essential to their
c o m fo rt.
When y<»ii huy Trevelers Clieques at this hank
u im v e i t yuttr travel money into a form of
i in i envy whir h is readily negotiable anywhere,
ann yet which can he spent hy no one but you.
I'ravclei s Cheques are popular with tourists
In cause they positively safeguard travel fund*.
I hey are p quilar witlt liotcls and railroad and
v.unship companies because tfiey are not al­
ien , l o o t to thieves and because they elitnin-
ate embarrassment and hazards incidental to
cashing personal checks.
W e u ;aul the sale of this international cur­
rency as one of the most important phases of
• air complete hanking service,
lt costs little to insure your funds against loss
hy purchasing Travelers Cheques at this hank.
First National Bank
Thc Sign
of a Service
( I I 4 S
M i l l NS, « IM F .
i .It 4 II 4 M, 1 ’ r iw l.l. n l.
s .n In*;.. m ill I lias k in g \ t r u u n l«
At First-class G arage*
4 l I I 11 MS I Mdd. r
S n f. l j
Mr|»..«it llo tr ,
American Express Travelers Cheques
For Sale
ami oilier Dealer*
ness to the carrier« and we desire to unancial needs of agr culture as out-
It i -
p. ■» lit 1 tliat lari
f ipnp ous public utility corporations such
“ The transpo’datlcr.
the American Telephone 4c Tele-
contained a provision w
to compel the Interstate eomr (x l cr . ¿rap!) company by use of .subsidiary
commission to make rates sufficient . corporation® are enabled from the
to produce a minimum net return of public, where aubsidlary corporations
5t£. 6 per cent or more above all
expenses and taxes on the preset vice in such a manner that the public
value of American railr
" * rv‘ce ‘••ommt-su.n is unable properly
"T h e American Farm Bur . u fed- « « regulate rates, we recommend
eration believes this pr-. ' Ion is pat- our attorney be instructed to
ernalistlc class legislation, as It at- !i*ke such action in all case* as m
tempts to make a govern’ i . nt g laran-1 llls opinion will .-ecurc relief for
ty on the cost plus basis. This pro- members of the lariu buteau and it.
vision has caused the rnnm l- ;ion to public generally.
establish excessive increases in rates
The American 1-arm Bureau fed-
which have served to paralyze Ameri- -ration, believing it is contrail to
can industrv
public's Interest is opposed to placing
a tariff on lumber, either rbugli or
Hus ,\t G ssrsatee.
u l , comn . ted to ., del
“ They have conic at a time when iriit«, constructive foiest preserva-
other lines o f business are reducing
aB(j reforestation policy,
their charges. The federation there-
Yore I •
against t »riff on fertiliser.”
mediately the guaranty provision in
. ........ .
„ , ....
section 15A of the Transportation
Act. and to instrnst th<
to make a readju-’ ment of railroad Tlrown, India: a; \\ . G. Jamison, < ol-
rales back to pre-war basis in har- »rado, am; < hes'er H. Gray. Mis-
mony wltk ot]
souri, to make a study ol Muscle j
TH E U . S. R O Y A L C O R D
A famous tirp— r famous tread.
A c k n o w led ^ «! ami>nsf motorists and
dealers alike as the w orld’s forenv st
example of Cord lire building. A l­
ways delivering the ante i»peated
economy, tire after tire, and season
alter season.
T h e stripe around the sidewall ia
registered as <i UaG»-in;iik in the U. S.
Patent Otlu-e.
Jlcaw you can measure
tire value In îcm
revising our tariff lav.
the sixtv- to Hire nee. ary engineers, and re-j
seventh congress will levy duties port their findings to the executive
upon imports, not upon a revenue committee.
basis only, but with a view to the [
"T h a t federation recommends that I
protection of American industries.
’ here should be necessary legislation
“ The American Farm Bureau fed- ' ..merning the meat packing industry |
eration urgws and deu nd for igr!
; restock •
to ft
culture treatment that will afford the livestock producers aga;r.«t unfair
American farmer a protective ta Iff practii
W e reaffirm our previous
upon farm product- equivalent to the -■•«olutioi. a-king for fair and just
tariff upon products o f the factory. I a legislation
whether such tariff be imposed upon
"M •• believe any regulatory control
a spec tic or ad valorem basis, and we should be vested In the t nlted States
urge that no eilusive shuffling of department of agriculture rather
rate schedules or other methods be than in a "parate commission
employed to obscure this general
"T h e
former stand in opposition to the 1
“ W e r e c o g n iz e that in arriving at a per cent federal excise tax on land,
fa ir n
.. dif- formerly known as the Nolan bill
ference in co-- of production be-¡and Instructs our Washington office
thi« and fore
, i j c actio® known to con-
countries must la the primary factor «tress.”
ln the process.
