St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, January 21, 1921, Image 1

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NO. 6.
Tolul of County Tax la 84.1 j City
I Tax Wore U 10.6 Mills anil HtIkmiI
w tm a. I I .. .... i I.I
THI am si PIMM. nuiHHWiiwi
crt-aiK Over Iaxt Year.
I The (as levy for Columbia county
lor th year 1921 In 21.10 diIIIh, ac
Bordlng to Count Assessor Hlakes-
f. Last year's levy was 15.60, tho
ncreuse fur tlila year being attribut.
id to tha hlRhur levy for the slate
s Tha levy, as seggregatod by the
ounty court, will be In part a fol
sws: For state purposes, .087 of a
kill; for llbrsry tax, 3.220 mills; for
Ehoul tax, 10.187 in 1 1 1 n ; for stale
re patrol, .026 of a mill; for coun
f fair. .182 of a mill. Tha bal
pce of the levy covers highway
IiikU, the various county offices and
tin h (I (lit Ion to the 21.1 mllla levy
We is a 7 mills general road (lib.
let tax, a 3 mills general roud
latrlct tax and a 3 mills mark
tad tax
all of which brings the
Itul up to 34.1 mills that all
Vyers will have to meet. Special
hool dlHtrlct lelea have been In
rly u 1 1 school districts of from 2
llh to 4X, the latter figure appl)
to dlHtrlct No. 36. Special lev
I are also made In eleven roud dis.
Municipal tax in vies In the coun
cils reported by tne assoHsor are
i follows: St. Helens, 10.6 mills;
an lor. 13.4; Clntskanla, 16.6; Hrap
se, 10 mills: Vernonla. ft mills
total amount to be raised by
n special levies Is $26,912.69, of
Ich amount $14,039.96 Is to bo C. M. lvMkoll announces that Mon
Itrlbuted by St. Helens taxpay. dny morning. Junusry 24ih. nt 10
t The taxpayers of Scappoose o'clock at his pluce at Warren he
I be touched f-ir 11,010.75, Ham. will hold a tmbllc sale of his rcitiH-
"$7,619.44; $2JS.73
I Vernonla $29 1. 72.
according to the tux levy aider
signed anl pliod on I I) In the
rk's office the total nHr-a, vi.1.
as shown Is $1 3.?S 1 4ift The
mills levy will rulso $1)1.127.28,
tad the 3 mills tat for renn,
ly roau ana tne sanvi ror in a runt
road will each produce $41,197 69.
The special school list rice lev'es will
t In a total or $169,240.20.
1 a county court estimates that
nerul fund of $209, CO. It will
quired to meet the expenses i f
aunty for the year and pay th
, and other tsxos due from tho
L Holens' school tax Is 27 mills,
i city tax 16.6 mills and the c un
tax 34.1 mills, making i total
for St. Ilelei.s i.i,n:' o nTI
7.7 mills or a fraction mora tnan
I on each $1000 of assessed vatu.
a, the highest the city has ovjr
' , . ..... . , i
d'T Martin Into re urned on
day night from the lower Ne
.....- ...
em, where no went to sne about
i-open'r.g of u quarry on the l-'inh.
rk. Ho reports that thnro has .
n ft heavy snow fall In the bill -
k of Ivorry. and that nil the log-
? ca,n,'" wr ,l01:'1' At ,,n"
:o tho snow was from ten to
Ivn 1 .1 nhaa il ii .. Ti 'I'll,, 4 1 1 .1 . u
y ' " """
le arrnn.remnts with the Kerry
";:ld.n0nlc n," . h"U.' ."p,,roV-
IVVu r u. r..r iruin . ... ,
r nuaary whlc, close to the
road. I he rock will Je hauled to
I w. ell . abtMtt ni.d.
t between Cirkenfold and Mist.
(when crushed wll le used to Iiii,
'". " ,l I
Sle and Victor have been
irdud a con tract for a povnlo In, In
Tie uarrv Vt d thnv I, J, a
Ite ay, 7b" rock Is o excel
ii?v ami there u lt nf i? T l.
lity una tiiero i.i lots or n. t ne
rry near niisi was woi-ULMi out niid
as necessary to rind another sup-
or iocs. (
xxr a tiTtt-".
1,'J "
.fter scverul weeks of hnrd work
allltif! (ixtureii und i c :itii'.i i o
er.iMr.g system, the C cliiiiiMn
r M-nt f'o'iinany vlll open tliolr
,'kef. Saturday morning In tl.e
o ro e.n f.t.-tiinrlv mdI hI bv ti e
V"iee.t Cl. .'Ifjl'vi ;! .u. i' U.
