ViPIHT EPISCOPAL Cllt'lUII huy School 01 iu:vu o ciock. for all ar.i'n. minium in g ahiln for livery body. Ilrlng ii family. k.InK worHhlp at 11:00 o'clock. on " I no Mnn w no i.ieu 10 liv (lie Choir. lorlli l-eiiguo at 8:30 p. m. Top- rcliliioiiiH inr in" i ioiimit. lluiipy Sunday evening lor i 7 : M o . Llvo sing servlco In ,vrvliiny inllis. Special ill II- Viniiii on "OlflH Krom a King." Dm happy him" " ai mo rrienu- rrli next Mummy evening. Went hi. Helen niornliiK service of worship kl" i'1 B:4r. Sermon by Ida on "Tim man wno i.hmi to Everyone cordlully In v II ml. Illlllluy HcllOOl session begins 45. THE ST. HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1920. TOO LATE TO ct.arstpv roll SAI,.Sa,l,le pony. v (;,rB Nuegell, Doer Inland, Ore., on the Keiilun pluco 61-1 Kill BAJ.h 40 aires tt Vunktoi. near aclioul; running wutor, purtlv fleurnd; In high ,, of cultivation Mastered limine. K0u ulldliiKS. AIho six cows, 2 draft horses. 20 chickens. 6 tons of hay. u kinds of farming tool. Block and buildings. H. Kurth Yiinklori, (Ini. Bltf , 'W wl" H'" to'n" "Wheat bidder on Monday. December eth, at 1 I. in., at my plai. nt Warn-n, one dark Jirsey heifer, h sutliify feed ind other charges. Paul C. AduniR. PAGE NINE THERE'S A GOOD BIT OF MONEY TO BE PICKED UP In buying your Christmas candles at the Riverside. A choice line of box goods for the holiday trade. Come In and look us over. We can plouBd you. Riverside Confectionery PUom H OBITUARY Krcd MiiHti-n, whose death L m this city Nov. lKlh, wus L of Finland and came to the Slates In lieeeninor, jvuu. Him Lrrlt-il In Fred Mntsnn In 1903 lt it her liiiNiuinii camo to H, In in 10. iniccam'ii was horn ,rr 1 r. . 1881 and died N. 18 i20. Ui-t a hiiHlmnil she leaves to h Iokn or it in' voi ci wire and daughter mid sister, a mother, K,., In this cliy, two brothers, m of St. Helens, one brother inKliam, WuhIi., one slitter at liver, ami in Minimum, ami (wo adopted children. roll SAI.K Your choice of any of my grade milch cows, at your own prlco. Paul C Adams, Wurren. 6ltf Mill HALF; Five stands of linos; now hives, all comploto; price $10 Hr slund. Koscoe V. Loyd, Doer liliuid, Oro. 61-64 Hilt SALE Calnnt Graiiit plnno. Koasonublu price for cash, llox 1187 Ht. Helens, (Ire. 51 KXCHLLKNT POSITION for young men mid young women. No previous uxp'Tb-ncii reiiilrei. N, capital nec-i-Bsary. I'hon 161M. 61- Ever nnnsldar, Mr. Karmor, how easy It would be to lopste a customer for tlmt piece of machinery or wagoa you wrnt to sell? It's a Fact that by trading at the CENTRAL GROCERY you ilways receive the best of high quality groceries and ,fresh vegetables and seasonable fruits at very low inriru We carry a complete line of high grade fancy and staple groceries. You can' always get fresh fruits and vegetables here. Special attention given telephone calls. THE CENTRAL GROCERY 20th CENTURY PRICES OUESTION: Will our prices be advanced? NSWER: On account of lowering costs of merchandise, and also increase in business, they will not. Saint Hel ens people can rely on this store gradually reducing its percentage of profits as the volume of business increases. With an exceptionally largo buying power, coupled with tlmir nvHti-111 of selling, 20l!i Century Stores cannot be unitched'ln prlcng. Not Just a few. but ovory Item tint Is sold Is subjoct lo the niiiHt careful figuring to kco how low It can bo sold. Saturday anil Monday wo will sell cuno stigur at !' pound, lOO-pnund Hacks ljllt.115. Should thorn bo a do- 1 clliui In tho mnrkol. sugar will ho priced at tho above flKiircs less tho decllno. 'alierry Cohen oxtra flood Uulity ItoaHtnil In nur own "nil -t at I'l.rtland, ill cents 11 I'lnd; 3 pounds fl.oo 'iRer's Colden Gate t'offeo, nund cans 4 -A. !U nnund PH . . Wl Oil sacks of Frouli Hollod !5c I9 lb. sack of Vim Flour, $2.5l " or I ho best hard wheat iu r In tll0 NorthwoHt. Plyiuplo Panes ko F'lour, largo 'nugua, 27o ANNED FUVITS AND VKO- ''Alll.Ka U'n l.s.n nn nl. pHonuliy comploto list of the P'ly nil .. .... Il.o : 11111.DI1 wi FH und curry baBls. lurgo Hnn LTniifl nnrn Ki 0 nnn DOllH flfkt Qtmnlril nnlinQ n dozen or caso of ull canned Kooila. Uoyal llaklng Powder, 12 or., cans, :Wc 2 lM pound cans $1.11) 6 pound cans, 'l.Xi 3 pounds F'rcsh Made Curve Cut Macaroni 8V Campholl's Soups every variety 2 cans Hoval White Soup, 4 bars iiflc 10 bam UA: Hox of 100 bars t(i.-i.l5. 