PAGE FOUR THE ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1920. THE ST. HELENS MIST Imued Every Friday by THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY O. D. HEILBORN S. C. MORTON President Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION' KATES One Tear S2 00 SU Months $125 Entered as second-claes matter. January 10th, 1912. at the Postoffice at St. Helens. Oregon, under the act of March 3rd, 1879. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ORPIN INCH NO SMS. AX ORDINANCE .mrtio..iiiK nm! iiKKi-KsiiiK the cost f tlu Improve ment of Unit Mirtin of Couliti Street from the westerly line of Columhin Street to the center of ttak Street; nil of Oak Street from the center of Couliti Street to the I center line of Tualatin Street; U I of Tualatin Street from the center i line of Casenau Street to the cen ter line of Winter Street; anil all! of Cu.scnau Street from the renter line of ConliU Street to a point ;ttt feet south of the center lino I of Tualatin Street, nil In the City of St. Helens, Oregon, uHin the) lots, parts of lots mid parcels of land .limiting iiHn said Improve ment recently completed undo. Member National Editorial Assa- Ordinance No. SltT, of Said City. eiatin and Oregon State Editorial whereas, the Common Council of Association. ;suid City having deeiuod it expedl-j -lent and necessary to Improve all tha; - ' portion of Cowlitz Street from tho DANIELS ANT THE PEOPLE westerly lne of Columbia Sireet to; .... .. , .,,.. ia, the center of Oak Street, all of Oak j In his address at '"J ! street from the oetner line of Cow- week. brrt. l1S;lPi!,"p,r.i'llti Street to the center line ot Tuala tin recent deluge by JhJ tla Street, all of Tualatin Street from I peopla do not know hat the do ( Street to I The Oregon Journal had tl e same the sort of explanation in mediately after all of Cusouus Strm from lhe center the returns struck It in the wla r,lmeof Cowllt2 S(re(?. to , 330 plexus. So did the New York V, or Id. f f .The funny part of these explana Hons is that they come fron .sources sa me To ji.imiiuicu uu.:. ... ,dth f ., ,.. , the same, all in accordance with the Mock SM, City of St. Ili lens, Oregon ;o:t.3:i 121 02 l.yng lowest to' the idolatry that the peo pie are always right. The Journal has been especially disgusting In tu hypocritical protestations to the ef- jeci ... ii iuB i,0,f"u' lue', s"' w'-'d City, on the 19th day ot Mar had a chance to run things directly . , r. . ' "l -uu- limb uio tuu. luuiKS it. Buvuiaicu established grade and plans and spe cifications and estimates of the City bngmeer filed with the Recorder of and hla approval ot such work; and tho City Recorder thereupon on tlje jj(,t . . M 10th day of May, 1920, posted notices . , , v M oi sucn compieuon in it.ree pumic . , , ,.... ..... ....... bl 3. L. C Iversott notice thereof In the St. Helens Mis, Lot 4 K. P. Ellsworth i newspaper of general circulation Lot 6! Nellie H. McCormlck in said City In the Issue of June . Lot 6. Tl.erese Morton 1920. and n the slsue of June 25,'l.ot 7. Theresn Morton 1920. In all of which notices It was ; Lot S. Nellie II. McCormlck stated that ohjectlons to such accep- i Lot 9. Columbia County :ntlll. U'nilM k. hiliir.l nn.l,... 1 lliVll fr' t'll. by said Council on Monday, June 2.1,1 Lot 10, A. K. Lo. Harnett ai ine nour ot etgiit o clock t.ot . . . r. i.ninn 1". M. of said day; H ot 12. St. Helens Lbr. Co. Aud Whereas, no owner of any real T.ot 111. St. Helens 'ir. Co. property, or any Interest In any prop-I Lot H. Henry Morgus ertv wbatAver In audi riiu. rl... . ni-1 1 rt 1 r. Will. i It Me. 