.,r,T to mict ppthaV 1ANUARY 21. 1921 PAGE TWO OVER THE COUNTY FARM BUREAU DRIVE NOW ON IN EARNEST WARREN The farmer of Mnn County r up and doing. Their drive for membership under tha direction c the Oregou State Farm Pureau wlm Ceo. U. ray of Missouri, organlior i . .. , of the American Farm llureau r en Mr and Mrs. Wllford Holing.. rat ,n cnar(5e of the rgnnlath.w worth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ftg one of tn8 gpoakors. The Hollingsworth Sunday. I, ,!. ,.r ih wpelt'a tmeak. The local camp, Woodmen of j Guy Lillich roturned to work at ' )our wpre h(1,d yesterday. Geo. World, gave a very successful dance .a Goble camp Sunday. i, rav and A. C. Joy. of Ashlana. and social on Saturday evening. A Mr and jlr9- e. Morton, Mr. ana Jackson countv, spoke at Shedd an large crowd enjoved a fine series 01 - jirg p. g Herman and Mrs. Peter- Tangent. Geo. A. Mansfield, presl. dances. Many young people of St soa attended the cantata at St. Hel- dent cf the State Federation and W. Helens attended. . Music was furu- ens Sunday evening. j Garner of Pallas, Tolk County, lshed by the Warren orchestra aiu Mr and Mrg John Farr of Waf wpr(j Rt Provi(,eno6 snd crabtree. a good time was had A T;a?, Iren. visited friends on the Flat last No memberships are solicited at of the most successful and entertain Sunday these meotlngs. which are purely ing dances ever held at Warren anu odiicaMonal in nature. the promoters figure on holding an- .S;";f" ! Next week. January 14-59. an In- WANT ADS" WIN SEAT IN CONGRESS FOR HER nthor in the near future A good timo is promised by the of fleers of the Grange at Saturday's meeting. The instalation of otfic ers will be followed by a program and dance. Luncheon will be serv ed aud a livley time is promises. Mrs. Effie Brown was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Farr on Moi. day evening. A meeting will be called In the near future by those interested lu berry culture as many of the farm, ers are preparing to put in main acres of berries in hopes that suf ficient numbers will be obtained ti. warrant the erection of a plant for the manufacture of the products that come from them my be secured either bore or at St. Helens. Some w!!l put in peppermint for the manu facture of oil. Chas. Kostek, thi. newly appointed fruit inspector, will be astted to le present and aid !. the enterprise. His appointment has given much pleasure us he is an extensive fruit grower. C. M. Hepkell of the Oregon Berk shire Co.. is holding an auction Bale Cuests last Tuesday Mrs Nagel's par. onts, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bennett. Mrs.' Wm. Sodderberg entertain ed a number of friends last week in honor of her birthday Those present were Nagel, Mr. and Mrs. Lund, Mrs. Muse and children, Mrs. K. Masten, Mr. and Mrs. S. Nagel and daughter and Mrs. Lillich. tensive soliciting flrive will ronow led by trained solicitors. The far. mers'of Linn County are thorough, lv aroused and determined to rera- ' Tnrt Mr. v,n P'"'p"t conditions as shown by Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' 1, ,..., ,. aA .i .ha Hie riliiiuaiantu iuuhihoivm .... meetings held on yesterday. It is confidently expected the Mnn Coun ty Bureau will go over the top and have one of the largest Farm Bur- q r a rr,iorr' eaus in the state. I oWVr r UVJac. j The workers will have a monster banquet at Albany, on January IS, E. E. Wist, cashier of the First and on Saturday. February 6. a meet. ; National Bank was In Cornelius sev- ing will be Held at the Ainany i ora. tea . 1 I .' IS A The CaletwaitN! . Bergmann Shoes ' Awarded GOLD MEDAL P. P. I. B. Ban Francl xo, lm The HtroniCMit and Nearest rtof Mhite Maeta MIM.MKN Wale. HlK IAKM1KUH. CiUIHKIW. twii.i.mtvn nav m.i. HIIIIKEBJ TIIKO. IlKlttJMANll HIIOK MKU. CO. flat Ttiarmaa Htrrrt I'orUatt ASK FOU TUB HBItOM ANN WATERPROOF 8I10K OIL : mm Miss Alice Hobertson. owner and manager of a cafeteria at Muskogee. Okla., not only had the courage (o run on the liepuhlunn ticket for a seat In Congress in a Democratic stale hut stir 'n ducted hei campaign through 'lie "waul ads' of hci district's pa pors and was elected Kcho -Pendleton hlghwav will to mmpleted wlllilil week. eral days this week on business mat. munlty house to organlre Linn Coun- ters. Wist Monday evening and gave tn bride a miscellaneous shower. Tne ccuple received ma-.y useful gifts acci the forty or more people who surprised them had an enjoyable ev ening. Delightful refreshments v ei e served. 