St. Helens mist. (St. Helens, Or.) 1913-1933, November 05, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Inuid Every Friday by
O. D. HEILBORN President
8. C. MORTON Managing Editor
On Tear IS.OO
Six Months i .....11.25
Kntored as second-class matter,
January 19th, 1111. at the Postofflce
at St. Helens, Orogon, under the act
e( March trd, 1879.
Member National Editorial - Asso
clatla. and Oregon State Editorial
, The American people have spoken
:and in no uncertain terms. They
expressed a desire for a change In the
administration. Our opinion ra tha
neither the League of Nations or
the prohibition questions had much
to do with the result. The people
were tired of the democratic admin
istration especially the chief exec
utive of this country. Chamberlain,
'a man who has brought honor to
Oregon and is a national characttn
went down to defeat with his party,
;not because the people of Oregon
were unappreciative of Chamberlain's
efforts and his worth, but because
they thought a rep, mean preslden.
should work with members of his
party. The Mist advocated the elec
tion of Stanfield. It rejoices that he
is elected. The republican party is jji
; power and the nation will hold the
.party to a strict accounting.
Columbia county, a strong republi
can county, has chosen Shermai.
: Miles, democrat, as representative to
'the legislature. The fact that Ore
gon's strongest republican county has
chosen a democrat to represent the
county is indicative of the confidence
,ic Mr. Miles. The Mist will watct.
I with interest the record of Mr. Miles
-and it hopes that by his actions K
the legislature the republican voters
.who have chosen him will not have
cause for regret. Miles has a great
.responsibility. The Mist believes he
j realizes and appreciates it.
. ' Tom Dalton, the watchmaker at
Von Gray '8, is responsible for this
one: "Metsker was beaten by Miles
'whereas Storla was beaten only by a
. If we could only harness some of
-the energy men spend on politics to
'community work, what a city we
j wcuid have.
Last Saturday the St. Helens foot
ball team won its greatest victory
irom Clatskante, the score being 61-0
(Next Saturday Nov. 6. is the last
game of the season played on this
field. The boys have never lost
'game played on this field and the
.first team of James John high schooi
Will be down here ready to break our
-good record, will we let them do it?
:They never can If the boys are given
tha right support. They need noi
only the support of the high school
but also t li of the town. So "Come
one. rome all. come little come big.
.come watch St. Helens make James
Jthu dig."
i The high school has two steady
workers for the cause if not many
others. Miss Marion Jarvis and Miss
Annabel It bister sold tickets for the
loot ball game to the amount of $30,
also Miss Jarvis solicited S3 5 for a
banquet to be given soon for the
foot ball boys.
The high school has entered the
inter-high school debating leaguti
Information concerning this debate
has not yet been received. The sen
ior class has been debating for the,
last month on various subjects, ana
are expecting about a month and half
more of Buch .work. Therefore they
will be well prepared for the oncom
ing inter-hi school debate.
The chemistry class is now meet
ing In the laboratory. For the past
week they have been working on
experiments. They find things very
convenient thus making their work
very enjoyable.
Mrs. Roy Copeland has as her guest
her grandfather, Henry Hirst, whoso
home for the past eighteen years has
been at Glenns Ferry, Idaho. Mr.
Hirst is on his way to Klamath Falls
where his daughter and her huBband
will make their home. Mr. Hirst
who celebrated his efghty-ninth blrtn
day on October tenth was born in
England in 1831 and came to America
in 1856. A few months after he
stepped on American soli, he declared
his intention to become an American
citizen. It was during heated polit
ical times, Mr. Hirst said, and when
John C. Fremoa was running for
the presidency. Not having his fina
papers, he could not vote, but it was
his pleasure a few years later to vote
for Abraham Lincoln. Twice did he
cast his ballot for this great Amen
For years Mr. Hirst was employed
by various railroads as locomotive
machinist and he speaks Interesting,
ly of the trials of railroading In the
early days, and his thirty years of
service in the Omaha shops of the
Union Pacific railroad. Though a
fifth of a century past the allotted
age, Mr. Hirst does iot seem to feet
the effect of eighty-nine winters. His
intellect is alert and he walks erect
and like a man of forty. His eyesight
however is "not as good as it was
fifty years ago." He will be here for
several days before leaving for Klam
ath Falls. . , .
On Monday, November 8th, there
will be a rubUc auction sale of farm
ing implements and sundry personal
property at the place of Andrew An
derson on the South Scappoose creek
road. Juilgc W. J. Fullerton will be
the auctioneer.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon for the County of Colum
bia. Claude Evelslser, Plaintiff, vs. Emma
Evelsiier, Defendant.