811OUTI0NINr-Fliikod Whlto, very flno, 2 pounds 4.V, 6 pounds 1.10 CliKMR Oil. OH PALM OLIVE SOAP, 3 bars ar,u DEW DHOP WASHING I'OW Dlilt. Tho old fiishlonod 26c BlSill Btlll ...1WC Luigo Bl7.o Poslum, 24c Large size Instant Postum, 45c. Small Instant Postum 25' Kellog Corn Flakes, Post Toast les or Puffed Whent, two piickuges 'iIiv piK K1CAM,Y IS NO HKTTKIt VhWK TO HUV (J1UM KHIKS THAN At wentieth Century Grocery Conveniently located In tho Wellln"" I'K noiir tho CVmrt Houho nt Hnlnt llolens Ore. Attention, Farmers THE St. Helens Flour Mill is again open for busi ness. We will carry a full line of feed and solicit a share of your business. Am equipped to do cus tom feed grinding. Bring your feed at any time and have it ground. Should you want anything in the way of feed, come in and see me or call up. Telephone 29. ALWAYS AHK FX)R 8T. HKI.ENH FLOUR. ALL HTOKKH HEKK CARKY IT. The Road to a Man's Heart Is No Longer Paved With Cook Stoves At this Bakery the housewife will find everything she may require without the necessity of toiling over a hot cook stove. HEINIE'S BREAD Is scientifically prepared from tin, choicest of flour, all nutriment be ing retained. WEST ST. HELENS BAKERY S. F. HEUMANN, Prop. Houtlon, Phone 114-8 ST. HELENS BAKERY EVERYBODY KNOWS THE Value of Bread Bread has baea called the stuff at Ufe. IT IH! Ierhitw jroa don't know how Mal 1 Kood bread la how felmty, haw tempting, how appetizing! Tnif a treat to en til the aaoat famaUat taste or Uia atost Jadad appetite. Bread la the moat evealy haiasi rad food yon caa tt sot too fcaawy not too light. It glvea aaerar wltlioDt hnat. It la a baaa aad muscle buiidrr. Now that the kkldios ara la bobmI aaln they seed hread lota ai bread. And they'll aeed no urging WHEN IT IS Ramsey Wholesome Bread Wj) df v THE BEST BOOK YOU CAN OWN Is a savings bank book. It means freedom from worry, ability to seise opportunities, comfort and plenty In dan to come. Why not own such a wonderful book? A Terr few dollars will put you la posses sion and every entry made by the receiving teller wul make the book more valuable. Do It to-day. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System CHA3. GRAHAM, President. H. A. CHILDS, Cashier. Christmas is Coming ONLY 18 MORE SHOPPING DAYS What nicer than something to make the home more con venient or comfortable? Below are some things we have that would be nuitnblc and useful gifts: Adult, Misses and Child's rockers, child's tables and chairs, tabourets, smokers' stands, magazine rack, couches, etc. Also a complete line of aluminum ware (including aluminum hot water bottles), and Oven Glass Ware. Come and make your selection while stock is complete Li mm For Christmas m THERE is a certain satisfaction in knowing when you buy a diamond that you can rely upon the word oi the firm and its salesman that you are getting 100 per cent, quality and value. Gray's diamonds are recog nized as standard of quality. NO (JUT IS AS PI.KASINV NO GIKT GIVES THB SAME 1.ITTM-: TOlfll OF PKKSONAL It KM KM UK A Xt'K AS A TOKEN OH JEWELRY. BE IT tt sparkling Jewel or the dull antique of a little vanity box it curries that personal message which is understood l,y ull It breathes the spirit of love and the freedom of expres sion fur above niuteriulistc valuo or usefulness. We advise an early seloction. VON A. GRAY Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler E. A. Ross Masonic Bldg. St MeUa Ore. Candy for the Holidays Quality Selections at Maion's Rich Chocolates in Unlimited Variety. Creams, Nougats, Caramels, Cherries, Nuts, Etc. French Creams and Hard Mixed. Our Package Line Includes the Finest Makes Pig'n Whistle, Imperial and Krauses In Ilnnd- Painted Boxes, Japanese Lacquered, Calendar, Etc. HEADQUARTERS rX)R DAINTY LUNCHEONS, ICE CREAM AND HOT DRINKS. , MASON'S iinfnT re jt tun That Thrill You know what I mean, when you walk across the school ground wearing that fine, big, warm comfortable sweater for the first time. Fellas all want to know where you got It. And wish GEE that they could have one JUST LIKE IT- . ? i A Well They are here. A new shipment of knit goods direct from the mill and at prices thought impossible a few months ago. F'rlnstance a big roll collar double stitch knit sweater in red, blue, white or gray extra close knit ted cuffs and bottom band. A mighty good Christmas present for either dad or the ooys. Caps scarfs gloves In knitted wear, too. E. M. HELON