Ibei-R, who has markets at Clals.
in and Rulnier. Is the proprietor.
rJolm K. Wallur, who hus been
h Mr. Hnllher? for a number of
rt w II have cl'iirge of tbe pi it I
trtmeot. Pill Heeler, who has
n manager of tlie St. Ilolon i Co
ratlvo store, will luivo cliurne of
t. t-rc-orr department, Mr. Mull
It hav'ng I'oiight, the sto-'t n-id
nroa ()" that concern. The mar.
I ami -store hnvo been ovorhnul'.d
rpatutnd. and preiiont a very at
iMv nppcarunco.
lie annual meeting of the stock
lers of the Columbia County
k was held Friday night. The
Aholders elected the following
jctors: J. W. Day, Charles Gra
I, S. f. Miles, L. G. Ross and
ithe following officers: Sherman
is, presldont, Martin White, vice
Ildont, J K. Hutchinson, cashier,
t Madge Doaver, asslBtaut cash-
t The report of the officers
wed that the bank has enjoyed a
l business during the past year
t that the business was steadily
n una no uirtsuiuro uiuu-
A fuport iimilo out liy J. ty.
county clurk. shows initt the liumi.
In his oiriue increased i 19;.,
In comparison with 1919 ulso
thut alter deducting the expense ul
the office, u bulunre whh left for
county expenditure. The receipts
totaled $6,308.07 and were from the
following sources:
Recording, etc f 6,043. 46
I.i licenses 600.00
liana Hull Itemises 60. 00
Came Fees 4 2.62
. 16,450.67
.-4ulaili, clerk lilro etc. ,
Dog license supplies
Tolul '.
Ilalanci profit
During the year (here
instruments filed which
crease of 4 61 over the
$031. 17
were 2934
Is an In.
The roll of honor for Coble school
District No. 20, Is as follows: Prl.
niary. John Thommioii. A,.m.a
iThonipuon. Mary Thoinnson. Alice
tax-Thompson. Wlllard Ennls. Uertrota
Cuntwoll, llomor Gwln. Viola King.
Freddie lirawnnd. . .utoiiio Nlshl-
iniira, lone Nlshlmura
Advanced. Anna Kumbolskl, Iris
Mnk, Harold I'earl. Kvelyn Rambol.
ski. Glenn I'earl, Florence Lluhe, At.
ta Thompson, Jules Osliorno, Walter
Fowler, Floyd Lengnclier, Murlo
Cautwell, Muylielle Thompson.
tered Herkshlre boars, sows and pigs
and also dispone of a lot of farming
Implements. The great sire Winona
l,oo Champion 6th and Silver (lien
Champion will go In this sale. Tho
Oregon Rerkshlre company hus a
fine hord of registered stock and the
sale .offers an excellent oportuuity
ror parties to buy some young puro
brods and start a herd. It Is pro.
bablo that a large crowd will attend
the sale.
JnptUK-HO YesNcl Anyo Mnrn Ijiryrst
Kver In Columbia Itlvcr Two
Other Ijarge Hteumeis Also Take
on Cargoes,
The JapunOHO frolBhl and nnrsen
ger steamer Anyo Muru, tlio lares'.
morchuiit vvs.iul ever to comn Into
the Columbia river, arrived at St.
Helens Friday and after tuklnit on
8U0.000 f0,;t of umhor loft Mor.duj
fr i.,.an.l to the .-an..,-
(or Romano: io t
The vchhuI came
Jt'liile. via weit ci
from Valparaiso,
ptu it tinrlii nti.l M:,a
i..,.i.,. ., ,,.u ti,
flrHt Hlop Rfll,r p,or,, , ,!. r
, Bd(1Uon to her crew of 110 the
Anyo Muru hud an po:,3tj
three nttlllod japa!:eso and
cans who were liountl ro:- tl . i
UuU, in ,.t nui . s, ,u,.(,ll:
P'O Inspected tho vessel.
,ul Muru lH 010 :0voiil.
nitttia slcumors operated by the. Kalslio company, i'li.
, 470 twl ,, nu(J ., ,..., .
