St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, December 03, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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la the Circuit Court of th Sutc of
Oregon, In Mid for the County of
William P. Wartuoth. Flainttff, re.
Jennie Wartuoth, Defendant.
To Jennie Wr.rtnoth, Defendant:
In the name of the State'of Ore
gon, you are hereby notified to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
by the plaintiff in the above entitled
court, on or before the date of the
last publication of this summon,
to-wlt: on or before the 18th day ot
Docember, 1920; and in default of
such answer the plaintiff will take
judgment and decree against you for
a divorce, and that the marriage
bonds heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved, and held for naught and the
plaintiff forever divorced from the
defendant on the ground of wilful
desertion as set forth in the com
plaint filed with tho clerk ot said
court,' which is hereby referred to
and made a part of this summons.
This summons is served upon you
by publication In the St. Helens Mist
for six consecutive weeks, commenc
ing with the issue of November 6th
1930, and ending with the issue of
said paper of date oi December 17th
1920, in vursuance of the order of
the Honorable J. A. Eakln, made
and entered on the 29th day ot Oc
tober, 1920, said J. A. Eakln being
judge of the Circuit Court of Ore
gon for Columbia County.
711 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Columbia.
Eva Bosley, Plaintiff, vs. A. L. Bos-
ley, Defendant.
To A. L. Bosley, defendant above
In the name of the State of Ore
gon. Tou are hereby required to ap
pear ana answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court on or before the 18th day of
(December, 1920, and if you fail to
so appear and answer said comDlalnt
for want thoreof plaintiff will apply
to said court for the relief prayed for
in said complaint to-wit: For a decree
..dissolving the bonds ot matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
oerendant; and granting unto the
plaintiff an absolute divorce; for the
care and custody and control ot a
male child about four rears of aet!
and for such other and further relief
as to the Court may seem meet and
This summons Is served upon you
dj puDiicatton thereof pursuant to
an order of the Hon. J. A; Eakln
juage or the above entitled court
made and entered on the 29th day of
uci. ivxu directing that such publl
cation be made In tho St. Helens
Mist, a newspaper of general circu
latlon published In St. Helens. In said
County aid State, once a week for
six consecutive weeks; the first pub
lication thereof being the 6th day of
nor. ibxu and the last publication
thereet being Dec. 17, 1920.
o 3 niTJMvno
Attorney for Plaintiff. 401JJltUBi
mag., Portland, Ore.
. Plaintlff-fsCjyobbsr e
fAaatttViy iC-w - -.'r
Bferlrtuo oyrme4oay-rree
and bd.0r aleTrtijined jk the
cler tottiie waroTitt! Curt i t the
oonmy or rciiam-felaTrtato of-Oregon
to idlfecleaand foteJTnie" SStfi
Hay actcWtJupWtfe udLgf,
Coan tra
m?-in-favor Of errW.-ttellrn.rerB.nd
W. Robblna,
ymlutirTs; STITJ
agaitiBt C.
for (he su
with lnte
day lot Af
six ber cent per annum And . Eift
Dollirs atri9fee. 458 Hher
aumbf T&tts0rt!M4toVbltemitasiti
pj laiiu uj piainusis wun interest
therdon at the rate of 6 per cent per
iretroiMi v& hp Hap n AHf eel
.ut. i
, JL f 11a' J'
192(4 untUfMlJ4Al tA-MtaOA.4i3S JKS.icStfi J.mPr1
m t- : . hi. . . ... wt j utu un on mmnn inrr'Df via
An Ordinance A portioning anil As
sewtlng the nt of the Improve
ment of all that portion of Colum
bia Htrrot In the City of St. Helens,
thvjcon, from the Southerly line
of Cowllla Street to a point 40U
feet South of said South line of
Cow Hi i Street; ami the Westerly
half of said Columbia Ntrevt from
nalil point 4MI feet Soutli' of the
South line of Conlita Street, to the
renter line of Tualatin Htrcot, upon
the lota, parts of lota anil arccls
ofi land abutting upon Haiti ImlTovc
ntent rectntly completed under
Ordinance Xo. SiitO, of wild City.
