PAGE TWO THE ST. HELENS MIST. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1920. 111 :. i 1.1 Over the County DEER ISLAND Fred Adams made a business trti to Portland this week. Mrs. Arthur Galttens went to Port land Wednesday shopping. Mrs N. A. Andress is with hei daughter, Mrs. Foss Cox, In Port land, a new granddaughter having ar rived there Sunday morning, Nov. 28. weight 7H pounds. Mr. Sam Beaver of Portland has purchased the Fred Gill ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver expect to move Into their new home before Christmas. Mrs. C. E. Clapperton motored to Portland last week to bring the chil dren home for Thanksgiving. Shannon Shafer has sold a nuu. ber of the chickon houses that were built several years on Clover Hill with the intention of having a real poultry ranch, to a man in Med ford. Messrs. Clark and Andress have been tearing tbem down and getting them ready for shipment. Last Wednesday afternoon the Deer Island school gave a very fine Thanksgiving program consisting of songs, recitations, a dialogue and a pantomine The children gave evi dence of careful teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Dennison who pur J chased the Robert HammlU ranch some time ago are completing a com fortable new home. Mrs. Pattison was calling ou friends and neighbors lust week. Since the tragic death of hor hus band Mrs. Pattison has entered the insurance business. Mrs. Fred Gill visited in Portland last week. Mrs. Shannon Shafer spent last week In Portland. Rhlnehart Wolff had the misfor tune to fracture his right arm last Sunday morning while cranking his car. Mrs. Berry and little son are now located with rM. Berry in the Clover Hill cottage Mr. Berry is working onthe Deer' Island telephone lines and the service is improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart arriveo. las week from Lansing, Michigan. They are visiting their son and family now ut expect to locate in Oregon. The Womans club met in Artlsau hall Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 1. It was decided to again take charge of the Christmas stamp sales. Thih year the club will pay the school children 10 per cent of their sales In cash prizes. Twenty dollars was also ! voted to the .'Louisa Baby Home" in 1 rortiana. Delicious refreshments were Berved. The club will meet the second Wednesday In January with Mrs. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. Mills and Mrs. N. A. Andress atiended the War ren grange Saturday evening Mrs. Jim Cox and Mrs. Bush came down Wednesday to attend the Wo mans club meeting. ' Mrs. Harry Kyle Is expected home Saturday to visit until after the holt days. i ne ueer island logging camps were all closed down Tuesday for an Indefinite time. COKRKSPOXDKXT KXPLAIN'8 In justice to myself I wIbIi to state that the correspondence from Deer Island published In the Issue of Not 19 was only partly mine. Beginning with the Item, "Mrs. Otto Judlsch. Mrs. L. Clark nto " the rest of the column was contribut ed by another than mvself. MRS. M. J. MILIA. YANKTON Rosa Stanwoods children are boarding with Mrs. N. Bruin. C Mrs. Steven Lump ta visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delane at Portland. Andrew Thomas and Mr. llooke. are filling orders for cord wood. The Jersey Cattle club of Columbia county held an Indoor basket picnic In the grange hall last Saturday. There was a good attendance and many prominent speakers were pres ent. A number of new members were enrolled. All persons who own Jer sey cows are eligible to become mem bers.. Mr. Plummer of the Portland stork yards made a pleasing address. Mr. Markanenon has some fine Jer sey cows which were shown at the Jurtiey club plcnlo Saturday. CARD OK Til AX KM I ilnulra to extend to friends anu 'nolKlilxirs my sincere thuuks fur the many kindly acts and assistance ren iturff.t ma during I ho illness and j death of my beloved wife. Also for the beautiful floral onerltiKS. KHKI) MATSKN. Don't mourn your loss ant 11 you have tried the last best chance for Its recovery the want ad way. TKACIIKHH' KXAMINATIOIYB Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Columbia ('utility, Oregon, will hold the regu lar eiuuilnutloa of applicants for State Certificates at Hi. Helens, Ore gon, as follows: Commencing Wed nesday, December 16, 1920, at 9:00 'clerk a. m.. and continuing until Saturday. Ifcvember 18, 1920, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Very truly yours, J. II. WU.KKI180N. County School Superintendent. Don't lay your paper aside antll you have looked owr tha waat a 4s. ZnaMznA p. ""U.TOX.0H We buy. .i a f Mh(, , S, lgliet mark i A. F. B AS EEL WKHT ST. 1IKI.KN8, ORKUON Christmas Goods Now Arriving Full Line of Toys Shop Early A Couple of Bargains Heavy waterproof Logging Shoes. Special price, f 12.00 Outing Flannel and Gingham at Orcmtly Reduced IVicee. A neat Thermometer given five with every cjwh pnrrluue of f&OO or over The Public and theTBlephone Gompaoj A dependable preventative and relief fcr spasmodic croup. Croup DR. DRAKE'S GLES.