60 fe,.,. - (ioui,wo!ht to inu, e
, UM0 ond llt.r , weleh, ref.:a
tered tonnuge 16,739. Though
h fT, '
drawing 26 feet of waUir. f'c m' 'm i-
T j,.., ' ' 7 ' """""" " Bi " muru preciatmtr tne nnsf-ins "Iver, r .
er had no dl,flcuIly ,n entering or room wil put 4n a stock of army by the public are trying to prepare
!uav"' ,nU port nl lhe pld lo.d.'noodi. jthotr markets for betef serv rT
in ot ",8 cftrg0 wa8 a cBe'' faT-1 Th cantata "Holy Nlghf was reu 4 n v
rablo comment among the ship's of- derod lust Sunday night at the Me. ! MrR- B- M- EnBt and c- Chnpeh
fleers and the officials of the operat- thodist Episcopal church under the s,,rPr!,ed their friends by quietly
lng company. ! direction of G. L. Holllngsworth ana ""PP'nsr over to Vancouver, Wash.,
At th Bunlo t)mo thRt the Any0 ,)V th0 Bame cholr that appoared Jn and gotlng married. The happy
Muru wus hore, the U. S. Shipping the cantata Christmas eve. The ""nt took place on Monday, January
Board steamor Wheatland Montana, church was crowded and the rendL ' The happy coPln spent their
waH tn'ng on 600,000 feet of big turn was highly creditable. ".honeymoon at Newport, Oregon. The
timbers for delivery nt Hong Kong. W. J. Bheehy, special agent of the nrl(,a ,s weU known in St. Helens and
Tins siuamer, wiucn has a tonnage or Oregon Life Insurance, was In Bt. l" s,""M ' uruaim ouHiness per proceaure out tne mayor over.
10,000 tons, wsb built In Seattle In Helens several dayB this week cal- mnn- Tney wil1 maK8 their home ruled his objection.
1919 and Is one of the latest type ling on his many customers and look. ; m st- Hole's. . j Edward Veazle asked tliat the de-
of cargo boats. Her cargo consist. , lng up now ones. He reports that1 Representative Sherman Miles laved Improvement of Wyeth street
ed of lumber, flour, machlnory anu the pust year was the most success- tk advantage of the week.end an- I be taken up and he was ably sec
mlscelluneous cargo and Is consigned ful ono his company has had ana Journment of the legislature to'onded by E. A. Ross. It was de.
to parties at Hong Kong, Shanghai, that a great volume of life Insuratico spend the Intervening time at home. ,cfded that the former resolution be
Kobe, Manila and Singapore. After was written. (Aside from the fact that he feels ' republished and the city engineer
taking on the last of her cargo the J. W. Akin and a force of men a I,tlB lonesome, politically, our ban-! make another estimate of the cost ot
vessel drew 28 feet. She left ou
early Tuesday morning and proceed.,
ed to sen.
The mourner Mexican wan another
of the big ti'De of boats which took
on a parllul cargo. She left down
j river Friday with a full cargo of lum -
bor tor delivery at Philadelphia
A meeting of the new county fall
board was hold Monday and organ
izaiion enociea uy me eiucuon oi
officers. H. N. Lovelace was chosen be repqated by Robert and after an. Greenlee Brothers of Rockford, Illin
prosldont, R. H. Lund whs elected other day's close down he hones to ols. who are amone the nation' lar.
first vice-president, and Mrs. I. It.;
Kelty second vice president
Wllkeraon was unanimously elected
socretury and treasurer.
Tlio hoird made tentative plant
' ir tho 102t county fair and settle 1 j
ens on the 19th of this month, at W. Allen; vlco president. Mrs. Hur.
which-time thn public Bonerolly. an I ry Southard; secretary, Mrs. Long;
especlaly protective exhibitors, will ( treasurer. Mrs. K. K. Clark; chair-
be invited to be prosont and discuss man of the vurlouB committees, Mes-
fair matters with the board, liy; flumes Coats, Chllds, Robinson, Ad.
murtlng an oarly campaign the jams and Scott. The laules will
board hopes to lay the foundation j meet the third Wednesday of every
for an extra farm produce exhibit j month at 2 P. M. In the church par-,
iiii,, rau.
noon n nii' tit io n i 'i. fi . rvi
. zsmvzwxi
Li K'"t - Vi'y L uttlB 8ov who $
I jah n -not, L t!-
Local and Personal
Roy CHI was a business visitor In
Portlund Saturday.
George Shlnn was In Portland Mon.
day on legal business. i
Mavor E. 1 Unlit!, mnri . h...l
ness trip to Astoria Wednesday
F. II. I Iol brook was up from Gob.
Io Wednesday on a business mission.