Whereas, the Common Council of
said City having deemed it expedient
and necessary to improve all that
portion of Columbia Street, In the
City of St. Helens, cregon. irom the
southerly line of Cowlits Street to a
point 406 feet south ot said south
line ot Cowlits Street; and the west
erly half of said Columbia Street
from said point 406 feet south ot the
south line of Cowlits Street, to the
center line of Tualatin Street, and
also all of McOormtck Street from the
center of Columbti Street to the
westerly edge of the Strand, all in
said City, by grading, curbing end
paving the same, in accordance with
the plans and specifications and estl
mates of the City Enginr filed with
the Recorder of said City on the 19th
day ot May, 1919;
And Whereas, the City Engi
neer having filed said plans, specifi
cations of the work and estimates of
the cost thereof and tho said Com
mon Council having found the Bame
satisfactory, did, on the 26th day
ot May, 1919, pass a resolution adopt
ing and approving said plans, speci
fications of the work and estimatb
of the cost thereof did determine
the boundaries of the district oeaerk,
ted and the property to be assessed
for such improvement; and said
Council did declure its Intention and
purpose to make such improvement
in accordance with said plans, spec!
uemions ana estimates, and assess
the costs of such improvement upon
tho real property abuttln upon Bald
improvement and benefitted there
by, which property was in said res.
uiunuu aescriDea as ana the same
actually is described as follows, to
wit: Lots 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 17, and
all that portion of lots 5 and 18, not
mciuaea in Mceormick Street, all In
Block 10, in the City of St. Helens
uregon; and all of Lots 12. 13, 14
16. l, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 and 22. lu
diock in in said City, all being In
loiumma uounty, Oregon;
And Whereas, said resolution
tamed a notice requiring all
desiring to remonstrate a,
fiuyuBcu impruTenient io Itle
remonstrances with t
aaia my within twenty davs from
the date of the first publication and
advertisement of HMQ 11UU1M KBB Tf
olutlon; . ' v ,.
Ana v nereas, the Recorder bf said
city aid on the 2Kb. day dS Jui
1919, -advertise said resolution ai
Via-, wnoie. thereof containing said
nonce, -and did give .said notice ty
FUDiicjiiiojB yiereor to. me 8ti piele
wu. a newspaper of general) 4lrcuit
lion nnnitghed.Jn.aald thrt.
consecutive isstia, thereof, tflfa firfct
publication -oeln made'wj Jiine 2T
91. and fly-second-lelngjn July
, ana uwctriirii oil July, lfi
r -Ana wn4aa,.noaBjeottons,to said
injKrQVauienl.we mane or.lfldiL.vJiL
the. JRecorder Of .sajd City, or other
Wse,.and natemonbtc.ace whtyer
Vat nWagala.staiiirlDiriufint;
rar having cfounff sird ' rmprovemetit
necesary to meet the actual wahts
and conveniences of the reslfl
said City and district and thd
pruvemeni win greatly
sum m jLiuiua4owa.jco&ta,:aaa.iiia4 i . - i.... - r r .r -
.tJ sy",fKVs,'ifti'ai'.-A"L''A1-ii! laiprovomailtv"-"'"
herely glvVh1 jha4JwfllWtft74rhi '4nr!iisrti,SiW 4tfgust
day It DUeTp r'WJWirwiroOlJifi-fv nwriberiil 2
doorlof linitenQfMwilni0yWrb;ei
St. Halena, im.BRl1nimt. m B;
sell it publio auction, subjPtc r1 OKofi-Hi fUdl pu
demJtion,.ioULe0kiahau- UMMitPk9t M'9flW?ft abfixe, (mention
caahlln hand, all the rizht. tit fa ann Tyicl:fig. Tor trie, coiistruntion
lnterfest wtic'itfefl.a'itfetf'detl'ipTiWe thd
fendint had on the 18th day of Sep rrdstODTcssu tmirn&tMoahe
temr, lU&tif&bfii 4Je.3mor', WrSMAWB by
i Mist.