1 The Millar. Woodruff mill has re sumed operation after havln hmn next week to d.suose of his herd ot ; 'die for several veeks. The com. thoroughbred Uerkshlres. .pen employs about 18 men and is John Josephson has sent one of one of the substantial enterprise his prize.wiiiiiing Holstein steers to, In this community, tha low er end of the county. The At the annual meeting of the animal is a thoroughbred registered stockholders of the First National one and contains the best plood j Bank the following officers wero strain in the country. fleeted: Sinclair wllson, president; The teachers and" pupils of tnu D- Mack Wilson, vice president anl Warren schools held a basket sulo Edward E. Wist, cashier. The bank social in the Warr'i hill on Thurs- i has enjoyed a remarkable business ty's Greater Farm Bureau. This will he a big interesting meeting to residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ''" ' .h eSieU 111 II1B UIUTCIUVUI BID 1U1IIVU, A number of friends called at the Seaside Crown-Willamette Paper ''o will resume operations near her. employing about 500 men. day evening. A good crowd present and an enjoyable time had. . '.'. VERNONIA was was during the past year and the increase in its resources indicates the growth of the Scappoose section ot the county. WILSON'S 2nd-Hand Store HOl l.TOX, ORK. We buy, sell and exchange all kinds of ccoud band goods. V will buy aaythiug aud pay the highest market price. S us. PHONh! 52-J There are many cases of smallpox in the vi;mity. Tiie attendance at the school is about 60 per cent. Mrs. Webster, Mr. Bergerson, Mr. Hall, Mr. Johns, Mr. Brown and Mr. Emmons are under quarantine from smallpox. i .Mr. John and Teck Mills have in vested in an old car wbich they have put in running order. The doctor came to the school ti ' vaccinate but no one cared to be. ' vaccinated on Saturday. There are but few who have Uot bad the small pox i:ss Fannie Cooper, principal of the Vernouia grammar grades, is i:tuyingup at Mrs. Duncan's because 1 boarding place is quarantined or small pox. Bill Brown gave another big dance at-4tlie pool hall Friday, January Mr.- Harve Duncan has bought Mr Elmer Bersrsou's truck and hU v.crk' of hauling the high school children up the river ' Mr. Tipton, an old war veteran of the Civil War. died on the 13th day of this mouth. He was the father ot M--S. Will Hall and Mr. J. E. Tipton. He was hurled on Mr. ar.d Mrs. W L. Hall's plate January 14 1921. Mr. Beock Is having a nice house built which is almost finished. It is one of the nicest buildings in town. Messrs. Counts and Dunloi are doing the work. Mr. Linberg has moved up here o: the Alvin .Mills place. It was his brother who was lost while huntin.; hern on Dec 3, 1920. The boys and girls class of the Sunday School hav had a conle. for membership, which closed on Suh4ay. January loth. The girls wer' victorios and the boys gave a Party for. the victors at the home of Mr, and Mrs: Floyd Leslie Kridav evening,' January 14th. A very pleasant evening was spent in plav ir.g games, after which refreshments were served. Everyone enjoyed the evening., " " ' . COLUMBIA CITY Make Good Your New Year's Resolution Let us overhaul your Automobile, as you well know it deserves to be. Let us inspect your car to see if everything about it is in good working order. It may be that an inspection might result in saving you an accident on the road, and the expense to you will be very little now as compared with what it might cost if not attended to. Bring in your car or phone and we will call for it. HARMS BROS. Expert Auto Mechanics Shop One Block East of Depot St. Helen, Oregeu Tel. l.TU-J Different Colors of Paper Many buiineu men have a system of minq different colon of paper for different printed tormt, thus distinguishing each form by its color. Ws can work this system out for you, using the Utility Business Paper, and you will find that it saves you time and money. Let us show you the advantage ol stan4 udizing your paper and your printing St. Helens Hardware or Standard Merchandise at Right Prices SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PEERLESS WALL PAPER UNIVERSAL RANGES MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGES VIKO ALUMINUM WARE WINCHESTER AND STANLEY TOOLS GIANT STUMPING POWDERS ROOFING