'nr. t.ick ting upon said Improvement, or else- i Lot 16. Tl.ereso Morion where, or any person whomsoever, I I.e. 17 Theresn Morton has made or filed any objection oi Let IS Nellie 11. WCormlcX .bjections to the acceptance of said ' Lot 19 H. Wellington work; und w hereas suid Council on ' Lot 20 J II Wellington said 28th day of June, 1920, duly ! Let 21 J II "Ve ', -iglo- accepted the same: and the enitiueer ! 1..-' A M. 1. l.g having duly certified to the Recorder I llb'ck CIM of SI. Helens, Un-gnn me accurary of the original estimate 1 Lot I. II. W. Eu Perkins 111 of the work; .( 22 I. H Rutherford And Whereas, said Common Conn-! Mock Cil of St. Helens, ell did on the 16th day of August. Lot 1. Constantino Damls 1920. fl.llv mmnrtlfin Mm in.l .t ... 1 i,...,,..!., ill.,.,,. Improvement upon the lots, parts of Lot l:i. William Oloon lots and parcels of land adjudged j Lot 14. J. 11 Wellington t the Council to be directly and In-1 Lei 15. J H. Wellington wr dan re with the benefit directly or Lot 16 Charles lop ' """""j u eacn ioi anu ; i,oi iart of lot and parcel of land so af-l.oi i. pi n said lots, parts of lots and par-1 Lot oris or laud, together with Iho names Lot 12102 121.IIS i i 2 121 02 1210 2 121 02 121 02 121 0j 206 71 20 71 131 42 1 :i l 4 2 i:u i: 1.11 42 131 4 2 131 42 99 02 SI 0 2 19 0: 203 '' ' And Whereas, the said City Engi neer having filed said plans, and specifications of the work and esti mates of the cost thereof, and tho said Cotnon Concll having found the satisfactory, did. on the 26th day of May, 1919. pass a Resolution would bo brought about and that no "venous" legislature or political con vention would stand between. Now, however, "The peoplo know not wba, they do." If the people did not know what ItZl . f .... .. adopting and approving said plans, man io wra o. a most anJ specifications of the work and Mr;i.theBhTneTOrrllilinOW- of ," cost ad de?er- n o, JS v.'h TkI."" mine tho boundaries of the district whBn !hlveJ. nd..,Th0 b?IlevV,hh8li benefitted and the property so betr 'hel L I r r ? "6K0. bf ietlted t0 ' assessed for ouch people Is the i voice - ot God." but tuat ; improvement; and said Council did when they lose, "the people know not what they do." But the Journal and Daniels are In Tery distinguished company. From his cell In Atlanta peniten tiary. that other erstwhile treat KriSf - ! -d benteu'Vtherebr wTJct r '- vub critriLiUM IUlt:i T1CW In which he expresses no disappoint ment over his failure at election. In declare Its intention and purpose to make such improvement in accord ance with said plans, specifications and estimates, and to assess tho cost of such improvement upon the real property abutting upon said Improve- that respect, at least, he Is not un like Sir Josephus. ; Said Debs, "I am not disappointed over the result, as the people get what they think they want, insofar as they think at all." Corvallis Ga-ette-Times. property was in suid Resolution de scribed a3, and the same actually lb described us follows: Lot3 1 and 22, in tuocK is; Lois 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12 In Block 19; Lots 7. S, 9, 10 and 11 in Block 20, and that certain tract of land in said Mock 20. described as beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 7, In said Block and running thence north 74 dwrw BANKERS AIDING FARMERS along tho southerly oundarv of sain In thirty-eight states the bankers'!1"01 10 the soutlleast cor oi tne owners and the amounts so apportioned are as follows, to-wlt: Mock 18, City of St. Helens, Oreipn. Description Owners Amount Lot 1 W. J. Muckle I2S0.73 Lot 22! W. J. Muckle 2S0 7 lilock Itt. City of St. Helens, Oregon Lot 1. H. J. Ilroughton 113.40 Lot 2. 