To Emma Evelslier. GREETINGS:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled
iftninst you in the above entitled suit
vtthin and not Inter than six weekk
tfter the date of the first publication
tf this summons, and if you fail to so
rppear and answer, the plaintiff will
ake a decree against you as prayed
'or in the complaint filed herein to
wit: for an absolute divorce forever
llssolvlng the bonds of matrimony
iow and heretofore existing by ana
between the plaintiff and defendant
ereln, and for such other r.nd furth
er relief as may be deemed equitable
nd meet in the premises, and for hu.
-osts and disbursements herein in
jur red.
The complaint herein is based up
n the statutory grounds of cruel
nd Inhuman treatment and the qr
ler for the publication of summons
vas made on or about the 15th day
f October. 1920, by the Honorable
t. A. Eakin, Judge of the Circuit
""ourt of the State of Oregon, foi
'olumhla County, and In which order
t wr.s specified that this summon,
e published for a period of six con
secutive weeks, in the- '.'St. Helens
list." a newspaper of general clrcu
'ition In Columbia County, Oregon.
irsi date of publication to be made
n the 22d dsy of October, 1920. ant,
he laat publication to be made on
he 3rd day of December. 1920.
Attorney for Plaintiff, Morgan
'Hdg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Colum
bia. Myron E. Hoard. Plaintiff, vs. Jos
ephine C. Hoard. Defendant.
Te Josephine C. Hoard, the above
named Defendant:
la the name of the State of Ore
:m ou are hereby required to ap
pear ana answer the complaint filed
agalitfct you in the above entitled
'.-curt and cause on or before the 20th
day of November, 1920, said date
peing six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and If you
Fail to appear and answer or other
wise plead, the Plaintiff will apply
to the court for the release craved
tor in his complaint, to-wit: for a de
cree of divorce forever dissolving the
marriage contract herntnfnra nrf
"now existing between the Plaintiff
and Defendant, upon the grounds of
wilful desertion for more than one
year Immediately preceding the com
mencement of this suit, and for the
further relief that the care, custody,
and control of two minor children of
Plaintiff and Defendant, to-wit: Nor
man Hoard and Frances Evcivn
Hoard, be decreed and given to Plain-
This summons is served unon you
by publication by virtue of an order
of the Honorable James A. Eakln,
Judge of the above entitled Court.
made and entered on the 30th day of
September, 1920, directing that this
summons be published in the St. Hel
ens Mist, a newspaper of general cir
culation, published in Columbia Coun
ty, State of Oregon and further di
recting that the same be nubllshed
not less than once a week for six
consecutive weeks.
Date of first publication, Oct. 8,
Date of last publication, Nov. 19,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office and Post office at 802 Dekum
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the County Court of tho State of
Oretron for (Yiliimhl I'mmt,
In the Matter of the Adoption of
nuuuie mimer, an iniant child,
by Walter W. Blakesley and Hulda
C. Blakealev. himtmnri mil ifa
To the Honorable Martin White,
juage oi me Above Untitled Court:
Cornea now vnnr nntliinna,. uui
ter W. Blakesley and Hulda v
Blakealev. his wlf
represent and show to thi Hnnnhi
That the said neMHnnnra ir. mar.
rled persons and are husband and
wife; That said Walter W. Blakesley
IB Of the Sfffl Of GO Vanm nnrt tha aaM
Hulda C. Blakesley is of the age oi
64 years, and that said petitioners
are of suitable ability and circum
stances to hrfnflr lin tha hnralnafta.
mentioned infant child and furnish
it witn suitable nurture and eduot,
tlon and that thev am fit anA rmn.
er persons to adopt said Infant child:
him iuh Bam imam cniia is now
in the noaaeaaion of vnur nAiftinnar.
and thov now hava tha nam Aimtnj
and control of said child;
That Bald child is a male infant,
the legitimate child nf Waulnv I
Bllltter and Demarls Edna BUllter,
husband and wire, and was born on
the 22nd day of September, A. D.