AND BUILDING PAPERS SASH AND DOORS COMMUNITY SILVER THE WJVCffSTA f TORE f UUMl Uf" V 11 .fl Herbert Whartrm. Mto. Ty..,i.. Wharton and Alphonse 8verveln ' motored to Portland Friday to see the auto show at the auditorium and th evening performance of the 1 "Bird of Paradise" at the Heillg The ! ater. MIbs Letha Kinir has been Tlsltlng ' her sister, Mrs. Ed Wilson .MIbs '' King has chosen nursing as a pro- I fession and will soon go to St Vin cent's Hospital to engage in her du ties. 1 We understand Roy Copeland, of 1 ht, Helens, has purchased the Ed Sommarstrom home on River View ! Hill It is modern In every way i and Mr. Copeland will have a home i to be proud of. ! With the furniture factory closed ! kmhi irj ana the Bhipvard not running up to its full measure we are anxiously waiting for some' thing to turn up that wil put more KICK and create more activity among the residents of this commun-ly- Parties with capital are in vited and oportunity i8 at your door For shipping facilities we have the Columbia River with the main shin channej within 100 feet of shore Al bo the railroad and paved highway Js five blocks back. Ccn you beat BACHELOR FLAT Miss Lois Masten was a guest of Miss Viola Sodderberg Saturday. Mr. Nessman started to work ft. the Pennlnsula Mill Monday. w.Mr'J1Pd. Mrs' Earl Bennett and Miss Ethel Bennett were dinner guests of Mrs. H.. T. Bennet Sunday. mi Ewy MERCHANT In Ik (mm. mil w hmtu m 4 & firrai wound in, it m )vot gf lbs TRADE - AT HOME idea. ll promotat eomruiil; pridt, pep snd GROWTH. ll a only mry i term nippor) i pennl it irwty wfflmj ki Itvort child. Thi low snd neiiUnrhoad sf oun is tU CHILD. We, Ike alum, srt tks PARLNTS. The butincw snd ndustries of this eomrmmity m tKs TRAITS of the chili Ther should be wpporlsd. TU lUld be DEVELOPED to Iks i4nott-atwuisckao-4snm tolenU developed, tkt (nster Dm mm, or OUR TOWN. Our loTu-moMly tH-ert BUYERS IN THE HOME MAR. JretktlitatbsmtrckinU end publjc-eptnud men who DO THLNCS mlhit town. And tkst thets men csnnot do BIG thmgt unlcst ike home butinett it pilronind. THIS NEWSPAPER it on. of tkt BUSINESS institutions of oartown. k needt to be tuppond-lh. sun a tny line of met. chandaini CrrcwUrioci aubKrcxnc for this puper-it one wty of tup- cr,wRCHAN's "I FARM BUSt NESS MEN lo buy sdverbtini .sot in ike columns of thi. m Newtospet sdnrbtng it tne FOUNDATION STONES lo """ , Buyirn of eenivt equipmtnt, lo U ormted by mrrmtnai help si ike sttempl lo pi "eiclueive" snd "di. wl m.nroilMuHlp.wphles, kss never impreued the BbnlecloMpenl)e n lbs "BUY-AT-HOME" TEAMWORK mssw for elU us lo Ml T0CETHER. nciTKii iti TTint m ki:s ltni(iini;ii IttltKs anil on Hint basis we endeavor Ui otlcr tin) faiiillit-s ot this sec i. mi only the very best print ani. iil creamery. ('hildron eat a lot f butter on bread and crackers and it should be the best, wlthoui a (aim of impurity and full of nourishment. Von will find ours .if that grade. Try It to-day. St. Helens Co-Opera, tive Creamery Assn! The Sanitary Market Th Markets of Purity and Quality of both fresh and cured meata. Nothing but the beit of meata will be 6old. We invite a personal inspec tion, and you will know after a visit to our markets that our methods of handling meat and the quality will satisfy the most fastidious. WK MA tit: ritO.MIT DKI.IVKKY MORTON & WILSON TWO MARKETS l enlrnl Market I'h.me 60 Strand M artel J'hoh it 14 STORES 14 STORES Twentieth Century Stores OREGON'S LEADING GROCERS Ten City Stores ilJTrT1" tl"'UHamU d"""" ronf.,,,,. , , llM1(y ,(f w (q ol it. Ii i i.. .. . . affee'ttl. '' Invite you to riilim t ur of our ati.r uiiinrrow. We nrv heartily jjhid In ftu-t any day and realise how far FLOUR: Wc have plenty at the old prices ; don t pay advances. Note a few (Old I'rienrlsj in these quotations: Standard Tomatoes 2 1-2 lb. cans 10c. Iowa Pack Corn 2 lb. cans, 2 for 25c. Ulythc Valley, FaCy Maine Corn, Del Monte Catsup, pint bottle, 20c. Swift's large size Washing Powder ' ' t 'V l l.'ike White Shortening 20c per lb. Proctor & Gamble's White Soap, 5c Bar. Royal White Soap, 5 Cents bar, 100 ban $4.85. I'lH'fda Biscuits, 5 c package, limit three, l'cal.erry Coffee, 30 c pound. Wcddinir lireakfast Syrup, 2's 50c, 4's 85c 8's$1.50. Uncle John's Syrup, pts. 35c; qts. 70c, hlf. Kaiinns 1.45. Gallon $2.78. THERE REALLY T5 Mn irr -wa,w iriVRfi liUU UMirAl Dt AOT7. . . T Twentieth Century Stores it I 4