datelhad, in and to the following de- paper published In'iM1 City)
crlbdd real property, or any part I quired by the Charter thered
thereof. Tlx: l1"' proposals for making
(beginning at thesaortneaJt fcof C'Veijentj and in response
ner or tne tsomti-mmt-WLmr- o."i sjmu .y reeeivea ono bid or
Sebtion Twenty-eight, Township I il for the construction of
Five North of Range Four, West provement, which proposal
oflthe Willamette Meiidlaa: IhuaeAJ 3flXQiLwti filed of. October li
all in Columbia county, oumbia stlreet only
or so much thoreof ns mar
sMJ A-mtny-tthl execut:
tioir;- der
LffWll icVuH therei
J,he'invmt tirfti preWperlt)
eopie ip;:-t3ind
4h li
'it t
; a$n
of t
Jky a
f'oumbla stlreet
'frCnrrilcV Rtrpflt
f oun
by t
P. Pit.
f suid
as rfc-
aiJd im
BUd ii.
Has rfc
zree and order of sale, torethar wJti.
H. E. La BARE. I pjiprovment of said portion of Co
Sheriff of Columbia CcgrobJLlIfilOOcKCS
uaiea at t. Helens, Tjregon, uc-i Ana Whereas, said imnrevement of
tober 28, 1920. . . ...
First OdlcaiW! hUVetulMPXS
er 3rd Tlay of November" 191 9.
Jtii Maid CiteLand aaU bidder, tkmWure
SlOfH flwlfltie City Engineer s
rofL(v" i,'CT work; and when
1U- sj nnt1')f:l?.ll!a
Last pnlKamtWOofomr jl0. 1 surir
VOiUiQimn km iii run iu fAty-V filed w
In the CJoWvonri'MrJib'ale1,6.Jle'Ity Re
Oregon for Columbia OMlaiy. VlCiikUltte 28th da
Tn tha Maffar nf the. Inhl. rtf lilittll iPSPTpet Of BUC
i-"AeciVrit"-'11 """3 rpwinic places
''iv'A Portion ot Columb
iJAfttileted In whole to
krLnL-hwiaaaU.niact.fininllShed notl
arlson. aimliMHtratarha'Mljtte I H?WB ""i, a
.t Rmii foYWiMi rVrt,A' hS.-fH eircaiation in
M fin. I UniinftAMA ALnWlb'J4t .'2J1KB y V, IViV,
ntv Prill rf nf tha RlaUnf.nuM,.lU( Wllcn nOllCOS
Columbia CountvTlSa Ihlf S.V.W'mtlont, to euch
nr4 t Hart St fa, it. rr xi Ma rJ Aoard IL totf
1820. at H) o'clnck ivTk tna JounMn I J.X"t-" ""''
t anM dfV'nrf'rttaJ-nhVf'r.ViM-Vf1'','iour ot u o
aid court has been aDwaftlAI lhftQtJi
aid court as the lime and place for I And Whereas, no owner o
he hearing of cftMtifcBWtlAreUt Waft property, or any Interest in nny prop-
he settlement thereof. , . Jerty whatever Jn saldiatf4et er abnt
Dated and first publisheSlCWJWfll.lUBgHtiuaia hovfirnf , W efse
120. . i, o. TIDT'eTIKnT'OT person whomsoever
i Tntfle" affiled any objection or
A ilmtwlal.nln. 1 , . I. I . I . ,. 1. . L - a I A
taNH tOat was
$ tfH tending
ith rTjirmrtrfiri i-i-i
mio'-trr sucn coai potion
uTmlfeauniir havlne
fOuiNT&IO. posted
Byjkitupietlotl rhWhree
Braald Clti ancTVlso
tXereof iVutae St.
