PAGE TWO THE ST: HELENS MIST, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1920. PORT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY What U a Port (of Columbia County)? Legally, the Port la two things: 1st: The district comprising all ot Columbia County. 2ud: The inhabitant ot Columbia County are the members of a municipal corporation which has tho same name a the district. A Port of Columbia County would be a municipal corporation to handle the entire County's problems regarding the development or ulllisutlou ot its rivers, bays, harbors, and shipping matters generally. It would serve the Interests of the whole County and not some one town. K it were organized as a port for some one city, for Instance as the Port ot Clatskanie, it would .serve that one plaon only. ' What is the object ot creating a Port ot Columbia County? To manage in a business like way the many problems that each com munity must now solve for itself. It means a combination of nil com munities of the County into one compact, workable organization with much greater prospect ot success than single communities could hope to have. Who manages the business of the Port? Five commissioners. How are the commissioners chosen? Elected by the voters of the County at the generul election in the same manner a county officials; the first term is through appoiuimeut by the Governor. Are the commissioners paid a salary? No, the law forbids that; only their actual expenses paid. How is money raised for the Port's business? A tux may be levied not to exceed one per cent. How much would this increase my taxes? To illustrate: It you uow pay on a valuation of J 100 for State and County taxes, it would add $1 to your tuxes, provided the full one per cent, was levied. How Is this tax assessed and collected? By the County's Assessor and Tax Collector; no extra official ap pointed for that purpose. Is there any other method of raising money for Port business? The law provides a method whereby the people of the County can vote on the question of issuance of bondsto not exceed teu per cent; this is in the hands of the people. Have other Ports been organized in this State? Yes, there at least a dozen Port organizations, some comprising entire counties. The Port of Astoria embraces all of Clatsop County. Was there oppostion to creation ot such oorts? , Yes, it naturally caused some opposition because not all the people fully understood that benefits would come to them. It takes visicu, and we have to anticipate the future. How do these other counties feel about it new? They realize the benefit that resulted and would no more thluK of going oacK to tue old condition than we would ot closing up our good Arc we taking advantage of our opportunities if we do not use our bays rivers and harbors to fhair fullest extent? Our waterways are big assets. The County has at loast a hundred miles of waterfront. There Is a port organization on side of us uumg ueeiopmeni worn, ana so lar Columbia County has done nothing. iiiuiuuis muuoirics win tucaie wnere mere are ports to take care of mew. Would able to get additional appropriations from the United Slates Government if we organized as a Port? That is to be expected, as the County through this business organiza tion would wield some influence. Our County organizod for Port purposes could make demands on Congress that would rocelve somt real consideration. If Congress made appropriations would the Government Itself do the de velopment work? It could do that, or It could authorize the Port to do the work for It. If we received appropriations from Congress might that not obviate neces sity ol taxing Columbia County for Port purposes? Yes, it might; at any rate, it would reduce the amount to be raised. What might we expect in tho way of Government appropriations? Right now Clatskanie has an appropriation of $2,000 from the U S Government, which amount is inadequate; Kainier needs money 'for development; and St. Helens could keep the channel from the city to the main channel clear for about 12,000 per year, according to esti mates of Government engineers. Other towns should receive appro priations from Congress as needed; and the Port of Columbia County would be the organization to make the request and to keep after it. Is there any cut and dried plan as to what the Port would do In Columbia County? No; that would be for the five Port commissioners to decide. Would the Commissioners be chosen from various parts of the County? Yes, Just as with the County Commissioners; all sections of the county would be represented. Why not incorporate separate ports, say the Port of Clatskanie' If all communities combine Into one big body much greater benefit can be expected for.the County as a whole than by having separuto Ports serving a small part of the County. The whole County should progress and not some one town In It. Are the outelde timber Interests behind this Port proposition? Not as a whole. One Portland timber man said he would pay 1500 to defeat it. Some non-resident timber companies merely desire to re move the timber, get out of the County quickly, and pay as little as fh 1 . T . . u Ul -"'umDia county. As a matter of fact.' the value of the timber will be increased and the increase of their i taxes will offer opportunity for the development of the industries' along our water front. This timber has got to go through a port he-. cause of Port facilities. The value of the timber actually Increases i