Evil« o f Constipation.
N e w Point Raised
the most serious o f the
“ In arriving at the American labor
dl-.-ase- caused by constipation is ap­
cost of food and other farm prod­
If you would avoid this
ucts we demand r n h o u w a g ' bn«. | pendicitis
I r both for the farmer and bin help, d.-.-igerou disease, keep your bowels
For this purpose Chamber­
that shall eompor* w-itii the hourlv regular
wage ,-,f equally skill 1 In f o r ir man­ lain's Tablets are excellent, easy to
•ake and mild and gentle in effect
ufacturing and o*hcr indusfri-s.
" W e fu r’ her call attention to the
Silverton —Construction work on
important and differing factors that]
must he considered affecting f o o d ' new post office to begin at once.
products from the American farm In Other new Improvements for Silver-
their relation
;p to .mports of like ton being planned.
products from foreign countries.
"Our center o f production from
the farm of food products is some­
where in the Mississippi valley, while
Doe* Your Car Need
our renter of consumption o f food
products is in the populous areaH of
the East, many hundreds of miles
away from the center of production.
"Ocean rat.-« from competing coun­
tries are so much lower to our con-
suming centers than are the exhorbi-
DR up to the minute
tant and increasing freight rates from \
our own farms to our own consum­
ers, that we urge a consideration of
come to our shop—
this very Important condition now
menacing the farmers o f *ho South.
West and Middle W»#t.
W e also carry a full
Hale« Tax Opposed.
of Tires, Tubes, A u ­
“ Agriculture neither asks nor de-!
mands any sp e.’al favor- In the re­
to Accessories, etc.
vision o f th<- tariff nrd will tolerate
no unfair dFcrii naDon a-rain--' It
for the benefit of other branches
o f industry.
and Repairing.
" T h e committee highly commend­
ed the section of th" president' mes­
sage in which he said, 'The country
does not expect or will It approve a
shifting o f tax hur-ten« ' The com­
mittee recogtiizes very little value In
the great amount o f prop —inda ti it
has been rarrled on dttrln • the ia-.t
year from the shifting o f taxation
from Income to const mptio-i l .
R e p a irin g ?
F T E N it’s surprising' the number
o f different tire views that coma
out in a chance talk at the curb or in
the leisure of a friei
Almost every day y ucorne
across the man human amut h
to believe he can outguess
the cut-price tap on “job-
lots,” “discontinued lines ' and
“ surplus stocks. ’
fi ñ
U S Tim
f u // - m on « y ' «
Witlt ii
H is opposite is the hard-
pan car owner w h o sticks
year in and year out to a
s t a n d a r d brand as the un:y
rational economy.
country to at other to “find a market/
Them nr. - 9/. U.S. Factory Branches.
Each t > : , its share o f U . S. Tires.
1 here is a broad, constant, even dis­
tribution of U. S. Tires a lw a y s going
on from the.«- B ra n d ie s to ttie dealer.
Buy a U . S. Tire an yw h ere
— in a community o f 500people
or even ]< , and you get a
f r e s h , l i v e tire of c u r r e n t
f rodi tion— with all the orig­
rvice and mileage the
factory put into it.
M an y will remember the scarcity
o f Ll. S. Tires last year.
A hardship at the time, but a bene­
fit now. There are no U . S. Tires to he
worked o ff— no accumulation — no
f o r c e d selling o f any U .S . bi *. -d — no
shipping of tires from one part ot the
United States
C O P E L A N D A U T O CO.. St. Helens. Ore.
D L L R IS L A N D G A R A G E , Deer Islaml, Ore
H A R D I N ’S G A R A G E ,.......... Houlton. Ore!
i lie ow ner of a medium or
light - w eight car stands on
equ.i! ground with everyother
car owner.
Anv United States T ire is a uni-
• fuP money . w o rth — hacked up
of ' i / u u l
' ’ convenience and price
for e v e r y b o d y .
" Th
ss Tires
Rubber Company
C L. W l K S I R O M ,........... .Scappoose, Ore.
Ht 'I"*
t Hi
. * *
muk O (*•*•
Vernante, Ore.
W .irren, Ore.