dewspaper of ieraj
safll JltTs HT6 issue
opald pAior, In all
Ineyna Stated that
aj)tane would
lonar- MWTald
tr.T"- 1 1 t m
HfTJii B. UO
said 12th day of July, 1920. duly
accepted the same; and the Englnoer
having duly certified to the Recorder
the accuracy of the original estimate
o tthe work;
And Whereas said Common Coun
cil did on the 16th duy of August,
19110, duly apportion the cost of sulci
Improvement upon the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land adjudged by
the Council to be directly and Indl
roctly benefitted thereby In accord
ance with the benefit directly or In
directly derived by each lot and part
of lot and parcel ot land so affected;
And Whereas, the Recorder hav
ing given notice of said proposed as
sessment as required by law for a
period of fifteen days, which notice
specified the whole cost ot such lit
provement, the share so apportioned
to each lot, part of lot or parcel of
I an a wun the name of the owners
thereof and stating that any objoi
lions to such apportionment might
be made In writing to the Council
and filed with the ..reorder within
fifteen days from the date ot the post
ing or giving such notice; and a no
tice of tho amount bo apportioned to
each lot, part thereof or parcel of
Ir.nd with the whole cost Of such Im
provement and the name bt the own
ers, having been given by the Record
er aa required by law;
And Whereasfl the St. Ilolens Lum
ber Company have filed a request
that the sum of $867.(4, the cost of
the Improvement of the Bt. Melons
Dock & Terminal Company right of
way In said Columbia Street be as
sessed against and made r. lien upon
Us lot No. 6, In Block 10, of sale
t'lty; and also signed and filed a
waiver of any irregularity In the
proceedings, or any of the proceed
ings of the Improvement ot lot4, lu
sold H lock 10;
And Whereas, no objections what
ever have been muae to said r.ppor
tlonment and assestuent and no ro
'iionstrances filed thereto either in
-osponse to said notice, 'or at all:
tnd that said notico was made, dated,
posted and published, the publication
thereof being In the St. Helens MlM.
weekly newspaner of general cir
culation In said C'Ry, according to lux
for more than fifteen days after said
proposed assessment, said notice be
ng dated, posted and published on
August 27th, 1920, and the publlca
ion thereof ending on the 3rd duy
t September. 1920; , . . T
Aud Whereas, .salts, fmmon. Conn
11 on i b. jj tj jay irf, ie.embur,
"..'He wu, bLrig more, than fif
W,1.a7VtWKi,1Bi lll,Qf , Bala
.W.UceJhavlj)giluJjranil . fully con
jl(laMx tUej.aid proposed! aseossmont,
vniJiilUara U,i!,-ig, jvo, objecilqns tbere
om pe.fomvilcensldori.g that
ina,.aiucuntsI(oapport4otted o noli
lvl W lHWof0.i tpi;cei of land re
lni-rtrojmrlms to the t beuQfila
Thrived thereby, and h i,tIjib pctlered
LhiiL ha Id ajutuuniunt - as - heretofore
oilftirberafore,i:d c6r(lan with
Leipr(.vhilen-of 'l,.iM' Charter : and
the order bf aaldCbonelll the 0y of
StuMoJeoff ttoeg brdilui'as'foliowsr "
'"eAttm1 i.l""Vhat1tfi.ii-cost"of lllij
ift-Btmpr6lvtmiint'rf 'sfcfCo'lumbla
SfHnVl'-Utyr ofSt.' Melons, from
h6''BbuHbert hfa'e c?f OoWlitij Stre.n.
joinilrlyla-iJlB cwnier linn
mid sum Is hareby apportioned, less
l,li.aun:-tif 1320.231(1 Aftti-rHostlons
uonL thfl.lots.aarta oi lota'and par
19atoibfati:'4bUttlhg,xup(vn 'iald hn
trovemnnt and -hereinnf ttf paiticn-
'Ifliiirfl asiiLiniv,,,), terohy-de-WryJ.lto
fH'W etjuHablft, assessraum
"W,Q.7 foArP'party.j.benfUfld
!-WHi.Y sw4li fqljows. w4t!.' .!
Irtlll. k lo, in the City of Ht, Ifelms
UoaopUun Asaossmont
jr. .nni;iNaot(!)wnwBi;i v. if.
IH'i!:uil Tiio' i .noi ir. t Mtr M98.24
3;:WH-)AlftB, .Coinpaay !q
M!t i!f i.-.oii u.-.i i 1466.7.1
i-Xt. IAvilnsl,i.uwler Cvaipaajr v
6o:i i.oa a ...f,,:.,i 498.24
ot TWelenH.J-nbevCipany.!