iati mm. large ooais can get into the harbors. N INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Mosler apple crop reduced this year to 60.000 boxes. v Tillamook county cheese produc tion totals $260 per capita. Industrial Accident Commission has accumulated $4,702,4(7 surplus. State Labor Federation demands shorter day and no overtime. Hlllsboro 331 acres site bought here for radio station. Corvallls O. A. C. to have air plane unit of war department. Ontario Lamborson reservoir to water 96,000 acres to cost $3(0,00u. Reedsport lets contract for four additional rooms to high school. Hood River moving for new court house and community house. Gold Hill Body of rich gold found in diggings tf old sylvanlte mines. Albany 100,000 ..cres ot I. nd to be redeemed by the C-ntral Oregon Irrigation Co. Granite road extending from Gran ite to Ilakor county line completed. St. Helens $13,000 Catholic church to be constructed. Echo New dam for Hermlston Light and Power company completed. Cottago Grove acre Kentucky beans harvested bring one ton. Corvallls New concrete stadium under construction, seating capacity ot 4.000. Cottage Grove New mill belnw built with 20,000 capacity. Oregon s population. 783,28a, an increase ot 16.4 per cent. bank deposits average about $228 for every man, woman, and child in Coos county. Klamath Falls Census report shows population of 4,801, an In crease of 74 per cent. Toledo Toledo Messenger pur chased from Geo. Dew by F. H. Thorne. Benton county state bank to be enlarged. HiaU'mrnt of the Ownt-nt)ili, Miu. agement. Circulation, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. of Mist Publishing Com pany, published weekly at St. Heleus, Oregon, for October 1st, 1920. State ot Oregon, County of Columbia, ss. Before me, a Notary Public In anu for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared S. C. Morton, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he is tbe Managing Editor of the St. Helens Mist, and that the following in, to the best of his knowledge and belter, a true statement of the owner ship, management, etc., of the afore said publication for the date shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, 1. That lie names ad addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Mist Publishing Co.; Ed itor and Managing Editor, 8. C. Mor ton; Buslneli Manager, S. C. Morton. 2. That the owners are: T. H. Morton. St. Helens, Oregon, O. D. Hellborn, St. Helens, Oregon. 8. (V Morton, St. Helens. Oregon, W. A. Harris, 8t Helens, Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent oi more ot tue total amount of bonds. mortgages, or other securities are: None. 8. C. MORTON. Sworn to and subscribed hernm ma .tlils 6th day of October, 1920. B. E. UUICK. Notarv Piil.lti. My commission expires April 13, 1923 HKAIi IU.1 HCMJ IS UK WHO PABKH OS HIGHWAY "Next time you see a man chang ing a tire, or doing anything to his car while he is on the road it Is up to you to stop and rail lilm down and net him ort of the ror.d." says George Chanters, assistant wrtr.ry ot tho Oregon Stato Automobile association. The thing that has caused more accidents than uy other lu the hole cntegory of motoring troubles Is stopping dead In the center ot the oad and starling to tinker. Some times the. driver pulls over to one iide, but not far enough. "The careless man usually decides to do his tinkering on tho motor, or ".as to change a tire at night and he never pulls out ot the road, and nine .ime out of teu he has the tallllght lut and no one without cat eyes can see him before running on to him. "The first rule of the motorist In .rouble should he to get as far oft the road as he can. Of courso, It Is nice o be r.ble to place the Jack under tbe wheel with a hard surface to bear It, but the sldos of most of our roads ire plenty hard enough to bear the weight ot the car on tho Jack win. out making the Jack oink Into the iiii. "Then next, keep the passengers jut At the road. In most cases the man who Is doing tho work lira an Interested group around him. most if them standing anywhere they cau In the road and In the path of on coming vehicles. "It Is simple to pull rft to the side it the recti and then start tinkering, f you think -t lie car needs tinkering did most it them don't. "On a trip that an experienced motorist made this year a real road nig was discovered, one of those men aIiii stay In the middle of tho road ml stop now and thon to fill th -aldutor and line up about ten cars imIiIikI them. "This man had an old car londei to the guards with every kind of aniplng material. The loud stuck ut a foot on each running board, i ml the tonpeau was loaded until the fender Just missed tho tires. "Klrst he stopped to lake photo graphs while five cars waited his pleasure. He stoppod at least ten times to fill his radiitor. He would stop right In the middle cf the road and no one could pass him. I Catarrhal Daafaeaa Cannot Be Cure ' r total aselieatiaas a Uisy nat rah ! U Imm4 srtls the ear. Thar la I ealy way ( r Catarrhal Dearntas, f mi that Is by a constitutional fm4r I HALL'S CATAIUU1 MBDIC1NB HU threug h th B1 ta Mou tart 1 of th Ufttm. Catarrhal Dat la : cum4 r aa InoaaM enallla 9t th lauHiu lining f lb uuehtan Tab, i Whn this tub Is lnnam4 y bar a rumbling oun4 r lmprlet bearing, an I wha 111 ntlrly rloaae, HafitM I th 1 rult UnXM th lnnammtla a b r i us4 ihta tub rtor4 t It aw I mat Maaltlon. owing may k atri 4 frvr. mny mm vi uwiniM mrm mum by Catarrh, whloh