ISIS, in tun ( nuntv nf Cn umk
State of Oregon, and that the said
Wesley J. Billlter and Demarls Ednw
BUllter, the father and mother o
said infant child are now living and
said Demarls Edna BUllter, the moth
er of said child has given her conseni
In writing to the adoption of said
infant by your petitioners, which con
sent is attached hereto and made a
part of this petition; That said Wes
ley J. Billlter, the father of said child,
is not now a resident of nor within
the State of Oregon and that his last
known address was Kansas City,
Missouri and has not given his con
sent to said adoption; That your pe
titioners are each residents of Co
lumbia County, Stato of Oregon, and
that said Infant child is now living
and residing with your petitioners in
said County and State;
That said infant child's name now
Is Bobble Billlter and that It is for
the best interests of said child that
it should be adopted by said Walter
W. Blakesley and Hulda C. Blakesley,
and that the name of said Infant child
be changed from Bobbie Billlter to
that of Walter W. Bobble Blakesley
Wherefore, your petitioners pray
that an order of this Court be made
and entered herein. allnuM. .v.-
adoption of said Infant child. Bobble
Billiter. bv tha said uait... ,
Blakesley and Hulda C. Blakesley
petitioners herein, and that the name
of said Infant child bo changed from
that of Bobble Billiter to that of
Walter W. Bobble Blakesley and
that hereafter said Infant child shall
be treated In all respects ns their owu
lawful child should be trentod, in
cluding the right of support, protec
tion and Inheritance.
Dated this 26th day of October,
A. D. 1920.
lumbia, ss.
We, Walter W. Blakesley nnd
Hulda C. Blakesley oach being first
duly sworn, each tor himself nnd her
self says: That I am one of the pe
tit'oners named In the foregoing p.
tition, that I have heard tho said
petition rend and know the contents
thereof and that the matters and
things therein set forth are true us
I verily believe.
Subscribed and sworn to before
toe this 26th day of October, A. D.
Votary Public for State of Oregon
My Commission expires Aug. 2, 1921.
Whereas, Walter W. Blakesley and
Hulda C. Blakesley. of Columbia
County, State of Oregon, are desir
ous of adopting Bobble Billlter the
above named infant child, and;
Whereas, We Wesley J. Blllttei
ind Demaris Edna Billiter. husband
md wife, and father and mother of
said infant child, deem it for the best
'merest of said Infant child that said
.doption be allowed:
Now therefore. We. Wesley J. Btl
'iter and Demarls Edna Billiter, the
father and mother of snld Bobbie
Billlter, each for himself, hereby
grees and consents to the adoption
f the said Babbie Billiter by said
Walter W. Blakesley and Hulda C.
Blakesley as prayed for In the peti
tion to which this our consent is at
ached and made a part.
In Witness Whereof. We, Wes
ley J. BUllter and Demarls Edna Bli
ster, parents of said Bobbie BUllter.
have hereunto set our hands and
Mais this 15th day of May, A. D.
Done in the presence of
as as witnesses:
Witnesses as to the signature of
Demarls Edna Billiter.
. oiuranin, ss.
Be It Remembered that on this
1 6th day of May, A. D. 1920 before
me, the undersigned, a notary public
n ana ror saia County and State,
personally appeared the aforesaid
nd foregoing named Demarls Edna
Billlter, who Is known to me to be
.he Identical Individual described In
nd who executed the within Instru
ment, and acknowledged to me tha:
the executed the samo freely and
voluntarily and for the purposes
therein mentioned.
In Testimony Whereof I have here
unto set my hand and notarial seal
the day and year last above written.
(Seal) G. A. GORE,
Notary Public for Btate of Oregon.
My Commission expires Aug. 2, 1921
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Columbia County.
In the Matter of the Adoption of
Bobble Billlter, an infant child, by
Walter W. Blakesley and Hulda C.
Blakesley, husband and wife.
The above entitled mntter com
ing on at this time for hearing upon
motion of the petitioners herein, by
ind through their attorneys Harris
& Gore, for an order setting the time
t'.r the hearing of the petition here
tofore filed herein u it appearing
to the Court from the affidavits filed
herein, that Wesley J. Billiter the
father of said infant child, Bobble
Billlter. is nnt nnur within ih. Bio,.
of Oregon und that his last known
address was General Delivery Kan
sas City, Missouri; That the said
nesiey j. uiiiuer nas not given hu
consent to the said adoDtlon of uM
Bobble Billiter.