3')t8q feOOtnltttdil.Y .iv..t 137.64
irupi. iiHieus. L,urntierot.oaiprany! 1 1 1
Ullfl ill. 2k,
lu xxnai nm
I iinv.. ;iM.oiilMf T'vi.itii''vrW"fioi v,iiijiin..,Ai
fillowlr.xiuuLuaiaLiuriuii: l-d L,i ri i
Ui the Clnull Court .f ll.e S.te of - IlKSrtIK IIaWV"?1 cfl.; 1'reXJ.' l" BL'AtKSTWfru
If t'njitii, lor tne l ouiuy of ioinm- , 1 t. j: i.' t III HTM
L '- 1 1 1 Him ' "-g'-
v. .la
rnjr a t rr r
Lot juriuui aicj.' lr-vL.,.
i nflnry Moreiis ; -
t3:'M" Tef. of 'llbV'ld,'-" '' 70 92
W'Wt ot'JM'l J" "',24d'36
I MirryGeortr.
uiijiiwott 'ueergiev umi jih -imh
U!IUHk',lb tire XTli, i4tt HU 'V.4fene
IMMnO .("' J.liliu .!. 1 .'.411 2
! Amy- George-.
1 J;'iiliifiiw i,iiii ,'!' 411.28
1 lniiiAiinyiiOaerg!. jl'. n j nuil-.u 1: .-.,
Iti Ml Inuni lA'lr.Uii'r. .n 411. 2S
I .'K Basrah 1A1, .Oeoygeu.l .-l .l .,1 in:
f'Ot 16 411,5
Jaa-JUmp-t-Tlioat Elisabeth
. o rrt't f ilablstfin '.1 -'i .fM 1.1, ....
f-f r vio-.o! nlt (.1 biiol'lliw l.iUi8
F)f Vl'iO ulllil'l mil iii!nlf8
at r. nam.
after the date of the first puhll.ull.'U , of reiieral
of this summons, and ir you fall to ho t oun y. Or.
appear and answer, the plaintiff wll I al of f
for In lha poiiinlalnt filed herein to-l 1.U ot Ust publication IHmi. 31st,
wit: for an absolute divorce forever 1920.
circulation In Columbia'
irrgou. 1
lint publication November
dissolving the bonds or matrimony
now and heretofore exist lug by m
between the plaintiff ami defendant
herein, and for such other rnd furth
er relief ns may be deemed equitable
Attorney for Plaintiff. 1'. O. Ad
dress 11-1 Y0011 llldg., I'urtluiul. Ore.
Ten Arm farm with flue oprlng
and meet iu the premises, and for hu stream. Iloautlfill moilerii comilry
eosis and disbursements heroin In- homo with living room 20x30 with
coned. fireplace, Hleep'ng porch and white
The compUInt herein Is based up- rnatiml plumbing; 2' gri(iH; wutor
on the statutory grounds .of cruel piped In Iioiiho. located near leor
and Inhuman treatment and the or- Inland about ' inlle off pnvrd ( o
L. - msl.tloMl litn rt lllilllimiA ' I I.l.i nlv.n. I.IuIiwiiV I Itil it I 1 1 II t til.iBtja' a. CltPH I.
wan made on or about the dvjttl,r,, pn,.,, llNked of $3500 00. For uU,lu, l,1:lff
of October, 1920. by the Honorable icrius se.i Rutherford Realty iiiii ' . , 1 ' I ' " 11
J. A. Enkln. Judge of the l Ircult
Court of the Stale of Oregon, foi
Columbia County, und In which order
It wns specified that this summoni
b p'.iblinhed for a period of six con
secutive weeks, In the "St. Helens
Mint.". 4) newspaper of general elreu
latlonj In Columbia County, Oregon.
First date of publication, to be made
on the 22d day of October, 1920atiu
the lasl publication to be utuile oit
the Jrd day of December. 1930. '
t W. W. DKAN. '
Attorney for Plaintiff, Morgan
llldg., Portland, Oregon
111 I'M'lll lull ,
A 4VM'
""""I" ""Willi. 1
- ' r-
till IuIil
eed 1..
be low In
..... 1 I uk.l'.'1'Ji. J.J.,.. .
1 '-Mb I E(tflM ainrMtl "UadTsiS0
lc,, OUi rV.V1VlT ftt..,aN, iJ.