I aa lsaaa4 toriaitlOB t IM mumub urraM. HUNH You'll Pick A Winner tf you snake thl your favorite place for the purchase of butter, for yo eaaaoi lose Butt tor what yoo bay, er how at act r boW utile, unr pUa ef do lag basis I t aaaka every beyer perfectly aUaflM. The only way we kaow now tm do UtU la to furnish qualities that caaaot be aorpaed at price which caaaot be matched. St. Helens Co-Operative Creamery Assn. ONB DRED DOLLARS tar aa mm f Catarrh! DfBM that . eor by II ALL! CATARRH All DnwKt He. CI mils' fr. r. t. Chay C.. Told, Ohl. IS 1' Ground Gri Shoes Caa be erer by aJLi tkr wbel tkAJ eat aad but hu mU J? CROUND CRIPPfj KOE r 1M at Hm. TmT) . wJ Just Between You and Me" say the Good Judge Here, genuine chewln satisfaction for you, hoofc cd up with real economy. A small chew of this clt- of tobacco lasts much long cr than a big chew of tho ordinary kind that's be cause the lull, rich, retl tobacco taste lasts so loaf. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two ityltt WB CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobtea Are the non-resident land-own era lnfarparprl In ti Pnif Not generally; as they don't live here they have no particular prid ant noint vuuiy utxe a teaoing position with other import- Much traffic will certainly be driven to the rivers. The exercise of foresight now will find us prepared to handle the business that offers All Ports will be sure to have an increase in their activities. Is there a necessity for a Port at this time? XfnHd,?Umbi'r.01 U"ngs 00,11(1 be done' ,or Uince. commence to un wind the red tape to get appropriations from Congress. This takes several years and if we expect to get it in two or thre years we .hould start new. A Port organization is a combination of our resources our energy, our citizens, to make a more Important place for Columbia County in the State; to handle business to better advantage; and o have an organization in readiness to cope with the problems that are sure to arise in our inevitable growth. " lnul ttre " assessed? 0rganized wou,d lt mean that ta would be immediately No. Much time and attention will have to be given of Port problems and it will necessarily be a matter of gradual growth and if we organize now we will forestall necessity of any hasty action WhyMrUDav!d Pp0rtMdJrVr?rent'' behun1dertal'n by private enterpriser Mr David P. Morrison, an authority on Porta, who has given close s udy to such problems all over the United States says: "One of the chief reasons is that port activities most efficiently conducted these days are public activities. It will be necessary to anticipate T future In port development, and In such undertaking privatS enterprise l! re uctant to engage. If a bet ha. to be made oi developments tomee? IT? Prt ieqU'i.tmen.U tne ""nlclpallty or the stale has to make bet as a. rule The history of state and municipal ports has shown almost invariably that lt is a safe bet." He further savs- "Porl velopment is for the community benefit and the community ought it consequence to control and direct lt." 7 ougnt ln Did the voters from all over the County sign the petition ask in fn, election to be called for Port purposes pernum asmng for an petlonmrly. eVery COmmUn,t5r ln the CUnty W88 reDreented on the Information furnished by St. Helens Cluunber of Commerce. Wilson's 2nd-Hand Store HOULTON, ORE. We buy, sell and exchange all kinds of second hand goods. We will buy anything and pay the highest . market price. See us. PHONE 52-J , ri ii No Change in Auto Prices We have received the following telegram from the Chevrolet Motor Company. "WE HAVE NO INTENTION OF CHANG ING THE LIST PRICES ESTABLISHED FOR THE SEASON OF NINETEEN TWEN. TY ONE BUT IN THE EVENT OF ANY UNEXPECTED REDUCTION IN LABOR AND MATERIAL AFFECTING THE COST AND JUSTIFYING A LOWERING OF THE . LIST PRICES OF, CHEVROLET CARS PRIOR TO MAY FIRST NINETEEN HUN DRED TWENTY ONE WE WILL REFUND TO EVERY PURCHASER DURING THAT PERIOD THE AMOUNT OF SUCH REDUC TION." We have received similar telegrams from the Oakland Company and the Dort Company. You are fully protected in buying these cars, as to a price decline and you are protected as to service. . Place your order now. Copeland Auto Co. , , Kepalr Work. 'J' '"'rt -Sturdy- BUSINESS SUITS 3 of the moit extm in style for the fellow, coupltd iia that serviceabk t ing quality miba clothes leadtfiimoaj men who cut Guir- anteed satuuetorj your money back, Drop in and look tut fall aelectiom over. 1 E. M. HELON ' The Store of Quality WHAT you lose TT thru baking failure must be added to baking costs it has to be paid for. Calumet Daking Powder will save you all of that Be cause when you u. It-there sr fio lailun s - no Every bak ing is swii t and palatable and slays mi lint, tender and delicious to the last tasty bile. That's a big saving but that isn't alL You save when ou buy Calumet and you save when you use It. , CALUnET BAKING POVDER MP BMT Vf TEST" It is reasonable in cost and Possesses more than the Or dinary leavening strength. You psy jet and use less. You get the most In purity, dependability and whole omenea. In every way it is the best way to keep down bak ing costs. That's what has made It the world's biggest selling baking powder baa kept It th favorite pi millions of housewives former than thirty years. Pound can of Calumet contain full id os. Some baking powder conWTn 12 o. Instead of 16 o. cana Be suti you get a pound when you want It .lu. CM ticupiVjj I spoon regu