It In Therefore hernhv nrAaraA tl,i
the hour of 2.00 o'clock P. M. at the
Courtroom Of tha ahnVA antlllul
Court in St. Helens, Oregon, on the
ism aay or December, 1920, be and
Ine same Is hereby fixed as tha time
ano place for the hearing of the said
ifctltion filed herein, at whiMi n,no
-.nd place the said Wesley J. Billlter
la hereby ordered to appear and show
cause it any whv said natitinn f,.r tha
adoption should not be allowed as
prayeu lor, and it la further ordered
that service of said petition and this
order be made upon the said Wesley
Billlter bv nubllcation In tha at ni.
ens Mist, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation, of 8t. Helens, Co
lumbia County, Oregon, at least oner
a week for three consecutive weeks
the first of said publications to be
maua on me zin day of October,
1920 and that a conv nf nnii nniin..,.
and this order be mailed forthwith
to jald Wesley J. Billlter at his said
last known address.
Dated tins 27th day of October
'-8 County Judge.
In tile Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon for the County of Columbia.
Naomi Brock, Plaintiff, vs. James
Brock, Defendant.
To James Brock: the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer to tho complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the 10th day of
November, 1920, said date being six
weeks from the first nuhiiMtinn .
this summons and if you fall to ap
pear ana answer said complaint the
Dlalntlff Will taltA a rianraa n IV..
above Court, forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and yourself and
allowing plaintiff to resume her for
mer name of Naomi Berretb.
This summons is served upon you
bv DUbllcatlon hr vlrtnn nf an n.
of the Honorable J. A. Eakln, Judge
of the- above entitled Court Hiu
made on the 20th day of Sept. 1920.
directing that this summons be pub
lished In the St. Holons Mist, a news
paper of general circulation in Co
lumbia County, Orogon.
Date of first publication Sept. 24,
Date of last publication, Nov. 6th,
Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Ad
drees, 821 Yeon Bldg, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Columbia County.
Swan Swniinon, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel
K. Atchlnson, Defendant.
To Samuel E. Atchlnson, Defendant:
In the namo of the Stute of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to Hp
pear and answer the complaint tiled
against you In the nbovo entitled suit
on or before the 29th day of Novem
ber, 1920, that bolng the data fixed
by tha order of the court for you to
appear or answer, and more than six
weeks from tho date of the first
publication of this summons, ana If
you full to so appear or answer, the
plalnttrr will apply to the court for
;he relief demanded In tho complaint
filed herein, to-wit:
That the mortguite exocutnd by you
:o the plaintiff on tho 8th day of
April, 19 IS, be reformed by correct
ing the error In the description of
:he property described la said mort
gage bo as to mnke tho description
read "Tracts 67 and 61 Kcappouao
,cre Trncts according to thu plat
.hereof on file and cf ;eeord In the
)fflre of the County Clerk of Colum
bia County, State of Oregon."
That plaintiff have Judgment
iguinst you for the sum of IIL'OO 00
with Interest thereon nt the rate of
10 per cent per annum from tho 8th
lay or April, 1918, until paid, and
the further sum of 116.84 fur the
1918, tuxes paid by plaintiff, with
merest thereon from the 13th day
if May, 1919. at tho rate of 10 per
-ent per r.nnum, and Oie further sum
.if $18.66 taxes paid by plaintiff for
ihe ye.-.r 1919, with Intorest thereon
t the rr.te of 10 per cent per annum
from the 12th day of March, 1920,
until paid, and for the furtlior sum
A $120.00 as attorney's fees, und
(or costs and disbursements of this
That said mortgage of plaintiff,
to reformed, be foreclosed und the
lien thereof enforced as required by
law, and that the aald mortguged
real property dracrlbed as follows, to-
wit: Tructs 67 and 61 Scappoose Acre
I'racts acordlng to the plat thereof
m file and or record lu the office
of tho County Clork of Columbia
t'ounty. State of Oregon, togethar
with all tho tenements, herodltunieut
tna appurtenances thereunto belong
ing do soia by the Sherirt of Colum
bia County as upon Execution, mm, I
:he proceeds thereof applied to the
payment oi said sums of money hore-
.naoove mentioned, and that suld de
fendant and all persons claiming un
ler him. subsequent to the execution
A said mortgage upon said prenilaoa,
it so reformed, either ns purchasers,
ncumbrancers, or otherwise, may be
:'rroa ana roreclused of all rlirkia
olalm or equity of redemption In tho
unci premises end every Dart thrr
Knd that the said plr.lntlff niav h.
udgaient and execution naalnat tha
:ald defendant. Samuel K. Atchln-
lon, tor any deficiency which mar
.enmin arter applying all the pro
ceeds of s.ld sale of said promlaos
properly applicable tothe satlsfuc
lon of said Judgment.