I'li. I
rotators Mill
)r. l ot.nocH iu:iko piKSH ,.VaV1 LievwoirAlA,,ti-,;,1, I'TT'"" ,
make pork, und polk liWkia pn llnia huii' T1.
Voiir choice of a lent.., buu.jl,,H( L,ja(wVii i" nfTOffliRS
)ung .:kh. aim. I'VM Uwl! K)u"
now and 8 I . ftr , i;..l MHV. Nrltf'illlfrf! i".n A,M,S
if-niiv.-- Sf.,11 . . WfW(,i,iMii i mfl'HO.ju,
varol Mansrold. lMuint Iff.
M.:nsveUl, Def'Viilant.
pear and unswer the complaint filed
igalnnt you lu the above enUlb q sull
on or before the 2Dth day Cf,1wwiti
ber. 1 9 L'Oj, mid If ypu fail tiV 'unswer.
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
Dly to the court for nn rellff prayed
'or In his complaint, to-wlt; I'or a
ilocree of this Court forever' dlivlv-
ng the bond of miitrlmnny nov exist
ing between plslutlff and dcftiihUut,
and awanliiig to plaintiff jin iincoli
dltlinial dwre ,of ,d,lvorfe from de
fendant. ' " !' ' 1
This BiinitriohB Ih piliiH-iri'iid bj- or
der of. the Hon. James A Kiikln Juilo
of (lie above mitltlPd Court, fn'inlo uftd
entered trie 10th day of NVienber,
19:'0. requiring that this auinmima be
published for six Mucros'slvi) Weeks,
the first publication to bf N'oVcuiher
tjth,'1920, and tlte hint p'ti btu'at Ion
feoeinber 24tlt, 19J0.
niDowAv jritiNsoN','
Attorney 1nr IMslntlff. lOll-ld
Oasco; BuiMIng, Portland, ( Oregon. ,.
''; XOTlCr!.OrJ FTI, ACftlTT ,
fj tu County Court of tlni tute of
(I Onou for Coluiilbla Coiiiil),., ,. ,
In Uie Matter Pf tlie Kdlto of MuIIhm '
ooC'iorge, d'jceaHcd. ... ".'.., .' I
11, , Notice ls.,ereby given thai the un
aarslgned, ua i silmliiiHtrtor of the'
Mitate of 4Hiw tiiturKv, :dxe.,nU !
ias filed hla flnn I nocntiiit In: Urn m.iI,i '
County Coqr.t of the nf uix-koii
for Columblii 1'ouoiy, aud ttuit aniur
Jay. the 1 KUi duy of: lluceiiilh . mo, I
it the hour, of 8: id. o'flct't' IB the
(ureiumn of said day, and tin. gnurt
ruom pf said unr'( If tm in tlnti hy I
ald ,(.',ourt ps the 1 1 111 11 , pd .phic for'
ie ,liurlng of .iU.lrUuas :tJir4r. It
in,v,i pd the B"ttlu3,i,jit ' : I
Dated and tint puli'nl;M Not'eit. I
'ier 19, 120. v ... .. , ,
W. 1, JlAl'MGAUDNKIt. j
iili jj, !, Aiiiimihrtrt tor.
tlen.H; iMetskor. Attorney uorr Ad-
inlnistraur, , .,1 . ,i, ,.( i, 1 49 r.t
j HI M.MH.VH ,,.,.,.,
IHI Hie. Cirtuil Court M tlic Nlat,. of
Ori-Kon for ilie l ounty f Colum
bia. i-:i,u- 1 :,;:!) j
i"h:I1 Lovelons I'lii.nilff .' VS' t.rifay-:
. otto lAjvelens. Defnidant '' 1 I
fii' 'iifayntU Lovelvna. 'tlie above
named dC.rUnt; ,'..v', ,,. '. '!