11 J. Hrouchton I i t in Lot 3. St. Helens Lbr Cn in in P. & I. P. Dahl P. & I. P. Dahl Mrs. T. H. Morton City of St. Helens J. R. Kemp and E Isblsier 2-3 of, Sarah George 145.83 i-j ot. t oiumbia Co. Real Estate Co. Amey George Aniey George Amey Georirn Mock 'JO, City nf Ht. Helens, Lot 6. St. Helens Lbr. Co St. Helens Lbr Co. John Q. Gage John Q. Gage obnj Q Gage John Q. Guge E. 35 feet, John Q. Gage. 3 5x40 feet, St. Hel ens Lbr. Co l.-l Lot 1 IS. 19 20. 21. Meek Cily Lot II. A. M Lot 12. A. M Charles Lone Henry Morgos Henry Morgus II A. Mar Morgus l.miis I'anos J P. ii Mluulo Clay ton of SI. II l.yug" Lyngti 15175 Oregon 9ii ;i:i 109 12 109 12 109 12 109 12 109 12 I 12 35 I I 5 5 S nr. r.s I I r. r . s 1 15.5S And Whereas, the Recorder having given nol ho of said propsod -niei.l us reiiulred hy law tor a perloi of fifteen days, which notice upocl ilid the whole rost of Hud Improvn iniet, iho ahure no uppor Honed to cli ll, part nf lot or parcel of !n ml wllh I he lining of the owners .l.ercn. and slating Hint any objec tions to such apportionment might l.e made In writ lug lo the Council ii. d filed with the Recorder within ilfieen days from Iho ditlo of posting r ,.iiIiIIhIiIiik of such notice; and a ne. un of the amount ir. p portioned .uli M. part lleMo: or puree) o( l.i ml Willi Hie whole rost of said imprcvcuiciil n nil tie) I ..Die of the iwiu i s. I.uvi'ig been given by the lircoider us required hy law; And Whereas. In respouse to said notice I here appeared before suld tit the time so fixed In suld MM ire tl.e following numed persoiu ..nil propeity owners no to wlt: P. W Harrison, Theresn Morion, I W. Allen, Amy George, und J. R. l'emp and Ellaheih Isblsier, and mill. und filed their ohjectlons ti. -. Id proposed nssesrfiiietit an affect, 'ng I heir particular real proper!;? tli ii said I'. W Harrison (ili)eiilng to the assessment ,,,., '""ed 17 ami u r m'Loti j Hy of Ht. IIH.V. VhCk U Morton oblee, ,2Vh".Hv1 """tie. m iii.;.k,,".' i" Hock 15. all B i'Mil ni.i t vc . , ' "' "Hid ivM " "n iibjurii,.. sossment , ,.ol , 2 ' "l U u,1 "ui uy I hi Hi,. "'"till,o,h.,r - .4. II. Hlock , , " Ml. d tl.e hum j. u K' ta"MC (('oiitluu,i """ Yott As n .1. mod Tr nB4m BUILDING MATERU, MII.N-UI.KH AVlltel "mi COAT. W' MH,I AN( Rn Mil u w..,.. " . " " mil 'y. tirsln and i:.7.S(! lens. Ori g in 9o ;i :i 90.33 I941S 44 I Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot 4 5: 6. 7. 9 10. 11. 12. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lot 11 113 40 113.40 113 40 113.40 fS.75 72.92 218.76 603.47 282.72 t regon 113.40 113.40 113.40 113.49 113.40 113.40 66.70 mock a4, City of St. Helens. Oregon state associations have standing com mittees upon agriculture, and most of these committees are active, working bodies, constantly stimulating Inter est in the higher development of ag riculture. Among the most common methods Is by financing the Introduction of pure-bred stock, particularly through boys' and girls' clubs, cooperating with the agents of the agricultural department at Washington. Thous ands of these clubs have been fi nanced by the bankers. The report of the Bankers' Associ ation of Oregon is typical of other tates and shows the variety of the activities for the promotion of agri culture In which banks of that state are engaged, as follows: Boys' and girls' pfg club, 22 banks; boys' and girls' sheep club, 3 banks; boys' and girls' calf club. 5 banks; boys and girls' poultry club, 2 banks; pure bred sires, S banks; cow testing association, 3 banks; corn growing Contests. 