Mrs. James Ellison of this city
v,Wa visitor In Portland the first o.
the week.
Manuger Jones of Austin's store,
wus among business visitors irom bi.
Holeni In Portland Tuesday.
,, ... . . ' .
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Clark of thb
?.i .c , i, W6re K business
-.v.. ,. jiu.cub uimtuBuu wou-
Earl Goodwin of Los, Cat.,
was a guest la .this ci.'y tbla week of .
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. '
11. Fuirley.
T. C. Watts came up from Reu.
ben Monday to assume his duties as
bailiff for Judge Eakln of the clr.
cuii court.
C olumbia county s agrlcultura
agent. T. J. Flippln. Jr., Journeyed
to Portland Tuesday on business con-
nected with the agricultural Intir.
csts or this county.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mundhenck
; nTM:.rr,zx:
l0ftonMonU.VtoVc.l7foi. wh
they will remain for several months. ; Pierce and family, Mr. and' Mrs. ous ro661'11? wer8 read approT
Tlio Mist has been requested to Walter Durham and family and Mr. eu- 1'he mayor stated that a meet
announce that there wll be no meot- and Mrs. Allen Hopkins, all of Port, ing of the business men of the city
Ing of the Women's Club on the 26th land had been held In reference to em.
of Uils month, tha meeting having R. 8. Hutchinson, brother of the'Pl'lnK nifrht watchman and that
been postponed until the next reg. Columbia County Bank cashier, ar a majority of them had been In favor
ulur session. rived In St. Helens this wem from f th Idea which, as the mayor e
James Lyons of Palera spent Sun- Michigan. Mr. HutchlnBon was at Plained, is to have a man as night
day In St. Holens visiting with bis one time a resident of this county, watchman and deputlxed as a mar.
brother. Harry and old time friends but has been absent several years sua! and whose salary will be paid
of this city. He Is a former resL .
uont ot hi. Helens 1 ut Is now locat.
ed In the capital city.
Parties were In the city Tuesday
looking over the business situation market by installing a refrigerating I ot the ,own llmlt8 and l' lt was n
wlth a view of opening up an army system and a big sanitary miat ro cessary to have police protection la
goods store. They expressed them. The firm has been in business In St other Parts of the city. tn8 daT mar-
w"- Su"""'."0. .r'-10..
started work Tuesday morning on :
making some
necessary repairs to
the building of St. Helens Lodge, No.
117. I. n. n V. ('nncroio fninwintinna
'will be nut In and tha tlmhem mil
rioor ot the first story will be re. ,
newed. The repalrB will cost In thv'
neighborhood of $1000. (C, paid St. Helens a visit this
I St. Helens will be in darkness next j week and remained over to meet tht.
j Sunday so far as Bob Cole's eleo- members of the Inspection party
trie juice Is concerned. The light who arrived this morning. Mr. Ed
I company will begin Sunday trans, j wards designed the tie perforating
ferrlng wires to the new poles anu i
!for that reason thero will be no cur-
rent Sunday. Sometime the latter
pan oi next weea tne juice Blunt win
have thn Juice going over the wlros
'on schedule time. .
Tho Indies of tho Cohgresatlonal I
church met nt the home of Mrs. Wm.
'Miiokle Wednesday afternoon
following (ifflcers wero elected for
I no roiii iiir vmir: frnRinniir nira .1
of St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams of
Deer Island were St. Helens visitors
J- VV. Allen and wife and Miss Ka-
'""rine . ,o .uwiii were rornand vlsl
torn Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Snencer. oi
Menomle, Wisconsin, are here on a
vIbU to their friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Wheeler
R. B. Magruder who Is head of th
H I U t ft CP nnH ranln rl Utlnn nrAtnni a
ciatskanle, was a business visitor in
gt. Helens Wednesday.
A .... . . . .. .
A fire caused by combustion of
creosotlng oil. occurred at the plant
of the St. Holens Creosotlng Com.
pany Monday afternoon. The dam-
age wbb nominal
The steamer Coaxet arrived in
Thursday and Is taking on a con.
slgnment of lumber and piling for
delivery in Japan. The vessel will
load approximately 1,000.000 feet o.
lumber and get away Sunday night.
n a niw . ..
i Belcher, chief treating en.