In tho namo of the Hlatii ! ".Ore-1
iS(tii;Yu ur- hunihy yeqiilred M hp-!
pear and answer ttie cimpliilnl film.'
ugalimt youjn tin. above entltM huIi :
on or before lha d;,y of Juneary. I
1921. suld dulu b'llng more thnt six
weks fi;qm Uih, f lint; publliv.l loll of I
this summoiiB amlif. yom rail to np-;
pear and auawor; said ciimplaUit! thrt
p ainter. Mill take a .lwi.. ..f .i.-l
nbovo court forr 1 dlHilviiig 1 the,)
""inn ui minriiuuny uow existing be
tween :tb ulaliillff ami ,.,.ir 1
allowing pladntjf to . resunu. .
maldnn nsm-y of , Oral l'utt.rstn
lhJ uianu.ns Is upon you
by publication bv vlrin.. ,.f o '
of the Man. J, A. Knklnv Judge r. fn,
Rbove entltlwl .Court, 4luly. jimdo on
the ltday, of Noviimber 1920
HrcUiig.thlH HiimimniH bn pobliHhe,i
In the Ht. Heloua Mlm. J" . I
si.. . 1
ate... ,
1 la lie,
auto rrpuir,
1 Kda MaiiBveld. tho ubovo hUmed J. , ( J VLLANIN(1 AND ERp"
M."." of the siarV iVe- 5 Obfl W - V lliUpr JO
11, you are hereby required' to' ap- f A V 1 'Hail'A- .as, ,)LI 1 1 ' 1 7u7.,
ar and unswer the coiimlalnt fllcil T ' ' 7 1 " aamltv.
St. Ilcli'iin JrfidKai
iiieels III tlin 1. O.
1 imiiiii ,y.
5o y
nt, :ini
acli iiioiith
v. tiutt.iii.if on tip. I CONTJACTn
and ainatiLalUMe Unn 1 107, iioifT "'w
VI. 111,,. I,r,n l,mr. .m'... . . . " ' lr ' Wlltritlnr L.J
" --- it, jnii work Mli., .
A,o U.I.. no KsunrJiuHom;"" ,t""r',, tw h
ythlss ninoiit every Tuesday even Al.lll ltr liriuv.u I
i'uiia 11.11 v;i II..I..... I'l. ' 2. .. . ""' I
. , - ... . . - -W I
X 111!
r: rA st meetr-
H J flol'TIUIIIi, tAl L'l'l''.?' !""' A k lum
I B Qflt'K. Hecretary. U4ftU . t onli.y sod C, U. IhU
L j 'T-hs Hi rami St. Bt.
MasoalB Hsll tbe secoad aud fourth
' f each 11!', 11'!:
I 1 ' 7 r. .Tr'i. . .? . jt it j. t-t- - I .
KFFIK DROWN, Hecretary.
fit. Hi
17. Uif
ay ot taiTT irrfiiiTTT
Isltlng uieaibers always welcome.
I.II.I.A CItorHIC. N. O.
Helens, Ori.gon. i'bon
Uwitf an,
3jJJ F
l.'Dlcd Jl'lBlV (0
li e ' guuriitrvd. Try
1111 Him
t ry-x e. . . . . v
3 )hv rfi'W UfMm
St ir..iH.s mT.5 ,' IVfWSllA
rn W(,Mlii(iWml(I)BWsXliaOol.a
...! a ' I
'e l. O O T . haM '"" ,U W'trtriiWU,.
'f J .w-i.!'--..- iir.piAtr
.'11 It 1. ,f.,
11 1 1 1. 1 . II l,HTilT .IVU
Bm A A A A A A A- V J. 4 I
Pulntliig, paper tiunjf Itig sM'ii
llig. Plmnn 70
. E. A, ROSS
I Hii.rlfl';40ri Tr.'?WWaWirni l30lvi92.JMXTfR.5,i-
liiMiirame. farm
!, If. 1
iininens I'lii, mi 23
MuhiiiiIc llldg , HI
and t'lty
dr. c. e. wAK&iiT H3iaat30ty,,,iou
I'liynlcliu, hu.I Hurg,.,, 1 SHOE SHOP
I'lionii Kit C. ( CAUStlN The alio
nekio iiidg. r- yt Wtauaj- OJre. e ! jk i,-ri.airl I Willtapa
I It'll lint .:-..l. .vi i ijj.u.,i .iL-iinriliif ul
fce I ink lluM.oTJm Y r
0IU 14 II,,., 1, llM,ll.,
riiuiiii 11
0 D8.LUOHJltrtitK)OS8
i2i J'l,'', 'J Hurituon Hcnppoose 8:00
finite In Hunk llldg. a,. ,.,. At .Artluixl 9:20
l.i,i 11
'I '
IM.HIrJ nilU. II,.