6 banks; alfalfa and clover growing, 7 banks; increasing dairy herds, 15 banks; total, 65 banks. The 30,000 banks of the United States are owned in the communities rhere they are located, and are to day the most active local force for community development. , The budget of city expenses ana the budget of school expenses for this district have been prepared and the taxpayers are invited to meet with the city fathers and the school board, respectively, for the purpose of golm over the matter. Both the city coun cil and the school board wish the help and co-operation of the cltzens. It takes money to run, the city and It takes money, and quite an amount of it, to run the schools. The tax- ner or said lot, thence southerly at right angles for a distance of 116 root to a point, thence south 74 de grees 30 minutes west 100 feat to a point In the westerly boundary line of said Block 20. which is 116 feet southerly from the point of begln nnig, and thence northerly to the point of beginning; Lots 11, 12 13 14'. 15, 16, 17, and 18, In Block 24; all of Block 25; Lots 1, and 22 In Block 26; Lots 1, 12, 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, lu Block 34; and Lots 11 and 12, in Block 35, all being in the City of St. Helens, In Columbia County. Oregon; And Whereas, said Resolution con tained a notice requiring all persons desiring to remonstrate against sad proposed improvement to file their remonstrances with tho Reorder of said City within twenty .lays from ho date of the first publication anr advertisement of said notice and Res olution; And Whereas, the Recorder of said City did on the 27th day of June, 1919, advertise naU Resolution and the wholo thereof containing said notice, and did give said notice by publication thereof in the St. Helens .Mist, a newspaper of general circula tion published in said City for threo successive and consecutive Issues thereof, the first publication being on June 27, 1919, and the last being oi. July 11, 1919; And Whereas, no objections to said improvement were .made or filed with the Recorder of said City, or other wise, and no remonstranco whatever was made against said improvement; And Whereas, said Common Coun cil having found said proposed Im provement necessary to meet the at. tual wants and convenience of the residents of said City and district and the owners of the real property abut ting upon said proposed Improve ment; that such Improvement wll. Lot 11. Emil Client her Lot 12. J. W. & Lulu Allen Lot 13. W. J. Kullerlon Lot 14. M. & A. M. Saxon Lot 15. M. & A. M S..x,m ! Lot 16. M. & A. M. Snxon Lot 17. L. M., J. J , J. w H. E., T. R., & L. P. Harrison Lot 18. L. M., J. J., J w H. E.. T. It.. & L.' P. Harrison 113.77 203.3 113 40 113 40 113 40 113.40 113.40 113.40 ! ItETTEP. III TI KIS MM S llltl.,11 1 1 I. HAULS and on that b.isls wn endeavor lo offer the families of this sec lion only tin. very best print am. lulr creamery. Children eat u lot of butter on bread und crackers and It should be the best, without a taint of Impiirlly und full of nourishment. You will tlnd OUrs of Unit grade. Try It to day. St. Helens Coopera tive Creamery Assn. I " 1 : What Docs Your Money Do at (he Columbia County Bank? HAVE you entertained the idea that it lies ifit here? No. sir-ee! It's going back into thebui ncss of the community, so to speak. It's supportinj those payrolls, helping build up farms and generalij make and keep the people prosperous. So, you see, it's sort of patriotic to the home folks to keep your money in the home bank. Liberal Interest on Savings. SHERMAN M. MILES President ST iiaitN J. H. HUTCHINSON Cashier payer has to bear tho burden, bui!811 be"irit 1,18 real property o aiUkOIIQ .11131 UliU tout ordinarily the taxpayer willingly pays his taxes for civic work when he is shown that the expenditure for such work is necessary and that he is getting value received. If any taxpayer has anything to suggest or can see where the expenditures cr.n be reduced and the service not im paired, it Is his duty to attend the budget meetings ana aid the officers be has elected to carry on the work for