-'glnner of the Sante Fe. Ry. system
spent several days here this week
His company has a large order placed
with the St. Helens Creosotlng com
pany and he was here to see how the
.work was progressing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Broughton
j:!!!?' Baiiash meeting t0
.' !l
He may conclude to locate In our :
nildst airaln
Mor(ml . wt. ,. ,
nrnvompnt. in thnir sr.nj
HB,f',w of years and .p.
er feels that he Is going to like the i
Jo- Miles and a colleagtu
ara the sole representatives of the
Democratic nartv In the lower Tin
hence they have no difficulty In cal
""g a caucus.
D. W. Edwards of Washington T)
machine which the St. Helens Dock
and Terminal comnanv uses and ban
also designed many other wootk.
working machines for his enniunv.
t mnnufaeturers of wood working
TllO tinalrnt hall taama nt thn Or
'Helens school Bcored a double victory
rrinay nignt, when tne girls' team
defeated the girls' team of the Clat.
era nut no a fine aama and ahnwJd
remarkable team work The club
KOes to Rldgefield tonight and to-
morrow nleht nlavs a fast Portland
team. The club made i such an ex
cellent showing that no doubt a
large crowd will turn out to witness
the game which will be In the school
..u n .. i . . n.. - n -. .
Enroute to their convention which
will , take place li San Francisco
next week, seventy members of the
American Wood Preservers' associa
tion and the national association of
Tie Producers will visit St. Helens
today and inspect the lumber mills
and especially the tie perforating ma.
chine which ia operated by the St.
Helens Dock and Terminal company.
The party came west In a specUt.
train and stopped In Seattle yester
day to Inspect the lumber mills and
creosotlng plants. The only side trip
they will make is to St. Helens and
the Portland chamber of commerce
has placed at their disposal a num.
ber of, automobiles which will bring
the party to St. Helens. They are
expected to arrive here at 10 o'clock
this morning and after Inspecting the
mm and the tie perforating machine.
win ne taken to the St. Helens creo
sotlng plant. Lunch will be served
at the Columbia County Lumber
company's boarding house and the
party will return to St. Helens at
about 3 o'clock. Charles L. Wheel
er, manager of the St. Helens Dock
& Terminal company has charge of
the entertainment of the ' visitors
while they are In St. Helens and
E. H. Myers, manager of the Port
land office of the C. R. McCormlck
company will accompany the visitors
to St. Helens. In the party are
many noted engineers of railroads
and industrial enterprises through.
Lout the county and. their coming to
rieiens is an acgnowieagement
of the importance of the town as a
lumber manufacturing center.
In order to bring to their atten
tion the necessity for additional
quarters, the school directors lnvlt-
d a number of business men and ot.
finals of the St. Helens Chamber
of Commerce to visit the school-
house Monday afternoon. Every
'nom was visited and the crowded
-ond'tions noted and it Is stated that
'he visiting committee went away
h'.roughlv Impressed with the ne.
?oaaity of furnishing additional quar
ors or sronsorln the movement for
union high school.
Mayor Reappoints Attorney Who
Has Served City for Several Years.
Street Improvement Dlscnased. Re
corder's Salary Raised to $12A
There was a full attendance at the
council meeting Monday night when
r' The minutes of the pre,,.
by the business men of the town. It
is not expected the mayor stated.
that the night watchman would be
called on to do police duty outside
v -
other DUlnew housea indicated that
at Bst per month could be rais-
!ed by subscription to pay the night
watchman. Another meeting will
be held in the near future and It will
: be ascertained just how much the
; business men will pay for the night
watchman. Councilman Barnett
thought that Inasmuch as the mat-
ter had not come before the coua.
ell limn official way. It was not pro-
the lniDrovement.
J. W. Day was re-appolnted city
attorney and the salary of Recorder
Godfrey fixed at 126 per month, the
city to pay half and the water board
one half of the amount. Hereto,
fore the salary of the recorder and
water clerk has been $90 per month.
A. F. Barnett, chairman of the fin.
ance committee was instructed to se
cure and open up a new set of books
for the recorder. Many matters ot
minor Importance were acted upon
before the council adjourned.
Manager East of the Liberty The.
ater is congratulating himself ou
having secured some famous screen
nrnriuotlnna fnr thn onmtnv vaAfc On
Tuesday and Wednesday he will CowllU river and the markets her,
show Wallace Reld In "Hawthorne, are receiving all of the fish they can
of the IT. 8. A.' This Is one of the handle. Friday the ruling prion
excellent Lasky productions and hafciwaa 8l Pounds for 16 cents. ,
made a big hit with the movie pat-1 " .