&CO a! j. demixg Drop Id, Boys! It's the live spot of the town The gang Is always here the p e p f u I bunch who know WHAT'S WHAT. THE BOYS' SMOKESHOP Billiards, pool, smokes and nice cool, sparkling waters from oar new fountain. The Boys Mcdonald & cconner Bt. Helens, Fbone 12TW MR. RENTER: BUY THAT HOME! DO YOU know that St. Helens is growing faster than any other city in Oregon in proportion to popula tion? Practically every house that is now for rent is also subject to sale and you may have to move on short notice. HOUSES 8 R. house with complete set of plumbing. Good location, close in. Price $1K).00 $300.00 cash: balance terms. If you are looking for a bargain It will ay you to see this. 6 R. modern house located close-in on improved street. Sewer assessments all paid. One lot with place but vacant lotu adjoining can be bad at a very reasonable figure. House completely plumbed and In good condition. Price 92200.00 on good terms. Let us show you this. -ram. ... . ... .... ngnts. bargain at $1400.00 on very rasenable terms. "I nn ia a We have any number of bargains at from $750.00 up and on terms from 150. oo up. Why not own your own home when you ca buy it like this? FARMS 30 A. 15 Al in cultivation, z A. nearly clear; balance pasture 6 R. louse ana omer ouiuulldlngs. Buildings are in fair conditWi- Good family orchard. Plenty of water stock.fops and all equipment goes with plaoe at the Drica of sWo oO- Can be had on very reasonable terms. chickd ranch; 10 A. under cultivation. 6 R. house wood shed '"K ctncken house. Plenty or choice fruit 0n Jd macadam road 1 mile off paved Columbia River hJT1ti.?T War!;e?- Immediate possession will be jrt, This is a good buy at fciMoo.oo .h. 17 A. UTHERFORD REALTY CO. 'PHONES-OHice, 123: Residence 38-J and 74-W 11 Took Some High Class Juggling recordiwhich C , ,. F 7 , ,jlWIua IU1 our wmsunas onenngs, weBeUneAinCvnd' And n0W " Ur nCWl enlarSed Columbia department A 'u a wonderful place while you listen to the latest records. A vricit 1 - vil acrp in. - . . .. , ".s no obligations to Duy. Let it be rt"138 the merriest your home has ever known, weary buttL11 dancc" from first streak of dawn until rT heads are at rest in sleep Christmas night It's the on. . . . ... of the family lesent of tne centurv wn,cn EVERY member y enjoy. A. J . DlBrvUG - St. Helens In spite of the fact that a great majority of the telephone using public thoroughly understands the right, duties and obligations of public service companies, we find now and then an individual who does not understand the matter. A telephone company, in its broadest sense, is a partnership consisting of the State as an institution, the public as a group of customers, and the company. The State determines the extent to which the company may go and regulates its rates, services and practices. The company furnishes the facilities with which these rights are exercised and the services rendered. Those members of the public who constitute the customers, furnish the revenue with which the compan y is enabled to perfom these ser vices. No telephone company can exist withoot customers, and these customers must be treated with fairness both by the company and by the State. The State does not permit any undue burden to be placed upon a customer. A public service corporation, in a broad sense, is merely an organized right to render the public a service, and in the samt larger sense the service belongs to the company's customers. It follows that the customers are really the company. What ben efits or harms the one has a like effect upon the other. We are anxious that our present customers, applicants foi service, and the company shall be treated fairly. To continue to extend our service under our present conditions is impossible. We invite our customers, the public of Oregon, to interest them selves in our problem. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company L3C Boys and Girls! Santa Says Here in His Tov HAJr,.M. A lhe Things You Want Him to Bring 9.' Si Till I J ivumi li 1.I.-11WS1 I. - 11 BS W IN(;i)KKK Horsie Toddlers Makes boy, and girls ro but. Thro0 tltmt a strongly built to ,uni hard ploy, to Everything you will ask SANTA to put in your stockings or under the tree, is here! LU.Mh! and leave vmir li. t t.. J "ill llir AClldl MAIL to SANTA! From this s"re to SANTA'S North Pole 'IOV CASTI.K, Reindeer with wmgH will carry your note. I'lCK OUT II ICR F. Till! CUTS VOU II A VIC WANT-I-1) TO ASK SANTA FOR TIIICN MAIL YOUR L1CT TKR - WIC'LL SICNI) IT KKillT OFF! HUNDREDS OF NEW TOYS AND GAMES In addition to the endless Automo. I.llcs, Aeroplanes, I)olU, IKa. M Ylianical Trains and novHUtia, WJ have hundreds of HANTA'S new Toys and Games. TOYLAND AWAITS YOU! The Elite Variety Store ST. rTEI.KNH, OIIE.