which they were elected. i The Corvallis Gazette-Times evi dently has not forgotten the old say ing of "try, try again," for an edi torial paragraph says "Another di vorced couple remarried Friday, this one at Vancouver. Their names were Ooetten. After having been apart awhile they decided to try goettln together again." Make a note of this and do it. Send In now for your 1921 auto li cense. If you wait until the first of the year, it might be sometime before you receive the license plate. ; It Is much easier to do your Christ mas shopping now than to wait until the last few days when the big rush : on. i i ..... - The Mist wants all the news all the time. If you know an Item phone It In. Our telephone number is 20. V . . Shop early and trade with your local merchants. health, convenience, happiness, inter est and prosperity of the owners of the property abutting upon said In. provement, would bo promoted by such improvement; And Whereas, on August 4, 191b, an Ordinance numbered 237 was duly enacted by the Common Council of said City and on said date was duly approved by the Mayor thereof, and within six months from the date of the final publication of the notice above mentioned, providing for the construction of said improvement and upon the taking effect of said Ordinance the Kecorder of said City gave notice by publication In the St. Helens Mist, a newspaper publlsheu In said City as required by the Char ter thereof, inviting proposals for making suld improvement, and in re sponse thereto said City received one bid or proposal for the construction of said Improvement, which propos al was received and filed on the 18th day of August, 1919; and said pro posal was by said City accepted and on the 18th day of August, 1919, said City and said bidder one W. P. Tobey entered into a written contract for the proposed Improvement of said portions of said streets; And Whereas, said Improvement of said portion of said streets were completed in whole to the satlsf action of the City Engineer superintending such work;, and whereas, sad En gineer filed with the Recorder of said City a certificate of such completion s v MS m T)irt hi your CngineOll- Qet rid of it I X LARGE quantity of dust-Inden nir is "inhnled" by the - vdaily operation of an automobile engine. With this road dust, carbon and fine particles of metal get into the lubri cating oil and circulate through your engine, lowering the efficiency of its operation. Add to this dirt the gasoline that escapes past the pistons und dilutes the oil Here you huve that wears and tears and grinds away, every day additiR- a little more dirt and forcing a little more unnecessary wear on beurinR; nur faces. Kesult: slow restxnse less power poor performance shorter engine life. Our new Modern Cleaning Service is the enemy of dirt in the it means uean oil in a clean engine." The Culol Flushing Oil we use is the new, scientific, thorough flushing gent that does not contuminute the fresh Zerolene refilled into your cleaned crankcase. This modern, convenient service, given quickly and at a nominal cost, returns your engine to you clean and fresh, ready to give thut sat isfactory xrformunce you expect. Today: Dring in your car for Mod ern Crwikcaae Cleaning Service. ti m n tri i n mmm i i . a ma 'i i i in iiiiiiirit . nr i Jor dean oil in a clean engine rilKVltOLKT OAIWGK, Chevrolet AgVy, ,t, l. oil' M.AT8KANIK AI TO (,., ,'or.l AgVy, C klllll .' ii.i'iitu it iii.L'.i ' """",ro. - - - - It ..... t l tl '. o., ( l(.vn,t Ami(.yt rUtM huni( MTV OAlt.KJK, A. Ichiro ... llalnlr, Ore. I II I IIIII.I'l:!. ........... . . ' " "'oioii in., K'M AK'y, Ht, Helens, tire. imv.wr linos. OAHAOK. K'nl AicVy, tHaUk'nle, Ore. IIAHMS llltoH. OAltAOK . . Houlton, Ore.