Fnn, On Qnnrfiv inH Uahb tltt. J Til ' VMwIn Ttnam wit. V TKaM tffw.
Liberty will show Jack London'!
"The Star Rover ' It Is a nowai
ful photodrama. adapted from Lon.
don's celebrated novel and enacted
by a noteworthy cast.
Louis Miller Sues for 95000 Dam
ages and Gam Now Being Tried.
Several Other Canes to Be Heara
When Present Case Is Disposed of.
The circuit court is In umiIaii ami
the most Important case thus far la
the case of Louis uirller vs. Ernest -and
Marie Wasser. The plaintiff
and defendants live In the Goble
neighborhood. From what the Mist
can learn it appears that tha
.tiff, npon complaint of the defan
dants or one of them, was brought
before the county judge on Decem
ber 1920 and his sanity was ques.
tioned. After the wart ana the
doctors had made a thorough Invea
tgatlon, Miller was declared to b
sane and released from the custody
of the officers. On account of tha
occurrence and the fact that one of
the defendants swore to the eomi.
plaint against him, the plaintiff al.
leges that he was damaged to the
extent of $6000 and asks thta am
ount from the defendants. It took
only several hours to secure the Jury
uui examination or tne dozen or more
witnesses - had takwn np about two
days of the court's time. A enn
slderable part of tne population of
the Beaver Homes district !
here as witnesses for the nlalnttfr
and the defendant. Attorney H.
Arnold appears for the plaintiff and
and Glen R. Metsker represent the
defendants. It Is not 'probable that
the case will get to the jury late this
evening or possibly Saturday.
utner cases on the trial docket are
P. B. Harding ts. Silas Graham; A.
E. Saul vs. Shanfion B. Shaffer; U
Bell vs. Clatsop County: Pavld Hardy
vs. California Trojan Powder Com
pany and Edward C. Brooch, et al
vs. SUte Bank ot Rainier. All ot
these cases are equity cases and will
proDSDiy m heard daring the com
ing week.
The session of tho court has
drawn a- number of Interested pot.
sons from various sections of tho
county as well as a number of at
torneys from Portland. The las
case is set for Thursday. January it
and if some of the eases are not
quickly disposed of. It le poulblo
that court will last until tho tint
wees in February.
Joint Installation of officers of
Helens lodge. No. 117. I. O. O.
and Rebekah lodge No. 117. was h
In Odd Fellows hall Saturday nlaht.
The Installing officers were: R, L.
Price and Mrs. Ora Bennett. Tho fol
lowing officers were Installed:
Odd Fellows: W. A. Brown, N. O.;
B. B. Cooper. V. O.; C W Blakesley,
secretary; G C. Robey, treasurer.
Rebekahs: Nellie Keith, N. O.;
Gerena Ingham. V G.; Ora Bennett,
secretary, Edna Melllnger. treasur.
Luncheon was served following
the ceremonies. Judge Pullerton
acted as cher which was within It.
self a guarantee that this feature
of the evening was all that could be
1sired. The hall was crowded to
capacity, the attendance being the
largest perhaps at any Installation
ever held by the two orders.
A fairly good tarn out of cittieaa
was present at the elty hall cn Mon.
day night to listen to addresses by
C. O. Young and Ray Canterbury.
Mr. Young la a general organiser of
the American Federation ot Labor
and Mr. Canterbury is vice presi
dent of the International Union ot
Timber workers.
Both gentlemen are very good
speakers and their talks wero list,
ened to with a great deal of inter
est by the audience. Not being ot
the bolshevlkl type, their remarks
were naturally along lines of com.
mon sence and Intelligence. Their
work is In the Interest of tho labor- .
Ing man and their advocacy of sane
methods of bringing about better
conditions for labor met with tho
hearty approval of all right-thinking
' .
A. H. Tarbell, Master of Pomona
Grange,' has sent out notlcea stating
that Pomona (trance w'H meet at the
Warren Warehouse hall at Warren
Satunia mo: naif t oiruary 6th, at
10:30 o'clock. Tho ladles are re
quested to bring basket dinners. . A
tine program has been arranged and :
witho it doubt the meeting will .bo
an interesting one.
Manager East of the Liberty The-:
ater was In Portland Thursday nr.
ranging for more motion pUtnroa
ot A.1 quality tor his popular ehow
! There is a big TUn Of Smelt In the
lng in Tennessee for the past two
years Is exnActed ta return ta Rt
Helens about February 1st and will
. establish offices In tho Muckle
block. . . , x;-