11nlnn fnm
Iniorsuctlon "SJlT? 5
City of jBeljfftV
nJi..tlou 2. That tha" Ttecordnr-nf
4mi(tt1r atid3jirfuieD.rbe,bahdi He
tterwllgilB d5mrte4 an4 onMreAtia
luiiatteTaeartboBllae above arid for.
gai tasessment In th'4tJ0kot) lof
teHiiCyagtBpf bM Cltyi.'iTA V
ettmQ l,":J)(tttil(n910otT4,il192Ol
.HVwddWip Uhlfdwtlrue .iindi ii.MLod
0olyer 11th, l30.O3mo III Iff rlt-h'ttM
.18 ul slomUMMONSiiim vd' 1
IMhaailCtrritU'CWt IUv' Btat of
Airegim i dm) ue mtiantyiof Coimn-
ilamvol-eiio anillKoii'ili yliniuuiir
qlaadaiAralslbevi Plftlntltf.Hs, Bmm
I cBvblalaerJi h el mkimmI o
Toiillnjmal Bftetalaerii'aRBaTIN08i
linntiMiinuria ttfutbe SUtaV ofi Ore-,
bbtoirbny arwi lib rehulredvto to.
pftMnandi aoswe:itha lownplainiifilea
agajinstiioti In Jihe mjliev eartltleij suit
v41thln and.(WJti,jattl than. Mx weakk
11 Jltflt, It'll
'I .:
iili:iu I,
Inns jkio'i
MO'l't IfI-i-jv
i, '.i, i i
m:i., I ,
' Chalmers '
ii ,n i
'sfiex';' !Ca'r3:,.' S
am s o o ,
r.'.W'" ' Tractor ;
iiImIi hum io ii ,'i ,., ",, (
'''HifcV, i''ij ii'k ' l!!:.J : I. I ...
ir,Y-flY.'."'W tne adviuca 1 ,
ii.TUe aavlaii will ,
K 1 ill I
II .,,!
freiarlit raUwi
oonaiiliuTable. .
I'll, !') in: ol , n nil.-
'jl)lll. .111,1
, I'l. HI .111,1 1
nnnwwx) ail , Woik,
i' oa ,win.
I 'nil ill ,
.tfr.W'f.miit.riii.f,,,, j..ri , ,. ';
1'ii lull, n
w i.e.0s,"""k "ull,m aqij5tifl.3fl3altm. .......
i :
I KAMI HlllilMHIl, I'tihl
Hi iiTi'l i n .
I.v. 1'orllanil
Ar. 81. Jlwlona. ,
, I liHUIQ I i iidiiu a r 4
lV TMJ p tt . . , ' " . I ins I'ooplo s B"t -
III HHKI.Ii. m -
, 4lLorfiold Cubluet Htoum Hatha
I A Hours 9 n. in. to 6 p, m
i ?'"' ."K.Mi'm,UW'W.T PfirtfiiH
; t j. s. vjuirrrTri
i l4oi)') S4 Ituslilonce phone 118-2
Sh-ii. 'RHtV Wreuo...
one 19
Ht. Unions, Ore!
!i 0
I.U.,1, 1ll.,
f VK' "nig.
Si- lleluns, Orogon.
7 wauo-
Ht. HoieiiB. Ore.
Leuves Portland sally
(flumluy 1:80 R.
nW'BiigT -fWK2' a''l to "
.,.HPti "M-'rt.ji UVrC
.-liis ol Jtiiii'il Wharf tW
M.,W."Ln"U'i Is'nluM. Wharf W'l
A 4 V 11 J . T' II II II II r. B .vo-
THANK WILK INH. Rt .Hslip' "
.1 Ol I? (Il'lll Kl BIS""" .--I
. . L
"Ifcrrls Ilullrlln
1 ? DR. M. 1 10 WES
,! V Velorlnarlun V,5I' ,u "
O Consuitai Ion Kroe. ;
11. 1.. kMMin It. Helen!
erinM no renin one wof.
TJ.'le'ls"rod weA'
ta4444WfWTT T 1