This Summons Is served upon you
'y publication thereof in the St. Hel
ens Mist, a weekly newspaper pub
lished In St. Holons, Columbia Coun
ty, State of Oregon, for a period of
lx consecutive and succoshIvo weeks,
tiursuant to r.n order duly made and
stored by the Hon. J. A. Eakln,
fudge of the above entitled court on
.he 13th day of October, 1920, which
trder directs thut said publlcalloi
e so made.
The first publication hereof Is Oc
ober 16th. 1920, and the laiit publi
cation hereof Is November 20th
1920. '
Attorneys for Plulntlff. St. Helens.
Guatavo Skuzin Estute.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, us administratrix of tin
-atute of Gustavo Skuzle decesaed
as filed her final account In th
lounty Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Columbia County, and that Sai
. aa of" November
v. I). 1920. at the hour of ten o'clock
V M., and the Court room of said
ourt have been appointed by sai.
ourt as tho time nnd pluce for the
searing of objections to said flin,
ccount and the scttlomont tlier.vif
29 mo"'' ,lr8t pub",,hed October
, w ,. . Administratrix
' W. Day. Attorney itl 3
hood and womanhood.
has the nutritive valm ,M
l"t ".uallly r f,our C1(n
" n c k v
A Mist Want-Ad Will Selfl1
Is a savings bank book I
means freedom from J
ability to s.,l,e oppCtu.?
comfort and plenty Z ilnl
come. Why not own ,'"k
wonderful bookT A v.rv J
dollars will t...t ..?.:'rr
slon and every ,ntrr ttJJ
he receiving tollP wU
j..- hook more valuable, h..
Member Eederal Resirve 8ystem
CHAS ORAHAM. President. H. A. CIIILDS. (feu.
, J1
Encouraging an Important
'"THE Pacific International Livestock Exposition a
Portland Nov. 13-20 means a great deal to those
farmers who are interested in perfecting and promot
i.i their herds.
2500 head of the West's pure bred dairy ind btef
cattle, hogs, sheep, goats and horses will be on exhibit
fcr the $75,000 in premiums.
Dnilv Auction Sales during the Show may attract
some Columbia County buyers, and of course the
C himlia County Bank is willing to lend first-aid.
jij President
Iinr IV 11 I
lUmbu Count v
Mist Wantads for Results.
Is to be had hero. We g,.t tin,
very finest known to the Vutte
kiikiVn,d 11,0 hfi,llth exp""'
"Kill. It Is not alone more do
"clous, it Is made In 'ere, merlei
where the strictest attention t
lanltatlon is observed t" I
Sdn8nd know lr l",ee.rryper
St. Helens Co-Opera-tive
Creamery Assn.
St. Helens
The Industrial City
The population is increasing rapidly and our town
is striding to the front. Better buy a HOME now while
you can get property cheap and on reasonable terms. H
you wish to buy, sell or trade, See Us. We will treat
you right.
7 Apartment Ilulldlnn, apartments S .o 4 It. each, located oo food
paved street, 1 lots. This Is a splendid opportunnf f
a good hualnoss proposition. Trice fittiiMMMI on very rM
HonuliUi term.
9 It
4 It
modern house only 2 blocks from schoolhouse. Illver flo
and good locution. Bower assessments paid. This li wf
Kuln at $IUmi.(m on torms.
OIllv 3 hlnnka frnm Knnll. ....a lit. Hi tolltt,
- ....... ni.,iuuinifuna un a'fiiu nnv.
sink and electric Unlits. Hewer assoKStiienls all PW
1'rlce $I4MMM). Can be hnndlod on terms you can nieot.
4 U. Iioiiho on Rood ninidam road. Good soil lot. This Is f
Haiti at KMMMMt. hmmm cash will bundle.
20 A. near Yankton; S A. clear, 8 A. lii hny and has hesn farmsa.
Small houso nnd barn. Place has south slopo. Oood o
ranice. 30 bouring fruit trees and lots of berries. l!ra
through pluco. Oood wood shed, shop and bungy
I'rice WUMHMM. Can be handlod on terms.
6 A. In City Limits on St. Holens-Plttsbum Highway. 7 R- moo
em house, with bath', toilet nnd eloctrlo lights. Ilunnini
stream through placo. Oood barn garage and other out
buildings. 1 A. fine orchard and year old strswlisri?
plants. This Is a fine buy and we would be glad to snow
It to you. 1'rlce only fiUMMMM) balance very easy tern
Buy thut acrnnge tract now and bo prepnred for Spring.
navo thorn close-in, any size tract to suit at reasonable pno"
nnd on easy terms.
PHONES-Offlce. 123 1 Roldence 38-J and M-W